Safe route from home to school map. How to draw a route from home to school

Try drawing a route from school to home with your child. This fun activity will help him prepare for independent hikes without you.

How to draw a plan with a diagram

For work, prepare a drawing paper, a ruler, sharpen pencils. To make it easier, take a map or open the google maps app.

You can draw a route from school to home with your child.

Here are the step-by-step instructions for working:

  • Draw a frame on the sheet. In its center, draw the main road in a wide stripe, and adjacent roads in thin stripes. Draw rectangles all the houses, one of which is yours.
  • In the upper corner of the picture, sketch out the school building and the schoolyard.
  • Use a different color pencil to draw the walkways.
  • Mark your home and school with crosses. Connect the ends of the route with a dotted line.
  • Mark zebras and traffic lights in your child's path where he will cross the road.
  • Draw all the other objects that the child passes by - parks, supermarkets, office buildings, etc.
  • Sign all items in clear, large letters.

If you wish, you can decorate the drawing to make the baby more interesting.

Here are a few more things to consider:

  • If the school can be reached in several different ways, choose the safest option, that is, one with a less congested road, no dark alleys, etc.
  • For symbols, you can use not only common icons, but also those that your child imagines. So it will be easier for him to remember how the map is arranged, what is located and where.
  • You can highlight especially dangerous zones along the route in red and sign the word "danger". For example, this is how you can designate abandoned houses, construction sites and other similar places.
  • At least once, walk with your child along the traced route, armed with your drawing. You can also cut a man out of paper and guide him through the drawing, playing a role-playing game.
  • Turn the process of drawing a route into a game. The child should be interested so that he does not perceive this task as a routine assignment.

Be sure to check if your child knows the pedestrian traffic rules before letting them go on the drawn route for the first time. He must clearly know which traffic light to cross the road to, what to do if the traffic light does not work, etc.

Hang the drawing in a prominent place for your child to remember. Let the safest way home be imprinted in his mind.

Elena Sutyrina

“Safe way to kindergarten, it’s not something for you. Don't forget to map this route. Parents will help us choose the right path. The road is not terrible for those who are attentive from the doorway! "

Today is my story about a new project in which we took part in force relevance of the selected project topic... Life itself and the desire to protect our children, prompts us to repeatedly turn to the topic of teaching traffic rules. Statistics show that it is children who do not have basic knowledge of traffic rules. Another reason is that preschoolers do not yet know how to control their behavior and cannot always foresee possible danger. Many of us see how some irresponsible parents, always rushing to kindergarten in the morning, violate traffic rules and motivate this by the fact that they are late for work: they run to red traffic lights, do not fasten their children, drive without child seats. Children perceive this as the norm and may repeat this experience in the future. Therefore, the goal of our work was the desire to form in children a stable skill of conscious safe behavior on the streets and roads, to consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules.

The tasks of teachers and parents in the work on the project were as follows:

1. Introduce children to a safe route from home to kindergarten.

2. Show the children all road hazards and explain how to avoid them.

3. To teach to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

4. Help children in drawing a safe route from home to kindergarten and in the ability to talk about it and the dangers that are on this route.

During the project, the children were the following activities were carried out:

Using didactic games knowledge of road signs;

Carried out conversations on the topic: “Road signs are our friends”, “Don't forget the rules and follow them on the road”;

- viewing the album "Traffic Rules Deserve Respect" with further discussion of road hazards and how to avoid them;

- interviewing children (exercise "Finish the sentence": "If I break traffic rules, then ...");

- role-playing games and games with a constructor using road signs;

- painted dangers that are encountered on the road to kindergarten.

During the project, children presented pictures of their routes from their home to kindergarten, talking about the dangers and road signs along the way. Some parents helped the children and printed an electronic version of the route.

Most of the children chose to draw their own route from home to kindergarten. I present some of them.

AND Vanya and his mother made a whole layout of the road from home to kindergarten.

The result of the work was the creation of an album (portfolio of this project) depicting the routes of children from home to kindergarten.

Weighty addition to this project was the joint decision of teachers (educator, teacher-psychologist and senior educator) and parents to accept

participation in the All-Russian quiz "Smeshariki: The ABC of Security" on traffic rules.

The children really liked this training, as it was entertaining and took place in a playful way.

The quiz included:

1. Viewing the series of educational cartoons "Smeshariki: The ABC of Security", in which children learned about how to behave on the road and what the failure to comply with the basic rules of the road leads to. Smeshariki friends told them about this. During the viewing, 20 dangerous situations that may arise on the road were considered, and just as many simple and intelligible explanations as not to please in such situations.

2. Active the use of didactic games for traffic rules. Play is one of the most interesting forms of activity for a child, including learning the rules of road behavior. With the help of exciting and informative traffic rules games, the child comprehends the laws of the roads.

3. Tasks for testing knowledge (by the type of exam). Each child answered a variety of questions on traffic rules, recording the answers. Exactly these tasks helped the children to consolidate and correctly respond to any traffic situation, independently make the necessary decisions... The tasks were very useful and interesting for the development of logical thinking, imagination, wit and prudence. Then we sent these response cards by e-mail and waited for a response.

Achieved result:

1. All children learned about the safe path from home to kindergarten: with the dangers on the road, road signs and their meanings, the groups received important knowledge, which consolidated their knowledge of traffic rules.

2. The children of the group have formed stable skills of safe observance and implementation of traffic rules on the streets and roads of the city.

3. The project contributed to the enrichment of the children's vocabulary. Children began to actively use words such as “crossing”, “intersection”, “sidewalk” and others in their speech. “The children got acquainted with such concepts as“ safety island ”,“ warning, prohibiting, information and direction signs ”,“ railway train without a barrier ”and others. The children also learned the meaning of the new road signs.

4. The interest of children contributed to an increase in the speech activity of children, the emergence of a desire to independently learn new information on traffic rules. During the project, the children asked a lot of questions about the rules and road signs.

5. Parents began to pay more attention to this issue.

6. The project has strengthened friendly relations between parents, children and employees, fostered the desire to cooperate, help children in its implementation.

7. All children participating in the quiz (24 children) received a participant certificate and a pedestrian certificate.

The rest of the guys (5 children) who were absent during the quiz, unfortunately, could not take part in it.

AND we teachers (I, the educator, psychologist and senior educator, who organized and conducted this quiz, were also awarded with Certificates of Curators of the All-Russian Quiz and letters of thanks.

Thanks to everyone who got acquainted with our work on this project!

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We all come from childhood. In this happy and carefree time of life, the basic rules are laid in little children's heads, which a person follows throughout his conscious life until old age. Therefore, the best thing we can do for our child is to teach him to follow the safety rules.

Usually, the kid's acquaintance with the environment outside the walls of a cozy and safe apartment takes place on the street. The road from home for a walk and from a walk back home must be safe. In addition, this road can and should be used by responsible parents. as a tutorial, visually giving the future pedestrian or driver an understanding of what road safety is. There are simple and traditional identifiers that allow parents and educators to understand what the road is through the eyes of children: drawings.

Children's safety on the road is important

Basic understanding of how the traffic works, the baby gets pretty early. This topic is repeatedly discussed with the baby's parents. A small person usually loves to watch multicolored cars moving along the roadway, which obediently stand in a row at a traffic light and let him through with his mother, walking along the white stripes of the pedestrian crossing.

Parents give first hazard identification non-compliance with traffic rules or carelessness on the road. In addition, a great deal of attention is paid to the formation of the necessary skills in using traffic rules in preschool educational institutions. These are various games using paraphernalia - toy traffic lights, signs, markings on specially equipped sites with imitation of a real road, and reference to literary sources: the use of poems, songs, stories and fairy tales on the topic of safe behavior on the road.

The school also pays serious attention to teaching children the most important rules of the road by introducing appropriate materials into the training course.

As you know, children love to draw more than anything else. Therefore, a child's drawing on the theme “the road through the eyes of children” is one of the most powerful ways to reinforce the special importance of the topic of road safety in children's perception.

Children's drawing as a way of teaching traffic rules

Exist a whole course of techniquesallowing educators and educators to use this child's need to express themselves through drawing. To practice safe behavior skills in various situations that often arise on the road, the following activities can be proposed, in which children willingly take part:

Drawn pictures on the topic of road safety can affect not only the author himself, although, drawing, the child learns and processes new information especially effective. Teachers and psychologists are aware of the power of the impact of the visual series on the depth of children's perception, therefore, the following activities are quite widely used, including the special love of children for depicting the world on a piece of paper:

Gouache and watercolor, a variety of crayons and colored pencils can do a lot to increase the safety of our children on the road, on the street, wherever children are, albeit small, but quite full-fledged road users.

When should you start getting to know the rules of behavior on the road?

Drawings of even the smallest children on the topic of safety on the street confirm the rule: to acquaint the little person with the rules of adequate behavior on the road and sidewalk, in the yard and outside, necessary as early as possible.

Knowledge of the road traffic alphabet is a guarantee of personal safety in childhood and respect for other road users in adulthood. A kid who clumsily draws himself in a picture crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing at a green traffic light is likely to grow into a person who understands the need to follow the rules of the road. And the world around him will become safer.

Child-parent project

“Our safe route "HOUSE - KINDERGARTEN ».

Relevance of the project.

Every year the traffic intensity on the roads increases, and with it the number of road accidents also increases. That is why the topic of prevention of road traffic injuries among pupils of preschool educational institutions is always relevant. Preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. The preschooler just needs to be introduced to safe behavior on the streets, roads, and traffic rules, through activities in various forms. Moreover, most of them should be illustrated, theatrical, musical and playful. Any child will quickly understand and master traffic rules presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a road fairy tale, a game that is close to children. Considering the special importance of work in this direction, this project was developed.

Goals and objectives of the project.

1. Formation of skills of safe behavior on the road, through the use of the method of drawing up a scheme - a model of safe routes. Exploring the safest route to kindergarten.

3. Create conditions for studying and drawing up routes using symbols.

4. Consolidation of knowledge among children of their address of residence.

5. Development of the child's creative abilities.

6. Involvement of parents in active participation in the activities of the group on the problem of the project.

7. To increase the safety of the child's movement to and from kindergarten.

8. Teach the child to navigate in traffic situations on the way to kindergarten and back.

9. To teach the parents involved in the planning of the route, orientation in the traffic situation and the prevention of possible dangers.

Project implementation plan.

1. Consultation for parents "Rules for transporting children in a car." "Discipline on the street is the key to safe behavior ».

2. Memo on the rules of the road "Children, be disciplined on the street!".

3. Homework on the development of the route "House - kindergarten".

4. Practical action of the family.

5. Group discussion. The child should be able to explain the route drawn up for him.

6. Reading literary works, learning poems.

7. Games with family.

8. Conversation "In the world of road signs".

Activities aimed at the implementation of the project.

1. Consulting for parents.

2. Theoretical discussion of routes. 3. Development of a series of routes and their application in practice.

4. Joint play activity of the child with the parents.

Implementation period.

Short. 2-3 weeks.

List of participants.


Project participants: pupils of the middle group A.

Educators: Alexandrova E.V.

Burenkova S.V.



"Road route of KOBOZOVA DARINA"

"The road route of Voinkova Yana"

"The road route of Oleg Gavrilov"

"The road route of Galunzovsky Artyom"

Theoretical discussion of the project . Photo report.

    Something similar was given to my daughter at school. We drew the road from home to school using pencils. It can be colored, it can be simple. They indicated some conventional symbols in the form of house numbers, which the route passed by. I think if you need to focus on any landmark or a rather dangerous section of the route, you can highlight it in red, where it is safer - in green. After creating the scheme, we glued it into the diary with dry glue. That's all.

    When you go to school, mark every house, every street you pass. Try to mark them in such a way that they are proportional to their actual size. Then transfer your sketches to paper in a plan like this:

    You don't have to do everything so geometrically precisely and reliably. The main thing is to match the number of large objects (houses, gardens, buildings, roads, shops) that you pass on your way to school.

    If you do not go into details and details, then expensive from home to the school itself can be depicted as follows:

    You are required to portray a school, next to vegetation, benches. And there should be a road to the school with a place for pedestrians to cross.

    In our city, in almost all schools, starting from the first grade, children and their parents draw a safe route (if this is of course possible) From home to school. There were just many tragic cases when children died under the wheels of a car. Therefore, parents draw a route with the child and then discuss it in class. A kind of survival lesson on the roads. You can draw roads, a school and all pedestrian crossings. This must be taken very seriously.

    If we are talking about creating a route sheet for a school student's diary, then we do it easier.

    On the Internet, we find a google map of our street and streets along the route to the school, print out the corresponding section, and mark the route to school on it.

    And if we are talking simply about drawing - here you can already be guided by convenience - what is more convenient for the child to draw - with pencils or paints? Of course, drawing with paints looks more colorful, but it is difficult to register small details on it. At the same time, drawing with a pencil will allow the child to draw small details. Only now you need to pick up pencils not pale, but bright - then it will be pleasant to draw with them.

    The drawing can depict houses, trees, a road, cars and buses, and other students. You can detail the drawing with the image of a traffic light on the road, a pedestrian crossing.

    As I understand it, this is an assignment from elementary school for drawing?

    Then it is best not to go into a detailed plan, the child will not understand it, especially since it is not worth drawing a map.

    The best option would be to draw a school in one corner, and a house in the opposite corner, draw a slightly winding line - a road and draw objects on the sides that the child remembers walking along this path.

    You can do the following: in Yandex maps or Google maps, find the place where the school and the child's home are located, print a map of the area (rather, even a plan) and draw the optimal safe route on it.

    If this is a free drawing and not a route plan home-school-home it is not worth going into details. Just on a regular sheet, in a free version, draw at least a little similar silhouettes of the house and school, and the main objects (monuments, fountains, stops), well, and the contours of the roads, without much adherence to scale.

    We also drew the road from home to school for the child, but we needed a more or less accurate route plan home-school-home as a real orienteering guide. There are two ways to draw it -

    If you have a printer, you can simply print a map of this area, opened in Google, in black and white, and color objects (houses, roads and everything else) at your discretion

    If there is no printer (as we had), you can simply put a sheet of paper on the screen and carefully draw the streets and houses that appear through the sheet. Then paint with the desired colors. The result will be a fairly realistic scale, at the same time drawn as if independently without specials. funds - card, printer and other things. Directly on the drawings with arrows, you can mark the location of the school and home, and connect them along the shortest and safest path along the road line with a red or other bright felt-tip pen.

    In the explanation for the picture, you should indicate the address of the house, the address of the school and a description of the places where the child should take special care when moving.

    The colors of pencils or paints should be somewhat contrasting, so as not to merge into one picture, and it would be easier for the child to quickly determine the direction of roads and surrounding objects.

    You can draw a street with houses, trees, highways, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, cars, and draw a school building in the distance. This drawing can be based on an example from a video depicting a city.

    If the task is simply to create a drawing (for elementary school students), then we do it simply: take pencils or paints and start creating: we draw our small house in the lower left corner. Draw a school in the upper right. There is a road with turns between them. On both sides of the road there are major objects. For example, a store, a kindergarten, garages, a park, a river. If the school is nearby, draw neighboring houses, a yard, trees.

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