Medicinal plants. What are they treating? How to be treated with herbs correctly and safely - complete instructions for use Medicinal plants for they treat

Ecology of life. The people said: "Just as it is impossible to bake bread without flour, so it is impossible to cure a person without St. John's wort." For a long time this unique medicinal plant has been famous for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent and wound healing effects. He was mentioned in every herbalist and included in the medicinal fees for a variety of diseases. Pharmacological actions of St. John's wort are also manifested as diuretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic.

The people said: "Just as it is impossible to bake bread without flour, so it is impossible to cure a person without St. John's wort."

For a long time this unique medicinal plant has been famous for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent and wound healing effects. He was mentioned in every herbalist and included in the medicinal fees for a variety of diseases. Pharmacological actions of St. John's wort are also manifested as diuretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic.

For medicinal purposes, use the upper part of St. John's wort (upper 15-20 cm), containing ascorbic acid, carotene, essential oils, tannins and resinous substances, as well as flavonoids. Collection begins at the beginning of flowering or when buds are just beginning to appear. The flowering period of St. John's wort lasts from June to August. It prefers to grow on open dry slopes, in the steppe, on the edges of forests or among shrubs.
They dry the grass under a canopy or in the attic, always in the shade! It can be hung in bunches, or it can be laid out on fabric or cardboard (polyethylene cannot be used!).

In the army, infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort were given to soldiers who made long hikes on foot.

Throwing sprigs of St. John's wort into the water, which was collected from unverified sources, people got rid of the likelihood of getting dysentery. St. John's wort was chewed to remove bad breath, but not for more than a few minutes.

Modern doctors say that decoctions, infusions and extracts from St. John's wort, IF INTO THE HUMAN BODY, START IN IT A WHOLE CHAIN ​​OF VITALLY IMPORTANT PROCESSES NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN HEALTH. Some of the processes are impossible without the use of substances contained in St. John's wort.

It treats headaches and improves metabolic processes.

St. John's wort tea regulates the work of the stomach and intestines, and also stimulates the function of internal secretion.

The chemical composition includes flavonoids, essential oils, resinous compounds, tannins, traces of alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, bitter extractives, phytoncides, trace elements (nickel, molybdenum, manganese).

St. John's wort is an ideal remedy for strengthening the nervous system, it is a natural antidepressant. In crisis situations, it is useful to take three to six cups of St. John's wort tea.

With sensitivity to weather changes, teas from St. John's wort will help normalize vegetative fluctuations. With hormonally determined mood swings during menopause, tea from St. John's wort or from a mixture in equal proportions of St. John's wort and hop cones is also recommended. St. John's wort and lemon balm tea will help children and adults who cannot concentrate and concentrate. This delicious blend is the perfect tea for breakfast, before class or before an exam.

St. John's wort is used orally for chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, functional diarrhea, chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the prostate gland, arthritis and radiculitis.

St. John's wort is very effective in treating stomach and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, liver and gallbladder diseases (gall bladder dyskinesia, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, acute and chronic hepatitis.)

They also treat women's diseases: inflammation of the appendages, amenorrhea, heavy menstruation, and allergic diathesis in children.

The roots of the plant are used for bone tuberculosis and dysentery.

It is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, tinctures for asthenic conditions, neuroses and neurasthenia, convulsions, headaches and insomnia, anemia and endocarditis.

Externally used for catarrhal sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, simple acute vaginitis, purulent otitis media.

St. John's wort helps with bruises, for this, boil a pinch of St. John's wort in 0.5 liters of water. Cool, put a clean cotton napkin on the sore spot overnight. Put cellophane on top and insulate with a warm scarf. Recovery will come quickly.

In combination with motherwort, St. John's wort cures severe stress, depression, and their consequences. To do this, drink tea from St. John's wort with honey.

1 tablespoon St. John's wort (dry herb) to one glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain. Used for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, as well as caress the mouth and throat.

Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, strain. This decoction is drunk 1/4 cup 3 times a day in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as for stomatitis, burns, wounds that do not heal for a long time, St. John's wort oil is used. Prepare it as follows: 20-25 gr. fresh flowers and leaves of St. John's wort pour 200-250 gr. oil (preferably olive, but you can take both sunflower and linseed), and insist in a warm place for 3-4 weeks, sometimes shaking. Then the infusion is filtered through several layers of gauze. Keep infusions in a dark container.

As an aid in palpitations:
St. John's wort - 4 tbsp. l.,
yarrow - 2 tbsp. l.,
valerian - 2 tbsp. l.,
melissa - 2 tbsp. l.
To prepare this infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 2 cups boiling water over it. Infuse for 2–2.5 hours. Strain the finished infusion. Now you can take it. We advise you to do this once a day, taking 1/2 cup. The effect of the healing collection with St. John's wort will increase if you drink it in small sips.


It is prohibited for those suffering from hypertension and pregnant women.
- Too strong St. John's wort tea can cause stomach pain.
- St. John's wort should not be taken for a long time - the plant is slightly toxic. Prolonged use may cause liver pain, hives and a bad taste in the mouth.
- Also, with prolonged use, men may experience problems with potency, but when you stop taking the herb, potency returns to normal within a few weeks.
- Prolonged use of St. John's wort also leads to an increase in the sensitivity of human skin to ultraviolet radiation. published

Modern medicine suggests the use of medications for most diseases. But despite the latest pharmacological developments, the use of such substances can be quite dangerous. This is due to the artificiality of substances and with many side effects. That is why many people turn their attention to the advantages of natural medicines, and in particular to herbal remedies.
Medicinal herbs have been used since ancient times. Nature has created a huge number of substances that affect various processes in the human body, normalizing and improving them. Most of these substances are found in plants.

Benefits of Using Herbal Medicines for Healing
Now folk herbal treatment is gaining popularity as opposed to standard chemical medicines. Natural substances contained in plants affect the body more gently. Of course, they can also cause allergic reactions and side effects, but to a much lesser extent. If you follow the dosage of drugs from medicinal herbs, then they will not bring harm. At the same time, medications act harshly: in the treatment of one organ, several others often suffer.
In the treatment of folk remedies, it is possible to provide a complex effect immediately on all diseases that a particular person has. The most important thing is to choose the right recipes or make an herbal collection that will cover the maximum number of problems. The action of medicinal herbs is not narrowly focused. The same plant can positively affect several organs at once. Most herbs work well together.

Disadvantages of herbal medicine
When treating with decoctions of herbs, it should be remembered that they also have certain disadvantages. They are also associated with the characteristics of the effects of these drugs.

  • First, medicinal herbs do not treat severe, neglected diseases. In these cases, herbal medicine can be used as a supportive, complementary method, but not as a primary treatment. Cancer, diabetes, and more should not be treated exclusively with herbs.
  • Secondly, the mild and gradual effect of herbal medicines, as well as the difficulty of precise dosing, makes them useless for emergency care. When you need an urgent and strong effect of the drug on any organ, herbs are not suitable. Many of them have a cumulative effect, taking weeks, and in some cases even months.
  • Thirdly, herbal preparations also have contraindications that must be taken into account. Some plants in one of the effects are able to mutually exclude each other, which does not allow them to be used in one collection. The fee should be compiled by a specialist who is well versed in all the features of such medicinal raw materials.
  • Fourthly, it is far from always possible to obtain high-quality medicinal raw materials.

Hello everyone!

Recently, I very often have to deal with information that everything can be cured with drugs.

That they are much more effective than pills, and that modern medicine does not understand anything about this.

That you need to seek salvation from various diseases in the recipes of traditional healers, in old books on traditional medicine, where herbs are one of the main components of any remedy.

Many really believe that herbal treatment is simple and very beneficial.

I do not quite agree with such a philistine statement and therefore I decided to write this post on how to be treated with herbs correctly and safely.

From this article you will learn:

How to be treated with herbs correctly and safely - the secrets of herbal medicine

I graduated from the Medical University, Faculty of Pharmacy.

And one of the most important and complex subjects that we studied on the course was pharmacognosy, the science of medicinal plants.

We studied this subject for five years, and it was more difficult to pass an exam in it or get a credit than in any chemistry or pharmacology.

How we taught these herbs, only those who studied there know.

We not only memorized the names of plants and their area of ​​application, but also worked with a microscope, did chemical reactions, determining the chemical composition of raw materials and its structure, examined the roots and leaves in a section, sketched, memorized and crammed all this.

In the spring, we went to harvest medicinal raw materials, analyzed them using modern research methods and, of course, studied its full application.

I still remember a huge table filled with Petri dishes with dry medicinal raw materials, sometimes whole, sometimes crushed.

From this abundance, you had to choose what they would call you and prove that it was exactly that collection or that plant, by physical and chemical means.

Therefore, I can with great confidence refute the false assertion that medicinal plants are the lot of knowledge of herbal grandmothers or traditional healers. Official medicine knows no less, and even more about how to treat them and how to do it correctly.

It’s even hard for me to imagine how many newest studies are carried out annually for medicinal plants, this science never stands still.

In the conditions of modern ecology, plants change their composition, which means that their scope may change or new contraindications may appear, and the latest technologies make it possible to discover new medicinal properties of known or unfamiliar plants.

Therefore, you should not rely so much on old folk healers, but it is best to buy a modern reference book of medicinal plants, which will indicate their chemical composition, medicinal properties and methods of application, as well as contraindications, and be sure to use them correctly.

Herbal treatment - important rules and tips

To begin with, I would like to voice several features of herbal treatment that few people pay attention to:

  • Well, firstly, I immediately want to say that medicinal herbs do not work miracles, and it is impossible to cure all existing diseases with them!

If you hear somewhere a story about how a person completely cured himself with an infusion of oats or chamomile flowers from cancer in the fourth stage, consider that a miracle of healing simply happened to him, for the most part, thanks to his faith in himself, in God, in life, into this medicinal plant, or maybe he did something else that you don't know about.

Try herbal remedies for muscular dystrophy, ALS, multiple sclerosis, meningitis...

  • Herbal medicine is not as safe as many people think it is.

Medicinal raw materials can cause severe allergies, poisoning, start pathological processes in the body, negatively affect the development of the fetus in pregnant women, potency in men, and much more.

Therefore, before drinking any "harmless" herb, be sure to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects that it can give and its contraindications for use.

Illiterately compiled medicinal collections, herbs collected in ecologically polluted areas, as well as taking herbs at the same time as medicines are especially dangerous.

Always remember what time we live in, and plants, like people, absorb everything from the environment.

  • A number of medicinal herbs have a strictly defined safe dose of use.

Roughly speaking, there are herbs that, in excess of the dosage, turn into poison.

  • Medicinal herbs contain "harmful chemicals"

Well, I already hinted at this in paragraph 2, in addition to useful microelements, medicinal raw materials contain harmful ones (heavy metal salts). They are especially abundant in those that gathered along auto and railway roads and in other environmentally unfavorable places.

  • Medicinal herbs should not be used for a long time and constantly

Some herbs are addictive, others, with prolonged use, depress the nervous system, cause an overdose, which is accompanied by negative consequences, so the course of herbal treatment is individual.

For example, mint tea, with constant use, greatly lowers blood pressure, "safe" chamomile, with prolonged use, disrupts the absorption of iron, wormwood can provoke a nervous system disorder, cause convulsions and fainting.

Therefore, "healing" with herbs from one disease, you can easily acquire another.

How to properly and safely treat with herbs?

So, remember the basic rules - how to be treated with herbs:

  • In order for the grass to retain all the useful components, it is very important to collect it according to all the rules.

Taking into account the place of collection, the time of collection, as well as the conditions for its harvesting and drying. How to do this correctly, you can read in any good reference book of medicinal plants.

It is best to collect herbs yourself, following all the rules for harvesting, drying and storage.

Or buy medicinal herbs from time-tested manufacturers and specialized pharmacies, where you will be provided with all product quality certificates, including documents for its radiological control.

I do not advise anyone to buy herbs in the markets from unknown people, no one knows exactly what they may contain, where they were collected!

  • You need to brew in a glass dish in a water bath.

This rule is important to follow because plants are able to interact with various chemical components and accumulate them in themselves, so boiling in metal, plastic dishes can be dangerous.

  • In order to prepare an effective medicinal product from medicinal herbs, certain rules must be observed.

Medicinal raw materials are usually used in the form of water infusions and decoctions or alcohol tinctures.

The infusion is prepared from soft plant materials (flowers, leaves, herbs), decoctions from hard plant materials (roots, bark, dry fruits)

Usually infusions and decoctions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10

  • How to prepare medicinal infusion?

We prepare raw materials, take 1 tablespoon of dry chopped grass. Pour a glass of hot water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool for 45 minutes. We filter.

  • How to prepare a decoction of herbs?

We prepare raw materials, 1 tbsp. l per 1 glass of water, pour hot water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. We filter hot.

The only exception is, which is prepared according to special rules.

It is not necessary to increase or decrease the time of boiling and infusion.

This is the optimal ratio at which all active substances leave the medicinal raw material in an infusion or decoction, do not change, are not inactivated, but act with optimal benefits for the body.

Strained infusion or decoction is brought to 100 ml with water and taken in the indicated dosage.

Shelf life of water infusions and decoctions - no more than three days in the refrigerator

  • How to prepare alcohol tincture with herbs?

Medicinal crushed raw materials are poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 30 days in a dark, cool place, hermetically sealed, then filtered and stored in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.

  • It is necessary to take infusions and decoctions in accordance with the indicated dosage.
  • When treating with herbs, they should not be used simultaneously with medications, alcohol, fatty and spicy foods.

Are herbs in sachets good for you?

I have an ambivalent relationship with them.

On the one hand, this is convenient, but on the other hand, the technology for preparing infusions and decoctions is absolutely violated.

And given that they are made like tea bags (low-quality raw materials after sifting), then it is better to buy herbs in bulk for treatment.

Well, and yet, I would like to voice such a moment as to be treated with herbs correctly.

When you come across some herbal treatment recommendation or herbal formula recipe, before you start using it, open a good reference book of medicinal plants (which lists the full chemical composition, structure, properties, etc.) and read:

  • composition and contraindications of this medicinal raw material,
  • pay attention to its dosage,
  • component compatibility
  • ways of application.

And only after that, make a decision whether to use this fee or not.

Some herbs today are credited with such incredible effects that you are amazed !!!

Therefore, before believing in another myth that some kind of herb or collection can cure, for example, alcoholism, read official studies, look at its chemical composition, what this herb has in it that can really help solve this problem and draw your own conclusions.

Well, and finally, I really love medicinal ones, I collect and prepare them myself.

I always have thyme, mint, oregano and many others at home.

I am convinced that when used correctly, for certain diseases, they can have an effective therapeutic and cosmetic effect, restore strength and energy.

Therefore, be sure to use medicinal herbs, but do it correctly, and then, herbal medicine will bring real benefits to you and your body.

Medicinal herbs

Herbal medicine requires knowledge and experience. Herbal medicines have many advantages over pharmaceuticals made from chemicals. Plants also contain a large number of chemical elements, but they are easily absorbed by the human body, herbal treatment does not cause allergic reactions.

The benefits of herbal medicine

Plants used for treatment are rich in various vitamins, minerals, organic acids, they contain essential oils, antioxidants, hormones, all those substances that play an important role in maintaining health. Since ancient times, people began to use medicinal herbs to get rid of ailments.

With the help of a well-composed herbal collection, you can cover the full range of diseases accumulated by a person and help fight, taking into account the individual characteristics of each organism. The composition, quantity and dosage of tinctures, infusions and decoctions are directly dependent on the age of the patient, his race, sex, weight, and a bouquet of diseases. Close attention is paid to such parameters as blood pressure, blood coagulability, acidity, etc.

An important aspect in the treatment of medicinal herbs is the correct preparation of raw materials, which are collected at certain periods, dried and stored at specified temperatures and humidity. The required formulation and dosage must also be observed.

Basic rules for herbal treatment

In order for the treatment of medicinal herbs to have a good effect, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

- use only glass or enameled dishes;

- straining infusions and decoctions should be done only when hot;

- do not use old raw materials;

- drink only newly prepared drugs;

- during the treatment period, you should stop drinking alcohol, spices, fried and fatty foods.

Traditional medicine recipes and herbal treatment

  1. With vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurosis

For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. next collection: (20 g), hops (20 g), valerian root (30 g), lemon balm leaf (30 g). The remedy is infused for half an hour, filtered and taken one glass a day as a sedative.

Medicinal herbs are one of the most widely available folk remedies. Possessing a wide and mild effect on the body, all medicinal herbs and names that will help cure many diseases without resorting to the use of chemicals that have many undesirable side effects.

A relatively small set of medicinal herbs allows you to prepare medicinal preparations used for a variety of diseases. For example, eye herbs such as eyebright and dandelion are widely recognized as some of the best herbs for the eyes.

Since time immemorial, people studying the properties of plants have used medicinal preparations, decoctions for healing. And today, folk, as well as scientific medicine, widely use natural resources, such as medicinal herbs, to heal many ailments.



St. John's wort


The bark of the tree is used. Shows antiviral action. In practice, it is used as an anti-febrile and analgesic.


cilantro (coriander)

Ancient herbalists, medical books and records of healers provide an opportunity to discover long-forgotten compositions, formulations, prescriptions for medicinal herbs and remedies. The study of ancient books will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the technologies and recipes for the preparation of medicines, which can be useful in our time, will open up an idea of ​​​​pharmacy and the level of development of medicine in the past.

Amazing feelings can be experienced by a modern reader of ancient herbalists. On the one hand, you understand the imperfection and naivete of methods and methods of treatment, a poor assortment of medicines, and on the other hand, you see the originality of technology and recipes, you regain forgotten medicinal recipes and substances. You are amazed at the persistence of healers and pharmacists of those years, who managed to successfully deal with various ailments with this simple arsenal, and sometimes work miracles.

Herbalists of medicinal plants.

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