Flower star with red leaves. Poinsettia Christmas flower - care, transplant and reproduction

For the first time, a "Christmas tree" - a poinsettia flower - came to Europe thanks to the US Secretary of State in Mexico Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first to bring cuttings of the most beautiful milkweed (scientific name) to the United States. From there, it spread throughout the world.

Christmas custom

Very often poinsettia is called "Christmas tree" or "Christmas star". This is due to the fact that the flower has a very bright red-green color, which resembles traditional decorations for Christmas. It is on the eve of this day that it is customary to buy a plant for your home or to present it as a gift.

It is believed that the "Christmas tree" is a houseplant that brings prosperity, love and understanding to the home and family. In European countries, poinsettia is used to decorate temples, shopping centers, halls for parties and banquets, as well as houses and apartments. The "Christmas tree" with red-green leaves is considered the main symbol of the holiday in the west.

Milkweed cultivation at home, which took on large-scale proportions, began at the end of the 20th century by the Ecke family from California. It is thanks to these people that poinsettia has become widely known in various sectors of society.

During the time of the Aztecs, the "Christmas tree" was used as a medicinal and ceremonial plant.

Outer beauty

The stem of poinsettia contains a sticky white juice, which is a poisonous agent that irritates the mucous membrane of the eye if it gets into it.

This shrub plant comes in a variety of colors. Observers recorded more than 100 species. These are yellow, white, pink, red and many other variegated petals, which are not only of different colors, but also of different shapes.

How to choose a healthy plant

If you choose from all possible types, it is best to give preference when buying the healthiest plant in appearance. "Christmas tree" is a flower with a short stem and green leaves, located closer to the soil. Its petals are large, slightly elongated and pointed towards the end. It is undesirable to purchase a plant with withered or drooping leaves, crooked stems, and dry potted soil.

"Christmas tree": care

At home, the flower grows up to half a meter, while in its natural environment the shrub reaches a meter in height. Poinsettia blooms for up to six months, after which it begins to throw off the petals, gradually losing its bright, beautiful color.

In order for the "Christmas tree" (milkweed flower) not to lose its beautiful petals ahead of time, it requires some care not only at home, but also during the transportation of the plant.

Poinsettia is very afraid of the cold. That is why, after purchasing, it is advisable to wrap the plant with paper and take it to the heat as soon as possible. The air temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees, otherwise the flowers and stems will wither from the cold.

When buying flowers, it is important to pay attention to where exactly the pot with the plant is in the store. In order for it to grow and bloom for a long time, it is better not to purchase those specimens that stand near the entrance-exit to the room or are often exposed to air currents of different temperatures.

You should pay attention to this at home too. Do not put the flower on a cold window or leave it in a draft. The petals must not come into contact with the glass. The "Christmas tree" is a houseplant that must be taken care of. The optimum air temperature for it is 20-22 degrees.

Basic rules of care during flowering

To see a beautiful bloom, you must follow the rules for watering the plant. One of them, the most important, is to water the poinsettia with only warm water. This should be done under the condition that the earth is completely dry about 3-4 times a week with a small amount of water.

If you water the flower abundantly, you can cause stagnation of liquid at the bottom of the pot, which will lead to rotting of the roots, yellowing and falling of the leaves. To avoid rotting, excess water must be drained from the pan, and the bottom of the pot must be provided with drainage (a hole in the bottom and a layer of expanded clay) for additional filtration. In addition, it is necessary to spray the petals up to twice a day, being careful to avoid flowering leaves.

The "Christmas star" is very fond of bright light, but it is important to take into account the fact that direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant can cause them to burn, resulting in wilting.

Flower "Christmas tree": how to care for a plant after flowering

During flowering, it is not recommended to fertilize the soil in a poinsettia pot. This can lead to premature end of flowering. After the plant has bloomed, the fertilizer is diluted in water and the soil is watered up to twice a month every 2-4 weeks. It is necessary to pour fertilizer only on the soil, trying to do it slowly and carefully so that water droplets do not fall on the stems of the plant. With proper care, poinsettia will bloom throughout the winter holidays.

After about 5-6 months, the first signs of the end of flowering can be seen. At this moment, do not be scared and think that something was done wrong. This is an absolutely normal state of the flower during this period. In order for the plant to gain strength before a new flowering, the poinsettia is placed for several months in a dark, cool place in which it should stand, resting. During this period, its stems are trimmed, creating the desired, usually round, shape. Cut leaves under certain conditions can please the eye for at least 2-3 weeks. To do this, before lowering the stems into water, they are cut off and dipped in boiling water for a few seconds (or they hold the ends of the stems over the fire for 2-3 seconds). During rest, water the tree only when the ground becomes dry enough, and the leaves should be sprayed every other day.

Sometimes the poinsettia is transplanted into another pot, but it is important to consider the following: despite the size of the plant, the pot needs to be prepared only a few centimeters larger than the old one, otherwise the roots will rot.

How to make poinsettia bloom before Christmas

Providing the desired light regime, spurge can be made to bloom at the end of autumn. To do this, several conditions must be met. Every day the flower should be in bright light for no more than ten hours, and the rest of the time (14 hours) the Poinsettia is kept in the dark. This regime is observed for at least two months. This is usually November and December. After these steps, he is placed in a bright and warm room, where the air temperature is at least 18 degrees, and the humidity is up to 50%.

Insects that can kill the plant

There are many insects that harm the plant. Among them are the whitefly, spiderworm and "Christmas tree" - a houseplant, the care of which requires attention.

The whitefly is a small insect with white wings. These pests are very similar to small moths. They are most often found on the inside of the sheet. If the plant is completely surrounded by whiteflies, the consequences can be detrimental to the plant, because it is quite difficult to get rid of it. This will require special medications. But if only a few individuals of this species have appeared on the leaves, the flower can be saved quite easily. You just need to wash the plant under running water and treat the leaves with insecticidal soap, which will prevent the pest from returning. It is important to process the entire plant without missing a single petal.

As for spider mites, they can also be easily removed from the plant with water and disinfecting soap. They appear if the poinsettia is left in a damp room for a long time. It is difficult to notice them, but their presence is indicated by the characteristic yellow specks on the tips of the leaves.

Mealybugs are considered one of them. They are the largest. Form small, white, flake-like lumps. The dangerous thing is that they almost always come with ants. You can get rid of them with alcohol and insecticidal soap.

The most annoying and deadly insect for poinsettia is mushroom gnats. Their larvae damage the roots, which as a result begins to rot. They look like tiny brown pinheads. They do not live on leaves, but on the soil, so they are easy to spot and recognize before irreparable harm has been done. Get rid of mosquitoes by replanting, replacing soil and treating with insecticidal soap.

Gifts for the holidays

Dishes are considered a very relevant gift for the New Year holidays. The Christmas tree is depicted on it as the main symbol of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ.

The drawing is usually an image of a spruce decorated with cones and Christmas tree decorations. At Spode, the Christmas tree can be found in the designs of mugs, candlesticks, beautiful Merry Christmas trays, plates and dishes, jugs, teas and pots, decorative figurines and much more.

A beautiful poinsettia pot and fancy crockery make the perfect Christmas present for families from all over the world.

If you want white, yellow or red flowers that look like stars to bloom in your house at Christmas, then be sure to settle the most beautiful Euphorbia on your windowsill. However, it is worth remembering that each plant must be looked after correctly, surrounded by care, transplanted and fed on time.

How to choose a Christmas flower

There are few indoor plants that bloom during the winter cold season, which is why the Christmas star flower is considered unique. The unusual name Poinsettia (Euphorbia is the most beautiful) received during the period of active flowering, which falls on the New Year holidays. Thanks to this, you can buy a Christmas tree as a gift to friends or relatives, because it has small flowers with beautiful large bracts that make the milkweed inflorescence look like bright stars.

The Euphorbia family, to which the Poinsettia belongs, has more than 1000 species. However, some of them belong to deciduous plants, while others are succulent. Some varieties of Milkweed are listed in the Red Book as endangered. Many species are cultivated in indoor conditions, but the Christmas star flower is one of the most beautiful and unpretentious.

If you decide to purchase this wonderful plant for yourself or your loved ones, then pay attention to some points in the store:

  • the crown of leaves and bracts should be fresh and lush;
  • stems are short with green foliage;
  • not too dry soil.

You cannot buy a flower on the street where the air temperature is below 5 degrees. Even if the bush stays very little in the cold, it can get sick or die. When you buy Euphorbia in a store, be sure to cover it with paper and cloth, after which you can take it outside. Poinsettia's frostbite threatens that she will completely shed her leaves, so you cannot give it to your friends for Christmas, and all the holidays will be spent on treating the bush.

How to care for Poinsettia at home

The approaching New Year or Christmas is the best time to purchase Poinsettia for yourself or loved ones, because when the flowering is over and the bracts completely fall off, it will not be so attractive. The Christmas tree is very moody and can start to rot in the first days after purchase if not properly cared for. It is worth considering the tropical origin of Euphorbia, observing the periodicity of dormancy and growth, cutting and feeding in time. If everything is done correctly, then every year Poinsettia will delight you with beautiful flowers for 3-4 months in a row!

First of all, after purchasing a Christmas star flower, you need to take care of where you place the pot with it. It is recommended to give preference to the western side of the window. It is very important that the leaves of the most beautiful milkweed do not come into contact with the glass of the window, because they are very delicate and can begin to fall off from interaction with a cold surface. Any drafts are detrimental to Poinsettia.

Proper color care for the Christmas star should include a whole range of activities:

  • temperature control;
  • ensuring the required level of lighting;
  • regular watering;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers.

Temperature and lighting

The Star of Bethlehem is a thermophilic flower that cannot withstand the cold. The optimum air temperature for him is 18-20 degrees. The lower limit should not drop below 16. It is worth making sure that there are no sudden temperature changes in the room where your Christmas flower lives. Pay attention to where you buy Euphorbia. If this is a market, then the flower has little chance of surviving, because there it was almost on the street, and had already managed to get frostbite. Lighting is also important for the flower, so highlight the bush whenever possible.

Air humidity and watering

Warm and very dry air can harm your Christmas star flower. If you have this problem in your apartment, you should buy an artificial humidifier or you will have to constantly spray the plant. This should be done with clean, specially separated water at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Such manipulations will additionally protect the flower from the appearance of a spider mite (a pest that is very dangerous for the Christmas star).

When the Poinsettia begins to bloom (in winter from December to March), it should be regularly watered abundantly. In addition, the flower needs water during the period of active growth (as a rule, it occurs in the summer months). The soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out, but stagnation of moisture should be avoided. If you notice that the soil has begun to dry out, immediately water the flower, and after 40-60 minutes, drain the remaining liquid from the pan. Water for irrigation is specially defended, it should be at room temperature.

Fertilization and feeding

For the Christmas star to be lush and beautiful, it needs nutrients. This is especially important in summer and spring, when the flower grows and gains strength. Top dressing is carried out at least twice a month with mineral fertilizers. In winter, when Poinsettia has a flowering period, it is better to fertilize with potash fertilizers. You can buy ready-made compositions for cacti or flowering plants for the Christmas star.

Soil selection and flower transplant

This extraordinary red-flowered flower needs annual replanting. The best time for this is April or May. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. They take a flower out of the pot, gently shake off the old soil from the roots.
  2. A drainage layer is placed in a new larger pot, covered with fresh soil. The best option for a Christmas star is soil with a high humus content. You can mix turf soil with peat and sand.
  3. The flower is planted in a previously prepared pot.
  4. Place the Christmas star on the sunny side of the window, watered abundantly.
  5. When fresh shoots about 15 cm long appear, 5 of the strongest of them are left, the rest are cut off.
  6. Cuttings are good for growing new plants.

Plant propagation

After the Christmas star has successfully grown in your home for two seasons in a row, you can try to propagate it. For this, cuttings of the bush are used. The poinsettia is pruned in early summer or mid-August, but no later than the end of August. The air temperature for keeping the pruned bush should be in the range of 23-30 degrees. If the figures are lower, then you need to create a greenhouse effect or move the bush to a greenhouse.

A Christmas star propagation stalk should be 8-10 cm long. In addition, it should have 3 healthy green leaves. The shoot is planted in moist soil with a good drainage layer. For several weeks before new shoots appear on the bush, uniform soil moisture should be maintained. Be sure to control that the soil is clean. The bush is sprayed several times every day. This will prevent whitefly and mushroom mosquitoes from forming. The sun's rays must be alternated with shade to avoid sunburn.

Flowering and pruning

They began to call this plant the Christmas star for the wonderful inflorescences that resemble a luxurious New Year's decoration. However, to get flowers for the holiday, you need to properly care for the plant. In autumn, in October or November, the flower is covered with black film (you can use a cardboard box for this). This is necessary to reduce daylight hours to ten hours. At the beginning of winter, they put the bush in a warm room with an air temperature of about 18 degrees. The lighting in the room should be bright. In addition, the flower needs abundant watering.

If you do everything right, then by the end of December your Christmas star will bloom with beautiful flowers that will delight you until spring. Leaves may begin to fall off the flower, this is due to excess moisture in the soil, drafts or temperature changes in the house. To prevent such problems, you need to protect the plant from such factors.

When to trim a Christmas star? The flower needs several procedures every year:

  1. The branches are cut exactly in half immediately after flowering, leaving shoots about 15 cm long.
  2. Weak shoots are cut after transplanting the plant into a new pot.
  3. During the growing season, the branches of the Christmas star are cut, which are knocked out of the total (too long, uneven), to maintain the shape of the bush.

Video: features of growing a flower - Poinsettia is the most beautiful

What does an indoor flower Euphorbia look like - photo

Plants that bloom in the coldest and darkest winter months can be counted on one hand. One of these "unique" is the most beautiful poinsettia (Euphorbia is the most beautiful, Christmas star). In winter, it blooms with small flower buttons, framed by bright bracts of red, pink, white tones. They give the plant a festive, recognizably "Christmas" look.

Poinsettia is usually bought on New Year's Eve or Christmas Eve as a temporary decoration. After flowering ends and the bracts fall off, the plant is disposed of. This happens because poinsettia is very capricious. For many unlucky flower growers, it rots already in the first months of being in the house, for others it never blooms again. The Christmas star needs special care, taking into account its tropical origin, clear periods of rest and growing season. In this case, it will delight you for many years, blooming anew every December. And it can bloom for 3-4 months! Therefore, it is still worth making friends with her and saving, despite the difficulties.

Poinsettia flowers are small, inconspicuous, but they are framed by bright colorful bracts

Poinsettia has a complex character. She is extremely thermophilic, prefers a temperature range of 12-25 ° C. Summer heat above 25 ° C is negative. It does not tolerate dry air, therefore, in winter, when the batteries are running, it has to be sprayed often. Any cold, draft can also be fatal for a Christmas star. Imagine: this flower in winter needs to be moved away from the window glass so that delicate leaves do not accidentally touch the cold surface. Here is such a sissy!

The finest poinsettia varieties

Poinsettia is usually acquired in winter, during the flowering period. You cannot buy it on the street, at temperatures below 5 ° C. Even a short stay in such conditions is often detrimental to poinsettia. After purchase, you cannot transfer an open plant in the cold. Wrap it in paper, cover with a cloth, and only then take it outside. Otherwise, the poinsettia will get frostbite, the consequences of which can be the most unpleasant: from the falling of the leaves to the death of the plant.

Poinsettia characteristics

Christmas star: care during the flowering period (December - February)

So, you bought a blooming poinsettia and brought it home. What's next? Follow simple steps:

1. Place the poinsettia on a light south, east, or west facing windowsill. In winter, a southern window sill is ideal for her, but with the obligatory shading from direct sunlight.

2. Maintain the temperature at 16-25 ° C. Do not open the vents to keep cold air out of the plant.

3. Provide high humidity. It is advisable that there are no hot batteries under the windowsill that reduce humidity. Dry air has a very bad effect on the plant, reducing its decorative properties (the leaves dry, turn yellow, fall off). Therefore, in winter, spray the poinsettia with warm, settled water 1-2 times a day. Alternatively, use other methods to increase humidity. For example, place the plant pot (including the pallet) in a wide extra pallet filled with damp expanded clay. Or get a humidifier.

4. Water the poinsettia as needed. She prefers moist soil, but without stagnant water and dampness. Watering should be carried out with warm, settled water only after the top layer of the soil has dried. The water from the pallet must be drained, otherwise the soil will become damp, and the roots will begin to rot.

5. A month after purchase, if the poinsettia continues to bloom, feed it with a complex fertilizer for home flowering plants. So you will prolong its beauty, add strength for further flowering.

Poinsettia with proper care can bloom up to 4 months!

Rest period (March-April)

After flowering, the bracts of the Christmas star fall off, and the leaves can partially fly around. The first sign of the end of flowering is the appearance of green leaves over the bracts. In this period:

1. Place the poinsettia in a shaded, cool place with a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

2. Prune the plant. It is enough to leave shoots 7-10 cm high on the poinsettia.

Poinsettia pruning allows you to form a compact, well-flowering bush in the future.

3. Keep watering to a minimum. Between watering, the earthen lump can dry out completely, this will only benefit the "sleeping" plant.

At rest, the home flower Christmas star should stay for 1.5-2 months.

Vegetation period (May - September)

With the arrival of heat, the poinsettia begins active growth: new shoots and leaves appear, and the root mass increases.

With the onset of warm and sunny days, the trimmed poinsettia bush begins to cover with young leaves

The plan for caring for a Christmas star during the growing season is as follows:

1. Transplant the poinsettia into new soil. It should be loose and permeable to moisture. The following composition is well suited: leafy soil, sod soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2: 3: 1: 1. The pot can be taken slightly larger than the previous one. But remember that the larger the pot, the taller the poinsettia can grow. At home - up to 35-50 cm.

2. Place the plant pot on a warm, light-colored windowsill. Ideally, take it to the balcony or garden. The place of detention should be light, but shaded from direct midday rays. The hot sun can burn the delicate leaves. It is unacceptable to install a pot with a poinsettia in a draft.

3. Ensure the temperature of the poinsettia content is 16-25 ° C.

4. Water the plant sparingly, after drying the top layer of soil 2-3 cm thick. Drain off any water that spills through the tree holes into the sump. Root decay is possible with waterlogging!

5. As a top dressing in the spring-summer period, use universal fertilizers (with the same content of N, P, K) or fertilizers for decorative foliage (with a high N content). With its violent growth, poinsettia responds to the introduction of humus, bird droppings, humus.

6. Start forming poinsettia. As soon as the plant starts growing, choose 4-6 strongest shoots, cut the rest (cut off cuttings can be used for rooting). Thus, a compact, dense crown is formed and a decorative appearance of the flower is provided.

Preparing for flowering (late September - November)

In normal indoor conditions, without observing certain maintenance regimes, the poinsettia may be difficult to bloom. In order for the budding to take place, it is necessary to create conditions for the plant that are close to natural. In its homeland, Mexico, poinsettia blooms after 2 months of short daylight hours with a duration of 10 hours. When keeping poinsettia in living rooms, such conditions are provided artificially. There are several options for how to do this:

Option number 1 - protect the poinsettia from light

Beginning in late September, from 6 pm to 8 am, cover the poinsettia with a cardboard box or an opaque plastic bag.

Option number 2 - provide a natural change in darkness and light

In the fall, place the poinsettia in a heated greenhouse or non-living room with no artificial light. Naturally short daylight hours during this period will be sufficient for her.

Option # 3 - use light barrier

Unfortunately, in normal room conditions, the poinsettia on the windowsill will be illuminated by electrical appliances: lamps, TV screens, etc. Even a small amount of light that goes beyond the norms of short daylight hours can "knock down" the blooming of a Christmas star. If you decide to make your poinsettia bloom on the windowsill, then use blackout curtains as a screen from home light. After 6 pm, pull them tightly so that the poinsettia on the windowsill is in the dark.

All this time:

  • water the poinsettia with warm, settled water after the soil dries out in half the pot;
  • apply fertilizer for decorative flowering once a week.

At the end of November, after 2 months of short daylight hours, all manipulations can be stopped and the poinsettia can be placed on a light, warm windowsill. Very soon, buds will appear on it, followed by colorful bracts.

The beginning of flowering poinsettia: buds and colored bracts appear on the apical cuttings
Gradually, the bracts become larger, the flower buds open

Poinsettia is the most beautiful: video

How can the most beautiful poinsettia look like, how to care for it to preserve its decorative effect, how to make it bloom? All these questions are answered by the director of the garden center:

The Christmas star flower got its bright name because of its beauty and flowering during the most beloved New Year and Christmas holidays. It is on the New Year that this plant is often decorated by all household members with small Christmas tree decorations and "rain" in order to feel the coming of next year, on which everyone will pin great hopes and dreams. This flower (the photo clearly shows that the Christmas star has a variety of shades), depending on how it is taken care of, can be of different sizes. They can decorate the bedroom, kitchen, put on a beautiful bedside table in the corridor.

Want to choose a Christmas star indoor flower for your home? Take all the household members to the store - after all, who, if not they, will be responsible for caring. Why should everyone participate in the choice - yes, because it is unrealistic to dwell on one thing and everyone will gladly choose their own unique miracle of nature for their room.

These plants are bright red, yellow, blue, and even purple. There are more than a hundred species in total. Our region is dominated primarily by reds, creams and pinks.

The beautiful Poinsettia (with the familiar name of the Christmas star flower) has long been watched by peoples of different countries. This plant is native to Mexico and belongs to the euphorbia family. At home in Central America, the Christmas star grows up to one and a half meters. In apartment conditions, this evergreen plant can "conquer the height" of 50 cm. Few people know that this flower contains white juice, which, incidentally, is not surprising. Indeed, such a feature is in most plants of the Euphorbia family.

These plants propagate by cuttings, so you can successfully continue the tradition of decorating your home with this type of flowers yourself. The shoots of the plant can be successfully used for the propagation process. Do not forget that the overgrown flower needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. It is better to arrange the transplant itself in the spring - in April or May. And don't forget to sprinkle with warm water. There is nothing complicated in this for everyone, as well as. Let us only recall that the transplantation of shoots is carried out only in moist soil.

The plant must be handled with care because its sticky white sap is harmful and can cause severe irritation if it gets on your skin or eyes. After the first six months of flowering, the bracts may turn pale and fall off over time. The flower clearly loves light, but like many other plants, it is not entirely happy with direct sunlight.

It will grow and please the eye if the temperature in the room where this beautiful creature is located is from 15 to 21 degrees Celsius. If the cold comes and the thermometer drops to +10, then you risk leaving your flower without bracts. They will fall off and not bloom.

The plant loves water and, unlike a cactus, will not survive drought. The truth will not survive the flooding and will simply perish, however, like anyone else. For a Christmas star, it is enough for the leaves to be sprayed with additional water for moderate watering. By the way, it is necessary to protect this plant from pests. It is better to treat with insecticidal soap.

A rather gentle disposition is also expressed in the fear of drafts. This flower will not forgive you for such a sophisticated mockery of yourself. Like violets, it requires a drainage hole and maintaining the necessary air humidity - otherwise you will not see New Year's bloom. During the flowering period, do not even think about feeding, as well as about a transplant - you probably will not wait for the desired beauty.

Your choice will undoubtedly be influenced by the fact that this particular flower purifies the atmosphere in the room by absorbing formaldehyde - a colorless gas with a pungent odor. So those who want to preserve their health, make their home more comfortable, simply must choose the Christmas star as a symbol of the happiness of their family!

Considering home care for poinsettia. We will tell you how to properly care for a Christmas star after a purchase and what to do in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We describe watering, feeding, reproduction, pruning, transplanting, flowering, dormancy, as well as possible problems when growing a plant.

Poinsettia, Euphorbia or Christmas Star?

The plant is native to the rainforests of Mexico on the Pacific coast. Common English name poinsettia, the flower was named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced it to the United States in 1825, when he was the first US minister in Mexico.

Scientifically, poinsettia is called the most beautiful euphorbia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), and in Europe and the United States it is known under the popular name - Christmas Star, Star of Bethlehem, Star of Christ, as it blooms before Catholic Christmas (December 25th).

In the United States, the plant is very actively used in celebrating Christmas as a decoration for homes, churches, offices and public places, and December 12 is the official national poinsettia day.

To date, more than 100 varieties of plants with different colors of bracts have been bred, for example: red (Angelica, Barbara), white (EckesWhite, WhiteStar), cream (PinkRibbon, Regina), pink (Dorothe, FestivalRose).

Poinsettia red: how to properly care at home?


The Christmas star flower loves a lot of diffused light, so windows on the southeast, southwest, west or east side are best suited. In the summer, it is necessary to shade during the day so that direct sunlight does not fall.


For a plant, the optimal temperature regime: active growth phase - + 18-25 ° C, flowering - not lower than +16 ° C, dormant period - + 11-16 ° C. The main thing is to protect it from drafts and temperature changes.

How to properly water the poinsettia?

In the summer, water the poinsettia once every 2-3 days, depending on the air temperature, as the moisture is actively evaporating due to the high temperature.

In autumn and winter (preparation for flowering and flowering), the Christmas star often does not need to be watered, it needs moderate watering - once every 6-8 days.

During flowering, it is useful to spray the plant every 3-4 days with a small amount of warm and settled water.

Top dressing

During active growth and development from May to September, the poinsettia must be fed with a complex mineral or organic fertilizer, and during flowering with potash fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

The most common attacks on the Christmas star are whiteflies, spider mites and mealybugs. Read about how to get rid of these pests in special materials.

To prevent diseases and pests, you need to observe the conditions for caring for the most beautiful milkweed and inspect the flower weekly, especially carefully the lower side of the leaf and leaf sinuses.

Reproduction of the Christmas star at home

Poinsettia is propagated vegetatively as grown samples from seeds lose their varietal characteristics. At the same time, it is very difficult to obtain seeds at home.

Propagation by cuttings

  1. Cut off the top of the young shoot at an acute angle, so that there are at least 4-5 internodes on the cutting (approximately 8-10 centimeters long) and cut off the bottom pair of leaves.
  2. To remove milky juice, place the cuttings in a container of warm water for 10-12 minutes or wipe the cut area with absorbent paper. Then it is advisable to sprinkle the cut with charcoal to prevent decay.
    Attention: it is undesirable to touch the cut with your hands, skin irritation is possible. Wear gloves.
  3. Plant the poinsettia stalk in a moist, nutritious substrate (peat, sand, leafy and sod soil - 1: 1: 3: 3) to a depth of about 1 cm to reduce the risk of root rot.
  4. Place the container with cuttings in a warm place (18-22 ° C) with diffused light and cover with foil. Spray and air moderately daily to keep the substrate moist without excess water.
    After about a month, the cuttings of the Christmas star take root and new leaves appear on them.
  5. Pinch the young shoots as they grow to speed up the formation of new stems. In September, transplant the cuttings into separate pots 10-16 cm in diameter.
  • The optimal breeding time for poinsettia by cuttings is May-June. You can also use cuttings from pruning after flowering (March) for grafting.


Poinsettia is the most beautiful, like all euphorbiases, it secretes milky juice. The latest scientific studies have proven that the juice is minimally toxic and poses no danger to human health.

The juice can cause mild irritation if it comes into contact with sensitive skin, and if it enters the digestive tract, it can irritate the stomach and sometimes cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Use rubber gloves to trim or transplant a flower and wash your hands with soap and water when finished. Take special care of your eyes - in case of contact, rinse them with running water for at least 15 minutes.

Post-purchase care for poinsettia or during flowering (December-February)

After buying a poinsettia, you need to create optimal conditions for its flowering and development.

  1. Indoor temperature + 16-24 ° C, no drops and drafts. During flowering, the most beautiful euphorbia needs a large amount of scattered light, in case of a deficiency, leaves may fall off.
    In winter, it is ideal to place it on the south window, but the west and east sides will work too.
  2. Maintain high humidity: spray the flower with lukewarm water 1-2 times a day. Dry air reduces decorativeness: the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow, and fall off early.
  3. Water the Christmas star after the top layer of the substrate is dry. Poinsettia the finest loves moderate soil moisture. Excess water is a great danger.
  4. The first 20-25 days, the flower will get used to new conditions. After three weeks, it needs to be transplanted into a new substrate: universal soil mixture + sand + vermiculite + drainage at the bottom.
    Transplanting will prolong the blooming of the Christmas star. If it is not possible to transplant, then feed the most beautiful euphorbia fertilizer for flowering plants.

How to buy a poinsettia correctly?

It is better to buy poinsettia in the warm season, but in most cases it is bought in November-December, when it blooms and has the maximum decorative effect.

  • Before buying, carefully examine the flowers (not the bracts!). The central inflorescences should be unopened (i.e. buds) so that the Christmas star blooms in your home for as long as possible. The foliage should be lush and healthy.
  • Buy a flower in a warm store (temperature not lower than +15 ° C). In winter, there is a risk to buy a plant with frozen roots, especially on the market.
  • The most beautiful spurge is afraid of frost, especially in a flowering state, therefore it is necessary to deliver it to the house as soon as possible. Before going outside, carefully wrap the poinsettia in paper and cover with a cloth.

Great copy of poinsettia (Christmas star) to buy

Caring for red poinsettia after flowering: pruning, dormant period (March-April)

Poinsettia usually stops blooming in early to mid-February. The approach of the end of flowering can be determined by the appearance of green leaves on top of the bracts. After flowering, the Christmas star sheds its leaves (bracts), it begins a dormant period.

  1. Cut off the stems by about 50% (a bush with a height of about 14-16 cm will remain), leaving 4-5 buds on each. By pruning, you can give the desired shape and density to the crown, and then maintain it by trimming and pinching new shoots.
  2. Transfer the flower to a darkened room with a temperature of + 11-14 ° C. Water it rarely and little (1 time in 10-12 days), but at the same time so that the substrate does not dry out completely (some growers allow complete drying out).
  3. After 1.5-2 months (the optimal period), the rest period for the most beautiful poinsettia ends, and it is transferred to its usual place.

Poinsettia after trimming in March

How to make poinsettia bloom a second time? Transfer

After the end of the dormant period, it is better to transplant the poinsettia into a new substrate for re-flowering.

  1. During transplantation, the earthen lump near the roots is saved and transferred to a new pot, a little larger (transfer). There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.
  2. The soil mixture is prepared independently (peat, sand, leaf and sod land - 1: 1: 3: 3) or bought ready-made, loose and nutritious.
  3. After transplanting, the Christmas star is transferred to a warm and bright room (the southern or southeastern side is best) and begin to water abundantly after the top layer of the soil mixture dries up by 2-3 cm.

Be sure to drain the pan 10-15 minutes after watering to avoid root rot.

Poinsettia transplant with a clod of earth

Leaving from May to September for the Christmas star

After transplanting and the onset of warm days, the Christmas star flower begins to grow and develop. During the active growing season, it is not difficult to care for it: the main thing is to prevent drafts and direct sunlight.

  1. A large amount of diffused light and abundant watering stimulate the growth and development of poinsettia, new shoots appear. Of the young shoots, it is recommended to leave 4-6 of the strongest, and cut off the rest.
    The removed shoot, if desired, can be rooted (propagation by cuttings), and a new plant will grow from it.
  2. The shoots are pinched so that the Christmas star does not stretch, but bush, and you get a compact and beautiful bush.
  3. Every two weeks, it is advisable to fertilize with fertilizers for decorative deciduous species or complex. Poinsettia also responds with a sharp growth to the introduction of humus, humus or bird droppings.

Preparing poinsettia for flowering: October-November

In autumn, the air temperature drops, and accordingly, gradually reduce watering and fertilizing. To induce poinsettia to develop bracts, i.e. It is necessary to "bloom" for at least two months in autumn with continuous long dark nights and bright sunny days (8-10 hours).

  1. To do this, from September 20-25 until the end of November - early December, from about 18.00 to 08.00, cover the Christmas star with a thick cloth, cardboard or a dark bag so that no light falls on it, and night falls. At the same time, move on the windowsill away from the battery, but without touching the cold window, so that there is uniform coolness.
  2. Water the poinsettia sparingly (after half of the substrate is dry) while preparing to bloom and keep the temperature at least 16 ° C.
  3. On December 1st, transfer the most beautiful poinsettia to a sunny window and a warmer place. Soon buds and colored bracts will appear on the milkweed.

Why isn't poinsettia blooming?

During the preparatory period for flowering (two months), any random light at night (even a TV, a street lamp or a passing car) can disrupt the laying of flower buds.

Poinsettia flowers

Poinsettia leaves turn yellow, fall or fall off, what should I do?

  • Poinsettia leaves wither and fall most often due to excess or lack of water.
  • Poinsettia can shed its leaves abruptly without wilting due to drafts or extremely low temperatures.
  • The leaves of the Christmas star turn yellow mainly due to the dry air in the room, against the background of high temperatures. Spray the flower and water frequently.

Poinsettia is the most beautiful: interesting facts

  • Milky juice of milkweed of the most beautiful inhabitants of Central America is used to remove warts, smear the site of the bite with insects, with toothache, as an anesthetic.
  • The popularity of the flower was brought by the Ekki family. Albert Ecky, and then his son Paul, began to grow the Christmas star in the open field and greenhouses, and later the indoor form was bred.
  • Euphorbia is the most popular holiday plant in the United States. Between 40 and 50 million copies are sold during the Christmas season.
  • Poinsettia often dies after flowering, so follow the flower care tips carefully.
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