The sequence of teething in babies. What is the order of teething in children?

From the moment the baby is born, the young mother has a lot to learn. For example, learn the order of teething in children in order to notice the slightest deviations in time. During the appearance of teeth, babies may experience various unpleasant symptoms. The mother's task is to notice them and alleviate the child's condition. In this article, we will look at the order in which teeth grow in children, and how milk is replaced with permanent ones.

General timing of eruption

It is impossible to fit all children into a common framework, therefore it is rather difficult to name the exact timing of the growth of milk teeth and the end of the formation of a changeable bite. They can be quite different depending on the intensity of the child's development. Almost every pediatric dentist will tell you that a shift in terms of up to six months is not critical.

In most children, the first milk teeth begin to cut about six months or a little later - at 8 months. There are cases that babies who develop very quickly have their teeth cut much earlier - at 3-4 months. Girls are usually more active in this regard, but in any case, at least a few teeth erupt in children by the year.

Possible reasons for the delay

In some cases, teeth can erupt much later than the due date. This alarms and scares the parents of the child. Let's try to figure out why milk teeth do not grow in time.

  • Rickets caused by calcium deficiency in the body.
  • The influence of hereditary factors. If one of the parents has milk teeth late, then the child simply has a predisposition to this.
  • Hypothyroidism is an inadequate production of thyroid hormones.
  • Disturbances in the assimilation of food by the body and, as a result, a lack of trace elements, protein and vitamins.
  • Partial or complete adentia is the absence of dental germs.

If a child under one year old does not have teeth in due time, it is imperative to be examined by a dentist, but you should not worry too much. A delay in the appearance of milk teeth does not mean that there are any pathologies in development. Much more often this is just an individual feature of the body, and everything is in order with your child.

Teething scheme

You need to know the order of teething in children in order to notice possible deviations in the development of the dentition in time. Indeed, there is a certain pattern according to which this process proceeds. The order of eruption of milk teeth in children in most cases is as follows.

  1. From 4 to 6 months, infants develop lower incisors.
  2. The upper incisors are cut at 5-7 months.
  3. From 9 months to a year, the second lateral incisors grow on the upper and lower jaw.
  4. At 11-15 months, the first molars appear on the upper jaw.
  5. From a year to a year and a half, the appearance of the first molars of the lower row can be expected.
  6. From 15 to 20 months, the upper canines.
  7. From six months to 22 months - lower canines.
  8. From 20 months to two years, the second molars in the lower row are cut.
  9. From 23 to 26 months, the second molars grow in the upper row.

This is the general order in which teeth grow. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of babies - milk teeth may appear earlier or later. If you do not notice any more pathologies, then you should not worry too much about the timing and order of the appearance of teeth.

In rare cases, natal teeth are found even in newborn babies. True, this is an exception to the rule - there are only 5 similar cases per 10,000 newborn babies. It also happens that a child's teeth do not grow up to a year, and then several pieces are cut at once.

The scheme for changing milk teeth to permanent ones is almost the same, but the terms are more extended. As a rule, the first permanent teeth do not appear earlier than 7 years. This is followed by their gradual replacement. The process of bite formation in children is fully completed only by the age of 13-14. Permanent teeth grow in the same place as milk teeth, and the order of change follows a similar pattern.

First signs and main symptoms

This is not an easy period for young children and their parents. The most painful sensations occur when milk teeth grow. In a young child, the symptoms of eruption can be noticed long before the teeth themselves appear. Parents may find increased salivation, tearfulness and moodiness, which is unusual for a child, redness, swelling of the gums.

At this time, children have a habit of dragging everything into their mouths and gnawing. At whatever age the teeth begin to grow, the first symptoms make themselves felt a month or two before they appear. During the teething process itself, children may experience the following dental symptoms.

  1. Temperature increase. Sometimes the mark on the thermometer can reach 39 ° C, but after a couple of days it usually returns to normal on its own. If the temperature cannot be brought down for more than two days, then you should consult a doctor.
  2. The child may have a cough, and it is associated exclusively with increased salivation. By its nature, it is rare, moist, slightly enhanced in the supine position. Disappears on its own after a couple of days.
  3. No less rare symptoms are diarrhea or constipation. Due to increased salivation, intestinal motility increases, which leads to diarrhea. Both phenomena can manifest themselves independently or alternate.
  4. Often, children have a characteristic rash on the cheeks, chin, and neck. It is also associated with increased salivation.
  5. A persistent runny nose is also often associated with teething.
  6. When teeth grow intensively, you can notice the appearance of a small amount of blood on the gums.

At whatever age children start to cut teeth, the symptoms will be about the same.

When should you be alert?

As you already understood, there is a scheme that determines the timing and order of teething. If there are significant deviations from it, then it is better to consult a doctor in order to exclude the likelihood of a violation of the development of the dentition. What you should pay attention to?

  1. The teeth appear later or earlier than the due date for at least a month. It is imperative to conduct an examination to exclude the likelihood of developing rickets, edentulous or malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. The teeth come out in the wrong sequence.
  3. Teeth grow outside the arc.
  4. The tooth itself is not formed correctly.

All these manifestations can talk about various pathologies of the formation of the dentition in children and require mandatory consultation with a dentist. Pediatric dentistry will help even the smallest teeth of their patients, regardless of age.

It is important for a mother to know everything: what is the order of the appearance of milk teeth, how is the change to permanent ones, what her child feels at the same time. Today we have tried to give answers to all common questions. And you will learn how to help your baby get through this difficult period for him in the final video from Dr. Komarovsky.

The appearance of the first tooth is a touching moment for young parents. As a rule, eruption begins at the age of six months (the period of introducing complementary foods). By the age of 3, a child should have 20 primary teeth.

No matter how long-awaited the teeth are, parents have many questions. The teething process is not painless. How can you help your baby? Do I need to care for the oral cavity of a newborn? How to do it? In what order does a child's teeth climb? When to expect tooth loss? How painful will it be?

The order and timing of the appearance of milk teeth in children

Teething in children occurs at different times. This time depends on the mother's nutrition, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and intrauterine development, heredity, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, the quality of drinking water.

When determining the stages of teething, pediatricians are guided by information provided by the World Health Organization. The timing of the release of units for 1 year of life is approximate, and some deviations cannot be considered pathology. For example, if the first tooth appeared at 10 months, and not at six months, then the eruption of the rest will shift by 4 months.

Often the teeth are cut in pairs, sometimes the parents find 2 pairs of upper and lower units at the same time. The timing of the eruption of deciduous teeth and the schedule provided by WHO for children in the first 2 years of life are shown in the table:

The teething table shows that by the first birthday, the child usually has 8 teeth. When the scheme is violated, general tests should be passed to exclude metabolic imbalances, endocrine disorders, insufficient intake of vitamin D3 and calcium into the body. The cutting sequence is shown in the photo.

In the second year of life, teeth also erupt in pairs, starting from the lower jaw. Fangs are the last to appear and drop. The pairwise appearance of dental units is provided by nature for the further formation of the correct bite. If the timing and rate of teething of temporary teeth are violated, the jaw is deformed. The kid will not be able to chew food, there will be problems with digestion. Neither parents nor doctors will be able to change the calendar and timing of teething in babies. However, you should know what exactly is not a malfunction of the teething schedule of milk teeth.

When and in what sequence do temporary teeth begin to fall out?

Milk teeth are pushed out in permanent units. Usually this process starts at the age of 6. A year before the change of dental units, milk teeth begin to stagger due to the weakening and resorption of their roots.

The central incisors of the lower jaw are the first to fall out. The whole process takes up to 9-12 years. The order of appearance of indigenous units usually coincides with the yield of dairy units. After the lower incisors, the upper ones fall out, then the premolars. The fangs are the last to change.

The calendar of the appearance of teeth depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. This usually does not cause painful sensations to children and is much easier than teething in infants. Surgeon's intervention may be required if the roots of a milk tooth are too strong. Up to 4 years old, milk teeth should be firmly attached to the roots. If they stagger, the child lacks vitamins.

Permanent units: order of eruption, timing

At birth, a baby has at least 8 follicles (primordia) of permanent teeth. Usually, the eruption of molars occurs according to the general scheme. The stages of eruption of molars are indicative, small deviations are not considered a pathology.

Before the first units fall out, the eruption of molars begins - molars. This happens six months before the first loose incisors fall out. The jaw also grows with age. A free space is formed, into which the first molars ("sixes") climb. The top and bottom appear at the same time.

The order in which molars are erupted in children can be seen in the table:

Wisdom teeth (numbered "8") appear in children under 15 years of age. However, their growth can be observed much later, even after 30 years. How many teeth do a child have? The number of permanent teeth is 32, milk teeth - 20.

What are the symptoms of eruption of deciduous and molar teeth?

Sometimes kids calmly endure the process. Parents accidentally discover a tiny tooth. You can understand that teeth should soon erupt by the following signs:

  • profuse salivation;
  • redness, small rashes around the mouth;
  • moodiness, anxiety;
  • sudden crying;
  • fever up to 38.5 degrees, lasting no more than three days;
  • swollen red gums;
  • poor appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • runny nose, cough.

The first symptom is gum swelling. The place is felt with a finger. A variant of the norm is blood accumulation. The hematoma under the mucous membrane may have a bluish tinge and disappear after eruption. Getting an infection sometimes causes an abscess.

Itchy gums provoke the baby's desire to scratch them, he will pull everything into his mouth. The task of parents is to create a safe space so that high-quality and harmless objects get to the baby.

A runny nose with the appearance of teeth is of a serous or mucous nature. If mucus gets into the throat, it causes a cough. A significant part of the abundantly secreted saliva is swallowed by the baby, provoking a liquefaction of feces. Too thick mucus, getting on the root of the tongue, can cause vomiting. Constant salivation makes the mouth and chin area moist, which can trigger a rash. Contact with irritated skin of the infectious agent causes streptoderma.

Many of the symptoms are similar to those of an infectious, inflammatory disease. The baby cannot show where and what hurts. If the baby's condition worsens, the pediatrician should be shown to identify the true cause of the malaise.

The molars grow less painfully, apart from the canines. Also, increased salivation, fever, stool dilution, runny nose are possible. An increase in body temperature is caused by the synthesis of biologically active substances in the body, which should reduce swelling and blood flow to the gums.

How to get rid of unpleasant manifestations?

The appearance and growth of teeth is a rather painful process. Infants and older children tolerate this process differently. Babies become capricious, whine, eat poorly. Parents in this difficult period for babies should pay as much attention to them as possible, hug and iron them more often. Mom's love will not relieve the child of pain, but will make him more calm. It is advisable to take the child in your arms more often, talk to him, walk, divert attention to toys, animals. This will help distract his attention from the pain and itching.

Effective and popular methods for relieving discomfort:

  • gum massage;
  • the use of teethers;
  • application of anesthetic.

About 50 years ago, teeth were helped to erupt by pressing with a spoon or rubbing with a lump of hard refined sugar. It is wrong to carry out such manipulations, because they cause even more irritation, including damage to the gums. An inflammatory process can begin with an increase in body temperature. A light finger massage is allowed with gauze wrapped around it in several layers and soaked in cool water. You can purchase a special finger brush.

Rubber or plastic teethers can help reduce itching. Some models have water inside. These accessories are kept cold. A cooled object helps to endure itching more easily, relieves puffiness. A cold, clean cloth can also do the job. Orthodontic latex pacifiers are available. They relieve itching well without disturbing the bite.

Symptoms such as runny nose and cough can be relieved without much difficulty. Constant instillation of saline will prevent the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. Vasoconstrictor drugs can be instilled into a child's nose only with the permission of a doctor. Reducing the amount of mucus going down the throat will reduce the severity of a wet cough.

Eating porridge, rice soup will help cope with a wet cough caused by swallowing a large volume of saliva. With diarrhea, it is permissible to give the baby sorbents. If the child does not tolerate high body temperature, it can be brought down with ibuprofen or paracetamol in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories.

The use of medications to reduce pain is not excluded. These are topical gels with anesthetic effect. Anesthetics can only be used on medical advice and should not be abused.

Popular pain relievers and itching relievers are described in the table:

Drug nameComposition, action
DentinoxLidocaine with chamomile extract in the form of a gel and drops. Relieves pain, inflammation of the gums.
MundizalAnise-scented gel. Cools, relieves pain, disinfects.
CalgelAntimicrobial agent with lidocaine. Nice sweet taste. Can be used up to 6 times a day.
Baby DoctorPlant-based (calendula, marshmallow, echinacea). Helps with inflammation, pain. Hypoallergenic, odorless and tasteless. Can be used multiple times.
SolcoserylAbrasive paste, lasts up to 5 hours on the gums. Relieves pain, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Dantinorm BabyHomeopathic medicine for internal use. In addition to relieving pain, it eliminates digestive disorders.

Pain relievers should only be given to children if they have symptoms. If it is possible not to use the anesthetic, it is better to refuse it. Wash your hands thoroughly before applying the gel to your gums. Most anesthetics are not recommended to be used more than 3 times a day or more than 3 days.

Teething pathologies and features of their treatment

Deviations in the formation of the dentition are possible when milk units appear and when they are replaced. Early eruption at 3-4 months is not considered a pathology. This is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body and the transferred diseases. It is recommended to undergo a general examination to identify possible pathologies, including endocrine disorders.

It is rare that a baby is born with cut incisors. If the mother agrees, they are removed so as not to damage the nipple during feeding. Violation of the sequence is associated with a difficult pregnancy and does not require special treatment.

The following signs indicate a violation of the exit scheme and loss of teeth:

  • Adentia is the absence of a tooth, which is found on x-rays.
  • Retention - the tooth comes out partially, incorrectly or does not come out at all, remaining entirely in the gum. The reason may be a lack of space caused by deformation of adjacent teeth, removal, root inflammation, improper placement of the primordium.
  • Dysplasia of molars requires surgery. Otherwise, neighboring units may collapse or become inflamed.

The curved row is often associated with problems of intrauterine development, if the mother suffered from severe toxicosis, suffered an infectious disease. Lack of calcium and fluoride in the mother's body during gestation provokes a deficiency of trace elements in the child.

If the parents notice that the baby's teeth are growing incorrectly, they should contact the dentist. An x-ray will help determine the type of deformation. If the violations are caused by systemic disorders, general tests and a complete examination will be required. It is easier to deal with pathologies at the stage of the appearance of milk teeth.

Recommendations for the care of children's teeth and prevention of complications

Regular oral hygiene procedures should be carried out after the introduction of complementary foods and the appearance of teeth at about six months of age. Until the child reaches 1 year of age, adults take care of the oral cavity, wiping the teeth with a wet napkin, a toothbrush with soft silicone bristles.

From the age of 2 years, the baby is taught to use the brush independently. The brush must be selected with the marking “0+” and replaced every quarter. Baby paste is made without fluoride. From this age, the child should have regular dental check-ups. It is a mistake to think that caries is not terrible for milk teeth. Pathologies of temporary dental units can move to the rudiments of molars.

The choice of children's teeth cleaning products is wide enough. Prevention of carious lesions will be the rational consumption of sugar by the child. Parents should avoid overeating sweets. From 4–5 years of age, the child can brush his own teeth. The health of permanent units depends on the careful and timely care of baby teeth.

Babies grow quickly, and, it would seem, they were just taken from the hospital - and the time is already coming to study the scheme of teething in children, because the baby began to show all the characteristic signs of the appearance of the first teeth. This process is very complicated and often very unpleasant for both the child and the mother. A storm of emotions and feelings at this time is experienced by the child, and most of them are negative. For most children, all this begins at the age of six months, although significant deviations are possible, both in one direction and in the other direction.

The classic scheme of eruption of milk teeth

There are only 20 milk teeth in children. The milk bite, in contrast to the permanent one, does not have small molars - a premolar. The front incisors are cut first - 4 each on the lower and upper jaw. According to the standard scheme, at 6-8 months, two central incisors are first cut from below, followed by two central upper ones. Due to this antagonizing appearance of the teeth (alternately on opposite sides), contact occurs between the first teeth. It is very important, because at the same time the bite is built up, and the baby gradually begins to chew tough food. The lateral incisors, like the central ones, first on the lower and then on the upper jaw, erupt at 8-12 months. According to the standard scheme of eruption of milk teeth, by the age of one year, the baby becomes the owner of eight incisors.

This is followed by a short break, after which two canines erupt on each jaw. At the age of 16-20 months, the canines first grow from below, then from above. These are the most difficult teeth in terms of eruption, the reason for which is their location and the characteristics of the canines themselves.

After the fangs have appeared in the mouth, the baby can fully bite off pieces of tough food, but he still does not have a mechanism for chewing it. For this, molars or molars subsequently appear - a chewing group. There are four of them on each jaw, two on the right and two on the left. The eruption of the chewing group according to the usual teething pattern begins at the age of 20 to 30 months. When these teeth have grown, the baby can fully chew on tough food. By about 3 years of age, there should be 20 teeth in the oral cavity - the entire milk group.

Teething formula

In order to make it easier to remember when the teeth should be erupted, a special formula was created. It looks like this:

In it, the value M denotes the age of the child, expressed in months; K value is the number of teeth. However, such a formula will only help to be used for milk bite. After the age of two, the relevance of the formula is lost. And in many cases, the timing of the eruption of teeth deviates greatly from all standard formulas and schemes.

Violations of the teething scheme of milk teeth

A delay in the appearance of the first clove in the baby's mouth is a fairly common phenomenon. It also happens vice versa - eruption much earlier than the established average statistical time. If the eruption is delayed by 1.5-2 months, you should not worry, this is within the normal range. Nutritional characteristics, heredity, and the season of birth can affect here (it is believed that babies born in spring or winter begin to cut their teeth earlier). But if at the age of one year, the baby still does not have a single tooth, this should cause concern, referring to specialists: an endocrinologist, dentist, pediatrician. A delay in the appearance of teeth may indicate metabolic disorders, bone diseases, problems in the endocrine system of the body. The endocrinologist should show the child even when teeth appear much earlier than the average period - at the age of 2-3 months.

Not only the timing of teething is important, but also the order in which the teeth appear. It should also not be forgotten that the scheme of teething in children can also be violated due to hereditary factors. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to find out how their own teeth were cut - perhaps this is how the first teeth will appear in the child. Many other factors also affect the process, among which are the bad habits of the mother, which she retained during pregnancy and feeding, the date of birth, and the course of childbirth. The chronic diseases of the parents, as well as the diseases of the baby himself, are influenced. The type of feeding, the dynamics of height and weight, and much more are important.

The scheme of eruption of milk teeth: the first signs of eruption

You can learn about the teething of a tooth long before it appears in the baby's mouth. By carefully observing the child's behavior, you will surely notice the harbingers of a joyful event. These signs themselves are quite unpleasant - loose stools, nervousness and moods, sleep and appetite disturbances, fatigue and drowsiness of the child are even observed. The cause of the child's whims is unpleasant, often very painful sensations, while the tooth, rising from the inside, cuts through the gum. Very often children suffer at this time from itching, burning, pain. They try to "scratch" the painful area with hard objects, which they begin to forcefully drag into their mouths. Such actions do not need to be stopped; on the contrary, it is better to give the child a special teether.

Unpleasant sensations make the baby often refuse to eat, especially if it is hot. When breastfeeding, babies begin to deliver pain to the mother, trying to bite the nipple. To reduce these occurrences, you can give your baby a gum massage before eating to make the feeding process easier.

The cause of increased fatigue can be an increase in temperature, which often occurs even if the classical scheme of teething of milk teeth is observed. If the temperature is above 38 degrees, you need to look for other reasons - it can be something much more serious than teething.With the approach of the period of the appearance of the first teeth, parents should mentally prepare for the constant rocking of the child and several sleepless nights.

With any scheme of teething, local immunity decreases, as a result of which a short and insignificant increase in temperature is observed. With its help, the body tries to defend itself, and the saliva secreted at this time especially abundantly plays the role of a defender: it performs many functions, including anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. Therefore, such profuse salivation is observed during this period.

May cause restlessness and stool for the child, which may be weakened. If it only shows up in a slightly thinner stool that doesn't come up too often, don't worry. If diarrhea is frequent and very liquid, very high temperature, rashes, vomiting appear, consciousness is impaired - you do not need to constantly write off all these signs for teething. The traditional scheme of eruption of milk teeth allows for the occurrence of such manifestations, but not for a long time, and not in a strongly pronounced form. If the signs are strong, this may indicate an intestinal infection that requires immediate medical attention. The temperature should not stay at an elevated level for more than three days.

Permanent teeth in the teething pattern

The appearance of permanent teeth also has its precursors. Before their growth, temporary milk teeth leave the oral cavity. This process begins with the growth of the first permanent large molars at the age of 6-7 years. First, teeth should appear on the lower jaw, then on the upper. Further teething scheme - the same as that of dairy. The central incisors change, followed by the lateral incisors. At the age of 9-10 years, permanent lower canines erupt, and premolars appear that are absent in the milk row. Four of these teeth should grow on each jaw. The canines of the upper jaw grow at the age of 11-12, at the same time, second molars appear on both jaws. This period is the final stage in the formation of dental arches and occlusion height.

And only years later, it happens that even after the age of 25, third molars - "wisdom teeth" may appear. Often they are completely absent, which is considered quite normal. Sometimes all 4 of these teeth are missing, sometimes several of them. There is often not enough space in the jaw for the appearance of third molars, which is the reason for problems with their eruption.

All parents are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the child's first tooth. Timely teething in children is considered one of the indicators of normal development. However, the joy of seeing the first incisor is often overshadowed by changes in the baby's behavior. Correct parenting behavior and caring for your child during this difficult time will help ease the pain from teething.

Teething of milk teeth

Have you ever wondered why the first teeth are called milk teeth? This name was given to them by Hippocrates due to the fact that they appear while feeding a baby with breast milk. Milk teeth are laid at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, and at 20 weeks, the rudiments of permanent teeth form in the baby. The teething process usually begins after six months. The full composition of milk teeth, that is, 20 pieces, the child acquires by the age of three.

The number of teeth that a child should have by a certain age can be calculated using the formula. To do this, you need to subtract six from the age in months. The resulting difference will show the number of teeth that is normal for a given age. The order of teething in a child is as follows:

  1. At 6-8 months, the central lower incisors appear;
  2. At 7-10 months, the central upper incisors erupt;
  3. At 9-12 months, the second upper and lower incisors take their place;
  4. At 12-16 months, the first milk molars erupt, giving way to canines;
  5. At 16-20 months, it is the turn of the canines;
  6. At 2-2.5 years old, second milk molars appear.

This is the order in which teeth appear in most children. There were cases when the eruption of the first teeth began at 3-4 months. Sometimes, on the contrary, the long-awaited teeth are "late" in time. This is considered normal. It even happens that children are already born with teeth. Such early teeth are pulled out to enable the baby to feed on breast milk without any problems.

Cause for excitement

Timely teething in infants confirms the normal development of the baby's body. But during this process, sometimes atypical situations arise, which may be a consequence of pathology. It is up to the parents to pay attention to them and inform the pediatrician. Mom and Dad should be alerted:

  • Early teething. It can talk about problems with the endocrine system.
  • Delayed appearance of teeth. It can be hereditary or indicate rickets, a change in metabolism, an infectious disease. A sufficiently long delay may indicate that the baby does not have tooth rudiments. You can find out by taking an X-ray - strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
  • The teeth come out in the wrong order. This situation may be due to diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy or anomalies in the development of the baby.
  • Unusual tooth formation, visible in shape, size, position. The reasons for this should be determined by the doctor.

Distinctive features of teething

A small child cannot tell what worries him. All his negative emotions are expressed in crying. Therefore, parents have to guess on their own about the causes of tears and changes in behavior. One of the obvious reasons for anxiety for a 6-month-old is pain when teething. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Increased salivation;
  • Swollen gums;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Attempts to put something in your mouth;
  • Cry;
  • Increased excitability, moodiness.

Many parents also mistakenly classify fever and loose stools as symptoms. Teething temperature may rise, but not significantly. 39-40 ° is not normal. Hyperthermia is caused by an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa or another infection that develops against the background of teething. Thus, if a child has a high temperature during the appearance of teeth, you need to contact a pediatrician, and not consider this a normal manifestation of this condition.

Loose stools are the result of a change in diet. Teething in infants is usually accompanied by refusal to eat. It is not necessary to force a child to eat. Better to invite him to drink more fluids.

In addition to being attentive to the baby's condition when teething the first teeth, you need to ease his pain as much as possible. Few children are not affected when milk teeth first break through the gums. Their parents were very lucky. Everyone else needs to remember a set of auxiliary procedures:

  • Use special teethers. They are usually rings or toys, often filled with liquid or gel. Gel teethers are briefly placed in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!), Then given to the baby. Cold relieves swelling and soothes pain.
  • Timely wipe the child's face from saliva. Due to excessive salivation, teething problems arise, which are expressed in irritation of the delicate skin of the face and neck. To avoid this, you can put on a bib on the child, and put a napkin under the cheek during sleep.
  • Fill your baby's diet with calcium. It is especially needed by the child's body during teething. If dietary calcium is insufficient, your pediatrician may prescribe additional calcium gluconate.
  • Massage your baby's gums with a clean finger.
  • When a child's teeth are painfully teething, you can use special anesthetic gels.
  • Freeze teethers until firm. This can damage the baby's gums.
  • Don't let your toddler chew on bread crusts. Sharp crumbs can hurt your gums.
  • When using teething rings, do not tie them with a ribbon or string around the baby's neck. He can get confused.
  • Teething pain in children should not be relieved by applying an anesthetic tablet to the gums.
  • Do not use alcohol to lubricate your baby's gums.

Baby teeth in young children need to be cared for properly. Firstly, regular oral hygiene procedures will accustom the baby to cleanliness, and secondly, they will avoid many health problems. The widespread opinion that “it is not necessary to take care of milk teeth - they will fall out anyway” is wrong. Moreover, it is not only about caries, but also about the correct formation of the bite and facial skeleton.

  • The milk teeth of children under one year old should be cleaned with a special silicone finger brush.
  • Do not lick the pacifier or sample food from the baby's spoon. Thus, you will not bring harmful "adult" bacteria into the baby's mouth.
  • Make it a habit to give your child a few sips of clean water after meals, and when he gets older, teach him to rinse his mouth.
  • Reduce the amount of sweets in your child's diet.
  • Watch for the presence of calcium-containing foods in the baby's menu. Vitamin D is also needed - they work in pairs.
  • Try to anticipate situations in which your child could damage their teeth. With destroyed enamel, they undergo caries faster.

First aid for teething - attention and tenderness of parents

Knowledge is power. Knowing how many months the teeth are teething, the symptoms of this process, ways to relieve pain and the rules of caring for the first "pearls", parents can be calm about their baby. But if teething causes severe pain in a child, to which he reacts with constant crying, parents should show maximum patience and understanding. Caress and tenderness can multiply the effect of the most powerful pain relievers. Love your child and take care of his teeth. Time will pass, and he will proudly go through life with gratitude to his parents and a dazzling smile.

Teething in babies does not always go smoothly and imperceptibly, sometimes at this time the baby experiences discomfort, pain, fever, and even the appearance of an upset stomach. That is why it is important to understand in time whether the child is sick or is teething so as not to treat the baby for non-existent problems.

The main thing in the article

When do the first teeth appear in a baby?

The lower central incisors are the first to erupt in children. Their appearance is considered the norm in the period from 6 months to 7-8 months. But, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each child, not everyone has the first pair of teeth in this particular age interval.

For some children, the teeth begin to bother as early as the 3rd month of life, and completely erupt by the 5th month. There are children whose incisors erupt closer to a year, and this does not mean at all that the child is lagging behind in development - this speaks of his physiological characteristics. The fact is that the first teeth in a child are laid in the womb, but when they erupt is an individual question.

Factors affecting teething in a child

Teething can be affected by the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, since the baby's teeth begin to develop from the 8th week of pregnancy. The newborn already has 10 temporary and about 8 permanent blanks (follicles) of the teeth at different stages of development.

What can affect the shift in the rate of teething?

  • Toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Different Rh factor in a child and a mother.
  • Premature birth (prematurity).
  • Features of childbirth - possibly injuries, cephalohematomas.
  • If the mother has a serious illness, such as a heart defect, or the pregnant woman has had toxoplasmosis.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections in a child under 1 year of age.
  • If the child was artificially fed from the first days of birth.
  • Postponed pneumonia at an early age of the baby.

Interesting! According to statistics, boys' teeth erupt later than girls; in children born to young parents, teeth erupt later than in children with older parents. It has also been proven that a woman's firstborn develops faster than the next babies, and with regard to teething as well.

Scheme and order of the appearance of milk teeth in the table

The timing of the eruption of milk teeth: average

  • The lower incisors are cut first, depending on the physiological characteristics, this can happen from 5 to 8 months.
  • The upper central incisors begin their passage even in the process of cutting the lower ones, but appear later. Despite the fact that the period of their appearance is from 7 months to a year, they can begin to bother much earlier.
  • The upper lateral incisors can appear as early as the 8th month of a child's life, but most often they erupt later - from about a year.
  • The lower lateral incisors follow the upper "brothers", their appearance can be delayed until the age of 1 year 3 months.
  • The first molars, both upper and lower, in most cases do not bother the child and parents may not immediately notice their appearance. They cut through on average up to 1.5 years, but in some cases it can take up to two years.
  • Fangs - they climb all at once, not ideally at the same time, but practically with a difference of 5 to 8 days. They cut through on average from 1.5 years to 2-2.5 years.
  • The second molars are the farthest and last teeth of the baby. Their appearance can be expected from the age of 2 to 3. Although there were cases when second molars appeared even at the age of one and a half.

When do milk teeth change to permanent ones?

Changing milk teeth to permanent ones in the normal course of the process is not as painful for the child and difficult for his parents as the appearance of milk teeth. As mentioned earlier, a child is born with at least 8 primordia (follicles) of permanent teeth at different stages of their development. In the process of the child's growth, permanent teeth actively develop and grow. This is how it looks at the skeletal level:

Replacement of teeth in children occurs by pushing milk out by active growth of permanent ones.

Loss of milk teeth begins from 6 years old, but resorption of their roots - from 5 years old. That is, from the age of five, the central incisors (often the lower ones) can begin to stagger. The replacement process lasts up to about 12 years, depending on the characteristics of the child's body. Usually, in what order the teeth erupt in infancy, in the same order they change (fall out).

The order and timing of the appearance of permanent teeth in the table

In this picture, you can very clearly see which teeth change to which. The main confusion usually occurs with the first and second milk molars, which change to permanent premolars. In turn, permanent molars do not change and erupt once, so it is very important to monitor the teething and replacement of teeth in a child so as not to miss the appearance of caries or any violation in this process.

What is considered an abnormality in teething?

There are a number of deviations both in the eruption of deciduous teeth and in their replacement - with the eruption of permanent ones.

  • Early eruption milk teeth. If the first teeth, namely the lower incisors, erupted too early, for example, at 3-4 months, this does not necessarily indicate pathology. Many doctors believe that in such a situation it is necessary to understand, whether this is a feature of the baby's physiology, or whether it is associated with a past illness or some kind of disturbance in his body. At this age, nothing is done with the teeth, but the examination is necessary. But in a situation when a child is born with already cut teeth, they are pulled out by the mother's consent. This is due to the fact that the baby can severely damage the nipple during feeding, as a result of which it will cause great damage to the mother's health. The difficulty is that the removed milk teeth will no longer grow, and they will be replaced with permanent ones in only 6 years!
  • Late teething does not always talk about pathology and disorders, doctors admit the likelihood of the individual development of the baby. But only in cases where this happens within acceptable limits. Of course, if the incisors have not erupted before 1.5 years, this can be considered a pathology or deviation.
  • Out of order eruptions ... This usually happens rarely and is a consequence of what happens during pregnancy. The situation is considered individually - the entire history of pregnancy is studied in detail.

Violations during tooth replacement are easily calculated using an X-ray, and a way to eliminate the deviations is then decided. What are they like?

  • Adentia indicates the absence of a tooth. This is quite rare and is detected as a result of an X-ray test. During the examination, it is determined whether there is a rudiment of a missing tooth and for what reasons it does not develop. Most often, the cause is a violation of the development of the baby while still in the womb, which can be a consequence of both internal and external factors.
  • Retention - when there is a tooth, but for some reason could not erupt in time. This can be the result of a lack of space in the dentition, which is most often associated with displacement of adjacent teeth, possibly due to early decay or extraction of a particular tooth. It can also be prevented by the inflammatory process in the root system of the milk tooth or the incorrect initial location of the rudiment.
  • Wrong direction permanent molars during eruption - requires immediate medical intervention, as it threatens with inflammation and destruction of the adjacent tooth.
  • Eruption with hematoma , most often it dissolves quickly and no problems arise. But there are cases when the hematoma develops and grows rapidly, which must be eliminated immediately, since when a certain size is reached, an internal fracture of the jaw is possible!

This list can be continued for a very long time, because how many people - so many features of teething, some of which are deviations and require surgical intervention.

Early and late teething of milk teeth in children: causes

To determine whether a deviation is early or late teething, there is a certain formula:

N (number of teeth erupted) \u003d n (child's age in months) - 4.

If the error is 2-3 months, then parents should not worry, perhaps this is just a physiological developmental feature. When the difference is greater, this is a reason to see a doctor and get tested.

Early teething can be associated with diseases or disorders of the baby's endocrine system, as well as with the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy.

Late teething is most often seen in children with gastrointestinal problems, genetic disorders and rickets. But you don't need to panic prematurely - see your doctor.

Violation of the order of eruption of teeth

Violations of the order of teething were previously rare and spoke of deviations, but in our time, when children are greatly influenced by the ecology and the quality of products (which are actively supplied with mother's milk), this is more common. And this does not always mean violations and deviations in the development of the child, but it is worth consulting a doctor.

Teething problems: what should parents do?

If the parents notice that the child's teeth are being cut incorrectly or at the wrong time, then you need to go for a consultation with an orthodontist who will direct you to take a picture and determine the cause of the problem.

Parents cannot do anything on their own - only on the advice of a specialized doctor!

Parents may have to undergo a complete examination of the child's body, because anomalies in teething are sometimes associated with problems and disorders in other organs. In any case, it is better for the child to quickly determine the deviation and its cause, since problems are easier to deal with at the stage of their appearance.

The norms and terms of teething according to Komarovsky: video

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