Heel spur treatment with medical bile

A heel spur is a painful formation on the back of the heel, which does not allow the patient to fall on the entire foot at once, as a result of which the limb is deformed and the gait changes.

The heel spur is clearly visible on the x-ray, and after the diagnosis of the disease, the patient is sent for physiotherapy.

But physiotherapy, as you know, takes a lot of time, it is not shown to everyone and is quite expensive. It is much cheaper to undergo treatment with medical bile (250 ml costs about 190-250 rubles), which is sold without a prescription and shows good results. What is typical, before starting treatment, you should still consult with a specialist.

In the initial stages, the heel spur does not manifest itself in any way, which means that it is impossible to identify it in a timely manner. The radiograph clearly shows the neoplasm, the brightness and density of which are the same as those of the bone tissue. In this regard, one gets the impression that this formation is just a continuation of the bone, which outwardly resembles a pointed spike.

Note! Spurs come in different sizes. By the intensity of pain, it is not always possible to determine what size spur a particular person has. Often the length of the spike varies between 0.3-1.1 cm. The sharp end of the spike is directed towards the fingers and slightly bent upwards.

Basic information about the drug

Medical bile is a preparation of animal origin, which is a dark yellow liquid. Pharmacies sell mainly bear bile, although preparations from other animals are often found. The product consists of ethyl alcohol, furacilin, antiseptics and various stabilizers.

It is actively used in both folk and traditional medicine. With its help, diseases of the spine, arthrosis and, of course, heel spurs are treated. By the way, in the case of spurs, treatment can be carried out at home.

The described drug acts as follows:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • spreads a spur;
  • relieves pain syndrome.

Sold in bottles of 100 ml or 250 ml, intended for external use. What is characteristic, before each use, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly.

It is also worth noting that medical bile has effective warming properties, but when it is taken, as well as in the case of any other drug, there are contraindications. Let's get acquainted with them.


The use of the drug is contraindicated in people who have:

  • allergy;
  • trauma;
  • skin damage;
  • lymphadenitis.

In addition, it is forbidden to use it in pediatrics - the child's skin is too tender and sensitive, and bile can cause severe irritation.

Note! The effectiveness of treatment will decrease if, along with medical bile, a person takes hops, clover, peony, thyme, licorice and parsley.

As for the side effects, there is only one here - the skin turns red at the site of the compress, but this disappears immediately after the exposure stops. The next course can be started at least a month later, not earlier.

Heel spur treatment with medical bile

The described remedy is actively used for heel spurs, and the treatment itself is very effective. Some publications say that sometimes people get rid of the spur after four or five days after the start of the reception, but this is questionable. Indeed, after four to five days, pain when walking may decrease, but to completely get rid of the heel spur, about twenty procedures are required.

There are several methods of treatment using medical bile. Let's get acquainted with them.

Method one. Regular healing compress

The bottom line is this. A small piece of cotton fabric or gauze, folded six to eight times, soaked in bile, is applied to the heel. Waxed paper is applied over the compress, then all this is bandaged, and a woolen sock is put on the leg in order to securely fix the bandage. The compress should be applied before going to bed, and removed only the next morning.

Warm compress on the heels under the socks

After removal, the heel area is wiped with some kind of alcohol tincture or lotion, but is not washed. Approximately after the fifth procedure, the long-awaited relief will come, but it is not necessary to stop the treatment in any case. The fact is that a stable result, as noted above, will appear only after the twentieth procedure.

Note! In case of long-term treatment, it is advisable to repeat the course in one to two months. In this case, the course itself should not last more than one month.

Method two. Medical bile with vodka

To prepare the following compress you will need:

  • bile (50 g);
  • vodka (20 g);
  • any shampoo (20 g).

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the sore heel in the same way as in the previous method (bandage + wax paper + bandage + warm sock). To obtain a more or less lasting effect, this procedure should be carried out at least three times. After removing the compress, it is not recommended to wash the leg, let the bile and smell disgusting.

Method three. Bile with pepper

The technique is no different from the methods described above, but the ingredients are as follows:

All this is mixed in a 1 liter jar and closed with a plastic lid. By the way, you can not cut the pepper, but throw it whole. The product is infused in a cool, dimly lit place for no more than three days, after which it is filtered.

You need to store the tincture in the refrigerator, but not longer than seven days - after this period, a new remedy is being prepared.

Method four. Steaming and compress

Before going to bed, you need to steam your legs by holding them in hot water for half an hour.

Further, a piece of cotton wool soaked in bile is applied only to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot (in contact with healthy skin, the drug can cause a burn). A piece of polyethylene is applied on top, after which the leg is bandaged. Then a warm sock is put on, and the person goes to bed.

In the morning, the compress can be removed, but you can leave it for the whole day (you can’t throw away the cotton!). In the evening, the leg is steamed again, the same piece of cotton is applied to the spur, but with a new portion of the drug. As a rule, after two months a person recovers.

Note! If after some of the compresses an allergic reaction occurs, then under the bandage you can put gauze folded four times.

Basic rules of treatment

That's all. Be healthy!

Video - Heel spurs

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