Norway maple plant. Maple: photo of trees, seeds and leaves

f. globosa(spherical) - with a dense spherical crown and slow growth, it is grafted onto the main species both in the trunk and in the root collar;

f. palmatifida(hand-cut) - a spectacular form with dark green leaves separated to the base;

Albo variegata- leaves with large white spots;

Apollo- a tree of medium size, up to 14-18 m tall and 10-15 m wide, with a wide pyramidal dense, uniform crown. Grows fast. The leaves are fresh green, the tops are reddish. Grows well only on light soils.;

aureomarginatum- a small tree with a spherical crown. Leaves with yellow edging and yellow spots. Grows slowly;

Aureovariegatum- leaves with yellow splashes, pinkish when blooming;

Bicolor- young leaves with light yellow strokes that turn pink later;

Buntzelii- a tree with a dense wide crown, up to 20 m tall. The leaves are large, with pointed lobes, reddish-orange-brown when blooming, later golden yellow with red veins;

Cleveland- tree of medium size, 12-15 m tall, with an oval, later ovoid compact crown. Grows fast. The branches point straight up. The leaves are light red when blooming, then bright green, shiny. autumn - yellow-orange. Sensitive to dry and waterlogged, acidic and covered soils;

columnare- a small tree, 8-10 m tall, up to 4 m wide, with an ovoid, later narrow crown with a straight elongated trunk. Grows slower than the main species. The leaves are red in spring, later dark green,
autumn -yellow;

Crimson King (Schwedleri Nigrum) - tree up to 20 m tall. The leaves are blood-red when unfolded, then dark purple throughout the season, with a purple tint in autumn;

Crimson Sentry- a medium-sized tree, 15-20 m tall, with a narrow-columnar, highly branched crown. The leaves are light red when blooming, then brown or dark green, shiny below, in autumn - yellow-orange. The leaves are smaller than those of other representatives of the species, but the most beautiful form among all red-leaved forms;

Deborah- a medium-sized tree, about 15-20 m high, 12-15 m wide, with a wide-rounded crown. The leaves are slightly wavy, shiny, light red when blooming, then brown-green, yellow-orange in autumn. Less hardy than "Schwedleri";

Drummondii- a small tree up to 6-10 m (sometimes up to 12 m) in height and about 7 m in diameter, with a beautiful broad pyramidal crown, oval with age. The leaves are light green, with a wide creamy-white stripe along the edges, bright pink when unfolded. One of the most spectacular forms of Norway maple;

emerald queen- a small tree up to 15 m high and 8-10 m wide, with an oval crown and a straight vertical trunk. Grows fast. The leaves are light red when unfolded, dark green in summer, light yellow in autumn;

Eurostar- a tree 12-15 (20) m tall, with a pyramidal symmetrical crown and a straight trunk reaching to the crown. The branches are directed at an acute angle to the trunk. The leaves are light green, intense yellow in autumn. Blooms a little later than other varieties. Ideal for urban environments;

Fassen's Black- a small tree, up to 12-15 m tall and 8-10 m wide, with a broad pyramidal or rounded crown, which becomes loose and asymmetric with age. The growth rate is lower than that of the main species. The leaves are light red when blooming, then dark red-brown until autumn. The flowers are dark red, with yellow stamens;

Fassen's Redleaf- leaves of more saturated red tones;

Farlake's Green- a small tree, 12-15 (20) m high and 6-8 (10) m wide, with a spreading crown. Young shoots with olive-green bark, growing vertically. The leaves are dark green, turning yellow-orange in autumn. The fruits are invisible. Grows very fast. Resistant to city conditions;

Globosum- small, very slow growing tree, up to 6 m tall and 3-5 m wide. The crown is symmetrical, spherical, strongly branched, dense, slightly flat with age. The leaves are bronze when blooming, then light green;

Golden Globe- a tree with a spherical crown and golden foliage;

Goldsworth Purple- a tree with a dense, wide crown, up to 12 m tall. The leaves are wavy, with five unequal lobes, red-brown when blooming, dark purple in summer, brown in autumn;

Maculatum- low tree. The leaves are smaller than the main species, when blooming with small white and cream splashes;

Puechkleri- young leaves with pink, red, brown, gray and white strokes, turning white in summer;

Olmstedt- a tree of medium height, up to 12-15 m in height and 5-6 m in width, with a columnar crown, with age - pointed or cone-shaped. It grows quite slowly. The leaves are very large, bronze when blooming, in summer they are green, shiny, in autumn they are yellow;

Roseobullatum- leaves with convex pink spots on a dark green background;

royal red- improved "Fassen" s Black ". Tree 12-15 m high, with a broadly pyramidal or rounded crown. Leaves when blooming are light red, shiny, red-black in summer, red in autumn. Flowers are dark red, with yellow stamens , look spectacular against the background of dark foliage.Grows slowly, prone to diseases;

Reitenbachii- a tree up to 15 m high with a straight vertical trunk. The leaves are the same as those of the Norway maple, turning red from the end of summer;

Rubrum- leaves are red when blooming, green in summer, dark red in autumn. Flowers greenish;

Rubescens- when blooming bronze-red, then green;

Stoltii- fast growing tree up to 15 m tall. The leaves are large, usually three-lobed, purple when blooming, then turn green;

Schwedleri- a beautiful powerful tree with an openwork wide-pyramidal crown, 20 m high, 10 m in diameter. It grows quickly, especially at a young age. The leaves are large, blood-red when blooming, in the second half of summer they become shiny bronze-green. Leaf veins and petioles remain purple. In autumn, the leaves are copper or orange-red. Extremely resistant to urban conditions;

summershade- a tree up to 18-20 m in height and 12-18 m in width, with a wide oval, sparse crown and a straight central trunk. Grows moderately fast. The leaves are more deeply dissected than the main species, bright, golden yellow in autumn. Vulnerable to windbreakers. In adverse conditions, it is damaged by frost;

Variegatum (Albovariegatum)- leaves with pink strokes when blooming, which then turn white

  1. Landing and care
  2. White
  3. Tatar

Acer, or maple, is a genus with more than 150 species of trees and shrubs, widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, including throughout the European part and in the temperate latitudes of Asia. There are dozens of maple species in Russia. Most of them are unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, love well-moistened fertile soils, but some also grow on poor soils. For the most part, these are deciduous shrubs and trees; there are several evergreen species in Central Asia.


The height of maples reaches 40 m, depending on the species and environmental conditions, but stands up to 10–15 m are more common. The trunks are usually thin, with light brown, brown or gray bark with small cracks, the crowns are dense, round and wide. The root system is powerful and developed, able to penetrate to great depths. These trees live for about 200 years, but in a favorable natural environment they can become long-lived - they can grow up to 500 years.

A distinctive feature of maples is the beautiful shape of the leaves. Most of them are large, palm-shaped - consisting of several blades, pointed or carved. In addition to the usual green color, the foliage of many species and varieties - Japanese, Norway maple (Royal Red, Kimson King and others) - has a purple, bright red or dark pink color. Maples bloom in early spring, inflorescences are thin light yellow or greenish panicles, fruits are double lionfish with seeds, ripen in September.

Maples, thanks to their beautiful decorative foliage, are suitable for landscaping: they are planted in gardens, parks, and adjacent territories in order to create cozy beautiful landscapes, shade, and clean the air from dust and pollution.

Maple wood is widely used in industry, being a practical and high-quality building material.

Maple types

Among the species diversity of maple, there are several of the most common and popular.


This species is one of the most famous, includes several varieties, grows throughout the European part of Russia. Another name for maple: plane tree or plane leaf - according to the characteristic shape of the leaves (pictured).

This species includes many decorative forms that differ in the height of the trunks, the size and density of the crown, and the shade of the leaves. Norway maple is demanding on the composition of soils, prefers moderately moist, fertile, slightly acidic soils, does not tolerate sandstones and rocky lands. In height, such trees reach 20-30 m, have a wide rounded crown. The bark is light gray, quite smooth in young maples, becoming covered with cracks with age. The size of the leaves is about 15–18 cm, they are located on long thin cuttings, have a five-lobed shape with pronounced notches: the middle lobes protrude far forward, the lateral ones are slightly shorter. There are maple species with hornbeam-shaped or ash-shaped foliage: small, serrated, elongated leaves transversely located on long cuttings.

In autumn, green maple leaves take on vibrant yellows, oranges, reds and burgundy hues, creating a picturesque natural carnival of colors. The five-lobed maple leaf is featured on the national flag of Canada.

Trees grow quickly, especially in the first years after planting, their life span is up to 200 years. Holly maples are immune to the polluted air of cities, therefore they are suitable for landscaping streets and creating beautiful landscapes. They are planted along roads, in yards, in squares, parks.

Holly maple is distributed throughout European territory, in Western Siberia, the temperate zone of the North American continent.


This tree is widespread in the northern and eastern regions of the United States, being the official symbol of some states. Another name for the species is sugar maple. It is from the juice of its wood that the famous maple syrup is made, and lumber is used in construction. American maple is resistant to cold climates, able to grow up to 30-40 m, has a thick dark bark and a dense crown.


The operational characteristics of maple are quite high: it is not subject to warping and deformation, tolerates moisture well, and is resistant to shock loads.

I.A. Bondorina, candidate of biological sciences, head. Department of ornamental plants GBS named after N.V. Tsinina RAS.

For the garden designer, Norway Maple ( Acer platanoides L.) is just a godsend. The trunk is straight, which is especially important when creating alleys. The crown is neat, dense, as if specially born for sunny areas.

Norway maple grows quickly, in the sun and in partial shade, under favorable conditions it can reach a height of 15 - 20 m. It tolerates pruning (including shaping) well, the main thing is to do it before the start of sap flow (around the beginning of March).

Caring for maple is easy. You can transplant it even up to the age of fifteen, the plant tolerates this procedure very easily. It is generally undemanding to the soil, but does not tolerate its compaction and stagnant moisture. It is almost not damaged by diseases and pests, although some varieties are affected by powdery mildew. In addition, maple tolerates urban conditions (smoke, gas and dust, some soil salinization), it is frost and heat resistant.

It is hard to imagine, but there are about a hundred varieties of maple, and in our market there are at most 10 - 12.

Maples with purple foliage - out of competition when buying, but they have their own characteristics. You buy a meter-long seedling with bright purple foliage, and after a few years it turns into a 10-15-meter hulk. At the same time, the color of the leaves of most adult purple-leaved maples is dark, sometimes almost brown. Only young leaves look festively red, and old ones look almost black. A grove or avenue of purple-leaved maples is not a sight for the faint of heart. But with proper fit in compositions, in a large space, they will look beautiful. In the shade and with long cloudy weather, the leaves may turn green. However, two well-known Norway maples - ‘Reitenbach’ (‘Reitenbachii’), ‘Nigrum’ (‘Nigrum’) and ‘Schwedler’ (‘Schwedlerii’, 1869) are interesting precisely because they change their color during the summer season. Maple ‘Schwedler’ from bright red spring and purple at the beginning of summer, by its end turns into green-brown, and ‘Reitenbach’ - vice versa, only in the second half of summer begins to turn crimson. From seedlings of ‘Schwedler’ varieties, varieties are obtained that are stably colored in dark red throughout the season. This is such a well-known variety as ‘Crimson King’ (‘Crimson King’, the second name is ‘Schwedlerii nigrum’, 1937) - a large tree, turns green in the shade. It looks like ‘Fassens Black’ (‘Faassen’s Black’, 1969), a natural hybrid of ‘Schwedler’ (‘Schwedlerii’) and ‘Reitenbach’. It also has shiny purple, sometimes almost black leaves and a dense pyramidal crown up to 15 m tall. Variety ‘Royal Crimson’ (‘Royal Crimson’, 1967) is already selected from seedlings ‘Crimson King’, it retains color better in the middle and late summer. Varieties such as 'Royal Red' ( 'Royal Red', 1964) are also distinguished by the red color of the leaves - this medium-sized tree (10 - 12 m) has a beautiful crown shape and light red leaves, while the variety 'Goldsworth Purple' ( 'Goldsworth Purple', 1947) purple leaves all season, with young leaves light red-brown, wrinkled. Very interesting variety ‘Crimson Sentry’ (‘Crimson Sentry, 1974) is a variety from ‘Crimson King’, which has gained great popularity among lovers of red-leaved forms. The tree is small (up to 8 m), with a beautiful columnar crown and small red-purple leaves. In certain lighting, the leaves are a beautiful crimson color, densely and very elegantly sitting on the branches.

The cultivar ‘Meyering’ (‘Meyering’, 1969) has light brown foliage in spring but then turns green, turning purplish brown in late summer and turning orange-red and red-brown in autumn. ‘Fairview’ has blood-red leaves in spring, red-veined green in summer, and orange-red in autumn.

Speaking about the color of the leaves, it is impossible not to mention the variety that appeared recently - `Princeton Gold` `Prinsceton Gold`, `Pringo` `Pringo`. The tree is small (up to 10 - 12 m). This is the first of the Norway maples with bright yellow foliage that retains its hue throughout the summer.Like many golden and purple-leaved forms, it turns green in the shade, but in the bright sun it is a leader, not only outshines the entire environment, but even glows at night or in cloudy weather.

Variegated maples are rare on the market, with the exception of ‘Drummond’ (‘Drummondii’, 1903). This maple is widely known for its amazingly light appearance, which is given to it by soft green leaves, bordered by a white uneven stripe. It is smaller in size than a regular maple (10 -12 m), the leaves have a pink tint when blooming. Even in the shade, it illuminates and expands the space, making it airy and light. There are two forms of this maple - with a white stripe along the edge and with a yellow one. There are other variegated forms, for example, `Maculatum-Album` `Maculatum-Album`, 1900 - the foliage of plants of this variety in white dots, and `Heterophyllum Aureo-variegatum` `Heterophyllum Aureo-variegatum`, which is similar to 'Drummond', but the leaf plate is smaller, irregular in shape, and has an uneven yellow border along the edge of the leaf. In the same company ‘Kvadrikolor’ (‘Quadricolor, 1885) and ‘Piktum’ (‘Pictum’, 1892) - with pink and white spots on the leaves. They are almost non-existent for sale. The variety ‘Waldersee’ (‘Walderseei’, 1904) has small white dots on the leaf next to the veins, forming a peculiar pattern.

The shape of the leaf blade of the Norway maple was not left without attention. The more torn the leaf, the more openwork it is, and the tree itself is more elegant. Just think, a wonderful variety of Norway maple 'Palmatifidum' ('Palmatifidum', 'Lorberga' ('Lorbergii') was obtained in 1829, and is still rare in our gardens. Its leaves are dissected to the base into 3 - 5 lobes, the crown is compact, almost globular, especially when grafted onto a trunk.It looks exotic, but at the same time it is unpretentious and resistant to adverse conditions.In autumn, its leaves turn yellow.Other varieties with carved leaves are even rarer.They differ in varying degrees of cut leaves. In `Acuminatum` `Acuminatum`, 1893 - the leaf is cut into narrowly pointed lobes, in `Charles Joly` `Charles Joly`, 1985) dissected leaves, especially spectacular at the beginning of the season - they have a purple color, then they turn green. `Dissectum` `Dissectum`, 1834) different strongly cut (stronger than `Palmatifidum`) dark green leaves, grows slowly.In `Laciniatum` `Laciniatum`, 1683) the tips of the cut leaves are bent inward.

Unusual for the species leaves of the variety ‘Kukullatum’ (‘Cucullatum’, 1866). Their shape resembles a fan - the leaf blade is serrated along the edge, while being somewhat crumpled. Turns red or yellow in autumn. In ‘Crispum’ (‘Crispum’, 1781), the edge of the leaf is bent, and ‘Stoll’ (‘Stollii’ or ‘Oekonomierat Stoll’, 1888) is distinguished by small three-lobed leaves, which are compared with ivy leaves.

When blooming, they are red, then turn green. By the way, this variety originated from ‘Schwedler’. Variety ‘Dilaceratum’ (‘Dilaceratum’, 1885) looks completely unusual, the leaves are twisted, irregularly shaped with a thin yellow stripe along the edge of the leaf.

The shape of the crown of the tree is important. Symmetrical, neat plants are always in the price. Maple has something to boast about here, it is not for nothing that it is called the tree of the streets. Columnar and oval shapes are especially valued.

The variety ‘Globozum’ (‘Globosum’ or ‘Compactum’ (‘Compactum’), 1873) has a beautiful spherical crown. Most often it is grafted onto a trunk of different heights. On the trunk, the crown of this maple looks like an even ball; with age, the diameter of this ball can reach 6 m, and the shape becomes oval, flattened. The crown of this tree is so dense that it casts a dull shadow.

Breeders have worked with this form, and now the new items are on sale - ‘Golden Globe’ (‘Golden Globe’, 1995, sport from Globozum) and ‘Rubra Globosa’ (‘Rubra Globosa’). These are maples with a spherical crown shape and golden (‘Golden Globe’) or purple (‘Rubra Globoza’) leaf color. These are also grafted plants. The golden form can "burn" in hot, dry weather. But timely watering and fertilizing will fix this.

Information about the weeping form of Norway maple can only be found in the specialized literature, but still - ‘Pendulum’ (‘Pendulum, 1960) with hanging branches exists, so it remains only to wait for its appearance on the market.

Dwarfism of some varieties is their highlight. For example, 'Almira' 'Almira', 1951) - a dwarf tree up to 6 - 7 m tall with a dense crown, or 'Natorp' ('Natorp', 1958) - a small plant, slowly growing (small-leaved sport from 'Schwedler' ); and finally, ‘Pyramidale Nanum’ (‘Pyramidale Nanum’, ‘Pygmaeum’, 1893) is a compact, dwarf, slow-growing tree with a pyramidal crown.

In our Botanical Garden, varieties such as 'Reitenbach', 'Schwedler', 'Crimson King', 'Drummond', 'Palmatifidum', 'Globozum' have been growing for quite a long time (more than 50 years). On sale you can meet 'Fussence Black', 'Royal Red', 'Crimson Sentry', 'Myering', 'Fairview', 'Princeton Gold', 'Stolla', 'Deborah', 'Cleveland', 'Columnare', 'Emerald' Queen', 'Olmsted', 'Golden Globe', 'Rubra Globoza'.

While I have not met in the market 'Royal Crimson', 'Goldsworth Purple', 'Maculatum-Album', 'Heterophyllum Aureovariegatum', 'Quadricolor', 'Piktum', 'Acuminatum', 'Dissektum', 'Laciniatum', 'Kukullatum' , 'Crispum', 'Dilaceratum', 'Waldersee', 'Erectum', 'Pendulum', 'Almira', 'Natorp', 'Pyramidale Nanum'. But I think when they appear, they will definitely occupy their niche.

So the choice of maples is yours. And the fact that this tree is wonderful, I think, there is no doubt.

May 13th, 2013

He is sycamore maple, or sycamore maple(Acer platanoides) - deciduous tree 10-30 meters high with a wide and dense spherical crown. Widespread throughout coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. Found in the forest (near Mount Prisnovskaya) near our apiary - among aspen, linden, oak, bird cherry, willow and other honey plants.

The trunk is covered with almost black or dark gray bark, while young branches are distinguished by the brown color of the smooth bark. Annual shoots are green or greenish-reddish. The leaf of the Norway maple is divided into five lobes pointed at the ends - hence the name. By autumn, the leaves change from green to yellow-golden or reddish. (sometimes orange-red). In the forests it occupies the second tier.

For beekeeping it is important not in autumn (due to the decorative color of the leaves), and in spring - because it blooms in the first half of May, when the main flowering of willow trees decreases somewhat, and the gardens have not yet bloomed. flowering period holly maple(7-10 days) "intersects" with the flowering of bird cherry, common colza, three-stamen willow, dandelion, white willow. Fruit and berry crops begin to bloom in vegetable gardens and orchards (plum, irga, currant, honeysuckle). It is found in the village along the outskirts, backyards and alleyways, but it has already faded.

Branch with flowers and young leaves

The blooming maple flowers are somewhat reminiscent of the flowers of the heart-shaped linden (the general form of inflorescences, or what?). Last year I saw unblown maple flowers, I thought holly maple little in the forest, but, as it turned out, there is enough of it (I used to think that these were flowering willows, I didn’t come close). When I was in the forest on a photo hunt, the maples “buzzed”.

Significance for beekeeping

honey productivity plane maple may be 150-200 kg per hectare of growth, but it is not used in full, at least for two reasons. Firstly, by the beginning of May, the bee colony does not have enough strength to collect marketable honey. Secondly, the weather can interfere, as we had in 2011, when the sharp-leaved maple, the pedunculate oak, and the small-leaved linden were beaten with frosts.

In the wild, Norway maple can live up to 150 years.

But this does not mean that honey with holly maple can not be. Bees collect nectar from greenish-yellow flowers and a yellow-greenish bee - there is a growth of families, a change of wintering bees. And only specially trained families can collect marketable, light with a mild aroma and pleasant taste.

Norway maple, or sycamore- Acer platanoides L. - a large tree from the maple family (Aceraceae) 15-25 (up to 30) m high with a dense spherical crown. In some especially powerful trees, the trunk reaches a meter in diameter. The trunk is covered with brownish-gray cracking bark. The root system is formed by a tap root, which goes relatively shallow into the substrate, and numerous lateral roots, which go far to the sides and cover a huge amount of soil and soil. The leaves are opposite, with well-defined venation, long-petioled, rounded in outline, 5-lobed (less often, the number of lobes is 3 or 7), the recesses between the lobes are rounded, and the lobes themselves also have 3 or 5 lobes ending in pointed tips. Length of leaf blades 5-12 cm, width 8-15 cm; petioles are thin, 5-15 cm long. Young leaves are pubescent along the veins; adults are naked, shiny.
Norway maple flowers on the same tree can be bisexual and dioecious, or only dioecious. They are collected in many-flowered corymbose inflorescences located at the ends of the branches. Calyx of 5 ovate greenish sepals. The corolla is greenish-yellow, with 5 petals, which are slightly longer but narrower than the sepals. The number of stamens ranges from 5 to 1 2. Pistil with an upper 2-celled flat ovary and a style with a 2-separated stigma. In the flowers, nectaries are developed, abundantly secreting a sweet liquid.
Blossoms in April - May, simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves or even a little earlier. The fruit is a double pale greenish lionfish 8-1 1 cm long, splitting into 2 non-opening one-seeded fruitlets, each of which is a flattened nutlet, equipped with a large flat wing. The seed is flat, with a large embryo. In September, the lionfish turn brown, break up into separate fruitlets and crumble. Whirling at the expense of the wing, the fruitlets are picked up by the wind and are from the mother plant, but not far. Fruiting almost every year is plentiful.
Norway maple propagates by seed. Most of the seeds that have fallen in autumn and early winter germinate next spring, but, unfortunately, most seedlings die before they have lived even a year. Those few seedlings that remain alive grow rapidly in the first years of life. Maple is a fast-growing species, the trees reach their maximum height already by the age of 50-60, after which the growth in height practically stops, but the crown continues to increase, and the trunk thickens. Maple trees live up to 150-200, according to some sources up to 300 years.

maple spread

Norway maple is a European plant. It is quite widespread in the forest zone of European Russia, reaching in the north to South Karelia, and in the east to the Urals. It grows in broad-leaved and mixed forests, as a rule, as an admixture in the second layer, but in some areas maple can dominate. Prefers areas with fertile loamy soils. Most maple is in oak forests, especially those occupying forest ravines. It is considered a companion of oak and ash in our forests. It has long been bred in settlements as a beautiful tree with original foliage. It is planted in parks, squares, along streets, in yards, in sheltered forest belts. If in summer it is remarkable for its lush greenery, then in autumn maple strikes with an abundance of bright colors - before crumbling, its leaves convey a whole range of yellow, gold, lemon, orange colors. Maple is a shade-tolerant breed, especially when young. Prefers habitats with fairly fertile soils. It needs sufficient soil moisture, inferior in this respect to oak, which is why there is little or no maple in the southern oak forests.

Economic use of Norway maple

Maple Norway has a valuable pinkish or yellowish wood with high strength and hardness. It is well polished and amenable to turning. It is used for the manufacture of a wide variety of joinery and turning products. In particular, furniture, spokes for cart wheels, skis and other sports equipment, stringed musical instruments are made from it. It is valued in the plywood industry. Non-commercial wood is used for firewood, which is of high quality: it burns well, gives a lot of heat, the flame almost does not smoke. Norway maple is an outstanding honey plant. It is believed that from 1 hectare of maple plantations, bees are able to collect from 150 to 200 kg of honey. One tree of decent size produces up to 10 kg of honey. Unfortunately, early flowering does not always allow domestic bees to take full advantage of maple nectar, since at this time the bee colonies have not yet fully recovered from wintering. The sap of many maple species is harvested for the production of sugar and syrup. This industry is especially developed in Canada. The image of a maple leaf has become a symbol of this country. Norway maple is also suitable for obtaining sweet, quite edible juice, but this industry, fortunately for maple trees, is not developed in our country. Yellow and black dyes were obtained from maple leaves, which were used to dye wool in carpet production.

Medicinal value of Norway maple and methods of therapeutic use

For medicinal purposes, Norway maple is used only in folk medicine.
Maple sap, like birch sap, is a vitamin and soft drink known to the people for a long time.
In the spring, it is useful to drink a warm mixture of maple sap and milk, taken in equal amounts, for coughing.
Sweet Maple Juice- an excellent tonic that improves mood during and after pregnancy. The boiled maple sap allows you to use it throughout the year with tea.
For renal colic, diseases of the bladder, kidney stones, it is recommended to take: 2 tablespoons of infusion of leaves 4-5 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.
A decoction of leaves and seeds is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases.
According to Raphael maple is ruled by the moon and is healing for those born under the sign of Cancer.

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