Andrey is primarily in the Moscow Ring Road. Tour of Mountain Adjara with a visit to the waterfall

Next to the Moscow Ring Road on the Cross. It is a little deep in depth, and the driver's view, chained to the road, not immediately notices him. But if I saw, the impression is so strong that I want to stop. But it does not work. The inexorable car stream takes you further. And the man on the cross is sitting in the brain. Who is it? Why?

Then the man on the cross is gradually forgotten. And suddenly, by chance by passing by, again, as if shot to the brain - it's he! And again the flow of cars dictates its own rules. Or a plug from which it is not nourished, or a speed of 100 km / h and persistent beeps of cars and winks of headlights behind. We drove again ...

Once we understood: a crucified man at the Moscow Ring Road will not let us go. And we went to him specifically. Slowly rummaged right next and looking after some kind of platform nearby, so that you can turn on the accident and then go on foot. We were lucky: right at the cross turned out to be a small "pocket". We came to you, a man on the cross ...

To the question "Why?" Invents the inscription on the stone base.

To the question "Who?" Replies the plate just above.

The monument depicts the martyr's suffering of the crucified Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. This is a symbol of people repressed in the 30s who built the Moscow channel. At this place was the camp of the repressed, they were buried at this place. The monument was established on December 13, 2006 at the 76th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road in the Khimki forest park, rightly close to the annular road.

"It was happening that the prisoners were exhausted, exhausted by unbearable difficulty themselves, together with the wheelbar, fell into the pita, fell into concrete and remained stamped in it. In some cases, "giving up" was taken to camp hospitals, but their days were already considered. Sanitary Dmitra G. Dolmanov recalled that part of the zekov was buried still alive. At first, doctors called genuine causes that led to death, but then they were banned. Every morning from Dmitrov, Yahroma, Oreva, Dedenhev, IKShi traveled graaring, loaded with corpses. In the forests, mass nameless burials of prisoners were arranged. Sometimes the dead "Dmitlegov" was buried on the outskirts of cemeteries. In winter, the corpses laid on the bottom of the pit with a pile, sprinkling the next "layer" sand, and left the grave not buried until the next day. " .

Dmitla, the largest lagination of the OGPU-NKVD of the USSR, existed from 1932 to 1938 and was located in the Moscow region and partially even in Moscow. Dmitla was generated by the Soviet punitive system, Dmitla was created to use the labor of prisoners on the construction of the Moscow-Volga Channel.

The monument with the crucified apostle Andrei was the first-called, on the initiative of the famous singer Vicky Tsyganova and her wife Vadim Tsyganova.

A crucified man at MKAD produces a very strong impression. And even if you even quickly dig history, the impression becomes tragic and empty. It is recommended to stop and see, even if you are very hurrying.

Electronic media "Interesting World". 06/22/2013

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And cvariati. In this article we will tell about how to visit the waterfall, show your own photos and videos and tell me how to get to the waterfall by public transport or during excellent.

Our photos and reviews about the Waterfall of St. Andrew Far Called next to Sarpi

We visited this place during. On the inspection of the waterfall and the photos we had only 10-15 minutes, but there is nothing longer there.

The waterfall in our opinion is pretty beautiful, but still very inferior to which we visited the next. Interesting appeared statues in honor of the saint, made in an unusual style.

In this photo you can see the statue of St. Andrew, a waterfall and a sign with the inscription "Path through Georgia - the way of enlightenment. The project is devoted to the coming of St. Andrew of the First-Called in Georgia, "performed in Georgian and English.

Add a few more beautiful photos of the waterfall so that you have a desire to come and see it with your own eyes:

To whom the waterfall is dedicated - a brief historical certificate

The statue of the waterfall is devoted to St. Andrew. Local they say that it is holy depicted by the saint, protecting Georgia from invaders and troubles.

Near the waterfall there is a fairly large plate with inscriptions in Georgian and English. It translates something like this: "The way through Georgia is the way of enlightenment. The project is devoted to the coming of St. Andrew of the First-Called to Georgia ".

Andrey was the first to be the first among the twelve apostles, that is, the first name. After the death of Jesus Christ, all the apostles received the gift to heal and prophesy to the glory of the Lord. They wandered around the world, dividing countries among themselves and preached Christianity to the pagans. During one of its numerous wanderings, St. Andrey is the first visited Georgia, preaching in these places, off the coast of the Black Sea, which was then called then "Hospitable" (Pont Evksinsky).

The legend has been preserved, which says that Andrey was the first-surveyor built the first Christian on the territory of Georgia, he also ordained (dedicated to the San) of the first Georgian priests. And although he failed to spread Christianity throughout Georgia (this was done by Holy Nino), he made a significant contribution to this holy case.

Self monument at the waterfall It was opened in 2008. The ceremony was attended by the former president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.

How to get to the waterfall in Sarpi

The waterfall itself is located at the road itself, not far from the Georgian-Turkish border - only 1 kilometer. It is about 12 kilometers from Batumi. From the seaport Batumi, where our excursion began - a little more than 20 km.

As we have said, it's not difficult to visit this place. You can get to the waterfall during an excursion (we recommend), public transport or on.

Tour of Mountain Adjara with a visit to the waterfall

We visited the waterfall during. It cost us 139 euros. For the money we rolled around the mountains all day.

Map and public transport - get on your own

How to get to Sarpi's waterfall by public transport:

  • on the bus number 16. per 80 Tetri Course of Georgian lari:
    0.8 lari \u003d 0.26 euros;
    0.8 lari \u003d 0.3 dollars;
    0.8 lari \u003d 20.18 rubles;
    0.8 lari \u003d 8.51 hryvnia;
    0.8 Lari \u003d 0.68 Belarusian rubles.
    . He leaves from Tbilisi Square, then drives along Chavchavadze Street, and then on Tabel-Abuseridze. For your convenience, we inflicted this route to the map - you can sit on any stop on the road.
  • minute per 1.5 Lari Course of Georgian lari:
    1.5 lari \u003d 0.5 euros;
    1.5 lari \u003d 0.57 dollars;
    1.5 lari \u003d 37.83 rubles;
    1.5 lari \u003d 15.96 hryvnia;
    1.5 lari \u003d 1.28 Belarusian rubles.
    Course and prices may not be accurate.. You need to find a minibus with a Sarpi sign on the windshield.
  • alternatively, you can run by bus to Goniosee

December 13th Ukrainians celebrate Andreevs day or day of memory of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Apostle Andrey Prozoznaya - One of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He was called "First Called" because he was the first follower of Christ. When the apostles distributed the lad among themselves, where each of them went to sermon, Andrei in the lot got the territory of modern Greece, Turkey, Crimea and the Caucasus.

The reverence of the Apostle Andrei on the Kiev lands came after the baptism of Russia in 988. Then, allegedly, a legend was born about visiting Andrey the first-hearted Kiev hills over the Dnieper, on one of which the apostle established the cross and the preintection of the Great Christian city with many churches.

Son Yaroslav Wise Vsevolod, in the baptism of Andrei, in the middle of the XI century built in Kiev the first women's monastery and called him in honor of St. Andrew. In the middle of the XVIII century on one of the hills over the Dnipro, the famous St. Andreevskaya Church was built - one of the business cards of Kiev.

In the XIII century on one of the hills above the Dnieper, on the alleged location of the sermon Andrei First-Called, the Cross-Promotional Church was built. Due to the briefness of the building material - wood, and frequent soil shifts, temples often destroyed and new ones were built instead. So while in 1744-1754, the order of Empress Elizabeth, the Stone Andreevsk Church on the project Bartolomeo Rastrelli was not built on this place.

2. Andreevsky descent

Andreevsk Church gave the name of the world famous descent from the Old Town to the Peniol, which was called Borichev.

A small temple is located near the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in close proximity to the Askold Tomb. Consecrated in 2000 and is famous for its unique ceramic icons on the facade.

The unique icon of the apostle, created by the Ukrainian artist, a ceramist, the People's Artist of Ukraine, Lyudmila Baskov, decorates the facade of the aforementioned Andreevsky Temple.

The 7-meter monument to Andrey the First Called on Andreyevskaya Square, opposite Andrei the First-Called Temple. It is made of a solid piece of gray granite and was installed in 2000.

6. Square Andrei First Called

This small area is located at the intersection of the Dnieper descent and the heroes of Heroes. I received my name in 2001, after the opening of the church and the monument to Andrei and the First Called.

The figure of the Apostle Andrei is part of the sculptural composition "Monument to Princess Olga" on Mikhailovskaya Square. The monument was built in 1911 and destroyed in Soviet times. Restored monument was opened in 1996.

The sculpture was made in 2008 to the 1020th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. Since 2010, it is located on the territory of the Mikhailovsky Dust Monastery, to the right of the Cathedral Temple.

9. The figure of Andrey the First Called on the Fountain "Samson"


Monument to Andrei First Called - Monument in honor of the Apostle Andrei First Called. Installed on December 13, 2000 at the intersection of the park road and the heroes alleys, steep opposite the Askold's grave. Constructed on the occasion of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ by means of the Public Foundation of St. Andrei First Called. The authors are sculptor V. Shvetsov, architects M. Zharikov, R. Kukharenko. The height of the sculpture is 4 m, the pedestal is 3.6 m.
The figure of the Apostle Andrei is a complete growth, carved from light gray granite, installed on a high granite pedestal of dark gray. Saint is depicted with the right hand raised for blessing. Left, pressed to the body, relies on a long stick. At the apostle, a long chiton and a raincoat, falling by heavy folds that diversify the silhouette, give him the dynamics. The plastic solution of the sculpture is observed with conciseness and generalization. A high pedestal is a granite block of incorrect shape, which should resemble the grief from which the apostle preached in Kiev. The name of the depicted name is engraved on its front side. The monument is installed on a natural hill to which a staircase and a path paving paving. The background is the green slopes and a low retaining wall of the block of natural stone, in the niches of which lamps are placed. Bronze boards with annotation inscriptions are fixed along the wall. Located at the intersection of transport and pedestrian routes, the monument provides several points of review, from which its composition is completely disclosed.

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