The tale of a strong mouse. A fairy tale about a mouse that turned into a bear

Once upon a time there were two mice. One of them was sad and serious, and the other was a cheerful, carefree silly girl. The mice were different - both externally and internally, but they managed to get along with each other. This is how their friendship began.

For many months in a row, they walked together through fields and meadows in search of ripe spikelets and spilled grains. In the evenings, when the moon rose in the sky, they told each other stories, and this helped them overcome their fear of darkness.

But then one day a little silly mouse met her mouse prince. Seeing him, she trembled with happiness and rushed to meet him, forgetting that her friend was waiting for her in the burrow.

The Mouse Prince was truly beautiful: he had a long, elastic tail and a friendly, sly muzzle. In a word, he was a real man that our little mouse could only dream of and whom she, deep down in her soul, had already despaired of meeting!

"At last! - thought the silly mouse, joyfully rushing to meet her beloved. - Now I will live a different life, and I will have my own burrow, where there will be a lot of grain! ”

In the meantime, time passed, and another mouse, in vain waiting for her girlfriend, was completely displeased: “Why isn't she coming? She asked herself. "Maybe I offended her in some way?"

And then night fell, and the mouse, freezing with fear, crawled out of the hole to look for its missing girlfriend. In vain she squeaked and, quickly fingering her paws, rushed from side to side. No one answered her, and for the first time in a long time, the mouse had to face the night alone, and then the day, and another day, and another night, and another, and another ...

But then one day, when the grain supplies were completely exhausted, she plucked up courage and crawled out to see the sun and run through the fragrant meadow.

“Who knows,” thought the mouse, “perhaps I will be able to find a few grains of millet or at least a small piece of stale bread? I'm so hungry! "

And so our mouse ran. She breathed in the scent of flowers and rejoiced in every ray of sunlight that filled her being with vigor and desire to live.

- What a meeting!

The mouse turned around - in front of her was her former girlfriend, the silly mouse. She nervously twitched her antennae and carefully squeezed in both paws the rye spike she had just found.

- You haven't changed at all! - continued she. - You must be lonely there, in your damp, gloomy hole!

- Before you liked my hole! The serious mouse objected to her. “Besides, you forgot that I offered you to live with me when you had no shelter!

- How, how, I remember, dear girlfriend! But now I'm scared to speak in this godforsaken corner! You, really, just do not be offended, I did not mean anything bad at all. It's just that everything has changed for me, and I can hardly hold back the tears of joy!

“You're right,” the other mouse answered, “everything has really changed. I remembered that I did not always live in the same burrow with you. This attachment to you made me vulnerable - so I did not even dare to leave my little world ...

- I understand what you mean, - the silly mouse nodded, - I, too, once was afraid to leave our hole. But look, I am here - in front of you, and which of us is better off: me, who ran out earlier towards my happiness, or you, who knows nothing more interesting than thinking about the fate of all animals on Earth?

“She is completely different from me,” thought the serious mouse. - And how did we find common language with her? Aloud, she said: "Who knows, maybe it is more useful to think about the fate of others than to mock them?"

- You got it wrong again! The other mouse squeaked irritably. - You are always unhappy with everything, and I am tired of you and your stupid ideas!

- Well, goodbye, from now on I will not impose on you! Stay with your happiness, and I hope to find mine!

With these words, the serious mouse turned and quickly ran towards its house, where happiness was already waiting for it. It consisted in freedom from longing for the runaway silly mouse!

“Our love is like gold. When we want to give it to others, we strive to create a "decoration" that would certainly please our loved ones. There is, however, one "but": according to some rules, any decoration must contain a ligature. So, some of us follow these rules so zealously that sometimes it becomes difficult to determine from what the product was actually melted and how much the sample indicated on it corresponds to the amount of gold present ... "

Tale about the mouse "Irina Egorova"

Bedtime stories are born when the shadows of the evening are thickening, the air is filled with special aromas, and the yellow disk of the moon is fixed in the sky. A magical time - evening! Tomorrow morning dawn will spread over the horizon and a new day will begin.

Listen to a fairy tale (5min19sec)

Bedtime story "The Amazing Adventure of the Gray Mouse"

Once upon a time there was a gray mouse. The mouse did not consider herself a beauty. The eyes are small, the edge is a house, the fur coat is not rich. The fox, for example, was simply beautiful compared to her. Mischievous eyes, fluffy red tail, fashionable fur coat, so imaginative!

- I also want to become a beauty, - thought the gray mouse.

First of all, the future beauty decided to look for a sorceress who would help her achieve her goal. Once the mouse heard about a multi-colored insect that could work miracles. The gray mouse found a multi-colored insect and told her the following:

- I want to become a beauty! Have a fluffy tail and tassels on the ears like a squirrel, a white fluffy coat like a hare, big beautiful eyes like an owl, wonderful stripes like a chipmunk. And if you do not fulfill my desire, then I will eat you.

The multi-colored insect was not at all afraid of the threats of some gray mouse, but decided to help her become better. The fact is that the insect itself was wondering how it would all end. The insect gave the mouse a magic vitamin and she swallowed it. A minute later, a person stood in front of the insect, who could not be looked at without laughing.

- Beauty! The insect said cheerfully.

The gray mouse became proud and went for a walk in the woods. Let the forest dwellers look at the unearthly beauty. Nobody greeted the stranger. She ran first to one, then to another, and told everyone that she was the same gray mouse. The inhabitants of the forest nodded their heads, but no one believed that it was she. And among themselves they talked, were surprised that some funny unfamiliar animal seemed to be a mouse.

Finally, the gray mouse realized that no one recognized her, and entered into a conversation with the hare. The mouse asked how his kids were doing, called them by their names, only then the hare believed her that she was a mouse.

- Why don't you look like yourself? Where does this tail, tassels, eyes come from?

When the mouse explained to him that she wanted to become a beauty, the hare laughed and said that he liked her more in her former form. And she now has too many bright details.

- What do you understand? Said the mouse. - There is never too much beauty!

She said to say something, but in her heart she understood that no one was impressed by her beauty, and she had to return to her previous appearance. She reluctantly ran to the multi-colored insect and politely asked her to return it to its original appearance.

The bug fulfilled her request and quietly left.

The gray mouse wandered along the path. And this must happen! Forest dwellers who met her praised her appearance, said that she was sweet, economic, that she was special. Never in my life has a gray mouse heard so many compliments. She decided that the best thing is to remain who you are!

The gray mouse ran home cheerfully, her head was spinning from beautiful words, and since it was already quite late, she went to bed. At night she had beautiful, rainbow dreams.

It's time for you to sleep, my friend. The golden stars have already dozed. Sleepy birches wished each other "good night". Birds spied on the last rays of the sunset. They too will soon fall asleep.

Once upon a time there was a dad - a mouse, a mom-mouse and a little mouse Masha. Dad and mom gathered in the city for the bazaar, and Masha was left at home and strictly forbidden from leaving the house and letting strangers in. "Sit quietly, don't open the door to anyone, don't look out the window, otherwise the Red Cat walks around, catches you and eats you!"

Dad and mom left, and Masha played, ate and she felt so bored ... She decided to open the window and see what was happening in the yard. She opened the window, sat down on the windowsill and basked in the sun, singing a song quietly.

Suddenly, out of nowhere - a Red Cat. “Hello, Masha! How nice and warm it is on your windowsill! Let me warm myself too! " And Masha got warm in the sun and completely forgot that her dad and mom were punishing her. She let the Red Cat on the windowsill. They sit together, warm up and sing songs. And the Red Cat is moving closer and closer to Masha, now he hugged her with his paw, and brought his muzzle to her ear. Just about to open its mouth and eat a stupid mouse ...

But luckily, at this time, dad and mom returned from the city. They saw that the Red Cat wanted to eat Masha and dad began to scold him: “Oh, you, Red Robber! Tricked the little mouse! Do you want to eat it? Aren't you ashamed ?! "

The Red Cat became ashamed. He promised never to deceive anyone again. Dad and Mom believed him and treated him to sour cream. And Masha remembered for the rest of her life that dad and mom must obey and never forget what they taught.

Once upon a time there was a MOUSE. She lived in a hole, which she herself dug under the roots of a spreading OAK. And she had everything in her hole: delicious grains were stored, and cheese crumbs, and even sausage bits. And the door to the burrow was strong enough to hide from the cat.

But one day the Mouse woke up, looked at her burrow and decided: - We must look for a new hole. To be better than before! And it was more spacious and lighter, and more supplies could fit in it.

The Mouse got out of the mink and went to look for new housing.

She walked, walked and came to a tree called FIR. He looks, and a hole is dug under the roots of the spruce - as if ordered for the Mouse. The Mouse was delighted that a new house had been found so quickly, looked into the hole, and from there the UZH crawled out.

- Shhhh, - hissed Already. - Go, Mouse, from here. There is nothing to look into other people's holes.

The Mouse ran further. He runs through the forest, looks around, looks out for a new burrow. He sees it growing on the MAPLE hillock. The mouse is there. Under the maple - a burrow, bright, clean, spacious. Only the Mouse wanted to climb into that hole, as it seemed from behind the hillock.

- What do you want? - shouts the Hamster from afar. - This is my hole!
- Exactly yours? Or maybe it was a draw, but I was the first to find it? - asks the Mouse.
- No, it's mine. I dug it myself, covered it with grass, and brought supplies. And I won't give you my hole, - the Hamster answers menacingly. And he even puffed out his cheeks to show how terrible he is.

There is nothing to do, the Mouse went on. She went not far away - soon she again got a hole, someone dug it up near the Willow and threw it away. The Mouse climbed in there and looked around. A bit cramped, of course, but nothing. But as soon as the Mouse looked around, she began to think how she would live here, as soon as a MOLE came out of nowhere. Yes, how will he yell at the Mouse:

- Why did you climb into my house ?! Who invited and invited you? Not a minute of peace! As soon as you break through a new move, like a small animal right there! Immediately strive to climb into my turn! Get out of here! - and even waves his paws at the mouse. Drives away. He didn’t give Mouse a word to say, he pushed him out of the house, and immediately closed the door.

The Mouse became sad. She wandered further. It's already getting dark, the sun has caught on to the tops of the trees, now it will go to sleep. And the Mouse still wanders through the forest. And then, near the ELM, Mouse saw a hole. Yes, so beautiful! The entrance is light, spacious, decorated with twigs. As the Mouse was about to look into the hole, the ZYAATs jumped out of the bushes and shouted:

- Run, silly! Save yourself! It's the FOX's burrow!

And then the Fox leaned out of the hole, laughing: - Here are the stupid animals! They themselves strive to get into the mouth!

Fox stretched out her paw, was about to grab the Mouse, but then the Mouse came to her senses and ran away. She ran, ran, until she was completely out of breath. And the Fox was well fed, she did not catch up with the Mouse, only the laughter of the foxes over the forest rang out. The Mouse wandered further, her tail dragging sadly, her ears drooping.

Goes, goes, looks - there is a hole again near LINDEN. The Mouse came up and carefully peers into it. And from the mink - a fyr-fyr. This is Hedgehog.

- What are you, Mouse, walking? What are searching for? - asks the Hedgehog.

The Mouse told him how she decided to find a new home for herself, but the trouble is, all the good holes are already occupied.
- Eh, Mouse, while you are walking here, someone will take your hole, says the Hedgehog.

The mouse got scared and ran home. I ran fast and fast. She ran to Oak, flew into her house, looked around. And she liked everything inside so much that Mouse was surprised:

- And why did I walk through the forest all day, looking for a new house, when my mink in the forest is the best ?!

The mouse ate the stored grains and went to bed. And she dreamed only good dreams.

Once upon a time there was a little mouse. She was so tiny that no one noticed her.
- I will eat a lot of cereals, I will become fat and important, and everyone will respect me, - said the mouse, and did so.
She ate, ate, and now she became so fat that she barely crawled out of the mink. And then a cat out of nowhere, a cat, a claw-scratch and caught the mouse by the tail.
- Well, everything, lost, - thought the mouse, - no, I’ll take the cat.
And she pretended to move a little.
- What a fat mouse, she will not go anywhere from me, - said the cat, - I will eat sour cream for now, and then I will eat the mouse.
The mouse holds the tail with one paw, and feasts on the other with sour cream. And how can the mouse scream, squeak, squeal. The hostess walked by the cellar, heard a noise, went in and saw that the cat was eating sour cream, but not catching mice.
- Oh, you prankster, instead of catching mice, you eat sour cream, here I am for you. And let's chase the cat with a broom. And the mouse broke free and darted into the hole. Since then, she never ate much again, became slim and beautiful, and very agile.

Once upon a time there was a mill in a small village. An old miller was her owner. He lived nearby in a small house, and during the day he came to the mill and grinded grain.
Two mice lived in the mill - a common gray one and a flying one. During the day they slept, and when the miller left, they woke up and began to have fun.
The mouse friends were very funny. In the evenings, they drank tea, sang songs or danced. They lived very well at the mill, no one bothered them, and they did not interfere with anyone.
The gray mouse ate the grain that was stored in the mill. She took quite a bit and thought that the miller would not notice the loss. And the bat, when it was hungry, flew into the street and hunted insects there.
So their quiet life would have continued, if not for one case.
One afternoon, a miller brought a sack of grain to the mill. He wanted to grind it and then sell the flour. The old man went to the closet where the old sack was kept. There was some grain left, and it also had to be ground.
The miller took the sack, and then grain fell out of it. This he had not expected at all. Having examined the bag, he saw a hole in it and realized that a mouse had started up at the mill.
The little gray mouse at that moment looked out of the mink and realized that a quiet life was over.
But the miller ground the flour and left, and on that day he never returned.
The mice decided it would be okay. But the next day the miller returned and brought the cat, locked him in the mill and left.
The cat was gray, fat, and not at all stupid. Sensing mice, he rushed in their tracks.
Poor mice fled from the cat at great speed. There was no way out of the mill, so they decided to run up the stairs to a small window almost under the roof.
The frightened mice were in such a hurry that they were almost deaf with fear, but they were ahead of the cat.
When they were already near the window, the gray mouse suddenly stopped, because it did not know where to run next.
- Sit on my back, we will fly into the forest and escape! Shouted the bat.
- No, I cannot, I am very afraid of heights! - answered the gray, - Fly without me!
And no matter how the bat tried to persuade his friend, she never agreed to fly away with her.
The cat has almost reached them. The bat flew out the window, and the gray one saw a hole in the wall and hid there. The cat could not get it and left with nothing.
So the mice were saved from the terrible beast. But since then, the gray mouse is afraid of the cat and hides from him, and the bat flies very high and knows that the cat cannot reach it.

A tale about ... a mouse

Once my grandfather planted a turnip and said: “Grow, grow, sweet turnip! Grow, grow, strong turnip! Grow, grow, the turnip is big! "
And the turnip grew sweet, strong and BIG-BIG!
It's time to pull the turnip. The grandfather came to the turnip, began to pull it. Pulls - pulls, but cannot pull. The grandfather called the grandmother: "Grandma, help me pull the turnip!"

The grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, pull-pull, but they cannot pull.
The grandmother called her granddaughter: "Granddaughter, help us pull the turnip!" The granddaughter took on the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull and pull, but they cannot pull.
The granddaughter of the Bug called: "Bug, help us pull the turnip!" Zhuchka came running, took up her granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull and pull, but they cannot pull.
Beetle called the cat: "Cat, help us pull the turnip!" A cat came running, took up a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull and pull, but they cannot pull. Then the cat says: "Well, we have only one thing left: call the mouse."
"MOUSE? - everyone shouted, - but how will she help us? She's so small! " And yet the cat called the mouse: "Mouse, help us pull the turnip!"
A mouse came running, took up a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, pulled and pulled and pulled a turnip!
"OP!" - a turnip jumped out of the ground.
Then the grandmother cooked delicious, delicious porridge and fed everyone, and the mouse sat in the most honorable place.

A mouse in a mink sang at night:
- Sleep, mouse, shut up!
I'll give you a crust of bread
And a candle stub.

The mother mouse ran,
She began to call the duck as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt duck,
Shake our baby.

The duck began to sing to the mouse:
- Ha-ha-ha, sleep, baby!
After the rain in the garden
I'll find you a worm.

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- No, your voice is not good.
You sing too loud!

The mother mouse ran,
She began to call the toad as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt toad,
Shake our baby.

The toad has become important to croak:
- Kva-kva-kva, no need to cry!
Sleep, little mouse, until the morning
I'll give you a mosquito.

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- No, your voice is not good.
You sing very boringly!

The mother mouse ran
Call the aunt horse as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt horse,
Shake our baby.

And hoo! - the horse sings.
Sleep, mouse, sweet and sweet,
Turn on your right side
I'll give you a bag of oats.

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- No, your voice is not good.
You sing very scary!

The mother mouse ran
Call Aunt Pig as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt pig,
Shake our baby.

The pig began to grunt hoarsely,
Naughty lulling:
- Bayu-baiushki, oink-oink.
Calm down, I say.

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- No, your voice is not good.
You sing very roughly!

The mother mouse began to think:
We must call the chicken.
- Come to us, aunt kluche,
Shake our baby.

The mother hen cackled:
- Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!
Get under the wing:
It's quiet and warm there.

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- No, your voice is not good.
You won't fall asleep that way!

The mother mouse ran,
She began to call the pike as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt pike,
Shake our baby.

The pike began to sing to the mouse
He did not hear a sound:
The pike opens its mouth
And you can't hear what he sings ...

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- No, your voice is not good.
You sing too softly!

The mother mouse ran,
She began to call the cat as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt cat,
Shake our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:
- Meow meow, sleep, my baby!
Meow meow, let's go to bed
Meow meow, on the bed.

Stupid little mouse
She answers her sleepily:
- Your voice is so good.
You sing very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running
I looked at the bed
Looking for a stupid mouse
And you can't see the mouse ...

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