Inscriptions on monuments to victims of political worst. Shameful "wall of grief"

On October 30, 2017, the Opening of the National Memorial "Wall of Sorrow" was discovered in Moscow, devoted to victims of political repression of the Soviet era, reports REGNUM.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin took part in the opening ceremony. They uttered solemn words and laid flowers to the monument.

The opening of the "Walls of Sorrow" occurred after the meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society, which discussed issues related to the provision of environmental and electoral rights of citizens. Vladimir Putin, speaking at this meeting, stressed that the year of the revolution should be drawn under the split in society.

"The memory itself, the clarity and definition of the position in relation to these gloomy events serves as a powerful caution to their repetition. The terrible past of repression cannot be deleted from the memory of the people and not justify anything, "said Vladimir Putin.

According to the president, the consequences of political repression "are still felt", but this does not serve as a reason to reduce the scores. The monument located on the Sakharov Avenue and is a thirty-meter bronze bas-relief, Vladimir Putin described as "grand and piercing".

After the speech of the president, a mourning composition in choir performance was performed. Then the cobster was taken around the monument, and everyone could pass to the territory. People pinned flowers, prayed and put the candles. The ceremonies also gathered opponents of the appearance of "walls of grief", some satisfied single pickets.

Memorial "Wall Sorrow"

Memorial "Wall Sorrow" is established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from September 30, 2015 No. 487 "On the construction of a memorial victims of political repression."

In 2015, the State Museum of History of Gulag held a competition of memorial projects. The jury included 25 public figures and human rights defenders: L.M. Alekseeva, N.D. Solzhenitsyn, V.P. Lukin, D.A. Granin, etc. A total of 336 projects were presented. The winner of the competition was recognized as a draft sculptor G.V. Franglyan "Wall of Sorrow".

For the collection of funds for the establishment and installation of the Memorial, the Foundation "Perpetuation of Memory of Victims of Political Repression" was established. The Foundation collected more than 43 million rubles of donations. In the financing of the project, the Moscow Government was also attended.

The composition of the area on which the Memorial is installed includes "crying stones", brought from 82 regions of Russia. On the stones there is an inscription "Know ... Do not forget ... condemn ... forgive!" authorship N.D. Solzhenitsy.

"Wall of grief" is a bilateral hornstope with several arches, composed of numerous figures, symbolizing the dead as a result of repression. The length of the wall is 30 meters, height - 6. At the edge of the monument, two embossed was installed with the word "remember" written in 22 languages \u200b\u200b(in 15 languages \u200b\u200bof the former republics of the USSR, in German and 6 official UN officials).

The monument was established at the intersection of Avenue Academician Sakharov and Garden Ring.

Memorial "Wall of Sorrow" is open to visit everyone.

Memory of victims of political repression

The process of rehabilitation of victims of mass political repression in the USSR of the late 1920s - before the early 1950s. Began after the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953.

In 1961, at the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), the first secretary of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev first voiced the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the monument to victims of political repression.

At the same time, archives and museums began to collect memoirs and biographical data on the shot and affected citizens. In 1964, after joining the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev's USSR and the completion of the Khrushchev "thaw" the rehabilitation process and perpetuating the memory of the victims of repression was suspended.

In September 1987, the Commission of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee was established on an additional study of materials related to political repression. In 1987-1990 A number of legislative acts came out, including the decision of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee "On the construction of a monument to victims of repression" (dated July 4, 1988) and "On the perpetuation of the memory of victims of the repressions of the period of the 30-40s and early 50s" (June 28, 1989 of the year).

Monument "Solovetsky Stone"

In the late 1980s - early 1990s. Activists of the Memorial Company proposed to establish a monument to victims of political repression in Moscow. In coordination with the Moscow Council, the place for him was chosen in the square of the Polytechnic Museum on the Dzerzhinsky Square (now Lubyanskaya Square) opposite the building of the former NKVD (KGB).

The monument was the granite boulder, brought from the territory of the former Solovetsky special purpose camp (Arkhangelsk region). The stone was chosen by Mikhail Butorin's journalist (at that time, Chairman of the Board of the Arkhangelsk Regional Organization "Conscience") and the Arkhangelsk architect Gennady Lyashenko.

The solemn discovery of the monument called "Solovetsky Stone" was held on October 30, 1990. In the creation of the sculptural composition, the artist-architect S. Smirnov, Designer V. Korsi.

In February 2008, it became known about the plans for the transfer of Solovetsky Stone for construction work. In May 2008, after protests, human rights activists decided to leave on the spot and assign him the status of the attraction.

Other famous monuments to victims of political terror

Today in Russia in the field of mass executions, in the territory of the former camp points and hundreds of monuments, obeliskov, stele, mortgaging stones, memorable signs, crosses and memorial plates associated with the history of repression and memory of their victims are established.

Large monumental forms - chapels, belasters, memory walls, sculptural compositions, memorials, memorial complexes were also installed.

Here are some of the most famous monuments and memorial complexes to victims of political terror:

Monument "Victims of Political Repression" in St. Petersburg. Located opposite the Cross Prisons on the Robespierre embankment). Opened on April 28, 1995. The author of the project is sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin. The sculpture in the form of two bronze sphinxes were cast in the United States and were presented by the city by the city.

Sculpture "Moloch Totalitarianism". Open on May 15, 1996 at the entrance to the Levashovsky Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg. Authors: Nina Galitskaya and Vitaly Gambarov.

Memorial "Mask Sorrow" in Magadan. Opened on June 12, 1996. Authors: Ernst Unknown and Camille Camera.

Memorial-museum complex of memory of deported peoples in the village of Nasyr-Kort (Ingushetia). Opened on February 23, 1997. The author of the project: Murad Polonkoev.

Bas-relief "Execution with the Guardian Angel" In the tract of Sandarmo in Karelia. Opened on August 22, 1998 (since 2006 for reconstruction) on the territory of the memorial cemetery. Authors: Grigory Salta and Nikolay Ovchinnikov.

Memorial complex "Katyn" in the Smolensk region. Opened on July 28, 2000. Unites the Polish military cemetery and burial of Soviet citizens - victims of political repression. The authors of the Polish part: Sculptors Zdislaw Pidak, Angey Salga, Vallas and Yateques Synkevichi. The Russian part was designed in the creative workshop number 4 of the Architects of Russia under the leadership of Mikhail Khazanov.

Memorial complex "Copper" in the Tver region. Opened on September 2, 2000. Polish prisoners of war, shot in 1940, and Soviet citizens (victims of repression 1937-1938) are buried here. The project of the Russian part of the Memorial was made by the workshop number 4 of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Mikhail Khazanov, Chief Architect - Nikita Szun. The authors of the concept of Polish cemetery: a creative group under the leadership of the sculptors of the Zdislava PIDEK and Andrzej Soligi.

"Monument to victims of political repression" In Ufa (Bashkortostan). Installed on December 23, 2000. Authors: Yuri Soldiers and Leonid Dubinsky.

Poklonnaya Cross on the territory of the former Butovo landfill (one of the venues of mass executions; near the der. Yezhzhino Leninsky district of the Moscow region). It was delivered on August 7, 2007 on the foundation from stones from the Solovetsky Islands and elements of destroyed by the Orthodox churches.

On December 10, 2014, the promotion "Last address" started in Moscow. The purpose of this project is to install the personal signs of a single sample on the facades of houses whose addresses have become the last magnificent addresses of victims of these repression. St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk and other cities of the Russian Federation are already involved in the program.

In Moscow on October 30, on the day of memory of victims of political repression, the monument of memory of victims of political repression "wall of grief" will be opened. The colonel of the FSB of the stock will take part in the ceremony, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who emphasizes TASS, several years ago supported the initiative of human rights defenders on the installation of the monument and published the corresponding decree.

The Kremlin's press service reports that the head of state and the members of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (LDCH) at the end of the meeting of the Council scheduled for Monday, "will take part in the opening ceremony of the Memorial Memorial of the victims of political repression" Wall of Sorrow ".

Vladimir Putin is not the first head of the state, raising the issue of perpetuating the memory of victims of political repression in the country. So, a similar idea was expressed by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev in 1961 at the XXII Party Congress. In 1990, Mosovis took a decree on the installation of such a monument on Lubyanka. In the same year, in front of the NKVD building (FSB), a granite boulder was established, brought from the territory of the former Solovetsky camp of special purpose in the Arkhangelsk region. And the day of his discovery began to be celebrated as the day of memory of victims of political repression.

The date was determined in memory of the events of 1974, when the political prisoners of Mordovian and Perm camps, as well as the Vladimir prison, declared a hunger strike in protest against political repression in the USSR, and Andrei Sakharov and the initiative group of human rights protection at a press conference told Western journalists about political prisoners . Subsequently, throughout the country - at the places of mass executions, the territories of former camps, the villages of the Special Fleets, etc. Hundreds of monuments, memorable signs, chapels and memory walls were opened.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe monument of the victims of political repression in Moscow was defended by the head of the Presidential Council for Human Rights Vladimir Fedotov. Vladimir Putin signed the appropriate instructions to the Government of Moscow in December 2014. Two months later, the project competition started.

A total of 336 projects of the monument to victims of political repression were created. The winner of the competition was determined by the sculptor Georgy Frangulaan. The second place was taken by the "Prism" of Sergei Muratov, and the third - "torn destiny" Elena Bochard. The Russian President signed a decree on the construction of a monument on September 30, 2015. The total cost of the project amounted to 460 million rubles, of which 300 million rubles paid the government of Moscow. The collection of missing amount lasted two years. Vladimir Fedotov repeatedly pointed to the "absolutely splashing" attitude towards the project of federal TV channels and major benefactors. At the same time, many residents of the capital and regions translated donations in the amount of 100 and 500 rubles.

The "Wall of Sorrow" Memorial is installed in the square of 5.4 thousand square meters. Meters on the inside of the garden ring, at the intersection of the Garden-Spasskaya Street and Avenue of Academician Sakharov. The monument of 6 meters high and 35 meters long is a spatial double-sided bas-relief of 80 tons of bronze, which is an infinite combination of taking up and striving upwards at the same time flat and volumetric human figures. On the planes of the bas-relief, one word was applied - "Remember" - in different languages. It is complemented by granite compositions that figuratively refer to beds and echelons, and the area itself is planned to be coated with the inclusion of stones from the places of conclusion of repressed.

On the eve, October 29, Solovetsky Stone in Moscow of the victims of political repression "Return of Names". Any of them wished to take part in the promotion was able to read the names of several of the 40 thousand shot Muscovites.

Until the late 1980s, information on the repressed was a state secret. In 1988-1989, the first lists of repression victims began published in the media. In many regions, at the initiative of the Memorial Society, and with his participation began to prepare the "Books of Memory" - special editions containing not only names, but also brief biographical references about the victims, and sometimes photos. In 1998, the Company began to create a single database based on information from regional "memory books". In 2007, the last, 4th, edition of the "victim of a political terror in the USSR" (with additions for December 13, 2016), containing more than 2.6 million names, was released.

The Federal Archival Agency (Rosarkhiv), the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the Gover Institute of War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University (PCS. California, USA) prepared and issued a meeting of documents in 7 volumes "History of Stalinsky Gulag. The end of the 1920s - the first half of 1950 "Year" (2004). The action "Memorial" "Return of Names" this year went to the tenth time.

The monument will appear in the square at the intersection of Avenue Academician Sakharov and Garden Ring. At the time of installation of the burner, transport traffic will not be limited.

The burner "Wall of Sorrow" of the authorship of the People's Artist of Russia Sculptor Georgy Frangulian and architect Andrei Frangulian will begin to install in the capital on August 6. The sculptural composition in memory of the victims of political repression will appear at the intersection of the Avenue of Academician Sakharov and the Garden Ring. Bronze monument is planning to carry from the workshop of the sculptor in the Moscow region of Khimki to the installation site in parts Moscow. Installation of the monument will be completed on August 28. There will be no restrictions for travel transport.

"On the afternoon of August 6, the installation of only the first part of the monument will begin. In general, it consists of 11 fragments that will be completely brought to Square by August 23. The height of the structure is six meters, and the length is 30 meters. The phased installation of such a large-scale sculptural composition will not create inconvenience for citizens, "they told in the capital.

"Wall of grief" is a bilateral terminal with several arches. It consists of a variety of faceless bronze human figures merging together. They as if they would come off from the ground and rushed to the sky. From both sides of the "wall" there are bronze sheets with the text on which the word "remember" in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world is carved.

In the square, the monument will be installed by a semicircle on a specially prepared platform and all its elements will fasten. The sculpture composition will be framed by retaining walls laid out of granite slabs. Before the burner will put seven granite pillars with spotlights, the rays of which are directed into the sky. According to the sculptor, the light of the spotlights personifies the soul of people. At night, the whole monument will illuminate special lamps with a soft yellow glow. The platform around the monument will be raised round stones. Next to the "wall of grief" trees will fall down.

The Square itself is planned to be landscolored at the intersection of Avenue Academician Sakharov and Garden Ring. Repair will hold 5.4 thousand square meters on an area. The square partially performed on the cable sealing device and the base for the new pavement. After that, granite onboard stones will be installed and granite paving. The stairs will repaired in the square, landscape lighting will be made on lawns.

In 2015, a competition for the choice of a monument project was held. It was presented 340 concepts. As a result, the draft sculptor Georgy Frangulian and architect Andrei Frangulian was chosen.

The work of Georgy Frangulian can be seen in Moscow - this is a monument to Bulat Okudzhava on Arbat, a monument to Joseph Brodsky at the Novinsky Boulevard, a monument to Aram Khachaturian in Bryusov Lane, a monument to Dmitry Shostakovich at the Kosmodamian Embankment and others. Open the "Grief Wall" is planned until October 2017.

The characteristic Memorial "Wall Sorrow" on Sakharov Avenue (Moscow) was dedicated to the victims of political repression of the Soviet era. The monument was established at the intersection of Avenue Academician Sakharov and Garden Ring.

Opening Memorial

The memorial was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from September 30, 2015 No. 487 "On the construction of a memorial victims of political repression."

The solemn opening of the monument was held on October 30, 2017. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin took part in the opening ceremony. In addition to him, Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. They uttered solemn words and laid flowers to the monument.

Description Memorial

The monument to the victims of political repression, located on Sakharov Avenue, is a thirty-meter bronze bas-relief.

The composition of the square on which the Memorial was installed is "crying stones". They were brought from 82 regions of Russia. On the stones are posted.

"Wall of grief" is a bilateral burning wall with several arches, composed of the outlines of numerous figures. They symbolize the dead as a result of repression. The length of the wall is 30 meters, height - 6. At the edges of the monument, two embossed were installed with the word "remember" written in 22 languages. Among them are inscriptions in 15 languages \u200b\u200bof the former republics of the USSR, in German and 6 official UN languages.


Memory of victims of political repression (historical reference)

The process of rehabilitation of victims of mass political repression in the USSR of the late 1920s - before the early 1950s. Started after the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953.

In 1961, at the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the first secretary of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev first voiced the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the monument to victims of political repression.

At the same time, archives and museums began to collect memoirs and biographical data on the shot and affected citizens.

In September 1987, a commission was created by the Commission of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee on the Additional Study of Materials related to political repression. Soon, in 1987-1990. A number of legislation adopted. In particular, the decision of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee "On the construction of a monument to the victims of repression" (dated July 4, 1988). The name of another resolution is "On the perpetuation of the memory of victims of the repressions of the period of the 30-40s and early 50s" (June 28, 1989).

Photos of the mentioned wall of sorrow:

On the day of memory of victims of political repression, in Moscow at the intersection of Akademika Sakharov and the Garden Ring, the "Wall of Sorrow" was established - the first nationwide monument to victims of political repression. Decades of the shame making "camp theme" and the fear of saying "about it" even in the family - behind. "Wall of grief" reinforced concrete changes.

In two different ends of Russia - on Kolyma and Solovki - Rocks with knocked lows on them are resting at the same words: "Ships will come for us! 1953. And in 2017, the last ship came for them.

Let's assume that the "wall of grief" is the last ship that came to those who could not return to 1953, who died, "said Mikhail Fedotov, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. - Now Behind them came the ship of our memory.

"Wall of grief" consists of symbolic arches corridors, having passed through which everyone shares the story to "before" - when everyone could become a victim of "Big Terror", and "after" - when the "wall of grief" opened in Moscow gives inside a person Examine understanding that the injury of repressions must be remembered and carrying as part of its roots.

Not to share for victims and executioners, not to revenge and even "not everyone forgive and forget", but to make the story, what it is, part of the genetic memory of the nation.

Schoolchildren from the Rostov region earned their work on a monument of 75 thousand rubles

It is difficult, slowly and with pain, but this is what: according to the Memory Fund, the monument to the state cost 300 million rubles, and the amount of voluntary donations from the people reached 45,28,76.76 rubles. And although the construction of the "wall" the society recognizes the politics of terror and repression of the crime, the people of their participation in collecting funds to the monument is not easy to comprehends the tragedy. People in the Memory Fund carry not only savings.

Those who do not have them, for example, slices bronze like a pensioner from the Saratov region Ivan Sergeev. Or the smallest contribution to the "wall" - 50 rubles - made a pensioner from Yoshkar-Ola, who wished to remain unknown. She subscribed to the details: "The daughter of the repressed. Sorry, how much I can".

But the most significant private contribution to the "grief wall" was the money earned by the children of the village of Kirov Kagalnitsky district of the Rostov region - 75 thousand rubles.

Rostov history shocked me, "says Roman Romanov, director of the Museum of History. "She is for me an example of the fact that young people do not want" at any cost "or" to forget the terror ". They want to know their history and fold it with their satisfying work. Even for me, 75 thousand rubles earned by children is the answer to those who want to create a tourist cluster on the basis of the Gulag camps to create a tourist cluster with the "aroma" of zones and camps. With barracks where you can live in the "economy" -varita, with the departures where you can sleep; With tiny dishes and "camp" food. Children from Rostov are silent from Rostov: "Aroma of the Gulag Zone" or the fashionable quests on this topic - the road to historical oblivion. And the fact that Rostov schoolchildren and hundreds of thousands of sacrifices on the "sorrow wall" are, this is a path to real living history.

Romanov admits that he trusts these people. They will definitely be able to find in safes of memory and place terrible figures: according to the Memory Fund, 20 million people passed through the Gulag system, over a million are shot (the figure is not final. - "RG"), more than 6 million became victims of deportations and references.

Direct speech

Honest story forms a single nation

Natalia Solzhenitsyn, President of the Foundation of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

The fates of those who passed the Gulag should not remain family stories. They must and now become part of the nationwide history. We cannot afford not to know our recent history - it's like going ahead with blindfolded eyes, and therefore, inevitably stumble. What happens to us, because in the Epoch of Big Terror, the foundations of a split society were laid. It will remain split until we start restoring honest history. Honest story forms a single nation. And without unity and spiritual killing, simple economic revival is impossible.

Nationwide monument to victims of repression - a step to reconciliation. Because reconciliation is impossible on the basis of oblivion.

"Oblivion is the death of the soul," the wise men said. In the "grief wall" laid the idea of \u200b\u200bmemory. And experiencing or not to experience guilt - depends on the development of consciousness, conscience, understanding. And this is a personal sense, not collective.

There is a completely different country today! With all the shortcomings of our Being, a refund for seventy years ago is no longer possible. And, probably, one should not descendant to keep the wolf scars of separation, which left the time. We need a honestly told chronicle of victories and defeats.

Such a history of Russia of the XX century can be respected.

Point of view

From the history of lacquered - to the history of genuine

Vladimir Lukin, member of the Federation Council:

I am convinced that the most important thing today is to connect a broken historical mosaic into something. To do this, we need to overcome both the Stalinist interpretation of history and apologetics of anti-Sovietism. The "wall of grief" on this path reduces the tone of the fierce of discussions and bring us closer to understanding the magnitude of the event. Zhou Enlay, an outstanding Chinese figure, when he was asked if he considered the French revolution of 1789, he answered: "To judge early. Let it take another hundred years." So we are only at the beginning of the prey of society through the declared history of the present.

No matter how much we do perpetuation of victims of political repression, everything inevitably rests on the question: "How many people died?" I always answer: "We will never know." It is not only in the classification of the part of the archives. And not that when the Churchnika Commission - Shatunovsky reported to the XX CPSU Congress that 19 million 800 thousand people were repressed from 1934 to 1941, and 7 million of 100 thousand were shot, the congress was horrified and closed these numbers. And not even in the fact that historians after the Petropavlovsk Fortress of St. Petersburg have been detected shot by amenic pits, where nameless victims lie on February 25, 1917, they propose to consider this date the beginning of the massive repressions of the twentieth century in Russia. And the case is in that great and tragic whole, which we must collect from a broken historical mosaic.

Promotion "RG"

Internet project "RG" "Know, not forget, condemn. And - to forgive" "collected the audience of reconciliation

The campaign for the creation of the "Wall of Sorrow", "Vladimir Kaptryan said in an interview with Vladimir Kaptryan, is only the first step towards restoring historical justice and deleted communication times. And still restoring a terrible understanding: everyone at that time could be both the hero, and the "enemy of the people" and the executioner. In war as in war. At the front, too, not all were heroes. Therefore, it seems to me honest in relation to the victims of Gulag and in relation to yourself first on the day of the installation of "walls of grief" in Moscow, and then on this day every year go outside to the memory rally. As a "immortal regiment." Let it be a "memory regiment". I would join it. ()

One of the most positive and passionate stories is the history of the "anti-Sovetchik" Yuri found, Ivanova. He told how the three comrades - the 19-year-old student Yuri was found in Ivanov, 20-year-old Evgenia Petrov and Valentina Bulgakov found a magazine "America" \u200b\u200bin 1951. Still found rewritten with friends from Odessa. All three were accused of anti-Soviet propaganda and in the fact that they wanted to swim in the Black Sea by boat. " All gave ten years of camps. Petrov got into the mines of the North, Bulgakov - to Siblag, found to the mine of Kazakhstan Karaganda. He spoke about the secrets of survival in the camps. And how he accidentally got the "number of life", which was saved. ()

Another story -, how the victims of repression won the courts even at the NKVD and filmed in their apartments, returning from the camps (""), amounted to the Golden Foundation Video Interviews "My Gulag" stories.

Now they are a regiment of historical memory. It was these stories that gave the launch of a large authentic documentary project and a series of feature films and performances that will be filmed over the next five to seven years. All this will be done under the creative leadership of the film director Pavel Longgin and the artistic director of the theater of Nations Evgenia Mironova.

Direct speech

In each of us there is a fragment of the "walls"

Arches, cutting the monument for the whole length, are made in such a way that everyone has to bend to pass. Looking, a man with eyes rests in Skriezhal: "Remember!" As a sweatful prayer, the word is written twenty-two languages \u200b\u200b- on fifteen languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the former USSR, in five UN languages \u200b\u200band in German - one of the languages \u200b\u200bof the European Union.

"Remember!" You have to carry thirty-five meters - the entire length of the monument. Through it, everyone can walk through and will feel at the sacrifice place. So the "wall" reproduces the feeling of the damoclov of the sword. Only so, with the understanding that in each of us there is a "wall" fragment, you can go on. But it is not clear when we can straighten your back. It is not clear how much time will need that the fragment is released. So that he came out, it is necessary to personally realize the phenomenon of the Gulag and make it part of the genetic memory of the nation.

I would like each piece of "walls of grief" to transmit the status of the tragedy. Yes, her figures faceless. They made them a "braid of death". Too numerous and often nameless were the victims of terror 30-50s. Their fastened fate and the face-crossed out of the life is the character of the tragedy.

Following the director Gleb Panfilov, the elastive story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich", the director of Pavel Lungin was looking for a search for the material about the era of camps. Today, he tells the RG, why each of us will have to pass through the purification of memory.

Pavel Semenovich, decided what the film would be?

Pavel Lungin: When I think how to make a movie, I am looking for humanistic supports. I am from that generation, which still believes in people and is not ready to go to the total postmodern tragedy. Yes, you can rent a cinema and the Norilsk 1953 of the uprising of Gorgan, and about the Kengirsky 1954 of the uprising of political satellites. Only in Norilsk, according to archives, used to 16,000 people. But this is the silt of the camps, and their essence crystallized inside a person before. He could not help her inside. How? That's what I want to shoot the film. But I have not yet found the history of confrontation. The more I read, the more often the thoughts appear: "Who am I? Where in me so much keenness to concern the themes filled with blood and flour?" Sometimes just frozen in horror. Hunt forever forget the gulag and not know about him. This is an instinctive fear of the scale of the tragedy. I am also afraid - enough forces show depth of phenomenon? Clause GULAG - a crime, but also deprive of people of hope - a crime.

And in my film there will be a cheerful gulag. And female look at the camp

You do not have a script, but I have Solzhenitsyn, there are Shalamov, there is a "abode" of Zakhar Prilepina ...

Pavel Lungin:... Zakhar Prilepin wrote a very strong novel about Solovki. His writer's talent is outside the ideology, which gives a novel such characters that CHO ... I would love to fasten it. But, in my opinion, no copyright is no longer. Although Prilepina, like Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov, the Gulag is hopeless. And in my film there will be a cheerful gulag. And a female view of the camp. I did not like the picture yet with stories, but I remember well my conversations with Andrei Sinyavsky. In France, he told about the camp all the time. One day he did not stand at a party: "You remember about the camp as if it was something better." Sinyavsky did not even think to argue with me. He had a friendship of the camp, people came to Paris, with whom he was sitting together. They sincerely believed that in their case a mistake "occurred." "Yes," replied, "there was no ideal life in some sense. There are no women, there are no careers, there is nothing. You are not cleansed from everything and you can communicate with people as with purified entities." This is a shock on the verge of spiritual hunger and spiritual purity. I am looking for it for the film. This is how some people remember the war, as a cleansing experience. You seemed to be dipped in sulfuric acid, and you are alive.

Academician of Likhachev, too, admitted that the Bolsheviks in the value created by them were right when it, who did not accept the Soviet power, referred to the Gulag for re-education. Does this provoke such a revenge of the executioner? Here is already a documentary filmed about Rodion Vaskov - the creator and the godfather of Solovkov and Magadan gold mines. In the film, his son Gritzian with tears in his eyes asks about what his father at the end of the life of the denoughtle bought in the Gulag for five years? After all, "he created a terror around him around him, but the production, gave people a job, going, meaning ... He could not become the overseer." What would you answer him?

Pavel Lungin:The twentieth century is rich in such phenomena. The age gave powerful attempts to create a new man. The USSR, then Germany, has been in China, the last convulsion was in Cambodia. In the US, after 1929, labor camps were also created, but there were no new person. And his alteration is a dispute with God about a man. Dostoevsky brilliantly conveyed this confrontation in the "Great Inquisitor". He has Christ because he is not just sharpened in the dungeon. The Inquisitor tempts Christ by the fact that freedom is the biggest test and punishment for a person that the person does not want anything like that in order for his freedom. Then he does not need to make a choice. And freedom is not needed. Just her and took the camp.

But always attempts by reworking a man ended in collapse. After all, first of it must be made mince. In this sense, of course, the camp is a school of upbringing. Who? The son of the Gulag Creator is well replied. He sincerely believes that among the executioners, his father was the best and kind, cut off his head from one strike, and not from two. This is one of the fruit of "education" when the criteria for good and evil occurs. Instead of a "new man" we received this level of decomposition, when we must admit: the idea of \u200b\u200ba total re-education of the Pube. Man - "God's creature", a creature that is not amenable to sideways of an overview sculptor and any other plastic. Interference in the nature of man is the greatest danger that expects us. And the unknownness and emergencyness of the Hugland's experience gives rise to the incomprehensible phenomenon of ryrichnikov, which then rush to the victims.

Not there was a policy of repression often only a pretext for a recruitment in the labor army?

The wall of grief is agreement with the fact that the repression of evil. This is the beginning of spiritual cleansing.

The Monument "Wall of Sorrow", which stood in Moscow on October 30, 2017, is it a step of the people towards the saint?

Pavel Lungin:Sorrow for me is a consensus. The wall - the consent of society with the fact that evil was committed, and the understanding of the fact that we ourselves caused him. It is only the beginning of spiritual cleansing. And the fact that the monument sacrifice ordinary people is the sign of our recovery. Though 15 kopecks, but the whole country should throw on the wall. The desire to pass through the wall is that there are sprouts of awareness, repentance and redemption. We no longer see that there are no problems.

But we pretend often sincere thinking that repentance and redemption need to someone else, but not me. In this sense, the history of Muscovite Vera Andreva is indicative. In the cycle of the films "My Gulag" of the History of History, she said that in 1937 her beloved Uncle Vanya wrote a denunciation on his father and her grandfather Dmitry Zhukkova for the fact that the "nobleman does not recognize the revolution." But the father even won the court in the NKVD. The son, expelled from the family, died in 1942, defending Sevastopol from the fascists. "He is worthy of death," the father said about him. "The grandfather was already lying in the ground," recalls Vera Sergeyevna, "And the words relative to me, a member of the CPSU, repeated his words:" How could you go to their side? "And I don't know. I remember grandfather and understand: I have not forgiven that power, As the grandfather did not forgive his son. I do not know how to forgive it. " How to forgive?

Pavel Lungin: If I could explain it with words, I did not have to make the film "Island". I just know that the work of repentance is Motogram. It is not given to everyone. But I believe that the feelings of shame and repentance make a personality from a person. A man begins with a feeling of shame, with pain for troubles around others, with compassion. But I am equally with the society. I look around and do not see that society or I am moving by the awareness of the lived history, pain, trouble. I sometimes seem to me if the "island" came out now, he would not have heard him. Such a feeling as if we stepped over something. The brain has such a feature: if a person has not spoke from two to five years, he will be like Mowgli. It will find it, they will wash it, and he will even speak, but there will be no freedom of speech. The brain was formed outside the language. So with the injury of the Gulag. Maybe the time passed when the wound was alive and more easily treating? But with the tragedy of the Gulag, still stand on the way of awareness. We need time, patience and freedom. New generations will come instead of those who were killed and who left. It seems to me that this evolution goes, but as long as we are some kind of centaurs ... Our free part sees life around, reads a lot, thinks ... But another part of it is slow, hard, but changes. Including thanks to such projects as the "wall of grief", but changes ...

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