In which city there is no chamber.

The Granovic Chamber is one of the most ancient monuments of the architecture of the Russian capital. Previously, important techniques were held in it, significant events were celebrated, contracts were signed and the kings lived together with families. Now is a museum available to visit everyone who wanted to get acquainted with the history of Moscow and the Russian state as a whole. Mini-hot hotel rooms are located close to this architectural monument, will provide a comfortable tourist time.

A little from the history of the structure

The current architectural monument was built at the end of the 15th century by decree of Moscow Prince Ivan III. For the creation of a grain chamber, famous foreign masters of the time of Pietro Antonio Solari and Marco Ruffo were invited. The building later received its name because of the eastern facade trimmed by the faceted Rust. Initially, this construction was called "Big Chamber".

No significant event passed by the grain chamber. Here Ivan Grozny noted the tick of Kazan, which occurred in 1552, and also regularly met members of the Zemstvo Cathedrals and Boyar Duma. In this building in 1653, there was a signing of the most important agreement, thanks to which Ukraine was perhaps the accession of Ukraine to the Russian state. Almost two centuries later, in 1721, it was in the Granovic Chamber of Peter I concluded Nesteadky world with Sweden, which completed a long northern war.

The building was subjected to restructuring, for example, in the middle of the XIX century, when the Big Kremlin Palace was built, there was integration with him. Through the large sense, the passage was opened in the Vladimir Hall. At the same time, the integration of the grain chamber with the Terman Palace of the Kremlin occurred.

Features of architecture and decoration

In the XVI century, the walls of the grain chamber were decorated with frescoes. In 1668, she continued its famous artist of the time Simon Ushakov. During the reign of Peter I, the painting was destroyed. It was possible to restore it only in 1881 by the structures of the Belousov brothers icon painters.

An important architectural feature of the grain chamber is the "Red Porch". This is a staircase on one of the sides of the facade of the building, in which important personnel were held in the Uspensky Cathedral of the Kremlin. In the XX century, this element was removed, but in 1994 it was decided to restore it. The red porch also called a small area next to the entrance to the ward, where there used to be a shooting army and jubs.

Inside you can see the rooms of the king, as well as the secret chamber for his children and his wife. It was from her who was observed for different ceremonies and techniques. All rooms of the grain chamber are richly and skillfully decorated, and their interior complements small details from different historical eras. Thanks to them, you can get almost a complete picture of how the Russian kings lived and their closest surroundings.

According to the chronicles, before the granovy chamber's gates used to meet foreign ambassadors. It was a mandatory part of the reception. Only after that the guests were accomplished directly in the chambers, lush meetings arranged and solved important political issues. Therefore, the grain ward can be called a kind of mini-hotel for important people of the XVI -XVII centuries.

The red porch was removed in 1930 at the initiative of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU I.V. Stalin. This was done because of her uncomfortable. Services in the Kremlin Councils in the Soviet period were carried out very rarely, and there was no need for the stairs.

Location of architecture monument

Now in this building, the residences of the Patriarch and one of the halls at the residence of the Russian President Vladimir V.V. Putin. The premises of the grain chamber are open to visits, excursions are regularly held in them. This became possible after the extensive reconstruction, which ended in the summer of 2012.

At the same time, excavations were also carried out, thanks to which there were many items belonging to different periods of history.

This historical monument is inside the Moscow Kremlin and is one of his museums. The most convenient way to get to the grain chamber is the subway. The nearest station is the Lenin Library. You can also walk from the "Alexandrovsky Garden", "Borovitsky and" Arbat ".

A ticket to the Granovitu Chamber is possible to purchase Moscow Kremlin at the box office, whose opening hours are listed on the site.

Architectural Style Travel Guide

For the construction of the building were invited not only by Russian architects, but also Italian architects - Alevision Fryazin, Marco Fryazin, Pietro Antonio Solari. The grain chamber was called due to the facade of the facade faceted stone. Such treatment was characteristic of the Italian Architecture of the Renaissance. She was also called "Diamond Rust". Therefore, in style, the grain chamber is similar to the Italian Palazzo.

Inside the building a huge hall of 495 m 2. For a long time, it was the largest Parade Hall of Moscow. The interiors decorate the carving and gilding. Moreover, the decoration of the grain chamber changed several times: first there were paintings on biblical topics, then the scarlet cloth, and then the icon.

Outside the entrance to the grain ward locks the golden lattice. According to the legend, it was cast from copper money seized from the appeal after the copper rebellion. In fact, the grill is iron, but painted with paints and gilded.

Also, the ward is adjacent to Seni with "Cain". There, the queen and its approximations, which were forbidden to attend receptions, could observe what was happening.

From the red porch of the grain chamber, the Russian kings were bowed to the earthly fortune of the people after coronation in the Assumption Cathedral.

And in 1682, the furious crowd demanded here Queen Natalia Naryshkin and her children of Peter and Ivan for violence over dismissal boyars.

In Soviet times, the Red Porch of the Grain Chamber was dismantled. At his place there was a deputy dining room of the Supreme Council. And in 2004, on the restored porch, following the ancient traditions, President Vladimir Putin received a parade on the occasion of his inauguration.

Over the side fronts of the red porch there are 2 double-headed eagles, and on the spans of the railing - lions. A red staircase in 43 steps leads to the porch.

Lion is called the "king of animals." In many beliefs, this is a symbol of the highest divine power, power, greatness and power. In the way, the lion is binding courage, prowess, nobility, pride, justice. And the lioness is a symbol of motherhood and the incarnation of solvents. Therefore, the architecture often use Lviv as a guard. This, for example, lion statues, "guarding" entrance. And in Russia, the lions "came" from Italy.

To the question of the grain chamber - why was the name? Posted by the author starosvetsky The best answer is the grain chamber was laid in 1487. The Italian Master of Marco Fryazin as a parade thread hall for solemn receptions in the new Grand Duke Palace of Ivan III. Construction finished it in 1491. Lombard architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The situation is built out of the brick. The receiving room in the form of a single-bulk chamber, overlapped by four crusades is located on a high basement floor. From the West, the front saints of the Saints are adjacent to it, to which on the south side leads an open stone staircase - a red porch. Square in terms of the chamber, blocked by crops based on the walls and the central pillar, is the most common in the Russian civilian architecture of XV-XVIV. Type of harvested rooms. Over the past two centuries, the grain house of 495 kV. m. remained the largest hall in the Russian architecture. The chamber's fall occurred from the architectural solution of the chief eastern facade, which goes into the cathedral area. It is lined with white-named blocks, each of which is twisted for four faces. Such a processing of a stone, characteristic of the Italian architecture of the Renaissance, was called "Diamond Rust". Side facades had smooth brick surfaces, painted "under the brick". As graphic materials show the grain chamber ends with a high four-sheet gilded roof. The current low three-point coating was received in XiV. The initial window openings had the form of paired silicon arches, separated by a column-impost and taken into a rectangular framing, like the windows of the Italian Palazzo. The existing windows with their baroque platbands belong to the last quarter of the XVIIIV. Synoprocating the volume of the Chamber with a richly decorated main facade, giving deep light, plays an active role in the formation of the architectural appearance of the Cathedral Square. HVI. Walls and vaults in the interior of the chambers were painted with frescoes. In 1668. The painting resumed Simon Ushakov, drawing up a detailed inventory of plots. Painting preserved to this day is made by Phahi icon painters in 1881. In accordance with the description of Ushakov. Construction in 1838-1849. The Grand Kremlin Palace The Granovic Chamber was included in the new complex of palace buildings and through the holy senses connected with the Vladimir hall. In the restoration work of 1967-1968, a unique carved white-brained portal was restored in the western wall of the Chamber and the Relief Decor of the Central Pillars. In 1992-1994. Reduced red porch, disassembled in the 1930s. Currently, the Granovy Chamber is one of the representative halls at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Moscow Kremlin
Start of construction: 1487 year
Ending construction: 1491 year
Architect: M. Ruffo, P. Solari
Coordinates: 55 ° 45 "02.1" N 37 ° 37 "00.8" \u200b\u200bE
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation

View of the grain chamber from the Cathedral Square

Granuity Chamber: History

The construction of the grain chamber comes from 1487-1491. At this time, Moscow, uniting the principality around him, becomes the head of the Russian state. The construction of new and restructuring of old Kremlin buildings was charged with the best Italian and Russian masters. In historical documents, 1487 it was said that Prince Ivan Vasilyevich issued a decree on the basis of the "Chamber of Great". Architects Marco Ruffo (Fryazin) and Pietro Antonio Solari were attracted to the construction.

In 1491 at the Cathedral Square, to the left of the Assumption Cathedral began the construction of a new secular building - a large chamber. In consequence, it was renamed Granovitu, which is associated with the external treatment of the facade of faceted stone. Such decoration was characteristic of the Italian architectural style of the Renaissance. The building was located in front of the receiving rest of the Kremlin Palace. Near the middle chamber and the top porch were built. On the porch there were three stairs, called the red porch, the golden grid and the Blagoveshchensk Parl.

Red porch

The red porch is a platform, in front of the entrance to the holy senses. On the red porch, the Russian autocrats were held in the Assumption Cathedral for coronation. The last time this procession was held in 1896, when Nicholas II crown. In 1682, Natalia Kirillovna and Her Sons: Ivan and Peter Alekseevich, demanded on the red porch for massacre a furred crowd. By order of Stalin, the staircase was removed in 1930, but in 1994 she was restored again.

And in 2004 on the restored porch, according to ancient traditions, a parade was held on the occasion of the inauguration of Russian President Putin V.V. In 1630, a Dutch bodily with cuckoo and nightingale was put in the Granovitu Chamber. During the Russian-Polish war at the beginning of the XVII century. Painting on the walls was damaged. Recover images managed only at Queen Alexei Mikhailovic. The famous painter Simon Ushakov was engaged in work. In 1668, the wall was completely restored, and in 1672, the Ushakov described in detail the pictures depicted on the walls. This description was useful much later when the masters had again had to restore the walls and images on them.

Southern facade of the building

After 10 years there was a fire that destroyed the palace buildings. Damage to the chamber was strong enough. Restored the building at Prince Golitsyn. The restoration work in 1684 was supervised by Osip Stars, the famous Moscow architect.

He re-restored the palace. The burned white thread was replaced by a new, preserved until today. Dual windows were decorated with white-named platbands and speakers, saw vine grapes. Special attention deserved the roof covered with a golden base with a color ornament. In 1696 another fire and the roof burned down. As for the internal decoration of the chamber, it has repeatedly changed. The first painting refers to the end of the XVII century. During the reign of Fedor John, whose face is baked on the king gun. In this period, biblical plots intertwined with household and historical scenes. The walls were painted by portraits of the Great Russian Princes, including Rurikovich: Svyatoslav and Igor Old.

View of a red porch from the bell tower of Ivan the Great

Under Peter I, the hall was used for comedy and other entertainment activities. Therefore, wall painting on biblical topics beat lime. In the time of Paul I, the walls were abundant by velvet. Over time, the velvet was removed, and the wall painting was restored by inventory, over which S. Ushakov worked on. Recovery was engaged in 1882. The icon paintings of Belousov's brothers at the order of Emperor Alexander III.

Granovic Chamber - a decent monument to Russian architecture

The building itself is a two-story chamber, while the first, the basement is not reported to the top. According to the old documentation, the ovens were located in the lower. On the top is the famous grain of the Chamber. It represents a big solemn room. His special beauty adds a system of crusades. These arches are based on the central pillar. The hall is striking with its sizes: the area is 495 square meters. m, the height is 9 m. During the day, it illuminates the sunlight from 18 windows located on three sides.

Saint Songs, South Face

In the evening, 4 round massive chandeliers made from bronze are used as lighting. As a sample, ancient Novgorod panicadiles were used for them. Painting theme - biblical. The system of arches depict pictures of the creation of the world, fragments from the life of Adam and Eve. Here you can observe the life of Joseph, transmitted in the pictures, as well as drawn scenes of the "righteous and unrighteous court".

The eve of the grain chamber, holy senses, unusually solemn. The greatness and puffs give them portals. They are made with a thread from white stone. Portals are plentifully gilded and have carved doors. Also amazes the wealth of plant ornamentation and other images, including heraldry. There are doors-bellows made in the XIX century. The entrance to the Hall of Saints is possible only through one portal.

Interior of the Chamber

  • According to the estimates drawn up by icon painters, 50 people were required to work on the hall of the grain chamber and 40 people "sled". It was also required: 100,000 sheets of red gravestone gold, 16 buckets of Olifa, 200 Arshin canvas and a huge number of natural paints. Only kinovari (bright red paint) was required 15 puddles, volley (yellow-red) 4 pounds, blue 15 pounds, 4 pounds of chalk and Belil, smoked ink 300 jugs, 50 walnuts and much more;
  • The customs of that time prohibited women of the royal family to attend the solemn ceremonies in the ward. For princes and the queen, a special cache room was created, in which through a special window it was possible to observe what was happening in the hall. The entrance to the cache is located on the part of the Vladimir Hall.

Granuity chamber today

After volume restoration works, the Granovy Chamber became newly open to visitors in 2012. He led the project Restorer Andrei Mikhaylenko.

Interior of the Chamber

In the process of work, paintings on the walls were restored. To do this, a description of Simon Ushakov was once again used. Today, the inner interior is not much different from the decoration in the XVII century. The masters restored carpets and parquets, for the set of which 16 trees breeds were used. At the same time, a special technology for creating the effect of the "Mirror Parquet" effect was used. For work on the restoration of furniture fabric, not restored from the XIX century. Attracted specialists from the UK. Only in the UK found a factory producing a rare fabric with gilded threads. Such textiles were covered with armchairs, chairs and a banquette in the hall. While the artists worked on the reconstruction of the indoor interior, the workers strengthened the walls, replaced the roof, strengthened the foundation and made drainage. Thanks to the device of new engineering communications, a certain microclimate is supported indoors. In the ward there are 51 rare exhibits, the restorer was over the restorer over each of which.

The grain chamber was laid in 1487. The Italian Master of Marco Fryazin as a parade thread hall for solemn receptions in the new Grand Duke Palace of Ivan III. Construction finished it in 1491. Lombard architect Pietro Antonio Solari.

The building is built out of the brick. The receiving room in the form of a single-bulk chamber, overlapped by four crusades is located on a high basement floor. From the West, the front saints of the Saints are adjacent to it, to which on the south side leads an open stone staircase - a red porch. Square in terms of the chamber, blocked by crops based on the walls and the central pillar, is the most common in the Russian civilian architecture of XV-XVIV. Type of harvested rooms. During the two centuries, the grain house of 495kv. He remained the largest hall in Russian architecture.

The name of the Chamber has occurred from the architectural solution of the main Eastern facade, which goes into the cathedral area. It is lined with white-named blocks, each of which is twisted for four faces. Such a processing of a stone, characteristic of the Italian architecture of the Renaissance, was called "Diamond Rust". Side facades had smooth brick surfaces, painted "under the brick". As graphic materials show the grain chamber ends with a high four-sheet gilded roof. The current low three-point coating was received in XiV. The initial window openings had the form of paired silicon arches, separated by a column-impost and taken into a rectangular framing, like the windows of the Italian Palazzo. The existing windows with their baroque platbands belong to the last quarter of XVIIV.

Strongly protruding the volume of the Chamber with a richly decorated main facade, giving deep light, plays an active role in the formation of the architectural appearance of the Cathedral Square.

In XVI Walls and vaults in the interior of the chambers were painted with frescoes. In 1668. The painting resumed Simon Ushakov, drawing up a detailed inventory of plots. Painting preserved to this day is made by Phahi icon painters in 1881. In accordance with the description of Ushakov.

During construction in 1838-1849. The Granovic Chamber of the Greater Kremlin Palace was included in the new complex of the Palace Buildings and through the Holy Saints connected with the Vladimir hall.

During the restoration work of 1967-1968, a unique carved white-mounted portal in the western wall of the Chamber and the Relief Decor of the Central Pillars was restored. In 1992-1994. Reduced red porch, disassembled in the 1930s.

Currently, the Granovy Chamber is one of the representative halls at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

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