What does Yuriy Luzhkov do. Where is Luzhkov now, what does he do? What makes his wife? And which quarrels you have

Yuri Luzhkov - The Russian politician, for 18 years he was the mayor of Moscow, for 9 years he was the co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, a chemist, author of more than 200 publications, winner of more than 30 scientific patents, many awards and honored ranks.

Childhood and Youth Yuri Luzhkov / Yuriy Luzkov

Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov Rose into the family of Workers and Carpenter Mikhail Andreevich and the Handicrafts of Anna Petrovna Luzhkov. Childhood, the boy spent, living at her grandmother in the city of Konotop, where he learned in seven classes and returned to Moscow. Yuri Luzhkov He graduated from school No. 529 in 1953. And already in 1954 he worked on the mastering of virgin in Kazakhstan, later graduated from the Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry. Gubkin. student life Yuri Luzhkov It was extremely saturated: the young man led Komsomol work and was part of the organizational team on public events.

Career Yuri Luzhkov / Yuriy Luzkov

In 1958. Yuri Luzhkov He got a job at the Research Institute (Research Institute) of the Plastics, the Junior Researcher, the leader of the Group, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Automation of Technological Processes.

In 1964. Yuri Luzhkov Appointed head of the department for automating the Office of the State Committee for Chemistry, and in 1971 the head of the department of automated control systems (ACS) of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR. In 1974. Yuri Luzhkov Appointed the director of the Final Counterture Bureau of Automotics (OKBA), and since 1986 he worked as the head of the USSR Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, was also a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of the 11th convocation (1987-1990).

Boris Yeltsin I gained the team of young professionals, Yuri Mikhailovich came to the position of chairman of the Moscow City Agricultural Committee and headed the city commission on cooperative and individual labor activity, where the secretary of the commission worked Elena Baturin. In 1990. Yuri Luzhkov by recommendation Boris Yeltsin put forward the position of chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee. At the first election of the mayor of Moscow in 1991 Yuri Luzhkov becomes the vice-mayor of Moscow, and the mayor of Moscow is elected Gabriel Popov. But in July, Yuri Mikhailovich became the premiere of the Government of Moscow, created instead of the Moscow City Executive Committee.

June 6, 1992 Mayor of Moscow Gabriel Popov resigns. Boris Yeltsin Signs a decree in which the mayor of Moscow Yuri LuzhkovSubsequently, Yuri Mikhailovich worked in this position four deadlines. In October 1993, during the overclocking of the congress of the People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Yuri Luzhkov Supported interests Boris Yeltsin. In December 1994 Yuri Luzhkov Ordered the first commercial Russian television company TeleExpo. In 1995. Yuri Luzhkov He helped in creating the movement "Our House Russia", then supported in the Duma elections, but did not enter the movement.

In 1996, actively supported Boris Yeltsin In the presidential company. But already in 1999 Yuri Luzhkov He headed the party "Fatherland" (along with E. M. Primakov), criticized policies Boris Yeltsin and called for his speedy resignation.

"Yeltsin to the 95th, when I was still hopes that it would be different to the country's economic development issues, I was supported by me. Starting from the mid-95th, our family began to expose pressure. After the 96th year, as soon as Yeltsin was elected, then Yeltsin was first invited after the second round, thanked and asked: "Yuri Mikhailovich, what to give you?" He thought I would ask him a candle breeding ... I say: "Boris Nikolayevich, I want to ask you. Change the anger to grace in relation to Kobzon, he is not guilty before you. Kobzon is a person, these need to respect. " Yeltsin was discouraged, he thought that I would ask him with an oil refinery somehow, yes ... And he told me: "Yuri Mikhailovich, I know your role in my elections, I know your sequence for supporting me. It is very difficult for me to solve this issue. But I will rear yourself. " And the Kobzon before that was deprived of the scene for the song "Drunk Kucher": "Where are you carrying us to the abyss ..." - a very terrible song ... Kobzon deprive the scene, it is to deprive him of life. "

At the end of 1996, at the initiative of Yuri Mikhailovich, the Federation Council declared Sevastopol part of the territory of Russia and called the actions of the management of Ukraine for its rejection as contradicting international law. Yuri Luzhkov He was a member of the Federation Council, he was part of his budget, tax policy, currency regulation, banking activities (1996-2001). Since the end of 1998 Yuri Luzhkov He is the leader of the All-Russian Political Public Organization "Fatherland". And in 2001, at the constituent congress of United Russia, it was approved for the post of co-chair of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. From the year 2000 Yuri Luzhkov He is a member of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

In the fall of 2010, special reports with political criticism were published on the central channels. Yuri Luzhkov, for example, "Case in the Cap" on NTV., then "chaos. Moscow, which we lost "on Russia 24.

"Today, our society has laws are not democratic - the first. And the second, today our society decomposed, decomposed very thoroughly on all lines. See how information attack is on the mayor. By team. Is it possible to imagine a democratic country, with a democratic society, in which the mass media, which should be free from the state, is the fourth government, they would have been thrown on one person or pounced on a business, let's say some firm? This in normal society should not be. "

After the release of scandalous programs, Yuri Mikhailovich writes a letter to the President, where with indignation expresses its indignation about the inaction of the authorities regarding the media. Immediately after this event, Dmitry Medvedev signs a decree "On the early termination of the powers of the mayor of Moscow", Yuri Luzhkov He was released from the post of mayor of Moscow "in connection with the loss of confidence of the President of the Russian Federation." Head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Naryshkin explained why Moscow Mayor was resigned:

"This is, firstly, an extremely inefficient management of the city and, secondly, the shipping level of corruption made by Luzhkov and his environment." In response, Luzhkov declared political pressure and sued Sergey Naryshkin. Press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Natalia Timakova said: "Treat about some alleged political persecution of the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov funny - a lot of honorable politics."

After the resignation from the post of mayor Yuri Luzhkov He was appointed Dean Faculty of Management of Large cities of the International University in Moscow. It is noteworthy that the order for the appointment was signed by the President of the University, the former mayor of Moscow Gavriil Popov. Back in 2002, Yuri Mikhailovich founded the Faculty of Management of Large cities, where he became a supervisor and honorary professor of the university.

Order " For merit before the fatherland"I degree (September 21, 2006) - for an outstanding contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and the socio-economic development of the city. Order " For military merits"(October 1, 2003) - for a great personal contribution to an increase in the combat readiness of troops and ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation. Order of Honor (August 19, 2000) - for a great contribution to the preservation and restoration of monuments of culture and architecture of the city of Moscow. Order by Ahmat Kadyrov (2006, Chechen Republic). Bavarian Order " For merit"(FRG). Honored chemist of the Russian Federation.

Criticism of Yuri Luzhkov / Yuriy Luzkov

Oppositionists stated that Moscow courts were under the control of the Mayor of Luzhkov, since all court decisions were in favor of Yuri Mikhailovich and his approximate persons.

Representatives of sexual minorities accused Yuri Luzhkov In constant discrimination, since all public shares were prohibited. In one of the interviews Yuri Luzhkov Called homosexuals "the homies", and the gay parades are "satanic acts."

Cultural figures, cultural and art historians often complained to the low artistic taste of the mayor of Moscow, reflected on the architecture of new buildings of the capital, as well as the patronage of culture workers, whose creativity is associated with blessing and vulgarity, such as the artist A. M. Shilov, sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.

Dmitry Medvedev expressed criticism Yuri Luzhkov In an interview with Russian TV channels:

"The duty of any head of our country is to follow the territory itself. We all know Moscow and love. In this city, the tremendous number of problems. Corruption is an unprecedented scale, traffic jams, transport collapse, and not only because the president or the premier car drove. Thoughtlessly naked buildings. Competitive environment: all contracts and tenders who won until recently? I know how such decisions were taken, everything we need to put an end. "

Personal life Yuri Luzhkov / Yuriy Luzkov

Yuri Luzhkov First married on Marina Bashilova In 1958. From the first marriage there were two sons - Mikhail and Alexander. Marina Bashilova Died in 1988.

In 1991. Yuri Luzhkov officially issued relations with Elena BaturinaLater, two daughters were born - Elena (1992) and Olga (1994) were educated in London. Elena Baturin - a scandalous-known billionaire entrepreneur, the owner of Inteko, which carries out numerous construction and production contracts on the territory of Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation.

"What is good Lena, except that she is my wife? She is a wide man. She doesn't just earn money for her business - this is ... the process of a beautiful game, game creation. She took and sold DSC-3. Why? Panel house-building - she could earn billions on it. I ask: "Lena, why did you do it? I would continue to build - DSC-3, the most modern series was, good ... "She says:" It seems to me that in Moscow already needed a panel construction, you need to make a diverse monolith or new solutions for construction "- and Refused the machine for printing money, in fact ... "

In winter, 2011 Yuri Luzhkov Submitted to obtain a residence permit in Latvia, in connection with the investment of the Latvian Bank, where the former mayor of Moscow has invested more than 200 thousand dollars. However, Latvian security authorities notified Yuri Luzhkovthat he is one of the unwanted persons for the country. The Minister of the Interior of Latvia explained that Yuri Mikhailovich was included in the blacklist, because "he does not like this country and he has a hostile attitude to Latvia." A year after resignation Yuri Luzhkov I made a statement that the Russian authorities pursue his family and that "today it is impossible to do business in our country." Due to political persecution and economic problems Yuri Luzhkovmigrates to London.

December 6, 2011 Yuri Luzhkov He admitted that in the elections to the State Duma of 2011 did not give his voice in favor of the United Russia party, in which he was one of the founders. Who exactly voted the ex-mayor is unknown, however, as he mentioned, it is not a LDPR, not "fair Russia" and not a party of the right sense.

"Unified Russia" did not support and did not defend his member of the party. And I do not even say who it is - any member of the party should protect against unreasonable attacks. They are not a single movement in defense, I'm not talking about decisions, just a position, just saying some kind of member of the party, which the press press from the Kremlin began to liquidate, did not express. At the same time, I thanked our Moscow Organization "United Russia", which stood on the defense of the mayor of Moscow. And at the end I wrote that from the moment of submission of the application, I do not consider myself more member of the United Russia party. I am sure that I did right, coming out of this party, unfortunately, which I created and created. "

In 1973, after a serious heart attack Yuri Luzhkov Threw to drink.

In 2007, auction was held at the New Year's Matinee "Rossiovaya Gazeta" on which the Silver Cap Yuri Luzhkov It was sold per million dollars. Cap acquired the first deputy general director of the company DSC-1 Andrei Pankovsky.

In 2008 Yuri Luzhkov Advanced "Black List" of Ukraine for anti-Ukrainian statements. But in 2010 by decision Viktor Yanukovych The status of the Non-Grata person was canceled. Also in June 2008, the issue of announcement was raised Yuri Luzhkov "Non Grata person" in Georgia for antigruzin statements.

Quotes Yuri Luzhkov / Yuriy Luzkov

Well, let the president, prime ... but after all, every "pimple" goes with this flasher. Let's turn to the president all together. By the way, he also suffers from this.

I do not want to change a little woman or our president nor Muscovites nor Muscovites.

Cap closes some naked parts of my body.

They spread the troops in the Moscow region - there is a harvest.

Despite the fact that Luzhkov Yury Mikhailovich has not been the mayor of the Russian capital for several years, his name, however, continues to be associated with Moscow. It was with him for 18 years of government that she reached the highest heyday. Why did he leave this post? Yuri Luzhkov was dismissed from his post by order of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev operating in 2010. As a reason, it was indicated: "In connection with the loss of trust."

Further in the article we will talk about childhood, youth, activities of the former mayor of the capital of the Russian Federation and try to figure it out than it was caused by "distrust." In addition, we think you will be interested to know what Yuri Luzhkov is busy today, where now lives and what it does. Of course, another person of his age would calmly sat at her dacha, fishing or traveled to the world, enjoying him from his God for years. However, the former mayor of Moscow was made from such a test. He can not carry out without work, here is such a workaholic.

Yuri Luzhkov, Biography: Beginning

The future mayor of Moscow was born in the capital of the USSR in 1936 in the family of Stolyar Mikhail Luzhkov. The ancestors of the Father of the time of the century lived in the Tver province, in the village of Luzhkovo, which is now not on the map. Yuri's parents became acquainted with the "New Labor" factory. Mom was a native of Bashkortostan and worked as a handyman. They soon got married, and when a woman became pregnant, a young family, fleeing from hunger, moved to Moscow. Here the father got a job in the tank farm. Then Yuri was born, and when he grown a little, he was sent to her grandmother in Konotop.


In the same place, he graduated from the seven board and returned to Moscow to the parents for further study. The 8-10th grades he studied at Moscow School No. 529, after the end of which he entered the Institute of Petrochemical Industry named after Gubkin. In parallel, Yuri Luzhkov worked at first the janitor first, and then the loader. Naturally, he did not have time to study on perfectly, but was a hardworking and a diligent Komsomol, who skilled the organizer of various student events. In 1954, he signed up in a student squad, which went to Kazakhstan to master the virgin.

Labor career

Yuri Luzhkov's life after returning from Central Asia, where he stayed for about 4 years, went on a scientific path. He received the Position of the Junior Researcher in the Research Institute of Plastics. Having worked here for 5 years, he climbed the career staircase before the deputy head of the laboratory, which was engaged in automating technological processes. In parallel, he was actively engaged in social and political activities, headed the Komsomol cell of the Institute. In this new position, he was noticed in the State Committee for Chemistry, and in a few years he became the head of the entire automation department. In the same year 1968, he joined the ranks of the CPSU. A few more years have passed, and here Yuri Luzhkov has already been held by the head of the Office Automation Department in the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the Soviet Union.

Political activity

In 1975, Yuri Mikhailovich is elected by the People's Deputy of the Babushkinsky District Council, and in 1977 - a deputy of the Moscow City Council. In 1987, in the midst of perestroika, he is elected by the deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and immediately went to the team Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin - the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR. Showing himself and on this field, he is appointed the first deputy chairman of the city executive committee of the city of Moscow. In that period in the country, the number of cooperatives grew every day, and he headed the commission of individual and cooperative activities, and then received the position of chairman of the agro-industrial committee of the capital

To cherished dream

In 1990, Chairman of the Moscow City Council of Gabriel Popov, on the recommendation of Boris Yeltsin, put forward Yu. M. Luzhkov for the post of head of the city executive committee, and in 1991 he was chosen by the vice-mayor, that is, the Deputy Popova, and then the premiere of the Moscow Government - a new executive body . With the well-known events of 1991, he and his pregnant wife were active participants in the defense of the White House.

Mayor of Moscow

In 1992 throughout the country, and Moscow is no exception, due to the natural interruptions with the products, coupons began to be introduced. Naturally, it led to dissatisfaction among the population. The people fell into the streets, and the operating mayor of Gabriel Popov declared his resignation. The giant city remained without a manager, and then by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin, Yuri Luzhkov became a new mayor of the capital. This, perhaps, became the most significant event of his life, because the next 18 years the fate of one of the largest cities of the world was in his hands. In this post, he re-elected 3 times, and always with a huge margin from other candidates - its competitors. In the top everyone knew, and they felt that Yeltsin himself patronize Luzhkov. And he, in turn, has always supported the president. He was among the creators of the NDR party "Our House - Russia", and in 1995 he was engaged in promoting it in the elections to the People's Duma.

Check or political games?

In 1999, in the last year of the 2nd millennium, Yuri Luzhkov suddenly changed his position in relation to the president of the country and united with Primakov. They created the political party "Fatherland", criticized Boris Nikolayevich and demanded his speedy resignation. By this time, Luzhkov was already a member of the Federation Council and was part of the most important committees on financial regulation, taxes, banking activities, etc. In 2001, another party appeared in his life - "United Russia". And Yuri Mikhailovich, two years ago one of the leaders of the party "Fatherland", becomes its co-chair. Since then, the main focus of his activity was the support of Vladimir Putin. And the one, for his part, in every way leaked mayor, and even independently presented the candidacy of Luzhkov to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma as the mayor of the capital. Well, who could go against the president of the country, and Yuri Mikhailovich again headed the leadership of Moscow for another 4 years.


In the fall of 2010, during the reign of Dmitry Medvedev, suddenly the documentary films criticized by Luzhkov as a mayor came out on several of the central TV channels. Of course, in the country many surprised, because he was under the auspices of Putin for many years, and here they are on! Yuri Luzhkov indisted and wrote a letter addressed to the President of the country, where he expressed discontent with the inaction of Medvedev due to the emergence of such slanderous and compromising its programs. Following this actions of the president became a surprise for the mayor of Moscow. Luzhkov was removed from office according to the Decree of Medvedev, the distrust of him was indicated as the reasons. Of course, for Yuri Mikhailovich it was a strong blow, but not fatal.

Personal life

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times. With the first spouse Alevtina he met at the institute. They played a student wedding, got a room in a hostel, but they soon understood that they were hurried to arrange relationships and filed a divorce. He did not have time to give birth to hes at Alevtina, so they broke up quietly and peacefully.

The second wife Marina Bashilova was also his classmate. As you can see, Luzhkov used the favor of women, and maybe I knew how to carefully care?! Nevertheless, this marriage, apparently, was "by calculating", because the future father-in-law, Mikhail Bashilov, was a prominent party and economic figure, and soon after that he was the Deputy Minister of the Petrochemical Industry of the USSR. It is the sphere where Luzhkov was able to make such a dizzying career. The second family of Yuri Luzhkov was very strong. Marina gave birth to him two sons - Mikhail and Alexandra, but in 1988 he was sick of liver cancer and left his life, leaving Luzhkov Widow.

For the third time he married Elena Baturina. For several years now, she is the richest woman in Russia according to the Journal of Forbes. She gave birth to him two daughters - Olya and Lena. They gained education in the UK and today are the "businesswoman". After 25 years, the marriage of Baturin and Luzhkov in January 2016 went under the crown.

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich: Where is he now?

Abroad, as many people think, Luzhkov did not leave. He still lives in his native country and, despite his old age, is engaged in business. Surely you will be interested to know how old Yuri Luzhkov is now? In the autumn of 2016, he solemnly noted his anniversary - 80 years. On this day, they with Elena Baturina took part in the Saturday, during which 450 fruit trees were planted in the Kolomenskoye Reserve. The event was attended by the most powerful and rich people of the country. Whether Vladimir Vladimirovich was among the guests, there is no information. However, he awarded the former mayor of the Order of the 4th degree for this momentous date.

And on the eve of the New Year holidays with Luzhkov, a nuisance happened. He came to the library of Moscow State University, and suddenly, in the presence of the rector of Gardener, he had deteriorated well-being. I had to call an ambulance. It is rumored that that day he survived clinical death, but his press secretary does not confirm this information.

But in January 2017, an article about the new enterprise of the ex-mayor for the production of buckwheat and cheese appeared in the press. This restless workaholic is Yuri Luzhkov - "A man with a cap", as his name was Muscovites.

Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov (born September 21, 1936, Moscow, USSR) - Russian politician, Second Mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), Co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party (2001-2010), Dean of the Faculty of Management of major cities of the International University in Moscow.

Born on September 21, 1936 in Moscow in the family of a worker-carpenter. The ancestors on the Father lived in the now non-existent village of Luzhkovo in the Tver province; Mikhail Andreevich's father was born in the village of Young Tud (now the Oleninsky district of the Tver region); In 1928, he moved to Moscow and settled to work on the tank farm. Anna Petrovna's mother is a native village (currently - the village) Calegnino.

In 1953 he graduated from school. The last three years (8-10 classes) Yuri Luzhkov studied at school No. 1259 (then No. 529). In 1954 he worked in the first student detachment, mastering the cinema in Kazakhstan (along with Alexander Vladislavlev). He graduated from the Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. Gubkin.

From 1958 to 1963, he worked at the Scientific Research Institute (Research Institute) of Plastic Masters Junior Researcher, head of the group, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Automation of Technological Processes.

From 1964 to 1971 - Head of the Department for the Automation Department of the State Committee for Chemistry, in 1968 joined the CPSU, remained its member until 1991, from 1971 to 1974 - Head of Automated Control Systems (ASUP). From 1974 to 1980 - Director of the Executive Design Bureau of Automation under the Ministry of the Chemical Industry.

In 1980, he was appointed General Director of the Neftekhimavtomatika Scientific and Production Association, and in 1986 - Head of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

Member of the CPSU from 1968 to its prohibition in August 1991. In 1975, he was elected by the People's Deputy of the Babushkinsky District Council of Moscow, from 1977 to 1991 - Mosovet Deputy. He was a deputy of the Supreme Council (Sun) of the RSFSR of the 11th convocation (1987-1990).

In 1987, on the initiative of the new first secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Boris Yeltsin, who walked out fresh personnel, was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Mosgorpoliton. At the same time, Luzhkov became Chairman of the Moscow City Agricultural Committee and headed the city commission on cooperative and individual labor activity.

The secretary of this commission was Elena Baturin. As the head of Mosagroprom, a conflict has entered a conflict with the "literary newspaper" due to the publication of the article on the unsuitable quality of sausages produced on the Moscow meat processing plant.

Sued to the "Litgazeta", banned the admission of journalists and trade inspection to all enterprises producing food products, but after publication in the newspaper its claim and letters of readers in support of the author, withdrew a lawsuit.

In April 1990, before the first session of the newly elected Democratic Mossovoy became the acting chairman of the Moscow State University as a result of the resignation of the last Communist Chairman of the Executive Committee Valery Sakin.

The new chairman of the Mossoveta Gabriel Popov on the recommendation of B. Yeltsin nominated Y. Luzhkov for the position of chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee.

In the summer, in the summer of 1990, Y. Luzhkov tried to actively implement the signed by the city of Popov, the resolution of the Moscow Council on the introduction of trafficking in passports with Moscow registration and "buyer's business cards", which caused response from the areas of neighboring regions that have ceased to supply food to Moscow .

In July 1991, Luzhkov was proposed for the post of vice-mayor of Moscow and the chairman of the Moscow government, Chairman of the Moscow Council Gavriil Popov, as an experienced businessman and approved by the voting of deputies.

In 1992, Moscow Mayor G. Kh. Popov unexpectedly resigned. On June 6, 1992, by Decree of the President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin Luzhkov was appointed mayor of Moscow and later four times (1996, 1999, 2003, 2007) was re-elected to this post (typing 88.5%, respectively, 69.9%, 74.8% Votes of voters and 32 of the 35 votes of deputies of the Moscow City Duma; Vice-Mayor, together with Luzhkov, two first times elected V. P. Shantsev, the post stopped being elected).

In the period from 1992 to 1996, Luzhkov held the position of mayor of Moscow without elected authority, on the basis of the Decree.

In October 1993, during the overclocking of the Supreme Council fell on the side of the president. According to his order, the building of the White House, together with the nearby residential houses, was disabled from all communications.

In December 1994, Luzhkov established the first commercial television company in Russia - TeleExpo.
At the elections in 1999, together with Primakov, headed the party "Fatherland", which criticized the policy of Yeltsin and advocated his speedy resignation.

Member of the Federation Council (1996-2002). Position of the Council member of the Federation held in accordance with the procedure operating at that time as the head of the subject of the Federation.

Y. Luzhkov - Member of the State Council under the President of the Russian Federation, Representative of the Russian Federation in the House of Regions of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, a former member of the Federation Council Committee on Budget, Tax Policy, Currency Regulation, Banking Activities.

Since the end of 1998, Yu. Luzhkov - the leader of the All-Russian Political Public Organization "Fatherland", now co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".

During the stay of Luzhkov as the Mayor, Moscow significantly went down as an important economic center. So, the total trading area of \u200b\u200bthe city increased from 2.3 million square meters. m in 1997 to 3.06 million square meters. m. By January 1, 2001, the number of hotel-type organizations increased almost a quarter.

Industrial production index, as a percentage of the previous year, in 1992 - 77%, in 1997 - 99%, in 1998 - 102%, 1999 - 114%. Industrial production only in 2007 in Moscow increased by 11.5%.

Retail market significantly increased. At the moment, an active support for small businesses is being made: for example, the rental for small enterprises should not exceed 1000 rubles per square meter. meter.

During this period, the appearance of Moscow has undergone significant changes: many new buildings, roads and transport junctions were built. The third transport ring appeared, the purpose of which is to unload the metropolitan roads and reduce the number of traffic jams.

Due to the constant increase in the number of cars on the roads, the problem of the difficulty of movement in the capital remains one of the most important in the life of the city. Moscow metro was significantly expanded. With Luzhkov, monorail transport and a light metro were commissioned for the first time in Russia. The construction market has risen quite strongly.

It was completely restored by the Church of Christ the Savior. To the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a memorial complex and a victory park were laid on Poklonnaya Mount. Currently there is an active restoration of the Bolshoi Theater.

  • The opposition often accuses the mayor in controlling the Moscow courts and corruption. At the same time, critics regularly refer to the state of his wife, Elena Baturina, which, according to Forbes, is 4.2 billion US dollars and her husband's husband, Vladimir Yevtushenkova - the main shareholder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema OJSC, the state of which, Forbes estimates, 10 billion US dollars. So, in September 2009, a brochure was published (positioned as an independent expert report) Boris Nemtsov "Luzhkov. Results. "
  • Luzhkova, like the mayor, often criticize the sealing development of Moscow by an excessive amount of offices and housing, a violation of the historically established urban landscape and clogging of the city by sculptures, having, in the opinion of some, "dubious artistic value" (see Zurab Tsereteli, Mikhail Shemyakin).
  • With Luzhkov, at the proposal of fighters for animal rights in Moscow, calves were forbidden in Moscow, which caused such problems as often attacks of wild dog flies on people; The outcomes of some of them were fatal.
  • In 2009, Luzhkov was criticized for the introduction of a new program for the redistribution of precipitation in Moscow and the Moscow Region in order to reduce the expenditures on the cleaning of Moscow streets. Environmental and management of the Moscow region fear that such an act can harm the environment of the capital and the region.
Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov became famous for inventive activities in the early 2000s. In its asset, more than one hundred inventions, including such as a method for producing hydrogen and thermal energy and a rotary internal combustion engine, two versions of the sparrows of the mountains "and a method for photoinactivation of a bird of bird" influenza.

Here is an incomplete list of inventions Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov:
1. A device for extracting gelepod-like concentrate when processing hydrocarbon oils
2. Installation for the desalination of salt water and the method of desalination of salt water using the installation
3. Installation for ozoning water and water ozonation method
4. Means and method for the protection of non-metallic materials from biodegradation
5. Water photo capture method
6. The method of obtaining aluminum chloride
7. The method of obtaining filtering material and filter fibrous material
8. The method of obtaining hydrochloride 5-aminolevulin (5-amino-4-oxopentane) acid
9. Method of analyzing multicomponent gas mixtures
10. Sorption gamma resonance detector
11. Multifunctional polynomic gas filter
12. Quaternized phthalocyanines and water photo transformation method
13. Catalyst for cleaning air from carbon monoxide
14. Installation of cultivation of bakery yeast
15. Method of producing a shot
16. Method for the production of beverage from curd serum "Alena"
17. Meta production method
18. Method of production of honey beverage
19. The method of producing kvass or beverage fermentation from grain raw materials
20. A method of obtaining a food biologically active yeast processing
21. Consortium Microorganisms PropioniBacterium Shermanii, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Acetobacter ACETI used to prepare ferocular products, and a method for producing an organotic product.
Luzhkov has a large number of awards.

Russian awards:
* Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree (September 21, 2006) - for an outstanding contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and the socio-economic development of the city
* Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of II degree (November 14, 1995) - For merits to the state, a great personal contribution to the implementation of reforms aimed at restructuring the city's economy, the successful work on the reconstruction of the historic center of the capital, the revival of the temples, the construction of the memorial complex of victory On Poklonnaya Mountain
* Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
* Order "For military merit" (October 1, 2003) - for a great personal contribution to an increase in the combat readiness of troops and ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation
* Honor Order (August 19, 2000) - for a great contribution to the preservation and restoration of cultural monuments and architecture of the city of Moscow
* Medal "Defender of Free Russia" (November 9, 1993) - for the execution of civil debt in the protection of democracy and constitutional system 19-21, 1991
* Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
* Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"

Soviet awards:
* The order of Lenin
* Order of the Red Banner
* Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"

Awards of the regions of Russia:
* Order named after Ahmat Kadyrov (2006, Chechen Republic)
* Medal "For merits to the Chechen Republic" (2005)
* Order of the Republic (2001, Tuva) - for many years of fruitful cooperation and a great personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the Republic
* Medal "60 years of education of the Kaliningrad region" (2006)

Foreign awards:
* Order of the Holy Mesoropa Mashtots (Armenia)
* Order of the Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, February 16, 2005) - for a great personal contribution to the strengthening of economic, scientific and technical and cultural ties between the Republic of Belarus and the city of Moscow of the Russian Federation
* Order of Francis Skorina (Belarus)
* Francis Medal Skorne (Belarus, September 19, 1996) - for a significant contribution to the strengthening of friendly relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation
* Jubilee Medal "Ting 50 Zyl" ("50 years of virgin") (Kazakhstan)
* Medal "Astana" (Kazakhstan)
* Order "Danaker" (Kyrgyzstan, February 27, 2006) - for a significant contribution to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation, the development of trade and economic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation
* Order of Yaroslav Wise V degree (Ukraine, January 23, 2004) - for a significant personal contribution to the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation
* Order of the Polar Star (Mongolia)
* Order of the Lebanese cedar
* Bavarian Order "For Merit" (Germany)

Religious organizations:
* Order of the Holy Equal-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir I degree (November 1993) - for participating in the restoration of the cathedral icon of the Kazan Mother of God on Red Square
* Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh I degree (ROC)
* Order of St. Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow I degree (ROC)
* Order of St. Burd Great Prince Dimitri Don I degree (ROC)
* Order of St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomensky I degree (ROC, 2009)
* Order of Rev. Andrei Rublev I degree (ROC, 2009)
* Order of St. Makaria, Metropolitan of Moscow II degree (ROC)
* Order of St. Savva I degree (Serbian Orthodox Church)
* Order Al-Fahr (Order of Honor) (Council of Muftis of Russia)

Departmental awards:
* Medal Anatoly Koni (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)
* Gold Medal of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia "For the contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia"
* Medal "Member of Emergency Humanitarian Operations" (EMERCOM of Russia)
* Olympic Order (IOC, 1998)
* Medal "100 years of trade unions" (FNPR)

Public awards:
* International Leonardo Prize 1996
* Honorary sign (Order) "Sports Glory of Russia" I degree (editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and the College of Olympic Committee of Russia, November 2002) - for organizing the mass construction of sports facilities in Moscow

Prizes and honorary titles
* Three gratitude to the President of Russia
* Winner of the State Prize of the USSR
* Winner of the State Prize of Russia
* Laureate of the State Prize of Peace and Progress of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Winner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
* "Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation"
* "Honored Builder of the Russian Federation"
* "Honored Railway Transport Worker"
* Honorary Citizen Yerevan (2002)

A family
* On the first wife, Marina Bashilova, married in 1958. They had two sons - Mikhail and Alexander. Marina died in 1989. In 1991, Yuri Luzhkov married a second time, on Elena Baturina. In the second marriage, two daughters were born - Elena (1992) and Olga (1994).
* Spouse Luzhkov - Elena Baturin - Currently, a billionaire owner, the owner of Inteko, which carries out numerous construction and production contracts in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation.

Characteristic features of the image of Yuri Luzhkov:
* Permanent headdress - Cap;
* Hobbies - breeding bees, tennis, equestrian sport. A few years ago, a statue of mayor-tennis player was installed in one of the Moscow parks. Honey, from his apiary, Luzhkov loves to be presenting as a gift for any solemn events.

Luzhkov is a doctor of chemical sciences. Luzhkov - Honorary Professor of Moscow State University, Academy of Labor and Social Relations, A number of domestic and foreign universities, academician of a number of academies of Russia.

* On October 19, 1996, in the Moscow newspaper "New Look", the first assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the Security Service of the Russian Federation Alexander Korzhakov, a sensational statement was published, from which Boris Berezovsky persuaded him to kill Luzhkov, as well as Vladimir Gusinsky, Joseph Kobzon and Sergey Lisovsky. Western media reacted to the sensational statements of the Russian Newsmaker.
* On December 24, 2007, the New Year's matinee "Russian Gazette" took place auction, during which the Silver Capka Yuri Luzhkov was sold per million dollars. Cap acquired the first deputy general director of DSC-1 company Andrei Pankovsky.
* On May 12, 2008, Yuri Luzhkov was declared a "person of non-Grata" in Ukraine for anti-Ukrainian statements.
* In June 2008, the issue of announcement of his "person Non Grata" on the territory of Georgia for antigruzin statements was considered.
* In May 2009, the Security Service of Ukraine announced Luzhkov's "Person Non Grata" because of his statements on the 225th anniversary of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, which were regarded by the Ukrainian authorities as provocative.
* Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov lives in the Moscow region (in the Residence "Moltenovo" on Rublevo-Uspensky Highway 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road).
* In 2006, Luzhkov demanded from artists to indicate information about the performance of songs under the phonogram.
* Since 2003, Luzhkov, together with his wife, Elena Baturina, is regularly visited by the Golf Club of the UPDC Foreign Ministry in Moscow Region in Nakhabino

On September 28, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree "On the early termination of the powers of the mayor of Moscow", according to which Luzhkov was released from the post of Mayor of Moscow "in connection with the loss of confidence in the President of the Russian Federation."

On October 1, 2010, Luzhkov was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Management of Large cities of the International University in Moscow. The appointment order was signed by the President of the University, the former Mayor of Moscow with Gabriel Popov. The faculty of management of major cities was established in 2002 at the initiative of Yu. M. Luzhkov, in that year, Luzhkov became the supervisor of this faculty and an honorary professor of the university.

At the 31st Moscow International Book Exhibition-fair, the annual award ceremony of the Laureates of the Terra Incognita Prize was held. In the nomination of the soul and the mind, the book of artistic prose of the ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov and the stars are looking down. Earlier, Luzhkov told in detail about his new book: this is a book about each of us, a collection of life plots, which, as they say, do not come up with. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book is that in our difficult life it is always important to see good, be able to smile in difficult life situations,

08:11 15.04.2018

Putin reminded Sobyanin about "chronic problems" of Moscow

Putin at a meeting with Sobyanin asked the mayor about two chronic problems of Moscow Transport and regulation of migration. Sobyanin, answering the president, told about the plans to solve only one. Regulation of migration, apparently, is not included in the interest of the mayor. Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. On her, the president indicated the Gradnik to the chronic problems of the capital and proposed to report on the progress of their decision. Recording a meeting is published on the Kremlin website. But there are chronic problems that you also know well about.

21:43 16.11.2017

Yuri Luzhkov revealed all the details of his resignation: the last drop of hate

The ex-mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov produces the first autobiographical book in the publisher. She has not reached yet, and it is already defined as a person's autobiography with a capital letter, a citizen and a real Muscovite, without which the capital would not become a modern megalopolis. We publish an excerpt from the book, in which Yuri Mikhailovich talks about his resignation from the post of mayor of Moscow. Oddly enough, in Democratic Russia, my resignation occurred at a long-term scenario, which was played at Soviet power. To remove the dropped out of the climb

14:39 10.06.2017

Yuri Luzhkov: Muscovites Reaction is a real estimate of the Sobyanin program

The former mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov gave an interview to the Agency Rugum, in which he commented on the speech of Sergey Sobyanin in the State Duma, where he proved the advantages of his renovation program, criticizing the same program of its predecessor, the Agency indicates a funny contradiction in Sobyanin's statement: as a result, the new renovation program will be significantly Better than the program that has been implemented in the last 20 years. Actually, nothing new was invented. They took a valid program. Sobyanin is not embarrassed, described flaws

18:46 15.05.2017

Luzhkov: I demolished 12 million square meters of five-story buildings - and not a single protest was

When I was mayor, we had somewhere 20 million square meters of five-story buildings in Moscow. I demolished 12 million, and there was not a single protest. - said the former Garde of Moscow Yury Luzhkov during a public lecture in the Pushkin House in London. The ex-mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov on May 12 held a lecture in the Pushkin House in London. In particular, he told about how she was engaged in demolition of houses in the capital, reports Russian Gap. Responding to a question about the demolition of Khrushchev, Luzhkov said that many actions of the mayor's office are incomprehensible to him. He also noted that people have become less

16:02 23.12.2016

Yuri Luzhkov is emergency hospitalized in Moscow

The former Mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov on Friday was urgently hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics, the doctors reanimated him and are now fighting for his life, an informed source in the medical circles of the capital told Interfax. Yuri Mikhailovich was indeed hospitalized on Friday in the same Moscow clinic. It is placed in intensive care, "the agency's source said. Meanwhile, press secretary of Luzhkova Gennady Terebkov categorically denied the information. There was no emergency hospitalization, I talked with Yuri Mikhailovich, -

01:50 26.09.2016

Luzhkov and Sobyanin. Who is better?

Yuri Luzhkov 80 years old. What did he give Moscow and what did he deprive her? Who is the best mayor he or Sobyanin? Discussing Julius Nisnevich, Marat Gelman, Leonid Antonov, Matvey Ganapolsky, Ilya Barabanov. Leading Elena Rykovtsheva https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dTMiogikc_Sy Full video version Eena Elena Rykovtsheva: Exactly 80 years ago, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov was born, a large political and historical figure. Today we will discuss that he brought Moscow, which could bring, but did not do it. We will also discuss in the comparative sense of Luzhkov and

01:00 23.09.2016

Luzhkov commented on the receipt of the Order from Putin

Photo: TASS Former Moscow Gardener, Yuri Luzhkov, said that Vladimir Putin, the Order of Merit Before the Fatherland became a symbol of return from timeless. His words report RIA Novosti. "This award is very important for me. Because this is also a certain symbol of returning from that timeless in which I was immersed a few years ago," said the ex-mayor of Moscow. In addition, Luzhkov said that recent years is engaged in agriculture, in particular he grows buckwheat for the Baltic Fleet. Development

17:16 22.09.2016

Luzhkov spoke about his return after the award in the Kremlin

To the complete cavalier of the Order for merit before the Fatherland, the ex-mayor lacks only the third degree of the ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, who came to the Kremlin for rewarding the Order for merits to the Fatherland of the IV degree, said he said that he would consider the award to the end of the Opal, in which he stayed last some years. Luzhkov told reporters that he learned about his award before officially announced this in the media: I was called from the administration (President of the Ed.) Good People and said, congratulated. Any reward is a big joy. I think with

12:07 22.09.2016

Medvedev dismissed, Putin - awarded. Ex-mayor of Moscow Yuriy Luzhkov received an order

Former Gardener of Moscow Yury Luzhkov, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin was awarded the Order for the merit before the Fatherland of the IV degree. The document is published on the official portal of legal information. As indicated in the document, Yuri Luzhkov is awarded for active social activities. In 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Luzhkov from the post of mayor of the capital with the wording in connection with the loss of confidence. Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov has worked since 1992, now he is engaged in agriculture. On September 21, Yuri Luzhkov turned 80 years old

23:46 26.08.2016

Luzhkov has been ingenected by the talent led by the List forbes Baturina

The former mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov admitted that he was proud of his wife Elena Baturina, who for the fourth time in a row headed a list of the richest women in Russia according to Forbes. It is reported by RIA Novosti on Friday, August 26. I am proud of my wife's talent, Luzhkov said. He clarified that his wife is a super -tailant person. Moreover, I would say, both in business, and in art, and in the horses, which she still does, noted by the former town. At the same time, he admitted that his business achievements were interested in his battleship

20:39 15.08.2016

Luzhkov offered to make an honorary citizen of Sevastopol

The Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Vladimir Komosov, made an initiative to provide the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov's title of an honorary citizen of Sevastopol. About this on Monday, August 15, Interfax reports with reference to the deputy statement. I hope that with the arrival of the new governor, everything is positive that Luzhkov did for Sevastopol, will find a new historical assessment and that the legislative assembly of the city will finally consider the question of the assignment of the title of Honorary Citizen Sevastopol, Komoyedov said. He also expressed

14:02 27.06.2016

The media learned about the return of Luzhkov in politics

The former Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, decided to return to politics, he became a trustee of the candidate for deputies from the Communist Party Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, who headed the list of parties in Crimea, Sevastopol and the Kaliningrad region. About this Rambler News Service on Monday, June 27, the source in the State Duma Committee on Defense reported. I notify about the consent to be your trustee in the elections of the State Duma deputies of the Sixth convocation and allowing my statements, photos, archival videos and other works with my participation, including books

16:39 19.05.2016

In Kiev, they talked about the role of Luzhkov in the reunification of the Crimea with Russia

Deputy Minister of Occupied Territories of Ukraine Georgy Tuka stated that a considerable role in the reunification of the Crimea with Russia was played by the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. Such an opinion, the official expressed 5 channels on the air, reports on Thursday, May 19, Correspondent.net. From the first and until the last day, Crimea was given to the deposit of local prince. What can we talk about when Luzhkov with Moscow build houses for military personnel, for sailors, and our sailors under blue-yellow flags are bent in hostels, tuka said. He added that the worldview

05:20 12.05.2016

Yuri Luzhkov: an attempt of the testament

The most famous and controversial garde in the history of Moscow gave a derogatory characteristic by the Government of Medvedev. The former Mayor of Moscow, now a simple Kaliningrad entrepreneur Yuri Luzhkov gave a small interview with Interfax, where unexpectedly rigidly and at the same time accurately described the economic situation in the country, and also gave an assessment of the activities of the current government. Pro ET Contra Patriotic Russians, as a rule, negatively belong to Yuri Luzhkov. Indeed, the former metropolitan mayor can be put in

09:46 11.05.2016

Luzhkov called the politics "hypocrisy and demagogy"

The former mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov said that he was forever spread with the policy that he believes hypocrisy and demagogy. Politics is often hypocrisy and demagogy, and I was convinced of this many times for my 20 years of work in the Moscow City Hall. In the chemical industry, where I worked for 28 years, the relationship between people was absolutely different, these were production, constructive relations. If you take two more periods, the comparison is clearly not in favor of what I saw in the refined policy of the last decades, "said Luzhkov in an interview

The ex-mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov believes that his resignation is connected with his refusal to support the nomination of Dmitry Medvedev for the second presidential period. My resignation is injustice and lawlessness, Luzhkov said in an interview with the journalist "MK. And revenge for my refusal to support Medvedev's nomination for the second presidential term. Recall that in 2010, Luzhkov was dismissed from the post of the metropolitan city history with the wording in connection with the loss of confidence. About a criminal case excited after his resignation, he tells reluctantly, and not even

06:50 12.05.2015

Luzhkov called the Russian economy "anti-people"

The Russian economy is antihospray and non-visual. This opinion was expressed by the former Mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov in an interview with Komsomolsk Pravda, published on Tuesday, on May 12. Luzhkov, who engaged in the development of agriculture, stated that a terrifying pricing system was developed in Russia. Increasing the cost of bread, milk and other products, in his opinion, testifies to the price conspiracy of manufacturers or retail chains. 80 percent of the income from the bread loan from Buckka goes to dealers and wholesalers, told the former mayor. Such economics

Soviet and Russian political and statesman. He headed Moscow B. 1990—1991 years as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mossovet. 18 years (1992-2010) held post mayor of Moscow. From 2001 to 2010 was the co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party "United Russia". He left the party immediately after dismissal from the post of mayor of Moscow.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Mikhailovich was born September 21, 1936 in Moscow. Father Mikhail Andreevich worked as a carpenter, participated in the Great Patriotic War, called upon RCKA in 1941 by Kirov RVK in Moscow. Heavyly wounded on March 16, 1942. He was captive. Repeated in the Red Army in 1944 by Ananyevsky RVK G. Odessa. In 1945, he fought in the 960th Rifle Regiment of the 299th Rifle Division of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. Awarded two medals "For military merit, and Anna Petrovna's mother (in Maiden - Syropyatova), was at the factory for handymen. His childhood and youth spent the grandmother in the city of Konotop (Ussr).

Luzhkov in youth (left)

In 1953 he graduated from the seventh class at school No. 529 and went to Moscow. Since 1954 he worked in the first student detachment, which mastered the virgin in Kazakhstan. Completed training at the Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. I. M. Gubkin. During studies at the Institute, social events were actively organized and led Komsomol work.

Start Political Career Luzhkov

In 1958, it settled in the reservoir of the junior employee, the leader of the group. Since 1964, he was the head of the department for the automation of public administration for chemistry, and after 22 years (in 1986) advanced through the career ladder to the head of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR.

In 1975, he was elected deputy of the Babushkinsky District Council of Moscow. Since 1987, and until 1990, he was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of the 11th convocation.

In 1987, according to the decision of the new first secretary, the Ministry of Health, the CPSU was appointed to the post of First Deputy Chairman in the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council of People's Deputies (Mosgorpol Committee). At the same time, Luzhkov became chairman of the Moscow City Agricultural Committee and became the head of the Municipal Commission on Cooperative and Individual Labor Activities.

At the first election of the mayor of Moscow, held June 12, 1991, The mayor was elected Gabriel Popov, Luzhkov at that time took the post of vice-mayor.

Luzhkov - Moscow Mayor

Because of the interruptions in providing the capital of food products, until the fact that some of them had to distribute on the coupons, June 6, 1992, the mayor of Moscow Gabriel Popov left retired. For his position, the order of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Yuri Luzhkov was appointed.

Due to the combination of the post of Mayor of Moscow and the premiere of the Government of Moscow, disputes arose in the legitimacy of such actions. Mosovet was made several attempts to prove the correctness of their convictions, but they were unsuccessful.

The mayor of Moscow Luzhkov was 14 years old. Until 1999, he supported Boris Yeltsin in projects, crisis, various innovations. In 1996, he took part in the presidential campaign, having supported Boris Yeltsin. Yuri Mikhailovich multiplied support to the political actions of the Russian president and government in Chechnya.

However, in the elections held in 1999, together with headed the electoral block "Fatherland - all Russia"who criticized the Policy of President Yeltsin and advocated his speedy resignation.

In the period that Yuriy Luzhkov was in the position of mayor of Moscow, the capital was transformed. Small business support contributed to an increase in the city's trading publication by 1.5 times. A positive effect affected the construction market. The number of hotel complexes increased by 1/4. The program "Social mortgage" opened, helping low-income citizens of the Russian Federation to acquire housing at reduced loan rates. For pensioners and disabled, the Department of Society was created. Every year the number of jobs in enterprises increased.

With budget funds, Yuri Mikhailovich contributed to the construction of new buildings of Moscow State University. The revival of religious buildings such as: the Church of Christ the Savior, the Kazan Cathedral and the Iversky gate. It was when it took place the first concert Michael Jackson At the stadium in "Luzhniki"

After victory Vladimir Putin In the presidential election of 1999, the political block "Fatherland - all Russia" Joined the party "United Russia"where Yuri Luzhkov was able to retain the position of Chairman.

Luzhkov S.

In June 2007, on the submission of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, the deputies of the Moscow City Duma, Yury Luzhkov resumed all the powers of the mayor of Moscow for four years.

Personal life and family of Luzhkov

Yuri Luzhkov married three times. Luzhkova's first wife was Alevtina, entered into marriage by students, they quickly divorced. Children from the first marriage did not remain.

With Marina Mikhailovna Bashilova, who became the second wife, politician met studying at the Institute of Oil and Gas and Chemical Industry. The girl was from the secured family; Her father was a deputy minister of the Petrochemical Industry of the USSR. They got married in 1958, and already in 1988, Marina died from a liver cancer, giving Luzhkov two sons - Mikhail (1959 R.) And Alexandra (1973 R.)

The third marriage was concluded in 1991 with Elena Baturina. In marriage, Luzhkov had two girls - Elena was born in 1992, and Olga in 1994. Initially, the sisters studied at Moscow State University, but after the resignation of the father moved to London, where he received a higher education. Elena Baturin - famous entrepreneur and billionaire, owner of the company "Inteko", manufactures production and construction contracts on the territory of the Moscow region and beyond.

Criticism for politics

Liberal media and business society often seriously criticized urban-planning activities and economic policies of the metropolitan government with Luzhkov.

The patronage of such creative people as an artist A. M. Shilov, sculptor Z. K. Tsereteli, as well as the low artistic taste of the former mayor of Moscow, embodying himself in the architecture of new buildings of the city, attracted the attention of cultural and art historians and was condemned.

Luzhkov was accused of oppositionists in the fact that all metropolitan courts are under his control, since they most often endured their solutions as it was convenient to mayor at that moment, his approximate and supporters.

In 2009, an attempt was attempting to introduce a program that contributed to a significant decrease in the expenditures for the cleaning of Moscow streets. But the management of the Moscow region and environmentalists criticized the idea of \u200b\u200bredistributing precipitation in the capital and region, since they feared that it could harm the environment.

Representatives of sexual minorities were accused Yuri Luzhkov in constant discrimination, since all public demonstrations were under a tough ban. In one interview, the politician called the homosexuals of the "Gods", and the gay parades are "Satanic acts."

The consignment "United Russia" not only Luzhkov criticized, but also some human rights organizations, for permission to post on the streets of the capital before the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Day of the Victory of Ten Portraits Stalin.

D. A. Medvedev shared with Russian journalists: "The duty of any head of our country is to follow the territory. We all know Moscow and love. In this city, the tremendous number of problems. Corruption is an unprecedented scale, traffic jams, transport collapse, and not only because the president or the premier car drove. Thoughtlessly naked buildings. Competitive environment: all contracts and tenders who won until recently? I know how such decisions were taken, everything we need to put an end. "

« United Russia »

But despite the numerous criticism from the opposition, cultural figures, liberals, the authorities belonging to Yuri Mikhailovich, the newspaper "Vedomosti" It specified that the level of confidence from Muscovites remains high: in 2010, more than 56% of the population of the Moscow region believed that it was member that was necessary for the position of the mayor of the capital.

Establishment from the post of mayor of Moscow

One of the factors of the removal of Luzhkov from the post of mayor was the documentary films that criticized his political activities that came out in 2010 on central television. On NTV - "Case in a cap." In Russia-24 - "Lawlessness. Moscow, which we lost ". Restricted by such an increasingness in the media, Yuri Mikhailovich conveyed to the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, addressed to the current at that time president Dmitry Medvedevwhere he expressed his negative attitude towards the absence of any actions of the authorities, about the appearance of the programs about himself on federal television channels.

Luzhkov I.

And on September 28, 2010, the current Russian president Dmitry Medvedev issued an order for which Yuri Luzhkov ceases his powers as the mayor of Moscow "In connection with the loss of the confidence of the President of the Russian Federation"

According to Yuri Luzhkov himself, he was mistaken not because of political activities, but due to the fact that he refused to support Dmitry Medvedev during the nomination of his candidacy for the second presidential term. Former mayor found all this manifestation of revenge.

The ex-mayor of Moscow continues to pay attention to political events in Russia and the world, he sets out his thoughts in "Twitter". Quotes of the former city holder of the capital are popular in the social network, but the official site of Luzhkov does not start.

Yury Mikhailovich has a farm in the Ozersky district of the Kaliningrad region. The ex-mayor is engaged in his favorite business - beekeeping, and also grows mushrooms - mushrooms.

She graduated from the Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after Gubkin.

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