What herbs are used for herpes? Treatment of herpes with folk remedies, description of methods Herpes folk methods.

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies is an inextricable combination of several main points: strengthening immunity, eliminating external manifestations, establishing metabolic processes and applying a strict diet with the use of products that help get rid of pathology. The harmonious use of all the components of this method is, the treatment of herpes is easy to implement.

It has long been noticed that people who have latent anger, hatred, frequent stressful situations, family conflicts get sick with complications of this virus. In folk methods with a sedative effect, relaxation methods that help regulate hormonal levels. The virus lives in 95% of the population, but in some people it manifests itself terribly and for a long time, while in others it is peacefully dormant, sometimes giving out minor symptoms. Traditional medicine is that universal set that is able to lull a dangerous virus.

The traditional view of modern medicine on herpes in all countries of the world is approximately the same. By definition, this is the most common disease of infectious etiology, the causative agent of which is HSV (herpes simplex virus). Usually, only 5% of cases are affected by its clinical consequences. But the family to which he belongs can cause life-threatening, recurrent diseases and even transplacental infections leading to congenital malformations.

Herpes virus under a microscope.

Herpes simplex, which damages the skin on the lips with seemingly harmless vesicles, is capable of affecting any mucous membrane, sometimes manifesting itself in the form of multiple rashes on the face, which may even be. Even herpes simplex can be of two types. However, it can affect not only the face and mouth, but also the genitals. Immediately after entering the blood of a person, it migrates to sensitive nerve endings, where it is located for life, only sometimes manifesting itself in the form of rashes. Alternative treatment for herpes is one of its goals and puts the virus in a dormant state.

There can be any number of reasons why the virus is activated, but among the most obvious so far, 3 have been identified - overheating, hypothermia, severe stress. All this is just a statement of the obvious reasons for the disruption of the body's immune system, which, in a weakened form, is not able to keep the dangerous symbiote in a dormant state.

How to avoid the manifestations of herpes?

It is quite difficult to get rid of the rashes that have already appeared, therefore the most effective means of fighting the virus is its prevention. Knowing that there is a dangerous virus in the body, a person does not have to take antiviral drugs. It is quite enough to establish proper nutrition, strengthen immunity, get rid of chronic diseases.

These are typical folk remedies for herpes: any pathology should be treated from the inside, setting up a complex system of interactions, which is the human body. Imbalance and disharmony not only make the system vulnerable to internal failures, but also become the cause of its external manifestations. With herpes, this is no less relevant than with any other disease.

External manifestation of herpes

For the prevention of manifestations of viral infection by folk methods at home, 2 harmless herbal preparations are recommended: infusions of lemon balm (lemon mint) and rose hips. The first should be drunk every 3 weeks for the fourth for 7 days, 1 glass 3 times a day. Rosehip - with the same frequency, but half a glass each. Hypertensive patients should be careful with lemon balm, and those with kidney problems should be careful with rosehip.

In the summer, the bitter skin of cucumbers, various vitamin decoctions, especially currants, raspberries and blackberries, help very well. The most effective means of preventing the manifestations of the herpes virus is a course of medicinal herbs: chamomile, string, leuzea root, aralia and licorice. This requires patience and perseverance, since plants brewed in the same proportion must be consumed at least 3 months daily. However, the result is excellent. You need to drink the infusion 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before eating. A 3-day course of calendula tincture with vodka is also recommended. 20 drops daily.

Fighting external manifestations

Traditional methods of treating herpes during the period of initial rashes are varied and unexpected. Many completely different things are used - from earwax to fine crystalline salt and laundry soap. There is the option of applying a hot spoon soaked in very strong fresh black tea. A film of fresh egg can be used, which is carefully separated and applied to the sore spot. The most common ways to get rid of herpes at the initial stage are recognized:

  • Ointment made from butter and streptocide. It is applied frequently, up to 5 times a day, and helps to heal the initial rash very quickly. You can use either regular butter or melted butter.
  • Fir oil. Apply at bedtime, directly to the sore.
  • Lotions from drops of valocordin. Since it is known to be herbal-based drops, it can be considered a herbal compress.
  • Ointment made from garlic, yogurt, flour, honey and instant coffee. A thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the affected areas in the itching and tingling stage. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days.
  • A solution that is made from baking soda with filtered water. It is applied with a cotton swab, and you can add 5 drops of calendula vodka tincture to it.
  • Freshly peeled garlic, cut into slices. The lobule is cut with a cut to the place foreshadowing the rash, or to the just appeared bubble.
  • Propolis tincture on alcohol. In this method, care is required, since alcohol has a sharp drying effect and a crust may form in the place of the emerging bubble.

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies.

Each method has quite logical explanations, but it only prevents the ugly, unaesthetic manifestations of the disease, which deliver painful sensations. How to treat herpes with folk remedies at this stage was decided by the method of selecting funds that bring a tangible effect. However, this is still not the main stage of the struggle.

Damage to the mouth and face

With a strong and profuse rash, herpes on the face with folk remedies is quickly cured by viburnum berries. To do this, fresh fruits are ground into gruel and smeared with the affected areas for 5-6 days. If there is no doubt about the quality, lavender, thuja, juniper, tea tree or eucalyptus oil is applied every 3 hours. You can use an oil or alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, fresh aloe juice, a clean leaf of only plucked plantain, a pre-prepared tincture of meadowsweet and calendula.

Inside, in this condition, it is necessary to use herbal preparations. For example, an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, leaves of viburnum, motherwort, thyme, juniper, lemon balm (each herb) and 1 tbsp. l. spring adonis, wormwood and St. John's wort. All this is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for an hour. Reception for at least a week, but no more than two.

Herpes lesion of the lips.

Mature herpes, the treatment of folk remedies of which is not limited only to the above-described remedy, can be removed with a tincture of poplar buds, potato sprouts, celandine juice, and chewing dry wormwood flowers. It can be burned several times a day, and then greased with sea buckthorn or St. John's wort oil. Oil infused with dandelion flowers is used without cauterization. The juice of the golden mustache is also recommended.

Herbal applications made of gauze are considered effective, in which hot gruel is wrapped from melilot grass, marshmallow and mallow leaves, chamomile flowers and flax seeds, steamed and boiled in 50 g of water. It should be applied hot for a therapeutic effect. Such treatment is feasible at home. They say that herpes can be cured with an egg and vodka, if the boiled peeled product is poured into a glass to the top with alcohol, infused for a day in a dark place, and then drink the liquid and eat with an egg. This method is considered one of the most effective in the old recipes of healers. Such a folk remedy can also be explained from a scientific point of view.

The main task is to increase immunity

The most successful way to treat herpes with folk remedies is to increase immunity. Therefore, in order for any lubrication procedures to be successful, immunostimulants and immunomodulators are recommended in case of pathology. There are a huge number of medicines sold in the pharmacy with such effects, but there are excellent and proven methods of stimulating the body's defense system at home.

Improving immunity is the main task in the fight against herpes.

The main remedy for herpes, on which a successful cure is based, is a healthy immune system. For these purposes, Eleutherococcus, ginseng root, lemongrass, aloe, honey and other plants are used. Usually a tincture of the fruits of mountain ash, viburnum, sea buckthorn and ginseng root is recommended, to which honey is added and drunk for two weeks. This drink must be consumed hot and is very easy to make at home.

Tincture of radiola rosea, echinacea, lemongrass and eleutherococcus, taken 30 drops before meals, can simply work wonders for herpes. And a preparation of aloe with honey stored in the refrigerator will help you forget about many other diseases for a long time. Among the effective ones are recipes for a two-week course of decoction of licorice root and ginseng or viburnum berries, which should be drunk 3-4 glasses for 2 weeks.

The main tactic of dealing with a dangerous virus that has settled in the body is to prevent it from showing itself. Traditional methods are based on this method, which has been proven and used over the years. To do this, it is necessary not only to get rid of bad habits and regularly consume medicinal decoctions, but also to work daily and hourly on your own health.

Most diseases can manifest themselves due to three reasons, including unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalance, weakened immunity. The correct diet and healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on the internal organs, a reasonably balanced diet that supplies the necessary substances, fresh air, vitamins and physical activity are the main tools that will help fight any ailment.

The disease will not go away by itself, and if it has already manifested itself, it must be treated. But in the case of herpes, the most effective method of struggle is preventive measures, the observance of which will help in many other cases. This is what is called a healthy lifestyle and can really guarantee the absence of disease.

More on this topic:

Almost every second person on the planet found unpleasant rashes on their lips or skin surface. Very often they are associated with herpes infection. According to medical statistics, more than 95% of the population are carriers of this virus.

There are many methods and ways to treat this disease. One of the most common is the treatment of herpes with folk remedies.

There are five types of herpes. Therefore, depending on their variety, various parts of the body are affected. The type of virus also affects the intensity, frequency, and severity of the inflammatory process. In any case, if you find a herpetic rash in yourself, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Only a medical professional, after conducting a series of additional studies, will be able to correctly assess the situation, make a reliable diagnosis and begin to treat the infection. It is important to remember that folk remedies for herpes are only an additional remedy in the fight against this problem.

Positive aspects of traditional medicine

Adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment have many arguments for the use of traditional medicine in the fight against herpes.

One of the most significant is the relative safety and non-toxicity of using this dosage form in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Also, the positive aspects of treating herpes with folk remedies include:

  • the financial side of the issue (you can buy medicinal herbs in a pharmacy for a small amount, and it is even better to collect it yourself at a summer cottage or in a forest);
  • medicinal fees are natural products;
  • fight the external manifestations of the disease;
  • do not allow the spread of rashes throughout the body;
  • accelerate the healing of the affected areas;
  • the method of application is very simple.

Negative effect

The use of medicinal herbs is not a panacea for getting rid of the herpes virus. Traditional medicine is a concomitant therapy in a wide range of therapeutic measures. Of the negative sides, the following components can be distinguished:

  • affect the manifestation of the disease, and not the virus itself (herbal tinctures, compresses and lotions will not destroy the herpes virus, which causes the disease);
  • since the cause that caused the rash has not been eliminated, the disease can develop further;
  • allergic manifestations to the components of herbal preparations;
  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • drowsiness;
  • the herpes simplex virus manifests itself from the inside with a significant decrease in human immunity, therefore, it is very dangerous to treat only with folk remedies.

When fighting only the external manifestations of the disease, there is an accumulation of infected cells in the human body. The disease is driven inside and acquires a protracted, severe course. As a result, you will have to treat herpes with stronger drugs.

Almost all herbal preparations (or a single plant) used in the treatment of herpes have the following effects on the body:

  • antiseptic action;
  • restorative action;
  • the action is aimed at increasing and strengthening the immune system.

Therapy with folk methods is complex. During treatment, specific tasks are performed:

  • removal of painful sensations and itching;
  • rashes on the skin dry up;
  • wound healing is faster;
  • improves immunity, and as a result, the body's resistance to external influences increases.

There are a number of the most common herbs used for herpes. You can treat with the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • tansy;
  • celandine;
  • peppermint;
  • birch buds;
  • oak bark.

All of the above medicinal herbs and plants have a tonic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Kalanchoe and aloe in the fight against herpes

It is worth dwelling separately on such plants as aloe and Kalanchoe. They have very strong immunostimulating properties. Thus, the body can resist the penetration of the herpes virus into the body.

Also, the juice from the leaves of aloe and Kalanchoe, has a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It is permissible to use it internally, as an immunostimulant, during an epidemic of colds.

Aloe and Kalanchoe juice can be used externally for children and pregnant women.

It is important to remember that long-term use of these medicines against a disease can lead to allergic reactions.

The use of essential oils

Essential oils are used topically for herpes. Recommended treatment: lubricate the affected skin every two hours (can be used at night). Upon first application, the skin may experience tingling or burning sensations.

If, after two or three uses, these phenomena persist, it is recommended to change the essential oil used (perhaps an allergic reaction has occurred).

Of the most famous drugs for herpes, you should pay attention to the following essential oils:

  • calendula flower oil;
  • tea tree oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • fir oil;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil;
  • bitter almond oil.

Essential oils have wound healing properties and prevent the spread of rashes (especially if you lubricate the affected areas in the first moments of the manifestation of the disease).

Folk remedies used in the treatment of herpes can be not only herbs. You can treat it with non-traditional substances used in the treatment of herpes infection. These include:

  • garlic;
  • soda;
  • mummy;
  • toothpaste;
  • egg film;
  • mixture: honey + garlic + ash;
  • sulfur;
  • lemon juice;
  • moxibustion with a hot object (such as a spoon).

With prolonged rashes

If the rash is recurring, you should consult your doctor for advice. In this situation, only folk methods are unlikely to help. When using herbal therapy, treatment must be carried out in two directions:

  • an attempt to transfer the disease from an acute stage to a chronic one, with the manifestation of external symptoms;
  • increasing the internal defenses of the body.

To solve the first problem, it is very good to use the following types of herbal remedies (they have antiviral properties):

  • kalanchoe;
  • calendula;
  • birch leaves;
  • birch buds;
  • eucalyptus;
  • st. John's wort herb;
  • celandine herb;
  • plantain;
  • succession.

To increase the body's defenses, you can use:

  • eleutherococcus;
  • aloe;
  • lemongrass;
  • echinacea;
  • the radio is pink.

Alternative therapy against herpes can be used both externally and internally, in the form of infusions and decoctions. The following types of fees can be taken orally:

  • lemon balm + raspberry leaves + juniper fruits + thyme + oregano + wormwood;
  • walnut leaves + woodruff herb + lime blossom;
  • burdock root + kopeck + succession + immortelle + meadowsweet + black poplar buds + licorice.

One-component infusions of herbs such as:

  • melissa;
  • sweet clover;
  • st. John's wort;
  • mistletoe;
  • rhizomes of elecampane high;
  • wormwood.

Infusions and decoctions are used for a long time (up to 30-40 days).


The herpes virus can be activated precisely during pregnancy, since the body's defenses during this period are sharply reduced. It is a very dangerous disease, because the virus can cross the placenta to the unborn child.

The limiting factor in treatment with medications is precisely the “interesting situation”. Therefore, the use of traditional medicine is very important in this condition.

For better healing of rashes, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil are very widely used. The duration of treatment is up to three to four weeks.

When treating all types of herpes, you must include in your diet teas from the following types of herbs and plants:

  • rosehip;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • viburnum;
  • cranberry.

These plant compounds have a strong immune stimulating effect, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

In order for the virus not to bother in the future (or to prevent primary occurrence), folk remedies are ideal. During the period and / or before the season of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, the mandatory use of a course of fortifying teas brewed from herbs:

  • echinacea;
  • chamomile;
  • birch buds;
  • mint.

In addition to traditional therapy, it is very good to add a healthy lifestyle, including hardening procedures, sports, proper nutrition.

It is important to remember that the use of herbs and plants in the treatment of herpes infection can be only one of the components of complex therapy. Before any use of medicinal plants, consultation with a healthcare professional is required.

Herpes is a so-called "cold sore", a rash on the skin. You can often find lesions in the nasal cavity, mouth and throat, as well as herpes on the genitals or other parts of the body. Sometimes there are solitary pimples caused by this virus - they are usually large in size and hard when felt.

Herpes is caused by a microorganism - the Herpes Simplex virus. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population is affected by this virus.

The herpes virus spreads throughout the body during the first infection. After that, he settles in the nerve endings forever, and it is still unknown how to get rid of him forever. However, not all people have active herpes.

Only 20% of those infected with herpes will periodically reappear. It is very easy to get infected with the virus - it is transmitted through the contacts of the mucous membranes, when using common utensils, even by airborne droplets.

Usually, the body's immune system itself successfully suppresses the active manifestations of the herpes virus, the so-called rashes or single "herpes" acne. However, when it is depleted, the herpes virus manifests itself. This usually happens during colds, flu, after depletion of the body with diets, skin damage from sunburn, during severe stressful conditions, during menstruation.

So the most reliable way to get rid of herpes will be hardening, warm clothes during the cold season, staying in the fresh air for 2 hours a day, a normal healthy diet and healthy long sleep at night. But if it does make itself felt, there are many ways to get rid of it - both in traditional medicine and in folk medicine.

How to cure herpes at home

To date, the simplest and most reliable way to get rid of herpes is the antiviral drug "Acyclovir". It is produced in the form of tablets, it is imperative to take them in full from start to finish.

It acts quickly enough, within one to two days, reliably relieves the appearance of herpes within one to two weeks after administration, but at the same time has a number of contraindications. Therefore, many people use alternative treatments for herpes.

Traditionally, it is believed that you can remove herpes on the lips with garlic, earwax, toothpaste, fir oil, and some other means. All of them can be divided into two groups - agents that have an analgesic effect, thereby relieving irritation and allowing the immune system to act more "relaxed", and agents that directly help destroy the herpes virus in the lesion.

  1. Garlic;
  2. Earwax;
  3. Toothpaste;

They refer to tools that help destroy the virus directly.

Garlic is known as a classic antibacterial agent. Use it by rubbing herpes sores and taking it internally. If herpes is accompanied by a cold, garlic will fight it as well.

Lack of garlic is an unpleasant odor that will be felt quite strongly after rubbing. To minimize it, it is recommended to use not cloves of garlic, but green leaves of garlic - they do not give such a strong peppery garlic aroma, but only a slight garlic smell.

Earwax contains some natural antibodies of its own body. In some cases, rubbing with it helps to reduce the intensity of the rash, although in general the remedy is ineffective.

Toothpaste contains fluoride and many other active chemical elements, which in themselves are quite strong antibiotics. The remedy is quite effective, but it can cause irritation and itching, which will contribute to even more rashes.

  1. Fir oil;
  2. Valocordin;
  3. Valerian;
  4. Asterisk balm;

These funds are emollients.

Fir oil contains many essential oils and resins, which penetrate into the pores of the skin, not only relieve pain, but also have some antiviral effect. Fir oil helps to relax nerve endings and normal functioning of the immune system, which itself begins to fight the virus.

Valocordin or Corvalol also has a relaxing effect. Some people use it externally. However, it will be much more effective to use it internally, as a drug to relax the central nervous system and healthy sleep. This will be more effective in fighting herpes than rubbing with valocordin.

For the same purpose, valerian and motherwort tincture are used - they have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and strengthen the immune system in general. This will be especially effective when herpes appears as a result of stress or menstruation. Herpes "lives" in nerve cells, so by taking care of the normal state of your nerves in general, you strengthen their immunity and effectively fight the disease.

Popular treatments for herpes can be seen in this publication.

What to do if you need to quickly remove cold sores on the lip

There is a simple folk remedy that allows you to quickly remove herpes on the lip in a short time. In some cases, it can give a good result, but not for long. To do this, take two tablespoons of flour, two cloves of garlic are chopped, all this is mixed with a tablespoon of coffee and two tablespoons of honey. The composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected area.

Then it is allowed to dry, and then it should fall off freely with a crust. After it is applied again, and so on until the almost complete disappearance of acne. Usually several treatments are enough within eight hours.

Another remedy that helps to get rid of the disease, however, within a day is zinc ointment. The affected areas are smeared with it, in no case then removing. It quickly removes pimples and rashes, as well as redness on the lips and nose. It is recommended to rub the areas affected by herpes as little as possible, and lubricate every 3-4 hours.

Treatment of genital herpes with folk remedies

Genital herpes appears as a result of the Herpes Simplex virus type 2. It is characterized by a longer duration of the rash, in some cases, they can even be chronic.

Prevention methods are the same as for herpes simplex - strengthening the immune system, avoiding hypothermia, excessive skin irritation during contact, normal nutrition and healthy sleep. For genital herpes, the drug "Acyclovir" in tablets also helps most effectively.

For chronic genital herpes that does not want to go away, a "provocation" can help - drink a liter and a half of beer before bed, then apply herpes treatment as usual. At first, the manifestation of the disease and its active phase will intensify, then there will be more chances to get rid of it.

When treating genital herpes, it is effective to use herbal baths. A bath with a decoction of plantain, with a bath salt with pine needle extract helps well - the effect is the same as for fir oil.

Rashes on the genitals are usually more sensitive than on the lips, so it is best not to use products and ointments that irritate the skin, such as celandine and garlic, to treat them. On the contrary, the use of emollients such as zinc ointment, fir oil will be effective and painless.

You can also recommend taking valocordin by mouth or valerian in drops or tablets. To relieve nervous tension during menstruation, colds or stress, it is recommended to use tablets "Ibuprofen" or "Nise". Some people are helped by a small dose of alcohol - about 50 grams of cognac with honey or vodka with honey before bedtime, but for those who are contraindicated in alcohol, it is better to refrain from this method. You should also refrain from ointments based on honey or other sweet substances - you will almost certainly provoke thrush by using them.

Natural antibiotics

Natural antibiotics are used to treat herpes. These are funds that allow you to destroy the disease at the root. The simplest of these is garlic. Applied to the skin with the help of honey ointment, it stays on it for a long time and affects the causative agent of the disease with its phytoncides - natural chemicals that infect viruses and bacteria.

The second remedy that can be recommended as a natural antibiotic is celandine. It is mildly irritating to the skin and should be used with caution. Applied as garlic, as part of a honey-based ointment.

Aloe. An excellent remedy for fighting not only herpes, it grows in flower pots. It can be used both internally and externally.

Plantain, coltsfoot, tansy are also effective natural antibiotics. They are mainly used for genital herpes for baths.

Honey. It is no coincidence that most herbal ointments against herpes are made on its basis. It has long been used as a disinfectant.

There are also many other natural antibiotics that are less effective in combating herpes - Eleutherococcus, wild rosemary, wormwood. It is best to use them as additional tools if all else fails.

A practically healthy person rarely suffers from rashes in the form of herpes or other manifestations. On the contrary, if a person is weak, the herpes virus will always manifest itself in full force. Therefore, to combat it, it is most effective to maintain immunity.

Both classical and traditional medicine agree on one thing - to maintain immunity, you need a normal diet and a healthy lifestyle. Eat more fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, take hot liquid food - soups, borscht, various cereals, avoid a lot of fatty foods, eat in moderation - you will always feel good.

The second aspect of maintaining immunity is good healthy sleep. For good sleep, you should limit your stay in front of a computer or TV screen in the evening. On the contrary, it is better to read a book, listen to music, or, which will be very good, do a short run outside. Your nervous system reacts very strongly to information from the monitor - especially if these are some kind of active computer games aimed at violence, and all this should be avoided not only before bed, but in general.

It is very good to practice acupressure to maintain immunity. Chinese and Japanese medicine adhere to slightly different massage techniques, you can learn more about them on other resources. Moreover, in order to learn how to treat various diseases with the help of acupressure, you need to practice for many years, and not everyone will be given this. However, everyone can master the simplest points near the sinuses, behind the earlobe, on the foot under the bone near the Achilles tendon and on the hand, also near the bone from the inside.

The surest way to strengthen your immune system is not to harm it. Therefore, try to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking or systematic drinking. You also need to dress for the season - do not experiment with short skirts and stockings in cold weather, or wrap yourself up in summer. The body must feel comfortable in any weather.

Traditional medicine says: "Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your legs warm." For the prevention of herpes, it is 100% effective. Keep your feet warm, this will save you from colds that provoke cold sores.

When indoors or on public transport, try to remove your hat. This will keep your head from sweating and freezing when you go outside and put on your hat again. And in food, adhere to this rule so that you never get enough of it - you should always feel that you want to eat a little, it is important to stop on time. Remember - excess food affects immunity more than lack of it.

If you want to know how to quickly cure herpes at home, watch this video.

In contact with

Today we will talk about how folk recipes work on herpes.

This viral disease has been known for a long time, therefore it already has a fairly extensive base of non-traditional treatment options. We will consider the most interesting of them from the point of view of practical use in our article.

Herpes in the world of people: general characteristics of the pathogen

The herpes virus is highly contagious. It can enter the body by any known means of infection:

  • airborne;
  • contact and household;
  • sexual;
  • in utero.

Regardless of its type, herpes in the active phase is a threat to others. A conditional exception is the zoster virus, which is the causative agent of chickenpox: it can be harmless only if you have had the disease before. But in people with weak immunity, as well as in the elderly, it can be the culprit of such a terrible and incurable disease called herpes zoster (herpes zoster). You can find out more about the mechanism of development of this pathology in the article.

Is herpes dangerous? Of course, during the period of activity, it is accompanied by unpleasant and painful symptoms:

  • watery small bubbles appear;
  • herpetic rash is very itchy and burning;
  • after opening the vesicles, a dry bloody crust appears, which becomes a favorable environment for bacterial infection;
  • body temperature may rise;
  • in severe cases, the lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • herpes can cause conjunctivitis and tonsillitis.

It should be noted that the localization of visible symptoms largely determines the type of pathogen:

  • type 1 virus, or simple. It mainly affects the face, especially often he likes to pop out under the nose, on the lips, in the mouth (herpetic stomatitis);
  • type 2 virus manifests itself on the genitals and belongs to one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world;
  • type 3 virus- this is the one that is the culprit of chickenpox and shingles;
  • to 4 and 5 types Herpes is a type of herpes that causes diseases such as infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) and cytomegalovirus.
  • there are also varieties of types 6 and 7, but they have not been studied in terms of their effect on the body, therefore they are conventionally considered the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome and idiopathic types of rash. But so far these are only scientific theories.

Any type of herpes causes a lot of trouble for the sick if the body's immune defenses are weakened.

Is it possible to get rid of herpes quickly?

The duration and course of the disease directly depends on the following factors:

  1. The strength of your immune system. That is, his ability to bounce back after weakening.
  2. Timely detection of symptoms.
  3. Adequate therapy: carried out according to the scheme recommended by the doctor.
  4. The presence of other chronic diseases that may be readily exacerbated.
  5. The type of pathogen (herpes simplex virus is easier to suppress than shingles).
  6. The degree of spread: it is proportional to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion (or the number of single rashes) and the presence of concomitant general symptoms. If fever, muscle aches and inflammation of the lymph nodes are present, this indicates a systemic spread of the process, and it is ineffective to be limited only to local treatment in this case.

On average, uncomplicated herpes lasts about 7-10 days (plus the time it takes for the affected skin to regenerate), neglected forms can disturb for months. Due to the fact that treatment is closely related to individual internal and external factors, it is impossible to guarantee with reliable accuracy a treatment that will relieve symptoms quickly.

Complete expulsion of the virus from the body is impossible: after the forces of the immune defense suppress the harmful agent, it goes into a latent phase and hides in the tissue of the nerve nodes, to which the body's defenses are not directed. Therefore, at any opportunity, there is always the likelihood of a relapse of the disease.

An "opportunity" refers to circumstances that affect the functioning of the immune system:

  • pregnancy;
  • premenstrual period;
  • excessive physical and mental stress;
  • prolonged stress;
  • improper nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • HIV infection.

It is quite difficult to prevent a relapse of the disease, often the very appearance of symptoms of the disease serves as a signal that there are impaired immune defenses.

What folk treatments for herpes promise: true and false

Each of us has a different intensity of the immune system, so some people worry about herpes symptoms at most a couple of times in their lives, while others are less fortunate - itchy bubbles can appear more than 5 times a year.

It is quite difficult to take control of a raging virus; sometimes you have to periodically change the antiviral treatment regimens, because the microorganism mutates and becomes insensitive to antibodies. Therefore, more than one user forum is devoted to the discussion of this disease on the Internet, where the possibilities of treatment with traditional medicine are readily discussed.

This is what attracts witchcraft techniques:

  • no side effects: it is worth noting that harmless treatment with herbs can give various negative side effects, in exceptional cases, even lethal;
  • guarantee fast treatment. Here you can argue, in the paragraph above, we outlined the main points that affect the speed of obtaining a positive result. In addition, most recipes recommend using the product for a long time;
  • helped one woman, a friend of an acquaintance, the son of my mother's friend. That is, in most cases, the result is based on some, perhaps fictional people, so it is impossible to establish the truth: what prevented them from being treated for herpes with medication with a combination of folk remedies?
  • and, most importantly, they get rid of herpes forever! From the point of view of official medicine, no such cases have been reported. Long-term remission is not an indicator of complete elimination of the pathogen, but it can occur quite spontaneously, as soon as the immunity is sufficiently normalized.

Let's take a closer look at the most interesting, popular and fascinating methods of alternative treatment for herpes.

Tool number one. Fans of suppressing the manifestations of herpes rash on the face warmly recommend it to everyone who has not used it before.

What is the point: the substances contained in the toothpaste, in particular, fluoride, have a drying effect on the area affected by the virus. This, in theory, should accelerate the transition of bubbles from the eruption phase to the coverage of the wound with a crust.

What are the significant disadvantages of this method:

  • if the toothpaste contains ingredients that irritate the skin, try applying the composition to your wrist and holding it for a while, when you wash off the dentifrice, you may find that the area is reddened and even slightly sore. By applying toothpaste to the herpetic focus, you injure the affected epidermis, the bubbles of the rash burst faster and a bloody crust appears, characteristic of wounds.
  • the method does not guarantee protection from pathogenic microbes that can penetrate the erosion site;
  • The method can "work" if you have caught the very beginning of the development of the disease, when only characteristic tingling and single vesicles speak of the symptoms. If during this period you use a medicinal antiherpetic agent, for example, Acyclovir or Zovirax cream, the effect will be softer and the appearance of a bumpy scab on the face can be avoided. The virus will simply be suppressed at the initial stage, not yet having time to harm the skin. The main thing is to have time to catch him at the right time.
  • since the skin is injured by the chemical composition of the toothpaste, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the product becomes overdried. The blood crust will be dense, prone to cracking and bleeding. Such side effects are noted by many who dared to try the method on themselves.
  • like any hygiene product, toothpastes differ in composition and contain auxiliary substances: fragrances and perfume compositions that can cause an allergic reaction on the skin upon prolonged contact.

Therefore, if you want a safe way to get rid of a cold on your face, it is better to use specialized products that have proven activity against the herpes simplex virus.

But the fact is that usually toothpaste is more available as an emergency aid when the first symptoms are detected.

Apply a hot spoon to the lesion

Completely, this recipe is as follows: dip a spoon in hot tea and attach it to the place where the herpes has formed.

The method, like the previous one, is aimed at getting rid of herpes on the lips. What is the point: under the influence of hot metal, the virus will die, and since it is recommended to do this manipulation several times for greater efficiency, one should expect that a part of the skin will also die, because a thermal burn will be provoked.

As a result, we get a wound with a scab, which will need to be carefully protected from bacterial infection. At the same time, the likelihood of a scar appearing after such an injury is high.

Completely free: anoint herpes rash with earwax

For many reasons, traditional medicine is very sensitive to various types of secretions from the human body. We will probably touch on the issues of urine therapy in other articles devoted to the analysis of home treatment, but with regard to the treatment of herpes, the choice of healers fell for some reason on the contents of the ear canal.

And there is even some justification for the use of this substance in traditional medicine:

  • sulfur is rich in natural sebum;
  • it contains amino acids and antibacterial substances;
  • it is hypoallergenic, since it is produced by the body itself;
  • contains silicon, sulfur and other useful chemical components;
  • performs the function of immunity, so it will help defeat the virus.

It should be noted that many fluids secreted by humans are factors of local immune defense, for example, saliva contains the protein lysozyme, which protects the oral cavity from microbes, and nasal mucus contains mucin, which prevents infections from entering the respiratory tract.

The essence of local immune protection, carried out by the activity of special glands, is that its funds are effective where, in fact, they are excreted.

Regarding earwax, it is also worth noting that its main role is still reduced to a barrier protection against the penetration of dust particles and microbes into the ear canal. All this pollution just gets stuck in it and gets stuck. Therefore, having ventured into such an extravagant method of treating herpes, you must understand that you are not applying to the lesion a pure organic product of natural origin produced by the glands inside the ear, but waste material that is already contaminated and of no value.

Of course, there is no medical benefit from earwax in the treatment of herpes and other diseases. And for people with special disgust, this method can be a serious test of strength.

And, as is common among fans of traditional medicine, all "safe" healing methods are practiced on children. This is absolutely not worth doing, most often the wrong idea about the possibilities of official medicine is instilled precisely at a tender age, and such refined tricks contribute very much to this. And many of the psychological traumas of childhood come from just such therapeutic measures.

An egg with vodka - and herpes will go away forever

This is perhaps one of the most mysterious ways to get rid of the disease, which, despite all the absurdity of what is happening, does not lose popularity and always finds its consumer.

The recipe is as follows: you need to boil an egg for 15 minutes, then peel it from the shell, place it in a faceted glass and pour vodka so that the product is completely immersed in a strong drink. Put the resulting drug in the refrigerator for three days, after their expiration, use the received "medicine" in a certain sequence: first eat the alcoholized testicle, and then drink the vodka in which it was soaked. It is imperative to do this "treatment" at night, so that upon completion of the manipulation, immediately go to bed.

Putting aside the idea of \u200b\u200bthe taste characteristics of the drug, let's talk about how it can help in the treatment of herpes.

From the point of view of evidence-based medicine - nothing. And if vodka and other alcohol-containing liquids in therapeutic practice are assigned the value of an excellent antiseptic, which helps to defeat ailments externally (but not from the inside), then the egg in this recipe is used as a favorite witch component.

The egg "works" from the standpoint of symbolism, which plays a major role in quackery. It represents a kind of idea of \u200b\u200bthe birth of a new being. Therefore, in the interpretation of healers, the egg is endowed with vital energy, has a certain degree of influence on fate and health, and also has other metaphysical meanings that cannot be proved in practice, but it is possible to develop and supplement subjective inferences ad infinitum.

Herpes can be a real torment, so there are always desperate patients who risk the well-being of their taste buds to try any healing method that offers hope of relief. In most cases, the vodka egg method leaves a negative impression and corresponding reviews. It is not possible to verify the truthfulness of the statements about the positive result (due to their subjectivity), but do not forget that no one canceled the placebo effect. Namely, he often serves as the "engine" of traditional medicine.

Eggshell film will defeat herpes in the lesion on the skin

And for those who absolutely cannot drink alcohol, it is recommended to fight herpes with a film that lines the inner surface of the eggshell. Just stick it on the area of \u200b\u200bthe rash: it is dense enough not to allow oxygen to pass through and is able to “strangle” the virus in this way.

In this case, it must be borne in mind that the component is taken from a raw egg, so the risk of salmonella infection is quite high. And also do not forget that pathogenic microorganisms of a special type - anaerobes - reproduce quite actively in an airless space.

By covering the wound surface with non-sterile biological material, you risk getting a serious bacterial infection.

A beautiful flower from the Aster family is known for its immunomodulatory properties, and various parts of this plant are included in many dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies, and medical preparations (alcohol tincture).

As a plant adaptogen, that is, an agent that has a beneficial effect on the state of the immune defense, it is recommended to drink the solution during the period of seasonal restructuring of defenses - in spring and autumn, as well as during mental and physical exertion.

Official science conducted a study of the components of the plant and this is what it was possible to establish:

  • echinacea contains a number of chemical constituents: alcamides, glycoproteins, heteroxylanes, derivatives of caffeic acid;
  • these substances individually have different effects, but immunomodulatory properties can manifest themselves only under the condition of their synergistic (complementary) interaction;
  • manufacturers of dosage forms that unofficial medicine does not recognize (dietary supplements, homeopathy), do not indicate from which parts of the plant the remedy is made and which type of echinacea is used in the composition. Accordingly, there is no data on the concentration of substances and their interaction with other constituents, provided that the unconventional drug is multicomponent.
  • in medicine, three types of echinacea are used, and each of them has a different degree of effect on the body;
  • the most effective, according to official studies of the composition of the plant, carried out in 2014, was recognized as a variety of Echinacea - purple, it has a supporting effect on the state of immunity in healthy people. And the key point, here is the term "healthy", since today, there is enough medical evidence to say that echinacea is useless in the active phase of viral infections and does not cure advanced pathological processes initiated by microorganisms.

With regard to the herpes virus of any type, echinacea is absolutely useless both as a treatment and as a prevention. He's just not afraid of her.

Therefore, you should not count on quick and effective relief of symptoms from taking medications based on this plant.

Other herbal remedies for herpes

Herbal treatment is actively used in relation to the manifestations of herpetic rashes on the skin.

But here it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • external treatments with a decoction of medicinal herbs do not kill the virus, they are aimed at preventing secondary infection of wounds that arise as a result of the activity of the virus and thereby facilitate the healing process;
  • plant substances can act as a strong allergen, so if you are aware of your tendency to such reactions, treatment should be approached with caution. Improper functioning of the immune system due to allergies can give room and freedom for the activity of the virus;
  • not all herbs are safe, some of them can have a toxic effect on the body, as well as irritate the epidermis and mucous membranes;
  • decoctions of chamomile, calendula, oak and aspen bark can be relatively safe, but provided that they were collected and prepared correctly, and the conditions for their storage were observed;
  • external treatment with herbal infusions can help reduce discomfort, but in case of a severe course of the disease, it cannot act as the main method of therapy;
  • it is advisable to coordinate with the attending physician your intentions to resort to this auxiliary method.

Prevention of infection of the affected skin with bacteria is especially relevant in the treatment of chickenpox, when the rash is localized in the areas of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the oral cavity. That is, in those places where treatment with other antiseptics or antiherpetic ointments is not possible.

But again, let us remind you that this will not be a treatment, but will prevent the development of complications, which also plays an important role in detecting signs of the disease.

Can garlic juice help with herpes sores?

Everything related to viral infections is usually treated in folk medicine with garlic and onions. So, for example, during an epidemic of SARS and flu, the smells of these food ingredients invariably accompany the entire unfavorable period.

The fact is that the juice of garlic and onion contains special substances - phytoncides, which can have a depressing effect on infection.

According to modern research, the antiviral effect of garlic against herpes is weak, as well as against other harmful agents. At the same time, phytoncides have a very selective destructive effect, and for most microorganisms they can even be an excellent nutrient medium.

It is suggested to treat herpes with fresh garlic juice (some healers recommend mixing it with vegetable oil), which has a strong irritating effect.

As in the case of toothpaste, such a remedy can only contribute to the destruction of the skin affected by herpes, as it easily causes burns. As a result, the depth of trauma to the epidermis and the layers underneath is significantly increased, and therefore a rather serious wound is formed. And with any serious damage, the forces of local immunity begin to work more powerful and suppress herpes. But it should be understood that local antiherpetic drugs also stimulate the local protective function, while not injuring the outer skin.

Treating herpes with garlic juice is a painful and barbaric way of dealing with rashes, which can lead to scarring after the wound heals. It can be regarded as chemical cauterization of the inflamed area, the effectiveness of which is highly questionable.

This raises the question, is it worth it at all to subject yourself to a painful procedure if there are proven and reliable ways that will help you cope with the problem gently and effectively?

Essential oils to treat skin rashes

Essential oils are a concentrate of nutrients extracted from plant materials.

To get rid of the external symptoms of herpes, it is recommended to use oils:

  • orange;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • sandalwood;
  • mint.

This list can be impressive.

Oil solutions have an antiseptic, healing and regenerating effect. But among other things, they have a fairly impressive list of complications that arise after their incorrect use:

  • a burn if the dilution concentration is not observed, but if a solution of weak saturation is used, it will have no effect;
  • allergy. The volatile compounds included in the composition have a strong odor and, if they enter the respiratory tract (and this is inevitable), they can cause rhino-conjunctival forms of irritation of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • stopping breathing. This side effect can easily develop if you decide to treat your child. This is the reflex reaction of the respiratory center in children to strong odors. Any form of aromatherapy, including the use of essential oils, is prohibited for children under 3 years old. At an older age, treatment in this way can only be done with the permission of a doctor and in compliance with the recommended precautions.

Essential oils can be one of the most dangerous treatments for cold sores.

How to get rid of the disease safely and effectively?

At the beginning of the article, we told you that the course of the disease strongly depends on the type of pathogen and the state of immunity.

In most cases, therapeutic methods are aimed at preventing the development of possible complications at the sites of skin lesions. If the symptomatology is not accompanied by signs of systemic damage to the body (one of which is a rise in body temperature exceeding the subfebrile value, that is, more than 38 ° C), it is enough to limit the use of local antiherpetic drugs produced in the form of a cream or ointment:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Herperax;
  • Panavir;
  • Viru-Merz;
  • Virosept;
  • Viferon (use for the treatment of young children is allowed).

These drugs are proven to be effective and have a low risk of side effects. Clinical studies confirm the safety of their use.

Systemic forms of herpes, as well as bacterial and fungal complications arising from the disease, must be treated under medical supervision. Inpatient therapy is indicated for people with a low immune status, as well as with generalized damage to the body. These forms of treatment are relevant for the treatment of herpes zoster, we talked about them in more detail in the article.

The appointment of systemic antiherpetic drugs should be carried out by a doctor of the appropriate profile (immunologist), based on the data of a clinical examination, indicators of the state of the immune system and taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's health.

Since drugs that have a stimulating effect on the immune system, in a certain way affect the work of the red bone marrow, they should be selected and administered according to an individual scheme. Self-medication in this case is categorically unacceptable.

Dear readers, we urge you to take care of your health issues and carefully evaluate the appropriateness of using alternative medicine recipes for the treatment of any disease. Try to analyze the proposed methods rationally and from a health safety point of view. And if you have any questions on the topic "Herpes: folk recipes » , you can ask them in the comments.

  1. Availability. All the ingredients that make up the recipes can be purchased at the pharmacy or store, and many of the ingredients are always at home at hand.
  2. Price. The cost of alternative treatment will be inexpensive.
  3. Side effects. The minimum risk of side effects, which allows the use of recipes in order to increase immunity, even for prevention.

It is impossible to get rid of the herpes virus from the body forever. But it is possible to quickly and easily overcome a herpes infection with the help of simple recipes of traditional medicine.

If pharmaceuticals are not at hand? The only good way out is traditional methods of treatment that will fight against the virus and its spread.

The presented folk methods for combating the herpes virus are allowed to be used during pregnancy and children only after consulting a doctor.

Due to its powerful disinfecting and antiseptic effect, essential oils are often used to relieve inflammation. Due to their antiviral and local immunomodulatory properties, they began to be used as one of the best remedies for herpes.

The most popular oils are:

  • coniferous oils (fir, pine);
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • tea tree oil.

Less commonly, mint, eucalyptus and lavender oils are used for the same purposes.

  1. Fir oil. To prevent scalding, dilute the main component with vegetable or olive oil in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting agent is treated with the desired place 5 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 5 days.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Lubricate herpetic lesions until they disappear completely. The number of procedures per day is 5 times.
  3. Tea tree oil. It can be used alone or in combination with other vegetable oils. You can quickly get rid of the sore if tea tree oil is diluted 1: 1 with soy. Problematic areas are treated until complete recovery.
  4. Pine oil. Apply to the site of inflammation daily 5 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 5 days. You can also use this remedy to prevent cold sores from recurring.
  5. Lavender oil. Treat the problem area with a remedy up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days.

Treatment of herpetic lesions with essential oils is carried out with a cosmetic stick or with a cotton swab. If you experience severe discomfort during treatment, discard the prescription used.

Propolis (tincture)

The glue produced by bees has been successfully practiced against herpesvirus in 2 ways in the form of a tincture. They can be used individually or in parallel, but topical treatment helps heal the sore, while inner treatment helps to reduce the activity of the virus from the inside. An integrated approach allows you to get the long-awaited effect much faster.

Lotions for external use:

  1. Tincture for oral administration. Leave 100 g of product in the freezer for 20 minutes, then grate. Pour the crushed product with 500 ml of alcohol 96 °. Remove the tincture in a dark place in a glass container for 7-10 days, shake it 3 times a day daily. At the end of the period, strain the alcohol solution. Ready tincture is taken in 25 drops (can be diluted in warm water or milk).
  2. Lotions for external use. In one day, you can prepare a tincture if you pour a small piece of propolis with alcohol and let it brew 96 ° for 3 hours. Moisten a cotton swab in an alcohol solution and apply to the sore spot for 1.5-2 hours, apply compresses 3 times a day.

To eliminate herpetic eruptions, both a tincture prepared at home and purchased at a pharmacy is relevant.

The use of aloe (agave) is due to the beneficial properties of the plant.

The age plant reduces the inflammatory process and the area of \u200b\u200blesion of the rash, disinfects the surface and promotes tissue regeneration.

Centennial for herpes is used in several ways:

  1. Compress. A fleshy piece of aloe leaf (about 2-3 cm), cut lengthwise into 2 pieces. Apply the first half to the herpes for 5 minutes and hold it with your hand, and the second half - fix it for 12 hours. After the lapse of time, remove the application and cauterize it with propolis tincture.
  2. Ointment. Mix 1 tsp. plant juice with the same amount of honey. Apply the resulting mass 4 times a day for 5 days. Before the procedure, remove the remnants of the ointment from the affected area with a damp cloth without fragrance (or a sponge soaked in hydrogen peroxide).
  3. Tonic. Pour 250 boiling water over 1 sheet of aloe, let it brew for 2 hours, then strain. With a ready-made infusion, treat the rash 5 times a day.
  4. Mixture. Mix aloe, honey, alcohol in equal proportions (1 tsp is enough). The prepared mass is smeared with infected areas 4 times a day. The mixture can be reused if stored in a refrigerator in a sealed container.
  5. Aloe juice and blue clay. 1 tbsp. l. mix plants with 1 tbsp. l. clay to make a mass similar in consistency to sour cream. The finished mixture is applied 6 times a day in a thin layer to the area with rashes.


Due to its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, the house plant is effectively used to treat herpes on the lips.

  1. Applications. Cut a fresh leaf of the plant and attach the side with the pulp to the sore for 5-7 minutes. Repeat the same steps after 3-4 hours.
  2. For one day. So quickly you can get rid of herpes in the event that you just felt its symptoms (pain, itching, throbbing, burning), but there are no visible signs yet. Lubricate the sore spot with Kalanchoe juice throughout the day - this will prevent the appearance of herpes formation.

The plant is able to reduce inflammation, remove redness and itching, and block the multiplication of the virus. Calendula (marigold) is used in several forms.

Calendula ointment

  1. Squeeze juice from fresh calendula petals through cheesecloth to make 1 tbsp. l. Mix the resulting juice with 1 tsp. petroleum jelly. Apply a thick layer to the herpes-affected area.
  2. Take Vaseline and crushed dry calendula flowers in equal proportions, mix and generously lubricate the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe lip.

You can buy calendula tincture at a pharmacy at a price of 24 rubles, or you can use a home remedy prepared with your own hands.

Homemade recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pour fresh flowers of the plant with 2 glasses of vodka in a glass container;
  • close tightly with a lid;
  • remove for 2 weeks in a dark place;
  • after the expiration of the period, strain the tincture and pour into a dark glass container (you can use old bottles from pharmacy tinctures, alcohol).

Method of using alcohol solution:

  1. Outwardly. A cosmetic stick dipped in tinctures is used to treat the affected area 4 times a day.
  2. Inside. Take 25 drops of marigold tincture, diluted in 150 ml of water, drink 3 times a day.

The internal version will help boost immunity. It is recommended to combine it with local treatment, and also, the tincture is taken in order to prevent the activation of the virus.

Decoction of calendula for washing

2 tbsp. l. pour dry calendula flowers ½ liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Then remove, allow to cool, strain and wash with the resulting broth 5 times a day.

Calendula in olive oil

An equally effective and efficient way to prepare calendula extract:

  • Fill 1/3 of the jar with fresh marigold flowers;
  • pour the contents with olive oil under the neck;
  • put in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil;
  • let the remedy cool down;
  • put away in a cool dark place for a week.

Lubricate the problem area with a cosmetic stick dipped in the prepared extract, 5 times a day.

Melissa (tincture)

Lemon balm herb has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic and astringent effects. To use it for herpes on the lips, you need to prepare a tincture:

  • 1 tbsp. l. put fresh chopped lemon balm leaves in a 0.5 jar;
  • add 3 tbsp. l. alcohol;
  • let it brew for 3 hours;
  • strain the tincture with gauze.

Soak a sponge or a piece of cotton wool in a ready-made product and apply a lotion for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated 6 times a day for 5 days.

A perennial herb celandine has a local analgesic effect, has anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent antiseptic.

  1. The juice. Pass the fresh stems and leaves of the plant through a meat grinder, put the finished mixture on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice from it into a glass container (it is important that there is a free space between the tightly closed lid and the raw material - about 3 cm). Insist - a week. Carefully open the lid periodically to release gases. Treat the desired area with a cosmetic stick dipped in juice 3 times a day, repeat 3 treatments each time.
  2. Tincture. Pour the chopped grass with alcohol in a glass container, observing the proportions of 1: 3. Let the product brew for 10 days in a cool, dark place, periodically turn the container with the contents. After the allotted period of time, lubricate the area with herpetic lesions 3 times a day with the tincture obtained.
  3. Broth. Pour boiling water over finely chopped celandine and put in a water bath (for about a quarter of an hour). Let the broth cool, strain and pour into a jar. Treat the rash 5 times a day.

Despite all the benefits of celandine - do not forget that the plant is poisonous. All procedures related to it, carry out in medical gloves and be careful not to get juice on the mucous membranes, in the eyes and healthy areas of the skin.

Garlic juice contains biologically active substances, due to which it has an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect on lesions, increases immunity.

  1. Garlic juice - 1 way. Peel the garlic bulb, cut into 2 parts and lubricate the infected area with the cut. The number of procedures per day - 6 times, take a break at night.
  2. Garlic juice - 2 way. Grate the garlic clove, put the resulting gruel on cheesecloth and a piece of bandage. Apply to the focus of inflammation for 3-5 minutes, repeat these actions up to 7 times a day, you can fix it with a plaster.

Do not be afraid of a burning sensation on the lip - this is a sign of a healing effect.

Garlic ointments:

  • Grate 3 cloves of garlic and mix with 2 tsp. olive or sunflower oil, with the resulting mass, lubricate the affected area with herpesvirus 3 times a day;
  • 1 chopped garlic clove pour 50 ml of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 5 hours. Apply the ready-made infusion to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe lip;
  • add 1 tbsp to 3 chopped garlic cloves. l. wood ash (can be replaced with crushed activated carbon or ash of burnt paper) and 1 dec. l. honey - mix thoroughly. Apply garlic-honey ointment once a day;
  • take 2 grated garlic cloves and add 30 ml of natural yogurt to them, and 1 tsp each. instant coffee, flour and bee honey. Put the prepared mass on the inflamed area and let it dry. It is important not to peel off the mixture or rinse it off, but wait until it goes away by itself, then repeat the procedure.


The use of honey for labial herpes blocks the development of the virus, eliminates pain and relieves inflammation at the site of the rash.

Best recipes:

  • add onion juice squeezed through cheesecloth and birch ash in proportions of 3: 1: 1 to fresh non-sugar honey. Using a cosmetic stick, apply the remedy to the area with rashes. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day, each time using a new cotton swab;
  • natural product can be used for external use alone. The natural medicine is applied to the ulcers 4 times a day, do not peel off the crusts.

In the absence of allergic reactions to honey, it is consumed orally in 1 tbsp. l. a day as a prevention of herpes to increase the body's defenses. The product can be added to tea, milk, or sweetened with compote.


To get rid of the virus, you need apple cider vinegar, which you can make yourself at home, and prepare a remedy for the future.

  1. Put 800 g of finely chopped Simirenko or Antonovka apples in a glass jar.
  2. Add 10 g of yeast and 100 g of sugar to the apples.
  3. Put the jar in a warm place for 9 days and stir the contents daily 2 times a day.
  4. After 9 days, open the container, take out the mass and filter through cheesecloth (discard the thick), and add another 50 g of sugar to the apple mixture and mix again.
  5. Cover the jar with gauze and remove to the same place.
  6. After 6 weeks, the ready-made vinegar is bottled and corked.

How to apply:

  • to maintain the immune system in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of water, dissolving in it 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and honey;
  • for external use, soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and apply to a herpetic rash - this recipe can be used before the sores appear, when the swelling has just appeared, or before the bubbles open.

Other 7 effective alternative treatments

Simple and equally well-known recipes for herpes on the lips:

  1. Salt. Moisten the lips and apply table (food) or sea salt to the affected area. After 20 minutes, rinse off and grease them with balm. In parallel, so that the herpes infection does not spread, a pinch of salt is taken in the mouth.
  2. Soda. 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over baking soda, moisten a sponge in the solution and apply to the infection site until the soda water cools down - a film forms on the lip. An easier method is to sprinkle baking soda on the inflamed area.
  3. Egg film. It is not necessary to break a fresh chicken egg, protein with yolk. Separate the film from the inside of the shell and stick it to the lip. An unpleasant sensation under the film indicates a healing process.
  4. Laundry soap. Foam the yellow-brown soap with a specific smell, apply the foam to the sore and let it dry. The result is a protective film that prevents the virus from multiplying.
  5. Hot spoon. A rather painful way to deal with herpes. Dip the spoon in boiling water, heat and cauterize the inflammation. Repeat the procedure several times.
  6. Chlorophyllipt. Apply a cotton swab dipped in a solution to the sore for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure 4 times a day.
  7. Zelenka. If there are no special ointments and creams for herpes on the lips at hand, you can use brilliant green, which has a drying and disinfecting effect. The solution for external use is applied pointwise with a cosmetic stick.

Both in the treatment of pharmaceuticals and in the treatment of folk remedies, follow the diet in parallel. Reconsider your diet, pay attention that your food contains more vitamins and proteins, give preference to easily digestible food, drink more teas made from raspberries, rose hips or cherries. Quitting bad habits is another factor that contributes to a speedy recovery, reduces the risk of developing the virus and relapses.

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