Causes and harms of obesity in dogs. Diets for Obesity and Other Dog Diseases How to Treat Obesity in Dogs

Recently, dog owners complaining about the obesity of their pets often turn to veterinarians. The causes of overweight in an animal can be both improper feeding and more serious problems, for example, disruption of the internal organs. It is worth noting that obesity in any case is a dangerous disease for the pet's health, and therefore this pathology cannot be left unattended.

Traditionally, the treatment of obesity is based on a special diet, as well as an increase in physical activity. The success of losing weight will depend on how strictly you follow all the recommendations of a veterinarian regarding the diet and physical activity of the pet.

What could be the causes of obesity?

The appearance of extra pounds in an animal can occur based on the following reasons and factors:

Provoke obesity can and constant stress. If the animal is often in this state, then food can become for him something like a protective tool that helps him survive the experience. You can notice this feature in pets that were found on the streets or taken from the nursery.

Effects of obesity on animals

Today, veterinarians unanimously say that obesity is very harmful and dangerous both for health and for the life of a pet in general. Obesity can significantly shorten a dog's lifespan.

First of all, excess weight harms the cardiovascular system. The heart muscle is forced to work in an enhanced mode, because it comes to pump a much larger volume of blood. At the same time, eating fatty foods leads to a significant increase in cholesterol levels in the body. As a result of this process, cholesterol plaques form in the vessels, which prevent blood from circulating normally throughout the body. In obese dogs, blood pressure rises significantly, and hypertensive disease develops over time.

A large body weight is reflected in the musculoskeletal system. First of all, the joints begin to suffer. Gradually develop processes of dystrophy in the spine and limbs. With the appearance of obesity in a dog, you can notice how, over time, joint diseases begin to develop: arthritis, arthrosis, joint dysplasia, as well as various sprains and ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus. This affects primarily motor activity, since over time it becomes quite difficult for the animal to walk and especially run.

Eating too much fatty foods, and generally overfeeding, gradually wears out the pancreas, as this organ has to work in an enhanced mode. Often it is obesity that becomes a factor in the development of pancreatitis in dogs. Being overweight does not have a positive effect on liver health. Virtually every obese dog develops fatty degeneration.

A large body weight easily leads to heat stroke, various injuries, as well as disruption of the genital organs and a weakening of the body's immune defenses. According to the statistics of veterinary specialists, overweight animals live an average of one and a half years less than their relatives with normal body weight.

It is also worth noting that the pathological processes that occur in the body of an animal during obesity lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes, as well as a reduction in physical activity, which ultimately leads to even greater obesity and the emergence of new health problems. It is important to detect signs of obesity in a pet in time and take action.

Signs of pathology in dogs

Determining if your pet is overweight is not difficult, you just need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. If you examine your pet, you may find that the last two edges cannot be viewed. It is also impossible to determine the border between the chest and abdomen by examination.
  2. When probing, the ribs can be determined with great difficulty.
  3. The belly of the pet becomes quite swollen and sagging, the back takes on a curved shape.
  4. The legs of the dog gradually become short and thick.
  5. Gradually, the dog has additional folds that were not there before, and which are not provided for by this breed.
  6. Over time, the pet becomes inactive, does not seek walks, does not play, as before.
  7. Even slight physical activity can cause shortness of breath in a dog.
  8. During walks, the animal may often lie down to rest.
  9. Males may experience a decrease in sexual desire.
  10. In females, in turn, disturbances in the estrus regime may appear, and sometimes they may even be completely absent.
  11. The weight of the animal exceeds the breed standards by 20% or more.

If, despite the description of all the symptoms, it is still quite difficult to determine obesity in a pet, you should contact your veterinarian. The specialist will examine the animal and make a conclusion.

How to understand what weight is ideal for an animal?

Understanding that your pet is overweight is quite simple, having at your disposal information about the standard indicators of a particular breed. It is enough just to know the breed, sex and age of your pet to determine how much weight he should have. If you find that your pet's body weight exceeds the allowable norm by 20%, you should think about correction.

Since obesity entails the development of a large number of pathological processes, it is necessary that the treatment of the animal takes place under the supervision of a veterinary specialist. Moreover, losing weight is a rather long and complex process.

As a rule, the basis of treatment for obesity is a special therapeutic diet, as well as physical activity. If obesity was the result of the development of a disease of the internal organs, then the detected pathology is treated mainly.

How to choose a diet and food?

The diet plan to combat obesity is selected by the veterinarian, taking into account the age, breed, sex and degree of obesity of the animal. There are some general dietary rules for weight loss:

  1. If the animal ate only natural products during the course of therapy, then in the process of therapy, lean meat and poultry should be selected, as well as low-calorie cereals, buckwheat and oatmeal are perfect. Protein foods should make up about 40% of the total diet, and cereals about 20%. In the pet's menu, you need to add fermented milk products, as well as raw and boiled vegetables. Also, the veterinarian can prescribe the use of vitamin complexes.
  2. During the diet, you should completely refuse to feed the animal from the table. It is forbidden to give your pet sausage products, flour products, salty, gift and fatty foods.
  3. You should also reduce the portions of the pet. This must be done gradually. Initially, you can reduce the diet by 10-15%. If you have a large breed dog, then you can feed it three times a day, small breeds need 4 meals a day.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to sharply limit the pet in nutrition or starve. Not only will this not give any result, in addition, the animal may develop pancreatitis, liver or stomach disease.
  5. If your pet is fed ready-made feeds, then special attention should be paid to the dosage of the feed. Most often, during a diet, a veterinarian prescribes the use of special food for weight correction. Such feeds are distinguished by the fact that they have a relatively low calorie content, despite the fact that they are completely balanced.

In addition to the food itself, the doctor also determines the size of the servings. It is important to understand here that increasing the weight of a serving will not lead to positive changes, so it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Physical activity

Physical activity will help your pet to lose weight quickly and without any harm to health. Increase the activity of the pet should be gradually as he will lose weight. Doctors generally recommend starting with increasing the duration of walks.

As soon as the animal gets used to such a load, additional types of activity can be added: running, various games, overcoming obstacles, jumping, and so on. In the warm season, water procedures will be very useful.

If you have an obese animal, you can seek help from a canine complex, specialists will help you develop a set of physical activities for weight loss.

Video: how to lose weight for a dog

Extra pounds of a pet only outwardly make a funny impression. Obesity in dogs negatively affects the health and longevity of the animal.

Usually, the question of how to help a dog lose weight arises before the owners only when it has already turned into a kind of ball. This degree of obesity requires tough measures and great patience from the owners, otherwise the health problems of the pet can be critical for life. An indicator of overweight for an animal will be the inability to feel the ribs when probing.

Why do dogs get fat

Overweight in animals may appear due to the following reasons:

  • overfeeding;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • worm infestations.

When an animal gains weight (if the diet is normal) and remains overweight with a limited diet, the dog should be examined by a veterinarian.
Many veterinary endocrinologists are of the opinion that the primary disorder is the pathological weight gain of the animal, and the endocrine disorder is secondary.

The most common cause of obesity is banal overfeeding. Overly loving pet owners are not able to refuse an animal that has an excellent appetite. At the first sign of overweight, the owner should consult a veterinarian.

If the dog has rapidly gained weight and needs to lose weight, it's good - with the help of this toy you can lure your pet into an active process. The constant running after the ring, its biting and the development of instincts - all this together is equated to physical labor, which contributes to the weight loss of the animal.

A bad habit of the owners - tossing tidbits between feedings (cookies, tasty crusts and leftovers from the owners table) to the pet upsets his eating habits, causing multiple disorders and allergies.

A dog can also gain excess weight in old age, the reason is a decrease in metabolism with excellent appetite and impaired motor activity.

Physical activity is extremely important for maintaining health, although often the owners do not attach much importance to this, and the animal is taken out only for a small workout and bowel cleansing. Since the calorie content and amount of food are usually not reduced, the excess is stored as fat.

One of the reasons for weight gain in young dogs is their castration or sterilization, which causes a sharp change in hormonal levels and weight gain. Obesity can be caused by treating an animal for food or household allergies with hormone-disrupting agents.

For some dogs, fullness is a genetic property of the breed. This suffers:

  • Retrievers;
  • Labradors;
  • Bassets;
  • Pugs;
  • Pekingese;
  • Bulldogs.

An obese dog diet is essential to optimize weight as a guarantee of health and normal life expectancy. Excess weight leads to:

  • violations of motor functions;
  • joint diseases;
  • ruptures of the ligaments of the joints;
  • violation of respiratory functions;
  • decrease in the endurance of the animal;
  • dysfunction of the spine;
  • the occurrence of diabetes;
  • increased risk of respiratory disease;
  • obesity of the liver and internal organs;
  • disturbances in the appearance of the coat.

How to help a dog lose weight, what steps should a treatment program for obese animals consist of? First you need to consult with a veterinarian, only a doctor can detect hidden diseases. A properly constructed diet for obesity, a diet that takes into account the age and illness of the animal, and clear actions of the owners will help to normalize its condition.

One of the components of rapid weight loss is a large amount of water drunk. Thanks to, the dog will have constant access to fresh, high-quality water enriched with oxygen. The fountain has several modes, so the dog can drink both a lot of water and very little, depending on the need.

Helping your pet lose weight

How to lose weight for a dog, obesity is caused by overeating, and not serious health problems? The actions of the hosts must ensure:

  • reduction in caloric content of food;
  • regulation of the diet;
  • increase in the motor activity of the animal;
  • control over your pet's eating habits.

Veterinarians draw the attention of owners to the fact that it is unacceptable to simply limit food and reduce the number of feedings. It is the calorie content that should be reduced, without reducing the amount of food and liquid the dog drinks. The recommended calorie content should be no more than 30 calories per 1000 g of animal weight. Animal feed should include the required amount of trace elements and vitamins, only the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced.

If weight loss is achieved through dehydration and a sharp decrease in the amount of food, without increasing physical activity, then after the diet is canceled, the weight will quickly return.

The transfer of the animal to a new diet should be accompanied by a change in the settings for the owners:

  • pets should not be given treats and pieces from the master's table;
  • food in the house should be out of reach;
  • it is necessary to monitor the animals during walks, not allowing them to pick up leftovers on the street;
  • they must actively move for at least an hour in a row.

How to make a dog lose weight? Fat animals usually have lazy owners who will need to learn how to actively move with the animal:

  • throw a stick or ball to your pet, causing him to run;
  • practice joint jogging;
  • walk with the animal for long distances;
  • walk in the forest, forcing to walk long distances;
  • swim in a river or lake.

The increase in the load should be gradual, adapt to the physical condition of the dog, but in any case, its duration should be at least an hour for one walk. A great way to control her weight is to weigh her - this allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Diet for a fat dog

For proper weight loss, dog food for obesity should be less high-calorie, but sufficient in volume so that it does not starve. Treats should not contain sugar, their amount should be reduced and given only with the main feedings. A treat should be justified only during training, its amount is half the usual portion.

If earlier they were fed twice a day, then three meals a day in smaller portions will be optimal for weight loss.

They are rightfully considered a dietary product. From them no harm to the body, in fact, they have no smell. The specific taste is associated with some flavor additives. At the same time, deer antlers are low-calorie, and also help to clean the oral cavity. Recommended as a treat.

What to feed a dog to lose weight? Feed should contain fewer carbohydrates, more proteins. Carbohydrates are bread, cereals, sweets in the diet. It is optimal to reduce the amount of these products by half, to completely exclude muffins and white bread, replacing it with crackers and black bread. The volume of porridge should also be reduced, but the volume of vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots) should be increased. They are best served boiled.

Food for overweight dogs should contain a higher proportion of protein food than usual: milk and cottage cheese, lean meat. Animal fats should be practically eliminated and replaced with vegetable ones. With normal tolerance to dairy products, fasting days can be arranged - vegetable or kefir no more than one day a week.

To lose weight on a natural dog without harm to her health will help to temporarily exclude or reduce the proportion of cereals and bread, replace part of the amount of food eaten with boiled vegetables, and include lean meat in the diet. If the dog eats raw vegetables and fruits well, they should be given gradually, bringing the volume up to 1/4 of the diet.

Reducing the caloric content of the diet should be accompanied by frequent and long walks. Animals should not be given human appetite suppressants or sweeteners that replace sugar - they are designed for humans and can be harmful to health.

Dietary food for dogs with obesity of domestic manufacturers does not quite meet the requirements for balancing the elements and contains an insufficient amount of proteins. It can be used as a temporary measure, a more balanced diet can be switched after sufficient weight loss of the animal.

Weight gain after fertility control surgery is caused by hormonal changes. It is most difficult for a dog to lose weight after sterilization, it will be important to prevent further weight gain. For this:

  1. the volume of a single portion decreases;
  2. a special ready-made feed is used, which takes into account the parameters of the breed and weight;
  3. The dog must lead an active lifestyle for the rest of his life.

Every owner who loves his pet should be able to control his excess weight. What to do in case of excess weight will tell the veterinarian after examining the animal. The specialist will be able to determine the presence of pathologies and prescribe treatment. It would be optimal to reduce the calorie content of the diet and the volume of food, combined with increased physical activity of the animal.

Obesity in dogs is a fairly serious disease. If it is not treated, then the life and quality of life of the pet can be significantly reduced. And this is due not only to the fact that the diet is composed incorrectly, but also to an increase in portions and other factors. It seems to the owners that the more there is in the bowl, the more satisfying the meal for the pet will be. In fact, there is too much harm from such an approach. And the violation of the norms of feeding dogs can lead to negative consequences.

Before you treat an animal, you need to know what caused the problem. There are many causes of obesity in dogs. Let's look at them in detail:


One of the most common causes of obesity in dogs. Owners try to pour more food, forgetting about the recommended dosage. Or they put so much food that a single serving of calories exceeds the daily requirement of the dog. It is necessary to correctly calculate the portion. If dry food is used as food, then the package says how many grams of food are required for each kilogram of animal weight. If natural food, then it should be easily split (not fatty, not high-calorie).

Be sure to pay attention to the activity of the animal, age, state of health. Females need to be given smaller portions, but if they are pregnant or nursing, then they will have to put more food. It is better to give more often, but little by little. Take a bowl smaller in volume, it will be easier.

Little animal activity

Obesity in dogs occurs not only because of the large intake of calories in the body, but also because they are not spent. If the pet does not move much, they walk with him for about five minutes, only to relieve himself, then there is a high risk that the dog will become obese.

Metabolic disease

Animals also often suffer from impaired metabolism. If it is accelerated, then the dog will be thin, even if he eats a lot (but you must be sure that the animal does not have helminths or hidden pathological processes). But often the violation occurs in the direction of slowing down. And here the serious problems begin. Not only obesity develops, but the pet may develop diabetes. Because of it, excess weight in a dog becomes a real problem.


Many have heard the expression “stress eating”. Animals also experience nervous shocks. But they can be eaten only if a person succumbs to their cute begging eyes and puts food in a bowl. Remember that dogs eat as if in reserve, as if they would not give more. Dogs that previously lived on the street are especially susceptible to such "absorption of food". They are often afraid that they will not be fed again. And fear is a stress factor for them. Be patient, the animal needs time to understand that the hungry days are over. But even if your dog was brought from a kennel, try to monitor her mental health.


Some breeds (Dachshunds, Labradors or Rottweilers) already at the genetic level have a predisposition to obesity. Their diet must be monitored by selecting a special dietary food. If the pet's parents were plump, then there is a high risk that your mustache will round out and become covered with a layer of fat.

Obesity Symptoms in Dogs

Obesity in dogs has the same symptoms as in humans. Fat deposits appear: first under the skin, and then on the internal organs. But it is very important not to confuse excess weight with edema or other pathologies. For example, many owners think that the puppy is just plump, well-fed, but in fact the baby has a strong invasion - the intestines are full of helminths.

The main sign that a dog has already begun to have obesity problems is when it is difficult to see the ribs. Normally, when running or moving, the last 2 ribs are visible in the dog (they do not connect to the sternum, they are shorter). When a dog is obese, they will no longer be visible. In addition, they are extremely difficult to probe. There is already a lot of subcutaneous fat.

The stomach gradually rounds, fat is deposited evenly throughout the body. And the thicker its layer, the greater the degree of obesity, the higher the risk of developing serious diseases of the internal organs. The sooner you need to choose dietary food for obesity instead of the usual food.

Another symptom is the "duck" gait, which occurs due to the "pads" of fat on the thighs. Due to the extra weight, it is difficult for the dog to walk, shortness of breath may appear. And here is a vicious circle. The animal walks a little, which means that the weight is not lost, but only gained, and the more weight, the harder it is to walk. Therefore, the animal lies more.

Why should obesity be tackled?

If obesity in a dog is left unattended, a number of health problems will begin very soon. It is even impossible to say right away which organ will suffer “first”. Everything at the same time, at least a little, but suffers.


He has to work almost to the point of exhaustion. In addition, the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases. There is a high risk that plaques form from it, blockage of blood vessels or a violation of blood flow will occur. The pressure rises. Those who have ever had hypertension understand how terrible the state of health is. High pressure is dangerous because blood vessels can burst (including in the brain).


Due to the large weight, they experience a huge load, deform, thicken. Osteochondrosis develops. Over time, it becomes extremely difficult for the animal to simply move around. The joints are getting harder and harder to bend.


fatty degeneration develops. The liver performs more than a dozen functions, and not all of them are related to digestion. And if this organ suffers, everything goes wrong in the whole body. Eyes, more precisely, protein, can tell about a diseased liver. He starts to turn yellow. And the more distinct the yellowness, the more serious the problems. Jaundice occurs due to an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood. It affects the brain, so the animal needs to be treated as soon as possible.


The pancreas also has a hard time. As a result, diabetes mellitus may develop. And then you have to make up a diet, calculating the amount of carbohydrates, so as not to harm the animal. In a very severe stage, insulin injections are necessary.


Treating a dog for obesity is definitely necessary. Even if in some cases it looks funny and touching, then there really is nothing funny. The animal suffers, the whole body is under great stress, which in the end will shorten the life of the pet.

Natural nutrition in the diet

If it is confirmed that the dog is obese, treatment must begin on the same day. Do not choose your own diet. Many owners make a huge mistake - they make the dog starve. This will do even more damage.

  • Review your diet. Reduce the amount of food in one serving. Feed more often, but in small amounts. It is called fractional nutrition. Eliminate all fat.
  • Enrich your diet with vegetables. First, they are full of vitamins. When dieting, it is very important not to stop providing the body with useful substances. Secondly, vegetables contain a lot of coarse fibers that cleanse the intestines, which allows it to better perform its functions. Thirdly, you can eat a lot of vegetables, because their calorie content is extremely low.
  • Choose low-calorie cereals for dogs: oatmeal, buckwheat. Boil them in water without salt and oil. The pet will quickly get enough of the porridge. No potatoes, no rice. Extra carbohydrates that will add even more kilos. But do not abuse the grain food.
  • Meat cannot be ruled out. Protein is essential for muscles. Indeed, in addition to the diet, the animal will have to be “driven” so that the dog burns calories. But be sure to ask your veterinarian what kind of loads and in what quantity are allowed. If the weight is very large, then it will be very difficult for the dog to run, moreover, this will lead to additional stress on the heart and joints.

Take lean meat, remove all fatty particles. Chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit. Along with the diet, symptomatic treatment is necessary (strengthen the heart and blood vessels, restore the liver, bind and remove bilirubin from the intestine so that it does not have time to be absorbed and enter the bloodstream). A veterinarian will write a detailed scheme, prescribe drugs in therapeutic doses.

Industrial feed

If you feed your dog dry food, then immediately remove the one that has always been given. Most likely he became the cause of obesity. You need to pick up a new diet food for obese dogs. There are enough vitamins in it, but the calorie content is low. Therefore, extra kilos will slowly be lost. Diet food for dogs is not easy to find. It is best to purchase grain-free. All over the world, Wellness Core Reduced Fat, EVO Reduced Fat, Orijen Senior are used as weight loss food. They are pricey, but worth it. They are as balanced as possible, all ratios are observed.

Physical exercise

The dog should not lose weight very quickly! Better slowly, gradually, so that the metabolism accelerates and the body gets used to it. Physical activity should also increase little by little. At first, just long walks, the dog must walk a lot. Every day increase the route by a kilometer. And you will benefit.

As soon as you notice that the dog has begun to lose weight, you can add physical activity. Running with acceleration (throw aport, run yourself), jumping over barriers. Increase your walking time. If you can, go to special areas, ask for help at the canine center. The cynologist will select a special program for weight loss. Your dog needs to lose weight first.

Over time, the body will get used to the load, so it must be properly increased. As soon as the fat disappears, you will notice how the dog itself enjoys exercising. She will continue to do all the exercises with pleasure. Her muscles will begin to build up, her heart will get stronger.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

Obesity in dogs is a disease characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat. Dogs that eat a lot and move little are most susceptible to obesity.

Why is obesity in dogs dangerous?

Obesity is dangerous with quite serious consequences, up to a reduction in life expectancy. It also contributes to the development of a number of diseases:

  1. Asthma.
  2. Pancreatitis.
  3. Osteoarthritis (damage to the cruciate ligaments, dysplasia).
  4. Fat metabolism disorders.
  5. Eye diseases.
  6. Blood pressure disorders.
  7. Cancer of the reproductive system.
  8. Cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Cushing's syndrome.
  10. Renal failure.
Photo: obese dog

Causes of Obesity in Dogs

  1. Improper feeding (without taking into account the energy needs of dogs). For example, too plentiful feeding with a high fat content or feeding without restrictions at all.
  2. Treating a dog with leftover human food. It's so hard to refuse this starving creature with round pleading eyes!
  3. Lack of physical activity.
  4. Castration and sterilization. These procedures reduce the metabolic rate, change metabolism, affect the level of estrogens and androgens (female and male sex hormones).
  5. genetic predisposition. Some breeds are more likely to be obese than others. At risk: Labradors, Dachshunds, Collies, Cocker Spaniels, Bulldogs, Beagles, Pugs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Cairn Terriers.
  6. Age. Older dogs (over 6 years old) are more prone to obesity.
  7. Medications that affect the appetite and metabolism of dogs. These are benzodiazepines, barbiturates, glucocorticoids.
  8. Diseases: Cushing's disease, diseases of the pituitary and pancreas, hypothyroidism.

Photo: obese dog

Obesity Symptoms in Dogs

  1. excess adipose tissue.
  2. Increase in body weight.
  3. Inactivity (the dog does not want or is unable to actively move).
  4. Dyspnea.

How to determine the dog's condition

Diagnosis of obesity includes weighing the dog and assessing the general condition of the body. The veterinarian examines the dog, probing the ribs, lower back, head and tail. Then compares the results with the breed standard.

  1. Exhaustion. The dog weighs 20% less than normal. The spine, ribs, pelvic bones are clearly visible (in short-haired dogs). Muscle mass is not enough. Fat deposits around the chest are not groped.
  2. Below the norm. The dog weighs 10 - 20% less than normal. You can see the ribs, pelvic bones, spinous processes of the vertebrae. The waist is clearly defined. Fat deposits around the chest are not groped.
  3. Optimal weight. The ribs are not visible, but are easily palpable. Waist is visible. In the chest area, you can feel a thin layer of adipose tissue.
  4. Above the norm. The dog weighs 10 - 20% more than normal. The ribs and vertebrae are hardly palpable. The waist is not visible. Fat deposits are clearly visible along the spine and near the base of the tail.
  5. Obesity. The dog weighs 40% more than normal. Fat deposits are clearly visible on the chest, at the base of the tail and along the spine. The belly sags.

Treatment of Obesity in Dogs

The primary treatment for obesity in dogs is weight loss.

1. Drawing up a balanced diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog. Formula for estimating the energy requirement to maintain optimal weight:

MER(kcal) \u003d (body weight - kg) x 132 x 0.75 kcal per day.

That is, if a dog weighs 15 kg, then on average it needs 937 kcal per day to maintain optimal body weight.

However, keep in mind that this is only a rough estimate, as each dog's metabolism is unique.

2. Exclusion from the diet of sweet, starchy and fatty foods.

3. The maximum reduction in the consumption of cereals.

4. Reducing the volume of the diet. If you reduce the volume of the dog's diet by 20 - 25%, you can achieve a smooth weight loss of 1 - 2% in 1 week.

5. If your dog eats dry food, choose foods that are low in fat and protein.

6. Gradually increase physical activity. Start with quiet long walks and gradually increase the time and intensity as you monitor your dog's general condition.

7. The last resort is the use of drugs to reduce appetite and reduce the digestibility of fats. However, such drugs are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Self-medication can only harm the health of the dog.

Do not forget that the main principle is consistency and gradualness.

Obesity is common in 40% of dogs. This cannot be called a disease or some kind of serious pathology, but it adversely affects the health and condition of the pet. About what obesity can be dangerous for a dog will be discussed in this article.

Why is obesity dangerous for dogs?

In short, obesity for a dog is a reduction in life expectancy. What form it will take is anyone's guess: problems with the liver and kidneys, heart disease, weak immunity, sore joints, hormonal disruptions, skin diseases, diabetes, blindness, and so on, almost ad infinitum.

In addition, overweight itself is dangerous because even a slight degree of obesity leads to even greater obesity. And the treatment of obesity in dogs, when the sly one is no longer just overweight, but resembles a bedside table on crooked legs or a bun with legs, is a long and nervous task. Therefore, you can’t take it to extremes: you notice extra folds and expressive roundness - take action right away.

The breeds most prone to obesity: all Molossians, Pekingese and Pugs, Cockers, Dachshunds, Labradors, Bolonkas, Shelties and Collies, Beagles and Bassets. The owners of representatives of these breeds should carefully select the menu and make sure that the gourmet does not overeat.

Causes of Obesity in Dogs

There are several reasons why a dog becomes obese. Among the most common are:

  • banal overfeeding;
  • unbalanced pet menu;
  • thyroid disease;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic stress.

Measures to Eliminate Obesity in Dogs

The most significant measure in the case of an obese dog is diet. The dog needs to be prescribed a diet and closely monitor its nutrition.

In itself, excess weight is dangerous because even a slight degree of obesity leads to even greater obesity. And the treatment of obesity in dogs, when the sly one is no longer just overweight, but resembles a bedside table on crooked legs or a bun with legs, is a long and nervous task. Therefore, you can’t take it to extremes: you notice extra folds and expressive roundness - take action right away.

The diet should be built as follows. Natural feeding: low-fat white fish, veal, white poultry meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products. Of course, no goodies from the table, sausages and sweets, fried, flour and salty. The portion should be reduced gradually: we remove 10% from the total amount of products and divide the entire volume into three (obesity in a large dog) or four (decorators) intake. If you feed your pet once or twice a day, filling the bowl to the brim, the fight against the disease will last more than one year. So that the reduced amount of meat and fish does not cause a deficiency of macro- and microelements, bone meal (or ready-made mineral supplements) and vitamins should be added to food.

If the pet has reached old age, a single feeding is preferable. Loading the digestive system of an aging dog from morning to evening is unreasonable. In this case, meat / fish is given in the evening (two hours before the last walk for today or two hours after), and in the morning they dull the appetite with lean cereals, eggs with cottage cheese, and vegetables. Prepared Foods: Dry or canned dog food for obese dogs comes in two types. Less meat is simply added to some feeds, reaching the desired volume due to cereals, vegetable pulp and bone meal. These are empty, of little use food, usually economy class. A good diet food contains meat ( fish) in sufficient quantities, but prepared in a special way: proteins and fats are partially processed, so that the dog's body quickly absorbs useful substances. And easily digestible components simply do not have time to be deposited in the form of fat.

Natural feeding: low-fat white fish, veal, white poultry meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products. Of course, no goodies from the table, sausages and sweets, fried, flour and salty. The portion should be reduced gradually: we remove 10% from the total amount of products and divide the entire volume into three (obesity in a large dog) or four (decorators) intake.

In addition, you need to think about increasing the physical activity of the pet. But you can’t mindlessly drive your pet around the house, hoping in this way to return the fat man to shape. Such a sharp change in activity can lead to the most unfortunate consequences, up to death. To begin with, you need to increase the duration of hiking by one and a half to two times. After a couple of months, when the heart gets used to this pace, you can start the exercises with a leisurely run and the game “bring the ball” to full-fledged classes with overcoming obstacles and running “at full speed”. Do not be lazy to get up half an hour earlier, because such walks are useful not only for the dog, but also for the owner.

Ideally, a dog's weight loss diet and determination of a schedule for increasing activity is the prerogative of a veterinarian. The best option is to find a competent specialist who will increase the degree of activity and adjust the menu, controlling the weight and condition of the pet. Moreover, this is not a one-time visit, but a close cooperation lasting about a year.

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