Transcranial micropolarization of the brain in children: indications and contraindications for the procedure. Method of micropolarization of the brain Contraindications to the procedure

The nervous system regulates every process in the human body. Its activity consists of sending, accompanying and returning impulses to various organs and tissues and back to nerve centers. When the circulation of these signals is disturbed, various disorders arise, and micropolarization is one of the methods of their treatment.

The mechanism of the method

The essence of the work of transcranial micropolarization is exposure to constant electric current low intensity (less than 1 mA) on individual structures of the brain. The current is comparable to the body's own impulses, therefore this method is not at all aggressive and is suitable for patients even at a young age. Why is micropolarization of the brain prescribed for children? Indications and contraindications for the procedure and what is the purpose of the treatment?

the main goal - activate the working reserves of the brain and make it work harder and more productively. Exposure to current strengthens the connections between nerve cells and restores normal regulation between them by directed changes in the functional state of neurons.

With systemic (long-term) exposure, stimulation helps restore impaired or inhibited functions of the central nervous system.

There is another type of procedure, the effect of which is directed at the spinal cord. It is called transverbetal, aimed at restoring the motor functions of the body.

Under what violations the procedure is prescribed

The effectiveness of treating children with this method is very high.... It is used for babies who have behavioral disorders, motor dysfunctions, and RRD. Treatment has a significant effect when:

Also, this method can be used as a prophylactic, in order to stimulate the "maturation" of the brain processes. In children with the above diseases, the course of stimulation normalized sleep, evened out the psychoemotional state and eliminated the negative symptoms of hyperactivity.

In victims of craniocerebral trauma, pain decreases, lost functions are restored much faster, and lesions decrease.

Who should not be treated

Despite its safety, this therapy has a number of contraindications:

Severe mental or genetic diseases, mental retardation, Down's syndrome and autism are not contraindications to TCMP, but therapy in such cases is ineffective and not very advisable. But some experts still recommend taking the course micropolarization for even the slightest shift in the positive direction.

Results from therapy

The effect is observed already at the first current stimulation, although the procedure is always prescribed by the course. Relatives of the baby may not notice changes in the behavior or physiology of the child, but they are clearly visible on encephalogram... Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a brain examination to see the result confirmed by the study. The most obvious changes after the first session:

In some cases, this type of therapy is superior to drug treatment. The child becomes more sociable, active, his unreasonable mood swings disappear. Doctors offer systemic micropolarization treatment to fully restore the mental and physical functions of the baby's body.

Features of micropolarization

The procedure may send physiotherapist, neuropathologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or speech therapist... The patient must first undergo a medical examination to determine possible contraindications and fix the initial indicators (so that later you can track the dynamics).

It is often difficult for babies with increased activity to sit out the entire procedure. It is necessary that the parents explain to the child what will happen to him and why these manipulations are carried out, why he must behave calmly and not be afraid. You can come up with some interesting game for him, where, for example, he will be an alien pilot with a bunch of wires on his head. Try it, it will help your kid to spend time without getting bored!

During the session, a cap with electrodes is put on the patient's head, the other side of which is attached to the required area of \u200b\u200bthe head. Stimulation lasts about 40-50 minutes... At this time, it is better not to make sudden movements or move away from the device, this can lead to a change in the position of the electrodes. Often computers are installed in offices next to the apparatus, on which you can watch a movie or play during procedures.

The average course consists of 8-12 procedureswhich are carried out on an outpatient basis. Depending on the result and the general condition of the patient, it is recommended to repeat the therapy after 3-6 months for a more systemic approach and a thorough influence.

Where can I get the procedure

The possibility of treatment depends on the availability of equipment and specially trained personnel in the clinic. There are two centers in Russia that offer this service (the exact addresses can be viewed on the official websites):

For most people, treatment is expensive not only because of the cost of the procedure itself, but also because of the need to travel to another city. The absence of such institutions in other large cities further hinders the development of this treatment method in Russia.


Transcranial micropolarization - an effective method of treating disorders associated with the human nervous system. It combines simplicity, non-invasiveness, precision and selectivity of stimulated areas of the brain. Suitable for treatment at different stages of diseases, absolutely safe for children and adults. But it is worth remembering the indications and contraindications for this type of treatment.

The only drawback (in addition to the availability) of the system is that it does not affect every patient in the same way: some people experience physiological changes, while others increase learning and socialization, but does not affect the root cause of the disease.


The brain and the nervous system as a whole is a complex structure of the human body. Continuous impulses of neurons control the work of all organ systems, human behavior, perform unconscious functions (breathing and digestion), allow us to perceive various sensations (pain, temperature, etc.) and predict actions and actions.

There are a lot of pathologies and diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), they often prevent a person from leading a normal life. Doctors use a variety of methods to treat neurological diseases, from medication and physical therapy to surgery.The technique of micropolarization of the brain is still considered controversial, despite the positive therapeutic effect. What is the procedure? What indications and contraindications does it have?

How transcranial micropolarization works

The essence of micropolarization is to stimulate the affected neurons and restore their normal functioning using a constant current of a minimum frequency. The prefix "micro" denotes a microcurrent, its intensity is approximately 100 µA (for comparison, in other aggressive procedures a current of 1 mA is used). "Polarization" is an electrical process that stimulates the cell membranes of the brain.

In the course of many years of research, scientists have found that a microcurrent of such power has a beneficial effect on brain cells, restores and corrects their functions. The minimum frequency of the current simulates the intensity of natural impulses that arise in the brain every second, which makes the procedure as safe as possible.

There are two types of micropolarization - transcranial (stimulating the brain) and transvertebral (affecting different segments of the spinal cord). Transcranial micropolarization (TCMP) is used to treat children with various neurological disorders.

During the procedure, a special helmet with attached electrodes is put on the child's head. The location of the electrodes is purely individual, it depends on the diagnosis and location of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe brain. The technique makes it possible to systematically and locally (point) impact on a specific area.

Micropolarization of the brain for children helps to fully restore the normal reactions of the nervous system (motor, speech, mental functions) and improves metabolic processes in cells.

During the session, the child can talk, draw, read, watch TV or collect puzzles. The procedure is completely painless and lasts about 1 hour. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor (neuropathologist or psychologist). On average, for a positive result, you need to conduct 2 courses a year, 10 sessions each.

What are the indications for the procedure?

Before starting therapy, the child undergoes a thorough medical examination. In addition, parents should mentally prepare the baby for the upcoming treatment - this will relieve him of unnecessary stress, worries and fear.

Indications for TCMP:

The method is truly universal. It can be used in various fields and for various diagnoses. Treatment is allowed for both children and adults.

Who is prohibited from undergoing treatment?

The nervous system is a rather fragile structure, therefore, various interventions in its functioning must be taken seriously. There are a number of diseases in which the procedure must be abandoned.

Contraindications to TCMP:

  • malignant formations of the brain (oncology);
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious and colds with high fever (in this case, you need to wait for recovery);
  • wounds or unhealed stitches on the scalp;
  • skin pigmentation, rashes, any neoplasms in the places where the electrodes will be attached;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the skull (after injury or surgery);
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the effects of electric current.

Micropolarization is a rather gentle and gentle procedure. That is why in case of severe mental or genetic disorders, it may not give the desired results. In this case, it is more advisable to use more aggressive therapy.

Severe forms of the disease are not a contraindication to treatment, but it must be understood that therapy may be ineffective.

However, if other methods are not effective, doctors use micropolarization - a minimal result is better than no result at all.

Features of TCMP

TCMP causes a lot of controversy and controversy. Electrocution is a shock treatment for many parents. Some people believe that electrodes can literally "fry the brains" of a child, but this is not the case, and the safety of the procedure is fully confirmed.

To date, the technique is not widely used in the world. Until now, the procedure is undergoing various tests and studies, and a complete database of results is formed for each diagnosis.

As for the results of the treatment of children, they are quite satisfactory:

  • after therapy, there is an improvement in memory and thinking;
  • psychological and emotional disorders decrease or completely disappear, sleep is normalized;
  • children become more sociable, active, depressive outlooks on life change to positive emotions, interest in the world around them appears;
  • a positive effect of the treatment of various developmental delays - the child's speech becomes meaningful and clear, motor activity improves (we recommend reading: how is speech delay diagnosed and treated in children 2-3 years old?).

The first results of treatment are observed much earlier than with other types of therapy.

Evidence for children with autism and Down syndrome is conflicting. Scientists have not yet been able to study and identify all the features and details of the functioning of the brain of such patients. In most cases, the effect of TCMP was minimal or absent at all. But the fact is reliably confirmed that the microcurrent did not worsen the condition of any of the patients.

To date, many studies are being carried out related to the work of the central nervous system. New developments and methods of treatment appear every day. One of the newest and most effective methods of treatment today is micropolarization.

Micropolarization is a new, progressive method of treatment that targets specific brain structures through a weak electrical current.

It is worth highlighting that, for example, the current in physiotherapy is no more than 1 μA, which is almost 100 times more than with the method of Transcranial micropolarization.

With this method of treatment, a low-power current (less than 1mA) affects the structures of the brain, which can be brought closer to the electrical processes of the brain.

Transcranial micropolarization of the brain (TCM) improves communication between nerve cells and brain structures, helping to restore their functionality. After completing a course of therapy, signs of functional immaturity decrease, and the ability to learn increases.

This therapy improves the functioning of the brain. After completing the course, the following changes can be highlighted:

  • Improving memory, speech, visual and auditory functions.
  • Effectiveness in the treatment of chronic diseases and injuries.
  • Sleep quality improves;
  • Reducing the severity of neurosis-like syndrome.

Indications for the use of micropolarization

It is believed that micropolarization therapy is only prophylactic, although most often this therapy is used to treat psychological and behavioral disorders in adults and children.

Therefore, there are many diseases and disorders where this method will bring significant effect.

The use of micropolarization can list the following diseases:

  • Cerebral palsy (spastic, cerebellar, hyperkinetic) and other forms of CNS damage.
  • Vascular diseases of the brain;
  • Rehabilitation after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), including neuropsychiatric and psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Violation of the child's speech apparatus;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Rehabilitation after an infectious brain disease, brain surgery.
  • Treatment of visual and auditory pathologies;

It is worth highlighting that this procedure has more possibilities and higher efficiency in the treatment of children. Interestingly, there is no evidence of this effectiveness of treatment in children. Everything is justified on the basis of statistical data.

Childhood disorders that this treatment method works with are:

  • CNS disorders, syndromes (all varieties), brain disorders
  • Delayed child development;
  • Incontinence of urine and feces;
  • Dystrophy;
  • In the brain and improve the condition of the body;


Micropolarization, as a method of treatment, is rarely used today, due to its incomplete standardization, problems with a high scatter of the results of various devices and the lack of the required number of studies. In turn, this method of treatment has nevertheless proved to be effective in the treatment of brain diseases.

Micropolarization has proven to be effective in the treatment of various pathologies, and the following improvements can be seen:

  • Noticeable improvements in cases of mental retardation in a child;
  • Improving the child's social adaptation (increased activity, communication skills)
  • Increased efficiency
  • The psycho-emotional background improves.

Indications and contraindications

Although this therapy technique is considered almost completely safe and painless, in some cases it should be used with caution. With such diseases as: Down's cider, childhood autism, genetic pathologies, therapy may not give any effect.

The course of treatment takes 10-12 procedures on average. The duration of one procedure is 40 minutes on average. The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient. the therapy is repeated after 4-6 months, depending on the effectiveness of the previous course and the person's condition.

Clinical efficacy

It should be noted that the positive results of the method may appear already at the first session. After the end of the course of treatment, the symptoms of other diseases may return, in this case, repeated treatment is prescribed.

The first improvement factor after the session can be seen on the encephalogram. The child begins to feel better, some of the symptoms go away, although at first this may not be noticed.

As we have highlighted earlier, the treatment of pediatric pathologies is most effective.

Therefore, we highlight the following improvements that are noticed in a child:

  • Restoration of mental functions (nervousness disappears, the patient quickly adapts to the environment);
  • Improving mental abilities, improving memory, developing creative thinking;
  • Defects of speech and its various violations (bursting, stuttering) are eliminated;
  • Vision and hearing improve;

It is in children that this method of therapy stands out as the most successful associated with mental disorders.

According to the statistics of improvements in patients, it can be noted that after micropolarization of the brain:

  • The number of operations with intracerebral hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke) is reduced by 2 times, with head injuries - by 1.5 times.
  • Treatment of speech disorders 2-3 times faster
  • Recovery after a stroke is more intense, regression is 3 times faster.
  • Visual acuity increases 2-3 times;

Possible contraindications

Despite the fact that therapy with micropolarization is painless and is considered a fairly safe procedure, there are still a number of contraindications when using this method.


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