Why dream about hail. Why is hail dreaming in a dream book

Dream interpretation Grad

Hail is not a very common phenomenon that occurs in nature. AT real life such precipitation rarely causes positive emotions in anyone, but dream books often consider them as a positive symbol. It is worth figuring out why hail is dreaming?

If in a dream you see the storm raging

Dream Interpretations do not agree on why hail dreams. As a rule, they promise the dreamer good luck and joy. Certain sources consider such a plot as negative, promising grief and sadness.

Seeing hailstones in a dream from a dream book

If you are fond of deciphering dreams, then you already have favorite interpreters whom you trust, those that have been tested over the years. For those who are not too knowledgeable in predictions, here are some of the most popular online dream interpreters.

Miller's dream book

If hail dreamed

  • To get into bad weather under rain with hail - you will be gifted with a gift from fate, but it will be insignificant.
  • According to Miller, seeing hail in the middle of a sunny day means that fate will not be favorable to the dreamer. Everything that will happen to you will be more like a mockery.
  • Why does a young girl dream of hail? You will meet true love that will more than cover all your previous failures, this is what Miller's dream book thinks.
  • According to the dream book, the hail that you see outside the window or just hear it knocking on the roof of your house is a very unfavorable sign.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Seeing a large hail outside the window is a nuisance.
  • To fall under it, the online dream book considers it as advice not to interfere in the affairs of other people. This can have dire consequences.
  • Why is there a dream of hail destroying crops? A threat looms over the well-being of a sleeping person, in addition, he is in real danger.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • To see a large hail - you are acting too imprudently. You have many ill-wishers who spread rumors about you.
  • This online dream book believes that you are too promiscuous in the choice of sexual partners, while the rumor about you is already spreading among friends.

What bad weather portends for family people

An interpreter for the whole family considers such a natural phenomenon as a positive sign.

Just seeing the hailstones is good luck, a change for the better.

Seeing hail in summer, in clear weather - you will be busy with empty chores.

Throughout your sleep, you try to find shelter and hide from the bad weather - the decision of a certain case depends on you, but you are pulling all the way out of fear to take leadership into your own hands.

Knocking hailstones on the roof - do not ignore the advice of loved ones, otherwise you risk getting into big trouble.

Collecting pieces of ice - get material well-being.

Family dream book, attaches great importance to the day of the week, on the night of which you saw a dream about hail:

What day of the week did you dream

  • Sleep for Sunday and Monday has no special connotation.
  • On Tuesday you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Wednesday - making a profit, inheritance.
  • On Thursday - a rise in the career ladder, an increase in the level of wages.
  • On Friday, you will receive back the amount of money that you no longer hoped for a return.
  • On Saturday, you made a very profitable deal, and you will rest on your laurels for a long time and make a profit from it.

Why see hail along with other precipitation

It happens that in a dream we see not only hail, but also other signs of bad weather, for example, snow, or rain. This is of great importance in the interpretation of sleep.

Bad weather with rain

Hail mixed with rain - minor troubles and troubles that will be temporary.

Watching rain with hail, lightning and thunderclaps - a serious danger looms over you, be careful.

In general, dream books believe that any precipitation, be it rain, snow or hail, must be considered, firstly, from the point of view of your well-being during sleep. Secondly, you must answer an important question, how do you yourself relate to these natural phenomena.

Snowfall with hail

The hail, like snow, completely covers the whole earth - you have conceived the impossible. Unfortunately, your cherished desire not destined to come true.

Sometimes you can see hail, which slowly turns into snow. If you see this outside the window of your house, then your life will soon return to normal. All storms will calm down and you can enjoy complete peace.

Snow itself is a symbol of changes in the dreamer's life.For a while, you can forget about the worldly vanity and immerse yourself in yourself.

But such a symbol as snow should be considered only if you dream about it at the wrong time of the year.

Clean, white, large snow promises the dreamer peace, excellent health and well-being.

Of course, this statement does not quite fit a dream in which you had to fall under heavy snow. If you have experienced fear, unpleasant physical sensations, or other negative emotions, then a dream may portend a lingering illness and treatment in a hospital. If the feelings were the most pleasant, then real wealth and success awaits you.

Seeing hail in a dream is good luck.

If you see hail in a dream, it means that happy changes will happen in your life soon. If you dream of hail on a sunny day, then this indicates a mockery of fate and that many worries await you. If in a dream you are trying to hide from the hail, then this is a sign that you do not want to take responsibility for resolving a controversial issue. If in a dream you hear the sound of hailstones on the roof, this is a warning that you do not need to be indifferent to the advice of your loved ones. If you dream that you are collecting hailstones, then this indicates that you have to get rich.

If you see hail in a dream from Monday to Tuesday, then a surprise awaits you in the near future. If you dream of hail from Tuesday to Wednesday, then soon you will receive an inheritance. If you dreamed of a hail from Wednesday to Thursday, then you will get a promotion and a raise in salary. And if you see a hailstorm in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then the debt will be returned to you in the near future. When you see a hailstorm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, it is a sign that the profit from a recently concluded transaction will be very significant.

By the way, at the beginning of the twentieth century, when America was rocked by the "gold rush", the impoverished English aristocrat Richard Balton decided to go to the New World in search of luck. At the beginning of the journey, the ocean was calm, but suddenly a storm came. It lasted for two days, then the storm also suddenly stopped. The exhausted passengers finally fell asleep. Balton fell asleep too. In a dream, he saw that he was walking along the bank of an amazingly beautiful river, majestic pine trees rustle around. Above the head of the traveler there is an amazingly clear sky. And suddenly he saw that huge hailstones were falling from the clear sky, on which there was not a single cloud.

They sparkle and shimmer in the sun. Balton rushed to pick up the hailstones and put them in a travel bag, but suddenly one of the hailstones hit him sharply on the arm. He dropped the bag, several hailstones rolled out of him. Balton began to pick them up to put them in the bag, but they quickly melted in his hands. In his left hand he felt a sharp pain, his fingers seemed to be numb, and he stopped feeling them. Waking up, Balton for a long time could not recover from this dream.

First, Richard Balton in America had to experience many difficulties. But the next year, luck smiled at him. He found several large nuggets on the river. But one of Balton's companions started a quarrel with him and wounded the aristocrat in a fight. Some of Richard Balton's nuggets were stolen. After recovering, he decided to return to his old place to try his luck again. But this time his luck turned away. The winter was very difficult, Balton froze fingers on his left hand and had to be amputated. The next year he returned to England.

Interpretation of dreams from

Sometimes in our dreams we see various natural phenomena. Of course, it's always interesting to know what that might mean. For example, a hail falling from heaven is often considered a sign that portends sadness, confusion, sometimes the disclosure of an unpleasant secret. But often we are faced with the fact that similar dreams are explained in different ways by different interpreters. Therefore, let's turn to dream books and find out.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller interprets such dreams in his dream book not very rosy.

  • If you just saw hail in a dream, you may be haunted by minor troubles.
  • But - here a well-known psychologist believes that in this case, failures can be palpable.
  • If the dreamer does not see the ice, but only hears its knock on the roof, this is a bad omen.
  • Also in this dream book we can find an explanation for a young woman. Such a dream promises her that after many unsuccessful attempts, she will finally meet her love.

Interpretation according to the Family Dream Book

The family dream book, the appearance in night dreams of such a natural phenomenon as hail, interprets mostly positively, but there are not very pleasant moments in it.

  • If in a dream you see ice pieces falling from the sky, then expect happy changes in life.
  • If the dreamer collects hailstones, he will soon get rich.
  • You have heard in a dream how ice is knocking on the roof - be more attentive to the advice of your loved ones.
  • If you are hit by hail in your night vision, in reality you can expect good luck.
  • The dream in which you are hiding from the falling ice means that you are trying to evade responsibility in resolving a controversial issue.
  • If ice falls from the sky on a sunny day, a lot of worries can fall on you in reality.

Interpretation according to the Family Dream Book, depending on the days of the week

The family dream book explains the meaning of sleep, also depending on the days of the week, namely:

  • had a dream from Monday to Tuesday - a surprise awaits you soon;
  • the dream in which you saw the hail dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday - you may receive an inheritance;
  • if such a dream was from Wednesday to Thursday, this is a favorable sign that promises you a promotion and, accordingly, an increase in your salary;
  • dreams with hail from Thursday to Friday - you will finally get your debt back;
  • if you saw a hailstorm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, your successfully concluded deal will bring you a good profit.

Why does the city dream according to the Modern dream book

According to the Modern Dream Book, the hail seen in a dream is considered a harbinger of a large harvest. However, depending on the details of the dream, the following interpretations are found in it:

  • if in your dream the land is strewn with hail, in reality a great profit awaits you;
  • put large hailstones in your palm - such a vision promises you wealth, but if the hailstones are small, expect trouble;
  • if the dreamer is hiding from the hail, in reality he will lose the opportunity to benefit;
  • if in a dream you feel pain from hail blows, the business you started will not bring the expected result.

In this dream book, we can also find out why the hail outside the window is dreaming. Such a dream promises you a good deal. And if hail knocks on the window, you can get useful tips friends or loved ones who should not be neglected.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Different interpreters about whether, express different opinions.

  • Medium Hasse believes that the hail in a dream is a harbinger of the failure of your plans.
  • The esoteric dream book explains this natural phenomenon as the impending punishment for your mistakes.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation warns the dreamer that if he saw hail in a dream, then he should not interfere in other people's affairs.
  • The autumn dream book explains to us,. He considers such a vision a harbinger of great happiness.
  • Freud interprets this phenomenon of nature that you dreamed in a dream as the appearance around your name of a lot of gossip, which you yourself provoked with your frivolous behavior.
  • In the English dream book, the hail symbolizes the failures that can haunt the sleeper. If a person is engaged in trade, then losses await him. If a person expects reciprocity in response to his feelings, then his hopes will not come true. Nevertheless, the English dream book believes that all these failures are short-lived, and after a certain period everything will turn for the better.
  • Tsvetkov writes in his dream book that hail in night dreams symbolizes annoyance. And if he dreamed of a hurricane, the dreamer will pay for the sins he has committed.

Why does a strong hail dream

When a strong hail is dreaming, such a dream has several interpretations.

  • Some interpreters believe that a hailstorm is a harbinger of easy money.
  • Other interpreters predict confusion and sadness for the dreamer, as well as the likelihood that he may learn other people's secrets. Wanga in such cases advises the person who dreamed of the hail not to get involved with other people's problems.
  • If such a dream was dreamed of by a lover, it is also negative. This dream tells the woman that the courtship will be in vain, and the man warns that his girlfriend thinks too highly of herself and considers herself worthy of more.
  • If in a dream the size of the pieces of ice was too large, this is a warning that a person should devote less to his acquaintances in the details of his personal life.

Hail is an extraordinary natural phenomenon, and, probably, that is why dream books decipher its appearance in our dreams in such a variety of ways. They find explanations for such night dreams, taking into account the smallest details, so you can safely turn to interpreters to figure out what the symbol of the hail was in your dream.

Collection of dream books

Why does the City dream about 41 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the "Grad" symbol for free from 41 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

English dream book

Seeing hail in a dream - a bad omen. A dream promises you disappointment and frustration. For peasants - sleep threatens with an unfavorable, lean year. Lovers - portends unsuccessful courtship, merchants - heavy losses. Even friends will disappoint you.

Eastern dream book

Why is the City dreaming about in a dream book?

You got hit by hail - not all of your undertakings will be successful.

A dream in which you see that through the clouds from which hail comes, the sun breaks through - means: joy will soon replace adversity. A young woman has such a dream - promises a meeting with the main love of his life.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were hit by hail - soon you will be able to meet the greatest love in your life. Do not miss your chance! But the rumbles of thunder heard in a dream promise serious trouble.

Lunar dream book

Hail is well-being.

Small Velesov dream book

Hail - profit, luck / unexpected misfortune, tears, sadness, grief, anxiety, boredom; from the cloud - annoyance, unpleasant news, a great loss.

The newest dream book

In a dream, why is the City dreaming?

Hail - a seriously ill person promises good luck in recovery.

In other cases - news, minor troubles.

New dream book 1918

Hail from a cloud is a nuisance.

Russian dream book

Hail - to tears and quite bitter.

Family dream book

Caught in hail in a dream - minor successes are possible in reality.

Hail on a sunny day - portends worries and even a mockery of fate.

Ahead of her is a meeting with love after some setbacks.

The interpreter

Seen in a dream - means embarrassment and sadness, and sometimes the discovery of an important secret.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Hail?

If in a dream you fell under hail - in reality, do not expect too much success in any endeavor.

See the hail that falls in rainy sunny weather - means that, although you will be disturbed by problems and worries, fate will soon smile at you. A dream like a young woman - promises long-awaited love after long neglect.

Hear in a dream how hail knocks on the roof - prediction of disaster situations.

Dream interpretation 2012

Hail is a reflection of concern about possible minor troubles.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did the City dream in a dream?

Seeing hail in a dream - to unpleasant news, fall under it - a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs.

If hail destroys crops before your eyes - such a dream may portend the emergence of a threat to your life or financial situation.

Dream interpretation of the future

Hail - will have to cry.

Dream interpretation for lovers

The girl who had such a dream - will experience a lot of troubles and hardships, but in the end will meet true and strong love.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Grad - in the ranks of your friends there is a vile person who intrigues you.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Seeing hail is unfavorable.

Fall under it - misfortune, illness / warning against interference in other people's affairs.

Hail destroys crops - danger to life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing hail in a dream - to luck.

If you see hail in a dream - it means that happy changes will happen in your life soon.

If you dream about hail on a sunny day - this indicates a mockery of fate and that many worries await you.

If in a dream you are trying to hide from the hail - this is a sign that you do not want to take responsibility when resolving a controversial issue.

If in a dream you hear the sound of hailstones on the roof - this is a warning that you do not need to be indifferent to the advice of your loved ones.

If you dream that you are collecting hailstones - this indicates that you are about to get rich.

If you see hail in a dream from Monday to Tuesday - a surprise awaits you in the near future.

If you dream of hail from Tuesday to Wednesday - soon you will receive an inheritance.

If you dreamed of hail from Wednesday to Thursday - you will get a promotion and a raise in salary.

And if you see hailstones in a dream from Thursday to Friday - the debt will be returned to you in the near future.

When you dream of hail from Friday to Saturday - This is a sign that the profit from a recent deal will be very significant.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Hail - a new love awaits you ahead.

Get under the hail - successes and good luck.

See a large hail and hear it knocking on the roof - a lot of worries and troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

See hail in your dream - means that you have a presentiment of a series of some stormy and rapid, but fleeting events.

If the general atmosphere of sleep is favorable - it may indicate that the upcoming events will shake you up, but they will not bring much harm.

Cold unpleasant hail against the background of general bad weather - a harbinger of a period of failure, which, however, does not promise to be too long.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hail - a scandal with tears awaits you, but with reconciliation.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To dream of how hail began during a thunderstorm in the summer - to wealth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To dream that a very large hail is coming - great happiness will come to you.

Dream interpretation of love relationships

If you dream that hail is coming - this means that you behave unworthily in society and this gives rise to gossip for many lovers of washing bones. You should be humble in your love affairs.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if the City is dreaming in a dream?

Hail to see - your plans will fail; falling - variable danger.

Miller's dream book

Fall under the hail in a dream

If you watch hail on a sunny day - this portends you worries and even a mockery of fate.

If a young woman sees such a dream - this promises her a meeting with love after some setbacks.

Hail knocking on the roof - not a very favorable sign.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the City in a dream?

See the falling hail - to unpleasant news, the onset of danger.

If you see in a dream the earth strewn with hail that has finished falling - this is to the impracticability of conceived, but not developed in detail plans.

Get under the hail - in reality, experience a feeling of loneliness, abandonment and orphanhood.

Strong and large hail, painfully hitting the head and body - portends embarrassment and sadness, perhaps the discovery of an important secret.

Fleeing from the hail in a dream, running away under cover - promises you minor luck.

Hear a strong fractional thump of hailstones on the roof - portends trouble in relations with business partners.

For a young girl - this is a harbinger of meeting true love after several unsuccessful attempts to find it with other peers.

Hail in the middle of a hot summer - portends you a cruel joke of fate, which, however, will not prevent you from completing your plans.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Hail to see - your plans will fail; falling - variable danger, profit, big harvest.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Fall under the hail in a dream - to small successes in reality.

Watch the hail on a sunny day - to worries and unpleasant surprises.

A young woman has such a dream - portends a meeting with his love after a series of failures.

Dream interpretation of Solomon

Hail - luck, profit, great success.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream interpretation: Hail according to the dream book?

Grad - tests; warning not to interfere in someone else's business.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream, you were hit by hail - you are in for a big disappointment, which will ruin your mood for a long time.

You dreamed that you watched the hail coming - some of your friends or acquaintances are in for a big disappointment.

If you dreamed that your garden or vegetable garden was beaten by hail - a large, valuable acquisition awaits you.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed how hail fell - it means that in real life you behave too imprudently and thereby give rise to gossip. You absolutely do not see anything bad in your far from highly moral behavior and thereby provoke others to spread gossip around you and your numerous partners (partners).

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Hail from a cloud is a nuisance.

Hail - shocking news, annoyance.

Get under the hail - little luck.

A hailstorm is an omen of bad things.

Medieval dream book

See bad weather and hail - to terrible losses.

Ukrainian dream book

How hail dreams - the bread will be good.

Hail from a cloud - annoyance; bad news; big loss.

Universal dream book

When there is hail, we often say that "drops fall from peas" - do others exaggerate something in your life? After all, not all drops that fall from the sky are the size of peas!

Hail can also - to symbolize unexpected danger, since most often this weather phenomenon overtakes us without warning. However, the possible danger relates to property rather than life and physical health. Are your values \u200b\u200bsusceptible to environmental damage?

If water symbolizes emotion, then perhaps hail - a sign of vivid emotions that leave us as quickly as they overtake.

Gypsy dream book

Hail - symbolizes misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

Hail - wait for punishment for your mistakes and sins.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Hail according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, hail - a harbinger of great grief.

More interpretations

Fall under it - your new venture can turn into a big failure.

I dreamed that you managed to hide from him - it means that in reality you are trying to get away from initiative or responsibility.

Hail during the heat - warns of obstacles on the way to the goal, but you can overcome them.

A dream in which he destroys everything in your field or garden - warns of a serious danger that is hanging over you.

Video: Why is the City dreaming

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Had a dream, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the City is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    i was standing on the porch under the roof, and there were thick black clouds in the sky, there was a fine snow like rump and I knew for sure that there should be hail. With a broom, I also swept garbage and food cereals from the porch. I wasn't scared because I was about to go into the house.

    I see myself at our dacha, standing on the porch. Summer, day, good weather, green grass on the lawn. The hail begins, and I see that it is very large, I go up to the hailstones, take it in my hand and understand that they are the size of a tennis ball. I am very surprised. Emotionally, I start calling my friend to tell her about it.

    It was a warm, sunny day, the sky was clear and suddenly a small hail began to fall, which was getting larger and larger. The last huge round ice fell right in front of me and crumbled into small clean pieces, the weather remained warm, sunny

    Hello! Today I dreamed of a very, very large hailstorm, hit me on the head, I also dreamed of apartments, as if I had come to visit someone, and then we went out into the street and the hail started, I returned to the apartment when I was hit on the head. There was a woman there, and I told her that hail was coming, and he asked me what hail was

    my husband dreamed at night that he was sitting in the car. at this time, a strong wind begins, then a storm, a large boulder wave even hung over it. suddenly he was in the apartment and was already watching from the window as the hail began, large hailstones hit the window

    my husband and my child went to some kind of business center for a hike my husband needed something there and was holding me right on the road I don’t want to go there and keep my daughter I say don’t see how my husband zashol already as deep into the business center and here I see how the building is collapsing right in front of my eyes and outside the business center there was a glass surface and these glasses are poured into my husband and on him and he falls in shock I tell my daughter to stand and run to lift him daughter crying I ate I lift I see him a big wound on leg and arm and through the pain grabs the daughter in his right hand and we run it was so scary and realistic and the building collapsed and ran straight through the glass and we see a hail there, the most terrible and strongest wind, I can't even describe it to the end and we run to our car and I I see how my husband is in pain, but he is holding the child in a gray manner, here we almost already moved up to the car and I see two women sitting on the lavach opposite and looking I was still in shock how they were sitting there in such terrible weather here my husband was opening the car doors I was raised by you and I am a lich and I am afraid for my child, as if it would not be lifted and they are looking at me, my daughter is crying, and then somehow I fall to the ground, big to my daughter, I grab her and we get into the car and clog the doors. Then I woke up and I was very uncomfortable in my soul, what is it for? That is what matters in reality to my husband, although we live together to give a damn about his daughter, he lizhba with friends to walk and drink beer. And we no longer have any love, at least I already have it precisely because of his obscene attitude to everything. The only thing I am going to open my own business and at the same time that he does not know this I want to hide from him and at any opportunity I then endure to leave him for now because my apartment is not yet.

    My daughter and I, and some other people in some house, after a while, a hailstorm downpour started strong, I got up with my daughter and opened the door on the balcony and show my daughter the hail and we were surprised by this natural beauty

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the City dreaming and what does it mean:

Seeing hail in a dream - to unpleasant news, falling under it is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs. If hail destroys the harvest in front of your eyes, then such a dream may portend a threat to your life or financial situation.

Miller's dream book

Why does the City dream in a dream?

Hail - To fall under the hail in a dream - to small luck. If you watch hail on a sunny day, then this portends you worries and even a mockery of fate. If a young woman sees such a dream, this promises her love after many failures. Hail knocking on the roof - to unfavorable circumstances.

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why is the City dreaming?

To fall under the hail in a dream - to small successes in reality. Watching hail on a sunny day - to worries and unpleasant surprises. For a young woman, such a dream portends a meeting with her love after a series of failures, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the city dreaming?

Profit, luck // unexpected trouble, tears, sadness, grief, anxiety, boredom; from the cloud - annoyance, unpleasant news, a great loss.

Old Russian dream book

I dreamed of running under the hail

Hail - Seen in a dream means embarrassment and sadness, and sometimes the discovery of an important secret, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See the City, how to unravel the symbolism

Seeing hail in a dream is good luck. If you see hail in a dream, it means that soon happy changes will take place in your life. If you dream of hail on a sunny day, then this indicates a mockery of fate and that many worries await you. If in a dream you are trying to hide from the hail, then this is a sign that you do not want to take responsibility when solving a controversial issue.

If in a dream you hear the sound of hailstones on the roof, this is a warning that you do not need to be indifferent to the advice of your loved ones. If you dream that you are collecting hailstones, then this indicates that you have to get rich. If you see hail in a dream from Monday to Tuesday, then a surprise awaits you in the near future. If you dream of hail from Tuesday to Wednesday, then soon you will receive an inheritance.

If you dreamed of hail from Wednesday to Thursday, then you will get a promotion and a raise in salary. And if you see a hailstorm in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then your debt will be returned to you in the near future. When you see a hailstorm in a dream from Friday to Saturday, it is a sign that the profit from a recently concluded transaction will be very significant.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Hail from a cloud is a nuisance.

Freud's dream book

Why did the rain and hail dream

If you dreamed of how the hail was falling, it means that in real life you are behaving too imprudently and thereby give rise to gossip. You absolutely do not see anything bad in your far from highly moral behavior and thereby provoke others to spread gossip around you and your numerous partners (partners), this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the City dreaming?

How hail dreams - the bread will be good. Hail from a cloud - annoyance; bad news; a big loss, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpreting the hail from your dream

Tests; warning not to interfere in someone else's business.

Moon dream book by Semenova

What is night vision about?


Modern dream book


Good luck, profit and big harvest; installation of volley fire hail - boredom in the part in which he served.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

To see the hail - your plans will fail; falling - variable danger.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Expect punishment for your mistakes and sins.

Slavic dream book

City of what dreams

Much luck and profit.

Dream interpretation for the whole family E. Danilova

Why is the City dreaming, how to understand?

Fear of difficulties in life.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why is the City dreaming on days of the week?

Falling under the hail in an open place is unexpectedly subject to an unfair and humiliating punishment. Hail striking the window is a sign warning of danger.

Dream interpretation of Calvin Hall

If you see the balls of hail - what is it for?

To fall under a large hail - to be beaten or fall. Hail with rain - temporary worries, in the sun - the situation will improve. Such a dream promises a girl a temporary humiliation, which will end in love in return. Hearing the sound of hail on the roof means getting the same news from different people.

Seeing many small hailstones is a shame. Pure round grains like pearls - to tears. Seeing how hail destroys crops or other plants is to be sure of the failures of your plans. Hail flies through a window or an open door - a variable danger.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream of the City?

Seeing hailstones in a dream is a great success. Imagine that the hail is not only on the street, but also enters your house (through open windows).

Dream interpretation Taylor Joules

Why is the City dreaming, symbolic meaning:

Hail is frozen rain. Add a cold and uncomfortable emotional environment to the meaning of rain. Why the dream is: Was the hail just unpleasant or a serious obstacle? Maybe someone you don't like is pouring hail on you, asking you to do something you don't want to do?

Large modern dream book

Hail - why is the dreamer dreaming?

You seem to have been hit by a hail - the luck that awaits you - these are minor successes; the cannon will fire, and you will put another penny in your pocket. You see hail on a sunny day - a dream promises empty chores, an unsuccessful visit to a government house; another interpretation of the dream: fate will laugh at you.

If a young woman dreams of such a dream, let her be ready to meet true love; everything that she had in her personal life so far is nothing more than fleeting hobbies. You hear the clatter of hailstones on the roof - buddies will demand too much of your attention and seem annoying.

Phoebe's big dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of hiding from the hail

To great luck, wonderful solution of all problems and quick achievement of the goal. Imagine that you are in a field or garden, or looking out of a window at a field or garden. Hail suddenly begins. You hold out your palms and the hailstones fall right into your hands. If you see yourself in the house, then imagine that you open a window and hailstones fly into your house.

Erickson's dream book

If you see hailstones - what is it for?

Since hail is frozen water (see Ice), in a dream it means oppression of our emotions. It may turn out that the danger and harm that these repressed emotions have brought come from external influences, and not from internal experiences.

The city has a role to play in the cycle of nature. There are times when you need to expose your emotions. However, it is not at all necessary to keep your soul wide open all the time.

Emotions associated with spirituality sometimes have to be kept under lock and key, and then the dreamed hail serves as a kind of signal for such an action.

Mythological dream book

Hail - how to understand Sivolik

Grad. Hills are cold and hard, so they are associated with determination and perseverance. If in a dream you managed to hide from the hail, you may be able to overcome a number of difficult obstacles.

Positive value. The dream of the end of the hail foreshadows a positive change in creative life. A dream like this may be a sign of starting a new project or a bold initiative at work.

Negative implications. Being caught in a hail - envy or jealousy are not excluded.

Emotions. Think about how you managed to cope with the hail in your sleep. Was it pleasant for you to touch the ice floes on your face? If so, it probably means that you enjoy taking risks.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Good luck, profit and a big harvest.

The interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

A scandal with tears, but with reconciliation awaits you.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To see in a dream how hail went during a thunderstorm in the summer is a sign of wealth.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see in a dream that a very large hail is coming will bring you great happiness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Why does the City dream of a woman and a man

Experts found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by the specificity and active dynamics of the development of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and for a man, therefore, the city in a dream for both sexes has the same meaning.

The dream that you dreamed on the 28th affects your past, it is a processing and reassessment of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell in any way and does not affect your future. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftermath in the morning. Only those plots that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • what is the dream about
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