What are the meanings of the king of wands in the tarot. Tarot card meaning - King of Staves (of Wands) King of Staves card of the day

As usual, when it comes to court cards, Waite is stingy with words and ideas. He mentioned the lion on the throne, the lizard, most likely a salamander, at the foot of the throne - not.

The clothes of the king are typical for the times of Richard the Lionheart, approximately XI-XII century.

I must say that Pamela Smith was rather loose with historical fashion, so on the maps we can see clothes from the 11th to the 15th century.


  • Law
  • Power
  • Politics
  • Hypocrisy
  • Intrigue
  • Ambition

Key ideas

  • The state is me
  • Excessive rigor and control
  • Power, severity and intolerance
  • Establishing rules and laws for others

Basic meaning

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King of Staves

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Not knowing what to write about the King of Staffs, Waite practically copied the meanings proposed by Etteilla.

The King of Staves transforms into a dark-haired villager (although his hair is hidden in a funny hat on the map). Waite presents the King of Staffs as a pathologically honest man and as a situation with an unexpected legacy.

For an inverted card, Waite gives some unexpected meanings: kind, but not good-natured, strict, but tolerant.

The modern understanding of the meaning of the Tarot card King of Staves (of Wands, Maces) has expanded significantly in comparison with Waite. First, he turned from a villager into the personification of power and the Law. Secondly, the King of Staves lost the attributes of honesty and received the meaning of "treason, intrigue."

He writes laws for others - and does not consider them binding on himself.

Video: the meaning of the King of Wands Tarot

The value of the card in a relationship

The King of Staves is an open card, but its openness is specific. The King of Staves draws everyone into his orbit, but few are ready to share his secret with anyone.

Relationship intensity

The King of Staves indicates the initially high intensity of the relationship. And its degree is constantly increasing. An even, calm, stable relationship seems boring and insipid to the King of Staves.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The value of the King of Wands of the Tarot in relationships and love always indicates a hierarchical relationship, where he occupies a dominant position. A feature of this card is that the King of Staves fundamentally ignores the personal space of others, considering himself entitled to interfere in all spheres of the existence of his loved ones.

The King of Staves sets the rules for those around him, but he considers himself free from any restrictions.

In a love relationship, the King of Staves tends to demand constant proof, and not so much love as loyalty from his partners. No amount of evidence is considered sufficient, so the King of Staves rarely doubts that partners are cheating on him or are ready to change. And for him, the willingness to cheat is identical to the betrayal itself.

In working relationships, these are usually "intrigues, scandals, investigations." Moreover, intrigues are conducted for the sake of the process itself, and not for the sake of obtaining any benefits. "Since you support Ivanov's group and the ideas that come from there, then I will support Petrov's group and his ideas." Moreover, the value of these ideas does not matter.

Combined with the Major Arcana

King of Wands Thar combined with the Major Arcana
  • King of Wands Tarot combined with a card: Listen to the Fool telling the truth
  • King of Wands Tarot combined with a card: Judge without regard for feelings
  • King of Wands Tarot combined with a card: Follow the Law

Psychological condition

The King of Staves card indicates a sublime and elated mood. With a lot of narcissism and a decently overblown sense of self-importance. He demands sincerity from his inner circle, but he himself is not ready to give it. And often the sincerity that he receives from the environment dependent on him is false and hypocritical. According to the King of Staves, those around him are simply obliged to give him "emotional strokes." And when he doesn't get them, he gets angry and annoyed.

Combined with the suit of Wands

King of Wands Tarot combined with the suit of Staves
  • in conjunction with the card: Cancellation of old norms and establishment of new ones
  • combined with a card: Burden of Power
  • combined with a card: Conflict with power

The value of the card in health matters

The value of the King of Wands Tarot in matters of health indicates excellent health. Moreover, being in excellent physical condition, the King of Staves suspects that others are simply feigning their illnesses.

Combined with suit of Cups

King of Wands Tarot combined with the suit of Cups
  • combined with: Leader frustration
  • combined with: Ascent to the political Olympus
  • combined with: Being a patriarch for your family

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

All kings are control, management, stability. This is their main quality.

Stability is based on a powerful resource base, both material and moral and psychological. The financial component - both their own and borrowed, provided to them on demand.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The king is the alpha male. And the key to increasing income is the constant pumping of charisma, checking the strength of your condition. Confirmation of your status. Everyone decides this in their own way.

Everything is done in the sphere of power. Anyway. Either he himself is part of the power structures (state service, official bodies), or he is looking for high patrons there. And it takes into account the fact that the key moment for the rise is not scrupulous work, not honesty, but treason, intrigue. Substitute, deceive, take advantage of the fruits of someone else's labor. This is normal practice for the King of Staffs. First, you get in touch with the authorities and only then start to cut the budget.

The general state of finances and trends of change

All kings are in a normal state. But it is determined not by a specific amount, but by a rare ability to find a way out of difficult situations. There may be no money in your pocket, but kings formulate the problem very clearly, and the Universe responds more readily to the requests of kings than everyone else. Therefore, they rarely worry about their financial situation, and it works.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Business Kings is a great card. Possessing many advantages, they easily become experts in different fields. They are not afraid to attract extra-class third-party specialists if they feel their incompetence. Easily delegate authority. But they are also punished cruelly. Strategic, global thinking, dedication, perseverance, colossal willpower, charisma, power - the qualities can be enumerated for a long time. But there are also weaknesses. First, all kings are stubborn. “I decided so!”, And it is very difficult to convince the king. They dig into a project, consider it important, and begin to invest all their resources in it.

Secondly, each king has his own mania, an idea that reaches the point of absurdity.

Set norms for others, not follow strangers

Card of the Day Caution

Clash with power

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

King of Wands Tarot combined with the suit of Pentacles
  • combined with the card: Profit from political and social affairs
  • combined with a card: Tired of managing others
  • combined with a card: Political machinations leading to enrichment

Questions to ask by drawing out a card

  • What laws am I willing to obey?
  • Who am I a leader for?
  • Whose power is pleasant to me, and whose burdensome?
  • What kind of leader am I willing to go for?

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Tarot cards tell a lot. They foreshadow the future, help solve difficult situations and get answers to difficult questions. Each of the arcana has its own special meaning, which depends on what other cards are present in the layout. Quite a strong symbol is the King of Wands tarot. This is the image of a domineering man who controls the element of fire and has great strength. He has unusual abilities that manifest in the qualities of a king. There is boundless faith in oneself, love for life and joy from its manifestations.

The King of Wands is a strong card

He has everything: greatness, power, wealth. Despite the excess of business and personal qualities, he has a lot of selfishness. The king is not complacent and in no way selfish. He has a great soul that shares its blessings with people. The card symbolizes a strong will, confidence in one's actions, as well as the desire for development, both material and spiritual. The main goals of the king are the realization and knowledge of his inner self. The card can in some situations also speak of vanity, arrogance and excessive self-love. Also, the meaning of the lasso depends on the adjacent cards.

General characteristics in an upright position

The King of Wands tarot characterizes personal achievements and the efforts that lead to them. The appearance of a card in the layout can speak of business projects that have a perspective, career advancement, as well as many opportunities in the professional field. The main meaning of the card is power and the achievement of goals. The king of wands promises a high level in society, great opportunities, popularity and recognition. These can be good things that happen in business.

This lasso is a symbol of order, generosity and courage. Very often he talks about a successful marriage, creativity, strength and courage. When the king of wands appears, you can start active in all directions, including business, personal relationships, career, finance, etc. Success in all matters awaits a person. The meanings of the lasso include:

  • a decent and honest man with charm and wit;
  • a person with good financial position and power;
  • reliability and honesty;
  • worthy person;
  • happy marriage;
  • creativity and reflection.

If the card comes up straight, it is a good sign. She symbolizes a man who has power and good position. He is energetic, adventurous, direct and honest. He is a born leader and a skilled judge who is able to resolve difficult disputes. Also, the lasso speaks of financial success and possible inheritance.

The value of the card The King of Wands represents a man who has status and wealth. He is friendly and always helps those in need, both with advice and with money. He is honest, smart, and generous. In competition, he shows justice and generosity. If he is a friend, then his advice should be taken with special attention, since they are very correct and wise.

If we are not talking about a person, then the card symbolizes a favorable situation. This may indicate good news in the field of careers, real estate. A person will appear who will help improve things.

The difference between the King of Wands and the King of Pentacles is that the former needs to reach his maximum potential. He will put in a lot of effort and grow to be the first, to be successful and have the power to make important decisions. Here, success in personal development is in the foreground, and not for gaining financial independence. The king's victory is compared to the conquest of the highest mountain, it is unlike the others. All achievements are well deserved.

The King of Wands is committed to realizing the potential

General characteristics in the inverted position

If the king of wands have an inverted position when laid out, his interpretation will be completely different. The card can portend quarrels, the emergence of conflicts and misunderstandings. It can also symbolize a person who has a pronounced selfishness, stubbornness, and lack of life experience. The card advises to stay away from such a person. He can fail in any of the situations, especially when you don't expect. It cannot be relied upon, but purposefully it does no harm. You should not expect help from such a person. He can easily take advantage of the kindness of people. The main meanings of an inverted card include:

  • excessive pride;
  • manifestation of power;
  • a man of strict rules;
  • lack of patience and quarrels;
  • pronounced selfishness and arrogance.

The inverted value indicates intolerance, insecurity, and excessive severity. The king imposes his opinion and considers it to be the best. The point of view of those around him does not interest him. And also the lasso can warn of a quarrel and advises not to sort things out. The symbol of the card is a man with authority, financially secure and rather strict. He will never give up his goals in order to help someone, but unnecessarily, he will not interfere with others. He will even approve of the plans you want to achieve. In cases where the card does not symbolize a specific person, but a situation, you need to work hard to achieve your goals. In general, the situation is quite encouraging and positive. Even if there is no outside help, success will still be achieved on their own.

The King of Wands in tarot, whose meaning in an inverted position is not the best, speaks of a man who has a squeezed behavior, dogmatism and perseverance in the implementation of his plans. His actions are often based on personal stubbornness. He has expressed arrogance, pride, excessive ambition and power. Arkan says that leadership positions can be lost.

This is caused by excessive despotism and misused power. And also when the card appears in the layout, you need to wait when making important decisions. It is not worth taking serious steps yet.

Arkan also talks about claims to the role of leader, ostentatious manifestations of feelings that are caused by hidden self-doubt. There is rudeness and complete submission, as well as no compromise. The king has no nobility, only excessive pressure.

The Upside Down King Promises Quarrels

Internal state value

The King of Wands tarot card has a different meaning at each level. When it appears in the scenario, we can talk about a person who has wealth and high status. He has reached great heights in the financial field and is doing well in business. As a rule, such a man achieved everything himself, since he has a simple origin. Most often, luck or great perseverance helps him in life. Many admire and respect him, as he deserves it. His advice is very practical, and his words are firm, so they trust him. If we are not talking about a specific person, but a situation, then it's time to take important steps and make a decision in the field of finance.

Arkan symbolizes leadership abilities, strong-willed character and passion. Such a man is independent and responsible. He has a firm position, which he adheres to under all conditions. There is a manifestation of strength and dignity here.

The image of the card is presented in the form of a courageous man who is capable of strong deeds. He created himself and is independent of those around him. He is responsible for all his actions and has the ability to completely control situations, as he is smart and wise enough. He is persistent and consciously moving forward. He can be in the image of a leader, businessman, politician, leader, any person who occupies a high position and controls the activities of many.

  • He is pleased with his position, and he copes with it with ease.
  • He inspires others by instilling his plans and grandiose ideas.
  • Arkan speaks of a man who is a strategist with a capital letter.
  • He acts not by dry calculation, but as a spiritually strong and creative person.
  • He has a well-developed flair and intuition that help him achieve his goals and lead people.
  • This man has achieved a lot and knows how to use his mind.
  • He knows exactly where certain decisions will lead.
  • The King of Wands, whose value in the upright position is very good, has high efficiency and energy. His position is firm and unshakable. His strength is not backed up by outside help, he himself creates a fire that does not quench.

    The King of Wands in the alignment - a firm, unshakable position

    Meaning in love and relationships

    The king's scepter is a symbol of power. He has it to the fullest. In a love relationship, he is a passionate partner. He has a well-expressed charisma, a desire to rush things and dramatize them. He stands out from others and is remembered for a long time. He also strives to be irreplaceable, gains recognition and becomes the center of attention. Such qualities as modesty and shyness are not inherent in him at all. In love, he is as confident as in any other business. He will not hide his feelings for years and wait for a suitable occasion.

    Love for him is the same sphere as the rest, where he will succeed. He immediately opens his heart, and acts on the basis of the situation. The king will easily win over any person and a woman is no exception. Even if the passion fades away, he will respect his chosen one for the rest of his life.

    The appearance of such a king in life is a real gift of fate. He can make life happy and give a lot, both materially and spiritually. The only thing you shouldn't do is try to keep the king. He will never be attached to one place and person. It is necessary to give him free rein, as he will always help many people. By virtue of his nature, he cannot give everything to one person, he must make many happy. In relationships, he is considerate and caring. His feelings are sincere and real. Often the lasso speaks of a mature relationship and a strong marriage union. People who are passionate about each other do not lose interest, which is often caused by common activities. The card symbolizes a strong and long marriage. In some situations, the card speaks of a person with a direct character. He has strong energy, health and strength. In love, he is a sexy, temperamental and passionate lover. He has hot blood and ardent charm, making it possible to conquer any lady. Despite such pronounced features, the king remains a reliable partner who is responsible for the object of his adoration. He is generous and decisive enough. His actions are direct and honest.

    Such a man is able to resist temptation. He chooses his own woman. He cannot be seduced, subdued and held, if he made a decision, he cannot be changed. If he is inspired enough, a strategy is built in his mind on how to achieve the object of adoration. If he understood the importance of a person in his life, he will never give up so easily and will definitely achieve his goal.

    A card in an upright position speaks of a dynamically developing relationship. There is equality and compromise here. Both partners are ready to solve emerging problems. Warm and sincere feelings are present. The King of Wands portends a long-term and strong relationship. If the lasso is inverted, its meaning is not so rosy. There will be excessive despotism that spoils the life of others. It is very difficult to live in an environment where strictness and pickiness are constantly present. also, the lasso can talk about strong quarrels in a relationship, which can end in a break.

    The King of Wands symbolizes a dynamic relationship

    Significance in career and finance

    A card in an upright position speaks of a leader who is able to achieve a goal. Arkan symbolizes determination and passion for their work. Now is the time to grow your business and take important steps. Arkan judges reliable partnerships, good prospects and success. And also the king symbolizes purposefulness, maturity of actions and consistency in actions.

    The map also speaks of the distribution of responsibility and power, as well as the retention of leadership positions. The king symbolizes a passion for work, which may not be expressed so much in professional qualities as in dedication to one's work. The king knows how to manage serious and large-scale projects. His ideas are always supported from outside. Arkan can talk about the peak of managerial activity and great achievements.

    Thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit and consistent solution of issues, you can improve your financial situation. Arkan can talk about the emergence of a reliable partner or patron who will provide financial support.

    As a rule, a person achieves everything himself. They are proud of their achievements and achievements. They value their work and enjoy the results achieved. The card can also indicate new jewelry, cars, or other item to show off.

    An inverted lasso may indicate that a person is too arrogant, which prevents him from achieving his goals. He is impatient and conflicted, and also does not know how to sensibly use his powers.

    The King of Wands inverted - the card can also speak of scams. There is excessive pride and a fanatical attitude towards different areas of life.

    The Inverted King can warn of scams

    Combination with other cards

    The card can be interpreted in different ways, depending on which arcana are located nearby.

  • The combination of the King of Wands with the wheel of fortune indicates the emergence of wealth. It can be obtained both as a result of one's own efforts and an unexpected inheritance.
  • Two bowls portends a happy marriage and love. There is mutual understanding and respect in a relationship. The appearance of Lovers, who symbolize a sincere relationship, will be positive in the scenario.
  • The appearance of the Jester in the layout speaks of an immature personality who shows whims and does not know what he really wants. The appearance of the Hermit, who symbolizes high egocentrism, is considered a negative phenomenon.
  • When the King of Wands drops out with the Priestess, this means that professional knowledge will be obtained that will help in the further achievement of the goal.
  • The chariot in the layout suggests that a professional approach is needed. With regard to creative achievements, they are possible when the sun appears in the alignment. The star symbolizes promotion and career advancement.
  • The Emperor in combination with the King is interpreted as the head of the organization. If the Hierophant appears in the layout, we can talk about the nobility of actions.
  • If the Hanged Man comes across during the decomposition of cards, this may indicate a loss of interest. This interpretation can apply to both the love and professional fields.
  • The Death Card suggests that you will have to adapt to new rules and adapt to new conditions. The Towers are not quite a good value. She says that a person is dissatisfied with the results obtained or, for some reason, cannot achieve his goals. The personality at such a moment is in a state of frustration. Peace in combination with the King suggests that it is necessary to gain life experience.
  • Having learned what the King of Wands in tarot can mean, you can look into your future and draw the right conclusions in order to avoid mistakes in life.

    Various archetypes can be found in the cards, which are parts of the collective unconscious. The King of Wands in tarot have different meanings. Most often he is associated with a pioneer, a commander. They took risks and began new eras. In some decks, this lasso was called Pharaoh or Lord.

    General plot

    A traditional plot from the Ryder-Waite deck: a man sits on a throne, holding a wand in his hand and wearing a crown on his head. The throne depicts a lion and a salamander eating its tail. The man is dressed in rich clothes, jewelry and everything sees him speaks of wealth. A small live salamander can be seen in front of the throne. Behind the king is a clear blue sky without a single cloud.

    Every detail of the picture has its own hidden meaning. The man is dressed in a robe, expensive clothes and jewelry. Red color has always personified power, passion, strength. It is suitable for those who are persistent and energetic, preferring to act and not back down. On the king, such clothes can be perceived as a desire to be in the center of attention.

    On the shoulders of the man is a yellow mantle, which is decorated with beautiful floral patterns. Interpreted, this can mean that the king is feeling great and in control of his energy. He owns himself. The black color of the patterns reminds that he is trying to hide overwhelming desires and passions. He perfectly presents himself as not what he seems in the eyes of others.

    The main character holds the rod confidently. It is a symbol of the suit, which represents the element of fire. The rod is in the right hand, which means that it uses all the gifted qualities.

    The salamander did not appear by chance either. She embodies the spirit of the fire element. The lizard is tenacious and in case of danger, it takes off its tail and grows it again. In the Tarot, this literally means renewing the "outer" while the inner remains the same.

    The throne stands on a pedestal. This indicates that the king is the source of wealth. The clear sky behind him is the ruler's boundless patience, which is not overshadowed by anything. He will hide his anger, vigorous activity, impatience and temperament.

    Total value

    A common interpretation is success in personal affairs. Career growth, some good luck in the professional field, promising projects. For the questioner, the situation is favorable. The main trends of the lasso:

    • power;
    • achievements;
    • social realization.

    There will be some good news related to a financial or business venture.


    Arcanum can indicate a high position in society, received trust, etc.

    The suit of Pentacles is associated with money and material resources, while the Wands are more tied to personal potential. Therefore, in its introduction:

    • growth;
    • voltage;
    • risks;
    • actions.

    Therefore, you should not expect financial success. Victory will be like a climber who conquered Everest. He will not receive any monetary payments from this, but personal pleasure will overshadow any material benefits.


    Unlike other stripes, success with the Wands remains with a person forever. Money can be spent, love can be lost, ideas can be pierced.

    The main feature of the lasso is a conscious choice of goals, the desire to bring ideals to life, to inspire others. The querent has a high level of motivation and is ready to do anything to achieve the goal. He is ready to go out of his comfort zone and pass all the tests.

    The King of Wands has a passionate soul, business acumen and leadership position. This is a living embodiment of responsibility for their actions and confidence, energy, decisiveness.

    If the alignment was made for a specific event, then the loss of this lasso indicates that the time for it has not yet come. But the circumstances are developing in the best way and therefore it is worth working hard. You may need unexpected help from friends or relatives.

    Personal sphere

    The main qualities of the querent are passion, love of life, leadership, will. They are accompanied by responsibility and independence along with courage. Often times the card indicates a firm position.

    In ancient sources, a description of the incarnation of the King of Wands is rarely found. He is capable of extraordinary deeds and has a certain courage.


    Unlike other arcana, in this man created himself. From scratch.

    He does not have the naivety about complete control of his life, but is still fully responsible for his actions. He is independent from other people. The king is at sea, but on the ship he is the captain and therefore for him the role of where to go plays an important role.

    Often, the card is a synonym for successful entrepreneurs, natural-born leaders, an active politician, leader, leader. He is completely satisfied with the current state of affairs. Able to inspire others to take action. Its main qualities:

    • strategy;
    • intuition;
    • charisma.

    He honestly evaluates himself and his abilities. He has an amazing level of performance. Equally developed are generosity and ambition, generosity and pride, respect for oneself and others.

    An important lesson taught by the lasso: it is necessary to understand and accept other people's views. Better to give up any kind of prejudice and cynicism. You always need to be open to new ideas.

    Routine things can be annoying with little things, but they are very important to further success and therefore need to be done.

    Professional issues

    It's time for business development. Reliable partners and business success will appear. Often, the lasso describes some kind of successful enterprise, but it will require energy, determination, consistency and maturity from the querent. This is not the case when you can get by with "little blood".


    You will have to work hard to achieve.

    Sometimes the lasso indicates leadership positions where you have to manage a large number of people. In its introduction, the solution of such issues as the retention of leadership positions, the distribution of responsibility and power. Arkan not so much indicates a specific profession, but rather a fanatical attitude towards it.

    The querent is capable of leading large projects, bringing new ideas to them and inspiring partners. In the process, the formation of managerial qualities takes place, which will further develop into excellent organizational skills.

    Arkan is associated with metallurgy and any heavy industry. Sometimes fire department or architecture. Success awaits in producing, promoting on social networks, etc.

    Card warning: Fanaticism, pride and stubbornness will not do good. As well as various scams.

    For job seekers, the lasso is favorable. It is important not only to pull yourself together, but to think about your desires and aspirations. Perhaps you should not refuse a vacancy, even if the querent does not meet its requirements. The risk is always rewarded.

    Love sphere

    The most passionate lasso. He prefers to behave in a memorable and vivid way, inclined to large gestures. He needs to be noticeable, to attract attention. Shyness and modesty are not his lot. In love, he is courageous and not afraid to take risks.


    The King of Wands will never languish and keep his feelings secret or manipulate for years. If he needs to, he goes and takes.

    His main quality is the ability to instill respect for his personality. Therefore, even if love fades, he will still leave a good memory of himself. This card can give a lot and a relationship with such a person radically changes life. You should not try to hold on to it, you need to take as much as is given and leave.

    Two people who are connected by a common interest - this is what the lasso can talk about in layouts. This is a strong and mature relationship, often the card means marriage.

    The querent can achieve the desired object at any cost. He will develop the ideal strategy and start implementing it.

    For lonely people, the map is not so straightforward. Most likely, you will have to put in a lot of effort to find a partner. This is the case when you need to take everything into your own hands and not be afraid to win the attention of a person.

    Inverted position

    In the opposite position, all Tarot cards acquire opposite meanings. The King of Wands is no exception. In an inverted form, he does something for the sake of the desire to prove to another person, what he does not believe in. He is characterized by severity, tightness, dogmatism.

    Persistently imposes his ideas, does not take into account the opinions of other people.

    He has an extremely heightened desire to follow the principle at all costs and this does not add points to him. Pride, ambition, loss of face, anger - this is not the most complete list of manifestations. Loss of leadership and excess of authority. Any action will not have the desired effect.

    Deep self-doubt gives rise to such qualities as a demonstration of superiority, inability to behave correctly, and an absurd manifestation of feelings. Rudeness, love to show off and excessive bragging - this is not the most complete list of its main characteristics.

    In this position, the card means that the querent falls into a rage at the refusal, everyone is obliged to obey him implicitly. In some situations, the lasso indicates bad news about a business or job.

    Health issues

    One of the most favorable arcana for these questions. The querent has excellent health, he is full of mental strength and nothing bothers him. He is full of cheerfulness and powerful energy.

    Often a person on this card suspects others of imitation. As an indicator of illness, it indicates that all problems appeared due to excessive workaholism and the desire to do everything perfectly. This manifests itself in fever, foci of inflammation, temperature. In rare cases, a heart attack.

    Different situations

    Each layout considers a certain situation or provides answers to questions. If they provide for unequivocal yes-no answers, then in the event of the King of Wands falling out, the answer is yes. But with a few caveats - the solution to the issue depends on an influential man, or with social success and leadership.

    The answer will be no in situations associated with an egoist and windbag, which promises a lot, but fulfills little. A negative effect will also be in cases where the querent promises, but does not have the strength to implement them. In this case, the project is likely to fail.

    As a card of the day, the King of Wands recommends: set the best goal and achieve it. The person will be overwhelmed with energy and he will inspire everyone else with it. Any difficulties will be solved with a wave of the hand. A meeting with an interesting man is likely.

    As a card of the year, the lasso advises: decisiveness and efficiency are two qualities of this period. They allow you to carry out accomplishments and good deeds. To achieve high results, you need authority and charisma.

    Some combinations

    For a better understanding of any layout, the cards are interpreted not only individually, but also taking into account their combination. So the King of Wands, together with the Jester, acquire the meaning of an immature personality. Such a person will not be distinguished by special responsibility. The magician gives him the ability to shenanigans, rearrangements, according to this combination, the querent will become a great combinator.

    The priestess gives professional knowledge, because she, like no one else, favors science and any exact data. The Empress puts more pressure on professional achievements, the Emperor on leadership.

    Lovers lend sincerity to relationships, and Hierophant nobility. With the Force, you will have to hide your anger and rage. The hermit increases self-centeredness. Justice literally tells us to be just royally.

    The Hanged Man loses interest in everything that happens, while Death is trying to adapt to new conditions. The emergence of Moderation literally means to know in all measure, not to try to take too much for yourself.

    The devil warns that all attempts to persuade people are useless, so it is better to refuse them. The tower brings frustration. In such a traumatic situation, the querent realizes the inconsistency of his desires with reality and this upsets him. The moon confuses and leads to the world of illusion.

    In the case of a combination with the suits of the Wands, everything is not so simple. Ace gives good hope for a new business and its success. The deuce allows the questioner to see everything in a new light and well calculate his actions. A three means that all efforts were not in vain and things are going for the better. A well-deserved celebration is taking place on the Four.

    But the neighborhood with the Seven of Wands will significantly inflame the situation. The querent will have to defend his position at all costs. On the Nine, no confidence will be expressed in him. With a Ten, there is a huge chance of losing your position. With the Knight of Wands, everything will get out of control and others will show disobedience and impatience. But the Queen will bring poise and maturity.

    Tarot cards tell a lot. They foreshadow the future, help solve difficult situations and get answers to difficult questions. Each of the arcana has its own special meaning, which depends on what other cards are present in the layout. Quite a strong symbol is the King of Wands tarot. This is the image of a domineering man who controls the element of fire and has great strength. He has unusual abilities that manifest in the qualities of a king. There is boundless faith in oneself, love for life and joy from its manifestations.

    The King of Wands is a strong card

    He has everything: greatness, power, wealth. Despite the excess of business and personal qualities, he has a lot of selfishness. The king is not complacent and in no way selfish. He has a great soul that shares its blessings with people. The card symbolizes a strong will, confidence in one's actions, as well as the desire for development, both material and spiritual. The main goals of the king are the realization and knowledge of his inner self. The card can in some situations also speak of vanity, arrogance and excessive self-love. Also, the meaning of the lasso depends on the adjacent cards.

    General characteristics in an upright position

    The King of Wands tarot characterizes personal achievements and the efforts that lead to them. The appearance of a card in the layout can speak of business projects that have a perspective, career advancement, as well as many opportunities in the professional field. The main meaning of the card is power and the achievement of goals. The king of wands promises a high level in society, great opportunities, popularity and recognition. These can be good things that happen in business.

    This lasso is a symbol of order, generosity and courage. Very often he talks about a successful marriage, creativity, strength and courage. When the king of wands appears, you can start active in all directions, including business, personal relationships, career, finance, etc. Success in all matters awaits a person. The meanings of the lasso include:

    • a decent and honest man with charm and wit;
    • a person with good financial position and power;
    • reliability and honesty;
    • worthy person;
    • happy marriage;
    • creativity and reflection.

    If the card comes up straight, it is a good sign. She symbolizes a man who has power and good position. He is energetic, adventurous, direct and honest. He is a born leader and a skilled judge who is able to resolve difficult disputes. Also, the lasso speaks of financial success and possible inheritance.

    The value of the card The King of Wands represents a man who has status and wealth. He is friendly and always helps those in need, both with advice and with money. He is honest, smart, and generous. In competition, he shows justice and generosity. If he is a friend, then his advice should be taken with special attention, since they are very correct and wise.

    If we are not talking about a person, then the card symbolizes a favorable situation. This may indicate good news in the field of careers, real estate. A person will appear who will help improve things.

    The difference between the King of Wands and the King of Pentacles is that the former needs to reach his maximum potential. He will put in a lot of effort and grow to be the first, to be successful and have the power to make important decisions. Here, success in personal development is in the foreground, and not for gaining financial independence. The king's victory is compared to the conquest of the highest mountain, it is unlike the others. All achievements are well deserved.

    The King of Wands is committed to realizing the potential

    General characteristics in the inverted position

    If the king of wands have an inverted position when laid out, his interpretation will be completely different. The card can portend quarrels, the emergence of conflicts and misunderstandings. It can also symbolize a person who has a pronounced selfishness, stubbornness, and lack of life experience. The card advises to stay away from such a person. He can fail in any of the situations, especially when you don't expect. It cannot be relied upon, but purposefully it does no harm. You should not expect help from such a person. He can easily take advantage of the kindness of people. The main meanings of an inverted card include:

    • excessive pride;
    • manifestation of power;
    • a man of strict rules;
    • lack of patience and quarrels;
    • pronounced selfishness and arrogance.

    The inverted value indicates intolerance, insecurity, and excessive severity. The king imposes his opinion and considers it to be the best. The point of view of those around him does not interest him. And also the lasso can warn of a quarrel and advises not to sort things out. The symbol of the card is a man with authority, financially secure and rather strict. He will never give up his goals in order to help someone, but unnecessarily, he will not interfere with others. He will even approve of the plans you want to achieve. In cases where the card does not symbolize a specific person, but a situation, you need to work hard to achieve your goals. In general, the situation is quite encouraging and positive. Even if there is no outside help, success will still be achieved on their own.

    The King of Wands in tarot, whose meaning in an inverted position is not the best, speaks of a man who has a squeezed behavior, dogmatism and perseverance in the implementation of his plans. His actions are often based on personal stubbornness. He has expressed arrogance, pride, excessive ambition and power. Arkan says that leadership positions can be lost.

    This is caused by excessive despotism and misused power. And also when the card appears in the layout, you need to wait when making important decisions. It is not worth taking serious steps yet.

    Arkan also talks about claims to the role of leader, ostentatious manifestations of feelings that are caused by hidden self-doubt. There is rudeness and complete submission, as well as no compromise. The king has no nobility, only excessive pressure.

    The Upside Down King Promises Quarrels

    Internal state value

    The King of Wands tarot card has a different meaning at each level. When it appears in the scenario, we can talk about a person who has wealth and high status. He has reached great heights in the financial field and is doing well in business. As a rule, such a man achieved everything himself, since he has a simple origin. Most often, luck or great perseverance helps him in life. Many admire and respect him, as he deserves it. His advice is very practical, and his words are firm, so they trust him. If we are not talking about a specific person, but a situation, then it's time to take important steps and make a decision in the field of finance.

    Arkan symbolizes leadership abilities, strong-willed character and passion. Such a man is independent and responsible. He has a firm position, which he adheres to under all conditions. There is a manifestation of strength and dignity here.

    The image of the card is presented in the form of a courageous man who is capable of strong deeds. He created himself and is independent of those around him. He is responsible for all his actions and has the ability to completely control situations, as he is smart and wise enough. He is persistent and consciously moving forward. He can be in the image of a leader, businessman, politician, leader, any person who occupies a high position and controls the activities of many.

    1. He is pleased with his position, and he copes with it with ease.
    2. He inspires others by instilling his plans and grandiose ideas.
    3. Arkan speaks of a man who is a strategist with a capital letter.
    4. He acts not by dry calculation, but as a spiritually strong and creative person.
    5. He has a well-developed flair and intuition that help him achieve his goals and lead people.
    6. This man has achieved a lot and knows how to use his mind.
    7. He knows exactly where certain decisions will lead.

    The King of Wands, whose value in the upright position is very good, has high efficiency and energy. His position is firm and unshakable. His strength is not backed up by outside help, he himself creates a fire that does not quench.

    The King of Wands in the alignment - a firm, unshakable position

    Meaning in love and relationships

    The king's scepter is a symbol of power. He has it to the fullest. In a love relationship, he is a passionate partner. He has a well-expressed charisma, a desire to rush things and dramatize them. He stands out from others and is remembered for a long time. He also strives to be irreplaceable, gains recognition and becomes the center of attention. Such qualities as modesty and shyness are not inherent in him at all. In love, he is as confident as in any other business. He will not hide his feelings for years and wait for a suitable occasion.

    Love for him is the same sphere as the rest, where he will succeed. He immediately opens his heart, and acts on the basis of the situation. The king will easily win over any person and a woman is no exception. Even if the passion fades away, he will respect his chosen one for the rest of his life.

    The appearance of such a king in life is a real gift of fate. He can make life happy and give a lot, both materially and spiritually. The only thing you shouldn't do is try to keep the king. He will never be attached to one place and person. It is necessary to give him free rein, as he will always help many people. By virtue of his nature, he cannot give everything to one person, he must make many happy. In relationships, he is considerate and caring. His feelings are sincere and real. Often the lasso speaks of a mature relationship and a strong marriage union. People who are passionate about each other do not lose interest, which is often caused by common activities. The card symbolizes a strong and long marriage. In some situations, the card speaks of a person with a direct character. He has strong energy, health and strength. In love, he is a sexy, temperamental and passionate lover. He has hot blood and ardent charm, making it possible to conquer any lady. Despite such pronounced features, the king remains a reliable partner who is responsible for the object of his adoration. He is generous and decisive enough. His actions are direct and honest.

    Such a man is able to resist temptation. He chooses his own woman. He cannot be seduced, subdued and held, if he made a decision, he cannot be changed. If he is inspired enough, a strategy is built in his mind on how to achieve the object of adoration. If he understood the importance of a person in his life, he will never give up so easily and will definitely achieve his goal.

    A card in an upright position speaks of a dynamically developing relationship. There is equality and compromise here. Both partners are ready to solve emerging problems. Warm and sincere feelings are present. The King of Wands portends a long-term and strong relationship. If the lasso is inverted, its meaning is not so rosy. There will be excessive despotism that spoils the life of others. It is very difficult to live in an environment where strictness and pickiness are constantly present. also, the lasso can talk about strong quarrels in a relationship, which can end in a break.

    The King of Wands symbolizes a dynamic relationship

    Significance in career and finance

    A card in an upright position speaks of a leader who is able to achieve a goal. Arkan symbolizes determination and passion for their work. Now is the time to grow your business and take important steps. Arkan judges reliable partnerships, good prospects and success. And also the king symbolizes purposefulness, maturity of actions and consistency in actions.

    The map also speaks of the distribution of responsibility and power, as well as the retention of leadership positions. The king symbolizes a passion for work, which may not be expressed so much in professional qualities as in dedication to one's work. The king knows how to manage serious and large-scale projects. His ideas are always supported from outside. Arkan can talk about the peak of managerial activity and great achievements.

    Thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit and consistent solution of issues, you can improve your financial situation. Arkan can talk about the emergence of a reliable partner or patron who will provide financial support.

    As a rule, a person achieves everything himself. They are proud of their achievements and achievements. They value their work and enjoy the results achieved. The card can also indicate new jewelry, cars, or other item to show off.

    An inverted lasso may indicate that a person is too arrogant, which prevents him from achieving his goals. He is impatient and conflicted, and also does not know how to sensibly use his powers.

    The King of Wands inverted - the card can also speak of scams. There is excessive pride and a fanatical attitude towards different areas of life.

    The Inverted King can warn of scams

    Combination with other cards

    The card can be interpreted in different ways, depending on which arcana are located nearby.

    1. The combination of the King of Wands with the wheel of fortune indicates the emergence of wealth. It can be obtained both as a result of one's own efforts and an unexpected inheritance.
    2. Two bowls portends a happy marriage and love. There is mutual understanding and respect in a relationship. The appearance of Lovers, who symbolize a sincere relationship, will be positive in the scenario.
    3. The appearance of the Jester in the layout speaks of an immature personality who shows whims and does not know what he really wants. The appearance of the Hermit, who symbolizes high egocentrism, is considered a negative phenomenon.
    4. When the King of Wands drops out with the Priestess, this means that professional knowledge will be obtained that will help in the further achievement of the goal.
    5. The chariot in the layout suggests that a professional approach is needed. With regard to creative achievements, they are possible when the sun appears in the alignment. The star symbolizes promotion and career advancement.
    6. The Emperor in combination with the King is interpreted as the head of the organization. If the Hierophant appears in the layout, we can talk about the nobility of actions.
    7. If the Hanged Man comes across during the decomposition of cards, this may indicate a loss of interest. This interpretation can apply to both the love and professional fields.
    8. The Death Card suggests that you will have to adapt to new rules and adapt to new conditions. The Towers are not quite a good value. She says that a person is dissatisfied with the results obtained or, for some reason, cannot achieve his goals. The personality at such a moment is in a state of frustration. Peace in combination with the King suggests that it is necessary to gain life experience.

    Having learned what the King of Wands in tarot can mean, you can look into your future and draw the right conclusions in order to avoid mistakes in life.

    On the Tarot card, the King of Wands is depicted, as its name implies, a magnificently dressed king with a wand in his hand, seated on a throne. It has other names as well: king of maces, king of staffs - but they all boil down to one thing. The card symbolizes a reasonable, wise and noble person who can help with advice. He has achieved a lot in life and occupies a leadership position.

    The main meaning of the lasso

    The king of maces have a strong positive impact on personal growth. It symbolizes success in self-development, achievement of one's own goals, promotion, good luck in business projects. Other interpretations include - popularity among people or the position of a charismatic leader, opening up new opportunities for self-improvement.

    This card should not be confused with others that predict thematic success at work, in love, or in finance. The wands are specialized in your personal plans, which is why the fall of this lasso is so important. Here you win a victory in the area that you have chosen yourself, and this is primarily an internal achievement, and not an external change in the position in society, therefore such success is appreciated higher. But to climb this peak it is not enough to hope and believe - you really need to make efforts, try your best. Only then will the plans be realized.

    Nevertheless, there is no need to worry about this: the very presence of this card in the layout means that the questioner already has all the qualities necessary to achieve the goal. She indicates self-confidence, willingness to go to the end, developed leadership qualities. Even if a person encounters difficulties on his way, he is ready to fight with them and emerge victorious.

    Although the situation about which the question is asked, has not yet ended and its result is formally unknown, but, most likely, the outcome will be successful - this is what the king of wands indicates.

    The meaning of this card implies that someone will help the questioner in the event of any troubles, and maybe they will not happen at all - everything will go smoothly. If there are obstacles in the way, it will be quite easy to solve them, since the card is not associated with meanness, deception and intrigue, and no secret plans from others should be expected.

    In the traditional interpretation, the king of staffs symbolizes a man older than you, on whom a lot depends. Fortunately, he is friendly towards you and intends to help in all your endeavors. Perhaps it is thanks to his help that you will be able to reach unprecedented heights. Do not expect tricks from him, but do not rely entirely on him alone - in this situation, too much depends on you. The details and intentions of this person will clarify the rest of the cards.

    Internal state of personality

    The characteristic qualities of the king of staffs are love of life, leadership abilities, strong will, passionate attachment to loved ones. However, this is not the type of leader who will push people and dictate their will to them. He will be able to achieve his goals so that everyone around him is happy.

    Its distinctive quality is independence. He will not allow anyone to significantly influence his character or behavior, he will achieve everything himself, he is ready to be responsible for his actions. But he does not believe that everything in the world is under his control, he has already grown out of the belief that the whole world can bow at his feet.

    It is not only authority that leads him to victory, but also generosity, and the ability to look for non-trivial ways to solve the problem. The King of Wands assesses his own capabilities correctly and knows how to apply them correctly in a given situation. This is a leader who always strives for more.

    Love and partnerships

    This card is associated with the elements of Fire and the Sun in Leo in astrology, so it is not surprising that it is she who is most closely associated with love and passion among all Kings. Love, attraction is her element.

    A charismatic, active lover with leadership qualities who will not let his own go - this is what the king of tarot wands is like. The meaning in a relationship is passion and at the same time openness, but also the absence of windy, quickly fading emotions. This flame can burn for a lifetime, and it will be remembered even after the death of the person himself, even if it burns only at the very beginning, and then turns into a soft, warming fire of mutual love.

    The king of clubs is a messenger of a long and strong marriage, happy relationships between people. These are two adults who have entered into an alliance and know what they want from life and from each other. Their feelings for each other will not run out, although, of course, they will change over time.

    It is impossible to restrict such a person in connections. He will be loyal to his family, but his world will not be closed on her, there will always be a lot of people around him, some of them are fascinated by him. And this is a natural course of events for him, something without which he cannot live. It was created in order to give its fire to others, to arouse admiration in people, to help them and leave when required. And you shouldn't try to hold him back if you are not the one he chose for life. It is impossible to seduce him, he himself makes decisions about who will be next to him.

    Professional success and finance

    The king of maces is a very good sign in terms of profession and business. He points to the chances of development, prospects in new endeavors, which will certainly end in success if you put all your efforts into it. You will be lucky, but just relying on it and relaxing will not work - you literally have to squeeze the last juices out of yourself to achieve your goal. This is a situation in which you can prove yourself from an unexpected side or climb to new heights. You may not get that chance again, so take it!

    Work is one of the areas of the most striking manifestation of the qualities of the King of Tarot staves, the significance of which in this case will be associated not so much with the profession itself, but with the attitude towards it. In any field, he points to the possibility of career advancement and outstanding organizational and leadership skills. Having fired up with his idea, a person will be able to find supporters and carry out all his plans. If he is already in a leadership position, then the card refers to communication with subordinates and issues of the struggle for power.

    The most suitable areas of the king of wands are politics, people management and show business, available to him because of his charisma, but he is also associated with areas of activity associated with fire or speed, therefore he is the patron saint of most industrial sectors: aircraft construction and metallurgy, as well as fire extinguishing or even architectural projects involving the use of modern technologies based on innovative ideas.

    The financial side of life under the influence of the king of staffs will also change for the better. A period of consistency and reliable support from your family or partner awaits you.

    This lasso can symbolize a large, status purchase of something long-awaited with your own money. ... Since he mainly supports people who achieve everything on their own, then here too it will mean an achievement in financial terms, in which you have invested a lot, and your work has been crowned with success.

    To take advantage of the patronage of this card, act actively, do everything that depends on you, and never give up and do not let things take their course. Sometimes it's better to take a risk and put a lot on the line - but only outside the comfort zone is the path to true achievements.

    Qualities that reduce the manifestations of this card to the negative side: excessive pride, stubbornness, inability to change oneself and one's beliefs, a desire to get by with little blood, deceit and falsity, vile behavior towards other people.

    As a rule, this lasso means that everything is fine with health. A person is not sick with anything, he is full of strength and energy for further achievements. His mental state and mood are also at their best, he believes in himself and is optimistic about the future. In addition, the king of staves indicates good reproductive health and the ability to conceive or give birth to strong children.

    If a person is still sick with something, then this is most likely caused by overwork and waste of excessive amounts of energy. Investing too much in your own business, you can easily burn out, fall exhausted. Possible manifestations of the disease:

    • fever;
    • chills;
    • fever, inflammation.

    In this case, there is only one piece of advice.- listen to yourself and not overestimate your capabilities. Let yourself rest more often and do not think that diseases will bypass you simply because of willpower. Any organism has its own limits of strength, and yours is no exception.

    Inverted interpretation

    The many positive qualities of the King of Wands disappear if this card is turned over. After that, she turns from a noble, strong leader into a stubborn and domineering, but not self-confident person. If in the upright position the king of clubs is the one who achieves his goals because he wants it and believes in his own strength, then in the inverted form the only thing that motivates him is the desire to prove to himself and to those around him that he is after all for something capable.

    His excessive lust for power can not only turn his leadership into a dictatorship, but also lead to the loss of this position. His actions are ineffective, they only worsen both the state of affairs and his relations with subordinates. If he just wants to be a leader, then, most likely, this will not be crowned with success, since on the way to the goal he will be overly ambitious, selfish, arrogant and generally unpleasant in communication.

    The symbolism of this card is the need to wait, since the right moment has not yet come, it is too early to act. In addition, it can mean impending setbacks in finance, business, or career development.

    Combination with other cards

    The king of clubs Tarot, the meaning of which has mostly positive shades, will maintain this direction in the layout. Almost any combination with it is successful and brings the questioner happiness and success.

    The King of Wands in combination with other cards does not always mean that you will certainly succeed in achieving the goals, but you should still remember that without him the situation would in many cases be insoluble and deplorable.

    This is a card that always gives hope for solving problems and achieving goals, even if obstacles await you on the way. Relying on your own strengths, you will be able to overcome them.

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