What kind of "whether"? What kind of "mon"? Bath salt Charley ZZZ Setouchi Lemon Bath Salt - "What the" Is "? What kind of "mon"? There is no sense in the sounds! But as soon as you whisper: "Lemon!", It immediately becomes sour! (not mine)".

TOPIC: Sentence and word.

PURPOSE: - To give the concept of a word, to differentiate the concepts of a sentence and a word.

OBJECTIVES: - To clarify the knowledge of children that sentences are composed of words,

interconnected in meaning.

Learn to determine the number of words in a sentence.

Learn to make sentences from a certain number of words.

Develop phonemic perception.

Develop attention, memory.

EQUIPMENT: plot, subject pictures, proposal schemes.


I.Org. moment.

The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson begins.
Every day - always, everywhere,
In the classroom, in the game,
Boldly, clearly speak
And we sit quietly.

II. Repetition of the passed material.

L. - What does speech consist of?

How can you tell if a sentence has ended in oral speech? On a letter?

What signs can appear at the end of a sentence?

How are sentences in the text related?

III. Explanation of the new material.

1. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Game "Say a word"

Bunny did not listen to dad -

crushed the bunny ... (paw).

The children were sitting in the park

And ice cream ... (ate).

Get drunk often to the lake

A redhead walks ... (a fox).

Suddenly the sky was covered with a cloud,

Lightning from the cloud .... (flashed)

L. - What did you add?

D. - Word.

L. - What do you think is a word.

2. The concept of the word.

L. - Listen to the poem

What kind of LI?

What kind of MON?

There is no sense in the sounds.

But they barely whisper:


(G. Sapgir)

It will immediately turn sour

L. - That's right, every word has its own meaning. A word can mean an object (rain, plane, hand), action (walking, flying, writing), a sign (small, steel, soft). Man needed the word in order to name everything that is in the world. It is very important to know the exact meaning of the word in order to avoid mistakes in speech.

Words are different:

Nice, simple,

Words are idle

Unnecessary, empty

(A. Barto)

L. - How can you explain the meaning of this poem.?

L. - Why shouldn't unnecessary words be used in speech? (they clog our speech. It is difficult to listen to a person who uses obscene empty words

3. Differentiation of words and sentences.

L. - What do you think can be made from words?

D. - Suggestions.

L. - Make suggestions on the pictures on your tables.

What's more a word or a sentence?



Exercise for muscle relaxation. Draw a leaf that falls from a tree. Starting position - standing up straight with arms raised high. First, freely, relaxedly lower your hands, then lower, elbows “fall”, then hands “fall”, then we squat down. The leaf fell.

5. Analysis of the proposal.

L. - Make a sentence of 3 words from the picture.

L. - What have you composed?

How many words are there in a sentence?

Which word comes first? In second, third place?

    We lay out the sentence scheme from strips - words.

Draw a diagram of this sentence in your notebook.


____ ____ ____

III. Anchoring.

What is text?

What is an offer?

How is the beginning of a sentence indicated on the letter?

What punctuation marks can I put at the end of a sentence in a letter?

What does the offer consist of?

How are words in a sentence spelled?

Which is more, a sentence or a word?

Name the words.

Relaxation. 2The Stream of Joy "

Children join hands and say pleasant to each other. kind words..


    Correction of written speech. Zhukovskaya L, G., Tereshkova E.B.

    School of speech development. T.N. Sokolova.

    Remember –ka. N.I. Nevzorova

What kind of "whether"?
What kind of "mon"?
There is no sense in the sounds.
But they barely whisper:
at once
will become

He wrote poetry for adults, but they recognized him precisely as a children's poet. This is how it happened. One day he heard a little boy recite:
I can’t sit any longer!
I can’t lie down!
I'll have to look
Can't I hang ...

Then he thought:
And I'll write poems
How I write poetry about
How I write poetry about
How I write poetry ...

Poems turned out
They can be read
From the chair
But best of all -
From the closet.

Heinrich Sapgir. Photo by Dmitry SavitskyAnd speaking seriously (and that's the only way to say it), Sapgir was one of those who brought poetry back to poetry for kids. After all, how was it before? "I will do well and I will not be bad." Moreover, it was only about studying well and crossing the street in the proper place, eating semolina and not breaking glass ... And so on.
But you children are very harsh people. If you start to be stuffed with moralizing, if you hear at least one false note in poetry (and not only), you will immediately become bored. But there are no false notes when adults play with children on equal terms, if they are not playing for fun, but for real.
What can you play? You can hide and seek, you can tag or Cossack robbers. And you can also play so that the words dance, hum, sing ...

And it all started like that.
In the 1960s, there was a publishing house in Moscow that produced books for the little ones. It was called so - "Kid". In this publishing house there lived an editor-in-chief named Uncle Yura, and if in an adult way - Yuri Pavlovich Timofeev. It was he who once asked the poet Genrikh Sapgir: "And write poems for us!"
- About what? - asked Sapgir.
- About anything. Well, for example, that it is April.
- And if it's April, can I write about cats?
- Good, - said Uncle Yura.
And the following verses turned out:

Meow! Finally warm. Spring.
In April, cats have no time to sleep.
I don't understand how in April
Guys can sleep in bed.
Walking on rooftops
Under the month big and red.

And after that, children's poems fell from Sapgir, like apples from an apple tree, if you shake it. This is how "The Ogre and the Princess, or All the way around" came into being:

A still from the cartoon "The Princess and the Cannibal" (artist Vladimir Palchikov)A princess
Was beautiful
It was terrible.
In the afternoon
In the second hour,
Got lost
Princess in the forest.

Looks - glade
Dugout in the meadow

And in the dugout -
- Come on in
For lunch.
He grabs a knife
The point is clear
Suddenly I saw
What ... beautiful!

The cannibal immediately became
It's bad.
- Go away, - he says, -
From here.
Appetite - he says -
Too kind, - he says, -
And went
Little by little princess
Straight to the castle
Came out of the forest.
That's what
A terrible legend!
That's what
The princess is beautiful!

Or maybe it was the opposite:
A princess
It was terrible
It was beautiful.
In the afternoon
In the second hour,
Got lost
Princess in the forest.
Looks - glade
Dugout in the meadow
And in the dugout the Ogre:
- Come on in
For lunch.
He grabs a knife
The point is clear
Suddenly I saw
What ... awful!

The cannibal immediately became
It's bad.
- Go away, - he says, -
From here.
Appetite - he says -
Too kind, - he says, -
And went
Little by little princess
Straight to the castle
Came out of the forest.
That's what
A wonderful legend!
That's what
The princess is terrible.

Cover of the book "ABC in Verses and Pictures"Sapgir's books were on the shelves next to very serious books. On the same shelves one could find poems by other people. Mine, for example. Once, after listening to the poems of Heinrich Sapgir, I thought:
And I'll write poems about ...
And she went to him as a student. By the way, in order to learn to write, one must learn to listen. Others first, then yourself. And try, when composing, not to miss a single false note - otherwise everything will be lost! Then, after children's poetry, I started writing poetry for adults. Since then I have been writing. So I live. And I do not live anywhere, but in the city of Paris!

And also among my teachers was a man with the wise eyes of a child and hair as white as snow. His name was. Heinrich Sapgir translated Driza's poems from Yiddish and presented them to children who read in Russian.

Harness, weirdos,
Brooms in a stroller
Pack your suitcases
Come to the fairy tale!
If you come,
You will not regret it.
There on the blue rug
Swans will swim
Black goat
With a monkey
There will be freilekhs
And the broken organ
Will sigh and sigh.
There will be a pike
And on the white ceiling
Will jump
And laugh
A jester in a green cap
There will be a kettle
Clap your hands:
That's the thing!
Bravo! Bis!
You're happy?
And me too -
Ovsey Ovseich
(Translated by G. Sapgir)

How these two people worked together is a separate song, or even a poem. Here comes Ovsey Ovseevich to Genrikh Veniaminovich, joyful and, as always by the middle of the day, in high spirits. “Heinrich, while I was on my way to see you, I composed a poem in the tram. And I wrote down the word-for-word on the ticket. So will you translate it for me? "
And Heinrich translated! ..

Children's poems are written to make it interesting for yourself, to please adults, to make children happy. How can you make them happy? Start playing with them - but it is important that the poet himself likes the game. For example, you can tell the children that everything is interchangeable: today the princess is beautiful, and the weather is terrible, and tomorrow it may be quite the opposite. And it is still unknown what is better and what is worse, and in general - what is good and what is bad?

Drawing by Gabriel ZapolyanskyAnd who did Henry Sapgir look like? He had a narrow face and pointed ears like an elf. He also wore a silver ring with a green stone and a velvet jacket, also green as grass:
Put on
Green blazer
And would jump
Into the sky -
Like this!
And ride
And dance
Through the meadows
Agile feet.
I would use green
Get it,
I could

Who is the first person to read their poems to? Adults - for adults, and children - for children, first of all, their own. Children are generally a very strict audience, and their own ones in particular. Sapgir had two daughters. They have grown up long ago and have already read daddy's poems to their children. What does this prove? This proves that the eternal children's edition of the Country of Smeyantsev works 365 days a year, and even a day more in a leap year. Everyday. And even in the evening, and even at night ...

In the evenings,
In the evenings
The moon is looking
In the glass frames.
And go to bed
Wearing pince-nez
Or glasses,
To make it clearer
To see dreams,
Flying towards them
From the moon.

And some
Used to take
The pencils
Take me to bed
So that everything is in a dream
Others -
Your tape recorder
To write down
A beautiful dream.

And this cloudy
Old man
Always dressed
Used to sleep.
And without galoshes
And without a coat
He does not lie down
His brooding dreams
Always rainy
And sad.

But - the crafty one
Bearded man.
He's under the pillow
Hides the ball.
He knows,
What's in a dream again
He will run
And play.
The lawn will be
Sun's light -
And it will be again
Eight years.

I am one of those who do not pour lemon on a fish steak and asks not to put a slice of lemon in a hodgepodge, if possible. And even sniffing in the autumn weather, I do not crush lemon into black tea "for health" (by the way, bell peppers and cabbage contain more vitamin C than lemon) and do not flavor water with them in the summer heat. I don't like lemon, and that's it.

But in cosmetic terms, he sometimes presents non-acidic surprises. For example, Japanese bath salt with lemon, which grows in the Japanese city of Setouchi.

But as soon as you look at the curly packaging, it will immediately become sourly cute, so cute it is! Bright salt is visible in the bath-shaped window, and the leaflet says that there are two bags of salt inside.

On the back of the box, there are even more Japanese characters ...

It was amusing that the manufacturer decided not to spend energy on translating the description or the list of ingredients, but his conscience did not allow not to write in English: "Do not eat!"... Well, "made in Japan", where can we go without it.

The box is voluminous, the sides are kept on circles of adhesive tape.

The clasp is shyly covered with a cardboard sheet.

Two sachets are neatly folded inside.

I admit, at first I was skeptical about the amount of salt in each.

There is literally a tablespoon of salt! They will dissolve, I won't even notice ... Morally I was ready to pour two at once.

The bags are provided with cuts and easy to openso you don't need to reach for the scissors.

Solka is beautiful as fine amber!

It smells really nice. Not sour, sore lemon, but rather lemon tree flowers. Fresh and bitter at the same time, sometimes even with a hint of vanilla.

Unfortunately, there is not enough perfume to flavor the water. The salt solution does not smell.

But there is enough dye! This is from one bag of salt you get such a rich color:

Fortunately, bath and skin are not stained at all... The solution of Japanese lemon did not pinch small wounds, so, probably, the concentration of the salt itself is really small.

As for the effect, the salt slightly softened the skin and slightly protected against the negative effects of hard tap water... No sensation, just a slight softening.

In this case, aesthetic pleasure and moral satisfaction bring more advantages to the product than the real effect. But I don't mind! Not everyone can be useful, someone needs to be beautiful. This salt is very pleasant to use, we will stop at this, and we will moisturize the skin with lotion.

Where to buy - I have no idea. I only found the official page (not the store) of the product ... of course, everything is in Japanese. Site Charley ZZZ there is also an English version, but it is lemon salt that is absent from the international assortment.

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