How to treat cold urticaria. How to avoid the occurrence of cold urticaria

Cold urticaria is one of the types of allergic reactions in the body. Most often it occurs as a result of exposure to low temperatures, dampness, high humidity. How to treat such a disease? Are there any ways to deal with it?

What it is

Urticaria is a reaction on the skin under the influence of certain factors. It is diagnosed in children and adults, regardless of gender. Hives are not contagious; they are not spread from one person to another.

The cold form of urticaria is the response of the skin to the effects of cold. It manifests itself in the form of rashes of a red or pink hue, accompanied by intense itching. Cold urticaria has a code according to ICD-10 L50.2.

Cold allergies often occur after swimming in cold water. Symptoms in patients differ - some have intense manifestations, others suffer less. Distributed in cold countries.

The disease is more susceptible to young people and children over five years old. Cold urticaria in children often goes away with age on its own. There are acute and chronic stages of the disease.


What is the mechanism of development of cold urticaria? Under the influence of a provoking factor - cold - the destruction of granules present in mast cells occurs. As a result, certain active substances are released that contribute to the development of urticaria. The main substance in this case is histamine.

An excess amount leads to an increase in vascular permeability, increased blood flow, as a result of which a negative reaction is noted on the skin.

When reacting to cold, it is possible to release other active substances that affect the condition of the skin. In such cases, the use of antihistamines does not give the desired result.

Signs of the disease

How does cold urticaria manifest? Symptoms of this type of urticaria do not differ from other types.

The reaction to a stimulus manifests itself within five to twenty minutes. In some cases, symptoms may occur after a few hours. What is the characteristic of cold fever?


  • Red blisters on the epidermis, single or multiple, can merge into large spots,
  • Severe itching, intense, sometimes unbearable,
  • Deterioration of health, weakness,
  • Painful sensations in muscles, joints,
  • Headache, dizziness,
  • Light-headedness or fainting,
  • Swelling of tissues in contact with cold
  • Difficulty breathing, runny nose, watery eyes,
  • Nausea, in rare cases, a gag reflex,
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.

Symptoms appear fairly quickly. disappear gradually when returning to a warm environment. Cold urticaria is classified into several types.


  1. Sharp. It is characterized by a sharp manifestation of symptoms, in rare cases, severe reactions occur. Symptoms also disappear quickly.
  2. Reflex. An allergic reaction is present only in areas of the epidermis in contact with the cold.
  3. Recurrent. Characterized by a seasonal manifestation, urticaria may not appear for a long time, after which it again affects the skin.

What hives look like can be seen in the photo.

Causes of cold nettle rash

What factors can trigger cold urticaria? The disease occurs as a result of an increase in the sensitivity of epidermal cells to cold.

The presence of one or more of these factors leads to the development of hives.

Why is such a disease dangerous? It is impossible to predict exactly when the disease will manifest. In the absence of proper treatment, urticaria can gradually turn into a chronic state, provoke the development of autoimmune diseases.

The appearance of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock can be fatal. In addition, urticaria from cold disrupts the normal course of life.

Diagnosis of urticaria

The diagnosis is made in specialized institutions. To detect the reaction, a test is made for the perception of cold by the skin - a piece of ice is carried out along the epidermis at the bend of the elbow. If a rash occurs, you can talk about the presence of urticaria.

A variety of studies are used as needed.


There are typical and atypical forms of cold urticaria. In the first case, urticaria is acquired; for its diagnosis, a biopsy of the skin is performed.

The atypical form refers to hereditary diseases, it is diagnosed using a blood test. After an accurate diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Cold rash treatment methods

When the first signs of hives appear, a person is placed in a warm room, you can provide him with a warm bath. Subsequently, medicines and traditional medicine are used for treatment.


  1. Antihistamines - Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin - reduce the production of histamine in the blood, reduce the negative reaction on the skin.
  2. External remedies help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and itching. They are found in the form of creams, gels, ointments - Fenistil, Skin-cap, Gistan.
  3. In severe cases, drugs containing hormones can be prescribed - Hydrocortisone, Elokom, Advantan. The funds help well, however, they have certain side effects and are prohibited for use for a long period.
  4. In case of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock, it is necessary to provide the victim with emergency assistance and call a team of doctors. With a similar condition, the patient is injected with epinifrin, one ampoule of antihistamine and decongestant medicine.

Medicines are prescribed by a specialist, self-selection of medicines can provoke an exacerbation of urticaria. For the treatment of nettle fever from cold, it is allowed to use folk remedies and methods.

Folk remedies:

  • Freshly squeezed celery juice is drunk one small spoon three times a day before meals.
  • A small amount of juice is squeezed out of the aloe leaf onto a gauze napkin. The compress is used on the inflamed areas of the skin with cold urticaria.
  • Three hundred grams of nettle leaves are poured into three hundred milliliters of boiling water. Insist during the day. Filter and take one glass at bedtime.
  • A good preventive measure for hives on the body is raspberry jam. It should be consumed several spoons a day.
  • For herbal infusions, use chamomile, calendula, burdock. The finished product is used to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin.
  • Two hundred grams of fresh blueberries are ground and applied to the affected area. The procedure is carried out once a day for seven days.
  • One hundred and fifty grams of coniferous needles, cones and twigs are poured with boiling water. The ready-made solution is used for allergy baths.

Folk remedies can exacerbate urticaria, so they are used after consultation with a specialist.

Food should be balanced. Foods with a high content of histamine, enzymes and artificial colors are excluded from food. Preference should be given to fermented milk products, hypoallergenic fruits and vegetables.

Prevention methods

The development of cold urticaria on the legs, arms and other parts of the body can be prevented if you adhere to certain prevention.


  1. Dress for the weather, do not forget about warm underwear, hats and scarves.
  2. It is recommended to use special protective agents, apply them to open areas of the skin.
  3. If signs of hives appear, move immediately to a warm place.
  4. Particular attention is paid to proper nutrition, the diet should be free of foods that can cause an allergic reaction.
  5. If possible, try to exclude contact with the allergen.
  6. Treat all diseases in time - infectious, viral, fungal.

Cold urticaria is an unpleasant disease that disrupts a person's normal lifestyle. It will not be possible to completely cure the disease, however, adherence to the instructions will allow you to achieve a stable remission.

The pathology of the skin, characterized by the appearance of red rashes, slightly rising above the epithelium and accompanied by severe itching - urticaria. It appears for various reasons: physical, hereditary, immune. Cold urticaria is the most common type of pathology. One in a hundred thousand people suffers from it. In this case, the patient may have several forms of the disease.

What is cold urticaria

The disease is an allergic reaction of the body to cold. The skin exposed to low temperatures becomes covered with red, itchy, small blisters.

Symptoms of diseases are different. Most people react normally to cold weather. Others develop severe pathological symptoms. The most common cause of allergies is immersion in low temperature water. It can cause shock, fainting, low blood pressure, and death.

The disease is most common in children over the age of five and in individuals between 17 and 26. If urticaria symptoms persist within 42 days, experts diagnose a chronic course of the disease. In most cases, urticaria spontaneously disappears after a few years.

If symptoms of hives appear, you should see a dermatologist and allergist. Try to avoid interaction with the cold during this period.

Pathogenesis and causes

The pathological condition is based on the destruction of granules located in mast cells. Degranulation significantly exceeds the norm, however, with prolonged remission of urticaria, the sensitivity of the cells stabilizes.

In disease, the destruction of mast cells occurs under the influence of cold temperatures. When the granules break down, special substances are released.

They cause the main symptoms of urticaria, provoking the development of itching, swelling, redness. Also, under their influence, blood flow increases and the penetrating ability of blood vessels increases.

Histamine is the main mediator of the inflammatory process in the disease. But leukotrienes, neuropeptides, prostaglandins, bradykinin also take part in the formation of allergic reactions. The complex effect of active substances explains the low effectiveness of medicines against cold urticaria.

Until now, the reasons influencing the onset of the disease have not been identified. Experts suggest that the sensitivity of epithelial cells is caused most often by:

  • genetics;
  • systemic violations;
  • diseases provoked viruses.

When exposed to cold, immune cells release allergy mediators into the bloodstream. These substances provoke systemic reactions, redness of the skin and itching.

Cold allergies are:

  • Acquired (essential). Symptoms develop 4 minutes after exposure to cold temperatures and persist for several hours.
  • Hereditary (family). Symptoms appear after a few days and last up to several days.

Allergies can manifest themselves in any person. Most often seen in adolescents and children. It first appears after five years and after a while disappears without a trace, never appearing again.

People who suffered from cold urticaria in childhood sometimes have recurrence of the disease throughout their lives.

The disease often occurs after an infectious disease, such as pneumonia. It sometimes accompanies malignant neoplasms and hepatitis.

Pathologies accompanying cold urticaria:

  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • wind smallpox;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
  • cryoglobulinemia;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • red lupus;
  • systemic vasculitis;
  • mycoplasma pneumonia;
  • measles;
  • piggy;
  • dysbiosis;
  • scabies;
  • helminthiasis;
  • syndrome Sjogren;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • whey disease.

Cold allergies are often caused by medications: oral contraceptives, tetanus serum, Griseofulvin.

Sometimes the pathology manifests itself during allergen-specific immunotherapy or epithelial allergy tests.

Cold urticaria can be inherited. This form is extremely rare. After hypothermia, a person develops symptoms similar to the flu. Painful scars form on the skin.


The manifestations of the disease are similar to a common allergy, but they have a number of features. Characteristic signs of cold urticaria:

  • Edema throat and lips after eating cold food.
  • Gain symptoms after warming the skin.
  • Swelling of the hands hands after contact with a cold surface.
  • The appearance on the epithelium, exposed to cold, itchy blisters of red color.
  • When pressed on the rashes they turn pale.
  • Rash disappears a few hours later, without leaving a trace.
  • Blisters form everywhere: on the head, soles of feet, palms. Most of them are concentrated in the neck and face.
  • Anaphylactic a reaction manifested in the form of edema of the limbs and trunk, fainting, tachycardia, shock.
  • Edema Quincke - a common reaction of the body with cold urticaria. It is characterized by the spread of edema to the mucous membranes and skin. With Quincke's edema, the digestive system, brain membranes, genitourinary and respiratory systems are affected.

In some cases, immediate assistance is needed. The doctor must be called when:

  • edema neck;
  • increasing language
  • having difficulty with breathing;
  • dizziness.

Symptoms of the disease appear some time after exposure to the skin of cold water or air. In most cases, allergies occur at temperatures below 3 degrees.

Symptoms sometimes appear in warmer weather, if there is wind outside or the humidity is too high. With a hereditary form of pathology, manifestations of urticaria are found even at elevated degrees of heat.

The most severe reactions are observed when immersed in cold water. For example, when diving into an ice hole.

Relationship between atopic allergic manifestations and cold urticaria

After exposure to cold, allergic manifestations become stronger, exacerbating against the background of other diseases, for example, atopic dermatitis. Nearly half of patients with dermatitis or asthma have cold urticaria.

It is almost always accompanied by allergic rhinitis. In patients with concomitant diseases, a local form of allergy is observed. Systemic reactions of the body, which are the cause of serious health consequences, are found mainly in people who do not suffer from allergies.

During the cold season, urticaria is exacerbated in people with allergic rhinitis. If a person does not have allergies, then cold urticaria can occur at absolutely any time. In this case, the temperature difference is of particular importance, and not the lowered degree of the environment.


In dermatology, a wide range of different diagnostic techniques are used to detect this pathology. This is explained by the fact that the disease is characterized by a large number of forms.

A simple method for detecting cold urticaria is the Duncan Test. To do this, ice is placed on the surface of the skin and kept for about 6 minutes. If, after removing it, a red tubercle remains, then experts confirm the presence of the disease.

During research, patients with allergies are found to have an increased amount of cryoglobulins in blood. During an exacerbation of the condition, their number increases significantly. The protein test is recommended for clinical use.

The disease most often occurs in children older five years and after some time passes. Doctors often do not prescribe additional examinations when making a diagnosis for children.

In adult patients, urticaria may indicate the presence of severe pathologies that negatively affect immunity. First of all, these are malignant neoplasms and hepatitis. Therefore, experts prescribe numerous studies when cold urticaria appears in adults.

To eliminate the likelihood of concomitant pathologies, doctors prescribe:

For a rash lasting more than a day, specialists will prescribe a skin biopsy. This study excludes urticarial vasculitis.

Women and those whose relatives have thyroid problems should be screened.

Most often, it is impossible to identify the cause of the urticaria. Specialists in this case speak of an idiopathic form of pathology.

Differential diagnosis is carried out in the presence of the following diseases:

  • dermatitis Duhring's herpetiformis;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • pemphigoid bullous;
  • vasculitis urticarial.


The main constituent element of urticaria therapy is to reduce the effect of histamine on the epithelium. This makes it possible to reduce the external manifestations of the disease. Doctors use antihistamines to block H1-histamine receptors.

Today, medicines of the latest generations are mainly prescribed. Such drugs show good results in the treatment of acute forms of allergy. However, in the chronic course of pathology, the effectiveness of such drugs is low.

To prevent exacerbation of the pathology, calcium antagonists and basophilic membrane stabilizers are prescribed. These drugs increase the mast cell activation threshold, preventing further skin eruptions.

If a specialist suspects problems with the immune system, then he prescribes immunomodulatory agents. Identification of systemic pathology involves the appointment of a specific therapy regimen.

In addition to drugs, diet also plays a significant role in the treatment of cold urticaria. It helps to reduce the burden on the immune system.

With pseudo-allergies, measures are taken to eliminate the factors provoking allergies.

If urticaria develops rapidly and causes anaphylactic shock or angioedema, immediate action should be taken. This requires the use of steroids and adrenaline injections. Hospitalization is required.


The prognosis of urticaria is most often favorable. With the complete elimination of provoking factors, the disease disappears.

But in the chronic form, the course of the pathology completely depends on therapy, following the requirements of a specialist, the severity and type of the disease. Such patients should constantly adhere to a diet that excludes certain foods.

Basic preventive measures for cold urticaria:

  • as much as possible protect skin covers with clothing before going out;
  • use solar glasses;
  • don't wash too much cold water;
  • take a bath or a shower with a comfortable temperature for the body;
  • not touch bare hands to cold objects;
  • eat only warm food;
  • not harden;
  • clothes should be made only from natural fabrics;
  • not float away far from the coast to avoid swelling of the respiratory tract;
  • actively engage sports;
  • take frequent walks walks;
  • if possible be fresh the air as long as possible;
  • strictly monitor diet.

To minimize the likelihood of relapse, you must strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist. If you experience life-threatening symptoms, seek medical attention.

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The manifestation of allergy in the form of nettle spots, caused by cold, is called urticaria from cold. This common pathology is more often chronic, poorly treatable. One third of the female population suffers from allergies.

The disease is not a classic allergy. Frost, ice water are physically acting factors, and this pathology, as a rule, is caused by a chemical allergen. But, in order not to deviate from stereotypes, such a reaction to the effects of frost will be called in the article a medical term: cold urticaria. How to treat it, what to do in case of an exacerbation, will be discussed here.

Cold urticaria is so called because the main cause is cold.

Like all similar diseases, it is also of acute and chronic type. The acute type of pathology lasts 10-14 days, the chronic one sometimes lasts a year, because poorly cured.

Allergic syndrome appears 10-20 minutes after exposure to low temperature: a rash, nettle spots covering open areas of the body: face, cheeks, hands, lips. A rash of a whitish or pinkish hue is accompanied by severe itching, often causes severe discomfort, and then disappears.

There are types of cold allergies that appear as concomitants of other pathology diseases, their course is more difficult. These types of diseases are considered dangerous. Severe discomfort sharply worsen the state of health, causing a headache, lowering pressure. In the case of general hypothermia, severe symptoms may appear - Quincke's edema.


As mentioned above, the disease is acute and chronic, some types of its manifestations differ. It is worth getting information about all types of pathology.

An acute type of ailment is characterized by an acute onset, the appearance of severe uncomfortable itching, affecting areas of the skin accessible to cold. At the site of itching, swelling develops, then a rash similar to traces of contact with nettles. If the manifestation of the disease is very strong, the body temperature rises, the patient experiences chills.

Recurrent allergy caused by low temperatures manifests itself seasonally: in autumn, winter, early spring. Aggravation also occurs as a result of the action of cold water.

The reflex type is a "response" after exposure to low temperatures. In this case, a rash appears all over the body, and those places that come into contact with cold air are not affected.
The familial type of cold allergy is a rare type of pathology inherited by genes. It is characterized by a rash, a burning sensation that appears some time after contact with cold and wind. A febrile condition, severe joint pain, signs of leukocytosis are possible.

Among the varieties of such a disease, erythema is found, manifested by redness of the surface of the body. This pathology is distinguished by the fact: the affected areas are painful.

There is also a type of cold allergy - dermatitis. In this case, there is a feeling of severe uncomfortable itching, peeling. A severe form of pathology is accompanied by swelling of the whole body.

There are several types of cold urticaria, each with different symptoms and signs.

There is another type of allergic manifestation: rhinitis, which differs from the usual cold by the appearance of a feeling of nasal congestion only when breathing frosty air. After returning to warmth, the runny nose disappears.

A separate manifestation of urticaria from cold is conjunctivitis. After contact with frost, the patient has tears, pain in the eyes.

The described species should not be confused with a simple defense reaction of the body against severe frost or wind, which does not cause any particular inconvenience. They quickly "leave" when entering the heat.

How to make a test

It is very important for the doctor to determine the cause of the disease. For this purpose, complex laboratory studies using equipment are needed, but there are also simple options. The tendency to cold allergies is easy to establish at home by holding ice at the elbow for a quarter of an hour. In the case of adherence to a cold allergic reaction, the place of contact of the skin with ice shows signs of it, similar to urticaria.

If in doubt, you should seek the advice of a specialist. He will prescribe a blood test in the laboratory.


It is difficult to recognize cold urticaria, it often looks like dermatitis, various colds. But there are symptoms that distinguish pathology from others. Symptoms typical after exposure to cold may appear immediately or after a while.

After going out into the street, a person suffering from a similar reaction:

  • the head starts to hurt;
  • reduced muscles of the face, neck;
  • there was a pressing pain syndrome in the forehead, occiput;
  • runny nose begins, eyes watery;
  • sore throat;
  • a pink disturbing rash appears;
  • nausea occurs.

Then it is necessary to return to heat. After a quarter of an hour the symptoms go away. Negative air temperature, cold drink, cold bed can provoke these symptoms.

Cold urticaria in children is manifested by a rash, which is accompanied by peeling and itching on the face, hands, under the knees, on the hips. Tender baby skin is not able to withstand the cold. Often the manifestation of allergies occur in the face, cheeks, chin, nose. Over time, burning appears, the child rubs the rash. Often this pathology accompanies an allergy from chemicals or products.

In adults, cold urticaria affects hands that first itch. Then the skin of the hands becomes dry, rough. Cracks cover it, rashes similar to hives, swelling appears, nasal congestion, tears pouring from the eyes. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath. There is also a feeling of fatigue, mood swings.

Allergy after the action of a cold is often exacerbated, proceeding against the background of other pathologies, for example, atopic dermatitis. Diseased teeth weaken the immune system, if they are not treated, infections, colds.

In order to prevent cold urticaria from developing, it is necessary to spend as little time as possible in the cold.

Disease treatment

It is difficult to treat cold urticaria. It just takes a couple hours to relieve symptoms. But in order to cure such a pathology forever, it will take much more time, because the mechanisms of its appearance are poorly understood. Finally, it is most often impossible to get rid of it. Then healing is directed to weakening the allergic reaction.

Cold urticaria is the result of the release of histamine, for its treatment you need to take:

  • one of the antihistamines;
  • magnesium sulfate, which relieves inflammation;
  • furosemide, which removes or reduces swelling;
  • calcium containing medicines that relieve urticaria rash.

This type of urticaria at any age requires a mandatory visit to the clinic to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to treat such a disease, strictly following the instructions of specialists, using the prescribed antihistamines and strengthening drugs. Before the course of therapy, it is recommended to undergo the required examinations and pass laboratory tests.

Together with medicines, preventive measures must be observed: avoid the causes of the rash, i.e. Emotional and temperature tests for the body cannot be allowed.

Preventative measures—FkHw

Cold urticaria treatment and prevention require special: increase immunity to protect the body from exposure to cold. To do this, you must:

  • close the body before going out with clothes;
  • wear glasses before going out;
  • do not use cold water for washing;
  • do not drink cold drinks, eat food;
  • do not touch cold objects with bare hands;
  • make the temperature for the shower and bath comfortable.

When diagnosing such a disease, doctors do not recommend "accustoming the body to the action of the cold" by hardening the body. Do not discourage doctors from hardening, but it is better to perform hardening procedures in summer. The water temperature for the hardening procedure is reduced so as to give time to get used to the new one.

Prevention of this type of urticaria is to avoid hypothermia of the whole body, as well as open parts of it. A person with such a pathology needs to dress warmly, wear garments made from natural materials. It is necessary to cover the neck, hands, head with scarves, mittens (or gloves), headgear. The body should be closed from the cold as much as possible. It is also unacceptable to consume cold foods and drink in hot weather. Do not take cold and cool water procedures. When swimming in a pond, it is not recommended to swim away from the coast in order to avoid the appearance of swelling of the respiratory tract.

It is recommended to relax more often in nature, strengthen physical activity, and walk. The time spent in the fresh air helps to increase the adaptive properties of the body. Helps strengthen immunity and balance nutrition.

Cold skin irritation can lead to an allergy called cold urticaria. This type of allergy affects children, men and women at any age. The harsh, cold climate does not affect the unprotected skin of the face, hands, it leads to itching, rashes, Quincke's edema, blisters, wet wounds.

The disease can manifest itself as a result of a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of chronic infections, hepatitis, helminth giardiasis or opisthorchiasis. Like any other, it is considered a dermatological disease, can have a hereditary (with a slow-moving reaction) or an acquired form that develops gradually, with localization in certain areas of the skin.

How to recognize urticaria

Symptoms of the disease are characteristic, after staying in the cold they can appear immediately or after a certain period of time: the skin begins to itch, turns red, and when combed, becomes covered with blisters. When warming in the room, the symptoms can pass without a trace in a couple of hours. With a severe form of urticaria, temperature can rise, there is aches in the joints, shortness of breath, dizziness, swelling of the larynx, pharynx, tongue.

Signs of urticaria are observed not only after exposure to cold or frost. Attacks can be repeated in the midst of summer, in the heat after taking ice cream, cold drinks, swimming in cool water. Symptoms are similar to dermatitis, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, the common cold. When entering the cold, it begins to reduce muscles, pain fetters the back of the head, forehead, and the head begins to hurt, up to nausea.

Allergies usually begin with the hands. The skin begins to itch, peel off, then quickly coarsens and becomes covered with cracks. In children, it usually manifests on the face, the nose, face, cheeks and chin redden from the cold. Then the redness begins to burn, the child combes them, thereby increasing the area of \u200b\u200brashes. The face, hands swell, a runny nose, itchy nose, lacrimation, sore throat join the symptoms. From the cold, the bronchi narrow, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath occurs.

The delicate skin of children is most susceptible to the development of urticaria. The weak, unformed immunity now and then fails. The problem is complicated by vitamin deficiency, especially in winter. The health of babies needs to be monitored, pay attention to the rashes that appear on the face after winter walks. In severe cases, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Sometimes an allergy is just a mask that appears on the skin of the face due to serious thyroid problems, with vegetovascular dystonia. A provocateur of urticaria often becomes a stomach ulcer, chronic cholecystitis or gastritis.

Treatment should begin with the underlying disease, so it is important to consult a pediatrician or dermatologist in a timely manner to prevent the development of urticaria, to save the baby from irritation, leading to itching, tearfulness, nervousness and anxiety.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis. It is difficult to diagnose urticaria - differential diagnostics, laboratory tests of blood and urine are performed. An anamnesis is examined, it is possible to prescribe an X-ray, conduct tests - apply a piece of ice to the forearm for 10-15 minutes or immerse the forearm in cold water and observe the skin reaction. The most effective diagnosis is by taking a biopsy from the skin material of the patient. If prostaglandin, histamine, elements of necrosis are found in the skin tissues, then we can say with confidence that these are the first signs of the development of cold urticaria.

Redness and blisters are not always accompanied by urticaria, often it manifests itself in the form of a headache, fever, pain in the muscles, joints. The number of leukocytes in the blood increases, a biopsy gives out polymorphic tissue infiltration. With the hereditary form of urticaria, symptoms on the skin do not appear immediately, but only 10-12 hours after being in the cold.

How to treat a disease

Assess the severity and form of the disease, prescribe treatment can only be a doctor. A mild form of urticaria is treated with antihistamines - tavegil, suprastin. Allergy medicines are sold at the pharmacy today, but not everyone is suitable for a particular case.

To avoid side effects, complications, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions, do not take medicine uncontrollably and thoughtlessly.

If urticaria is difficult, the appointment of glucocorticosteroids, detoxification of the body is possible.

What is important to know about prevention

It is difficult for an ordinary person to protect themselves from all possible diseases without a medical education, but if the urticaria is hereditary or has already happened before, you need to protect your body in time from the harmful effects of cold in order to avoid relapses and complications.

In winter, you need to dress seasonally, do not go outside without gloves, a hat, a scarf. You should also avoid visits to the pool, taking a contrast shower, or contact with cold water. Before going out, you need to apply a protective cream, petroleum jelly. Well-established cream "Caloderm" with chamomile content.

When isolating liquids from blisters, you can burn them with brilliant green. Do not forget that some products are considered allergens (eggs, coffee, cocoa, strawberries, citrus fruits, smoked meats, pineapples), and eating them additionally provokes the development of urticaria. These products must be discarded so that the allergy does not go further throughout the body.

How to treat urticaria at home

At home, nettle tincture will relieve the disease. One spoon of dry grass steamed with boiling water (1 cup). Drink one glass 2-3 times a day after 0.5 hours after eating.

From severe itching, a soda or vinegar solution is effective - lotions should be applied to the affected areas, a few drops of mint can be added to the composition.

Tincture for alcohol from nettle dioica helps well. Drink 1-2 tablespoons three times a day for two months.

With urticaria, it is useful to wash yourself with an infusion of a sequence, with a rash - wipe them with problem areas.

A sharp change in temperature causes a natural reaction of the body to cold, which is not an instant outbreak of urticaria. After warming in the room after 15-20 minutes, the skin of a person comes into its normal state.

Cold urticaria leads to more unpleasant sensations that do not pass within 2-3 hours, as a result of cold irritation, the skin begins to itch very much. You can in a simple way - apply a piece of ice to the skin. With the appearance of blisters and redness, it can be argued that this is the body's reaction to the cold. Urticaria should be treated, so consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. Be healthy!

The disease manifests itself sometimes instantly after hypothermia. A light pink or white rash appears, which itches, itches and causes discomfort. Sometimes at the same time arms and legs darken, swelling appears. The rash can last a couple of hours, then disappear unnoticed.

This disease is not harmless - blood pressure drops, the patient's well-being worsens. Cold allergy is also dangerous because it can develop Quincke's edema - swelling of the head or its parts, other parts of the body without changing the color of the skin.

Young people, more often women, suffer from the disease. Teens and children are also sick. The disease occurs once per thousand people. The disease has long been described, but has not yet been explained.

Causes of cold allergies

The disease manifests itself in people with a weakened body, impaired protective functions of the immune system. Chronic and autoimmune diseases lead to this. For example, thyroid disease, blood cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus. Infectious diseases such as measles, mumps, mononucleosis, rubella, pneumonia can also cause this allergy. Chronic everyday sinusitis, caries, cholecystitis and worms deplete the immune system, make it unable to resist external stimuli.

People suffering from common allergies are also prone to cold. In case of circulatory disturbance, narrowed vessels, there is also a risk of encountering such a disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease appear very quickly, and pretty quickly disappear in 1.5-2 hours. With a more severe form of urticaria, symptoms last from two days. This is a sign of a serious disease that needs to be identified and treated.

The signs of the disease are as follows:

  • blisters, rash, or sores;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dry jerky cough;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • joint aches;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • darkening (blueing or redness) of the skin of the hands and feet.

Cold urticaria affects open areas of the skin - hands, face, neck suffer. They begin to itch, a rash or blisters appear. The rash resembles a nettle burn. Hereditary urticaria, the name of which is the family cold urticaria, is very rare. It is characteristic in that the symptoms appear only a day after exposure to cold. The rash is typical of all species.


To confirm the diagnosis of the disease, provocative tests are performed. Ice cubes are placed in a plastic bag, so as not to confuse with the hydrogenic urticaria when water gets on the skin. After 10 minutes of observation, the test is over. With high patient sensitivity, defining signs appear after 10 seconds. Some have a slower reaction, and appears after 20-30 minutes.

In patients with urticaria, a palpable blister appears at the site of ice application. It is accompanied by burning, burning, itching of the skin. Then they look for the temperature at which the urticaria manifests itself in the patient. To do this, use a special device - Temp Test. The device allows you to check the sensitivity of the skin at 32 different temperatures. The patient will be informed about the temperature at which the disease can develop.

There are studies on the dependence of the severity of the disease on the reaction time to cold. They show that the most severe lesion occurs in people whose body reacted 3 minutes after ice was applied.

Patients are prescribed such studies:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determine antibodies to hepatitis C, B viruses, chlamydia, Epstein-Barr, AIDS, herpes.


People with a cold allergy should avoid hypothermia. Be sure to wear warm linen from natural fabrics, shoes, headgear. It is forbidden to use cold products, water, ice cream. They should not swim in open water, play sports and work outdoors in the cold season. Before going out, you should lubricate your face and hands with special creams that will reduce the risk of hypothermia.


With such a disease, it is usually prescribed. You can not eat fried, pickled, spicy, sour, salty foods, drink sparkling water. It is advisable to steam, cook or bake food. You can not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, raspberries, red fish and caviar. The ban applies to instant food and products with chemical components - dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers.

Sour-milk products, cereals, boiled lean meat, sea fish are recommended. Soups are preferable to vegetarian, without dressings. Raw vegetables and fruits of green and yellow color (zucchini, cabbage, Golden and Semerenko apples, gooseberries, bananas) are very useful.

Medications for treatment in adults

Some of the good ones are:

  • antihistamines: Cetirizine, Desloratidine, Fexofenadine;
  • barryderm ointment, Cold cream;
  • antiviral drug Interferon-beta;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • glucocorticoid drugs Diprospan, Celeston.

Cetirizine Hexal is an inexpensive and effective allergy pill. They do not cause drowsiness, I feel good after taking them. I drank dear Zirtek, but they could not cope with allergies. Following the advice of a familiar doctor, she switched to the production of Germany at Cetirizine Hexal. I have been drinking for 5 years and enjoy life without a cold and suffocation.

Allergic with experience of 30 years.

In the case of real mortal danger, the patient is injected with adrenaline.

Drugs for treatment in children


  • antihistamines prescribed by a doctor (not on their own!);
  • blood circulation improving drugs;
  • a course of vitamins A, C, E, PP;
  • ointment "Uryazh first cream."

"Uryazh first cream" remarkably moisturizes the skin, strengthens its protective functions. Suitable for infants and adults. The ointment is hypoallergenic, almost odorless. Easy to apply, leaves no residue and greasy.

T. Orlova, mother and children's patronage nurse.

The duration of treatment is at least two weeks.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative methods of treating cold urticaria are aimed at strengthening immunity and normalizing metabolism:

  1. A wonderful antiallergenic remedy is the yarrow infusion. One tablespoon of the crushed plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 45 minutes. Use 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Celery root will help relieve itching. The dry root is ground, poured with cold boiled water. Insist in a tightly sealed container for 2 hours. Filter and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Restores the body's defenses infusion of rose hips. For one tablespoon of wild rose take a glass of cold boiled water. Insist in a sealed container for 8-10 hours. Having stretched, they drink a glass a day. The duration of the course is autumn and winter.
  4. Cleanses the blood and improves metabolism infusion of nettle dioica. A glass of boiling water is poured into one tablespoon of chopped nettle. Insist 7-8 hours. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  5. As lotions use aloe juice, soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of water).
  6. A very good remedy for soothing affected skin is an oil tincture on fresh plants of peppermint, calendula flowers and chopped burdock root. Plants are taken in equal parts and poured with olive or linseed oil. Insist for two days, then filter and sterilize. Store in the refrigerator.

Danger and complications of the disease

The disease is not as harmless as it looks. People with cold urticaria are at serious risk:

  • after eating cold food or drink, swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, and nasopharynx is possible;
  • violations of the respiratory system appear (shortness of breath, suffocation, bronchospasm, difficulty breathing);
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (drop in blood pressure, palpitations, fainting);
  • digestive system disorders, diarrhea, pain in the ileum, stomach.

With general hypothermia, nausea and vomiting are possible. Fatalities due to sudden cooling are known. For example, immersion in cold water.

In patients with familial cold urticaria, joints are affected, diseases such as polyarthritis, arthralgia, arthritis of large joints develop. In such patients, lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system are found. Conjunctivitis is frequent, the development of renal amyloidosis is possible - metabolic disorders in a diseased organ. Sensory deafness occurs due to an autoinflammatory process.

Even simple attacks of the disease are quite painful, they are accompanied by nausea, headache, conjunctivitis, sweating, thirst, drowsiness. The attack may begin due to simple airing of the room!


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. With the right approach, you can avoid the manifestation of cold allergies.

List of preventive measures:

  • protection of exposed skin with creams and ointments;
  • warm seasonal clothes - mittens, gloves, hats, scarves;
  • Reliable wind protection hood
  • the use of fortified infusions and decoctions;
  • proper nutrition, adherence to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • conduct hardening (from summer).
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