Outdoor kitten care 2 months. How to take care of a kitten, useful tips for beginners

How and what to properly feed a kitten at 2 months old? Usually, by the age of two months, the kitten stops sucking on the mother's breast or artificial formula through the nipple. He is accustomed to independently lapping milk from a bowl, and it would be time to introduce complementary foods. And here inexperienced owners are puzzled by the question: what can you feed a kitten at 2 months. The baby was recently weaned from the mother, and therefore, his immunity can quickly begin to weaken. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a food that can replace cat's milk and other mixtures. The transition to solid food should be carried out gradually, otherwise the body will be harmed and the baby will experience stress.

How correctly you feed the kitten at 2 months will determine whether your furry will grow into a large energetic cat, whether the little kitten will become a healthy mother cat. If the kitten does not like the food offered, he will stubbornly refuse it. This is a signal that you need to immediately change the diet and seriously approach the composition of the diet, which will contain foods or feeds containing useful trace elements and vitamins. The main thing is that the food is healthy and the pet likes it.

Immediately you need to decide what you will feed the growing cat. You will have to choose one of three options:

  1. Natural food.
  2. Prepared feed.
  3. Mixed meals.

Nobody can give you a definite answer which option is preferable. Even veterinarians have conflicting opinions on this issue.
Choosing the right option, in any case, you will have to focus on your financial capabilities, free time that you can or not devote to cooking and other moments. An important role in the choice will be played by the breed of a kitten, his taste preferences, health status and even gender.

Natural food

Supporters of natural kitten feeding are of the opinion that only it is safe and beneficial for the baby's health. Therefore, when asked how to feed a kitten at 2 months, they will answer that only homemade food is acceptable for babies. It is important to know that natural products are not food that you yourself eat, but food specially prepared for the cat, made from ingredients useful for her, without chemical additives.


  • The main advantage of such food is obvious - you yourself choose fresh and high-quality products from which you cook. This means you can be sure of the benefits of food for your kitten.
  • Freshly prepared food does not contain any chemicals, therefore it is absolutely safe for an immature organism.
  • The kitten receives a varied diet every day.
  • Natural food does not cause addiction and painful addiction. One product can be easily replaced with another without provoking a stressful state in the pet.


  • Care must be taken to ensure that prohibited foods do not end up in the grocery basket that can harm the digestive system.
  • With simple food, the kitten may not receive the vitamins necessary for health.
  • They need to be purchased separately and added to cat dishes, independently calculating the dosage.

Regardless of which way of feeding you choose for the baby, proteins should be the basis of nutrition - they help "build" the body. Protein-rich foods should make up about 60% of the daily diet. Protein is found in large quantities in meat products and fish.

But in addition to protein products, the kitten's diet should also contain those that contain various trace elements and useful vitamins. In sufficient quantities, the growing body must receive calcium, which helps the teeth to grow and the bone skeleton to develop. A pet can get it from milk and fermented milk products. By learning what to feed a two-month-old kitten and what to exclude from its diet, you can develop a complete diet that includes the necessary natural products.

First of all, a predator kitten in the second month of life should be given lean meat every day - beef, chicken, turkey - ground ready-made or added to broth, necessarily well boiled, of course. No raw meat for a baby!

  • for the development of the skeletal system and teeth, the diet should contain low-fat fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without fruit additives;
  • gradually introduce low-fat curd into the diet, natural, pounded with a small amount of fat-free sour cream, or ready-made purchased for children;
  • cereal and cereal porridges with milk, vegetable and meat broth (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • fresh vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, white cabbage - raw, grated, or added to cereals and boiled in meat broth;
  • lean boiled sea fish without bones - a source of phosphorus;
  • sprouted grass (wheat germ, oats) and brewer's yeast for kittens;
  • half a teaspoon of vegetable oil every 3 days.

What cannot be fed?

What you can not feed kittens at 2 months of age (yes, and in another too):

  • fatty meat - pork, lard, pork fat, goose - a sensitive small stomach will cause indigestion, and the liver will not cope;
  • bones (the kitten can choke on them or damage the esophagus);
  • whole milk (cats have no enzymes to digest milk);
  • protein from a raw egg (the enzyme it contains has a destructive effect on biotin in the body);
  • salted, smoked, peppery and canned foods for people;
  • the skin from chicken meat - it is not digested in the stomach;
  • some vegetables (tomatoes, onions, garlic, eggplant) and fruits (avocados);
  • chocolate (very toxic to cats and can cause their premature death);
  • vitamins and medicines for humans with some exceptions.

Foods to be fed to a minimum:

  • peas and beans (provoke bloating);
  • freshwater fish (leads to infection with helminths, it is better to completely remove from the diet).

Finished feed

The general rule of thumb when feeding a kitten at 2 months of age with ready-to-eat foods is never to mix dry and wet food. They will be digested by the body at different times, and it will be difficult for it to rebuild. If you have been using one type of food for a long time and want to switch to another, you need to do this carefully. Within 8-10 days, gradually accustom the pet to a different type of preparation, introducing it into the diet in small portions and monitoring the reaction of the ward.

If you are combining 2 types of food, then 75% of the daily ration should be dry and 25% wet.


  • High quality feed contains the optimal amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals, no additional supplements are needed.
  • The composition is selected taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of the pet.
  • The kitten will have to chew on dry food, which will stimulate excellent jaw function.
  • Saving time and effort in cooking.
  • Convenient and easy to use. You can take food with you on a trip.
  • The daily feed dosage is indicated on the package.


  • Low-quality economy-class feeds are dangerous for animals with a high content of mineral salts, the accumulation of which in the body leads to urolithiasis. In their manufacture, production wastes (animal fat, feathers, skins, etc.) are used, which clog the food tract. You will have to buy expensive feed.
  • The presence of fats, flavors and preservatives.
  • Feed intake is addictive. It will be possible to wean a kitten from him, if necessary, only by a hunger strike.

If you decide to use ready-made food in your diet, but do not know how to feed your kitten at 2 months, the veterinarian's advice will help you.

Professional breeders and veterinarians recommend buying ready-made feed only from specialized stores or veterinary pharmacies. It should be premium and super premium food that contains all the nutrients that support life. Holistic are considered the best ready-made dry food, the production technology of which preserves the juiciness and freshness of almost unprocessed meat, as well as the maximum benefit of the ingredients. The composition is detailed on the packages. Most importantly, such food labeled "NaturCroq" is suitable for human consumption.

If we talk about specific food for kittens, then breeders often recommend these brands:

Happy cat junior

Super premium dry food in the holistic category, specially designed for small kittens with sensitive stomachs from 5 weeks to 12 months

What is good:

  • the composition includes the most useful meat ingredients (beef, poultry, rabbit meat), as well as an egg and salmon;
  • the texture and size of the food are selected in accordance with the kitten's ability to cope with it;

1st Choice

Super-premium dry food (close in quality to holistic) for babies from 2 to 12 months

What is good:

  • excellent quality;
  • affordable price for the level;
  • balanced selection of a large number of meat and small - plant ingredients;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • a pleasant addition - the inclusion of salmon in the fat (to improve brain activity, maintain heart and eye health).
  • rarely found in stores, it is necessary to place an online order on the Internet;
  • only 1 type has been developed.

Purina proplan

Dry food (option 1) for pets aged 6 weeks-1 year, wet food (2 types) up to 1 year of premium class.

What is good:

  • low cost;
  • availability for direct sale;
  • the opportunity to save money when buying feed by weight;
  • optimal content of nutrients and nutrients.
  • the presence of ingredients of plant origin in large quantities;
  • the possibility of allergies.

Mixed meals

Many experts insist that it is impossible to use both types of feeding at the same time - natural and fodder, explaining their point of view by the fact that a mixed type can lead to diseases of the digestive system and hypervitaminosis. Other veterinarians claim that this type of feeding is ideal for kittens at 2 months of age: by eating natural products, the baby will receive all the necessary trace elements from the finished food.

About the exact dosage of feed, with this method, it is better to consult a veterinarian. It will depend on the pet's health, weight and breed. Some caring owners believe that after 2 weeks, the diet of a two-month-old kitten needs to be changed. Nothing of the kind, if you are still tormented by the question of what to feed a kitten at 2.5 months, the answer is simple: the same as at 2 months.

Feeding rules

  • do not give your pet the entire daily portion at once: he is not yet able to control his appetite (the exception is dry food);
  • food from the refrigerator must be preheated so that it becomes lukewarm;
  • you can store food in the refrigerator for 24 hours, wet food - up to 2 days;
  • add vitamins for cats to natural dishes;
  • the pet should always have a separate bowl full of fresh water, to which he would have 24-hour access, otherwise he will start lapping water from where he has to.

Feeding regimen and rate

How many times a day and what portions to feed a kitten in 2 months? It is important that the kitten does not overeat, but also does not run hungry, otherwise digestive problems will arise. Therefore, at 8-10 weeks, the fluffy needs to be fed often, but in small portions. It is best to divide the daily dose into 5-6 parts. The total weight of the daily portion will be approximately 150 g per 1 kg of the pet's live weight, but it is better to check it with a specialist. Experienced breeders recommend constantly diversifying the diet and drawing it up and a feeding schedule for your pet in advance.

In the case of ready-made feeds, the dosage is always indicated on the packaging, you do not need to calculate it yourself.

The reasons why a newborn kitten was left without a mother-cat can be very different, ranging from a simple abandonment of the offspring and ending with her illness or death. In such cases, the person has to take care of feeding and caring for the baby. These worries can be compared to caring for a newborn baby, so it's important to understand that it won't be easy and simple. At the same time, the most difficult period is the first month of life, since the baby's body is practically not adapted to independent life. The main thing is to arm yourself with patience and useful advice regarding the basic aspects of caring for a newborn kitten.

A cat's milk is able to fully meet the nutritional needs of the offspring during the first 4 weeks of life. But if newborn babies are left without a mother for any reason, you should first of all take care of the correct selection of milk replacer.

Important! To find the right nutrition for newborns, you need to know the composition of cat milk. It has a higher content of fat, vitamins and minerals compared to cow's milk, and the amount of protein in it is almost double. It also contains taurine, an amino acid that the feline body needs to break down fats.

Food selection

If the problem of food selection was caught by surprise, at first you can use mixtures intended for infants, which are diluted with boiled water 1.5-2 times more than the norm specified in the instructions.

Whole cow's milk is not suitable for feeding, since it is practically free of taurine and other vital nutrients, therefore it can cause digestive upset, diarrhea and even death. Nutritionally closer to cat's milk is goat's milk, with the exception of very low levels of taurine. When using goat milk, dilute it with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and add 1 quail egg for every 50 grams of the resulting mixture.

The ideal cat milk replacement option is kitten-specific formulas available from your pet store or veterinary pharmacy. They are as close as possible to the composition of cat milk, enriched with essential amino acids and do not cause digestive upset or allergic reactions, provided they are used correctly. Some manufacturers use packaging in small disposable bags and also pack the mixture with bottles and nipples, which is very convenient for use.

Feeding mode

In addition to choosing the right milk substitute, you need to properly organize the feeding process itself without a cat.

An approximate feeding schedule depending on the age of the kitten is as follows:

  • 1-13 days - after 2-3 hours, regardless of the time of day;
  • 14-24 days - in 2-3 hours during the day, once at night;
  • 25-35 days - 3-4 hours in the afternoon, night feedings are optional.

With an increase in the intervals between feedings, it should be borne in mind that babies are not always able to eat a full portion at one time, so sometimes they have to be fed additionally after another half hour or hour.

It is important to control weight gain in the first 3 weeks of life: the minimum indicator is 5 grams, the optimal one is 10-15 grams per day.

Feeding rules

The best option is to imitate the behavior of the mother cat: pat the baby on the back and forehead before feeding. This can be done with a sterile wipe, mimicking the movement of a cat's tongue to stimulate the sucking reflex and improve digestion. While eating, you can also do light stroking movements and even purr or quietly say something like a cat's rumbling.

Serve the mixture from a small container through the nipple. If the nipple bottle was not sold with the formula, you can purchase one separately at the pet store or use the rubber part of the eyedropper with a hole in it for this purpose.

In some cases, you can use a disposable syringe without a needle, but it is not advisable to do this constantly, because:

  • firstly, there is a great risk of choking and choking;
  • secondly, the sucking reflex is weakened, which is fraught with digestive problems.

It is also important to maintain a certain food temperature: in the first 3-4 days it should be in the range of 36-38 °, and in the following - 30-32 °. Too cold food is fraught with digestive upset and hypothermia, which is unacceptable for newborns.

The feeding procedure is as follows: put the baby with his stomach down on his knees or on the table, but in no case with his stomach up. Next, gently insert the nipple into the mouth, holding it at an angle of 45 ° and shaking it slightly so that he begins to instinctively suck the contents. You need to feed until it sucks. A well-fed baby's tummy is rounded, he does not squeak, but almost immediately falls asleep. When he is full, wipe his face and other soiled areas of the body with a piece of cloth dipped in warm water. After that, you need to give the animal an upright position in order to remove excess air from the stomach from the stomach and to facilitate digestion.

The development of kittens is negatively affected by both underfeeding and overfeeding. The main indicator will be the color of the stool, which should normally be golden brown and dense. Possible deviations:

  • yellow liquid - insignificant overfeeding;
  • greenish - moderate overfeeding;
  • gray - constant overfeeding (it can also be a manifestation of infection, therefore, in such cases, a veterinarian consultation is required).


In the third or fourth week of life, it is already possible to offer milk replacer in a shallow bowl. This time is also suitable for gradual accustoming to solid food. Introducing new products starts with minimal portions (literally the size of a pea) and requires constant stool monitoring. Serve food in a small bowl and leave it in an accessible place. It is also important to ensure free access to water.

As complementary foods, you can give:

  • dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, sour cream);
  • chopped meat, pre-scalded with boiling water (beef or chicken);
  • boiled and chopped vegetables;
  • porridge;
  • ready-made feed with a specialized, age-appropriate composition.

Kittens need to be fed from a bowl several times a day so that they get used to the new diet by 5 weeks of age.

Arrangement of the place

After solving the nutritional problem, it is important to organize a nest for the baby - a safe, warm and dry place that will be protected from drafts. To equip the house itself, you can use a small-sized dense cardboard box or a plastic basin. A waterproof oilcloth, a soft cloth and a disposable diaper are placed on the bottom, which must be changed regularly. The bottom should be soft, but elastic, so that the cat can crawl and not get tangled in rags. The box should be installed in a quiet place and kept in semi-darkness by covering it with a lid or a piece of cloth. You can put a soft toy in it, which will simulate the presence of a cat and additionally provide protection and comfort to the kids.

The cat heats up its cubs, maintaining an optimal temperature regime and protecting them from hypothermia, therefore, first of all, you need to take care of the ambient temperature. In the first week, the temperature in the cat's house should be in the range of 30-33 °, starting from the second week - 27-29 ° and gradually brought to 24 °. It is advisable that one side is slightly cooler so that the kitten can crawl there and avoid overheating. To ensure constant heat, you can use:

  • an infrared lamp (while the distance at which it will be suspended is determined using a thermometer);
  • bottles of warm water or a regular heating pad wrapped in several layers of towels, but they are suitable for emergency heating at first, since they require frequent changes, which creates additional hassle.

It is dangerous to use electric heating pads or heaters for heating!

During the first two weeks (until the opening of the peephole), the kittens will feel comfortable in the twilight, so it is also recommended to feed them in dim lighting.

Care procedures

While the nutrition of newborn babies requires primary attention, there are other functions to keep in mind. Newborns are unable to empty their bladder and bowels on their own. That is why in the first weeks of life, a mother cat constantly licks her offspring. This is necessary not only to maintain hygiene, but also to activate the work of internal organs and systems (intestines, stomach, hematopoiesis) and relax muscles, due to which emptying occurs.

You can do the same with a soft brush or a piece of cotton wool dipped in warm water. Twice a day, you need to wipe the muzzle and the anus area, and after the end of feeding, do a light massage of the tummy and the anus area to stimulate emptying. You should also gently massage your inner thighs near the urethra to induce urination.

When the kitten reaches 4 weeks of age, you can begin to gradually train it to the litter box. To do this, you need to put it there after every meal. To make it easier for him to get in and out of the tray, you can trim one side a little.

It is also important not to forget about caring for the eyes and fur of newborns, since they will be able to wash on their own only closer to the fourth week of life. The eyes begin to open by 6-10 days, and already at the age of two weeks full enlightenment comes.

One should not forget about development, because the mother-cat communicates with her offspring, teaches him survival, the development of hunting instincts and other wisdom. In order for the baby to get used to the person, from about the second week of life, you can often take him in your arms and gradually increase the time spent together. Kittens require very gentle and careful handling as they are very prone to injury. It is especially important to monitor their stay with small children.

At the age of three weeks, they hear and see well, move actively, so this is the right time to play, encourage hunting habits, and suppress unwanted behavior.

Of course, human care for a kitten cannot replace the natural care of a mother-cat. But patience, attention and knowledge of the physiological characteristics of development, combined with boundless love, will help a baby to successfully leave, even if he is left without a cat.

When the touching moment of the appearance of a fluffy lump in the house a couple of months old comes, a huge responsibility immediately falls on the shoulders of its new owners. And those who believe that it is enough to "feed and put to sleep" is enough for the baby.

Caring for a kitten at 2 months is not only providing a roof over your head, food and a cozy place, but also many procedures to maintain your pet's health:

  • development of a diet special for a baby at 2 months;
  • toilet training, tray care;
  • care of teeth, ears and eyes;
  • vaccination;
  • care for claws;
  • the washing up;
  • grooming (especially if the kitten is long-haired);
  • games.

All this must be done so that the kitten in its 2 months is really well-groomed, healthy and feels love from its new family.

The diet

Nutrition for a two-month-old kitten is a powerful guarantee of its energy, activity and overall health.

Therefore, (regardless of breed) it is necessary to feed the baby fully. A well-designed menu is a mandatory inclusion in the pet's diet of the necessary products or really healthy feed, as well as refusal of food that is harmful to the kitten, which can seriously undermine its health.

If the kitten is transferred to natural feeding, food from the master's table should not be offered to him in any case. You will have to cook individually for the pet. Low-fat meat and poultry, dairy products, vegetables, cereals will be very useful (including sprouted ones), sometimes you can offer sea fish (also not fatty).

You should not treat your pet to ocean fish, any bones, whole milk, potatoes and pasta, and also exclude salty, smoked and spicy foods.

A kitten at 2 months should receive food 5-6 times a day. In this case, the food should not be cold or hot, salty. Products should only be fresh.

If feeding a kitten at 2 months is based on ready-made feed, the following conditions must be met:

  • You only need to buy packages marked "for kittens".
  • Food should not be cheap (it does more harm than good) or canned (such food can be given to an adult cat).
  • Ideally - to purchase products from one manufacturer, so that the kitten eats a balanced diet at 2 months.
  • It is forbidden to mix dry and wet food: the digestion of each of them takes a different time, and it will be very difficult for a small stomach to cope.
  • If the "drying" is large, it is better to soften it in water to a mushy state.

Water must always be available, especially when using ready-made dry food. Water is changed once a day for fresh water.

The dishes should also be taken care of. It is necessary to wash it often so that food residues do not dry out in it and do not deteriorate. Ideally, right after the kitten has eaten. Bowls should be stable, heavy (so as not to creep away from the pet while eating).

Toilet training

In a new home, a small kitten may well "be fined" out of habit, and at first this is excusable. But it is better to start accustoming him “to the place” on the very first day.

This requires proper care of the litter box: it must always be clean and large enough for the kitten to sit comfortably in it.

Also, during getting used to the toilet, special sprays will help, thanks to which the kitten will orient itself at 2 months, "where it is possible and where it is not allowed":

  • Teaching (sprinkle directly into the tray).
  • Frightening (apply to those places where the baby had time to "go wrong").

The main thing is not to scold or punish the pet for mistakes at first, and then, feeling the kindness and patience of the person, the kitten, even at its 2 months old, will quickly get used to the tray.

Teeth cleaning

2 months is the age when it is easiest to train a kitten to brush its teeth. The later you start, the more difficult it will be to make your pet endure the execution.

It is enough to take care of your pet's teeth only 1-2 times a month, the rest of the time the kitten cleans off the plaque by itself, chewing on solid food (dry croquettes, chicken or meat cartilages, etc.).

When caring for your teeth, it is better to use special brushes and pastes with an attractive smell and taste of your favorite products for pets, since this greatly facilitates the habituation to the procedure. You can buy everything you need in veterinary pharmacies.

Tip: every time you take care of your teeth, it is better to end with praise and a treat to consolidate the accustoming effect.

Eye cleaning

A healthy kitten's eyes are always wet. But if dry crusts appear in the inner corners, pus is a sign of the disease. Eye care is necessary in this case. The accumulations are removed with a napkin dipped in boric acid or in a solution of furacilin (as prescribed by a veterinarian) from the outside towards the nose.

With normal lacrimation, eye care does not require special products from the pharmacy. It is enough to rinse in the same direction (towards the nose) with ordinary tea leaves or chamomile decoction.

Advice: during the procedure, it is better not to use cotton swabs or discs, since individual villi get into the eyes and cause discomfort, which will make further eye care problematic.

Ear cleaning

It is not necessary to take care of the ears of kittens at 2 months often, since their shells are usually still clean. But checks for the presence of earwax (dark spots) should be done from time to time. Remove dirt as needed with a cotton swab lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly.

When cleaning, do not try to insert the stick deep into the ear, it is enough to remove the available spots. When done properly, almost every kitten tolerates the procedure calmly.... This procedure is not only hygienic, but also an excellent prevention against ear mites. It is necessary to clean it with an individual frequency (as it gets dirty), but on average - once a month.


At the age of two months, it is time for the kitten to get the first vaccination. It is very important not to miss this moment, so as not to knock down the further sequence of vaccinations, because the next vaccination is already at 3 months, then at 12 months. After this, there is a repetition of one time every year throughout the life of the animal.


With claws, you can, in principle, do nothing at all, if not sorry for the furniture upholstery. Otherwise, you will have to wean the pet from the habit of tearing everything up. This can be done in several ways:

  • buy a scratching post, spray it with catnip, which is attractive to these pets, and teach how to use it, smoothly running the paws with extended claws on the coating of the device (often scratching posts are already sold soaked in special compounds to attract the attention of cats);
  • put caps on the claws and monitor the kitten's reaction (whether it will be convenient for him to wear them);
  • cut the claws, cutting the length of no more than 1 mm from the edge, so as not to hurt the kitten.

These measures will be enough to try to keep upholstery and wallpaper from tearing.

the washing up

It is often not necessary to wash your pet, once every 1 or 2 months is enough. For the kitten to get used to the water faster, it is important to provide him with a comfortable wash:

  • lay a rag on the bottom so that the paws do not part;
  • make the water temperature about 38 C;
  • depth - to the middle of the legs;
  • the jet should be thin;
  • be sure to stroke, talk to the pet affectionately (because the first bathing can scare the baby);
  • use a special shampoo for cats and rinse thoroughly.

The basic rule is when washing, do not wet the kitten's head, ears and eyes... After the procedure, wrap the animal in a soft towel and dry the fur, and after that, do not let the wet pet go into drafts.


A shiny and soft coat is an indicator of an animal's health. To make her always look excellent, you will need comprehensive care:

  • balanced diet;
  • keeping the kitten clean (timely washing);
  • and actually caring for the pet's fur coat - combing with special combs and hairbrushes (not human).

To care for the hair of a kitten at 2 months, it is important to comply with all of the above conditions.


A kitten at 2 months should already have its toys, otherwise “forbidden” small items may be used. Sometimes the kid is able to play independently for a long time, but if the owner keeps him company, this will be a double joy for the pet. A fluffy member of the family during such joint games will feel loved and will be much happier than those kittens who are constantly left to themselves.

Taking care of a kitten at 2 months is both pleasure and work, therefore, before starting a pet, you need to correctly weigh all your capabilities and readiness for responsibility.

Both those who already had domestic cats and people who first decided to have a tailed friend need to know how to care for a kitten. This is essentially a child, which means that he has special needs that must be satisfied.

Even before you take a new tenant into the house, you should carefully prepare for his meeting. The kitten needs a lot of things that need to be stocked up in advance.

You will definitely need:

  • cat litter tray and litter;
  • dishes (at least two bowls for food and water);
  • bedding, house or other device where the cat will sleep;
  • toys;
  • scratching post;
  • items for care: combs, slickers (they should be selected based on the breed of the kitten), toothbrushes and toothpastes, clippers, shampoos (taking into account the type and length of wool);
  • food (be sure to think in advance how and what to feed the cat);
  • carrying (even if joint travel is not planned, it will definitely be required for trips to the veterinary clinic).


First of all, a new tenant will need his own individual toilet. You cannot do without this thing in any way, since nobody canceled natural needs.

There are three types of trays on the market today:

  • closed;
  • open with lattice (no filler required);
  • open, intended for filler use.

Closed trays are expensive, but very hygienic. For such a toilet, you will need a special filler, thanks to which there will be no smell in the apartment. These trays are convenient, look good, but are large enough. If the apartment is not very large, then the place may not be found.

Open trays with grates are the most common sources of cat odor. Such a toilet can be purchased only if there is someone at home all the time, since after each trip of the kitten "to the potty", it must be rinsed immediately.

Periodically, this tray should be thoroughly washed and cleaned using chlorine-based disinfectants.

The most popular among cat owners are open trays into which the filler is poured. Today, special fillers of various structures are produced, as a rule, absorbing most of the smell. Such cat litter can be purchased at a very affordable price, which is also important for most cat owners.

For a kitten, you can immediately purchase a large, adult tray. A small animal can easily climb up there through the sides, and it will be possible not to spend money on a small tray, but immediately purchase a toilet, as they say, "for growth."

Toilet filler

Cat litter materials differ in principle of action and material. They can be clumping (liquid, when absorbed, forms a lump) or absorbent (do not change their appearance, but retain moisture and odor).

By material, fillers are:

  • silica gel;
  • woody;
  • made on the basis of paper or grain waste;
  • mineral or clay.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, safety, odor-absorbing and retaining properties. However, the main criterion when choosing a filler should be the preferences of the four-legged toilet owner. The burrowing instinct is present in all cats, and a small pet should have fun digging through its litter box.


The cat's dishes should also have its own, individual. Ideally, there should be three bowls: for water, for dry food, and for wet canned food.

It depends on what diet is intended for the kitten.

It is best to choose bowls for the animal made of glass, ceramics, faience, porcelain, metal. Your pet may not like plastic dishes.

Scratching post

This item must be purchased in advance if you do not want to change the furniture in the apartment later. Claws sharpen all breeds of cats, this is also an instinct.

The kitten tears furniture in the absence of a scratching post not because it wants to annoy the owner. This is both charge and realization of instinct for him. A small animal should be immediately accustomed to a scratching post, show him what to do with it. Many products are already impregnated with special compounds that attract cats.

If you buy an odorless scratching post or make it yourself, then you can spray it with liquid catnip, this will attract the cat to the object.

Care and hygiene items

Pedigree or outbred, but the baby needs care for the coat, teeth, eyes, ears and claws. Only by taking good care of your pet can you keep it healthy.

It is necessary to teach a little pet to hygienic procedures from an early age, as soon as he is in the house, then there will be no problems in the future: the animal will get used to washing, combing, caring for teeth, eyes and ears.

Every cat needs to be washed. Doing this too often is not worth it, since sebum accumulates under the coat, the presence of which is necessary for proper thermoregulation. Some owners wash their pets once a month, others once every three or six months. You need to choose the frequency of washing depending on the length of the coat and the pet's attitude to the bathing process.

The pet should be combed once a week, long-haired kittens can be treated more often. During the molting period, the cat must be combed out daily.

You need to use special combs, preferably with metal teeth or natural bristles. Plastic ones strongly electrify wool.

Most kittens are complacent about the brushing procedure, have fun and run to the person when they see the comb. If tangles appear in a long-haired pet, then they should be carefully untangled with your fingers, trying not to hurt the kitten.

The ear cleaning procedure is carried out monthly. The cat needs to brush its teeth daily. It is necessary to accustom to this from a very early age, otherwise the procedure will cause discomfort to the animal. Regular brushing can help prevent tooth and gum disease that is common in different breeds. Claws should also be trimmed regularly, as needed.


All children love to play - this is a necessary element of education and development. During the game, animals teach their heirs to hunt, take care of themselves, and get food for themselves. The owner will become a mentor for the kitten. Today you can buy a variety of toys for your little pet, but you can make them yourself.

All kids love to chase rubber balls, run after candy wrappers on a string, ruffle soft toys. If the cat does not have any pre-prepared fun, he will find them on his own: absolutely all things left unattended can become a toy. When he drives a gold piece of jewelry deep under the refrigerator, there is no need to be offended, the baby is playing, but he does not understand the value of objects and will not understand in the future.


Carrying is a must for a cat: it is easy to carry it to a veterinary clinic, travel to a country house or to distant countries. It can also become a house for a kitten, where he can comfortably settle down for a night's rest. In this case, he will perceive this object absolutely calmly and will not resist if the owners are going to take it somewhere.


Under normal conditions, breastfeeding lasts about a month, up to 5-6 weeks. After this, the child needs to be transferred to a normal diet, gradually introducing complementary foods. The first teeth appear, and the cat can already consume food on its own.

You should take care of the issue of feeding in advance. Felinologists do not adhere to a single point of view on the issue of diet: you can feed an animal with natural food, but it is not forbidden to purchase industrially manufactured feed.

The only thing that all experts agree on is that it is not worth feeding a cat with food from a human table in any case. Her gastrointestinal tract is not adapted to such food.

In addition, once you have made a decision, you do not need to transfer your pet from natural food to store food and vice versa without much need. From an early age, his digestion is tuned to a certain diet, and by changing it, you can cause serious discomfort to the pet.

If you decide to feed your pet with natural products, then it should be borne in mind that the lion's share of the diet (80%) should be meat products (lean meats, offal). Also, cats can eat eggs, vegetables, milk porridge, cottage cheese.

It is not recommended to give fish, but occasionally you can pamper your pet with boiled fish without bones. With a natural diet, it is recommended to give the animal vitamin and mineral complexes so that its body is provided with all the necessary substances.

Quality industrial feed contains all the necessary compounds. In addition, they are designed taking into account the breeds and individual characteristics of cats, so you can easily find the right food for your kitten.

The basis of the diet should be dry food, once a day you can give the cat canned food. For kittens, special foods have been developed: they contain smaller pieces, and the needs of a growing organism are also taken into account.

Little kittens quickly adapt to the new environment, but this period should be made as easy as possible for your pet. At first, he will miss his mother, look for her, but after a few days he will start exploring the spaciousness of the apartment.

If you do not plan to let the tailed pet into your bed, then it is necessary to accustom him to a house or bedding from the first days.

The animal will choose a place for sleeping, and a house should be put there or a special bedding should be laid.

Moving and leaving mom is stressful for a little animal. At first, he may refuse to eat and drink. You need to teach him gradually, over time he will start to eat normally.

The pet will also choose a place for going to the toilet. He may begin to meow loudly, circling in one place. This happens if the nursery or the breeder has already trained him to use the litter box. Where he has outlined a place for himself, and the pot is placed. Sometimes the kitten can quietly pee in some corner, and the owner simply will not notice it.

In any case, it is almost useless to accustom the kitten to the litter box set in the place chosen by the owner: he will go where he did it for the first time.

In this matter, a person will have to adapt to a small pet. If the cat is not accustomed to the litter box, then he needs to be shown several times what this object is intended for: as soon as the animal begins to "dig" a hole for its affairs, it must be placed in the litter box.

Caring for newborn kittens

If it so happens that you have to take care of the kitten from birth, then you need to take into account several points. A cat can give its child everything it needs, the owner's task is to create comfortable conditions for the woman in labor and her offspring.

Newborn blind kittens should be placed in a warm place, without drafts. Ensure that there is no bright light, loud sounds or other irritants. The rest of the cat will cope by itself. You do not need to take kittens while they are breastfeeding: depending on the nature of the cat, the cat may refuse to feed them further, smelling extraneous odors.

Care features

Gradually, the children grow up, their eyes open, they begin to explore this new world. They really need care and proper care so that they grow up healthy and happy.

Per month

A month-old kitten needs a lot of care: it is weak, helpless and cannot support itself.

If the cat does not have enough milk or the kitten is left without a mother, it must be fed milk food using a syringe without a needle.

You can purchase special formula milk and baby food for kittens. Cow's milk will not be absorbed by their stomachs. A weekly kitten needs to be fed only with special mixtures, and from 1 month you can start feeding. If you are planning a natural diet, then you can gradually train your pet to eat from a bowl, chopping the food as much as possible.

When you plan to feed the cat with ready-made feed, you can slowly introduce dry into the diet, pre-soaking it in water.

In cases where the kitten does not have a mother, then he needs to massage the abdomen to help normal intestinal motility. The cat licks the kitten, massaging the belly, but if the baby has lost his mother, then his digestion must be helped. Such artificial licking procedures should be carried out from birth until the digestive tract starts working on its own.

Rinse your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in water or a special solution daily. In the same period, it is already necessary to train the kitten to the tray.

When a homeless baby appears in the house, then he must be given drugs against worms.

In two months

Nutrition should be continued in the same way as at the age of one month. You can slowly diversify the diet with new products that you plan to feed your pet.

The first one is shown to the two month old kitten. At this age, the first vaccination against the most common viral diseases of cats is given.

Rinse your eyes with furacilin or chamomile decoction, brush your teeth daily, and your ears need to be once a month. Brushing is also required weekly. Claws are clipped as needed.

The first wash can be done at 2 months. You should carefully monitor the temperature of the water, it should not exceed 38 degrees. Bathing the baby should be done carefully so that water does not pour into the ears. Better not to wet your head at all.

At three months

By the age of three months, the kitten is already completely independent, all systems are formed in it. If he is raised correctly, he is able to eat adult food himself, to play, he is accustomed to the tray.

It is necessary to provide him with maintenance: to make the necessary vaccinations, to protect from injury, to feed correctly, to take care of the skin, hair, eyes, ears and claws.

At 3 months, you should continue upbringing, teach the cat to order in the house.

Sterilization or castration is carried out in the period from 8 months to a year, until the instinct of reproduction awakens in the animal.

Kittens without mom

If the kitten is left without a mother, it will have to be fed independently. This will require a special mixture and a bottle with a nipple. After each feeding, as with small children, it is necessary to provoke an eructation in kittens. This is also done: the cat is placed on the shoulder, placing a hand under the tummy, and stroking and rubbing the back.

Feed should be on a schedule: every two or three hours. After reaching two weeks of age, feedings can be arranged less frequently: every three or four hours, and take a break at night (no longer than 6 hours).

To stimulate intestinal peristalsis, the kittens are given a light massage, imitating licking. After lunch, the cat should be held over the litter box, wiping its crotch with a damp cloth (it is better not to use cotton pads, the fibers remain on the fur and skin). Movements should be done carefully, in one direction, so as not to damage the delicate skin.

After the kitten has emptied the bladder and bowels, you should pay attention to the color and consistency of the excrement. The urine should be light yellow.

If it is dark, this indicates a lack of moisture in the baby's body.

The feces should be light brown or yellowish in color, dense in consistency.

If the feces are green, this indicates excess nutrition, white - about serious problems with digestion and absorption of nutrient compounds.

In this case, the baby should be shown to the veterinarian. You also need to see a doctor if the kitten does not defecate at all, and as soon as possible.

Until the age of two weeks, the kitten's thermoregulatory mechanisms do not work, so it should be warmed. The place for the cat must be determined as the warmest in the house, without drafts, in addition, you can use an electric heating pad. Over time, the baby's body will begin to regulate the temperature, and he himself will move closer to or move away from the heating pad.

You can tell if a kitten is cold by touching its ears, paw pads, or sticking a finger in its mouth. If these places are cold, the animal must be immediately warmed: wrapped in a warm dense cloth and pressed against its own body.

Shelter kitten

Kittens from the cattery or shelter are usually taken at the age of two months. To make it easier for the baby to adapt to a new place, you should take a blanket or bedding, where the smell of mother and other kittens remains. For now, a blind kitten can only orientate by smell, and in a new house it will be calmer for him if he can smell familiar smells.

By the time the baby gets to a new home, all the necessary things should be prepared for him: food, dishes, tray, toys. At first, the little beast will require a lot of attention, making itself known with a squeak. At first, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the new tenant. You should introduce him to the new space gradually, just like with the rest of the family. A lot of people, loud noises, a large number of new and strong odors can cause serious stress in the pet.

The kitten is not able to contact other animals for up to two weeks, so if there are still pets in the house, then you need to introduce them to the new inhabitant gradually and only after two weeks of age.

For kittens of different breeds

Some cat breeds require supplementation from a very early age. Scots, both long-haired and short-haired, as well as all cats with long or semi-long hair (Siberian, Persian, Norwegian) require regular brushing and washing.

This is important to prevent the wool from falling into lumps and tangles.

Britons, who have short hair, do not need to comb them often, but simply run their hands wet with water over their fur.
Canadian, Don and other sphinxes do not have hair, so the skin requires additional care. Such cats need to be washed regularly, wipe the skin with special solutions. Be sure to provide the Sphinx with a warm bed.

The question of how to care for a kitten is very important and difficult. Small feline babies require careful care and must be handled correctly. The owner is faced with many questions: how to feed, how to toilet train, how to play, what to buy and how to care?

Newborn kittens are very small and helpless. The mother cat takes care of them: she licks, feeds and warms the babies. In the early days, the kitten feeds on colostrum, which is very important for its immunity.

The first three weeks of life, babies sleep most of the time. They wake up to eat.

The owner should carefully monitor the weight gain: on days 7-9, the weight should become 2 times more. If the necessary addition does not occur, the owner should sound the alarm and check how the baby is feeding. It happens that due to a large litter, a cat does not have enough milk for everyone.

Babies who are not getting enough nutrition have low blood sugar levels, which can lead to freezing. Such kittens are fed by the owners.

To do this, a cat's milk substitute is purchased (a veterinary pharmacy, a pet store or a store at a veterinary clinic will come to the rescue), which are fed through a bottle to babies. If the kitten is overcooled, it is gradually warmed up so that the body temperature rises smoothly.

In parallel, babies are given a glucose solution to maintain vitality.

After a difficult birth, various complications can occur, up to the fact that the cat does not start performing its duties in relation to the babies. For this reason, before giving birth, you should find a good veterinarian who can help and advise.

It happens that kittens become orphans, and the burden of care completely falls on the owner's shoulders at home. Then, for the first two weeks, the babies are bottle fed with milk replacer every 3 hours.

By 3 weeks, the number of feedings is reduced. After eating, using moistened gauze, you need to gently massage the baby's tummy so that he pees. Then the anus is massaged in a circle for the same purpose.

The owner must also observe hygiene, wiping the muzzle and genitals with gauze. After that, you need to wipe the kitten again, but this time with a dry cloth. Keep doors and windows closed.

Caring for a 1 month old kitten

Monthly kittens should not be taken away from their mother and given to a new home. They are completely unprepared for an independent life.

At the age of 1.5 months, the owner should think about providing correct and balanced nutrition for the kittens. Mother's milk is still an important part of the baby's diet, but it is already necessary to introduce complementary foods. The kitten is fed about 4 times a day, giving 2 teaspoons of new food.

1 or 2 times give a fermented milk dish. It can be milk formula for kittens or baby food in jars (curd or kefir).

The remaining two feedings are made up of a pâté or kitten mousse available at the pet store. This wet food is available from Royal Canin, Hill's and Animonda.

If it is not possible to find such food in pet stores, it is replaced with baby canned food consisting of beef, veal or chicken.

You can also make a mousse from these products yourself. Do not try to diversify the diet of babies. If you notice that they eat a certain pate well, give it first. Changing your diet is very stressful for the body.

At this time, the mother cat has already stopped licking the feces of the kittens and the question arises of training the babies to the litter box. The owner purchases a small tray with low sides for the kids.

It is better to remove the mesh from the tray. Wood filler is perfect. Stuffs that are pebbles can be unsafe for kittens as they may eat the pellets.

Until the kitten is accustomed to the litter box, he is in one room, where everything is located nearby: a bed, a litter box, toys, bowls. The tray needs to be located nearby so that the kitten has time to run to the toilet.

The kids begin to repeat after the mother, seeing how she goes to the tray. The owners should help the kittens master the toilet.

As soon as you see that the kitten is perched somewhere on the floor, take it and put it in the tray. Usually babies quickly understand what is wanted from them.

If your toddler makes a puddle or poop elsewhere, take his excrement and take it to the tray. Then bring the kitten and dig in the filler with your paws. Monitor your baby carefully to prevent him from going to the toilet past the litter box. Sometimes it takes several days of vigilant control.

At the age of 1 month and older, we regularly examine the baby's oral cavity, clean the eyes and ears from excessive accumulation of sulfur. If you notice any inflammation in your mouth, see your veterinarian. He will advise on the right medicine.

Caring for a 2 month old kitten

At this age, kittens are transferred to canned food or spiders, designed specifically for the maturing organism.

Of course, later, if necessary, the feed can be changed, but it is better to avoid this. Before purchasing, carefully study the super premium and holistic class foods on the market.

You can choose: Go, Noy, Grandorf, Sanabelle, Guabi Natural, Brit Care, Orijen and other foods belonging to these classes. Economy class food, which is a real poison, should be avoided, since they will "endow" the kitten with a lot of diseases.

You can offer a little dry food at once. If the kitten cannot figure out how to eat it, soak the food in water. Milk must not be used for this purpose!

Slowly reduce the amount of liquid in which you soak the croquettes. If the kids are used to dry food and eat well, after a few days you can leave it freely available in a bowl.

At 2 months, kittens are vaccinated with vaccines against panleukopenia, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and rabies. The kids are already exploring the territory in which they live.

For this reason, it is necessary to make the room completely safe for kittens. The owner continues to examine the baby's eyes, ears and mouth. A new procedure appears - combing. It is necessary to comb the kitten's fur daily for several minutes so that he gets used to the manipulation.

Caring for a kitten from 3 to 6 months of age

With the onset of three months, the kitten is completely ready for an independent life and can move to a new home.

At this age, the number of feedings with wet food and fermented milk products is gradually reduced and eventually reduced to nothing.

The kitten fully eats dry food specially developed for kittens.

There must be a bowl of water next to the food. The kid is not yet accustomed to the fact that he must constantly drink, so the owner's task is to offer water to the baby at least twice a day.

Have noticed that the kitten has eaten dry food - offer water. This should be done until the baby learns to drink some water on his own.

Around this time, the change of teeth begins. Before this process begins, all vaccinations must be done.

During the change of teeth, it is strictly forbidden to put them, since the immunity is working for wear. The kitten is introduced to the bathing procedure for the first time. This must be done before the onset of the change of teeth, but only one month after the last vaccination.

Caring for a kitten from 6 to 9 months old

The kitten completely eats quality dry food or a balanced natural diet.

Puberty usually occurs at this age. This is the moment when you need to think about neutering a cat or cat if they do not participate in the breeding program of the cattery.

The operation is best done before the cat's first heat or before the cat's first spree.

Ask your veterinarian what is the best age to castrate. Basically, the operation is performed on animals from 7 months. In cats, the reproductive system should be fully formed by the time of the operation.

There is a lot of controversy about castration. It excludes further development of diseases in animals. They become calmer, more affectionate, do not constantly suffer from unsatisfied instincts.

Caring for a kitten aged 9 to 12 months

The kitten gradually turns into an adult animal. If he is castrated, then he is transferred to feed with a low content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. From this moment on, only the habits of the animal lend themselves to correction, because the character is already fully formed.

They take care of the kitten like an adult cat: they examine the eyes, ears, trim the claws with a special nail clipper, and comb them as needed.

Required purchases

For the appearance of a kitten in the house, you need to carefully prepare and purchase the items necessary for care and maintenance:

  1. Lounger. You can buy an open soft bed, or you can buy a house where the kitten will feel protected.
  2. Tray. First, a small one with low sides, and then it can be deep or closed.
  3. Filler. For small kittens - woody, as long as they have a habit of eating filler. Then you can pick up silica gel or stone.
  4. Bowls. It is undesirable to buy plastic.
  5. Scratching post. You can buy a separate vertical scratching post or a whole complex with benches and several scratching posts.
  6. Combs. Depending on the breed and quality of wool, metal combs, slickers, gloves with rubber teeth or furminators are bought.
  7. Carrying. There are hard plastic carriers or soft rags on sale.


Feeding natural food is much more difficult than eating quality industrial food. Kittens cannot be fed with food from the table, which people themselves eat. For kittens and subsequently adult cats, prepare separately.

The owner must balance the diet well so that the animal gets all the vitamins it needs. If you decide to feed kittens with natural food, then at first you introduce the same complementary foods as when feeding dry foods.

But at about two months, when they begin to accustom to dry food, together you slowly introduce meat, chopped poultry into the diet. After that, they switch to the dishes of a pre-compiled and calculated menu.

The natural diet consists of: meat, offal, cereals, vegetables, fermented milk and some other products. It is strictly forbidden to feed the kitten with the following products: milk, fish and chicken bones, potatoes, legumes, sweets, sausage, fish, fried, smoked food. Food for cats is not salted.

Hygiene procedures

The first time a kitten is bathed a month after vaccination, but before the change of teeth begins. You can not use violence, be affectionate and gentle with the baby. After the water procedure, wipe the kitten dry and leave to dry in a warm room.

The owner should regularly examine the kitten's eyes, ears, and mouth.

Dirt can be removed with a damp cloth or a special product available from the pet store. The kitten needs to be brushed regularly in order to accustom to this procedure from childhood. In the future, the frequency of brushing will depend on the length of the coat.


Growing up kittens are very mobile and curious. They need a lot of different toys: ringing, squeaking, rolling. Purchase them in advance at the pet store so that the baby does not take a liking to your personal belongings and turn them into their own toys.


At the age of two months, the kitten needs to be vaccinated against fatal diseases. Periodically, the kitten is treated with flea and tick remedies, and also given anthelmintic drugs.

The notes about the procedures go to the veterinary passport, which is usually issued at the veterinary clinic at the first visit. A preventive visit to the veterinarian at regular intervals is recommended to check the health of the kitten.

Caring for a feline baby requires excellent awareness and careful preparation. Before buying a baby, research as many sources as possible in order to be prepared for any difficulties.

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