Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs. How to Treat Arthritis in Dogs

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which is characterized by pain, hyperemia, swelling, dysfunction and fever at the site of the lesion.

The disease develops when the cartilage tissue, which serves as a lubricant that prevents the bones from touching, is erased. After the cartilage is erased, the joint capsule thickens, as a result of which elasticity is lost.

Arthritis-prone pets include:

  • Large breeds, due to the large pressure of the mass on the ligaments, tendons and articular surfaces.
  • Dogs over 4 years old. With age, degenerative changes in the joints begin.
  • Pedigree dogs, due to closely related crosses.
  • Dogs with a genetic predisposition (Samoyeds, Chow Chows, Dalmatians).
  • Dogs that have received joint injuries, recovered from infectious diseases.

Types of arthritis:

  1. Traumatic. Occurs after fractures, sprains, bruises, dislocations.
  2. Functional. occurs as a result of irrational loads.
  3. Genetic. Occurs due to congenital mutations in cartilage tissue.
  4. Dystrophic. It occurs as a result of metabolic disorders (impaired formation of pyrophosphate, calcium, phosphorus, with hemochromatosis).
  5. Purulent. Occurs due to infection of the joint by the bacterial flora.

Signs and symptoms

  • Decreased physical activity. Dog refuse to play, from walks, seemingly weakened, sleeps a lot.
  • Excess weight. Appears due to a decrease in activity.
  • Gait disturbance. The dog tries not to step on the paw affected by arthritis.
  • Pain. You can notice how the dog frowns, whines when moving. It is difficult for the pet to change the position of the body, walks, almost without bending its paws.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Apathy. The dog becomes indifferent to things that used to give pleasure. With severe pain, it may not meet the owners after separation.
  • Responds to changes in the weather, especially atmospheric pressure. With pressure drops, the pain intensifies.
  • When feeling a sick paw, pain appears, a crunch in the joint. The dog will either withdraw its paw or whine.


Arthritis does not develop all at once, but gradually. There is an increasing thinning of the interarticular cartilage after the above reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to identify early symptoms of the disease and contact the veterinarian to draw up an adequate treatment.

Consider ways of treatment:


You need to start treatment with the right diet. Exclude grain products, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants. Many feed manufacturers use potatoes in their production. Be careful when choosing food for a sick dog.

There are foods that can help with arthritis. These include: cartilage, ginger, mango, papaya, alfalfa, celery. Anti-inflammatory supplements are also added to the diet: salmon oil, sodium and calcium ascorbate, bromelain, S-adenosylmethionine.

For less pressure on the joints, you need to monitor the weight of the pet. Predominantly use protein food. Carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum.

Physical exercise

Proper physical activity, such as light walking, swimming will help maintain elasticity and flexibility in the joints. Developed muscles will help stabilize the joints. It is important not to overdo it with loads. It is better to do less, but more often! Pain can ease massage. It is necessary to gently rub the diseased joints in a circular motion.

Medical treatment

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(rimadil, metakam, diphenhydramine, analgin, aspirin). The mechanism of action is associated with the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which is responsible for the production of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, leukotrienes).
  • Tramadol. Has an analgesic effect.
  • Chondroprotectors(Chionat, Mukartrin, Adequan, Rumalon). Chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid are used to build interarticular cartilage.
  • Antidepressants(Amitriptyline, Prozac)
  • Neurontin. When chronic pain occurs.


The indications for surgery are:

  1. Fracture and necrosis of the femoral head.
  2. Pathological dislocation.
  3. Dysplasia.


To prevent exacerbations and relapses, you need to create favorable conditions for the pet. Don't let your dog get cold. The dog should sleep on a warm blanket, preferably heated. Body-shaped foam mats work well.

Do not forget about light physical activity. Be sure to take your pet to swim. Arthritis puppies can take a bath. Also do a light massage.

Long and active walks are happy periods for the dog and its owner, but sometimes pain in the joints does not allow the pet to enjoy the walk.

How to recognize and treat arthritis in dogs? More on this below.

Changes in the joints of a pathological nature are called arthritis. This disease causes chronic pain in the animal and reduces the quality of life. A dog suffering from this disease rarely enjoys long walks, lies a lot and tries to move carefully.

There are several reasons for the development of arthritis:

  • age animal (the disease is typical for older dogs, as their joints lose elasticity);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity(excess weight increases the load on the joints, and they “wear out” faster);
  • injury(bruises, sprains, dislocations) and excessive loads;
  • infections and viruses that have entered the joint.

Attention! Arthritis is more predisposed to dogs of large and giant breeds. Excess weight, age and slippery surfaces accelerate the development of the disease.

Forms of Arthritis in Dogs

The causes of arthritis can be different, so the disease is divided into several forms:

Form of arthritis Description
1. Traumatic The reason for the development of this form is various injuries (fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.). In case of damage, the load on a healthy joint increases. Due to metabolic disorders, cartilage tissue degeneration occurs, and as a result, the joint becomes inflamed.
2. Functional This form is similar to traumatic, but the root cause is not an injury, but an excessive load on a healthy joint (long workouts, running, etc.).
3. Metabolic or dystrophic This form develops due to metabolic disorders:
  • pyrophosphate - calcium phosphate crystals form in the synovial fluid, which injure the tissues of the joints and cause inflammation;
  • hemochromatosis - excess iron in the body;
  • rickets is a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, leading to softening and deformation of the bones, accompanied by inflammation of the joints.
4. Purulent In this form, due to injuries of the periarticular tissues, bacteria enter the joint, leading to the development of inflammation and the formation of pus in the joint bag.
5. Genetic In this case, various genetic diseases lead to the development of arthritis: dysplasia, decreased cartilage stability, etc.
6. Rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease and is rare. The reason for its development is the ingestion of bacteria that are similar to cartilage and bone cells. The immune system begins to fight them, simultaneously attacking healthy cartilage tissue.

Arthritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment

Important! A decrease in pet activity is the first sign of the development of joint pathology.

  • the dog avoids long walks, sleeps a lot;
  • the pet takes care of the sick paw, carefully and heavily gets up, feels discomfort if the affected joint is touched;
  • gait becomes clumsy, animal moves without bending his legs, limps;
  • due to lack of movement quickly excess weight appears;
  • during a drop in atmospheric pressure, pain in the joints may increase.

Arthritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment should be determined by a specialist. If you notice signs of this disease in your pet, contact your veterinarian. He will examine, feel the pet's joints and determine which of them are inflamed or swollen.

After that, the dog must be x-rayed to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. If there is fluid in the joint, it is pumped out with a syringe and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Possible Complications

A severe complication of arthritis is the loss of the ability to use the affected limb. The inflammation leads to deformity of the joint, causing the dog to experience severe pain when moving. There is a "drying" of muscle mass.

Due to cartilage deformity the joint becomes less mobile, its surface stiffens.

Attention! If an infection has entered the joint, severe inflammation develops, which can lead to amputation.

How to make life easier for a pet with arthritis?

A dog suffering from arthritis should be kept warm. Offer your pet a thick mattress as a bedding (for large animals, it is convenient to use baby cotton mattresses).

If the floors in the house are smooth (laminate, tiles), the dog may slip, so cover them with carpet. Try to protect the animal from walking up the stairs, it is better to use the elevator or take the pet in your arms.

Important! In the cold season, dress your dog in warm overalls while walking. Hypothermia will lead to joint pain. Walks should be calm and not long.

Treatment of the disease

Arthritis in a dog: treatment directed to combat inflammatory processes, reduce pain, restore damaged tissues. Here are activities that will ease the condition of the animal and help to cope with the disease:

  1. Taking medications, which include glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid. These drugs help restore damaged cartilage tissue slow down the development of arthritis. Such agents include Stop Arthritis suspension, Canina GAG-Forte, Stride, etc.
  2. Painkillers– Ketoprofen, Carprofen, Rimadyl, etc. These drugs can lead to ulcers and bleeding in the stomach, so they are taken carefully and only under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. Hormonal drugs- Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, etc. These drugs quickly relieve inflammation, but they also have side effects: reduced immunity, disruption of the endocrine system.
  4. Warming gels. For the treatment of joint pathology, special warming gels for horses are successfully used. They reduce pain, but these drugs can not be used for purulent form.
  5. Physiotherapy. Massage improves blood circulation in the affected limb, improves blood flow and eliminates toxic substances, and relaxes muscles. Swimming is a great way to strengthen muscle tissue without stressing sore joints. Small dogs can swim in the bath, a large animal can be taken to a pond or lake.
  6. Surgical intervention(joint replacement or limb amputation). This measure is taken as a last resort. Amputation is indicated if the joint can no longer be restored.

Do not forget that for arthritis in dogs, treatment, drugs should be prescribed only by a veterinarian after examination and diagnosis. Some drugs may be contraindicated in various forms of arthritis. Self-activity will only harm your pet!


To prevent the development of arthritis, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • frequent, but gentle walks;
  • warm and soft sleeping place;
  • weight control (light diet, dry food with chondroprotectors);
  • and the inclusion of vitamins in it (after consultation with a veterinarian);
  • swimming and massage.

Arthritis cannot be completely cured but it is quite possible to achieve a long-term remission. This is a pet, but it is less dangerous than, or.

Compliance with prevention, timely visits to the veterinarian, keeping the animal warm on a soft bed will make your pet's life easier and save him from constant pain in the joints. How to treat arthritis in a dog, even if it is not in advanced form, the veterinarian must decide.

For more information, check out the video on the manifestation of arthritis in dogs:

Most older people know firsthand what arthritis is. This disease often appears in old age and, unfortunately, is not treatable. We often hear from our grandparents how their arms and legs hurt, how at times their joints seem to simply twist. Most often, these are the symptoms of an insidious disease - arthritis.

Our beloved pets also suffer from this disease, more often at a respectful age. It manifests itself in the form of lameness, limited mobility and fatigue during walks. Like people, arthritis flares up in cold, wet weather, and the most dangerous times of the year are considered autumn, winter (a period of slush and rain with snow), and spring.

So what is arthritis? It turns out that arthritis is not one disease, but a whole group of joint diseases, which can be inflammatory, dystrophic, or have a mixed form.

If pathogens of a purulent infection, such as staphylococci or streptococci, penetrate into the joint cavity, this is called purulent synovitis, which can be open or closed. Treatment is carried out only in a veterinary clinic, it consists in suppressing the infection and freeing the joint cavity from pus.

When the osteoarticular plates are damaged, the diagnosis is made purulent osteoarthritis. Purulent inflammation of the joint can occur as a result of a penetrating injury to the joint, and in some cases, with inflammation passing from the tissues located next to it. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of swelling, the dog practically cannot stand on the affected limb. Treatment consists of an operation and for some time the animal must be under supervision in a veterinary clinic.

With acute inflammation of the joint, with arthrosis, as a result of injuries or constant overloading of the joints, deformation in the form of bone growths may occur, which in the end will actually disfigure the joint. Such a disease is called chronic deforming arthritis in dogs. It does not develop all at once, but gradually: at first, the animal may limp after loads on the joints, then stiffness of the joint appears, which indicates that the deformation has occurred. Most often, this disease affects the hip or knee joints.

With hypothermia, especially when hunting, when dogs are in a long chase for game, with swims in cold water, while the joints are practically overheated and are under intense physical exertion, a disease such as rheumatic fever. It refers to infectious-allergic diseases, most often acute with a sharp increase in temperature and severe pain on palpation at the site of the diseased joint. Repeated attacks lead to the fact that rheumatism becomes a chronic disease.

If a dog owner has the slightest suspicion that their pet may have arthritis, a veterinarian should be consulted for advice. Treatment is prescribed after a series of tests and an appropriate diagnosis.

Treatment and prevention of arthritis - five basic rules.

First rule- completely exclude the lying of a pet on a cold floor (balcony, tile) and in drafts! If the dog is not accustomed to a certain place where you can lay a bedding or rug, you should take care of the presence of carpets and paths in the apartment. When walking in rainy, damp weather, it is advisable to wear an insulated overall for dogs or an ordinary overall that will protect the undercoat from moisture penetration.

Second rule- physical activity should be minimal, jumping and running should be excluded, walking time should be limited, and most importantly - peace.

Third rule– unquestioning adherence to the recommendations of a veterinarian, taking prescribed veterinary drugs.

Fourth rule– switching to special therapeutic dog food. For example, Hill's Prescription Diet Canine j/d arthritis treatment. This food helps to reduce pain in the joints, slows down the progression of arthritis, and reduces the degradation of articular cartilage.

Fifth Rule- regularly, in the morning and in the evening, especially during periods of exacerbation, do a light massage (on the recommendation of a veterinarian, it is possible to use ointments based on snake or bee venom, followed by wrapping the paw in a warm scarf), as well as warm up the paws after a walk and before going to bed. How to properly massage a dog with arthritis will be described below. As for warming up, you can use one of the following methods:

1) put a towel or an old sheet on the mat and an electric heating pad between them, make sure that the dog lies on a warm bed with a sick limb;

2) the generation brought up under the Soviet Union remembers well the so-called “blue lamps”, with which their parents warmed their ears, and their sore lower backs and knees. Surely such devices are kept by grandparents somewhere in the bins, and buying a blue lamp on the market is not a problem. So, in one of the Soviet veterinary books, a recommendation was given for warming the paw of an animal with arthritis with such a lamp. It really helps, but you should first consult a veterinarian. The procedure itself is holding the lamp at such a distance from the paw that you feel good warmth, but do not burn the body of the animal, for 15 minutes. In this case, the dog most often relaxes, calms down, and sometimes just falls asleep.

Dog massage as a method of preventing arthritis.

It is impossible to cure arthritis, massage can only help to reduce muscle tension and pain that occurs with this disease. In addition, with a properly performed procedure, regular massage slows down degenerative processes. The lower spine, hip joint, as well as the knee and hock joints are the main sites of damage, problems with the shoulder or elbow joints are less common.

The massage is performed early in the morning to prepare the muscles for the daytime wakefulness of the animal, as well as in the evening to relieve pain and tension that have accumulated during the day.

The massage procedure for dogs consists in kneading from the outside of the elbow joint and pelvic limb. The most important thing is that the massage does not cause discomfort and pain to the dog. For arthritis, light massage is recommended.

How to massage a dog with arthritis?

1. Massage begins with stroking , very light, without detaching from the body of the animal with fingers or palms, usually the movement is made along the muscles in the direction of hair growth.

2. Kneading - pressing , squeezing muscles and another useful action - rolling the skin. Kneading is carried out with the thumbs, and then with slightly clenched hands into a fist.

3. The next stage of massage - vibrating movements , which are performed by pressing the fingers on the massaged area, it should be a light pressure, which increases slightly in the process. When pressed with hands, a movement similar to shaking hands is made.

4. With the help of three fingers - forefinger, thumb and middle, such a moment of massage is carried out as trituration .

5. The last stage of the massage is touch , which consists in putting your palm on the massage site and feeling the heat wave that will come from the pet's body, along with which pain and tension will recede.

Caring for a pet requires a lot of time and knowledge, but when it comes to an animal that is sick, it becomes at least doubly difficult, and emotionally ten times harder. Owners of sick dogs are frequent "guests" in veterinary clinics, trying to independently study the literature about the disease, what to expect and what to fear. It remains only to believe that all the strength and nerves spent will not be in vain, and the beloved pet will recover and for many more years will be a reliable, loving friend, meeting his owner with a joyful wag of the tail after work.

An article about the treatment of arthritis in dogs and other joint diseases with homeopathy and folk remedies in an article on the website of our pet store.

Changes in the joints of a pathological nature are called arthritis. This disease causes chronic pain in the animal and reduces the quality of life. A dog suffering from this disease rarely enjoys long walks, lies a lot and tries to move carefully.

Leptospirosis is also called Weil's disease, infectious jaundice, or Stuttgart's disease. This is zooanthroponosis, the causative agent of which is a bacterium from the genus Leptospira.

Not only dogs are susceptible to diseases, but also many types of agricultural (pigs, sheep), domestic (cats), wild (wolves, foxes, mice) animals, as well as humans. First of all, the liver and circulatory system suffer. Leptospirosis can be fatal if left untreated.

Arthritis is a pathological change that occurs predominantly in the joints. This ailment provokes the appearance of rather severe pains of a chronic nature in an animal, which significantly worsens the quality of his life. As a rule, dogs suffering from arthritis move little, lie down most of the time, and do not really like long walks.

There are several reasons for the development of arthritis in an animal:

  1. The age of the pet. Arthritis is most commonly seen in older dogs. This is primarily due to the fact that with age, the joints of dogs lose their former elasticity.
  2. The presence of a genetic predisposition to this disease.
  3. The presence of excess weight. A large body mass greatly increases the load on the joints, as a result of which they wear out much faster.
  4. Mechanical damage and injury. Arthritis can begin to develop as a result of a bruise, dislocation, sprain, or overuse.
  5. Infectious and viral lesions of the joints.

It should also be borne in mind that large breeds of dogs have the greatest predisposition to joint disease. External conditions, for example, frequent movement of the animal on slippery surfaces, can accelerate the progress of arthritis. The greatest influence on the development of the disease is exerted by a large weight and age.

conjunctivitis in dogs - symptoms and treatment

The most common is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease. This form of the disease is characterized by a progressive, constantly deteriorating condition of the cartilage of the joint. It can develop as a result of trauma or congenital joint pathologies, such as dysplasia (elbow or hip joint). This disease is completely incurable. However, symptoms and pain can be controlled.

Arthritis is a pathological change in the joints that is observed in dogs. Mostly, this disease is associated with the age of the pet, and very often arthritis accompanies the aging of the dog. You can learn more about how dogs age and what happens to their bodies here. So, according to experts,

every 4th dog, over the age of 5-8 years, suffers from arthritis.

However, sometimes arthritis can develop in a young dog, and there are reasons for this, which we will talk about a little later.


The causes of jaw arthritis are divided into 3 groups:

  • trauma;
  • infections;
  • inflammatory pathologies.

Traumatic inflammation can be caused by a strong blow, injury.

It is not always possible to establish the truth of the cause that led to the pathology. The most likely ones are:

  • predisposition of the breed;
  • the influence of interspecific crossbreeding;
  • predisposition of males (females are ill only in 20%);
  • the presence of excess weight;
  • hypothermia;
  • extreme physical activity;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • the quality of food and water, the state of the environment;
  • an excess of calcium in food;
  • from birth, excessive joint mobility;
  • physical injury (dislocation, fracture).

Often the disease develops due to keeping the individual in a cold room or in the absence of warm bedding.

Arthritis in veterinary medicine is not yet a fully understood disease. Often the disease is associated with age, and the cause of its development is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joint. However, some breeds are characterized by the early development of arthritis. First of all, this applies to large breeds: Chow Chow, Dalmatians, etc. Most likely, this is due to genetically determined anatomical features.

Now let's look at the causes of arthritis in a dog - of course, they are tightly intertwined with species.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis in dogs, no cause has yet been found. Luckily, they don't get sick very often.

And the most susceptible to this autoimmune disease are small dogs (dwarf, miniature). Moreover, they are only about 4 years old.

That is, not old people suffer, but quite even young dogs. In addition, not one joint is affected, but several at once.

After all, antibodies with the bloodstream are carried throughout the body, as a result of which almost all cartilage tissue is destroyed.


One of the causes of arthritis in dogs is trauma. Yes, the dog can hit hard, which will lead to a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule.

Because of this, swelling develops. And if a bacterial infection also “joins”, then arthritis appears in the dog.

However, there is traumatic functional arthritis in dogs. In this case, with a bruise, the capsule remains intact, but the muscles suffer (as with sprains and muscle fibers).

In this case, a cavity is formed in which blood begins to accumulate (a hematoma or simply a bruise), edematous fluid. Over time, everything is restored, and arthritis goes away by itself.

Other reasons

At the place of "connection" of the bones with each other, there is an articular capsule, and cartilage serves as a "layer" between them. This is a kind of pillow that prevents the articular surfaces of the bones from being erased during movement, deformed and destroyed.

Inside the capsule is a fluid that allows the joint to perform its function freely, without pain. But why can an inflammatory process develop in the joint?

  1. Weakened immunity. Any infection that enters the body of an animal provokes the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Injuries: dislocations, bruises, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, fractures. The dog may stumble, twist its paw while running or jumping (toddlers, old people and overweight dogs are especially prone to such falls).
  3. Rest on a hard and cold floor. If the dog lies on a hard surface for a long time, the joints often swell and harden, arthritis and arthrosis can develop.
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Inadequate nutrition. This is not the main reason, but rather a contributing one.

Each joint surrounded by cartilage and tissues is located in a capsule, which represents a kind of protection. With pathological processes in the joint, the capsule loses its natural elasticity, which affects the movement of the limb. This is how arthritis begins.

There are several reasons for the appearance of the disease. All of them, one way or another, are associated with a negative impact directly on the joint, in which cartilage degeneration occurs.

Age characteristics of dogs are one of the most common causes of the disease. As you know, with age in an animal, along with a deterioration in blood circulation, the elasticity of cartilage in the joints decreases.

This happens due to the leaching of calcium from the body. However, dogs still need to move.

Cartilage that has lost its former elasticity loses its protective functions, which leads to injuries and bruises.

Arthritis in dogs, unfortunately, is not a rare disease. Literally every 4-5 dogs at a respectable age are subject to it. This disease involves pathological negative changes in the functioning of the joints. The most susceptible to this disease are Dalmatian and Chow Chow dogs.

Forms of Arthritis in Dogs

There are five types of arthritis and all of them have specific characteristics.

Joint diseases are noted in dogs of various breeds, age groups. Representatives of large "heavy" breeds (mastiffs, St. Bernards, Great Danes, Alabai, Caucasians) fall into the risk group.

A large load on the bones, an uneven growth rate, especially in representatives of fast-growing, large foods, provoke all kinds of disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, which is especially dangerous for large dogs that live in small apartments.

Animals do not receive proper physical activity. With an unbalanced diet, macro-microelements, vitamins, amino acids do not enter the body of dogs in the right amount, which also negatively affects the state of muscle, bone structures, and joints.

This leads to various injuries, disorders.

Puppies are most commonly diagnosed with hip dysplasia. Dogs of small decorative breeds are less susceptible to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

If we analyze the types of arthritis, it becomes clear that this disease can be caused by many reasons. The most common are:

  • weakened immunity;
  • mechanical damage to the joints;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • stress and excessive emotional stress.

It should be noted that this is only a small fraction of the reasons that can provoke the development of arthritis in an animal.

For an arthritic animal, walking becomes not a joy, but only a means of necessity.

Your pet will not run, sticking out his tongue, for a stick, will not bring the ball. Now he will move more carefully and more carefully.

Osteoarthritis in aging cats mainly manifests itself in the form of damage to the shoulder and elbow joints. After 12 years, the disease occurs in 90% of individuals.

  • genetic predisposition. Some breeds that have appeared as a result of artificial selection in recent years have been prone to inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system.

Most often, lop-eared cats, for example, Scottish Fold breeds, suffer from this disease. The defective gene is associated with the phenomenon of hip dysplasia. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the connective cartilage tissue are not uncommon in such breeds.

  • Injuries. Falls from a height, collisions with vehicles, fights with relatives and primordial feline enemies - dogs, as a rule, are accompanied by bruises, dislocations, sprains. Damage as a result of trauma to the tissues of the musculoskeletal system leads to inflammatory processes and the development of traumatic arthritis.

It is not worth comparing the levels of examination of animals and humans, and given that, until recently, arthritis in dogs and cats was “written off” to age characteristics, there is little specific data available on the “question of interest”. Arthritis is a broad concept that refers to all diseases of the joints or cartilage tissues. Conditionally, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • Genetic arthritis - observed in artificially bred breeds with initial cartilage mutations.

Types of Arthritis

There are the following inflammations of the articular junctions:

  • Congenital.
  • Purulent.
  • Rheumatoid.
  • Dystrophic.
  • Traumatic.


Depending on what causes led to the development of arthritis, and what symptoms the disease manifests itself, there are several of its varieties. This division is conditional, it is not always possible to accurately determine the type of pathology.


Older dogs of large breeds or dogs-“athletes” get sick more often than others. All types of arthritis in dogs:

  • Genetic view. Yes, arthritis exists. It develops in those dogs that have been “artificially” bred. Many at the genetic level laid down the destruction of cartilage.
  • Purulent. In this case, pus accumulates in the joint capsule. A very dangerous condition of the animal, because pus is always bacteria! In addition, without treatment, the dog can develop sepsis (blood poisoning).
  • Rheumatoid. Another type of arthritis. With it, the mustache's own immune system produces antibodies to its own proteins. That is, the body attacks itself, in particular, cartilage tissue. Over time, the cartilage becomes so inflamed and then thinned that the bones wear away. It is very painful for the animal to walk. The joints become so enlarged and swollen that they cannot even bend.
  • Dystrophic. It also develops metabolic due to metabolic disorders. As a result, the cartilage tissue becomes thinner and destroyed very quickly.

In veterinary practice, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of arthritis in dogs:

  • Rheumatoid. This type of pathology is due to the fact that antibodies are produced in the animal's body against its own protein structures. Cartilage tissue is attacked by the immune system, becomes thinner and destroyed.

Signs and symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis

  • Decreased physical activity. Dog refuse to play, from walks, seemingly weakened, sleeps a lot.
  • Excess weight. Appears due to a decrease in activity.
  • Gait disturbance. The dog tries not to step on the paw affected by arthritis.
  • Pain. You can notice how the dog frowns, whines when moving. It is difficult for the pet to change the position of the body, walks, almost without bending its paws.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Apathy. The dog becomes indifferent to things that used to give pleasure. With severe pain, it may not meet the owners after separation.
  • Responds to changes in the weather, especially atmospheric pressure. With pressure drops, the pain intensifies.
  • When feeling a sick paw, pain appears, a crunch in the joint. The dog will either withdraw its paw or whine.

These diseases may include one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Lameness, unwillingness to walk and climb stairs, jump or play, lagging behind on a walk.
  • Swelling and / or swelling in the joints.
  • Pain in the joint area.
  • Licking the affected joints.
  • Sometimes an increase in local temperature.
  • Change in behavior (sometimes aggression when touched).
  • Crunch (crepitus) in the joint.
  • The animal carefully sits or stands up, stale after sleep - these signs can also indicate arthritis.

Symptoms will become more apparent as the arthritis progresses and the pain gets worse.


Quite often, the first symptoms of joint disease are so mild that even the most attentive owners may not notice them in a pet. They increase gradually and become more visible.

The main symptoms of joint damage in dogs are:

  • refusal to walk, play;
  • lethargy;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • step shortening;
  • lameness provoked by pain;
  • whining when lifting and starting to move;
  • squeals when touching a sore joint;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss.

You can suspect arthritis in a dog by a tense gait: protecting the inflamed joint, the pet tries not to step on its paw. In this case, poor coordination of movements is observed. Predisposing factors are overweight in a dog, lack of physical activity, prolonged stress. There is a common story when the owners, because of their great love for the dog, overfeed it.

The undeniable reason is the age of the dog: the older the pet, the greater the risk of developing arthritis. The natural aging of the cartilage causes damage to the synovial membrane and stretches the articular bag.

The disease causes the dog to instinctively restrict movements that cause pain. Reduced range of motion develops atrophy of the musculoskeletal system.

The dog moves little, sleeps more, and, accordingly, gains excess weight.

Another symptom of the disease is slowness. The dog seems to hesitate before approaching the food or going out into the yard. Getting up from a lying position, the dog whines, does not show a desire to walk, does not meet the owner upon returning home. Hanging limb syndrome and lameness may be observed. When touching a sore paw, the dog will whine in pain or snarl.


At the first detected symptoms of the disease, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. The sooner arthritis treatment is started, the better the recovery will be.

The doctor with the help of certain exercises will determine the inflamed joint. Swelling and soreness of the joint will tell you which of the paws is affected by arthritis.

To determine the direction of treatment and drugs, it is necessary to take an x-ray. Radiography will help to assess the anatomy of the articular structure, to detect damage and deformation of the elements of the joint.

If necessary, a joint puncture is performed, with the help of a microbiological study, the etiology of the inflammatory process is clarified and appropriate antibacterial therapy is selected.

The main manifestations of TMJ arthritis are:

  • pain radiating to the ear, neck, temple, upper face, tenderness on palpation;
  • crunching and clicking when moving (during eating, talking);
  • displacement of the jaw towards the affected joint;
  • swelling and redness in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • restriction of mobility;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
  • fever, chills;
  • the formation of an infiltrate;
  • hearing loss;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders.

The manifestations of each form of the disease may differ.

Important! A decrease in pet activity is the first sign of the development of joint pathology.

  • the dog avoids long walks, sleeps a lot;
  • the pet takes care of the sick paw, carefully and heavily gets up, feels discomfort if the affected joint is touched;
  • the gait becomes clumsy, the animal moves without bending its legs, limps;
  • due to lack of movement, excess weight quickly appears;
  • during a drop in atmospheric pressure, pain in the joints may increase.

Arthritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment should be determined by a specialist. If you notice signs of this disease in your pet, contact your veterinarian. He will examine, feel the pet's joints and determine which of them are inflamed or swollen.

READ ALSO: How does arthritis begin, how does it manifest itself and how to live with it?

After that, the dog must be x-rayed to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. If there is fluid in the joint, it is pumped out with a syringe and sent to a laboratory for examination.

Possible Complications

A severe complication of arthritis is the loss of the ability to use the affected limb. The inflammation leads to deformity of the joint, causing the dog to experience severe pain when moving. There is a "drying" of muscle mass.

Due to the deformation of the cartilage tissue, the joint becomes less mobile, its surface becomes stiff.

It is important to notice the presence of any deviations in time, otherwise it threatens the dog not only with long treatment, but also with disability. Any changes are not always visible, therefore, it is possible to make an accurate diagnosis only after an X-ray examination. If the disease proceeds with a dissection of the cartilage, then the signs are noticeable even to a non-specialist.

Symptoms that report the development of this disease in dogs are:

  • joint pain (subsequent symptoms are caused precisely by painful sensations, as the root cause of subsequent health problems in the dog);
  • refusal to walk, especially in bad weather;
  • low mobility;
  • poor coordination of movements;
  • gradual weight gain (due to low physical activity);

The following symptoms indicate the development of inflammation of the bone joint:

  • Coupling hypertrophy and its soreness.
  • Lameness.
  • Violation of flexion functions.
  • Inability to jump.
  • The dog is hard to get up.
  • local hyperthermia.
  • Difficulty getting up and down.
  • Reaction to rainy weather, accompanied by whining.

Symptoms and treatment of arthritis in dogs can be roughly divided into 4 groups - let's discuss each of them.

Weight gain

One of the unusual symptoms of arthritis in a dog is weight gain. Although this can be explained by the fact that the mustache is difficult to move. He tries to lie down more, as a result the dog grows fat. Even more difficult is the situation with already fat dogs. They develop obesity (in addition to arthritis, they can develop diabetes and heart problems).

Enlarged joint and soreness

The inflamed joint always increases in size, painful. Its “flexion” function is violated, that is, the animal cannot bend its paw or turn its head. It will be very difficult for the mustache to get up from a prone position. Jumping is also almost impossible. This is one of the clear and direct symptoms of arthritis in a dog.


If you touch the inflamed joint, it is felt that the skin in this area will be hotter than in a healthy one. The general body temperature may slightly increase (if the infection is to blame for the inflammation, then it all depends on the "underlying disease").

Difficulty moving

Sofas, stairs - a real test for the animal. Difficult to get up and down. After a long lying dog with inflamed joints, the process of getting up is delayed, accompanied by whining. And "magnetic storms" worsen the condition. Yes, and in rainy weather, sore paws begin to ache.

What are the symptoms of arthritis in dogs?

  • The most obvious ones are an increase in volume (but such a sign can only be seen on the “visible” joints - on the limbs).
  • Immobility of the inflamed joint. Due to edema, motor ability is impaired.
  • Pain. Any movement in which the inflamed joint is involved causes the wildest pain to the animal.
  • The dog rests more, tries to lie on the healthy “side”. However, if the inflammation is bilateral, then the dog tries to take an unnatural position, so as not to disturb the sore joints.
  • Reluctance to walk, run, jump a lot. It is difficult for the dog to go down and up (including the stairs, he cannot jump on the sofa or go down).
  • The dog begins to gain weight, despite the fact that the appetite is reduced. This is due to the fact that the animal began to walk and move less. The less physical activity, the more mass the pet will gain.

When the disease most often develops an inflammatory process in the joints, which leads to difficult movement of the animal. The pet steps heavily, sometimes limps. Because of the reluctance to experience discomfort when moving, the dog prefers to lie down more and move less. This lifestyle gradually leads to weight gain, which, in fact, is an additional load on the joints.

Thus, a vicious circle is formed, which is caused by the behavior of the dog. An attentive owner may notice that the pet avoids long walks, becomes inactive and quickly gains weight.

These signs can serve as a signal of the onset of the development of arthritis. At an advanced stage of the disease, the dog has muscle atrophy.

At the same time, the limb damaged by the disease looks much thinner than the healthy one.

Clinical manifestations of inflammation of the joints in dogs depend on the form, stage, degree of damage, age, and the general physiological state of the pet. In our smaller brothers, veterinarians most often diagnose purulent arthritis (osteoarthritis), bursitis, arthrosis of various etiologies, and osteochondrosis. Dogs suffer from synovitis - inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint capsule.

Symptoms of inflammation of the joints:

  • lameness, swelling of the limbs;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • drowsiness, apathy, depression;
  • pain, discomfort when walking;
  • violation of the heart rhythm, breathing;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of appetite, increased thirst.

In dogs, regardless of breed, the knee and hip joints are most often affected. Less often, inflammation of the shoulder joint is diagnosed.

Purulent arthritis

With purulent inflammation of the joints at the initial stage of the disease, the synovial membrane (the inner surface of the joint capsule) is affected, after which the pathological process affects the remaining elements of the joint.

A light yellow transparent liquid (synovia) flows out of the inflamed joint, which becomes cloudy on the second or third day from the onset of the development of the inflammatory process. In the circumference of the wound gelatinous clots are formed, swelling is noticeable. Nearby tissues are inflamed, hyperemic, hot to the touch, dough-like consistency.

The dog begins to limp, tries not to lean on the diseased limb, refuses to go for walks. It is difficult for animals to climb stairs.

In advanced forms, purulent fistulas appear. The body temperature rises sharply by 1-2 degrees (40-41 degrees).

Breathing is fast, heart rate is increased. The dog reacts weakly to external stimuli, tries to hide in a dark, cool place, lies motionless on the litter.


Inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint capsule occurs in dogs in an acute aseptic, chronic form. Exudate, sweating into the joint cavity, may be serous, fibrous, mixed.

At the beginning of the development of inflammation in the dog, activity decreases. Animals are reluctant to carry out commands, refuse to take part in outdoor games.

The state of apathy, oppressed. The temperature rises slightly (by 0.

5-1 degrees), the pulse accelerates. Breathing is rapid, shallow, intermittent.

Tissues in the affected area are hot to the touch, dough-like consistency. On palpation, the dog feels pain.

Lameness is noticeable when walking.

Deforming inflammation (chronic osteoarthritis)

The characteristic clinical symptoms in the development of deformable inflammation of the joints in dogs appear gradually. At the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process, the pathology proceeds hidden, latent.

Important! Deforming inflammation of the joints in dogs is chronic. Pathology is diagnosed in older animals, after seven to eight years. Most often, deforming inflammation affects the knee, hip joint on the hind legs.

The disease is characterized by a change in the bone structures of the joint, deformation. All bone growths in the lesion are gradually involved in the inflammatory process, which leads to its disfigurement.

It is manifested by slight lameness, which intensifies after physical exertion, intense loads, or vice versa, at the beginning of the movement. As the pathology progresses on the medial side, bone growths form around the entire circumference of the joint.

The bones near the joint are thickened. Perhaps the development of muscle atrophy.


Bursitis is characterized by inflammation of the synovial bursa. In the lesion, a cavity (pocket) appears, filled with fluid that covers the joint. Bursitis occurs in dogs in acute, chronic form. In most cases, seals are noticeable on the hind limbs.

Hyperemia and pain appear in the joint area. A dense, painful, reddish swelling is clearly visible, which grows stronger as the disease progresses. Perhaps a local, general increase in temperature.

Like any other disease, arthritis is also easier to cure and alleviate the condition of the animal if it is detected at an early stage. To do this, you need to know some of the characteristic symptoms that indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the joints. It is worth highlighting the following signs:

  • the dog will, if possible, take care of the sore paw, limiting any movements, raising it;
  • poor coordination of movement, slowness, unwillingness of the animal to go for a walk, especially in bad weather;
  • an increase in body weight (associated with the low activity of the animal, as a result of pain when walking and running, the dog does not move much, most of the time lies and eats);
  • “hanging limb” syndrome, the dog tries to keep the diseased paw on weight;
  • when touching a diseased joint, the animal whines, snaps, because at this moment the pain intensifies.

As soon as a pet shows these symptoms, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. It is not worth debugging this visit, it is important to understand that the sooner treatment begins, the more successful it will be.

The doctor will examine the animal, take an x-ray of the paw, which will allow you to see the true picture of joint damage. If necessary, a joint puncture may be prescribed. The study of biological material helps to determine the nature of the inflammatory process. This is necessary for the correct selection of antibacterial drugs.

Arthritis is accompanied by a complex of symptoms, some of which are hard to miss:

  • inflamed joints increase in volume (this is especially noticeable on large joints of the limbs);
  • a joint affected by arthritis loses mobility, it decreases due to swelling;
  • soreness - even a slight movement causes severe, unbearable pain in the dog;
  • the dog rests most of the time, lying on the healthy “side” of the body; if the inflammatory process is bilateral, then he can choose to rest in an unnatural position that does not cause pain;
  • decrease in activity - the pet reluctantly responds to the call to take a walk, may completely refuse to play, has difficulty going down or climbing stairs; cannot climb onto a favorite sofa, etc .;
  • weight gain - the dog is getting fat, but at the same time eating less than usual; this is due to low mobility and activity.

The changed behavior of a pet should alert you - after all, dogs often endure pain, and only accompanying signs give out that something is wrong with their health.

Irreversible functional disorders in the joint begin with the destruction of cartilage and bone tissue. Degenerative processes lead to wear of the elements of the musculoskeletal system, a decrease in intra-articular fluid and the development of inflammation.

At first, pathological changes do not cause pain to the animal, and the disease does not have pronounced symptoms. Stiffness of movement, severe pain, a change in the general condition of the pet do not develop immediately. In this case, in a domestic cat, the owner may note the following clinical signs:

Many owners of sick animals note that with an inflammatory disease of the musculoskeletal system, the pet tries to avoid communication with household members and seeks solitude.

The following symptoms indicate the development of arthritis in a four-legged friend:

  • Decreased motor activity. The animal rarely takes part in active games with the owner and fellows. Long walks are beyond the power of an ill dog, it often stops, reluctantly follows the owner, sluggishly executes commands.
  • Pain syndrome. The inflammatory process is accompanied by painful sensations. After sleep, rest, the dog moves carefully. The animal tries to avoid stairs, especially when descending. When feeling the limbs, pelvic joints, anxiety is observed on the part of the pet. The inflamed tissues are hot to the touch.
  • Increase in body weight. Obesity is associated with hypodynamia.
  • Lameness. Most often observed after sleep and rest.

A sick animal is often in a depressed, lethargic state, and there may be a decrease in appetite.

Spondylosis is a complex of degenerative changes in various structures of the vertebral motor segments (fibrous rings of the intervertebral discs (IVD), facet joints, ligaments or the vertebrae themselves). In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), pathology is assigned the M47 code.

Symptoms and tactics of treatment of spondylosis depend on its stage, localization and the presence of concomitant diseases or complications.

Although the diagnosis should be made by a veterinarian, after examining the dog, performing tests and examinations, owners should also be aware of the symptoms that may lead them to think that something is wrong with their friend.

So, if you notice that your always active dog suddenly began to lead a passive and inactive lifestyle, refuses to play and walk, her weight indicators have decreased despite the fact that the diet has remained the same, she behaves clumsily and clumsily in bad weather prefers to endure and refuses walks, sometimes you hear her whine plaintively - perhaps she has arthritis.

Be sure to take the dog to the veterinarian so that he can confirm or refute your fears. Indeed, many of these symptoms may relate to other diseases that require a completely different approach to treatment, therefore, it is very important not to diagnose the dog yourself, but to contact a specialist who will not be mistaken.


To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a dentist, traumatologist, rheumatologist. Diagnosis of TMJ arthritis includes laboratory (general and biochemical blood tests, enzyme immunoassay, PCR) and instrumental (radiography, computed tomography) examinations.

In acute arthritis, x-rays reveal the presence of infiltrate, expansion of the joint space. Diagnostic signs of chronic arthritis are: narrowing of the gap, usura (bone erosion), osteoporosis, sometimes the presence of osteophytes and the destruction of cartilage surfaces.

Acute jaw arthritis is important to differentiate with arthrosis of the TMJ, acute otitis media, neuralgia of the trigeminal branch, difficult and painful eruption of the wisdom tooth, parotitis.

Based on the history and examination, a preliminary diagnosis is made, which is clarified by the appointment of additional studies. Standard analyzes of urine and blood make it possible to assess the severity of the inflamation process and its nature.

Radiography establishes the localization of arthritis, reveals the presence of fluid in the articulation chamber, bone deformity, cartilage degradation and other characteristic pathological changes.

Arthritis occurs mainly in a permanent form, so the concept of treatment gives a big role to the dog breeder. The owner will have to learn how to give injections, acquire the skills to give pills. There are conservative and surgical methods of healing.

Non-surgical treatment is to eliminate the pain that prevents the pet from leading a full life. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial agents, diet therapy are used. The following medicines are in demand:

  • Rimadyl.
  • Metacam.
  • Dimedrol.
  • Stop arthritis.
  • Analgin.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Voltaren.
  • Brufen.
  • Hydrocortisone.
  • Kenalog.
  • Traumel.
  • Chondroprotector.
  • Khionat.

If signs of arthritis appear, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the dog, assess the condition of the joints, check their mobility.

The veterinarian will prescribe general clinical studies (general and biochemical blood tests) in order to determine the type of arthritis.

For further diagnosis, it is necessary to make an x-ray of the affected joints. Sometimes a diagnostic puncture is used.

The treatment of arthritis in dogs is most often drug-based, with the following drugs being prescribed:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Metacam, Onsior. They relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  2. Antibacterial drugs. Treat arthritis with antibiotics if it is caused by a bacterial infection.
  3. Chondroprotectors. They are prescribed if the appearance of arthritis is associated with dystrophic changes, as well as with arthrosis.

In addition to drug treatment, exercise therapy is also indicated. A number of exercises can be performed at home. Any load should be soft, gentle and gradual. Veterinarians recommend water treatments, such as visiting a pool with a dog.

The treatment of bursitis in dogs is also medical and consists in the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Uncharacteristic symptoms, similarity with other numerous pathologies of the organs of movement makes it difficult to diagnose the disease early. An experienced veterinarian will pay attention first of all to the groomed coat, the plantigrade position of the hind limbs.

To study the disease in veterinary practice, in addition to a clinical examination of a sick animal, a puncture is used, followed by a bacteriological analysis of the resulting intra-articular fluid, as well as cytological and laboratory research methods. Laboratory diagnostics reveals, as a rule, the infectious nature of the disease.

An effective method for recognizing destructive processes in the joint is radiography. X-rays can reveal the deformation of the bone tissue, assess the localization of inflammation, and reveal the narrowing of the joint space. On the radiograph with arthritis, thickening and mineralization of soft tissues are observed.

READ ALSO: Arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment


To more effectively treat any joint disease in dogs, a special diet is prescribed. The diet should not contain dry food containing a large amount of carbohydrates and starch.

It is also necessary to exclude cereals and potatoes from the diet, since such products can provoke an exacerbation of an existing disease. It is important to diversify the dog's menu with cartilage, herbs and oily fish.

Do not feed a sick animal with fatty meats, which include pork. It is better to give preference to beef and poultry.

In the fight against this disease, physiotherapy is widely used. For example, massage improves blood circulation in the affected limb, reduces pain, relaxes muscles, promotes the resorption of exudate in the joints.

Heating is used to stimulate regenerative processes in cartilage tissue. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the ligaments of the joints, thereby increasing their elasticity and improving mobility.

How to treat arthritis in dogs? The course of treatment will be prescribed depending on the causes that caused the development of the disease.

Medical methods

First of all, drugs are prescribed that reduce pain. Treatment of arthritis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is controversial due to side effects. However, in cases where other drugs do not bring relief, their use is allowed with certain precautions.

Treatment for arthritis in dogs involves the use of glycosaminoglycans in the form of injections and supplements. The drugs contribute to the restoration of cartilage and synovial fluid. Additionally, hyaluronic acid may be prescribed.

Therapeutic methods

In addition to medical treatment, a dog with arthritis will need gentle therapy that strengthens the muscles. The best option is swimming, in which the muscles are strengthened, and there is no load on the paws.

However, you should not swim in cold and windy weather, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of arthritis. You need to walk your dog every day for at least 10-20 minutes.

The itinerary must include ascent and descent. As the condition improves, the load can be gradually increased.

The exception is older dogs, for which long walks are not recommended.

Massage is contraindicated in purulent arthritis. This condition can be relieved by special compresses.

Therapeutic mixtures are applied to the tissue, applied to the inflamed joint and fixed. In a veterinary pharmacy, you can purchase a special therapeutic bandage that facilitates movement and retains heat.

Diet and conditions of detention

An important condition is the diet, especially for overweight dogs. With obesity, a pet must be put on a diet to get rid of excess weight.

Nightshade foods should not be present in dog food: tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and grains. It is recommended to add seeds, yolks, ginger, exotic fruits, papaya, mango, orange to food.

With this disease, dogs need vitamins E and C, they should be taken daily.

In the presence of arthritis in a dog, you should take care of its sleeping place. The bedding should be dense and warm, the couch should be placed in a place protected from drafts. In the case of a dog living on the street, the booth is insulated, drafts are unacceptable. Heat is a necessary condition in the treatment of arthritis in dogs. The exception is purulent arthritis.

If the pet lives at home, it is necessary that the floor covering is not slippery. To avoid injury, use carpet or other carpeting.

Unfortunately, arthritis is difficult to treat and often becomes chronic. It is recommended to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician in order to keep the pet in shape.

Large dogs are more often affected by the disease: Labrador, German Shepherd, Mastiff, St. Bernard, Rottweiler. The owners of these breeds should take this into account and observe preventive measures.

Infectious arthritis must be treated conservatively or surgically. With conservative therapy, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, joint puncture and limb immobilization are performed.

Treatment by the puncture method involves the evacuation of exudate, washing the articular cavity with antiseptic solutions and the introduction of an antibiotic. At the same time, antibiotic therapy is carried out and immobilization of the limb is provided.

Surgical treatment is prescribed if conservative therapy has not brought improvements. An arthrotomy is performed, during which an opening and revision of the diseased joint is performed, purulent exudate is removed, necrectomy and sanitation are performed. In advanced cases, if the articular ends of the bones are affected, the joint is resected. Then drainage is carried out, and the limb is immobilized for a long time.

Conservative therapy for arthritis includes the use of pharmacological agents and physiotherapy. In the chronic form of pathology, medical and physiotherapy is supplemented by therapeutic exercises.

During the treatment of acute arthritis, it is necessary to provide the joint with complete rest. For this purpose, a special sling-like bandage is usually used to hold the jaw in a closed position. On the side of inflammation, a plate is placed between the teeth, separating the upper and lower jaws.

With an infectious lesion, the bandage is worn for 2-3 days, with a traumatic one - at least 10 days. During this time, the patient is allowed to eat only liquid food, it is impossible to talk.


Maxillofacial arthritis is treated with pharmacological agents of several groups.

  1. Analgesics (Analgin, Butadion) eliminate pain.
  2. NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Nimesulide) stop inflammation, reduce pain and swelling.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids (Kenalog, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Diprospan) have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and are used for severe inflammation. They are injected directly into the affected joint.
  4. Chondroprotectors (Movex, Sinarta, Artron, Alflutop, Teraflex) prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue, activate regeneration processes. They are prescribed for long courses (2-3 months).
  5. Cytostatics and immunosuppressive agents (Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Leflunomide) suppress immune responses and are the means of basic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.
  6. Antibiotics are used in the treatment of infectious arthritis. In each case, the drug is selected taking into account the identified pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents of a particular group. Most often, broad-spectrum antibiotics of the group of cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, penicillins are prescribed.

In septic arthritis, the joint cavity is opened, a drain is installed through the external incision to remove purulent contents. The patient is intramuscularly injected with broad-spectrum antibiotics (usually Ceftriaxone), narcotic painkillers (Morphine), NSAIDs.

The necessary treatment is prescribed depending on the age of the dog, the severity of the disease and the general health of the body. Both medical and surgical treatment is possible.

Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor, the owner can also carry out therapy, which cannot be said about the operable way of treatment at an advanced stage. Treatment should be aimed at combating the inflammatory process, relieving pain in the dog and restoring cartilage.

At an early stage, therapy is carried out with analgesics. Often, nutritional adjustment leads to the fact that the disease recedes, tissues are restored without additional procedures.

If the disease has passed into a severe form, they resort to a cure in an operable way.

So, the main methods of treatment:

  • dietary compliance. The patient's diet should include a normal amount of nutrients for a given age, weight and breed, while the amount of calcium consumed should be reduced;
  • the use of appropriate medications (Lincomycin, Nimesulide);
  • at the initial stage of the disease, you can resort to massage of the affected limbs;
  • performing a surgical operation (returning the lost capacity of the quadriceps muscle and stabilizing the patella);
  • a decrease in physical activity during a walk, and an increase in postoperative recovery of muscle performance;
  • additional muscle training through water procedures.

After the operation, the animal needs increased care, injections of Prednisolone.

A dog suffering from arthritis can be helped both conservatively (medication) and using alternative methods.

Alternative Methods

If the disease is not in an acute stage, and the dog does not experience severe pain, the owner of the animal can safely use arthritis recipes that include various herbs and other natural materials.

From this video you will learn how to cure joint diseases in a dog.

How to treat arthritis in a dog? Pet therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian! Human drugs against arthritis, even for people, are not always suitable (many side effects can affect the liver in a negative way), they must be selected very carefully and always under the supervision of the attending physician. So, your dog has arthritis - what to do?

Medical therapy

And it's even harder for dogs. There are very few drugs for arthritis in veterinary medicine.

Therefore, antibiotics are often prescribed, warming ointments (but not with purulent inflammation.)

Warming gel for horses, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, works well. Surprisingly, even people with sore joints get this remedy for themselves, because it perfectly helps to relieve pain.

But since you don’t know what kind of arthritis a dog has without a veterinarian’s examination, you shouldn’t start smearing such gels and applying heating pads on your own.

Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs are required, which will remove some of the symptoms and alleviate the condition of the pet. some veterinarians advise giving the dog a special remedy - Stop Arthritis. For information on how to use it, ask your veterinarian.

Keep track of the body weight of the animal.

  • Firstly, it will reduce the load on sore joints.
  • Secondly, the joints will stop collapsing further. Enrich your diet with calcium.


Make the bed softer so that it does not hurt to lie down (a mattress that can take the shape of the body is ideal). All slippery and smooth surfaces must be carpeted. This is required so that already sore paws do not move around on the floor.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure a dog with arthritis. Often, the symptoms are simply removed, that is, the animal is in remission. But then again the joints swell, become very inflamed and hurt. Only functional arthritis completely disappears (with proper treatment).

Physiotherapy measures and special exercises

Jaw arthritis can be eliminated with the help of physiotherapy:

  • ultrahigh frequency therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis using "Hydrocortisone";
  • diadynamic therapy.

It is important to develop the maxillary joint through special gymnastics. The treatment complex helps prevent improper fusion of mobile joints. It includes exercises:

  • Weak pressure on the chin, followed by a slow lowering and raising of the jaw.
  • The part of the chin protruding forward is grasped with the fingers and gently moved up and down.
  • The jaw is moved by the hands to the left and right sides.
  • Press your fingers on the chin, while pushing the jaw forward.

Arthritis is a chronic disease, so treatment methods are based on proper care for the pet, creating the most comfortable living conditions for him. Since it is not always possible to find out the exact cause, it is usually necessary to treat the consequences of the disease.

In the rheumatoid form of the disease, hormonal drugs are effective. Be sure to prescribe immunotherapy and a balanced diet, which includes a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.

If a dog has hematomas in the area of ​​damaged joints, then the use of compresses with a decoction of wormwood or nettle is effective.

Infectious arthritis, as well as the last stages of the disease, sometimes require surgical intervention by puncture. Using this technique, exudate is drained from the joint. Often, drastic measures are resorted to in the case of a severe form, in which limb deformity is noted.

To prevent the disease, preventive measures are important, providing for the provision of regular walks in the fresh air. It is necessary to give the dog the opportunity to run during walks. But heavy loads (for example, training) for dogs prone to arthritis are very dangerous. Water procedures are useful for preventive purposes, especially in warm weather in open water.

Marina Avanesova

Treatment of leptospirosis is not carried out independently at home. This is always fraught with disastrous results. A complex of procedures is carried out in a clinical setting. It consists of symptomatic and specific treatment and is aimed at:

  1. Destruction of the pathogen.
  2. Restoration of the work of the affected organs.
  3. Elimination of intoxication.
  4. Stopping diarrhea and vomiting.

Since the animal is emaciated, lethargic, drugs often have to be administered intravenously.

Specific treatment includes the administration of serum with antibodies and antibiotics. Serum is administered no later than 4-6 days after the onset of the first symptoms. Of the antibiotics, preference is given to penicillin drugs, such as streptomycin.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out to eliminate current symptoms and restore the functions of the affected organs. So, to restore the work of the cardiovascular system, salt and nutrient solutions, vitamins B and C, as well as drugs such as Riboxin are used.

Intoxication is eliminated, along with saline and nutrient solutions, with the help of sodium thiosulfate, glutargin and similar drugs. It is important to start the restoration of the liver and kidneys along with the destruction of the bacteria.

After recovery, the dog has a strong immunity to the disease.

The choice of methods and drugs for the treatment of arthritis in dogs depends on what caused the disease, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal.

Painful manifestations of arthritis require the use of drugs that will relieve pain and help reduce the inflammatory process. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, although they have a number of side effects, but in some cases they are simply indispensable in veterinary medicine. Therefore, they are prescribed, but in a dosage strictly indicated by the doctor.

In addition, glycosaminoglycans are used, in the form of injections or supplements. Their purpose is to restore damaged cartilage and synovial fluid.

Sometimes, hyaluronic acid is also prescribed as an additional medication.

In the treatment of arthritis in a pet, an integrated approach is important. Therefore, in addition to taking medications, it is necessary to provide the animal with therapy to strengthen muscle tissue.

Swimming helps a lot in this case. This type of physical activity allows you to train muscles without loading the injured limb.

But, remember that everything is fine within reason. In no case should the animal be allowed to swim in cold water, because the inflammation can worsen even more and then, instead of the expected relief, the animal's condition will only worsen.

Daily walks for ten minutes are also useful, which should be gradually increased to half an hour.

In the treatment of arthritis, physiotherapy procedures are good, in the form of massage, special compresses. However, they should only be used after consultation with a veterinarian. Since they also have a number of contraindications, one of them is purulent arthritis.

When a pet is sick, it needs to be properly maintained and fed. This allows you to provide a favorable environment for recovery and helps to strengthen the body.

Since with arthritis the animal moves little and gains excess weight, it is necessary first of all to provide him with dietary nutrition, which will allow him to lose weight and reduce the load on the diseased limb.

When dieting, all nightshade and grains are excluded. And they introduce seeds, egg yolks, ginger, and various fruits into the diet.

It is important to ensure the daily intake of vitamins E and C in the body.

Now a few words about the content of the animal. In the treatment of arthritis, warmth is an important point. Therefore, the dog must live and sleep in warmth and dryness, especially for those animals that live on the street.

The treatment of arthritis requires strict adherence to all recommendations, since this disease is very difficult to treat and there is a high risk of it becoming chronic.

Regarding the treatment of infectious arthritis, we note that in this case a conservative or surgical method is used.

In the first case, antibacterial drugs and puncture evacuation of exudate with washing of the articular cavity with special preparations and the introduction of antibiotics are used. In addition, fixation of the limb is provided.

When conservative methods fail, surgical intervention is prescribed. It consists in opening and revision of the diseased joint from which purulent exudate is removed, necrectomy and sanitation are performed. If necessary, resection of the joint is done with drainage and complete immobilization of the paw for a long time.

The treatment regimen for arthritis in dogs includes three areas: eliminating the inflammatory process, relieving the animal of pain, and restoring lost bone and cartilage cells. You can get this result with the help of the following activities:

  1. Regular intake of drugs containing hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances help to repair damaged tissues and slow down the development of the disease.
  2. Taking painkillers. Often, specialists prescribe Carprofen or Ketoprofen. The use of these funds should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician, since their improper use can lead to the development of stomach diseases.
  3. Hormonal agents. Typically, animals are given hydrocortisone, prednisolone, or dexamethasone. Such drugs can quickly eliminate inflammatory processes.
  4. Various warming gels. Such remedies also eliminate pain well, but they cannot be used when pus appears in the joint. As a rule, horse gels are prescribed for dogs.
  5. Physiotherapy. The animal will need to be massaged, this will help improve blood circulation in muscle tissues and in general in the limbs. In addition, such an event helps to eliminate toxic substances. Swimming is also a great option.
  6. operational measures. This option may include surgical replacement of the joint or removal of the diseased limb.

It is important to understand that these tools are not universal. Only the attending physician should select drugs and a treatment regimen. It is very important to correctly determine the form of the disease, because some drugs are prohibited from using in certain forms of the disease.

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