Nystatinic acid instructions for use. Nicotinic acid injections for osteochondrosis and other diseases

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin medication. Most often, this substance is referred to as vitamin B3 or PP. The therapeutic use of the drug helps to improve metabolic processes, restore normal blood circulation and dramatically reduce the level of lipoproteins, triglycerides and cholesterol. Nicotinic acid plays one of the most important roles in the prevention of a number of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Also, this substance has a strong detoxifying effect. Due to the presence of a number of serious contraindications to the use of the medication, it is necessary to take nicotinic acid only as directed by the attending physician or other medical specialist.

Dosage form

Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid is available in several dosage forms:

  • white crystalline powder without a definite odor with a slightly sour taste;
  • pills;
  • ampoules with a solution for parenteral administration.

Each form of the drug has certain characteristics of therapeutic action, which makes it possible to use nicotinic acid against a wide range of diseases.

Description and composition

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin preparation. The active component of the drug is 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid. The pharmacological action and structure of the substance is comparable to nicotinamide.

Composition for one ampoule:

  • 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid (nicotinic acid) - 10 mg;
  • auxiliary elements: sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.

Composition for one tablet:

  • 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid (nicotinic acid) - 50 mg;
  • auxiliary elements: stearic acid, glucose.

Pharmacological group

Nicotinic or 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid belongs to the group of vitamin metabolism regulators. Most often this substance is called vitamin PP or B3. When it enters the body, nicotinic acid takes the form of nicotinamide, which takes part in the metabolism of proteins and fats, and also promotes tissue respiration and the conversion of glycogen into glucose (glycogenolysis). Taking therapeutic doses of the drug helps to reduce the concentration of low density lipoproteins, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood plasma. In parallel, with the use of nicotinic acid, an increase in high-density lipoproteins is observed. It has an anti-atherosclerotic effect.

This medication effectively eliminates the symptoms and consequences of intoxication of the body (including after excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs).

The agent has a specific protivellargic effect, which consists in replenishing the deficiency of vitamin PP. Also, nicotinic acid helps to improve blood microcirculation in small vessels due to their expansion. It is a weak anticoagulant and reduces the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

After a few days of taking the drug, a significant decrease in blood cholesterol is observed.


Medicinal drugs in which the active ingredient is nicotinic acid have a fairly wide range of therapeutic applications. The substance can be used both as a medicine and for the treatment of a number of pathologies.

for adults

The main indications for which nicotinic acid is prescribed for therapy are the following conditions:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • deficiency of vitamin PP (pellagra);
  • ischemic stroke of the brain;
  • circulatory disorders in the lower extremities;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • various types of poisoning;
  • deterioration in visual perception;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • obesity;
  • ulcers on the legs of a trophic nature.

The prophylactic intake of nicotinic acid has the following goals:

  • a decrease in the likelihood of the formation of oncological tumors;
  • elimination of symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • weight loss by accelerating lipid metabolism;
  • increased brain activity.

for kids

Nicotinic acid tablets can be used as a prophylactic and medicinal agent for children of all ages. However, taking the medication must be accompanied by the supervision of the attending physician due to the lack of reliable information about the safety of use. It is not recommended to use the injection form of the medication.

The spectrum of pathologies in which it is advisable to use nicotinic acid for children coincides with the indications for adult patients.

The use of nicotinic acid during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is recommended with extreme caution and only under the strict supervision of a specialist. The therapeutic use of 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid is justified only when the likely benefit to the woman outweighs the danger.


Despite the rather broad spectrum of medicinal effects, the intake of nicotinic acid is completely contraindicated for some patients. The main conditions in which the use of the drug is prohibited are:

  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach in the acute stage;
  • gout;
  • severe form of arterial hypertension;
  • liver failure and other functional disorders in the liver;
  • hypersensitivity or absolute intolerance to the elements of the composition of the medication;
  • pathologically high concentration of uric acid in blood plasma (hyperuricemia);
  • atherosclerosis in severe form (the use of intravenous injections of nicotinic acid is prohibited).

Caution should be exercised in conditions such as:

  • gastritis with a high level of acidity;
  • glaucoma;
  • hepatitis;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach in remission.

Applications and doses

The dosage and regimen of the therapeutic as well as the prophylactic use of nicotinic acid is determined exclusively by a specialist. For this, it is necessary to know the nature of the pathology and the current state of the patient's body. Self-use of the drug is fraught with aggravation of the disease and increases the risk of complications.

For parenteral injections, use 1%, 2.5% or 5% drug solutions.

Nicotinic acid tablets should be taken after meals with plenty of clean water.

for adults

In the treatment of vitamin PP deficiency (pellagra), intravenous (50 mg) or intramuscular (100 mg) administration of nicotinic acid is recommended 1-2 times a day. The period of therapy can be from ten to fifteen days.

For the treatment of ischemic stroke, the solution is administered intravenously at 100–500 mg.

In all other cases, as well as in the treatment of children under 18, it is recommended to use only the tablet form of the drug.

The prophylactic intake of nicotinic acid tablets for pellagra is 12.5-25 mg per day. Therapeutic dose is 100 mg three or four times a day for 14–20 days.

For the treatment of atherosclerosis, high dosages of the drug are prescribed, ranging from 2000 to 3000 mg per day.

In the case of the prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the use of 500-1000 mg of the drug per day is justified.

For the treatment of other diseases, an individual dosage is calculated.

for kids

Children are allowed to use exclusively the tablet form of nicotinic acid.

The dosage of the drug for other diseases is compiled exclusively by the pediatrician.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Side effects

The most common side effects after consuming niacin are:

  • bowel disorder;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea and seizures;
  • dizziness;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • hypotension;
  • impaired liver function;
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa;
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • feeling of powerlessness (asthenia);
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • increased levels of glucose and uric acid in the blood;
  • arrhythmia;
  • redness and tingling of the skin of the face and neck.

Interaction with other medicinal products

The tool enhances the effects of antihypertensive drugs and anticoagulants.

Nicotinic acid reduces the toxic effects of neomycin.

special instructions

With prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the liver. To reduce the risk of developing ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum, it is recommended to drink nicotinic acid tablets with milk.

Nicotinic acid does not affect the reaction rate, adequate perception of reality and the quality of cognitive functions, therefore, throughout the entire course of use, it is allowed to drive vehicles, engage in dangerous sports and work with precise and unsafe mechanical devices.


With an overdose of nicotinic acid, an increase in side effects is characteristic. If you find negative manifestations after taking a high dose of a medication, contact a medical institution.

Storage conditions

The medication should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Keep children away from the medicine.

Shelf life is 4 years.


The following medications can be used instead of nicotinic acid:

  1. Enduracin contains nicotinic acid as an active component. It is produced in prolonged-release tablets, which are contraindicated for minors, pregnant women and lactating women.
  2. Velman is a vitamin and mineral complex that contains nicotinic acid. It is produced in capsules that can only be drunk by persons over 18 years of age.
  3. Gitagamp is a domestic multivitamin containing nicotinic acid. It is released in capsules that are not allowed for children, patients in position, during lactation.
  4. Pregnakea is a vitamin and mineral complex that is produced in capsules. They are recommended for women who are planning to conceive, who are carrying a child and who are breastfeeding.

Drug price

The average cost of the drug is 39 rubles. Prices range from 11 to 191 rubles.

Name, abbreviations, other names:
Nicotinic acid, niacin, vitamin PP, B3 (b3), b3, pp, E375

Chemical formula: C₆H₅NO₂

Group: water-soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum PP, Acidum nicotinicum ( genus. Acidi nicotinici), Niacin, Nicotinamide

Varieties : In the body, nicotinic acid is converted to the active form - nicotinamide, but their functions differ slightly.

For what (whom) is it useful:

  • For the whole organism: participates in most redox reactions (protein synthesis, energy exchange ...), in the production of new cells, supports the correct functioning of all cells in the body.
  • For the brain: supports the normal functioning of processes such as memory, attention, associative thinking.

A nicotinic acid:

  • For the vascular system: helps in cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol and other fats (even dense deposits and "bad" cholesterol). Prevents the development of vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis.
  • For the circulatory system: helps to neutralize many toxins, toxic substances, as well as lower triglyceride levels (very important for diabetics (type II) and hypertensive patients). Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • For the nervous system: helps in the fight against disorders of the nervous system (migraines, depression, fears, anxiety ...).
  • For skin, nails: PP supports metabolic processes in skin and nail cells, provides tissue respiration.


  • For joints: supports normal metabolism in joints and bone tissue, thereby preventing the development of joint diseases.
  • For diabetics: nicotinamide reduces the required dose of insulin for the body, reduces the likelihood of pancreatic disease, and generally reduces the risk of developing type I diabetes.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For patients with the following diseases: glaucoma, gout, hepatic failure, arterial hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers (without exacerbation), hemorrhage, increased uric acid levels. Receiving PP is possible, but with great care.

Indications for use:

hypovitaminosis B3 (PP), vitamin deficiency, pellagra, disorders of the pancreas, diabetes, sudden weight loss, gastrectomy, enteropathy, diarrhea, fever, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, prolonged stress, colitis, atherosclerosis, frequent migraines, depression, long non-healing wounds and skin ulcers, osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

Lack (deficiency) long-term:

Leads to a serious illness - pellagra (dermatitis, psoriasis, diarrhea, nausea, mucosal lesions (inflammation of the tongue), nervous disorders, reddening of different parts of the skin, dementia, baldness), premature dementia, paralysis, heartburn, burning mouth, increased salivation, arterial pressure.

Deficiency symptoms:

Severe fatigue, lethargy, headaches, insomnia, severe irritability, anxiety and fears, depression and depression, swelling and redness of the tongue and mucous membranes in the mouth, dermatitis, cracked mouth, diarrhea (or, conversely, constipation), dry and pale skin , tachycardia, pain in the arms and legs.


Hypersensitivity and intolerance to PP, fever, gastric and duodenal ulcers (in an acute state), urinary tract diseases, liver diseases, glaucoma, gout, hypotension, children under 2 years of age.

Side effects:

Allergy; redness of the face, dizziness and burning (with intravenous administration), itching, rashes on the body, heartburn, nausea, decreased blood pressure, increased stomach acidity, increased uric acid levels.

The daily requirement for the body:

  • For men - ~ 20 mg. vitamin PP per day
  • For women - ~ 20 mg / day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year old) - ~ 2 - 6 mg / day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years old) - ~ 8 - 10 mg / day.
  • For adolescents (9 to 13 years old) - ~ 12 mg / day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 25 mg / day.
  • For nursing mothers - ~ 25 mg / day.

The norm of the vitamin in the blood:

3.0 - 36 ng / ml.



Overdose symptoms:

Severe redness in the face, neck, shoulders (rush of blood in these areas), diarrhea, nausea, asthenia, dry skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, itching, fainting, arrhythmia, impaired liver function, insomnia.

In children: sepsis (blood poisoning).

Main sources:

Liver, eggs, milk, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, coarse grains or whole grains (buckwheat, oats, barley, rye), legumes (peas, beans), dates, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, herbs (sorrel, mint, parsley ... ).

How long can you take:

Release form:

Tablets, sodium nicotinate solution for injection.

Shelf life:

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - this is the only vitamin that medicine considers not just an additive, but a real medicine, since it is able to treat specific diseases - pellagra, reducing blood cholesterol.

About nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, B3 and niacin

All these names are names for the same substance.

PP refers to water-soluble vitamins, but at the same time it dissolves poorly in water, very poorly in cold, and better in hot. Also poorly soluble in ether and ethanol.

Niacin tolerates high temperatures very well, but does not tolerate exposure to light.

Found in most natural proteins, tryptophan can be a good source of niacin. It is formed in the body just from tryptophan (60 mg. Tryptophan gives 1 mg. Nicotinic acid). Low tryptophan content in a staple food (such as corn) can lead to pellagra. But it is worth remembering that tryptophan, useful for us, is found only in plant proteins. Presence of vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and B2 (riboflavin) is desirable - they will improve synthesis.

Vitamin PP is not very compatible with antihypertensive drugs, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and anticoagulants.

Well complement each other and enhance the therapeutic effect of 3 B vitamins - B1, B2 and B3 (PP). It is also recommended to combine PP with vitamin C, since nicotinic acid provokes its leaching from the body and losses must be replenished immediately.

About nicotinic acid and nicotinamide

This substance is very similar to nicotinic acid, and repeats it in everything: both in action and in functions (though not in all), and according to the indications in which it is used. The only difference from acid is that when administered intravenously, there are no side effects inherent in this acid (they are listed above).

How to take (medicinally)

The drugs are taken both orally and in the form of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.

Usually taken either with meals or after.

Tablets, powders and pills are taken once a day (after meals). In the treatment of serious diseases, the dose is increased and the vitamin is taken 2-4 times a day.

Intramuscularly, it is usually administered once a day (sometimes two).


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Nicotinic acid, known as vitamin PP or niacin, is used to stimulate blood circulation, the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is also indispensable for enhancing brain activity. This vitamin is used to prevent vascular and cardiac pathologies, helps to lower blood levels of substances that clog blood vessels, such as cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglycerin.

Nicotinic acid is a regulator of biochemical processes, participates in the management of oxidative and reduction reactions, and controls tissue respiration.

Daily requirement

Daily requirement for nicotinic acid in men it is 16-27 mg, in women - 15-20 mg.

The need increases with:

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \\ "Moscow polyclinic \\".

  • intense neuropsychic and emotional activity;
  • living in the North;
  • in people whose activities are associated with prolonged exposure to high temperatures;
  • adherence to low-protein diets, as well as in fasting people and vegetarians.
  • Signs of deficiency and overdose

    The lack of vitamin PP in the body can be judged by the following symptoms:

    • roughness of the skin, especially in winter;
    • rashes on the skin, which are bubbles of various sizes that appear on the swollen skin of a dark red color;
    • profuse diarrhea;
    • a burning sensation at the tip of the tongue, swelling and roughness of the tongue;
    • discoloration of the tongue - the organ becomes scarlet or takes on a shiny (comparable to varnished) appearance;
    • the appearance on the oral mucosa of small painless ulcers;
    • swelling of the lips;
    • decreased or lack of appetite;
    • malaise, general weakness;
    • muscle hypotonia;
    • weight loss;
    • emotional disorders (irritability, tearfulness, apathy, etc.);
    • sleep disorder;
    • decreased concentration of attention;
    • slowing down of psychomotor functions;
    • baldness, including complete.

    The following signs indicate an excess of vitamin PP:

    • severe hyperemia of the upper body, especially the face;
    • frequent flushing of the face;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • feeling dizzy;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
    • increased blood glucose levels;
    • change in heart rate;
    • muscle pain, spasms;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
    • development of fatty degeneration of the liver.

    Application in various fields

    In addition to the fact that nicotinic acid is used for the prevention and treatment of certain pathological conditions in traditional medicine, the drug has proven itself well in other areas.

    For example, due to its ability to dilate blood vessels, niacin is of great benefit to hair, namely, it stimulates its growth. To achieve this effect, it is correct to rub the substance into the scalp every day for a month. For the procedure, a preparation is used in the form of an injection solution, which is applied to clean, damp hair. In addition to noticeable hair growth, after a month of using nicotinic acid preparations, the scalp is cleared of dandruff, and the hair roots are strengthened.

    The use of acid for hair is shown in the video

    Nicotinic acid has been successfully used for weight loss. Vitamin helps to speed up metabolism, cleanses blood vessels, corrects cholesterol levels, helps to eliminate toxins and heavy metals. For weight loss, a drug is used in a tablet company.

    The daily dose of nicotinic acid for weight loss is also calculated individually. As a rule, they take 150-250 mg per day.


    After introduction into the body the drug is quickly distributed in tissues... The accumulation takes place mainly in the liver, kidneys and adipose tissue. It can be synthesized by bacteria in the intestine from tryptophan (supplied with food), pyridoxine and riboflavin. Half-life occurs in 45 minutes.

    Excretion is carried out by the kidneys in their original form and in the form of metabolites.

    Release form, composition

    Pharmaceutical companies produce nicotinic acid in 2 dosage forms: tablets and solution.

    • Injection

    additional substances - sodium bicarbonate, distilled water.

    It is sold in transparent glass ampoules (1 ml / 10 mg), 10 pieces in a cardboard box. In addition, the package contains instructions for the use of the drug and an ampoule scarifier.

    The average price per pack is 30-45 rubles.

    • Pills

    The active substance is nicotinic acid;

    additional substances - stearic acid, glucose.

    They are sold in dark glass bottles of 50 tablets (0.05 g) each and in blister blisters of 10 tablets. A bottle or 5 blisters are placed in a cardboard box. Additionally, the package of the drug nicotinic acid contains instructions for use.

    The average price per package is 20-30 rubles.

    Dosage, scheme of application

    Before taking nicotinic acid, you should consult a specialist. Self-medication can be hazardous to health!

    • Pills

    It is taken orally, after a meal, according to the scheme developed by the attending physician.

    With a deficiency of vitamin PP in the body, the drug is prescribed for oral administration after meals, 2 tablets every 8-12 hours. The duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks.

    Unless otherwise indicated, for the treatment of other diseases, adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the daily dose is 6 tablets.

    For circulatory disorders in the brain, vascular spasms, low acidity, neuritis of the facial nerves, etc., the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1-2 tablets 4-5 times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed 30 days.

    • Nicotinic acid injections

    As an antipellagric agent, a solution of nicotinic acid is prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg 2-3 times a day. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

    In the treatment of ischemic stroke, the solution is administered intravenously in a stream at a dosage of 10 mg.

    The maximum single dose for an adult patient is 100 mg, the daily dose is 300 mg.

    In the treatment of Hartnup's disease, 40-200 mg of the drug is administered per day.

    Indications for use

    • osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine;
    • ischemic strokes;
    • circulatory disorders in the brain;
    • tinnitus;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • pellagra;
    • impaired circulation in the limbs;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • diseases of the hepatobiliary region;
    • diabetes mellitus and its complications;
    • obesity;
    • neuritis of the facial nerve;
    • various liver pathologies;
    • alcoholic, drug, chemical intoxication;
    • trophic ulcers of the lower extremities;
    • visual disorders.

    As a prophylactic agent, niacin is used for:

    • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
    • fast breakdown of fats;
    • increase acidity in gastritis;
    • preventing the development of symptoms of hemorrhoids;
    • increasing concentration of attention;
    • improvement of vision /


    The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to nicotinic acid or excipients that are part of a particular dosage form.

    Intravenous administration of the drug is contraindicated in hypertension.

    Do not use nicotinic acid in patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

    special instructions

    Before injecting the drug, a sensitivity test must be performed!

    Nicotinic acid should be taken with caution in patients with glaucoma, hemorrhages, with gout, hyperuricemia, low blood pressure, with a stomach ulcer and / or duodenal ulcer.

    The use of the drug in patients with impaired renal function should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

    Application in children

    Use of nicotinic acid in patients under 10 years of age should be strictly limited.

    Use in pregnant women

    Niacin is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women only in emergency cases.

    Side effects

    Side effects are observed in the patient in the first days of taking the drug and, as a rule, pass on their own, without the need to cancel treatment. Adverse reactions include:

    • hyperemia of the face and upper body;
    • tingling and burning sensation in the face;
    • dizziness;
    • decrease in blood pressure;
    • increased secretion of gastric juice;
    • soreness, redness, and itching at the injection site;
    • diarrhea.


    In order to reduce the risk of overdose, treatment with nicotinic acid should be carried out while taking methionine preparations and lipotropic drugs.

    With the introduction of a significant dose into the body, side effects are greatly enhanced.

    Interaction with other medicines

    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to inform the doctor about all medications that the patient takes!

    Concomitant use of nicotinic acid and antithrombotic drugs or aspirin increases the risk of bleeding.

    Taking vitamin PP together with antihypertensive drugs increases hypotension, with antidiabetic drugs neutralizes the therapeutic properties of the latter.

    Nicotinic acid enhances the effect of antispasmodics.

    The toxic effect of nicotinic acid increases when taken simultaneously with lipid-lowering drugs.

    When nicotinic acid interacts with alpha-blockers, a sharp decrease in blood pressure occurs.

    Nicotinic acid should not be taken simultaneously with euphyllin, tetracycline, hydrocortisone, salicylates.

    Alcohol interaction

    With the interaction of nicotinic acid and alcohol, the vitamin is neutralized. Even small doses of alcohol make vitamin intake useless.

    Storage and dispensing from pharmacies

    The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The medicine is stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees, in a dry room away from direct sunlight. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years. The date of manufacture is indicated on the package.


    Nikoshpan - average price: 150-170 rubles.

    Electrophoresis for osteochondrosis

    with osteochondrosis, electrophoresis with nicotinic acid is prescribed to quickly remove lactic acid from tissues damaged by inflammation. This procedure helps reduce swelling and relieve pain at the site of injury. In addition, due to the increased blood flow that occurs under the influence of vitamin PP, the procedure using the drug ensures the rapid flow of other drugs into the affected area.

    As a rule, electrophoresis using nicotinic acid preparations is performed once a day. The course of therapy is 10-14 days.

    Action in case of intoxication

    Niacin has a positive effect on the body with various intoxications. Under the influence of the active substance, toxic substances, heavy metals and other toxic substances are very quickly removed from the body. Nicotinic acid binds free radicals and "neutralizes" toxic substances, neutralizing their action.

    Niacin is widely used to relieve alcohol intoxication (with a hangover), in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction.


    On the Internet there are a lot of reviews about the drug, most of which are positive. Many note a positive effect on the body, although some could not take it in view of the occurrence of adverse reactions.

    The reviews of cosmetologists and people using niacin to restore skin elasticity or to stimulate hair growth are different.

    Someone notes a quick positive effect, someone does not notice any changes at all.

    Frequently asked Questions

    • Gout

    Nicotinic acid, which is often used to lower cholesterol levels, can cause a gout attack because its breakdown products compete with uric acid for absorption in the kidneys. In this case, the accumulation of uric acid often occurs, and, as a consequence, the development of an attack. Patients suffering from gout are not advised to take more than 50 mg of niacin per day.

    • Nicotinic acid at

    The course of osteochondrosis is often complicated by spasms of blood vessels, which entails an increase in inflammation and swelling of the tissues. Such processes increase damage to bones and cartilage, therefore, complex treatment includes the use of drugs that have a vasodilating effect, including nicotinic acid.

    • Xanthinol nicotinate and nicotinic acid what is the difference?

    Both drugs belong to the group of vasodilator drugs. Xanthinol nicotinate is a drug that combines the effects of nicotinic acid and theophylline. In comparison with xanthinol nicotinic acid, nicotinate has a wider range of indications and contraindications.

    Benefits for the body

    • lowers cholesterol;
    • accelerates metabolic processes;
    • participates in the processing of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
    • dilates blood vessels and thins the blood;
    • reduces inflammation in tissues;
    • improves liver function;
    • stimulates the work of the digestive system;
    • promotes the restoration of hematopoiesis;
    • speeds up the healing process;
    • removes toxins;
    • restores the structure of neurons;
    • normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
    • lowers blood sugar.

    Nicotinic acid is a vitamin, but it is worth remembering that even its uncontrolled use can negatively affect health.

    Nicotinic acid preparations as a treatment or prevention of certain diseases should be taken after agreement with a specialist who will select an individual dosage for each patient.


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    Easy to find in pharmacies

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    1 year ago

    A nicotinic acid

    International Nonproprietary Name

    A nicotinic acid

    Dosage form

    Solution for injection 1%, 1 ml


    1 ml of solution contains

    active substance - nicotinic acid 10 mg,

    excipients:sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.


    Transparent, colorless liquid.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group

    Lipid-lowering drugs. Hypocholesterolemic and hypotriglyceridemic drugs. Nicotinic acid and its derivatives . A nicotinic acid.

    ATXC10AD02 code

    pharmachologic effect


    Nicotinic acid is rapidly absorbed by parenteral administration. It is evenly distributed over organs and tissues. Inactivated mainly by methylation and less by conjugation. It partially biotransforms in the liver with the formation of N-methylnicotinamide, methylpyridonecarboxamides, glucuronide and a complex with glycine. The half-life (T1 / 2) is 45 minutes. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys in an unchanged form and in the form of metabolites. Renal clearance depends on the concentration of nicotinic acid in blood plasma and may decrease with a high concentration in plasma. Pharmacodynamics

    In structure, nicotinic acid is close to nicotinamide. Nicotinic acid and its amide play an essential role in the vital activity of the body: they are prosthetic groups of enzymes - codehydrase I (diphosphopyridine nucleotide - NAD) and codehydrase II (triphosphopyridine nucleotide - NADP), which are hydrogen carriers and carry out redox processes. Codehydrase II is also involved in the transfer of phosphate.

    Nicotinic acid compensates for the deficiency of vitamin PP, has a vasodilating effect. Participates in the regulation of tissue respiration, fat metabolism, reduces the overall level of cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (especially triglycerides).

    Indications for use

      prevention and treatment of pellagra (vitamin deficiency PP)

    As part of complex therapy: vascular spasm of the extremities (obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease), neuritis of the facial nerve, ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation

    Dosage and administration

    Niacin is administered to adults subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously slowly.

    For intravenous jet administration a single dose of the drug is diluted in 10 ml of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, administered in at least 5 minutes (not faster than 2 mg of nicotinic acid in 1 minute).

    For intravenous drip a single dose of the drug is diluted in 100-200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, the injection rate is 30-40 drops per minute.

    Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are painful.

    With pellagra, 1% solution of 1 ml is injected intravenously or intramuscularly, 1-2 times a day for 10-15 days.

    In ischemic cerebrovascular accident, 1 ml of 1% solution is administered intravenously (slowly).

    For other indications appoint subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 10 mg (1 ml) once a day for 10-15 days. It is possible to add to the infusion solution: 10 mg (1 ml) of nicotinic acid per 100-200 ml of the infusion solution.

    Higher doses with intravenous administration: single - 100 mg (10 ml), daily - 300 mg (30 ml).

    Side effects

    Hyperemia of the face and upper body with sensation

    tingling and burning sensations (in patients with hypersensitivity)

    Hives, skin rash, itching

    Dizziness, feeling of rush of blood to the head, headache

    Orthostatic hypotension, collapse (with rapid intravenous administration)

    With long-term use of large doses

    - dry skin, exfoliative dermatitis

      • anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea

        impaired liver function, including fatty liver, jaundice

    • paresthesias

      • hyperuricemia

        hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis

        decreased glucose tolerance


        transient increase in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase,

    lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase

      • irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

    - asthenia

    - soreness at the site of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.


    Hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid

    Severe forms of arterial hypertension

    Atherosclerosis (for intravenous injection)

    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum


    Severe liver dysfunction: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis

    Recent myocardial infarction

    Decompensated diabetes

    Gout and hyperuricemia

    Pregnancy, lactation

    Children under 18 years old

    Drug interactions

    Oral contraceptives and isoniazid reduce the conversion of tryptophan to nicotinic acid and thus may increase the need for nicotinic acid.

    Niacin reduces effectiveness and toxicity barbiturates, anti-tuberculosis drugs, sulfonamides. When combined with sulfonylureas, it can increase blood glucose. Also, nicotinic acid reduces the toxicity of neomycin and prevents its decrease in the concentration of cholesterol and high density lipoproteins.

    Antibioticsmay increase redness caused by nicotinic acid.

    Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the effect of skin redness caused by nicotinic acid.

    Lovastatin, pravastatin due to the increased risk of adverse reactions, it is not recommended to combine with nicotinic acid.

    Care must be taken when combining with antihypertensive drugs (possibly increased hypotensive action), anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid (due to the risk of developing hemorrhages).

    The drug potentiates the action fibrinolytic agents, antispasmodics and cardiac glycosides, the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver.

    Do not mix with thiamine chloride solution (thiamine breaks down).

    special instructions

    Before using the drug, you must consult your doctor.

    Since prolonged use can lead to fatty degeneration of the liver, for the prevention of the latter, methionine-rich foods are included in the diet of patients or methionine, lipoic acid are prescribed. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor liver function. If hypersensitivity to the drug appears (except for cases of use as a vasodilator), it can be replaced with nicotinamide.

    Carefully the drug is used for hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (outside the exacerbation stage).

    The use of the drug can lead to an increase in insulin requirements in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is inappropriate to use for the correction of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetes mellitus.

    It is necessary to regularly monitor glucose due to a possible decrease in glucose tolerance, as well as serum uric acid levels due to a possible increase as a result of prolonged therapy.

    Carefully prescribed for glaucoma, bleeding, arterial hypotension, impaired liver and kidney function, liver disease and a history of liver dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, heart rhythm disturbances, migraine, alcohol abuse.

    Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

    Considering the side effects of the drug, care should be taken when driving vehicles and moving machinery.


    Symptomsincreased side effects from the cardiovascular system - arterial hypotension, headache, possible loss of consciousness, dizziness, sensation of a rush of blood to the head.

    Treatment:drug withdrawal, detoxification therapy, symptomatic treatment. There is no specific antidote.

    Release form and packaging

    1 ml in ampoules of neutral glass for syringe filling, or imported, or sterile ampoules for syringe filling, imported, with a break point or a break ring.

    A label from label paper or writing is glued onto each ampoule.

    5 or 10 ampoules are packed in a blister strip packaging made of a film of polyvinyl chloride and aluminum or imported foil.

    Contour packages are placed in cardboard or corrugated cardboard boxes.

    Approved instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare put in a group package with contour packs. The number of instructions is nested according to the number of boxes or packages.

    Storage conditions

    Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

    Keep out of the reach of children!

    Shelf life

    Do not use after expiration date.

    Pharmacy Vacation Terms

    On prescription


    Marketing Authorization Holder

    Khimpharm JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan

    Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers on the quality of products (goods) in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Khimpharm JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan

    shymkent, st. Rashidova, 81

    Phone number 7252 (561342)

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    Niacin (vitamin B3, vitamin PP, niacin) - description and instructions for use (tablets, injections), which products contain, how to use for weight loss, for hair growth and strengthening, reviews


    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Specialist consultation required!

    A nicotinic acid is a water-soluble vitamin also called niacin, vitamin PP or AT 3. This vitamin ensures the normal course of all redox biochemical reactions in any organs and tissues. And since redox reactions are the basis of the vital activity of any cell, then, accordingly, nicotinic acid is necessary for the normal functioning of any organs and tissues of the body.

    Nicotinic acid deficiency leads to pellagra - the disease, which also bears the figurative name "three D", since its main manifestations are dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia.

    The action of niacin

    Nicotinic acid is the only vitamin that belongs to drugs, since it has the ability to treat any disease. In principle, it is vitamin PP that is the most effective drug that lowers blood cholesterol.

    However, in addition to its therapeutic activity, nicotinic acid has a number of very important biological functions. Thus, nicotinic acid activates enzymes that provide energy in cells from fats and carbohydrates. That is, it is under the influence of vitamin PP that sugars and fats are converted into energy necessary for the vital activity of every cell of any organ or tissue. Accordingly, with a lack of this vitamin, the process of energy production is disrupted, as a result of which the cells of various organs cease to work normally and perform their functions. That is why nicotinic acid supports the normal functioning of all organs and tissues, and is especially important for the heart and blood vessels.

    In addition, niacin activates enzymes that provide the formation of sex hormones in men and women (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone), as well as insulin, cortisone and thyroxine.

    As a medicine, vitamin PP has the following therapeutic effects:

    • Vasodilator;
    • Hypolipidemic (reduces the level of atherogenic lipid fractions in the blood);
    • Hypocholesterolemic (lowers blood cholesterol).
    Due to the above effects, nicotinic acid normalizes the ratio of lipid fractions, the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and also dilates blood vessels, improving microcirculation in various organs and tissues, including the brain. In addition, niacin reduces the tendency to thrombus formation.

    This is why, as a medicine, niacin is the most effective way to control blood cholesterol levels. So, in people who have had myocardial infarction, regular use of niacin increases the percentage and prolongs the survival time much better than any other pharmaceutical drugs.

    In addition, nicotinic acid fights major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as:

    • Elevated levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood;
    • Low blood levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL);
    • High concentration of lipoprotein in the blood;
    • High levels of triglycerides (TG, TAG) in the blood.
    Niacin significantly reduces the risk of developing or worsening the course of cardiovascular diseases associated with the above factors.

    Also, the use of niacin can significantly reduce the dosage of insulin in people with type I diabetes. In addition, with regular use, vitamin PP prevents the development of diabetes, as it protects the cells of the pancreas from damage. According to a study in New Zealand, prophylactic use of nicotinic acid in children aged 5–7 years reduced the incidence of diabetes by half (by 50%).

    In osteoarthritis, niacin reduces the severity of pain and improves the mobility of the affected joints.

    Vitamin PP has a sedative (calming) effect. In addition, nicotinic acid increases the effectiveness of drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, decreased attention, alcoholism and schizophrenia. Under these conditions, the isolated use of nicotinic acid gives a positive therapeutic effect.

    Niacin has excellent detoxification properties, so it is used to remove toxic substances from the body of people who have been exposed to them for some time.

    Regular intake of nicotinic acid helps prevent migraine attacks and ease their course.

    The daily requirement for nicotinic acid and products containing it

    Since there is no depot of nicotinic acid in the human body, this vitamin should be supplied with food daily in amounts necessary to meet the needs of all organs and systems. The daily requirement for vitamin PP for people of different ages is as follows:
    • Children under 1 year old - 6 mg per day;
    • Children 1 - 1.5 years old - 9 mg per day;
    • Children 1.5 - 2 years old - 10 mg per day;
    • Children 3-4 years old - 12 mg per day;
    • Children 5 - 6 years old - 13 mg per day;
    • Children 7 - 10 years old - 15 mg per day;
    • Children 11 to 13 years old - 19 mg per day;
    • Boys 14 - 17 years old - 21 mg per day;
    • Girls 14 - 17 years old - 18 mg per day;
    • Adult women and men over 18 - 20 mg per day;
    • Adult women and men engaged in heavy physical labor - 25 mg per day;
    • Pregnant women and nursing mothers - 20 - 25 mg per day.
    The daily requirement for vitamin PP increases to 25 - 30 mg per day in the following situations:
    • Work related to mental stress (e.g. pilots, surgeons, controllers, etc.);
    • Living in the Far North;
    • Work in a hot climate;
    • Work in hot shops (for example, blast-furnace production, crimping and steel-making shops, etc.);
    • Periods of pregnancy and lactation;
    • Hard physical work;
    • A diet with a low protein content and a predominance of vegetable fats over animals in the diet.
    The largest amounts of nicotinic acid are found in the following foods:
    • White mushroom;
    • Walnut;
    • Yeast;
    • Potatoes;
    • Cayenne pepper;
    • Burdock root ;
    • Chicken meat;
    • Dried apricots;
    • Raspberry leaves;
    • Dandelion leaves;
    • Oatmeal;
    • Peppermint ;
    • Dog-rose fruit ;
    • Sprouts of wheat;
    • Products made from whole grains;
    • Beef liver;
    • A fish;
    • Pork;
    • Sunflower seeds ;
    • Fennel seeds;
    • A heart;
    • Pistachios;
    • Hazelnut;
    • Prunes
    • Champignons;
    • Eggs
    • Barley grits.

    Nicotinic acid (vitamin B 3, vitamin PP, niacin) - regulator of cholesterol in the blood - video

    Nicotinic acid deficiency and overdose symptoms

    Deficiency of nicotinic acid in the body can be complete and incomplete. At the first stage, with an incomplete deficiency of vitamin PP, various non-specific symptoms develop, which are signs of trouble in the body. However, in this case, there is still a small amount of nicotinic acid in the tissues, which ensures the course of vital processes, and therefore there are no specific symptoms and severe disruptions in the work of various organs. At the second stage, when the nicotinic acid present in the tissues is consumed, an absolute vitamin deficiency occurs, which is characterized by the development of a specific disease - pellagra, and a number of severe disorders of the functioning of various organs.

    Incomplete nicotinic acid deficiency manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Lethargy;
    • Apathy;
    • Fatigue
    • Dizziness;
    • Headache;
    • Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • Reducing the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
    With long-term or complete deficiency of vitamin PP, pellagra developsmanifested by the following symptoms:
    • Chronic diarrhea (stool up to 3-5 times a day, having a liquid, watery consistency, but not containing impurities of blood or mucus);
    • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
    • Heartburn and belching;
    • Burning sensation in the mouth;
    • Hypersensitivity of the gums;
    • Salivation;
    • Redness of the mucous membranes;
    • Swelling of the lips;
    • Cracked lips and skin;
    • Multiple skin inflammations;
    • Speaking in the form of red dots papillae of the tongue;
    • Deep cracks in the tongue;
    • Red spots on the skin of the hands, face, neck and elbows;
    • Swelling of the skin (the skin hurts, itches and blisters appear on it);
    • Muscle weakness;
    • Headaches;
    • Feeling of numbness and pain in the limbs;
    • Feeling of crawling "goose bumps";
    • Wobbly gait;
    • High blood pressure;
    • Dementia (dementia);
    • Depression;
    • Ulcers.
    This list lists all possible signs of pellagra, but the most typical and striking manifestations of this disease are dementia (dementia), diarrhea (diarrhea) and dermatitis. If a person has all three signs - diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis in varying degrees of severity, then this clearly indicates a deficiency of vitamin PP, even if the other symptoms listed above are absent.

    With the prolonged intake of very large amounts of nicotinic acid in the body, a person may experience fainting, itching of the skin, heart rhythm disturbances and digestive tract disorders. Excessive intake of vitamin PP does not cause other symptoms of intoxication, since nicotinic acid is low toxic.

    Pellagra (nicotinic acid deficiency) - symptoms and signs, treatment (how to make up for vitamin B 3 deficiency) - video

    Nicotinic acid preparations

    Vitamin PP in drugs is contained in two forms - actually nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Both forms are active components of the drugs, have the same pharmacological activity and similar therapeutic effect. That is why medicines containing both forms of vitamin PP as active substances are usually combined under one general name "nicotinic acid preparations".

    Currently, the following nicotinic acid preparations containing nicotinamide as an active component are available on the pharmaceutical market of the CIS countries:

    • Niacinamide tablets and injection;
    • Nikonacid;
    • Nicotinamide tablets and injection.
    In addition, the following drugs are available in the CIS countries containing nicotinic acid as an active component:
    • Apelagrin;
    • Niacin;
    • Nikoverine (nicotinic acid + papaverine);
    • A nicotinic acid;
    • Nicotinic acid buffus;
    • Nicotinic Acid-Vial;
    • Enduracin.
    Nicotinic acid preparations are available in two pharmaceutical forms - tablets and injection. Accordingly, these drugs can be taken by mouth or injected.

    Nicotinic acid - indications for use

    Nicotinic acid preparations are indicated for use in the following diseases and conditions:
    • Prevention of pellagra and vitamin PP deficiency;
    • Pellagra treatment;
    • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and lower extremities;
    • Chronic arterial insufficiency I - III degree;
    • Hyperlipidemia (elevated blood levels of various types of lipids, for example, triglycerides, cholesterol and others);
    • Spasm of peripheral vessels of various origins (for example, with obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, migraine, cerebrovascular accident, scleroderma, etc.);
    • Complex rehabilitation therapy after stroke and myocardial infarction;
    • Stable and unstable angina;
    • Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
    • People with risk factors for coronary artery disease in combination with hyperlipidemia;
    • Hartnup's disease;
    • Hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting with a tendency to thrombosis);
    • Neuritis of the facial nerve;
    • Intoxication;
    • Long non-healing wounds;
    • Ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes;
    • Frequent or long-term current infectious diseases;
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially gastritis with low acidity);
    • Liver diseases (cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis).

    Nicotinic acid - instructions for use

    Injections (ampoules)

    It is possible to administer nicotinic acid preparations in the form of subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections. Intravenously solutions are injected in a stream, but slowly. For intravenous administration of nicotinic acid, you must contact a medical institution, since only a highly qualified nurse should do such injections. The fact is that intravenous administration of nicotinic acid can provoke severe allergic reactions, which can only be stopped in a medical institution.

    Subcutaneous and intramuscular injection you can do it yourself at home, but you must remember that such injections are very painful. To make an injection, you must first choose the right place. For intramuscular injections, the optimal areas are the upper upper third of the shoulder, the anterior external surface of the thigh, the anterior abdominal wall (for people without excess weight) and the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. For subcutaneous injections, the optimal sites are the forearm and the outer anterior abdominal wall.

    Choosing a place for injection, you need to wipe it with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic (alcohol, chlorhexidine, etc.). Then draw the required amount of solution into the syringe, release a few drops, lifting it up with a needle, and make an injection. After the injection, the injection site must be treated again with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic. For each subsequent injection, it is necessary to choose a new place, departing from the previous injection by 1 - 1.5 cm.

    Intramuscular injection is performed as follows: the needle is inserted deep into the tissue, after which the solution is released by slowly pressing the plunger. Intradermal injection is performed as follows: with two fingers, a small area of \u200b\u200bskin is captured into the fold. Then a needle is inserted into this fold, keeping it almost parallel to the main skin and at the same time perpendicular to the lateral surface of the fold. The needle is inserted until tissue resistance is felt. As soon as the needle begins to go free, the introduction is stopped. After that, slowly pressing on the piston of the syringe, release the solution into the tissue.

    The choice of the method of administration of nicotinic acid is made by the doctor depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the general condition and the required rate of appearance of positive effects. For intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, 1%, 2.5% and 5% solutions of nicotinic acid are used, which are administered 1 to 2 times a day. The amount of solution required for administration is calculated by the amount of nicotinic acid contained therein.

    Dosages and duration of therapy depend on the disease and are as follows:

    • For the treatment of pellagra and symptoms of vitamin PP deficiency, adults are given 50 mg intravenously or 100 mg intramuscularly 1-2 times a day for 10-15 days;
    • In ischemic stroke, a solution of nicotinic acid is injected at 100 - 500 mg intravenously.
    For all other diseases, as well as children, nicotinic acid preparations are used orally in the form of tablets.

    Niacin tablets

    Tablets are recommended to be taken after meals and washed down with cool drinks (water, fruit drinks, compote, etc.). Taking nicotinic acid tablets before meals can cause discomfort, such as a burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, etc. It is advisable to swallow the tablets whole, but if necessary, you can chew or grind.

    The dosage and duration of nicotinic acid use depend on the severity of the condition and the type of disease. The following dosages of tablets are currently recommended for various conditions for people of different ages:

    • For the prevention of pellagra and vitamin PP deficiency - Adults take 12.5 - 25 mg per day, and children - 5 - 25 mg per day;
    • For the treatment of pellagra - Adults take 100 mg 3-4 times a day for 15-20 days. Children take 12.5 - 50 mg 2 - 3 times a day;
    • At atherosclerosis take 2 - 3 g (2000 - 3000 mg) per day, divided into 2 - 4 doses;
    • With hyperlipidemia and impaired fat metabolism start taking with a low dosage and gradually increase it to the necessary. In the first week, take 500 mg once a day. In the absence of side effects in the second week, take 500 mg twice a day. In the third week, bring the dosage to 500 mg 3 times a day and take the tablets for a total of 2.5 to 3 months. Then it is necessary to take a month-long break and, if necessary, again undergo a course of therapy;
    • To increase the concentration of HDL it is necessary to take 1000 mg of niacin per day;
    • In the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease take 500 - 1000 mg per day;
    • For other diseases adults take 20 - 50 mg 2 - 3 times a day, and children - 12.5 - 25 mg 2 - 3 times a day.
    The optimal daily dosage of nicotinic acid tablets for adults is 1.5 - 2 g (1500 - 2000 mg), and the maximum allowable - 6 g (6000 mg).

    The duration of one course of treatment of various diseases with nicotinic acid is on average 2 to 3 months. Such courses of therapy can be repeated, if necessary, maintaining intervals of at least 1 month between them.

    If, for some reason, the treatment was interrupted before the completion of the full course, then you can start taking nicotinic acid again after 5-7 days, but in lower dosages and gradually bring it back to the desired one. In this case, the course of treatment is lengthened only by 5 - 7 days off.

    special instructions

    Nicotinic acid should not be used to correct the concentration of lipid fractions in people with diabetes mellitus, since this is impractical due to its low efficiency. In addition, nicotinic acid should be used with caution for people suffering from stomach diseases, since vitamin PP irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pathology. These people need to take nicotinic acid in half of the recommended therapeutic dosages.

    With prolonged use of nicotinic acid every three months, it is necessary to monitor liver function by determining the levels of lipids, glucose and uric acid, as well as the activity of AcAT, AlAT and alkaline phosphatase in the blood. With a sharp increase in the levels of these indicators above the norm, it is necessary to reduce the dosage. To reduce the possible negative effects of nicotinic acid on the liver, it is necessary to include in the diet foods containing methionine (for example, cottage cheese), or to take drugs with methionine.

    At the initial stage of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of blood glucose and, if necessary, start therapy with small doses, gradually increasing them to therapeutic ones.

    Unfortunately, high and effective doses of niacin can not be taken by all people, as they are poorly tolerated, causing hot flashes, skin redness and gastrointestinal disturbances. In such situations, the maximum dosages are individually selected, which are well tolerated by a person.

    In addition, with prolonged use of nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid can be washed out of the body. Therefore, in order to prevent its deficiency, it is necessary to take vitamin C along with niacin.

    It is also necessary to remember that the use of nicotinic acid in therapeutic dosages can provoke the following negative consequences:

    • Increased acidity of gastric juice with exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
    • Increased blood glucose levels;
    • An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood until the formation of gout;
    • Increased incidence of arrhythmias;
    • Acanthosis (brown spots on the skin);
    • Swelling of the retina, causing blurry and blurred vision.
    These negative symptoms are unstable and after the withdrawal of nicotinic acid disappear quickly, independently and without a trace without any treatment.

    Interaction with other medicinal products

    Nicotinic acid should be used with caution in conjunction with drugs to lower blood pressure, Aspirin and anticoagulants, since the effect of their interaction is difficult to predict.

    Nicotinic acid enhances the effects of cardiac glycosides (Strofantin, Korglikon, etc.), antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Papaverine, etc.), fibrinolytics (Streptokinase, Urokinase, etc.) and alcohol.

    When taken with lipid-lowering drugs, the risk of developing toxic effects on the liver may increase.

    In addition, vitamin PP reduces the severity of the therapeutic effect of antidiabetic drugs.

    Nicotinic acid electrophoresis

    Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. This method allows you to quickly remove lactic acid from tissues affected by the inflammatory process, which in fact causes sharp, excruciating pain and severe swelling.

    When using electrophoresis, nicotinic acid is delivered directly to the affected tissue area, thereby ensuring its action in the place where it is needed. In addition, due to the intake of vitamin PP directly into the affected tissues, the therapeutic effect develops quickly, and relief comes literally after the first procedure. Also, after electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, the flow of other drugs (ingested or injected), oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas of the tissues is facilitated, since vitamin PP improves blood microcirculation. Thanks to these effects, when using electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, the healing and relief of an attack of osteochondrosis is much faster.

    For electrophoresis, a 1% solution of nicotinic acid is used. The procedures are carried out once a day for 10 days. If necessary, a course of electrophoresis with nicotinic acid can be carried out periodically to prevent exacerbations and prevent the progression of osteochondrosis.

    Application in various fields

    Nicotinic acid for hair

    Vitamin PP improves blood microcirculation in the scalp, which increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to the hair follicles. Due to the more intense flow of oxygen and nutrients, the hair under the influence of niacin stops falling out, begins to grow faster and takes on a shiny, beautiful appearance. Vitamin PP eliminates dryness, reduces the number of split ends, maintains normal hair color, preventing the appearance of gray hair. Thus, nicotinic acid has a positive effect on the health and growth rate of hair.

    However, it must be remembered that all these effects of nicotinic acid are not due to its properties, but to the fact that vitamin PP increases blood flow in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair follicles, as a result of which the hair receives more nutrients and vitamins. Accordingly, the effect of using nicotinic acid for hair will be noticeable only if a person eats normally and fully and there are enough vitamins and minerals in his body that the bloodstream can deliver to the hair follicles. If a person does not eat well or suffers from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, then there will be no effect from the use of nicotinic acid for hair, since increased microcirculation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair follicles will not increase the amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to them.

    Hair nicotinic acid can be used in the following ways:

    • Take orally in the form of tablets in courses;
    • Add to various hair care products (masks, shampoos, etc.) in order to enrich them;
    • To apply a solution of nicotinic acid on the scalp in a pure form.
    It is necessary to take nicotinic acid inside to improve the condition of the hair in short courses - 10 - 20 days, 1 tablet (50 mg) per day. Such courses can be repeated, maintaining intervals of 3 - 4 weeks between them.

    It is necessary to add nicotinic acid to home and ready-made hair care products in the form of a 2 - 2.5% solution. For every 100 ml of mask or shampoo add 5-10 drops of nicotinic acid solution and use the ready-made composition immediately. Hair cosmetics enriched with vitamin PP should not be stored, since vitamin PP is rapidly destroyed when oxygen is available.

    The simplest and most effective way to use niacin for hair is by rubbing it into the scalp. For this, ampoules with a 1% solution are used. The ampoules are opened immediately before use, the solution is poured into a small container and gently rubbed into the scalp with gentle massaging movements along the parting. First, the crown and forehead are treated, then the back of the head and temporal regions.

    Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, 1 - 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid solution are needed at a time. It is recommended to rub in nicotinic acid after washing your hair. Some time after applying nicotinic acid to the scalp, you may feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation, which is normal and indicates activation of blood flow. After application, it is not necessary to rinse off the vitamin solution, since it is absorbed into the skin and hair, and has its positive effect.

    For optimal effect, niacin should be rubbed into the scalp every day for a month. After this, you need to take a break for at least 1 month, after which the course of applying vitamin PP can be repeated.

    Nicotinic acid for face

    Since vitamin PP activates blood microcirculation in peripheral tissues, it increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen delivered to the skin, and also accelerates metabolic processes in all its layers. Such an action leads to the fact that under the influence of nicotinic acid, the skin condition improves, since it receives better nutrition, and its structures are constantly maintained in optimal condition due to a good metabolic rate.

    Plastic surgeons in the United States recommend that their patients drink a course of nicotinic acid before surgery, as this shortens the recovery time for the normal skin structure after surgery. In addition, cosmetologists actively recommend taking nicotinic acid to people whose skin is dull, flabby and tired. In principle, any girl or woman can periodically take nicotinic acid to improve the condition of the skin.

    This should be done according to a certain scheme. 10 days before the expected next menstruation, you must start taking nicotinic acid tablets at a dosage of 50 mg per day, and do this before the start of your period. On the first day of menstruation, the intake of nicotinic acid is stopped. Then, nicotinic acid is drunk in the same manner for another two menstrual cycles. The total duration of therapy with vitamin PP tablets is 3 menstrual cycles of 10 days each. Such courses can be repeated periodically, maintaining intervals between them for at least 2 months. In one course of application, bumps on the skin are smoothed out, and acne and post-acne (even old ones) completely disappear.

    Some time after taking nicotinic acid, a slight reddening of the face may appear, which is a normal reaction and is caused by the expansion of blood vessels. Redness will pass quickly. However, precisely because of the effect of facial redness, many cosmetologists do not recommend the use of nicotinic acid, fearing that this will disappoint and scare away customers.

    It is not recommended to apply a solution of nicotinic acid to the skin externally, as this can provoke its severe overdrying and sharp redness with the formation of telangiectasias (spider veins). However, if there is a desire to conduct an experiment, then you can make 3-5 drops of a 1% solution of nicotinic acid in 50 ml of cream and apply the finished composition to the face.

    Nicotinic acid for weight loss

    Nutritionists and doctors consider nicotinic acid an effective tool that accelerates the process of losing weight and makes its tolerance easier. However, you must know that nicotinic acid alone does not contribute to weight loss, it only accelerates the metabolic processes in the human body and improves mood. And therefore, vitamin PP will help to lose weight faster only to those people who follow a diet and exercise.

    Nicotinic acid for the purpose of losing weight should be taken at 20-100 mg per day for 15-20 days at the same time as following the diet. After that, you should stop taking nicotinic acid, but if necessary, the course of its use can be repeated after 1 - 1.5 months.

    Side effects

    Immediately after taking or injecting nicotinic acid, the following transient side effects may occur due to the release of histamine:
    • Redness of the skin of the face and upper half of the body;
    • Tingling and burning sensation in the area of \u200b\u200breddened skin;
    • Feeling of a rush of blood to the head;
    • Lowering blood pressure;
    • Orthostatic hypotension with rapid intravenous administration (pressure drop when moving from a lying position to standing or sitting);
    • Decreased glucose tolerance;
    • Hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels);
    • Increased activity of AsAT, LDH and alkaline phosphatase;
    • Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.


    Nicotinic acid is contraindicated for the following conditions or diseases:
    • Increased individual sensitivity or allergic reactions to drug components;
    • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
    • Severe diseases or impaired liver function;
    • Gout;
    • Hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood);
    • Severe course of hypertension;
    • Severe atherosclerosis (intravenous administration of nicotinic acid solutions is contraindicated).
    Care should be taken when using nicotinic acid for the following diseases and conditions:
    • Gastritis with high acidity;
    • Stage of remission of peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
    • Diabetes;
    • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • Hemorrhages;
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