Oregano useful properties and contraindications. Oregano herb: medicinal properties and contraindications for women and men, photos, recipes of traditional medicine

Oregano is an unpretentious plant known in cooking as a fragrant spice called "oregano". But most of all, herbaceous culture is valued for its medicinal qualities. It is widely used for health purposes and as a remedy for many ailments.

Oregano is a perennial herb from the hawk family, which is often referred to as mother, forest mint, incense, dusch, or antienic. In nature, it mainly grows in the Mediterranean and Europe. Mostly it can be found in forest clearings, in meadows, near rivers and on the slopes of hills. In France and the United States of America, this herbaceous crop is cultivated.

Oregano has a tetrahedral erect stem, covered with soft fibers. The upper part of the main shoot is branched. The plant grows up to sixty centimeters in height, but sometimes it can reach one meter. The roots are creeping and branched.

The oblong petiole leaves of oregano are ovoid. Their upper edge is painted in dark green, and the lower part has a light shade. Each single piece, tapered at the end, is covered with tiny hairs.

In the middle of summer, small purple flowers bloom on a herbaceous plant, collected in multi-flowered thyroid-paniculate inflorescences. Each corolla of a flower consists of five plates. They grow together to form a two-lipped corolla, at the bottom of which there are two connected petals, and at the top - three. Oregano blooms in the second year after planting. The fruits of the culture are oval, divided into four brown dry nuts.

The herb has a characteristic fragrant smell. It grows on almost all types of soil. It spreads well in open areas. It easily tolerates the cold, and after winter it comes to life in early March.

The green part of the plant and flowers contain more than one percent of the essential oil. Oregano also contains:

  • thymol - up to 10%;
  • carvacrol - 20%;
  • free alcohols - 15%;
  • sesquiterpenes - 12.5%;
  • geranyl acetate - up to 5%;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, D, A, K.

In addition, the herbaceous culture contains fatty oils, tannins and ascorbic acid, which is most collected in the leaves of the plant. One hundred grams of the plant contains only twenty-five kilocalories.

Enriched with essential oils and tannins and other equally valuable elements, oregano has medicinal properties:

  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming;
  • pain reliever;
  • diaphoretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • tonic;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic.

Due to a number of useful healing qualities, scented herb is widely used to treat many ailments:

  • insomnia and neurotic disorder;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • swims during menopause;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • fungal infections;
  • skin diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • worms.

Oregano can reduce toothaches and eliminate the inflammatory process of the gums. Also, the grass is good for flatulence. Oregano-based preparations treat epilepsy. The plant renews the fatty tissue of the skin and removes cellulite. In pharmacies, you can find oregano essential oil, intended for the treatment of skin diseases.

Oregano helps in the treatment of many diseases, but still the use of this herb has some limitations:

  • if you have an allergic reaction;
  • during pregnancy, especially for women prone to bleeding;
  • with exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers and high acidity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Any therapeutic action using this herbaceous culture must be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.

Oregano is rightfully considered a female herb. It is a part of medicines and is the main component of folk recipes for many gynecological diseases. Because of this, it is often called the motherboard.

The plant has the ability to reduce pain during menstruation, removes the unpleasant symptoms that occur in women with menopause. After childbirth, the use of herbal decoctions normalizes the female body, increasing milk production during breastfeeding.

Oregano infusions are taken to stabilize the monthly cycle. They have a soothing effect and relieve vaginal itching and other specific female diseases.

For men, oregano is an assistant in the fight against alcohol addiction. Herbal teas from this herb reduce cravings for alcohol, but at the same time reduce sexual activity. Constant use of the motherboard can lead to the development of impotence.

Oregano for children

In folk medicine, oregano is used to treat children from rickets and scrofula. Babies are bathed in decoctions of this useful herb, as it fights redness on the skin and helps eliminate allergic rashes.

For children with increased excitability, as well as with sleep disturbances, a soothing tea with oregano is brewed. Such an herbal drink is given to a child with bloating, colic and flatulence. Infusions from this long-term healing culture help eliminate stomatitis in children and relieve the inflammatory process in the throat with tonsillitis.

Oregano is an herbal preparation used to treat pertussis-induced cough in children. It is recommended to be used to relieve asthmatic attacks and in the treatment of colds. But it is very dangerous to give a child to drink oregano-based medicinal products, since the herb can affect sexual development, especially during adolescence. Any treatment of children with herbs should be carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

The aromatic culture has recently been widely used by cosmetics manufacturers. It is used to produce products for skin and hair care. Oregano gained its popularity in cosmetology due to its wonderful properties:

  • eliminates acne, acne and other skin diseases;
  • rejuvenates and restores the skin;
  • improves hair structure, increases hair growth, cleanses the head from dandruff and seborrhea;
  • makes the skin firm, silky, supple and healthy looking.

Oregano is a part of creams and masks for the care of the face and the whole body. It works well for both young and aging skin. The herb also includes a pigment that is used in cosmetology to create a tanning effect.

At home, a lot of cosmetics can be prepared from a herbaceous culture:

  1. Mask for the face. Grind two large spoons of fresh leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for ten minutes and add the egg white. Mix all the ingredients well and apply on the face for half an hour. Then rinse with water. This mask helps to tighten pores on oily skin.
  2. Cleansing tonic. Brew a tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water, let it infuse for half an hour, and then strain. With this tool, wipe the face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The infusion perfectly cleanses the skin, making it matte and smooth.
  3. Anti-wrinkle mask. Mix a large spoonful of chopped oregano with hot water and let it brew for an hour. Add a spoonful of olive oil to the strained infusion. This mixture should be applied to the face, and after half an hour rinse off with warm water.
  4. Rinse hair decoction... Add four tablespoons of the herb to a saucepan with half a liter of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and boil the broth for ten minutes over low heat. Leave the prepared green liquid to infuse for one hour. This broth should be used to rinse your hair after each shampooing. This remedy helps to get rid of dandruff, make hair silky and fill it with a healthy shine.
  5. Hair strengthening mask. In five hundred milligrams of boiling water, add three tablespoons of herbs and leave for half an hour, abscess with a lid. Strain the cooled liquid and mix with two large spoons of honey. The product should be rubbed into the hair near the roots for thirty minutes, and then rinsed thoroughly with warm water. The mask helps to improve the structure and prevent hair loss.
  6. Ice for face skin. Brew a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped herbs in two hundred milligrams of boiling water and let it brew for twenty-five minutes. Pour the filtered liquid into small molds and place in the freezer. With ready-made ice pieces, you need to wipe your face in the morning. This product leaves skin firm and healthy and radiant.

Oregano infusions are used for cool foot baths. They help relieve puffiness, fatigue from the legs after a long walk.

Oregano has long been known as a healing herb. Decoctions and infusions from this culture help get rid of many diseases:

  1. Insomnia. Pour four tablespoons of chopped herbs with two glasses of boiling water and leave for twenty-five minutes. The filtered infusion is drunk in half a glass before bedtime.
  2. Menstrual irregularities. Pour a spoonful of oregano with hot water and leave to infuse for forty minutes. Then strain the infusion. The remedy is consumed one glass three times a day.
  3. Neuroses, epilepsy. Pour two large spoons of oregano with half a glass of vodka and leave for a week in a dark place. Then the tincture should be shaken and filtered. It is necessary to take the mixture half an hour before meals, one teaspoon three times a day.
  4. Angina. Add a spoonful of chopped herbaceous culture to half a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty-five minutes. After straining with this infusion, you should gargle at least four times a day.
  5. Allergies in children. Brew three tablespoons of plant flowers in two liters of hot water and let stand for half an hour. Small children are bathed in strained infusion for the prevention and treatment of various skin diseases.
  6. Runny nose. Dried oregano flowers need to be ground into powder. Use it as a snuff.
  7. Cataract. A spoonful of dry grass is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. After straining, the medicinal liquid should be taken half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening, twenty minutes before meals. The infusion significantly slows down the development of cataracts, and also helps with multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

The juice squeezed from oregano during the flowering period is drunk to get rid of colds, improve digestion, eliminate epileptic seizures and normalize the menstrual cycle. It is also used as a hemostatic and sedative. For external use, the juice is useful for various skin diseases.

Compresses are made from steamed oregano leaves for young children to relieve abdominal pain and get rid of flatulence.

This drink has a light pleasant aroma. A cup of oregano tea relieves fatigue and fills the body with useful elements. It is prepared very simply:

  • a tablespoon of dried chopped herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • insist for six minutes.

You need to drink a healing drink warm. It is recommended to use it for rheumatism, for relieving nervous tension, for liver diseases. Brewed tea will also be useful for bronchitis. It must be drunk in the complex treatment of various gynecological diseases.

This warm drink has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. It can help drain excess fluid from the body and fight a kidney infection. It increases appetite and strengthens the immune system.

The constant intake of tea in the morning and evening helps with hypertension. Drinking this oregano drink relieves bad breath.

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the entire upper part of the plant is used. Grass harvesting is carried out at the end of July, when oregano pleases with its abundant flowering. Collect only healthy plants with green clean leaves and loose flowers.

A herbaceous crop is best cut with a sharp knife to damage the root system. It is recommended to collect oregano in clean ecological zones - meadows, forest edges and fields.

Raw materials are dried in a ventilated attic or outdoors under a hinged roof. Usually, the grass is laid out in a not thick layer on a pallet or suspended in a shaded place, collected in small bunches. Periodically, as it dries, the plant should be turned over. Dried grass begins to crumble easily when completed. Dried flowers and leaves, when properly prepared, do not change color and leave a natural scent.

The finished chopped oregano is stored separately from other medicinal crops. It should be placed in a cardboard box or in a dry glass container. The grass is stored in dark places with limited moisture access. When stored properly in a jar, oregano can last for about three years.

Fresh leaves and inflorescences of the culture are sometimes stored in freezers. To do this, you need to cut parts of the grass and put in a small container and pour cold water. Containers with raw materials are frozen. In this form, the medicinal product can be stored for a couple of years.

Oregano (oregano) medicinal properties, contraindications: video

Oregano has many benefits as a medicinal herb. It is especially valuable for the female body. To get rid of many ailments, it is necessary to use this healing culture correctly - taking into account all the precautions for use and after consulting a doctor.

In the middle of summer, lush pale purple carpets of oregano bloom in our open spaces. This unpretentious fragrant plant has long been famous for its beneficial qualities. The healing properties of oregano and contraindications to its use are well known to adherents of traditional medicine. Let's find out more about them. This honey-bearing spicy herb - oregano - not only gives a characteristic spicy taste to dishes and drinks, but is successfully used to treat many ailments, as well as in cosmetology.

Oregano (lat.Oríganum vulgáre) also has another name - motherboard, and it is known to culinary experts from different countries under the guise of oregano spice.

Oregano photo:

The popularity of this plant is not limited to the framework of traditional medicine. Due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and other medicinal properties, this medicinal herb is used in pharmacology. On its basis, various tinctures, extracts are made, broth, oregano tea is widely used, which is not only useful, but also tasty.

Are oregano and thyme the same?

Frequent question. It is worth immediately making a reservation about the prevailing misconception regarding the identification of this plant. Some people think that oregano and thyme are the same thing. This is far from the case, despite the fact that both herbs have a wide range of medicinal properties, and are also used in cooking, they are completely different. There are also differences in appearance: oregano (oregano) is a tall-growing plant, and thyme is a creeping subshrub. The inflorescences of both herbs also differ in appearance, although their aroma, it must be admitted, is somewhat similar.

Oregano herb - health benefits

The beneficial properties of oregano can last for a very long time (up to three years), if properly prepared. Grass is harvested in the summer when it is at its peak. Raw materials should be dried in a shaded place with fresh air.

Oregano herb with inflorescences, photo:

The chemical composition of the motherboard is impressive: the oil component of quarkarol, vitamins, plant hormones, thymol, essential oil affect the human body like antibiotics of the 1st generation. Thanks to the action of these components, the plant has an anti-inflammatory, anti-mucous, antifungal, diuretic, antibacterial, choleretic, antispasmodic effect.

Let's consider in more detail oregano medicinal properties:

  1. Oregano essential oil has a calming effect, the broth helps well with insomnia, stressful situations, nervous irritability, neuroses, hysteria.
  2. It is successfully used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, removes manifestations of flatulence, relieves pain, improves intestinal motility.
  3. It has an anti-spasmodic effect - for headaches, migraines, it is very good to use oregano tea.
  4. It relieves the condition in diseases of the respiratory tract, promotes the discharge of sputum, helps with bronchitis, pneumonia.
  5. Oregano is harmful to most types of worms, it is successfully used to treat adults and children.
  6. Has a choleretic, diuretic effect, it is recommended for diseases of the liver, genitourinary system.
  7. Helps with skin irritations, manifestations of psoriasis, with various dermatological ailments, allergies. Decoctions, compresses remove rashes, acne, acne, boils.
  8. Regular consumption of tea is recommended for the prevention of cancer, as oregano is a kind of "shield" for the development of cancer cells.
  9. Oregano herb is actively used in cosmetology, improves the appearance of the skin, fights cellulite due to its ability to restore the state of the subcutaneous fat layer.
  10. Restores the menstrual cycle, successfully copes with the manifestations of PMS, however, such treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. If you correctly take medications with oregano while breastfeeding, milk will be produced more actively.
  11. An excellent natural antiseptic.
  12. For colds, coughs, to facilitate breathing, it is very useful to inhale with a steep broth of oregano (or you can use the essential oil of the plant).
  13. Essential oil (a few drops) can be added to vegetable sunflower or olive oil, and then rub with this composition, massage sore joints, and treat various rheumatic manifestations.

In addition to all of the above, teas, decoctions, tinctures with oregano help to cope with toothache, normalize high blood pressure, and increase appetite.

Oregano tea, photo:

Oregano - contraindications:

  1. If a person suffers from stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, then it is not recommended to use teas, preparations with oregano.
  2. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to limit the use of teas, tinctures, decoctions with this herb.
  3. Any treatment should be started gradually, with small doses, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction to the plant.
  4. In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, you should consult a doctor, since sometimes the motherboard can do harm.
  5. Oregano during pregnancy is prohibited (at any time)! Expectant mothers should not eat any products with this herb. From the intake of oregano, an active contraction of the muscles of the uterus begins, which can lead to a miscarriage.
  6. Men should be extremely careful when using tea, as well as preparations based on oregano - frequent use of these products can lead to problems with potency.

With hypertension, you should not use drugs containing this plant, as well as teas, so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis.

Useful properties of oregano for women

It is not for nothing that the mother is considered a female plant, as it helps in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Douching with a decoction of herbs cures cervical erosion, stops intrauterine bleeding, promotes faster recovery after childbirth, and increases lactation.

Drinking tea, infusions based on oregano is used to alleviate the condition of the female body during menopause, as well as to normalize hormonal levels. Oregano is the main plant in many gynecological preparations for the treatment of the female genital area. With a delay in menstruation, painful critical days, the motherboard gives a lasting positive effect.

In addition, a decoction of this herb has long been used by the fair sex to improve the condition of hair, enhance their growth, and prevent hair loss. For weight loss, tea with oregano is also recommended, which helps to remove toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes active bowel cleansing.

Motherinka (oregano) shredded, photo:

You can use "pure" oregano tea (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water), you can combine it with other useful medicinal herbs, this will only enhance their positive effect. For example, to make "Monastic tea", you will need chopped elecampane root, St. John's wort, oregano (take 1 tablespoon of all ingredients), 100 g of rose hips. All ingredients must be mixed, filled with 3 liters of water, brought to a boil, and then infused for 1 hour. Such a drink can be kept cool, drink as much as you like, not forgetting about contraindications.

Before brewing oregano, it can be mixed in equal parts with black or green tea - a healing, invigorating effect will be provided to you. You can also significantly improve the state of the nervous system, for this you do not even have to use a decoction of the plant inside. Take a thermos, pour 50 g of dried leaves with oregano inflorescences with two liters of boiling water, close the lid tightly, leave the "potion" for about 3 hours. After this time, strain the infusion, pour it into a bath with warm water. If you take such baths for at least 20 minutes for 3 weeks (1 time / 2 days), then you will quickly increase your emotional background.

If you are not yet familiar with this plant, be sure to correct the situation, discover another storehouse of useful recipes from nature. Almost all medicinal properties of oregano and contraindications are mentioned by us. Drink healing tea, take soothing baths, add this delicious spice to your meals. Be healthy!

For a long time, the ancient Slavs knew about the healing features of oregano (popularly referred to as a motherboard) and actively used them. Which is understandable, because this plant (or rather, its grass and leaves) has found wide application in gynecology and obstetrics (it is recommended to use it as a general strengthening agent of the human body during pregnancy and menopause).

Of course, today, with the current level of development of various medical and pharmacological technologies, the plant in question is not the only means of salvation, but the use of a medicinal herb has not lost its relevance until now.

Oregano health benefits

In order for the beneficial and healing properties of the mother to be used with maximum benefits for human health, it was developed several medicinal phytotherapeutic forms:

  • Infusions;
  • Broths;
  • Extracts;
  • Liniment;
  • Oils.

In many cases, the motherboard is used together with other medicinal plants, which makes it possible to increase its efficiency many times over.

Properties and contraindications

The healing properties of the mother are of the greatest importance in gynecology (the only contraindication is only individual intolerance).

Endocervicitis, endometritis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, many other diseases of the female body are treated with oregano.

In gynecology, the healing properties of this herb have also found application as a means for the complex treatment of endometriosis.

The benefits of oregano for humans - recipes for health

The motherboard realizes its medicinal properties in properly prepared recipes. The most versatile of these is the composition of three components, where the healing properties of oregano complement the overall effect of the herbal medicine.


  • 100 g of grass and leaves of the motherboard ordinary;
  • 50 g thyme
  • 50 g of immortelle flowers.

Pour the composition with 500 ml of boiling water and stand 24 in a dark room. Consume 100 ml twice a day.

How is oregano useful for women?

About what oregano for women has medicinal properties, the importance that the use of oregano for menopause and for the chest, knew many years ago.

1.100 g oregano;
2.50 g thyme;
3.50 g of yarrow;
4.100 g linden honey.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for two days. Drink 200 ml three times a day. Course - a week.

This plant (or rather, its grass and leaves) is actively used in gynecology and obstetrics (it should be used as a general strengthening agent of the human body during pregnancy and menopause).

As can be understood from all of the above, the collection is recommended to be drunk together with thyme and honey - just like the essential oil synthesized from flowers and herbs of thyme, mixed with essential oil obtained by extracting oregano, has a more pronounced healing effect on hair and face and women's health in general.

Tincture for menopause also proves once again the useful and healing properties of the motherboard.

She prepares like this:

  • 50 g of oregano herb;
  • 50 g thyme

All this is poured in 100 ml of 96% alcohol and infused for a week. Then you will need to consume 1 teaspoon per day three times, during a calendar month.

The use of tea, infusion, decoction or any other dosage form with the presence of this plant in the recipe for women and men has some contraindications, since the possible harm may exceed the expected benefit.

Without a doubt, the motherboard is good for women's health; however, remember to consult your doctor before using any medication.

Oregano during pregnancy: use and contraindications

Oregano photo

The useful and healing properties of the motherboard will come in handy even with a normal pregnancy.

  • a decoction of 100 g of oregano and 1 liter of boiling water will only benefit.

You can not use this plant if you are allergic to it or with eclampsia and preeclampsia.

Medicinal properties of oregano for men

Medicinal properties and contraindications for men are also of interest. You can not drink the proposed decoctions for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, but the infusion of this plant will be shown in case of hormonal disorders.

Please note that the use of tea, infusion, decoction, or any other dosage form with the presence of a motherboard for women and men in the prescription has some contraindications, since the possible harm may exceed the expected benefit.

This is true for various neurological pathologies and hypertension - in this case, the healing properties of oregano may have a completely different effect than expected.

Why is oregano tea useful?

The benefits of this remedy are expressed in a pronounced fortifying, immunity-stimulating action, as well as in helping with a variety of gynecological pathologies. Harm is possible only in case of increased sensitization of the body or incorrect use.

Tincture and collection for colds

Useful and medicinal properties of oregano for colds, sore throats and runny nose will be best used in the form following recipe:

  • 100 g oregano;
  • 100 g;
  • 100 g of oak bark;

All this is poured into 2 liters of boiling water and settled for 24 hours. Consume 1 glass of 3 r. in a day.

Infusion recipe for hypertension

For hypertensive patients, the useful and healing properties of the motherboard are realized in the following recipe:

  • 100 g of flowers of this plant are poured with 200 ml of ethyl medical alcohol and infused for a day. Drink 1 tablespoon.

Another recipe for pressure:

  • 100 g motherboard;
  • 100 g of willow tea;
  • 50 g of yarrow flowers;
  • 50 g of soapwort herb;
  • 100 g oak bark

All this is poured into 2 liters of boiling water and infused for a day. Take two glasses three times a day.

Medicinal properties of oregano for the kidneys

What is most interesting, the scope of use of this plant as a phytotherapeutic drug in gynecology and obstetrics, as well as a drug intended for use as a general strengthening agent of the human body is not the only one. It is also used during pregnancy, menopause, and many other gynecological pathologies of varying severity.

As well as the beneficial and medicinal properties of oregano, it has become appropriate for the treatment of pathology of the urinary system - kidneys, bladder and urethra. In order to be able to achieve maximum efficiency, the use of many plants in one collection is shown, in addition to the one discussed in this article:

  • 100 g motherboard;
  • 100 g St. John's wort;
  • 50 g of wormwood;
  • 100 g of stinging nettle leaves.

All this must be mixed, boiled with boiling water and defended for 24 hours. Then take a glass twice a day, with meals. A very effective remedy that should be used in conjunction with drug therapy.

  • In addition, some nephrologists recommend using a mixture of essential oil of thyme along with essential oil of the motherboard for external use.
  • The resulting composition is evenly applied to the lumbar region and rubbed with force. This allows you to significantly speed up the metabolism in the affected area, since the combined treatment has the maximum healing effect.

Oregano recipes for stomach treatment

As strange as it may sound, the proposed phytotherapeutic drug will also be useful in gastropathology - due to the fact that it reduces the intensity of HCl synthesis by the parietal cells of the stomach, its use is indicated in the case of hyperacid gastritis, along with treatment with pharmacological agents.

In order to achieve maximum performance, the following composition should be used:

  • 100 g motherboard;
  • 100 g St. John's wort;
  • 50 g of blue cornflower flowers;
  • 50 g of soapwort herb;
  • 100 g oak bark

All this is poured into 2 liters of boiling water and infused for a day. 5 tablespoons of baking soda is added. Drink 1 glass three times a day.

A person will need to take such courses several times a year, approximately one month at a time.

Tincture for nervous disorders and insomnia

  • 200 g of motherboard and valerian rhizomes pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 2 days and take two glasses three times a day.

Note:the use of tea, infusion, broth or any other dosage form with the presence of this plant in the recipe for women and men has some contraindications, since the possible harm may exceed the expected benefit.

Oregano for hair and face

Motherboard decoction - good for hair and facial skin.


  • 100 g of herbs per 2 liters of boiling water, but use externally.

Oregano essential oil: properties and uses

The useful and medicinal properties of an ordinary motherboard are realized not only through various decoctions, infusions and other homemade drugs. At the pharmacy, you can buy an essential oil made from the extract of this plant.

But it should be noted that for women and men, the use of essential oil has some contraindications, since all phytoncides and medicinal substances in very high concentrations are its components. Possible harm may exceed the expected benefit in case of non-compliance with the indicated dosage or in the presence of individual intolerance.

By the way, essential oil, prepared on the basis of this plant (flowers, grass and leaves are used) has found widespread use in gynecology and cosmetology.

Essential oil, synthesized from flowers and leaves of thyme, mixed with essential oil of oregano, has a more pronounced healing effect on hair, face and women's health in general, so other plants can be added to this composition.


In Russia, among shrubs, on hills, glades and forest edges, oregano grows independently, it is motherboard, oregano, brass blossom, incense. In France and North America, this unique plant is cultivated because they know that the beneficial properties of the herb can heal almost any ailment.

Oregano herb - medicinal properties

A perennial herb looks like a tall stem with pink-purple inflorescences. It is not for nothing that it is called the perfume color, since the aroma comes from it bewitching. The grass blooms from July to August, and when harvesting, only the upper part of the incense is cut off, leaving the stem 20-30 cm.Oregano tea is known throughout the world, because it is incredibly tasty and fragrant, much softer and more pleasant than the herbal drink made from thyme.

The medicinal properties of oregano have been established by physicians for a long time. This is mainly the high antibacterial and soothing activity of the plant. Motherboard - indications for admission:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • toothache;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • intestinal atony;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • convulsions with rheumatism;
  • skin diseases;
  • fungal infections.

In addition, the perfume has an expectorant, diaphoretic effect, has a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Some more indications of a medicinal plant in medicine:

  • chronic or acute bronchitis;
  • secretory gastrointestinal insufficiency;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis.

Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications for women

One of the names of the plant is motherboard, because the herb heals many female ailments. In folk medicine, it has found its application as an effective drug that relieves discomfort during menopause. The healing properties of oregano helps to normalize the disturbed hormonal background. Decoctions and infusions of spirit color are recommended for teenage girls who have poor breast development. Oregano is contraindicated for women while waiting for a child, as it can cause uterine contraction, bleeding and termination of pregnancy.

Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications for men

As already mentioned, the perennial herb incense is a female herb, so men are not recommended to use it in large quantities. A fragrant spicy spice can affect potency, cause the predominance of female hormones. Oregano is useful for men, if there are no contraindications, a short course in the form of tea:

  • to improve digestion;
  • with a cold;
  • with diseases of the respiratory system;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with diabetes;
  • with exacerbation of an ulcer.

Oregano - application

Tannins, essential oils and a high percentage of mother mother ascorbic acid have a beneficial effect on people who are depressed, help with prolonged stress, insomnia, epilepsy. It is a natural antibiotic that fights all sorts of liver inflammations, including jaundice. However, the use of oregano is useful not only inside. The herb of beauty is actively used in cosmetology to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin, cleanse pores, and eliminate dandruff.

The essence of spirit color is widely used in homeopathy for the treatment of hysteria, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension. Another indication of the plant is additional therapy for malignant tumors of any etiology. In cooking, oregano is used dried or fresh to make fish sauces, salads and meat dishes. The spice facilitates digestion, stimulates the appetite. The seasoning is useful for constipation because it has a mild laxative effect.

Video: medicinal properties of oregano

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Forest mint, dushmyanka, motherboard, bee-lover, oregano. All these are the names of the well-known oregano The unique properties of the plant have long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. But in order for the herb to show itself in all its strength, it must be used correctly. Taking into account not only useful properties, but also contraindications.

The homeland of oregano is the Mediterranean. Origanum vulgare L belongs to the Lipo family. It is a relative of no less useful and spicy herbs: basil, mint, marjoram, sage, thyme, lemon balm.

You can recognize Origanum by the following features:

  • straight tetrahedral stem with branching at the top;
  • oblong-ovate leaves with radicular attachment to the stem. Their color is deep green, size from 1.5 to 4.5 cm;
  • paniculate reddish-lilac or pale pink inflorescences with a tart fragrant odor.

The distribution area covers the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The plant is unpretentious and grows well on all types of soil. But it feels best on moist loam and light sandy loam.

You can watch all the beauty of oregano bloom in the second half of summer. In late August - early September, small seeds appear. Origanum propagates both by seed and vegetatively.

Growing and harvesting

It will not be difficult to cultivate oregano on the farm. The plant will delight you with a fragrant trail and decorative qualities.

  • choose a well-lit area without moisture stagnation;
  • the land must be prepared in the fall: dig it up and fertilize with manure, superphosphate or nitrate;
  • in April, plant seeds are sown directly into the ground without burying and sprinkled with peat;
  • with the appearance of the first shoots (after 10-14 days), the seedlings are thinned out.

If the climate is capricious, it is better to use the seedling method. Sowing is carried out in February-March. Bushes are planted in the ground in late May or early June. During the care process, it is important to water on time and regularly remove weeds. Oregano blooms only after a year. In one place, it gives good shoots up to 4-5 years.

Oregano bloom is long: from July to September. For medicinal purposes, the herb is harvested when about 3/4 of the inflorescences have blossomed. In order for a dry grass mixture to retain its beneficial properties for up to 3 years, observe several harvesting rules:

  1. The collection of raw materials is carried out in dry weather as early as possible. Morning dew must definitely disappear.
  2. Only strong plants are chosen: weak peduncles with signs of lesions cannot be collected.
  3. The stem is cut with a secateurs 15-30 cm from the soil.
  4. Raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on cotton fabrics in a ventilated room or under a street shed, avoiding direct sunlight.

Once the stems are brittle, the oregano is ready for storage.

Medicinal properties of oregano

The wide range of therapeutic effects of Origanum vulgare is due to its complex chemical composition. The healing parts of the plant contain tannins, thymol and phenol, ascorbic acid, and also:

  • oil components;
  • quarkalol, geranyl acetate;
  • ether compounds;
  • hormone-like substances and vitamins.

Oregano owes its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties to essential oils. Their effect is comparable to the first generation of antibiotics.

As practice shows, Origanum vulgare relieves many women's problems. Achievements in cosmetology and medicine do not prevent the beautiful half of humanity from successfully testing herbalist recipes.

Motherland - female grass

Cosmetology. Rejuvenating masks with oregano improve the complexion, tone and fill the skin with moisture.

Course application will smooth out mimic wrinkles and give a shade of light tan.

For a slim figure. The ability to break down subcutaneous fat and restore tissue structure has made the motherboard an effective home spa remedy.

Oregano is a part of anti-cellulite programs used in professional beauty salons.

Increased milk production in nursing mothers. Due to poor ecology, artificial feeding has become the norm. But our grandmothers also knew very well that oregano tea increases milk production during breastfeeding. In addition, the infusion will accelerate the postpartum contraction of the uterus and the passage of lochia.

Application in gynecology. The contribution of oregano to the health of the fair half is multifaceted:

  1. The mother's infusion normalizes the ovaries and the production of female hormones, which is useful for restoring the menstrual cycle.
  2. The herb copes with painful cyclical manifestations and specific female inflammations: colpitis, cervicitis, itching and others.
  3. Oregano is used to stimulate the development of the female reproductive system and mammary glands in girls of slender constitution.
  4. The herb will help calmly survive menopause and gently enter the state of menopause. The infusion will eliminate nervousness and insomnia, balance hormonal changes. Douching will support the reparative capabilities of the vaginal epithelium.

When using oregano, it is important to follow the exact recipe, and then the healing effect will be noticed by women with a variety of problems.

What is interesting about oregano for men

A specific indication for the use of infusions and decoctions of oregano by men is the elimination of dependence on psychoactive substances. First of all, this is alcoholism and tobacco smoking. But Origanum vulgare cannot be called a male herb due to its specific side effect.

The complex of sedative compounds of oregano reduces the sex drive of men. With regular use, especially the mono-composition, male sexual performance is markedly reduced. In rare cases, impotence develops.

Such prospects will scare anyone, so the range of applications for the stronger sex boils down to general problems:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervousness, insomnia;
  • colds.

At the same time, it is better if oregano acts as an auxiliary component with a maximum course intake for 20-30 days once a year.

How to use Origanum vulgare

Popular experience offers many ways to extract the healing power of the mother. Infusions, decoctions, oil distillates, steaming and baths - everything goes into action. But the thoughtless use of everything at once is unacceptable. Herbs are drugs of complex composition, and if you want to connect them to therapy, you need to know the effect of each method.


Decoctions are obtained by prolonged heating of plant materials placed in water. Due to the slow and prolonged work of the composition in the body, the therapeutic effect of decoctions is more powerful than that of infusions and teas. Indications for the use of decoctions with oregano:

Plants with coarse stems, rhizomes are boiled for up to 15 minutes over low heat, but this method is not suitable for oregano.

Cooking in a water bath:

  • pour 2 tbsp into a small container. spoons of raw materials and pour 250 ml of hot water;
  • immerse the container in a large pot of boiling water so that the container is a third in water;
  • Simmer "bath" on the fire for 20-30 minutes, then strain the broth.

Depending on the purpose and the presence of other herbs, the exposure time, the ratio of water may vary. We offer several popular recipes with a motherboard.

Carminative broth with increased gas production. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon oregano and chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup, chilled to room temperature, in the morning and evening 20 minutes before meals.

Diaphoretic for colds. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of oregano, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry raspberry berries and leaves of coltsfoot. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and simmer in the "bath" for 20-25 minutes. Take hot (36-38 ° C) in a glass 3-4 times a day.

Decoctions for menopause:

  1. To normalize the emotional background, pour 3 teaspoons of dry raw materials with a glass of hot water and keep on the "bath" for 15 minutes. The composition is taken 1 \\ 2 cup 3 times a day.
  2. To reduce hot flashes 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide of the drug pour 2/3 glass of water. Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Take a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

Complex therapy of fungal infections. For ingestion, a decoction is prepared - a tablespoon of dry oregano leaves is placed in a glass of boiling water and simmered over the fire for 10-15 minutes. Drink a glass of warm solution 2 times a day. At the same time, lubricate the affected areas of the body with the essential oil of the motherboard. The therapy lasts 2-3 weeks. If necessary, take a break for a month and repeat everything.

Preparation of infusions and their action

Unlike decoctions, infusions do not boil or languish. Extraction occurs naturally when the raw material is placed in hot and sometimes cold water. Indications for receiving motherboard infusions:

  • nervous irritability, sleep disturbances;
  • headaches;
  • stomatitis, halitosis;
  • violations of puberty in girls;
  • increased libido;
  • insufficient lactation;
  • atony of the stomach with a decrease in secretory activity;
  • sluggish intestinal peristalsis.

Oregano baths for dermatitis. Pour 200 g of dry raw materials with 5 liters of boiling water. Close the container tightly, wrap it in a thick blanket. After 3 hours, strain the ready-made infusion. Pour the resulting volume into a hot water bath (37-40 °). The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory infusion. Prepare a mixture of herbs at the rate of 6 parts of oak bark, 4 parts of oregano, 1 part of marshmallow root. 2 tbsp. Spoons of the composition pour 1 \\ 2 liters of boiling water. Cool and strain the infusion. Use for rinsing with dental problems, tonsillitis. The remedy is effective for herpes, boils and other skin rashes.

To improve intestinal peristalsis. 2 tsp chopped herbs insist in a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day before meals, 100 ml of warm infusion.

Herbal decoctions and infusions are not intended for long-term storage. Their beneficial properties persist for 2 days, after which you will have to brew a fresh product.


A drink made from spicy herbs, traditional for the Russian table, will bring many benefits. Tea differs from infusions and decoctions in a low concentration of the active substance.

  • with problems of the female reproductive system at childbearing age - especially with cycle failures;
  • in case of painful hot flashes of menopause;
  • with poor appetite, anorexia nervosa;
  • with anxiety, increased excitability;
  • in the complex therapy of allergic asthma.

Regular tea drinking with oregano has a tonic effect.

To prepare a drink with a delicate taste with a tart herbal aroma, you need to follow the recipe exactly:

  1. 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials is poured into a dry, heated to about 30 ° ceramic teapot.
  2. The container is poured with boiling water (90-95 °). After adding water in the kettle, an air cushion of 1.5-2 cm should remain on top.
  3. The kettle is closed with a lid and covered with a double-folded cotton towel.

After 10-15 minutes, the drink is poured into wide tea cups: this way the opening of the aroma notes is better felt. Don't overdo the tea. Otherwise, you get a weak infusion with slightly different properties.

Essential oil

Produced by steam distillation from fresh or dry raw materials. The concentration of essential substances reaches 0.2-0.5%. Has a tart floral aroma with woody tea and camphor notes. Applicable:

  • alone or in combination with other oils;
  • externally, internally, by inhaling odors.

Outdoor use:

  1. Joint problems, radiculitis. Mix 1 cup of flaxseed with 1.5 cups of boiling water, 50-70 drops of oregano oil. Apply a warm compress (37 ° C) to the affected area, cover with polyethylene and gauze. Application time up to 30-40 minutes.
  2. Muscular neuralgia, post-workout discomfort, sprains. Mix 50-70 drops of oregano oil with a glass of cool water, moisten gauze and apply a compress for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Dentistry. In case of toothache, rub 1-2 drops of oil into the gum of the affected tooth; in case of acute pain, put a swab soaked in oil in a hollow. For the prevention of stomatitis, periodontal disease, breath freshening, apply a drop of oil to the toothbrush and carry out normal oral hygiene.
  4. Fungal infection - 2-3 times a day, the previously cleaned area is treated with oregano oil. treatment continues until the symptoms disappear completely.

It also disinfects and reduces the discomfort caused by insect bites, accelerates wound healing. Herpes, acne, boils will disappear faster after treatment with oregano oil.

Oral administration. You cannot take pure essential oil. It must be diluted in a liquid or oil base.

  1. Helminthic invasions. Dilute 2-3 drops of oil in a glass of warm milk or water. It is taken once a day for 1-1.5 months. Eliminates roundworms.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract. 2-3 drops are mixed with st. spoon of honey or jam, 150 ml of milk, juice.
  3. SARS, respiratory diseases, flu. A piece of refined sugar is soaked with 2-3 drops of oil and taken 3-4 times a day. Sugar can be replaced with st. a spoonful of honey.

For children under 14 years of age, the dosage is reduced by a drop.


Conducted on the basis of processing 15kv. m premises:

  • achieving pacification and peace of mind - add 1-2 drops of oregano oil to the aroma lamp;
  • removal of chronic fatigue syndrome, restoration of strength - add essential oils to the aroma-burner: oregano and tea tree - 1 drop each, thyme and orange - 2 drops each;
  • elimination of irritability, an attack of hysteria, children's hyperactivity, as well as in stressful situations, aromatization with a mixture of oils from a drop of oregano, 2 drops of marjoram, 3 drops of lavender is effective.

The duration of air sessions is 30-60 minutes. Oils are placed in aroma lamps, aromatherapy machines, inhalers, medallions.

Scented baths

Water treatments with oregano have two main purposes:

  • solving skin problems or just keeping the body in good shape;
  • impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person.

Preparation of a shared bath:

  1. 200-250 gr. Brew dry raw materials with 3 liters of boiling water.
  2. Insist for 2 hours or steam for 40-60 minutes in a water bath. Strain and pour into the bath.
  3. The water temperature for the procedure is 36-38 ° C. The duration is 15-25 minutes.

Local baths:

  1. 15-20 gr. Brew dry herbs in 10 liters of boiling water.
  2. Insist in a warm place for 2 hours or steam in a water bath.
  3. Strain and apply without dilution with water. The temperature regime and time for taking local baths are similar to the general procedure.

A course of 10-12 daily procedures will relieve fungal infections, allergic rashes and dermatitis. Calms the nerves and activates the body's internal reserves.

The cosmetic effect is equivalent to the salt effect: fatty deposits are broken down, turgor increases, and a slight shade of bronze appears.


A wide spectrum of action of the herb inevitably turns into contraindications:

  1. People with cardiovascular diseases should use motherboard drugs with caution, and even its essential oil is dangerous for hypertension.
  2. It is better to refuse spicy herbs for women with heavy menstruation, so as not to cause bleeding.
  3. Taking oregano is not compatible with pregnancy. The herb causes the walls of the uterus and the pelvic floor muscles to contract, resulting in miscarriages. Even a single intake of a concentrated broth can provoke trouble.
  4. Do not use oregano for acidic gastritis and ulcers.

Even in the absence of obvious contraindications, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner before a course of herbal therapy.


Oregano is one of the most popular herbs for natural healing lovers. It is available, tastes good and fragrant, gives a quick and lasting effect.

But, no matter how much you want to get rid of problems faster, when making herbal remedies from oregano, you need to follow the recipe and recommendations for use. Overdose is fraught with exacerbation of chronic ailments. And the most important thing: in case of serious diseases, herbs do not replace, but supplement the methods of official medicine.

You can learn about the beneficial properties and methods of cooking oregano from the following video:

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