Instructions for use of the drug Fermatron plus and its analogues (with prices and reviews)

Fermatron is a medicine that has a positive effect on the structural elements of the joints. We can say that this is a substitute for intra-articular fluid. Therefore, the treatment of pathology of the musculoskeletal system often includes the use of Fermatron. In order to better understand the mechanism of the effect of the drug on the body as a whole and in particular on the joint, it is necessary to consider in detail the composition and properties of its main components. Due to the fact that the price of the drug is not available to everyone, analogues of the drug, such as Gialur, should also be considered. Which analogues are better and how much they cost, read below.

The drug is available as a solution for injection. Such a solution can be purchased ready-made in disposable syringes. One syringe contains 2 ml of the drug. In this case, the concentration of the active component can be 1%, 1.5% and 2%. The manufacturer is a well-known company from the UK, so the quality of the product can be trusted.

The instruction notes that Fermatron Plus contains sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) in phosphate buffer. This substance is a natural component of intra-articular fluid. As you know, age-related changes, as well as injuries, can lead to the fact that the synovial fluid loses its properties, its amount decreases. Since it takes part in the nutrition of cartilage, the lack of hyaluronate leads to its thinning. As a result, the joint begins to function poorly.

The treatment of this condition consists in the introduction of artificial substitutes for joint fluid into the joint. This is exactly the composition of Fermatron plus. The manufacturer notes that treatment with this drug contributes to the appearance of the following pharmacological action:

  • restoration of the properties of the intra-articular fluid, primarily the protective function and visco-elastic properties;
  • decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process;
  • decrease in the severity of pain syndrome;
  • restoration of joint function (reviews note that there is a significant increase in mobility);
  • normalization of cartilage nutrition and improvement of metabolic processes in it;
  • protection of intra-articular cartilage tissue from damage;
  • stimulation of the formation of its own hyaluronic acid.

It should be noted that the active substance acts on the cause of the disease, and not only eliminates the consequences. This feature gives even more advantages to the drug, which is confirmed by the instructions.

When use is not justified

Before starting treatment, it should be borne in mind that each medicine has certain indications and contraindications for use. First, consider the main indications for the use of Fermatron plus. These include pathologies such as:

  1. Osteoartitis.
  2. Osteoarthritis.
  3. Recovery period after undergoing arthroscopic interventions.

Especially the drug is indicated for use when a large synovial joint is affected. Reviews note that most often injections of the drug are necessary when the knee joint is involved in the pathological process.

Contraindications include intolerance to the components that make up the drug. The instruction also notes that it should not be injected into the joint in the presence of an acute purulent-inflammatory process and with symptoms of skin lesions at the site of the intended injection. It is worth noting that the presence of wounds, scratches and abrasions is also considered a contraindication to the administration of the drug. Failure to comply with this recommendation can lead to the spread of the pathological process to healthy areas.

Unreasonable will be the use of synovitis. This condition is due to the fact that excess fluid accumulates in the intraarticular cavity. If the drug is injected into such a joint, then the active substance is diluted, and its effectiveness is significantly reduced. It is better to wait until the acute inflammation subsides and the amount of exudate in the cavity decreases.

Mode of application

Fermatron instructions recommend using only in the clinic. This is due to the fact that the drug is injected into the synovial cavity of the affected joint. Doing such injections on your own or trusting this procedure to persons without appropriate training should not be.

Introduction Fermatron plus should only be performed by a qualified specialist. Joint injections should be given once a week. The dosage is determined by the severity of degenerative-dystrophic processes and the individual need for the drug. Usually treatment consists in the introduction of 2 ml of Fermatron plus into the knee joint. However, in some cases, more injections may be required.

Treatment can last from 1 to 3 weeks. In the future, supportive therapy is selected. Patient reviews indicate that improvement occurs after the introduction of one ampoule of Fermatron Plus. Clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of the drug, a reliable positive result is observed after 4 injections of the drug. And the resulting favorable effect persists for at least six months after the course of treatment, which is confirmed by many reviews.

Cost and similar means

The main disadvantage of the drug is that its price is quite high, which makes treatment with Fermatron plus inaccessible to many. In this regard, it is important to know that there are its analogues. And as the reviews note, their action is the same, but the cost can be more pleasant. The most famous analogues are ostenil, synocrom, duralan, hyalur. The table shows the price of the drug and its analogues.

Fermatron plus is considered one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of joint diseases. In fact, it is an artificial synovial fluid. Thanks to its introduction, it is possible to improve the functional state of the musculoskeletal system. Reviews note that for the normalization of function, many need only one injection into the joint. At the same time, the effect of the application remains for a long time.

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