Vocal Cord Specialist title. Who is a phoniatrist

A unique and amazing phenomenon that a person possesses is the voice. There is not a single individual with the same voice. The central nervous system is responsible for the development of speech abilities, strength and pace. The voice can be loud, bright, dull, choked, pitiful, and so on. Any problems and violations of this indicator, its prevention and correction are dealt with by science called phoniatrics. Many people ask a question about phoniatrist - who is this and what heals?

Origin of phoniatrics

Since ancient times, physicians have tried to diagnose and cure any pathology associated with the vocal apparatus. The first physician who specialized in this area was Avicenna. He described the main diseases of the vocal cords, methods of diagnosis, and further treatment.

But the official year of the emergence of such a medical industry as phoniatrics is considered to be 1855. Manuel Garcia, a music teacher and singer, began using a laryngoscope to examine a person's larynx.

Who is a phoniatrist?

A phoniatrist is an otolaryngologist who diagnoses and treats the human vocal apparatus.

There is an opinion that the help of a specialist is necessary only for persons who are professionally engaged in singing, performing on stage. However, this opinion is erroneous. A specialist consultation is necessary for all persons who daily face increased stress on the vocal apparatus. These are salespeople, educators, lawyers, doctors, dispatchers, and so on.

Phoniatrist: who is it and what treats?

The specialist provides assistance in the following cases:

  1. Any voice changes.
  2. Its temporary or permanent loss.
  3. Hoarseness, shortness of breath.
  4. Loss of voice due to stress.
  5. Pain when swallowing.
  6. Breaking voice in adolescence. Also the youth's tone for children.
  7. Difficulty swallowing, passing food.
  8. Long-term smoking.
  9. Hereditary predisposition.


  1. A phoniatrist is a specialist who selects treatment and therapy regimens associated with a violation of the vocal apparatus.
  2. Tracks the dynamics of therapy, adjusts the treatment.
  3. She is engaged in the rehabilitation of voice functions.
  4. Helps in the rehabilitation of patients after illnesses or surgery.
  5. Conducts disease prevention.
  6. Provide emergency assistance.
  7. Makes an examination of the vocal apparatus with a medical report. This certificate will be needed for applicants who enroll in drama, music or teaching institutions.
  8. The phoniatrist determines the state of the vocal apparatus, notes whether the applicant has an opportunity to study in a music school or vocal studio. A certificate of the absence of contraindications for increased loads is required for submission to music schools and institutes. This certificate gives access to vocal lessons in accordance with physical capabilities, assessment of the patient's health results.

Signs of pathology

There are no nerve endings on the vocal cords. That is why pain is mostly not detected. It is necessary to pay attention to the indirect manifestation of the development of the disease. Clinical manifestations in which a trip to the phoniatrist is necessary are as follows:

  1. Duration of smoking (more than 5 years).
  2. If the patient speaks on a mobile 7 times a day, and the conversation lasts more than 10 minutes.
  3. Frequent heartburn.
  4. If the voice sits down by the end of the day.
  5. During the day, you need to talk for more than 5 hours.
  6. If a person tries to speak loudly, but fails.
  7. Temporary or permanent loss of voice.
  8. If the patient is hoarse or hoarse.
  9. Difficulty swallowing or passing food.

Loss of voice can lead to a period of long-term disability. The children's phoniatrist examines the babies, which is important for the child's proper development. Children, due to their temperament, need counseling because they like to speak loudly, shout, squeak, and be happy.

If the above symptoms are repeated and progressing, this may indicate a pathology in the development of the vocal apparatus. And a phoniatrist is a doctor who will help to cope with this problem.


The phoniatrist interviews the patient, collects anamnesis. For diagnosis, the doctor may suggest several methods:

  1. Laryngoscopy. Examination of the larynx with a mirror.
  2. Video laryngoscopy. Inspection at high magnification using the apparatus.
  3. Video stroboscopy. Examination of the movements of the vocal cords, which helps to determine even micromovements that are invisible to the naked eye.

All methods are completely safe and painless. They help to identify any abnormalities at an early stage of the disease.

A phoniatrist in Moscow is a profession worth being proud of. Indeed, every year the number of diseases of the vocal apparatus increases, new, rare diseases come. And there are really few narrow-profile specialists.

They are opera artists, among them there are many world-class stars. Zinaida Bogolepova, phoniatrist at the Bolshoi Theater polyclinic, told Health Mail.Ru about her rare profession, about her voice health, about stellar patients and even about how to lose weight correctly.

About the profession

- I conducted a small survey and found out: very few people know what the phoniatrist treats. There was also such a version: "It's just that it is more concerned with the throat."
- Of course, otorhinolaryngology is the base. But to consider phoniatry as a narrower direction is incorrect: it is broader. A phoniatrist should know endocrinology, gastroenterology, allergology, pulmonology, neurology, psychology, vocal basics, phonopedics: we work at the intersection of specialties.

Often a person has a whole range of symptoms that at first glance are not related to the voice. And every little thing is important for the voice.

- Why did you choose phoniatrics? Accident, teacher, love of opera?
- I graduated from music school, and from the age of 15 I sang in a professional choir, I wanted to continue. But - it happens - it didn't work out with music, and I went to medical school with a great desire to become a phoniatrist. When you enter the profession with such a spirit and luggage, you understand patients better, burn out less, and get more pleasure from work.

Phoniatrists with long-term practice, whom I have seen, especially at theaters, are artistic people, anxious, worried about artists and do this for a reason. My colleagues ENT, when they find out that a patient is an artist or a singer, they try to show him to me: it is very difficult to understand such a patient without being a phoniatrist. For example, a technique can be saturated with real vocal professional jargon: “And then I took it with my chest,” “Sent a sound into a mask,” “Breathed into the ribs,” and so on. Of course, there are also features of the condition of the larynx in professionals.


- Are there parts in which singers often break their voices?
- Yes, and a lot! For example, theaters began to stage a lot of Weinberg, and vocalists now often deal with problems. Contemporary music is hard to perform: sharp leaps, jerks. Plus intense emotionality - you can't sing such music without it, and the director demands ... Problems arise, as a rule, on two levels - physiological and psycho-emotional. And the vocal apparatus is very tired, and emotions are overflowing.

- Do you have to be on duty behind the scenes, urgently help the artists during the performance?
- There is a phoniatrist at every opera performance at the Bolshoi Theater, we have a duty schedule for a month.

There is a special room in the theater: we hear what is happening on the stage through the audio broadcast.

Usually I'm interested in artists who have recently had problems, or new ones - for example, from a youth program.It is important to understand how a person sings, what problems may arise. The phoniatrist should know what good singing is and what kind of singing can lead to problems. If there are flaws in the singing technique, then with an increase in the vocal load, problems are inevitable. You can hear it by sound and then - at the reception - you can see it by the vocal folds.

- On the folds?
- Yes, they used to be called "ligaments", but "vocal folds" are more correct, as this conglomerate includes ligaments, muscles, and mucous membrane.

- Should a phoniatrist understand physics? In acoustics?
- There are two large centers of otorhinolaryngology in Moscow, and one more is in St. Petersburg, where phoniatric departments have equipment for acoustic analysis of the voice and undergo research. The best specialists in phoniatrics study the acoustic (physical) patterns of the vocal apparatus.

For a practicing phoniatrist, the fundamentals of physics are rather important, the meaning of which is applied. For example, you need to understand the difference in the acoustics of the voices of academic vocalists: in which hall which voice will sound better - that is, it will be more flighty. If an artist has a well-built high singing formant and has a balance with a low formant ...

- Oh, how difficult!
- Simply put, it is the feeling of the head and chest resonator. Professonal will say: “I can't hear the head,” for example. So, if everything is well built, then the voice will "fly" anyway. Due to the good high frequencies, it will pass through the barrage of music from the orchestra pit. And it happens that the voice is strong, "overtone", beautiful and loud, but the high singing formant is not built, and such a singer will be heard by the choir, the conductor, but not the audience. This is because low frequencies make the voice "velvety", beautiful, but it does not "fly" well through the orchestra pit. This is applied physics.


- Does the doctor help to build this formant?
- No, this is the task of the vocal teacher. Different types of vocals have their own tasks and different working conditions. For pop-jazz singing, lower frequencies, "velvet" in the voice, aspiration, melismas and so on are important. Such a voice sounds beneficial, beautiful and sexy into the microphone, which enhances all these nuances. Opera vocals often sound strange into the microphone: you can hear either a sip or a wheeze, but without a microphone, the same vocals beautifully fill a large hall.

- That is, you can't combine pop and opera vocals?
- Few people succeed. More often you have to choose. The muscles are very active in remembering everything - both good and bad. And plus a neural network is formed in the brain. If an artist works in two genres, as soon as he starts to sing, his body asks: "Which road are we going?"

- Of course, Nikolay Baskov comes to mind.
- Old-timers say, and I heard records that he sang the part of Lensky at the Bolshoi Theater in accordance with all the laws of academic vocal. And at concerts he sings his "old" classical repertoire in an academic manner.

If a person has once learned an opera work well, he will be able to sing it again: muscles "remember", but it is more difficult to master a new academic repertoire after the stage.

About practice

- It is difficult for a person who is far from medicine to imagine how a phoniatrist works ...
- The beginning is a classic inspection. Further - indirect laryngoscopy. In 100% of cases, I have to look at the larynx, so the laryngeal mirror is the main tool. After indirect laryngoscopy, it is correct to do video laryngostroboscopy. The patient opens his mouth, stretches out the tongue, a rigid laryngeal endoscope is inserted through the mouth, so that the removing part is above the vocal folds. The picture is a top view. When the stroboscope is turned on, light is supplied with a different frequency: this way you can see the subtlest changes - asynchronous folds, amplitude, mucous wave ...

- Excuse me, but what is the person singing? With this thing in your throat?
- Sings! He stretches out his tongue, we ask him to sing his sound "E" or "I", and at this moment you can see the work of the folds. And if it is a child, then a flexible thin endoscope is inserted through the nose, passes through the nasopharynx and descends into the larynx.


- Can a phoniatrist not cure the voice, but improve it? Handling such requests?
- They do. But if the patient says that he does not like the voice, and there are no phoniatric problems, then it is more likely to see a psychotherapist. But it happens when the voice is not pleasant, because, for example, it is too high.

If a man is approached after 18 years of age, a high pitched voice may be the result of a prolonged mutation (mutational falsetto), when the larynx is not where it should be, or its muscles are misused. Such things are corrected with a good phonopedist. There are also methods of introducing hyaluronic acid into the folds: they thicken. Imagine a string: a thin one makes a high sound, a thick one makes a lower sound. After injections, the timbre becomes lower. But the effect of the drug lasts six months or a year, sometimes one and a half, then a second injection is required. The result depends on the drug, on the use of the vocal folds, on the technique.

- What are the breakthroughs, achievements, methods in phoniatrics now? How do voices save?
- The main breakthroughs are in phonosurgery: growing an artificial larynx from stem cells, but so far this is only research and testing, it is far from practice ... In Russia, phoniatricians are beginning to practice injecting botulinum toxin into the larynx region ...

- In the mass consciousness, Botox is a radical remedy for wrinkles.
- There are diseases in which relaxation of the vocal apparatus does not occur, and botulinum therapy gives good results. These are difficult rare patients who have already traveled around all doctors - from ENT doctors to psychiatrists. Abroad, learn to stabilize them back in the late 80s, in the 90s, our technique appeared in the early 2000s. It was introduced into practice by neurologists. There is a very shortage of scientific research and researchers in the field of phoniatrics who would work in conjunction with medical practitioners. There used to be laboratories for the study of the voice: they studied singers, the work of the diaphragm, took X-rays of the vocal apparatus: for example, at the V. The Gnessins had a laboratory.

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- Does an older singer need to do something to keep his voice?
- The voice must be protected from a young age. Each muscle has a reserve. If it is used incorrectly, overloaded, if a person often catches cold and works in this state, then over the years little will remain of the voice.

But the vocal folds don't work independently of the body. If an artist complains that the voice doesn't sound, I ask: "How do you feel yourself?" A voice is not a box separate from a person.

- Is it true that it is undesirable for opera singers to lose weight?
- I saw how softness of voice, lower singing formant, free upper notes disappear after losing weight. They often lose weight dramatically, but you need to do this with a nutritionist who knows what a person's load is, how to properly distribute calorie intake. When they lose weight, they stop eating fats, and when they keep the fast, they switch to an unbalanced vegetarianism - proteins. But the body needs them: the first place it starts to take them from is muscles. All the work of the vocal apparatus is muscular work. Accordingly, many vegetarians or those who are fasting may have persistent hypotonic dysphonia (no fold tone) - they simply do not close. This is an indicator of the body's resources, and in such cases, infusions have a short-term effect. Plus, it is important for the voice that the serum iron content is normal for the correct formation of hemoglobin. A lack of hemoglobin leads to anemia, and it leads to cell hypoxia, and so problems with the vocal apparatus appear.

- And there are unusual reasons for the "breakdown" of the voice - not SARS, not a breakdown?
- There was a patient to whom the ball hit the neck on a basketball: there was a hemorrhage in the vocal fold.

Once the concertmaster brought a girl - a blond, blue-eyed angel - and she speaks in a "bass". It turned out that she was copying the voice of her older brother, went to hockey with him, supported him and asked to buy her a club. As a result, I "copied" and screamed to the nodes on the vocal folds.

- And a person is not an artist - when he needs the help of a phoniatrist?
- Persistent change in voice - coarsening, puffing, coughing, when the voice after suffering ARVI does not recover in a week, when the voice disappears altogether. Regular voice problems - for example, every 6 months or more.

The appearance of the sounds that we hear and pronounce during a conversation became possible due to the work of the vocal cords located in the human body. When we are sick or overwhelmed, their voice can become hoarse, hoarse, or even disappear. Until the cause of this disorder is eliminated, the ability to speak loudly and clearly will not be restored. Why is this happening and how to deal with it?

Voice apparatus

We are able to make sounds out loud thanks to the work of the muscle-connective structures located in the larynx called the vocal cords. Between themselves they form a small gap.

Its size can vary depending on muscle tension.

In their completely closed position, the ingress of air into the larynx is excluded, so there are no sounds and, accordingly, no voice.

Reasons for violations

The change in the physiological size of the gap between the vocal cords occurs under the influence of external or internal factors. Among the main causes of diseases are:

  • Hypothermia
  • Overvoltage
  • Long-term inhalation of dirty air
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasal and oral cavity
  • Infectious lesion
  • Allergy
  • Getting hurt
  • Development of neoplasms

The abuse of smoking also negatively affects the work of the vocal cords. The listed factors have a direct impact on the health of the muscular-connective structures, from which their normal functioning can be disrupted. If there are microcracks on the ligaments, the risk of secondary infection increases.

Typical diseases

Recently, tumors or various formations that appear on the ligaments have often become the cause of voice problems. It can be:

  1. Granulomas are benign tumors.
  2. Cancer is a malignant tumor.
  3. - benign growths resulting from ligament overload.
  4. Polyps are not dangerous neoplasms, localized in the center of the muscle-connective structures.
  5. Papillomas are wart-like formations caused by the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body.
  6. Cysts are an accumulation of mucus on the surface of ligaments in a thin membrane.
  7. Scars are traces of mechanical damage to the vocal cords.

It develops against the background of psychological trauma, strong emotional experience or overstrain of the ligaments. If they are irritated by an infectious disease, this phenomenon has a name. The most common diseases that complicate the muscle-connective structures of the ligaments are:

  • Flu
  • Rhinitis
  • Pneumonia

Ligament problems can be caused by trauma or burns. Under the influence of a traumatic factor, tissues can swell, a severe sore throat is felt, the swallowing function is impaired, a dry pressing cough develops, and bleeding may open. Sometimes a hematoma is recorded on the muscles as a result of injury. A burn, not only thermal, but also chemical, can also affect the voice.

Often, ligament damage is caused by exposure to an allergen that enters the body through the digestive tract and when taking medications. Depending on the concentration of the incoming factor, aggressive for the immune system, in addition to problems with the voice, breathing difficulties may arise.

Possible forms of inflammation

Depending on the reasons that caused the disorder in the functioning of the vocal cords, several forms of their inflammation are distinguished. Each of them has its own symptoms of manifestation:

  1. Hypetrophic. Usually it is a consequence of the development of a chronic disease. Nodules may form on the ligaments, the voice becomes hoarse.
  2. Atrophic. Caused by atrophy of the laryngeal mucosa. It is accompanied by a dry cough, sometimes coughing occurs with the separation of bloody sputum.
  3. Catarrhal. Develops against the background of infection of the body with influenza. Symptoms include itching and sore throat, coughing.
  4. Diphtheria. It is characterized by the presence of white plaque on the ligaments. Caused by the development of inflammatory processes.
  5. Tuberculous. It is infectious. It is manifested by the development of tuberculous ulcers on the ligaments.

When any of these forms of disorder occurs, there is a loss of sonority in the voice, the appearance of hiss or wheezing in it. During a conversation, one feels the tension that a person has to apply to communicate.

Diagnosis of diseases of the vocal cords

If the problems with the voice have not been resolved in about 2-3 days on their own, then most likely their appearance is based on some disease or disorder in the body.

To establish it and determine the appropriate course of treatment, you should consult a doctor. Make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.

It will be he who will diagnose your ligaments and make a diagnosis. For this, the following are produced:

  • Throat examination with a medical spatula
  • External palpation of the cervical organs
  • Larynx examination using a laryngoscope
  • X-ray examinations
  • Biopsy analysis (if ligamentous lesions are present)
  • Collection and examination of general blood and urine tests

Additionally, the nose and mouth are examined. If necessary, laryngostroboscopy is performed. This is a test that evaluates the vibrations of the vocal cords. After determining the cause of the voice problems, the most appropriate course of treatment is prescribed.

Treatment methods

For the outgoing voice to be correct, the ligaments must be well taut. If any problems arise with their muscles, the first thing to do is to release any tension from them. After that, you should already see a specialist. Treatment can be prescribed in the following areas:

  1. Medication
  2. Physiotherapy
  3. Surgical
  4. Using folk remedies

The choice of the course directly depends on the degree of complexity of the case and the reasons that caused the disorder. Hospitalization of the patient may be required only in case of surgery. In all other situations, treatment is carried out at home.

Drug therapy

The choice of drugs for treatment remains with the doctor. Their appointment is made taking into account the symptoms of the patient:

  • For expectoration with dry cough or sputum release, Fluimicil, Bromhexidine are prescribed.
  • It is used for the treatment of ulcers on the ligaments.
  • To relieve inflammation by inhalation: and Camphor.
  • In chronic laryngitis: aerosol "Bioparox".

In the absence of improvements can be assigned. They are also prescribed when blood secretions or pus are found in the sputum.

If you strictly follow the established dosages and the regimen of administration of drugs prescribed for treatment, then the acute inflammatory process can be overcome within 7 days. With the development of a chronic disease, a temporary improvement in well-being will be achieved.


They are rarely used as an independent type of treatment. Most often, a visit to physiotherapy procedures is prescribed as an additional therapy. With diseases of the vocal cords, they are directed to:

  • Microwave therapy
  • frontal part of the neck

The duration of each procedure and the general course of repetitions are prescribed by the attending physician. When prescribing inhalations, the patient can perform them at home using a nebulizer apparatus or a container (usually a saucepan).

Operative intervention

Operation on the vocal cords is performed in case of complications, malignant tumors, or with established ineffectiveness of drug therapy. For the correct restoration of ligaments after surgery, the patient must follow the rules of rehabilitation:

  1. Be silent for the first day after surgery
  2. Restrict voice mode for a week after surgery
  3. 1-2 hours after coming out of anesthesia, do not eat or drink
  4. Refrain from coughing
  5. Avoid harsh odors, including tobacco
  6. Exclude physical activity during the week
  7. Do not visit saunas, baths, swimming pools for 7 days
  8. Do not eat spicy foods

If the recovery period after the operation was successful, then rather quickly the patient manages to return to his usual life. Sometimes in the postoperative period, medications or physiotherapy can be prescribed to speed up the healing process.

Treatment of pathologies

It is the pathology that cannot be completely cured of. But if you do not take any measures at all, then the risk of complications increases. This will be avoided by injections of botulinum toxin, which are performed directly into the muscles of the ligaments. Their effect causes paralysis of the muscles, which led to involuntary contractions of the ligaments.

The injection is performed through the neck tissue on an outpatient basis. After it, the patient is released home. For a short time after injection, speech may be aspirated.

Traditional methods

For mild vocal cord disorders, home procedures may be sufficient to repair them. Alternative medicine offers:

  • Butter and chicken yolk cocktail
  • Gargle with a decoction of onion peels
  • Inhalation over jacket potatoes
  • Milk and honey cocktail

Resorption of a small piece of sweet chocolate will help to quickly relieve pain and sore throat in the absence of medicines at hand. For all its simplicity and effectiveness, folk recipes require approval from the attending physician before use.


With strict adherence to all medical recommendations, the prognosis for restoring the functionality of the vocal cords is very favorable. To preserve their health, measures should be taken to prevent the development of inflammation, to avoid injuries and the negative impact of environmental factors on the throat.

Untimely elimination of catarrhal processes can cause narrowing of the lumen of the airways and hypoxia, which is fraught with death. Primary foci of inflammation are often localized on the walls of the larynx, but if untreated, the inflammation spreads to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea and vocal cords. Pathological changes lead to hypertrophy of the affected tissues and excessive mucus production in the airways. You can restore the vocal cords with the help of antiseptic, decongestant, antimicrobial or antiviral drugs.

Loss of voice - what is it?

The vocal folds are tissue seals protruding from the mucous membrane of the larynx. Symmetrically located ligaments contain the vocal muscle, which regulates the degree of fold tension and, accordingly, the intensity of the resulting sound. Destructive changes in the state of the mucous membrane of the larynx lead to a decrease in the elasticity of the folds, which contributes to the occurrence of qualitative disturbances in the voice.

Inflammation and swelling of the vocal cords interferes with the normal functioning of the vocal apparatus, as a result of which dysphonia or aphonia develops. When the sound signal passes through the vocal folds, the sound is not amplified, which is due to the insignificant amplitude of their oscillation. Delayed treatment of the vocal cords leads to deep damage to the mucous membranes of the lower respiratory tract, which is fraught with the development of bronchitis, pneumonia and other ENT diseases.

Causes of dysphonia

What to do if vocal cords hurt? First you need to find out the true cause of the pathology. Septic or aseptic inflammation can provoke changes in tissue structure. The most common factors leading to the development of dysphonia include:

hypothermia; inhalation of dry air; chronic sore throat; allergic reactions; overexertion of the voice; smoking; inhalation of corrosive chemicals; infectious diseases.

Intense professional loads of singers, lecturers, teachers, lawyers and public figures lead to overstrain of the ligaments of the throat. Dampness, dry air, hypothermia and stress contribute to the development of pathologies of the vocal apparatus. If the ligaments are very sore, first of all, you need to accurately determine the cause of the problem. Exclusively symptomatic treatment of ENT diseases does not give the desired therapeutic results, which should be taken into account when choosing the direction of therapy.

Clinical picture

Local and general symptoms of inflammation of the ligaments of the throat can differ significantly depending on the cause that provoked the development of the pathology. In this case, the following signs can signal the occurrence of catarrhal processes in the mucous membranes:

perspiration and dryness in the throat; dry and moist cough; hoarseness and nasal voice; discomfort when swallowing; white bloom on the back of the pharynx; general symptoms of intoxication (temperature, weakness).

The appearance of a whitish plaque on the walls of the oropharynx in young children may indicate the development of diphtheria.

With microbial damage to tissues, small nodules are often formed on the ligaments, which reduce the elasticity of the tissues and prevent the resonance of sounds.

General rules of therapy

How to restore throat vocal cords and quickly heal them? The effectiveness of drug and physiotherapy treatment largely depends on compliance with the general rules of therapy. Large loads on the ligaments of the throat prevent tissue regeneration and the restoration of their performance. To speed up your recovery, you need:

to provide rest to the vocal folds - conversations in a whisper prevent excessive stretching of the affected tissues, which contributes to their epithelization; drink more liquid - drinking plenty of fluids speeds up the process of removing toxic substances from the body, which leads to an increase in local immunity; humidify the air - inhalation of moist air allows you to eliminate dryness of the mucous membrane and accelerate the regression of catarrhal processes in the mucous membrane; make inhalations - inhalation with solutions of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action prevents the development of pathological processes and the synthesis of inflammatory mediators gargle - irrigation of the oropharynx with decoctions of medicinal herbs accelerates the regeneration of the ciliated epithelium and, accordingly, the vocal cords.

Medical treatment of ENT diseases should be agreed with a specialist after the patient undergoes differential diagnosis. Catarrhal inflammation of the ligaments of the throat can be associated with the development of many ENT diseases, the therapy of which has significant differences.

Medical help

Instrumental examination of the oropharynx (laryngoscopy) allows you to find out exactly where the inflammation occurred and what factors could contribute to this.

Visual examination and study of the test results helps the specialist to determine the optimal course of therapy.

How are throat ligaments treated? After an accurate diagnosis, the doctor chooses one or more areas of therapy:

steam inhalation; throat irrigation; ultraviolet irradiation; oral medication; electrophoresis with novocaine; surgery.

If the pathology is associated with inflammatory processes directly in the ligaments, it is best to seek the help of a narrow-profile specialist - a phoniatrist. He will prescribe adequate treatment for ENT disease with the use of drugs of symptomatic and etiotropic action.

Pharmacotherapy drugs

Medical treatment of the vocal cords is one of the key components of the complex therapy of otolaryngological diseases. Effective means of pharmacotherapy include drugs with pronounced antiphlogistic, analgesic, antimicrobial, wound healing, analgesic and decongestant properties.

How to quickly restore the performance of the throat ligaments? The conservative treatment regimen for laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and pharyngitis includes the following drugs:

local antibiotics ("Dequalinium", "Timol") - destroy pathogenic bacteria directly in the foci of inflammation, which accelerates the resorption of infiltrates in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx; corticosteroids (Flunisolid, Budesonide) - eliminate catarrhal processes, relieve pain and relieve swelling from the ligaments; immunomodulators ("Timogen", "Tsitovir-3") - stimulate the activity of immune cells, which affects the rate of phagocytosis and destruction of pathogenic flora in the foci of inflammation; systemic antibiotics ("Streptomycin", "Augmentin") - destroy the cellular structures of pathogens, which helps to reduce the number of microbes in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx; tablets for resorption ("Hexaliz", "Septolete") - disinfect mucous membranes and moisturize the throat, thereby accelerating the regression of catarrhal processes; throat irrigation aerosols ("Tantum Verde", "Cameton") - destroy pathogenic flora and form a protective membrane on the surface of the mucous membrane, which prevents the deep penetration of bacteria into the walls of the pharynx.

In case of severe sore throat, it is advisable not to talk for at least 2 days in order to prevent sprains.

Alternative therapy

How to restore vocal folds without the use of medications? It should be noted right away that alternative methods of therapy can be used only as an adjunct to conservative treatment of ENT pathologies. It is impossible to completely eliminate the septic inflammation of the ciliated epithelium by means of decoctions of medicinal herbs and products with anti-inflammatory properties.

Self-treatment of purulent inflammation without taking antibiotics can lead to serious complications. In particular, severe intoxication of the body can cause allergic reactions and edema of the vocal cords, which is fraught not only with dysphonia, but also with suffocation. To relieve symptoms of the disease, you can use:

decoction of onion peels: pour 2 tbsp. l. husks 1 liter of boiling water; after 2 hours, strain the broth and use it for rinsing at least 3-4 times a day; butter and egg yolk mixture: mix 30 g melted butter with 1 egg yolk; take the remedy for 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day; hot beer: heat light unfiltered beer to 38-39 degrees; drink 100 ml of the drink three times a day.

If your throat continues to hurt for a long time, seek the help of a specialist.

Restoration of the vocal cords is a long and laborious process that requires strict adherence to medical recommendations. It is possible to accelerate the regeneration of the affected tissues only in the case of complex therapy, characterized by the use of not only tablets, but also rinsing with inhalation.

Many have faced the fact that once, after hypothermia or a prolonged loud conversation, the voice became hoarse or completely disappeared. And for some it happened completely unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. Why is my voice missing? How to treat the vocal cords to restore the ability to speak fluently? Do I have to see a doctor?

Causes of Voice Problems

The vocal cords are located in the larynx. They consist of muscle and connective tissue, form a gap, the size of which varies depending on the degree of tension in the ligaments. When this gap is closed, the voice is completely absent, since the air flow cannot pass through the larynx.

And the causes of inflammation can be a wide variety of reasons. The most common factors leading to voice loss are:

Hypothermia. Throat problems can occur with local exposure to cold, such as inhaling cold air (especially if breathing through the mouth), drinking cold drinks. But sore throat can also be one symptom of a complex of cold symptoms due to general hypothermia of the body. Overstrain of the vocal cords. It is often found in people who need to talk a lot due to their professional duties: teachers, educators, vocalists. Inhalation of hot or dry air - the throat becomes dry and the sound-generating apparatus is disrupted. Exposure to irritating chemicals. Chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx, regular exposure to dusty or smoky rooms. Viral infection. Allergic reactions. Smoking and alcohol abuse. Neoplasms located on or close to the vocal cords.


Symptoms can vary significantly depending on the cause of the inflammation of the vocal cords. But you can highlight the signs that are present in most cases. Symptoms of diseases of the vocal cords:

Voice has disappeared or hoarseness is pronounced. Sore throat, dryness. Pain when swallowing. Outwardly, the throat looks reddened and sometimes swollen. In some cases, plaque is noticeable (for example, with diphtheria in children). The cough is usually dry, but over time it can turn into a wet one. An increase in overall body temperature is possible. There may be a headache, general weakness. In children, a sore throat can easily lead to difficulty breathing due to swelling.


Even if there are no symptoms other than voice problems, throat ailments cannot be left untreated. If the disease is not cured in time, it can become chronic. Then any treatment will not be as effective as in the early stages, and irreversible changes may occur to the vocal cords themselves.

If there is a slight hoarseness of the voice, treatment can be done at home.

But if he completely disappeared, the disease has not been treated for several days or hoarseness appears periodically, you must definitely seek the help of a specialist.

Medical help

If your voice is hoarse or lost, you should consult an otolaryngologist (ENT). The doctor will first examine the throat, nose, mouth, and cervical lymph nodes and then prescribe treatment. An instrumental examination of the throat (called laryngoscopy) is prescribed by doctors very rarely - only in cases where the treatment lasts a long time, but without apparent success.

Depending on what is the cause of the throat disease and how strongly the vocal cords are inflamed, the specialist can choose several directions of treatment from the following options:

Lubrication of the throat with Lugol's solution. Prescribed if ulcers were found on examination. Inhalation. Tablets or powders for thinning phlegm. Antibacterial drugs (tablets or aerosols). Physiotherapy procedures: electrophoresis with novocaine, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF. Surgical intervention. Most often prescribed by doctors if a neoplasm is present.

If possible, it is better to contact a highly specialized doctor who deals directly with diseases of the vocal cords - a phoniatrist. People who, due to their professional duties, need to talk or sing a lot, need to regularly consult a phoniatrist both for treatment and for the prevention of diseases of the vocal cords.

Drug treatment

Medication has a special place in the methods used to restore the voice. Now there are many drugs that relieve inflammation, swelling of the throat. Here are several groups of drugs that are most often prescribed if the voice is lost:

Throat lozenges and tablets (Faringosept, Falimint). Aerosols (Cameton, Jox). Antiviral drugs. Local antibacterial drugs (Timol, Dequalinium). Antibiotics (Bioparox, Streptomycin). Corticosteroids - for chronic forms.

It is worth remembering that the symptoms of diseases of the vocal cords can be caused by various reasons. Therefore, you should not try to restore your voice with medications or any other means if it suddenly disappeared. Only a doctor can find the cause after a thorough examination.

Home treatment

In cases where hoarseness is present for only a few days, you can try to treat your vocal cords at home. Alternatively, alternative methods can be used as an adjunct to medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. But only after consultation with a specialist!

Warm compresses, gargling with soda solution or decoctions of chamomile and sage will also be helpful. If there is no temperature, you can soar your feet. The following recipes can be used as home remedies:

Boil potatoes. Mint leaves or chamomile are placed on the bottom of the dish, potatoes are poured on top. You need to breathe the steam for about 10 minutes. Take onion husks (2 teaspoons), pour half a liter of boiling water, brew. The broth should be gargled three times daily. Take 2 tablespoons of dried raspberry leaves, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of ginger, pour three cups of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. Drink a couple of spoons before meals. Mix the egg yolk and butter. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Drink moderately hot beer or milk with mineral water.

Occupational ligament diseases

These treatments are not enough for vocalists, educators, teachers. They need to see a doctor if there is even a minor inflammation of the vocal cords. The doctor will write out a sick leave and the patient will have the opportunity to adhere to the voice mode, which will help to fully restore the voice.

For those who talk a lot at work, voice disturbances can be associated with chronic overload and inflammation.

Often, during examination, the so-called singing nodules are found, which requires local treatment with additional drugs (for example, Contraubeks gel) or even surgical intervention. If the treatment does not give an effect or it is not long-term, it may be necessary to stop professional activity.

Outside of exacerbations, phoniatrics recommend adhering to the voice mode, doing special exercises for the voice, avoiding foods and drinks that irritate and dry out the ligaments. With the slightest problems with the throat, you need to allocate at least a day free from professional activities, drink warm milk with butter, vitamins A and E in the form of oil.

To understand when to contact a phoniatrist, it is necessary to clarify the specialization of this doctor. A phoniatrist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats the vocal cords. Phoniatrics is a relatively young and rare specialization. Not every clinic can find a doctor who will deal with the development or restoration of the voice. Most often, patients are referred for treatment to an ENT doctor, despite the fact that the phoniatrist receives an in-depth, narrow specialization.

Reason for seeing a doctor

A phoniatrist is needed in many cases. There are a number of diseases that can deprive a person of their voice. It is advisable to get advice from a narrow specialist in the following cases:

  1. Voice changes have occurred. It seems to others that you have a cold all the time.
  2. You have been smoking for many years and you notice that your voice has become harsher.
  3. It is difficult for you to speak, the voice sounds weak and expressionless.
  4. Loss of voice occurs periodically.
  5. The sound range of chanting has changed.
  6. There is tension in the vocal cords.
  7. Before speaking, there is a need to clear your throat.

For a long time, it was believed that a phoniatrist was a doctor for professional singers. But in fact, there are many pathological conditions leading to loss of voice, and not only singers and artists are affected.

The main diseases treated by a phoniatrist

It is one thing to suspect that a person is sick. The diagnosis is another matter. If a therapist, pediatrician or otolaryngologist has identified one of these diagnoses, then it is worth making an appointment with a phoniatrist:

  • laryngitis (both acute and chronic);
  • violation of the vocal cords ("speech" profession);
  • neoplasms in the larynx (benign or malignant);
  • paresis or paralysis of the vocal cords;
  • laryngeal stenosis (for any disease).

Let us clarify that the "speech" professions that often need a phoniatrist are actors, singers, teachers, lecturers, guides, announcers, politicians. In addition, there are prompters, sales consultants, emergency line operators and many others.

What can a phoniatrist do?

In-depth narrow specialization allows the doctor to choose the most correct treatment regimens. This could be:

  • conservative therapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • operations;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • inhalation;
  • irrigation;
  • herbal medicine and so on.

What diagnostic methods can a phoniatrist use? These are video stroboscopy, palpation of the thyroid gland, X-ray, angiography, laryngoscopy, glottography. In addition to these methods, ultrasound, MRI, and tests can be prescribed.

Do children need phoniatricians?

Small children often cry, catch colds, get sick with laryngitis and laryngotracheitis. This becomes the reason for contacting a pediatrician. Parents simply do not know that an ENT phoniatrist can provide a more qualified consultation.

The phoniatrist is not only addressed to young children. Frequent patients of this specialist are adolescents during puberty. Timely counseling is especially important if the teenager is singing. During the period of voice mutation, a child's phoniatrist should supervise the lessons.

Small detail

For music schools, choral groups, vocal studios, cooperation with a phoniatrist can be very useful, but it is not required. But if a person decides to seriously engage in vocals, then when entering a music school or higher educational institution, a certificate of the absence of contraindications for high vocal loads is required. Such a certificate is given by a phoniatrist.

Emergency help for loss of voice

The first requirement of the phoniatrist, if the voice is gone, is silence. But one cannot always remain silent. In cases where it is impossible to cancel a speech or presentation, the phoniatrist provides emergency assistance. This is irrigation of the larynx with one adrenaline cube. After such a procedure, the voice returns, but not for long. The planned actions need to be completed in 1.5-2 hours (repeated infusion does not work). After the adrenaline infusion, you can't sing and talk a lot for two days.

A milder option for emergency care is calcium chloride intake with milk. Drinking this way helps to quickly cope with the loss of voice.

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