What nicknames can you think of for a horse? What are and how to choose the right nicknames for horses

The horse has been a reliable helper and friend of man for a long time. This beautiful graceful animal is distinguished by an amazing mind, obedience and at the same time - a proud and freedom-loving disposition. The only way to earn love and loyalty to a horse is to take care of it.

The choice of a name for a horse is very important, since the name, as our distant ancestors believed, conceals a magical beginning and largely determines the fate of its owner. That is why you should choose a name that will reflect the character traits of your favorite, while bringing her good luck and sounding beautiful. Let's figure out how to name a horse.

Horse nicknames: general approaches to selection

After purchasing a horse, you should decide whether it will take part in shows, races and other official events. If yes, then you will need to issue a passport, because without this document, the "public life" of the horse will be impossible. And the full name will be required in the passport, that's why it should be euphonic... If there is no need to issue a passport, the animal will still have to think about the nickname, because this is your friend for many years, you will need to somehow kindly address him.

The nickname of the horse had a special meaning for a very long time, it expressed a secret meaning. After all, it was the horse that was the main assistant of both the peasant and the brave warrior, and the proud prince. Each of them appreciated his horse, so they approached the selection of a name with all responsibility. Since the 19th century, the tradition has spread to name horses in accordance with the rules.

Popular horse names

The most popular nicknames for mares in the country are:

These nicknames are quite common, so if you do not want to be branded as the original, you can safely use any.

For stallions, you can also choose one of the most common names:

  • Grand (proud aristocratic name for a noble horse).
  • Gray (a very popular nickname for horses of the same color).
  • Bouquet and Wind (suitable for almost any gelding, whether a stallion, they sound euphonious, they are perfectly remembered by both people and horses).
  • Sirius (beautiful sonorous name for a beautiful horse).
  • Aramis (the proud name of a musketeer is perfect for a lean athletic stallion).
  • Bonaparte (a classic version for those who are not ready to experiment with the nickname of the horse, but want it to sound good).

If a horse is used in a village to perform work, it will be a little strange to give it aristocratic names like "Gabriella", "Marianna", "Grant"; it will be much nicer and more interesting to choose a simple kind nickname with a certain semantic load: Zoika, Serka, Buyan, Ryzhka or similar. You can also use owls that came from a foreign language: Brown (brown), Black (black), Boss sound good.

But the name of a thoroughbred thoroughbred horse will need to be approached especially carefully, since there are a number of rules, how exactly should a horse's nickname be formed:

  • The first letter of the horse's nickname coincides with the first letter of the mother's nickname.
  • The first letter of the father's nickname must be contained in the middle of the name.

Example! The horse's nickname is Nautilus, the horse's nickname is Theodora. According to the rules, their baby can be called Thornado.

Half-breeds should also be named according to the rules:

Varieties of nicknames

How to name a horse so that the name is sonorous and interesting, while memorable? You can use the following categories of nicknames:

  • From the animal world: Tiger, Bars.
  • From the natural world: Sunset, Dawn, Moon, Storm.
  • Based on the characteristics of the character of the horse: Mighty, Strong, Terrible, Fighter.
  • Using title or position: Baron, Prince, Vizier, Empress.
  • Geographical names: Paris, London, Europe.
  • Use of proper names from legends and myths: Andromeda, Hephaestus, Poseidon.
  • Unusual euphonious epithets: Wavy, Velvet.
  • The names that came to us from Ancient Russia: Aksinya, Zlata, Dobrynya, Miron.
  • Gemstone names: Topaz, Diamond, Turquoise.
  • The names of horses known from history and literature: Bucephalus (the horse on which Alexander the Great conquered half the world), Rosinante (Don Quixote's horse from the work of Cervantes), the mythical Pegasus, Incitatus (the favorite of the Roman emperor Caligula, who became a citizen of Rome and entered the Senate by the will of a cruel tyrant), Bolivar (literary horse from the story of O. Henry).

Names for horses alphabetically

For those who do not want the horse's name to give rise to any direct associations, you can contact anyone encyclopedic dictionary, where there is a list of names and choose for your beauty (or a proud horse with an attractive sounding nickname).

A: Adelaide, Aurora, Athena, Alpha, Asian, Anabel. Or Ataman, Admiral, Amur.

B: Goddess, Bagheera, Ballad, Beauty, Fast. Or Rebel, Noble, Bard.

B: Venus, Sorceress or Woland, East, Sovereign, Wizard, Babylon.

G: Mistress, Galaxy, Gothic, Harmony. Or Gallant, Proud, Duke, Gambit, Earl.

D: Deianira, Diana, Lady, Dakota, Kind. Or Joker, Dante, Don Diego, Dragon.

E: Egyptian, Blackberry. Or Ermak, Elisha.

W: Josephine, Giselle, Life, Pearl. And also the Priest, Lot, Pearl.

Z: Villain, Starlet. Male options: Zigzag, Astrologer.

And: Empress, Isabella, Emerald, Spark. Or Ideal, Ishmael, Gambler.

K: Cleopatra, Clementine, Witch, Caramel. Or Crystal, Prince, Cavalier.

L: Darling, Liliana, Laguna, Ribbon. And also Lovelace, Legionnaire, Lucifer, Lucky.

M: Magic, Dream, Milady. Or Monarch, Tycoon, Dreamer.

N: Tenderness, Norfet, Nemesis. Or Neptune, Beloved.

A: Octavia, Octave, Orbit, Olivia. Orlando, Mischief, Opal.

P: Poetry, Paula, Paulina, Pamela. Or Prestige, Poseidon, Perseus.

R: Rumba, Regatta. Or Ronald, Ricardo, Robin Hood.

C: Seraphima, Fairy Tale, Sylvia. Or Symbol, Sable, Sapphire.

T: Tiana, Mystery, Mysterious. Or Triumph, Title, Tornado, Typhoon.

D: Threat, Clever. Or Hurricane Unique.

F: Fantasy, Flora, Themis. Or Feniscus, Fast and Furious.

X: Chrysanthemum, Christina, Charisma, Holly. Or Cold, Caliph, Hunter.

C: Tsarina, Tsarevna, Gypsy. Or Centurion, Caesar.

H: Enchantress, Black, Silver fox. Or Chester, Champion, Roan, Chernysh.

Sh: Minx, Chocolate. Or Whisper, Mischievous, Nimble.

U: Generosity or Generous.

E: Erina, Erica, Emotion. For the Standard, Epithet, Elixir.

Yu: Julianne, Judith. Or Jupiter, Junior.

Me: Yaroslavna, Berry, Rage. Or Jaguar.

We have given just a few examples, in general, the list of beautiful nicknames for horses is quite impressive.

Consider what nicknames for horses are absolutely not acceptable.

In choosing the nickname of a horse, the owner is practically unlimited in scope, if, of course, we are not talking about a thoroughbred breeding individual. Therefore, you can safely show your imagination, the main thing is that the chosen name caresses both your hearing and the hearing of the animal.

According to the rules of modern breeding, all animals have nicknames that are formed according to certain laws. For example, the names of horses show their origin. By tradition, the foal is named according to the first letters of the names of mom and dad. In Russia, the sacred meaning was often put into the name of the animal. It was considered as follows: as you name the pet, so it will behave. Take books on literature and see for yourself.

How are nicknames given?

If you buy an adult horse, then it already has a specific nickname. Often the owners will shorten or modify it. For example, according to the well-established tradition, filly girls are called Masha... If the horse is not purebred, then it is called at the discretion of the owner. For example, Dawn or Spot. Often they are set on the basis of the character of the horse, its color, and the like. There are no restrictions here. Breeding horses are named according to the rules - the first letters of the names of the mother and father are used. Often in the beginning, nicknames use the letter of the stallion. Sometimes, in everyday life, a foreign word is turned into an ordinary one, for example, so the nickname Black easily turns into Blackie. Here is a rough list of A-nicknames:

It is interesting that if a horse is bought for a girl, then she chooses the appropriate name for him. For example, something fabulous. So, a mare can wear the nickname of a princess or a favorite cartoon character. As for the boys, they usually prefer fighting names for the horse.

How to name a horse in a breeding farm?

For thoroughbred horses, the nickname is given according to certain rules... They must be respected as this makes it possible to trace the origin of any pet born in a particular breeding farm. Therefore, a thoroughbred horse is named after the first letter of the mother's name, and the first letter of the father's name should be in the middle of the name. Therefore, if the mare was called Grape, and the boy Vigilant, the foal would be called Windsor.

Different rules for those horses that are recognized as half-bred or half-bred. For such children, the name begins with the first letter of the father's name... It is noteworthy that the tradition to call horses this way was formed in Russia in the 19th century. It was then that Count Orlov brought out his trotting horses and set out to breed frisky horses. Therefore, it was mandatory to clearly trace the origin of a pet.

By the way, there are slightly different traditions in the West. In addition to letters, from the nicknames of the parents in the name of the foal, they include the name of the breeding farm or stable where he was born. Therefore, if you look through the lists of foreign horses, you can see how their nicknames consist of several words.

Famous horses

It is interesting that some horses are included in world history due to their merits. In this case, the nickname becomes the hallmark of the mare or stallion. For example, our famous athlete Filatov on a stallion named Absinthe set an away record and won the Olympic Games in Rome. Thus, the horse forever entered the history of sports.

Interestingly, in the West there is a tradition to call a girl or boy foal by the same name as their famous parents. To do this, simply assign a number.

  • For example, if a stallion is named Princeton, then his child will be named Princeton I or Princeton I;
  • In part, this tradition of forming nicknames was adopted in Russian horse breeding;

Great Russian horse

Always in Russia they knew how to value horses. Considering that the races came from abroad, our country was still able to raise a great horse. His name is Analin... Under the control of jockey Nasibov, he received the best title in the racing world. He was called "three times crowned". Only those who win three different prizes deserve such a title. In the history of horse racing, few horses have been able to do this. To this day, in the nicknames of many stallions, you can find echoes of Anililin's blood.

Horse naming science?

Today you can find mention of zoonymy. This is the science that studies the names of animals, including horses. For example, they offer to form them into groups.

  1. For example, according to the aggressive and combative character of the stallion - Fighter, Terrible, Hurricane, Glorious. And a mare - Great, Powerful, Military, Threat, etc .;
  2. In the villages there is a tradition to give a nickname to a horse following the example of Slavic names. For example, a mare can be called Fekla or Zlata, Arcadia, Pelagia. But the stallion's nickname can be determined by male names: Tikhon, Dobrynya, Efim, and so on;

Esoterics and nicknames

From ancient times in Russia there was a belief about the sacredness of names. Therefore, it was considered necessary hide your true name, especially the one under which the person was baptized. The witches did their best to find out the real name of the offender in order to curse him. The same was true for any animals. For example, if a mare has the nickname Midnight, then she is unlikely to be able to leave the stable during the day. The thing is that she will react badly to the sun and the rays will burn her skin.

Or earlier in stud farms a large number of stallions and mares were called simply by the dictionary. Nachkon took an ordinary dictionary , chose the desired letter and watched the words. So, one horse was named Damn. This affected the character and the stallion was simply uncontrollable. Therefore, think carefully about how to name your pet so as not to attract trouble. It is better to call a mare with an affectionate name so that she is kind and gentle.

A horse is an animal that impresses with its endurance and grace. Having passed more than one millennium with man, horses are still our irreplaceable companions. And for many people, they become not just a means of transportation, but also a friend, companion, comrade. If a decision was made to purchase a foal, then the question of choosing a name will inevitably arise. This has its own nuances and some rules. In our article, we propose to find them out, as well as look through some of the horse names from A to Z alphabetically.


How to name a horse: features of nicknames in the equestrian world

If you purchase a horse for keeping in the household, then you can choose absolutely any name for it, guided by personal preferences or the striking features of the animal. If nothing comes to mind, you can study the list of the most common nicknames for mares and horses, choose whatever you like. But if the choice was made in favor of a pedigree or a sporting horse, then a completely different approach is needed. Before you name a horse, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules for choosing a name.

When buying an adult horse or from a breeding farm and farm, as a rule, there is no need to name the animal, since the name is immediately selected for the horse, based on its breeding line. Also, at stud farms, each foal born is immediately given a nickname, taking into account its breeding value and pedigree. It is immediately entered into the passport upon registration of the horse and is preserved for life.

Name for a domestic horse

If you come to any village or village and ask those who keep a horse on their backyard farm what the name of the animal is, you will probably hear the usual simple nicknames. For example, Zorka, Nochka, Buyan, Veter, Sirko and others. This is not surprising, because the name for a domestic horse is always chosen from the preferences of the owner. As a rule, it should be simple, short and straightforward. But if you want to highlight your horse, then you have the right to choose any nickname, even the name of some celebrity (but of a non-commercial nature).

It is best to choose a nickname for mares and stallions taking into account their characteristics, for example, based on the nature of the foal, its color, some individual marks. It will always be beneficial to emphasize the uniqueness of your horse. Also quite popular is the variant of the name in honor of the mother or father. This practice is especially common when choosing names for sporting and breeding mares and stallions. For example, there are Grace 2, Bracelet 3, Cupid 2, Dawn 2 and others.

It is forbidden to use obscene names when registering horses. Even if an obscene name is translated into a foreign language, it will still be rejected. You should always understand that the names of horses are the personification of their individuality, and you will have to call the name whenever necessary.

Horse of pedigree and sporting value

If the name for a domestic horse does not depend on its breed, then if you are going to use the horse in sports or breeding, then you will have to choose a name more responsibly. When buying a foal, you should definitely know the nicknames of its parents, as the capital letters of their nicknames will be present in the foal's name. All thoroughbred horses are named in such a way that the name must begin with the capital letter of the name of the father or mother, and the capital letter of the name of the mother (father) must be in the middle of the word. For example, if the stallion's name was Brosky, and the mare's name was Graceful, then the variant of the name for their foal could be BaGryany, BaGulnik and others.

When it comes to mares and stallions of breeding value, then the names should be selected taking into account the breed. The fact is that many breeds have their own internal naming rules. For example, it is customary to give Russian nicknames for horses of the Donskoy, Budennovskaya breed, the same applies to horses of the Oryol trotting breed. In this case, trotters are usually called by the first letter of the mother's name. It is also very important that the initial letter of the father's nickname is present in the middle of the name.

However, for some thoroughbred horses it is considered correct to give a name according to the first letter of the father's name. For example, such a rule exists within German breeds: Hanover, Traken and others. So, if the boy's name is Thunder, and the girl's name is Bully, then the foal that will be born to them can be called Grozny or GroZoy.

The names of sports horses deserve special attention. They can be named based on the name of the club or stable to which they belong. This rule is valid in many European countries. That is why mares and stallions sometimes have complex names, which consist of 3-4 or even 5 words. For example, Willie Emerson Grand Vincent.

Does the nickname affect the fate of the horse?

When choosing names for mares and stallions, you should use not only your imagination. It is very important to consider the practicality of the future nickname. After all, the animal will have to live with her all his life. And, as you know, names are capable of influencing fate and leaving an imprint on the owner.

Many horse breeders support this theory. For example, one owner of a horse named Torpedo is sure that an energetic and full of strength animal fully corresponds to its name. Therefore, if you want your pet to have a calm disposition, it is more advisable to choose a kind, beautiful and harmonious nickname for him.

You can also take the nickname of a famous horse that went down in history as a basis. The name Eclipse is especially popular. And this is not surprising at all. After all, this is one of the famous figures in equestrian sports. Until now, no one has yet been able to surpass the record of this horse in terms of speed and percentage of his wins.

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Name classification

Horse nicknames are divided into several groups, among which the following must be highlighted:

  1. Name based on character (Kind, Grumpy, Buyan).
  2. Names after other animals (Marten, Tigress).
  3. Horse nicknames can be formed by title (Bogatyr, Warrior, Brave).
  4. The name can be based on the names of precious stones (Ruby, Agate, Amethyst).
  5. For mares, female names will be very euphonic (Aksinya, Thekla or Palageya).

List of nicknames to help a novice horse breeder

Before naming a foal, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a list of the most common names. The table shows the best horse names.

Letter of the alphabetMareStallion
ANDAdele, Alice, Watercolor, Alpha, Anika, Arina, Athena, AstoriaApollo, August, Aklon, Antaeus, Angel, Aston, Adonis
BBassi, Bella, Bonita, Burca, Beatrice, Squirrel, Buffy, BiancaBen, Benefis, Buran, Basil, Berkut, Bruce, Brawler
INVanessa, Vasara, Venus, Vendetta, Veronia, Wendy, VeigaWebster, Viscount, Versailles, Faithful, Vakhtar, Vizorg, Volcano
DProud, Loud, Guiana, Giley, Glucose, Gelda, GimbiHanibal, Garth, Hamlet, Gallop, Henry, Geopard, Garnet, Granite
DJulie, Deza, Jennifer, Virgo, Jilly, Dusty, Kindness, DoxyDakar, Daniel, Darko, Dingo, Dombay, Dubloon, Daly, Durango
EEurasia, Yesenia, Elinira, Ebbi, Elagia, Eila, ElisEuphrates, Elman, Yenisei, Eros, Huntsman, Ekim, Endai
FJasmine, Giselle, Juliet, Priestess, Georgette, Justina, JelicaZhafrey, Jacques, Geron, Zhibek, Reaper, Joker, Germès, Jade
ZZirana, Zia, Star, Perky, Zayda, Zoria, FunBunny, Sunset, Zambo, Zeus, Zerab, Zorik, Zulan, Zufar
ANDSpain, Ibony, Igogosha, Zest, Graceful, IsoldeEmerald, Icarus, Indigo, Irbis, Irkhat, Ishtar, Illan, Ideal
TOPretty Woman, Goose, Strawberry, Drops, Catty, Water Lily, CandyCadet, Cairo, Cameron, Caprice, Carat, Cascade, Quint, King, King
LLagoon, Legend, Luxury, Leila, Lava, Lolita, LucyLeon, Lagoon, Lavrion, Lord, Lotus, Lucas, Lucifer
MMagic, Marquise, Marie, Mafia, Dream, Monica, Molly, MaltaMaster, Maclay, Marathon, Martin, Mowgli, Mahito, Milan, Michigan
HForget-me-not, Tenderness, Nora, Natty, Nicole, Nymph, NaritaNord, Neuron, Napoleon, Nemo, Nautilus, Invincible
ABOUTOrchid, Odyssey, Ovation, Orlita, Ofeya, Onezhka, OrnetaOasis, Ozar, Olsan, Olhard, Omar, Optimus, Orion
PPandora, Prima, Panther, Peach, Pallet, Puma, Platinum, SongPirate, Ash, Polis, Pegasus, Poseidon, Poker, Ghost, Pierrot
RRemira, Riona, Chamomile, Roel, Rosemary, Rosette, ReginaRogue, Raphael, Ricky, Ringo, Romantic, Redhead, Reef
WITHSofia, Suzie, Element, Strategy, Snowball, Sonali, ArrowFireworks, Sandor, Gray-haired, Sensei, Tornado, Solomon, Stewart
TTracy, Tamika, Taurida, Titana, Theodora, Silence, TemidaTyphoon, Tango, Tarzan, Titan, Tornado, Tulip, Talin
HaveLuck, Utopia, Delight, Ultra, Threat, Pleasure, CleverCoal, Ulkus, Clever, Hurricane, Success, Ulsan, Umberto
FFergana, Faina, Florida, Frida, Favorite, Fauna, FerarriFan, Pharaoh, Feudal, Philip, Flamingo, Flipper, Weathervane
XHilary, Heida, Holly, Helga, Hydelia, Honda, ClapperboardHacker, Harley, Harrison, Hathul, Hilton, Predator, Hugo
CTsarina, Tsunami, Gypsy, Candied fruit, Celeste, TsukeriaFlower, Tsargun, Tsimbal, Cystan, Cedric, Tsoster, Cent
HSeagull, Blueberry, Miracle, Chilli, Garlic, Burrow, RoanChernish, Charles, Champion, Chicago, Chips, Wonderful
Sh-ShChocolate, Chanel, Shakira, Charlene, Generous, DandyShaman, Shanghai, Schumacher, Sage, Sherbet, Goldfinch
EEji, Ecwida, Evelina, Era, Eila, Etoile, Aegis, EstellaEvan, Egoist, Eclipse, Extreme, Elf, Eragon, Exclusive
YUJuno, Yusita, Yutana, Yulika, Junior, YugoslaviaJeweler, Julius, Eugene, Juvent, Southern, Yuton, Yukas
IBerry, Yalta, Brightness, Jadwiga, Rage, Fair, JamaicaYakov, Hawk, Clear, Anchor, Amber, Yamato, January, Yarmak

Video "About the nicknames of horses and their diet"

In this video, you can see a beautiful graceful horse, as well as explanations from a nickname specialist.

Kira Stoletova

The birth of a foal is a welcome event on the farm. Regardless of whether a beautiful riding horse or a little pony was born, the animal needs to be given a nickname. Before you name a horse, you should decide on its purpose in the farm. Horses participating in breeding or international competition are named according to established standards.

Regular farms try to choose nicknames, the value of which can improve the character traits of the animal. It is no secret that many horse breeders believe: an affectionate nickname will help improve the relationship between a person and a stallion.

Nickname selection criteria

There are many ways to choose a name for your foal. However, first of all, the names of horses depend on the following factors:

  • whether the stallion is involved in breeding;
  • whether the breed of animal is sporting and whether the horse will take part in official competitions.

The fact is that representatives of the tribal branch or participants in international competitions must be named according to certain standards. If the horse was born to work in agriculture, then the nickname can be chosen in accordance with the taste preferences of the owner. Typically, names for farm horses are influenced by the following characteristics:

  1. Appearance. The horse's name can be influenced by an unusual color or characteristic spots on the body.
  2. Breed of animal. If the horse is a representative of a pure breed, but was rejected due to some inconsistencies, then you should not give the animal a common nickname. Experienced breeders claim that the discrepancy between the appearance and the name can affect the fate of the horse.
  3. The character of the stallion. Nicknames for quiet horses are chosen with soft syllables, excluding sharp letters. For active fidgets, you can choose sonorous nicknames to which they will happily respond.

There is a sign according to which the name of a horse predetermines its entire life.

That is why horse breeders are afraid to give their pets such nicknames as Trouble, Brawler, Grief, Plague, Bad weather or Death. It is believed that such stallion nicknames can spoil the character of the animal. This can also be explained scientifically. The fact is that a person pronounces words with a negative connotation rudely and harshly, which makes the horse think that he is being scolded.

This happens unconsciously and can seriously ruin the psyche of the horse. On the contrary, horse breeders pronounce warm and affectionate nicknames softly, so that the stallion calms down and happily goes to the owner.

Sometimes horses are named after famous figures. You can often find the horse Julia or Attila, since these nicknames give the animal masculinity. A feminine nickname should be softer than a masculine one and is often associated with beauty and grace.

Anthroponyms in horses

Sometimes the owner of the horse uses human names to name an animal. More than 20% of horses around the world are named after prominent personalities or simply euphonious human names. Common Russian names among equids:

  • Arkasha;
  • Vaska;
  • Sidor;
  • Bear;
  • Vasilisa.

However, horses cannot be called by their full human names, as this is considered unethical in relation to other people. The exception is foreign names, which are very popular among horse breeders. So, nicknames for a young boy's horse can be as follows:

  • Scott;
  • John;
  • William;
  • Caesar;
  • Napoleon;
  • Lincoln;
  • Genghis Khan;

Females can also be named after great personalities or simply by foreign nicknames. There is such a list of nicknames for horses and mares:

  • Cleopatra;
  • Mary;
  • Betsy;
  • Mulan;
  • Ishtar.

Many owners believe that calling their pet as great figures will make the animal more resistant to life's difficulties. However, you should not call the horse by its full nickname too often in this case, since the owner unconsciously may use too harsh intonations.

We must try to come up with an abbreviated nickname for the horse so that he feels affection and care in his voice. An example of this is Bonnie, short for Napoleon.


Not the last place among the nicknames of horses is occupied by onomasticons - names in the creation of which the color of the animal's coat plays a role. For many breeds, the color is a distinctive feature, so the name of the horse may contain a hint of the color of the stallion.

Among the standard colors of horses are the following:

  • Redhead;
  • Bay;
  • Voronoi.

The rest of the animal suits arise for various reasons. Most often this is a mixing of genes of different breeds and incomplete dominance.

Names for young horses, depending on the exterior, can be as follows:

  1. For stallions of the bay breed, the nicknames Gnedko, Bay or Gnedukha are suitable.
  2. The horse, which has a black suit, is usually called the Crow, Night, Darkness, Crow, Funnel, Blackie.
  3. Red horses are suitable names such as Ryzhik, Rusty, Liska.
  4. If the suit is dominated by black and white colors, the horse can be called Sivka, Gray, Bunny.
  5. Nicknames for small brown foals can be as follows: Burka, Burena, Brown.
  6. Light red hair will cause the stallion to be called Kaurka or Kaurym.
  7. The names of horses with black spots sound like Chubary or Dalmantin.

Most of the name by suit has Turkic and Arabic roots. The reason for this is the Tatar-Mongol invasion, which influenced horse breeding in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Sometimes horse nicknames associated with color are chosen in foreign languages. So, you can find horses with the names White, Black, Bianca, Rosso, Gray, Brown.

Names of horses

TAG names of horses | The names of horses

Nickname associated with the character of the animal

The name can be chosen based on the nature of the foal. Quiet and calm males can be given names such as Tishka, Tikhon or Oasis. Non-playful girls are called Bunny or Silence.

Active horses should be nicknamed appropriately. Stallions can be called Wrath, Invincible, Leader, or Champion. Names for girls' horses are Rage, Strength, or Victory.

Sonorous names will help to distinguish strong individuals by vocal intonation from an early age. Horses with powerful names often become leaders in the herd.

Names depending on the season

Sometimes I use the characteristic signs of the time of year when the horse was born as a nickname:

  1. The nicknames September, Rain, Fog are suitable for autumn foals. For females, you can use such nicknames as Autumn, Zhelka, Oktyabrina.
  2. In winter, the boys are called Snow, January, Frost, Ice. For mares, Snowball will be good names. Winter, Snowflake, Blizzard.
  3. Males born in the summer are recorded under the following nicknames: Sun, August, Horn. Girls are better called Augustine or Heat.
  4. Spring young are given soft nicknames. Boys are most often called May, Brook or Leaf. Girls are awarded with such nicknames as Grass, Kapel or Lilac.

Names of horses in honor of natural phenomena

Sometimes the color or character of an animal can be similar to a natural or weather phenomenon. So, sometimes stallions can be called a Meteor. Hail, Tornado, Volcano, Sunset, Granite.

Names for mares can be as follows: Comet, Thunderstorm, Element, Zorya.

Similar nicknames have been given to horses for a long time in the hope of endowing them with the same qualities that natural phenomena have: speed, strength and endurance. Horse named Wind, according to horse breeders, will be faster and more agile, and the stallion Skala will better endure hard work.

Nicknames associated with the origin of the animal

Sometimes the basis for a name can be the place of birth of an animal. So, the names for boys' horses can be the same as Cupid or Irtysh, and for girls the nicknames Volzhka or Onezhka are suitable.

Sometimes the nickname is given depending on the purebred breed. Smeska can be called Bastard or Serf, while for pure breeds the names Lord, Earl, Emperor, Barin, Duchess or Countess will go.

Other criteria for selecting names

Often the basis of the nickname for stallion horses can be food. Sometimes there are males named Sugar, Ginger, Medoc. Nicknames for girls' horses in this case sound like Toffee or Yagodka.

Foal names on large farms are chosen according to the letters of the alphabet to avoid inbreeding: Adele, Athena. Apollo, Beatrissa, Bernard, Buran, Viscount, Vendetta, Veronia, etc.

Sometimes nicknames are chosen in honor of favorite creatures or characters from mythology: Pegasus, Dragon, Icarus, Ares, Aphrodite, Gorgon.

Beautiful nicknames for horses are obtained if you use the names of stars and planets to create them: Aldebaran, Centauri, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Castor, Orion, Andromeda.

Sometimes derivatives from notes or chords can be chosen as a nickname: Domino, Rhea, Rem, Fai, Quinta, Tertsia, Septa, Nona.

Good nicknames for horses are the names of different colors: Aster, Chamomile, Poppy, Orchid, Tulip.

Sometimes horse breeders choose characters from books or plays as their names. However, it is better to choose heroes with good fortunes. Naming a horse after Hamlet or Kazbich can make life difficult for the animal.

Criteria for choosing a name for a stud or sport stallion

There are certain rules on how to call horses that are intended for breeding. The name of a foal from a thoroughbred horse must combine the names of the parents. The first letter of the baby's name must match the first letter of the mother's name, and the middle letter must match the father's name.

For example, if the female's name is Cassandra, and the male is Mirage, then their cubs can receive such nicknames as Kasmir, Cameo, Kemil or Kama.

Sometimes it is difficult to find a suitable nickname because the letters may not match.

If the foal's parents are winners in sporting events and have a long pedigree, then the calf can get a double name, which is recorded in the animal's passport. The name is written depending on which of the parent horses has achieved great awards. A cub whose parents do not compete is usually called by the same name.

Not always sonorous nicknames should be used in everyday life. This applies to show and breeding breeds. The stallion, who according to the documents is listed as Maximus Jacques-Geron, in life can be a simple Max.

For equestrian sports, there are a number of restrictions regarding the name of the horse:

  1. The names for horses of stallions should not coincide with the names of the ancestors of known breeds.
  2. You can use the name of a famous person with his personal permission, which must be formalized.
  3. Nicknames that contain more than 18 letters are also prohibited.
  4. Due to an offensive or unethical nickname, the horse is not allowed to compete.

Once a name has been chosen for a horse, it must be registered with the official authorities. Both the horse and the breeder must pass an expert assessment. For this, the foal is subjected to a thorough examination, documentation for its parents and medical certificates are collected. All three animals take a blood test to confirm the relationship, and if it is positive, the foal is given a passport with his name. Next, the nickname is entered into the stud book. This procedure is especially strictly observed with rare breeds of animals. In this case, all live horses included in the studbook are under the supervision of special committees.


The name plays a big role in the life of the animal. The selection of a nickname largely depends on the characteristics of the horse. There are established criteria for sporting and breeding breeds. Owners call ordinary farm horses soft nicknames with positive coloration. Often, when choosing a name, horse breeders are repelled by external factors, breed or character of the stallion.

Sometimes beautiful names are involved in creating nicknames for stallions, but the animal cannot bear the full human name due to ethical standards. Horse names should not be associated with events or phenomena that are negatively perceived by a person: this can affect the character of the horse in later life.

When a mare has a foal, the breeder of the animal must decide on his name, which almost never changes. The name of the foal is not chosen anyhow, it should express its character, reflect the uniqueness of the traits of the future mare or stallion.

What nickname to give a thoroughbred horse depends on its pedigree. Therefore, the selection of names is a responsible occupation filled with deep meaning.

Russian people have always approached the choice especially carefully, as evidenced by literary works, where foals were named with a necessarily beautiful and bright name.

Tip: If you buy an adult horse, it is not renamed.

You can, of course, give the animal a nickname that came to mind, but it's better to fantasize and read about the meaning of names for horses. If the courtyard is private, for example, in villages, the foal is given any nicknames, this is a purely master's choice, no bans are imposed on it.

Livestock breeders can be guided by color, temperament or other qualities that characterize their horse. Some owners can take any foreign names as an example, the nickname can be spied on in a film or literary work. Weiner, Black and other foals with beautiful unusual nicknames can be seen in the private yard.

Advice: But if a horse has a certain pedigree, this is a thoroughbred or a sports horse, the name cannot be chosen at random, the nobility of blood requires a special attitude even to nicknames.

What is the name of horses in the breeding economy?

There are certain patterns to give a foal, born in a special breeding farm, a certain name. The first letter of the nickname must be the same as that of the mother. The nickname should be such that the first letter of the father's nickname stands in the middle of the word.

For half-blooded horses, the rules are softer, but the foal and the father always have nicknames starting with the same letter. And the name of a mare or stallion, which is prepared to perform at sports tournaments, is sometimes given with the indication of the data of the stable or team. Many European countries strictly adhere to this requirement. European horses are often found with long and difficult to pronounce names.

It is forbidden to call a foal with a name on the watch list, as well as an offensive or indecent word. A nickname can contain a maximum of 16 letters; it is rarely acceptable to use 27 letter characters.

Russian horse breeding and animal name

In the 19th and 20th centuries, thoroughbred horses were called by traditional nicknames. Horse breeders tried to adhere to several requirements, how to name the foal. The nickname was intended to consolidate family ties with one parent or both. Stallions and mares were often called victorious names or nicknames of famous animals, for example, in different generations there were Fighters, the Mighty and others.

Etymology of the horse name since ancient times

Over time, the nickname began to be selected for the foal according to a completely understandable scheme. Mares and horses are such humanized animals that people love to communicate with, so thinking up nicknames has become an entertaining and quite active process. Semantic and functional meanings have been understood for a long time.

When horses were steppe many hundreds of years ago, there was no need for nicknames; it appeared when animals began to be exploited by people. The ancient world endowed horses with a special purpose, and gave the corresponding nicknames.

The horses, mainly, took part in the hostilities, respectively, the nickname was supposed to be formidable, frightening. The meaning of this was in the correct treatment of the owner with the horse, and in intimidation of enemies, and directly in the designation of the destiny of a stallion or mare. This is an old kind of psychological manipulation for opponents to instill in them a feeling of fear in order to quickly win.

Animals could be called variously, and correspond to the names and meanings:

  • animals: Leopards, Rabbits;
  • birds, symbols of strength and beauty: Eagles, Cuckoos, Herons;
  • random or symbolic things: Brooms, Bulat, Bullets;
  • natural phenomena: Thunders, Thunders, etc .;
  • certain positions and ranks: Rich, Knights, Khans;
  • qualitative human characteristics: Buyans, Dodgers, etc., this group has a very wide application;
  • antique, foreign language or literary anthroponyms: Dobrynya, Polkany, Mamai. A simple, unread people might not understand the meanings of many names, but it was considered romantic and connected the current generation with history, but only purebred breeds could call more similar nicknames;
  • nationalities and settlements: Varangians, Tatars, Poltava;
  • adjectives: Cheerful, Loyal, Spiteful. This group describes the horse's temperament and habits, plus what emotion the horse owner is experiencing;
  • horse breeding terms: Bay, Gray, Steel.

By any given nicknames from different categories, you can understand horse qualities, real or desired. Names also have a bright emotional coloring. The owners wanted the boy, the offspring of the scans, to be reputed to be noble, so that future owners or players who made bets in the races would pay attention to him.

Modern interpretation of horse nicknames

Horse breeders of our time are trying to make the nickname begin with the first letter of the father's name. The maternal initial is placed in the middle of the foal's nickname. It is no longer so fashionable to use equine manners and indicators of physical superiority in names.

Formalism prevails when values \u200b\u200bhave parent initials. The emotional and expressive load from today's horse nicknames is removed, the horses are called more and more neutral.

In the century before last, trotting horse breeding formed a list, the words from which had to be used when compiling the nickname of the foal. Any modification was possible.

It is no longer worth looking for rational grain when a foal is criticized with a certain nickname. There are no prohibitions, apart from the genealogy of the connection. The choice is allowed according to the dictionary; words with the main parental letters of the foal are selected from it. But even in the old days, the name of the horse was not always definitely associated.

There are modern horse breeders who are not alien to the classics, as a rule, these are formal signs, for example, if the nicknames of the parents are Rakita and Debosh, the foal will be called Druzhk.

The fact that the nickname began to bear a formal meaning comparable to a unique number does not affect communication with animals in the best way, it only gets more complicated. Girls began to be called Sessions, Agenda, stallions are called, for example, Pavilions.

In order for the nickname to be successful, it is better to leave a choice on the name you like from the literary list, or choose an alphabetic combination, or watch the foal, understand what character it corresponds to, determine external data, perhaps the ideal name will be determined intuitively.

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