Arthritis in dogs symptoms treatment. arthritis in dogs

Dogs are not only the most devoted and loyal creatures, but often the most positive and agile. But what if the pathological condition of the joints limits their activity, causes pain and discomfort? This happens if arthritis develops in dogs - inflammation in the joint tissue, due to which the limbs cannot fully move. How can you help your pet, and what does veterinary medicine offer to treat pathology?

More recently, experts did not even suspect that arthritis affects not only the joints of people, but also of pets. And the signs of a pathological disorder in the animal were associated with age-related changes. Therefore, the disease that occurs in dogs is not as well understood.

There is a conditional division of arthritis into the following types:

  1. Genetic - is detected in representatives of decorative, obtained by selection, breeds, they initially have a mutation of cartilage tissue.
  2. Purulent - develops when a focus of inflammation occurs in the tissues surrounding the joint - due to injuries, infection with bacteria, etc.
  3. Traumatic - the reasons for its development may be a blow or stretching of the muscles and ligaments that are located around the joint. A cavity appears between the muscle and bone tissue, into which blood and fluids enter - swelling, hematoma appears. If the pathology is temporary and curable, then arthritis is called functional.
  4. Rheumatoid - develops when the body is infected with bacteria that have a certain "similarity" with bone and cartilage cells. The immune system begins to attack the body in order to eliminate the "enemy". The rheumatoid form of the disease is classified as an autoimmune pathology that is very difficult to diagnose and treat.
  5. Metabolic (dystrophic) - develops against the background of disturbed metabolic processes, which also affect the process of cartilage renewal, which leads to their thinning. More often, this disease occurs in fast-growing puppies and dogs with a large body weight.

A provocative factor can be called a slippery floor covering, on which the dog can slip, get bruised and sprained. In the house where the dog lives, it is better not to cover the floor with smooth linoleum, tiles or parquet.

arthritis symptoms

Arthritis is accompanied by a complex of symptoms, some of which are hard to miss:

  • inflamed joints increase in volume (this is especially noticeable on large joints of the limbs);
  • a joint affected by arthritis loses mobility, it decreases due to swelling;
  • soreness - even a slight movement causes severe, unbearable pain in the dog;
  • the dog rests most of the time, lying on the healthy “side” of the body; if the inflammatory process is bilateral, then he can choose to rest in an unnatural position that does not cause pain;
  • decrease in activity - the pet reluctantly responds to the call to take a walk, may completely refuse to play, has difficulty going down or climbing stairs; cannot climb onto a favorite sofa, etc .;
  • weight gain - the dog is getting fat, but at the same time eating less than usual; this is due to low mobility and activity.

The changed behavior of a pet should alert you - after all, dogs often endure pain, and only accompanying signs give out that something is wrong with their health.

First aid

In some diseases, it turns out that care and proper care is more important than taking medication. And arthritis belongs to this category of diseases:

  • the owner must provide the pet with the most comfortable conditions in order to exclude factors that can cause an exacerbation of painful symptoms;
  • you should properly equip the place of the dog - lay a soft mattress or pillow, a filler that can take the shape of the body is ideal; you will also need a heating pad or a heated blanket;
  • if the house has a slippery floor, then it is better to cover it with carpet or some other covering;
  • sunbathing is useful for a pet, but in order to reduce the load, walking time should be reduced; it is also worth protecting it from fellows who want to play and frolic;
  • if the dog is being trained, then classes in the group should be temporarily abandoned, the same applies to additional courses; but when undergoing general training that ensures obedience and socialization of the dog, it should not be stopped, even in the presence of chronic diseases;
  • it is worth considering the risks of gaining excess weight - when the physical activity of the animal decreases, it can be transferred to a light diet;
  • a dog suffering from arthritis is additionally given vitamin and calcium supplements;
  • water procedures have an excellent effect - they strengthen muscle tissue, relieve pain and discomfort;
  • massage - if you stroke the pet's paws in a circular motion - from the bottom up, you can improve blood flow, "warm up" the muscles, reduce pain; for the procedure, you can use a warming agent - you can buy it at a veterinary pharmacy;
  • an important aspect is regular visits to the veterinarian - at least once every 5-6 months, this will allow timely detection of changes and adjustment of therapy.

Experts warn that warming up inflamed areas with purulent inflammation is contraindicated. If there is a suspicion of suppuration, it is better to consult a veterinarian. The help of the owner in the treatment of arthritis is invaluable, but only if he does everything correctly, according to the prescribed treatment regimen.


As soon as the dog becomes lethargic, begins to limp and behaves not as usual, it should be taken to a veterinary clinic or call a specialist at home. Often the disease manifests itself in such a way that it is difficult to determine which joint is inflamed, one or more limbs are affected.

To diagnose the pathology, the veterinarian asks the owner to perform several exercises with the pet, after which he feels the joints in order to detect inflammation. A painful reaction to touch confirms that a pathological process is taking place in this joint.

Later, the dog is given an x-ray of the extremities and appropriate therapy is prescribed. In some cases, a laboratory study of the fluid that has accumulated in the affected joint is recommended.

When choosing a treatment, first of all, the cause of the development of arthritis, the severity of the condition and the form of the pathology are taken into account. The basis of therapy is the use of medications from the following groups:

  • painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs (Metacam, Rimadil, Onsior) - reduce pain and prevent the spread of inflammation; if there are no such drugs at hand, you can give your pet acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), but this medicine is not suitable for long-term therapy;
  • chondroprotectors (products containing glucosamine and chondroitin) - restore depleted, thinned cartilage tissue, strengthen it and protect against infection; they must be given to the dog for a long time - up to six months;
  • antibiotics - recommended if the inflammation is caused by pathogenic bacterial pathogens.

In addition, the specialist prescribes a number of exercises that should be performed with the pet. They contribute to a speedy recovery and faster rehabilitation of the patient. If during classes there are signs of pain and discomfort, then they should be stopped immediately.

Therapy should be gentle, as excessive intensity can provoke the progression of the disease. With severe inflammation, experts advise visiting the pool with the dog. This will strengthen the muscles, without much effort on the part of the sick animal.

A course of massage and a number of physiotherapy procedures are also prescribed - electrical stimulation, thermotherapy, which help to improve the condition of the affected joints. When prescribing treatment, the veterinarian warns that in certain situations it will be necessary to undergo not one, but several therapeutic courses. In addition, it will be necessary to periodically appear for preventive examinations.

Some clinics practice stem cell therapy. This is an innovative method of treating arthritis, during which adipose tissue is taken from a dog and stem cells are isolated from it - the procedure is performed under anesthesia. Then the resulting material is injected into the joint. The event allows not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also to restore damaged tissues.

If a patient presents with severe arthritis, often due to severe trauma, torn ligaments, or fractures, surgery may be required.

Arthritis, without timely treatment, can literally immobilize an animal, deprive it of a full life. Therefore, it is important to treat this pathology in the initial stages, without waiting for complications.

After a serious fight in the yard or an unfortunate fall, the dog can begin very dangerous health troubles. In particular, we are talking about arthritis, which manifests itself in the launch of a powerful inflammatory process in the cartilage or bone tissue of the joint. Arthritis in dogs causes local redness and fever, as well as unbearable pain. A sick animal often limps (48), but owners of dogs suffering from arthritis are much more likely to notice fussiness, tension in the limbs and other negative manifestations of the disease.

Arthritis is much more common in dogs than in other pets. The problem lies in the large weight of such pets, so representatives of large breeds are almost always brought to veterinarians. The load that the ligamentous apparatus of the German Shepherd experiences is much higher than that which the average cat faces every day. Young individuals get arthritis very rarely, but dogs at a respectable age can no longer boast of a healthy metabolism and strong joints.

The treatment of arthritis in dogs depends largely on what type of disease the veterinarian has to deal with. That is why it is necessary to deal with this issue in more detail.

Of key importance for this classification is the factor that led to the damage to the tissues of the joint:

  1. Traumatic form. Such arthritis appears as a result of serious injuries, dislocations, sprains, fractures, bruises or contusions. If you provide the animal with proper care and proper nutrition, the body will be able to cope with the problem on its own, but in most cases, the damaged limb due to physical activity falls into conditions of serious stress. As a result, there is a violation of healthy metabolism in the tissues and cells of the joint, so it goes into a degenerative state, when there are no conditions for normal depreciation of the limbs. Arthritis is simply the result of an inflammatory reaction in the body and its main manifestation.
  2. functional form. This type of arthritis is a traumatic form, since the symptoms of the disease are almost identical. The main difference lies in the reason for its development. It hides in the fact that the animal is constantly or systematically subjected to excessive stress, which falls precisely on the cartilaginous tissue. Gradually there is an overload of the joint, which ends with its degeneration.
  3. The metabolic or dystrophic form occurs when the animal has serious metabolic problems. Cartilage fibers are based on pyrophosphate. If certain problems appear with its synthesis, the articular surfaces become covered with crystalline deposits of calcium phosphate dihydrate, which mix with the synovial fluid. In other words, in a sick animal, salts accumulate in the joints, injuring the cartilage tissue. In this case, veterinarians usually diagnose chondrocalcinosis or pseudogout. Osteoartitis also occurs as a result of problems with excess iron or phosphorus-calcium metabolism. It must be understood that the treatment of arthritis in dogs with this form of the disease is only the elimination of symptoms, and the main problem is an unhealthy metabolism.
  4. The purulent form acts as a kind of complication after the negative impact of a bacterial infection or a virus that has affected the joint. Most often, it occurs after an open fracture or in the presence of a laceration in the joint area. Additional symptoms of this type of arthritis are represented by the appearance of purulent fistulas. Almost any antiseptic preparations in combination with antibiotics can become the basis for the treatment of purulent arthritis. It is impossible to treat a pronounced disease in a purulent form without consulting an experienced veterinarian!
  5. Genetically pathological form. Oddly enough, but arthritis may well be inherited. The reason for the development of such a serious disease is often hip dysplasia, which has reached a difficult stage when surgery is indispensable. From an early age, dogs can suffer from joint dysplasia, which develops into osteoarthritis at a more mature age.

What are the main symptoms to be aware of?

  • The dog is rapidly gaining weight, although there have been no significant changes in his diet. The fact is that because of pain in the joints, the animal experiences pain, so it tries to move as little as possible. A sick dog prefers to spend more time lying down. Serious obesity may develop.
  • An enlarged and inflamed joint is the most common symptom of arthritis. Treatment should be considered soon if the owner notices that his dog has difficulty bending his paws or refusing to turn his head. A dog with arthritis will obviously not jump for joy when his owner returns home, because because of this he will be in terrible pain. These symptoms of arthritis in dogs can be easily noticed.
  • A local increase in temperature in the periarticular tissues also indicates the presence of arthritis. Healthy compositions will be very different in temperature from damaged areas. The general body temperature rises quite rarely and, as a rule, indicates the presence of an infection in the body.
  • Problems with the movement of a pet suffering from arthritis manifest everywhere. The dog no longer jumps on his favorite sofa, refuses to go down the stairs. The dog's paws can be very sore and whine in bad weather, so during such periods he is completely inactive.

If such symptoms are found, arthritis treatment should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, the condition of the pet of the whole family will steadily worsen. It is not worth choosing medicines without consulting a veterinarian.

What treatment can be given to a dog?

The first thing the owner of a sick animal should do in such a situation is a timely trip to the veterinary clinic. Self-medication can be especially dangerous for a pet, since it is necessary not only to buy an advertised drug, but also to correctly determine the dosage and methods of its use. Usually in such cases, glucocorticoids are used. It is necessary to carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor and strictly follow the established rules so that the dog can return to normal life as soon as possible.

There are a number of preventive and therapeutic measures that make up the treatment of canine arthritis at home:

  1. Healthy and balanced nutrition! Many owners consider supplementing their dog food with all sorts of treats, sweets and cookies as a sign of love and care, but this only pampers the dog and leads to rapid weight gain. For health, the animal simply needs to eat right and be subjected to moderate exercise.
  2. Gentle walking mode! This is not quite the case when a wedge is knocked out with a wedge, but it is impossible to limit a sick pet in the fresh air and walks. However, the owner must ensure that the dog does not overstrain the problem joint.
  3. Warmth and comfort! A dog with arthritis who lives in a kennel especially needs a warm and comfortable place to sleep. That is why, if possible, it should be taken into the house for the period of rehabilitation or the dog's home should be well insulated. Almost all types of arthritis are much easier if the affected area is constantly warm. The exception is the purulent form of the disease.
  4. Painkillers! About how to relieve the pain of a dog with arthritis, the veterinarian should tell during the reception. Different preparations are suitable for such purposes: rimadil, pentalgin, spazgan or analgin.
  5. Massage! You can calm the animal with light stroking movements, which can turn into acupressure. You need to press gently to speed up the healing process, but do not hurt the pet. Massage can not be used only for purulent arthritis.

Veterinarians make big bets on chondroprotectors, which include special components of animal origin, which speed up the process of renewal and restoration of cartilage tissue.

Quite often, dog breeders are faced with the question of what causes the development of arthritis in dogs, the characteristic symptoms and how this disease is treated. Arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the joints. It is manifested by pain in the affected areas, redness of the periarticular skin, fever.

There are several types of arthritis:

  1. Traumatic. It develops as a result of a bruise, sprain, dislocation, fracture and other mechanical damage. Most often, traumatic arthritis is provoked by increased physical stress on the joint. The metabolism in the cartilage is disturbed, tissue degeneration occurs, the cartilage loses its ability to absorb in the joint, which ultimately leads to the inflammatory process of the joint.
  2. Functional. It has the same principle of development as traumatic, but it occurs only due to an irrational load on the articular cartilage that destroys them.
  3. Metabolic. It develops against the background of impaired metabolism. An excess of iron and its deposition in organs can develop an inflammatory process in the joints. Violation of calcium metabolism of vitamin D causes bone fragility. Metabolic arthritis is most often the result of another disease.
  4. Purulent. Complicated bacterial infection that penetrated the joint due to mechanical damage to the periarticular tissue.
  5. Rheumatoid. It is a rare disease that most often affects small breed dogs.
  6. Drug. Caused by drugs or vaccines.

Characteristic symptoms

You can suspect arthritis in a dog by a tense gait: protecting the inflamed joint, the pet tries not to step on its paw. In this case, poor coordination of movements is observed. Predisposing factors are overweight in a dog, lack of physical activity, prolonged stress. There is a common story when the owners, because of their great love for the dog, overfeed it.

The undeniable reason is the age of the dog: the older the pet, the greater the risk of developing arthritis. The natural aging of the cartilage causes damage to the synovial membrane and stretches the articular bag. The disease causes the dog to instinctively restrict movements that cause pain. Reduced range of motion develops atrophy of the musculoskeletal system. The dog moves little, sleeps more, and, accordingly, gains excess weight.

Another symptom of the disease is slowness. The dog seems to hesitate before approaching the food or going out into the yard. Getting up from a lying position, the dog whines, does not show a desire to walk, does not meet the owner upon returning home. Hanging limb syndrome and lameness may be observed. When touching a sore paw, the dog will whine in pain or snarl.


At the first detected symptoms of the disease, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. The sooner arthritis treatment is started, the better the recovery will be. The doctor with the help of certain exercises will determine the inflamed joint. Swelling and soreness of the joint will tell you which of the paws is affected by arthritis. To determine the direction of treatment and drugs, it is necessary to take an x-ray. Radiography will help to assess the anatomy of the articular structure, to detect damage and deformation of the elements of the joint. If necessary, a joint puncture is performed, with the help of a microbiological study, the etiology of the inflammatory process is clarified and appropriate antibacterial therapy is selected.

Treatment of pathology

How to treat arthritis in dogs? The course of treatment will be prescribed depending on the causes that caused the development of the disease.

Medical methods

First of all, drugs are prescribed that reduce pain. Treatment of arthritis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is controversial due to side effects. However, in cases where other drugs do not bring relief, their use is allowed with certain precautions.

Treatment for arthritis in dogs involves the use of glycosaminoglycans in the form of injections and supplements. The drugs contribute to the restoration of cartilage and synovial fluid. Additionally, hyaluronic acid may be prescribed.

Therapeutic methods

In addition to medical treatment, a dog with arthritis will need gentle therapy that strengthens the muscles. The best option is swimming, in which the muscles are strengthened, and there is no load on the paws. However, you should not swim in cold and windy weather, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of arthritis. You need to walk your dog every day for at least 10-20 minutes. The itinerary must include ascent and descent. As the condition improves, the load can be gradually increased. The exception is older dogs, for which long walks are not recommended.

Physical therapy is also recommended. Massage is very useful, which should be carried out by rubbing the sore spot with soft circular movements. Massage is contraindicated in purulent arthritis. This condition can be relieved by special compresses. Therapeutic mixtures are applied to the tissue, applied to the inflamed joint and fixed. In a veterinary pharmacy, you can purchase a special therapeutic bandage that facilitates movement and retains heat.

Diet and conditions of detention

An important condition is the diet, especially for overweight dogs. With obesity, a pet must be put on a diet to get rid of excess weight. Nightshade foods should not be present in dog food: tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and grains. It is recommended to add seeds, yolks, ginger, exotic fruits, papaya, mango, orange to food. With this disease, dogs need vitamins E and C, they should be taken daily.

In the presence of arthritis in a dog, you should take care of its sleeping place. The bedding should be dense and warm, the couch should be placed in a place protected from drafts. In the case of a dog living on the street, the booth is insulated, drafts are unacceptable. Heat is a necessary condition in the treatment of arthritis in dogs. The exception is purulent arthritis.

If the pet lives at home, it is necessary that the floor covering is not slippery. To avoid injury, use carpet or other carpeting.

Unfortunately, arthritis is difficult to treat and often becomes chronic. It is recommended to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician in order to keep the pet in shape.

Large dogs are more often affected by the disease: Labrador, German Shepherd, Mastiff, St. Bernard, Rottweiler. The owners of these breeds should take this into account and observe preventive measures.

Treatment of infectious arthritis

Infectious arthritis must be treated conservatively or surgically. With conservative therapy, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, joint puncture and limb immobilization are performed. Treatment by the puncture method involves the evacuation of exudate, washing the articular cavity with antiseptic solutions and the introduction of an antibiotic. At the same time, antibiotic therapy is carried out and immobilization of the limb is provided.

Surgical treatment is prescribed if conservative therapy has not brought improvements. An arthrotomy is performed, during which an opening and revision of the diseased joint is performed, purulent exudate is removed, necrectomy and sanitation are performed. In advanced cases, if the articular ends of the bones are affected, the joint is resected. Then drainage is carried out, and the limb is immobilized for a long time.

Preventive measures

Prevention of arthritis includes controlling the pet's weight, a competent diet with the necessary supplements. Young animals should not be overloaded with physical activity: arthritis can develop due to ill-conceived training. In addition, injuries and mechanical damage to the limbs should also be prevented. Slippery floors are the most common cause of sprains in dogs. Frequent injuries dislodge the cartilage, which in turn will lead to inflammation of the joint. You should protect the animal from hypothermia, do not walk for a long time in wet and cold weather. Regular visits to the veterinarian are recommended to prevent illness in your beloved pet.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis- a general term for pathological changes in the joint. Arthritis can be the result of destruction of joint tissue due to infection, birth defects causing structural damage, overload and trauma to the joint surfaces and supporting tissues. Sometimes disorders of the immune system lead to inflammation and degeneration of the joint tissue.
In commonly observed cases of hip dysplasia, the arthritis is partly due to abnormal build and displaced stress points of the hip joint. The cartilage is adversely affected and wears away faster than it can recover. The layer of bone under the cartilage is stressed and inflamed, the joint capsule thickens, becomes less elastic and very sensitive. The blood vessels in the area of ​​the joint dilate, the joint swells and becomes inflamed. The connective tissues of the joint harden, calcium deposits build up, and the nerve endings begin to send pain signals to the brain. Movement becomes increasingly limited due to degeneration of the joint, and discomfort and pain force the patient to give up the load on the joint. Unfortunately, limited mobility complicates the problems associated with arthritis because the patient puts on weight and continues to protect the joint by restricting its movement more and more.

Arthritis is a real scourge for modern dogs.
Both a one-year-old sheepdog and an elderly sheltie can suffer from joint pain. In autumn, in the cold, the pain becomes stronger, and the dog moves with obvious reluctance. To restore joint mobility, various drugs have been created. For example, the drug Rimadyl ".

Veterinarians are here to help proper nutrition which can be a real treat. Already proven - both scientifically and in practice - the benefits of some food additives, which are included in feed for the prevention and treatment of arthritis. Scientists place their greatest hopes on unsaturated fatty acids.

To create a therapeutic diet for arthritis, for the first time, the methods of nutrigenomics were applied - a very young science that studies the effect of nutrients on the functioning of the genome. With osteoarthritis, an enzyme is synthesized in the joint of a sick dog, which destroys an important component of articular cartilage. The cartilage breaks down and the joint gets sick. One of the polyunsaturated fatty acids interferes with the synthesis of this enzyme, reduces inflammation and associated pain. And they began to add it to the feed.

Studies have shown that when treating osteoarthritis, dogs treated with medicinal food were more active and mobile. This food is produced by Hill's, which, without exaggeration, can be called the most "knowledge-intensive" among pet food manufacturers. It is called "Hill" s j / d "and is on sale in our pet stores. Which is very important in our climate, especially in autumn.

Arthritis in dogs is a common and difficult to treat condition.

Arthritis Symptoms in Dogs

The dog moves a little more slowly, lies down and gets up with caution. There may also be lameness, the desire of the dog to "save" the limbs when changing position.
Examination of the dog's paws shows that the range of motion of the hip joints is reduced, the knee joints of the hind limbs are normal, and there are no signs of vertebral pain on palpation of the back.

Owner, pay attention!

Through survival tactics, animals have evolved into stoic creatures who rarely show signs of pain or discomfort. Luckily for our domestic dogs, no less courageous than their wild ancestors, veterinarians today are becoming more attuned to pain management. Veterinarians look for mild symptoms in patients to detect arthritis early because outright limping or crying in pain may already be the end stage of long-term joint degeneration. Owners should be aware of these subtle changes in dog behavior. Weight gain, prolonged sleep, less interest in games, and changes in behavior or alertness are usually the first to be noted. If your dog is less happy than before when you come home, or hesitantly jumps onto the sofa, or climbs the stairs too carefully, then you need to know that these can all be the first signs of joint discomfort caused by arthritis.

How can I help you?

Be aware that all drugs, and especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as most "anti-arthritic" pain relievers, can cause severe adverse reactions in some animals.

Rimadyl is one of many anti-inflammatory drugs used in animals. You and your veterinarian must weigh the pros and cons of using any drug, especially if long-term use is needed. As soon as you suspect the onset of adverse reactions, immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor. Reactions can be varied, unusual, and very severe. Each individual case of a possible reaction to the drug should be discussed with the treating veterinarian.

For any drug, the issue of safety is raised. I asked McFarland how safe Rimadyl was, especially since many dogs needing arthritis treatment are older. McFarland noted: “Whenever a drug is used for the long-term treatment of diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid dysfunction, or kidney disease, The veterinarian is required to test. That is why the biochemical parameters of the blood are checked every time a long-term use of the drug is prescribed for treatment. Regular blood tests are essential if any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used in the treatment of osteoarthritis.” NSAIDs are a class of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, that do not contain cortisone-type chemicals.

Another promising effective analgesic is called DERAMAXX(manufactured by Novartis Animal Health), which has appeared on the market since August 2002. The initial purpose of Deramaxx is to relieve postoperative pain in dogs. In addition, Novartis is seeking approval for use to relieve chronic pain in dogs. Deramaxx is an NSAID.

Arthritis Treatment in Dogs

Reducing excess weight is a very important aspect of treating arthritis in dogs. Often, simply reducing a dog's weight to a reasonable level causes significant changes in the dog's activity and mobility. It is important to get your dog engaged in exercise to maintain and improve the mobility and flexibility of his joints. Soft, insulated, comfortable sleeping pads can help reduce the discomfort and pain of arthritis, unlike wooden indoor floors or a dog house. In addition, therapeutic massage can be used.

Recently, a number of drugs called nutraceuticals have been making headway for a variety of dog ailments, including arthritis. Nutraceutical is a food or natural food supplement that is believed to have a beneficial effect on health.

Nutraceuticals are not considered drugs and can be taken without a doctor's prescription. The most popular of them are chondroprotectors, i.e., drugs that provide the body with the nutrients necessary to restore and treat joint tissue. Fort Dodge Animal Health veterinarian Stacy Martin (a leading manufacturer of arthritis products, along with NSAID EtoGesic® (etodolac)) says: “Canine tablets, nutraceuticals with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, have been proven to help with osteoarthritis. With a huge range of such drugs, it is important to choose one that was made by a serious manufacturer in compliance with all standards and requirements. Preparations produced by small manufacturers without a name may not be of sufficient quality, and their composition may differ from that stated in the annotation. Oral nutraceuticals such as chondroprotectors, restore and reduce the destruction of articular cartilage.

One of the most effective therapeutic approaches may be to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors. “There are many ways to deal with pain and the development of osteoarthritis. Depending on the type of osteoarthritis and the characteristics of the dog, only one or a few methods may be needed. Some approaches include exercise, weight management, nutraceuticals, and NSAIDs. Nutraceuticals alone are often not enough to ease your pet's pain. NSAIDs, such as EtoGesic, are often used alone or with other medications to manage the pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.” In addition, there is evidence that omega fatty acids can help reduce the inflammation and discomfort associated with arthritis.


Some drugs commonly used by people to relieve the discomfort of arthritis may be completely unsuitable for dogs .
[PS: analgesic, paracetamol], for example, destroys the liver in dogs. As reported, ibuprofen is the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. Stacey Martin gives good advice: “Your veterinarian will help you decide which course of treatment is right for your pet.

Do not give your pet any drug, nutraceutical, or NSAID without the advice of a veterinarian. It is also important to use FDA-approved animal products and not human drugs. Together with your veterinarian, you can develop a program for your dog that will allow your pet to live a happier and more active life.”

Most older people know firsthand what arthritis is. This disease often appears in old age and, unfortunately, is not treatable. We often hear from our grandparents how their arms and legs hurt, how at times their joints seem to simply twist. Most often, these are the symptoms of an insidious disease - arthritis.

Our beloved pets also suffer from this disease, more often at a respectful age. It manifests itself in the form of lameness, limited mobility and fatigue during walks. Like people, arthritis flares up in cold, wet weather, and the most dangerous times of the year are considered autumn, winter (a period of slush and rain with snow), and spring.

So what is arthritis? It turns out that arthritis is not one disease, but a whole group of joint diseases, which can be inflammatory, dystrophic, or have a mixed form.

If pathogens of a purulent infection, such as staphylococci or streptococci, penetrate into the joint cavity, this is called purulent synovitis, which can be open or closed. Treatment is carried out only in a veterinary clinic, it consists in suppressing the infection and freeing the joint cavity from pus.

When the osteoarticular plates are damaged, the diagnosis is made purulent osteoarthritis. Purulent inflammation of the joint can occur as a result of a penetrating injury to the joint, and in some cases, with inflammation passing from the tissues located next to it. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of swelling, the dog practically cannot stand on the affected limb. Treatment consists of an operation and for some time the animal must be under supervision in a veterinary clinic.

With acute inflammation of the joint, with arthrosis, as a result of injuries or constant overloading of the joints, deformation in the form of bone growths may occur, which in the end will actually disfigure the joint. Such a disease is called chronic deforming arthritis in dogs. It does not develop all at once, but gradually: at first, the animal may limp after loads on the joints, then stiffness of the joint appears, which indicates that the deformation has occurred. Most often, this disease affects the hip or knee joints.

With hypothermia, especially when hunting, when dogs are in a long chase for game, with swims in cold water, while the joints are practically overheated and are under intense physical exertion, a disease such as rheumatic fever. It refers to infectious-allergic diseases, most often acute with a sharp increase in temperature and severe pain on palpation at the site of the diseased joint. Repeated attacks lead to the fact that rheumatism becomes a chronic disease.

If a dog owner has the slightest suspicion that their pet may have arthritis, a veterinarian should be consulted for advice. Treatment is prescribed after a series of tests and an appropriate diagnosis.

Treatment and prevention of arthritis - five basic rules.

First rule- completely exclude the lying of a pet on a cold floor (balcony, tile) and in drafts! If the dog is not accustomed to a certain place where you can lay a bedding or rug, you should take care of the presence of carpets and paths in the apartment. When walking in rainy, damp weather, it is advisable to wear an insulated overall for dogs or an ordinary overall that will protect the undercoat from moisture penetration.

Second rule- physical activity should be minimal, jumping and running should be excluded, walking time should be limited, and most importantly - peace.

Third rule– unquestioning adherence to the recommendations of a veterinarian, taking prescribed veterinary drugs.

Fourth rule– switching to special therapeutic dog food. For example, Hill's Prescription Diet Canine j/d arthritis treatment. This food helps to reduce pain in the joints, slows down the progression of arthritis, and reduces the degradation of articular cartilage.

Fifth Rule- regularly, in the morning and in the evening, especially during periods of exacerbation, do a light massage (on the recommendation of a veterinarian, it is possible to use ointments based on snake or bee venom, followed by wrapping the paw in a warm scarf), as well as warm up the paws after a walk and before going to bed. How to properly massage a dog with arthritis will be described below. As for warming up, you can use one of the following methods:

1) put a towel or an old sheet on the mat and an electric heating pad between them, make sure that the dog lies on a warm bed with a sick limb;

2) the generation brought up under the Soviet Union remembers well the so-called “blue lamps”, with which their parents warmed their ears, and their sore lower backs and knees. Surely such devices are kept by grandparents somewhere in the bins, and buying a blue lamp on the market is not a problem. So, in one of the Soviet veterinary books, a recommendation was given for warming the paw of an animal with arthritis with such a lamp. It really helps, but you should first consult a veterinarian. The procedure itself is holding the lamp at such a distance from the paw that you feel good warmth, but do not burn the body of the animal, for 15 minutes. In this case, the dog most often relaxes, calms down, and sometimes just falls asleep.

Dog massage as a method of preventing arthritis.

It is impossible to cure arthritis, massage can only help to reduce muscle tension and pain that occurs with this disease. In addition, with a properly performed procedure, regular massage slows down degenerative processes. The lower spine, hip joint, as well as the knee and hock joints are the main sites of damage, problems with the shoulder or elbow joints are less common.

The massage is performed early in the morning to prepare the muscles for the daytime wakefulness of the animal, as well as in the evening to relieve pain and tension that have accumulated during the day.

The massage procedure for dogs consists in kneading from the outside of the elbow joint and pelvic limb. The most important thing is that the massage does not cause discomfort and pain to the dog. For arthritis, light massage is recommended.

How to massage a dog with arthritis?

1. Massage begins with stroking , very light, without detaching from the body of the animal with fingers or palms, usually the movement is made along the muscles in the direction of hair growth.

2. Kneading - pressing , squeezing muscles and another useful action - rolling the skin. Kneading is carried out with the thumbs, and then with slightly clenched hands into a fist.

3. The next stage of massage - vibrating movements , which are performed by pressing the fingers on the massaged area, it should be a light pressure, which increases slightly in the process. When pressed with hands, a movement similar to shaking hands is made.

4. With the help of three fingers - forefinger, thumb and middle, such a moment of massage is carried out as trituration .

5. The last stage of the massage is touch , which consists in putting your palm on the massage site and feeling the heat wave that will come from the pet's body, along with which pain and tension will recede.

Caring for a pet requires a lot of time and knowledge, but when it comes to an animal that is sick, it becomes at least doubly difficult, and emotionally ten times harder. Owners of sick dogs are frequent "guests" in veterinary clinics, trying to independently study the literature about the disease, what to expect and what to fear. It remains only to believe that all the strength and nerves spent will not be in vain, and the beloved pet will recover and for many more years will be a reliable, loving friend, meeting his owner with a joyful wag of the tail after work.

An article about the treatment of arthritis in dogs and other joint diseases with homeopathy and folk remedies in an article on the website of our pet store.

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