Yoga for cervical osteochondrosis: the benefits and rules for doing exercises

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is an age-related pathology that affects every third person. The disease is fraught with the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms, for example, constant headaches, pain in the neck, dizziness. There are many ways to treat this disease. Yoga for osteochondrosis of the cervical region favors the removal of muscle tension, makes it possible to get rid of discomfort in the cervical region.

This disease is characterized by limited mobility in the vertebrae, which is due to changes in the intervertebral cartilage. As a result, there is an increase in friction between the vertebrae, this is the cause of pain, aching and discomfort during movements. In the future, intervertebral discs lose elasticity, compression is noted, this contributes to the progression of destructive processes.

Factors provoking the development of the disease

The cervical region is the most vulnerable to complications, the development of which is provoked by improper vital activity. Currently, many, even young people, are familiar with pains of a pulling nature in the back area due to prolonged work in a sitting position or intense physical labor. In addition, the following factors can provoke the occurrence of osteochondrosis in the neck:

  • impaired posture is the main cause of the development of pathology;
  • sedentary work or lack of physical activity can irreparably damage the back and neck area;
  • improper diet and the presence of addictions;
  • the presence of a hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • overweight;
  • frequent stress and emotional overstrain.

Under the influence of any of these factors, the risk of developing osteochondrosis increases.

The effect of yoga on the spine

The use of yoga in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical region helps to effectively normalize metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, eliminate muscle tension and strengthen muscles. In the process of training, a reinforced muscular corset is formed, which securely holds the spinal column. By reducing the load on the spine, a positive effect on the body as a whole is observed.

Since asanas in yoga are performed slowly, there is no tension on the spine, it is stretched and flexibility is improved. As a result, the body is healed and the immune system is strengthened. All this can be achieved if you regularly do exercises for the cervical region.

As a result of research by American scientists, it was found that yoga for the cervical spine with osteochondrosis is more effective than drug therapy. The main requirement is the right exercises.

When exercising, blood flow improves, it is intensively saturated with oxygen, which is important both for the spine and for other body systems. Another great advantage of yoga is that the exercises can be performed by a person of any age category. Yoga is equally beneficial for both the child and the elderly.

The purpose of yoga in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical region is to solve such problems:

  1. Eliminates spasm and relaxes the muscular system. Such an action is required both in the process of treating pathology and for preventive purposes. In this regard, the performance of asanas is possible even if a person is not diagnosed with osteochondrosis.
  2. The cervical muscles, shoulder, pectoral, and also all upper spinal muscles are strengthened. Such an action of gymnastics can also benefit not only people diagnosed with osteochondrosis.
  3. The spinal column is extended. Natural stretch helps the cervical region stay healthy when there are no hernias and protrusions. Training will help minimize existing herniation by absorbing protruding tissues into the intervertebral discs.

Yoga is a gymnastics that allows you to achieve mental balance by focusing energy and knowing inner peace, as well as restoring health to the body. Performing these exercises helps to heal not only the body, but also the mind. In other words, yoga is a science that allows you to live harmoniously. Next, we will consider a set of exercises that help improve the cervical region and back. If desired, there is the possibility of individual selection of complex training.

For people who have not done yoga before, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations before starting the exercises:

  • If osteochondrosis of the cervical region is diagnosed, it is imperative to get advice from the attending physician regarding the permissible load.
  • Before starting classes, you should forget about all the experiences and problems. The best option is to turn on relaxing music, distract from external difficulties and immerse yourself in your own inner world.
  • Yoga exercises should be performed slowly and diligently so that you can feel how each muscle works and stretches.
  • You should not focus on discomfort, you need to relax and try to detach from physical sensations. When an acute pain syndrome occurs, classes should be suspended.
  • The room where classes are held must be ventilated. It is also possible to conduct asanas on the street. This has a positive effect on the quality of gymnastics and a relaxed state.
  • It is better to do exercises in the morning or in the evening. In the case of training in the morning, it is recommended to take time to rest after gymnastics in order to restore strength. Performing exercises in the evening should end with meditation and going to bed.
  • In addition to yoga, in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is recommended to swim in the pool or open water. This has a positive effect on the spinal muscles, which allows you to speed up the cure of the pathology.
  • At the end of the workout, you can take a warm shower or bath to relax your muscles.
  • If you have problems with your back and neck, you need to pay attention to the quality of your mattress. It is recommended to replace it with an orthopedic one. Thanks to the orthopedic surface, the spine is maintained in the correct position, it relaxes and recovers.

Yoga classes have a direct effect on mood. After a couple of weeks of doing the exercises, a person becomes more balanced, after a month he feels a significant improvement in the cervical region. After a couple of months, the severity of aching pains in the back and neck will decrease due to sedentary work. In the future, a person gets used to doing gymnastics, even when recovering, he will not want to give it up. In addition, yoga promotes the acquisition of slender and toned forms, improved flexibility, increased self-esteem and improved mood.


Having decided to start getting rid of pathology through yoga, you should reconsider your own diet. The diet should include plenty of plant foods. In addition, alcohol, nicotine, antibiotics and preservatives should be excluded from the diet. Any products that have been obtained through repeated processing should not be eaten. Therefore, it is worth abandoning sausages, pickled vegetables and fruits, and canned food.

You should not eat yesterday's soups and side dishes, it is better to cook in such quantity that is eaten at one time. It is not recommended to drink even tea that has stood for several hours, as this is already poison.

Breathing during yoga

Yoga classes in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck should begin with breathing exercises. You need to inhale only through the nose. During inhalation, the abdomen and chest expand, and during exhalation, contraction occurs. If you alternate the number and duration of breaths with exhalations, the regeneration process starts:

  1. We inhale for 3 counts, then exhale for 1. The exercise is repeated 10-20 times.
  2. Inhale sharply and exhale smoothly for 3 counts. We repeat the training 10-20 times.
  3. To begin with, the right nostril is closed with the help of a finger and inhalation and exhalation is often done for a minute with the left one, then the left one is closed and the procedure is repeated with the right nostril.
  4. We breathe completely: we inhale deeply with the stomach, then with the chest and collarbones. The exhalation time increases by 2 times, and you need to exhale in the reverse order (first the collarbones, then the chest and abdomen). The exercise is repeated 10-20 times.

Exercises for the cervical region during yoga

Let's get acquainted with yoga exercises in the treatment of osteochondrosis in the neck, suitable even for a beginner in this field. Before classes, a rug is spread in a room where a person will feel comfortable and will not be distracted.

First you need to relax and do a little meditation. To do this, you need to sit on the rug, cross-legged "Turkish" or in the lotus position - the main thing is to be comfortable. In this position, the eyes are closed and thoughts are released that connect with worldly fuss.

The duration of the training is not limited. When you feel ready to do the exercises, you can open your eyes.

We stand on our feet and make breathing movements: during inhalation, the hands rise up and bring their palms together (namaste), you need to stretch to the top and at the same time rise on your toes. While exhaling, we return to the starting position. We do 5 repetitions.

The training is done while standing. We lower our hands along the body. Carefully make circular movements with the head in one direction, then in the other. This helps to warm up the neck muscles.

Now the head is turned and held slightly with the hand to feel the muscles in the neck stretch. Training is done in one direction and the other. With the chin we touch the chest and linger. Then we throw our head back and try to relax in this position.

We stand, put our feet together, raise our hands to the maximum exactly above our heads and fold our palms inward. One leg will rise, bend at the knee joint and put on the leg, which serves as a support. So you need to stand for a few seconds. We do the same with the other leg.

We become in the pose of a Warrior. To do this, a lunge is made with one foot, the second is leveled. Hands are released from the floor and rise to the top in namaste to the maximum. The back should be kept straight, trying to create one line with the arms. We linger in this position, then repeat with the other leg.

Yoga classes in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical region sometimes seem slightly debilitating to beginners. In this case, it is recommended to recover with the next training.

The exercise is called "baby position". You need to lie down on the mat, bend your knees under you, stretch your arms along the body, touch the mat with your forehead. In this position, you should breathe deeply to restore strength.

Pose - sitting on your knees. Hands are extended forward. You need to push with your hands and bend in the back. Then lie down, leaning on your hands, bend to the maximum in the lower back, while pressing your legs and hips to the floor. Then you need to return to the starting position and repeat the training again.

This exercise is called "dog position". Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, lower the torso, rest your palms on the floor. We stretch our hips to the top so that an angle is formed. The heels should be completely on the mat. From the position, you need to return to the standing position, by gradually unwinding the ridge.

In a standing position, we fold our hands in namaste, raise them to the top and make a backbend. We linger for a few seconds. Then you need to balance the training by lowering your hands to your feet.

In a standing position, the arms are folded in the form of a lock at the back, a backward deflection is made. We linger to feel the maximum tension of the spinal and neck muscles.

In a standing position, placing your feet shoulder-width apart, hands fold in namaste. The body gradually bends to form a parallel with the rug.

You need to sit on the mat, stretching your legs forward. We make inclinations to the feet, stretching out our arms so that a straight line is created with the torso. When the maximum stretch is reached, you need to fix. Then energy compensation is carried out by carrying out exercises 6.

At the end of the training, the person will feel how the back and neck muscles have relaxed. After doing exercises to replenish energy, you can meditate.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

In addition to yoga, the treatment of osteochondrosis can be supplemented by the observance of certain rules and restrictions:

  • Avoid stress on the spine in the form of running, jumping and other impacts.
  • Interrupt sedentary work hourly for a five-minute motor break.
  • When traveling in a car, wear seat belts.
  • Use a properly selected orthopedic mattress and pillow during sleep.
  • Bathe daily under a hot shower, steam in a bath or sauna once every 7 days. It helps to get rid of muscle spasms in the neck.
  • Walk regularly, preferably daily.
  • Do aerobic exercise at least twice a week.
  • Eat in moderation, but follow a nutritious diet.

Yoga classes with cervical osteochondrosis help strengthen immunity, restore mobility of the spinal column, and develop flexibility. However, do not forget that for the treatment of pathology, it is initially recommended to use physiotherapy exercises, and not yoga. Such gymnastics is based on medical research and accurately doses the load on the cervical region of the ridge. Therapeutic exercises help eliminate headaches and neck pain, restore natural muscle tone, relieve tension. Only when the cervical region is restored, you can start practicing yoga.

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