How many Jews were before World War II. How many Jews died in World War II

Ignatiev A. N.


In the literature devoted to the results of the 2nd World War, various figures of losses suffered by the peoples of one or another country participating in this war were reported. But little is said about them, although the main losses were from the Russians and Germans.

With the beginning of the notorious perestroika, and especially in recent times, more and more often the emphasis is on the loss of Jews, although not only not a single Jewish division, but even a company participated in the hostilities either from Germany or from Russia.

In this regard, it suffices to recall that on the Soviet-German front, Czechoslovak corps, Polish division, French squadron "Normandie-Niemen".

World Jewry, or as it was then called "international" did not form a single Jewish military unit. Having unleashed a war, it watched the unfolding events in anticipation of “who will take it”. In order to strike at exhausted opponents and seize the wealth of both the winner and the vanquished. This policy has paid off. First, they gutted Germany, and now they are gutting Russia, taking out not only oil, gas, timber, gold, diamonds, but even land from the black earth regions of Russia.

It is claimed that the loss of Jews in the 2nd World War amounted to 6 million human.

According to the new Jewish terminology that appeared in the press during the years of perestroika and came to us from the USA, this is called the “Holocaust”.

For anyone uninitiated in this story, the question arises: where did this figure come from - 6 million, and not 3 or 4 million?

After all, there is still no documentary evidence confirming such colossal losses of Jews!

There was also no commission that, out of the whole mass of people of other nationalities who died during the war, would identify only Jews and scrupulously, by surname, would count them.

Moreover, not all the same 6 million Jews were killed in gas chambers, hanged or shot! Some still part died of natural causes, like other prisoners.

It is unlikely that the number of Jews imprisoned in German concentration camps exceeded the number of prisoners in other countries combined.

It is also unlikely that among those driven by the Germans for forced labor in Germany, there were more Jews than others.

So, there is already reason to doubt this figure.

How the myth of the Holocaust was born

In search of 6 million victims of the Holocaust, I decided to look through the 1945 Pravda newspaper. In the published orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. V. Stalin, the settlements liberated or taken by the troops of one or another front were reported. In the offensive zone of our troops in Poland, there were well-known German concentration camps, but not a word about them.

On January 18, Warsaw was liberated, and on January 27, Soviet troops entered Auschwitz. An editorial in Pravda dated January 28 entitled “The Great Offensive of the Red Army” reported: “During the January offensive, Soviet troops occupied 25,000 settlements, including liberated about 19,000 Polish towns and villages.” If Auschwitz was a city (as indicated in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia) or a large settlement, then why were there no reports about it in the Sovinformburo reports for January 1945? If such a massive extermination of Jews had really been recorded in Auschwitz, then the newspapers of the whole world, and the Soviet ones in the first place, would have reported such monstrous atrocities of the Germans.

Moreover, the first deputy head of the Sovinformburo at that time was a Jew, Solomon Abramovich Lozovsky.

But the newspapers were silent.

Only on February 2, 1945, the first article about Auschwitz flashed in Pravda under the title “Death Plant in Auschwitz”. Its author, Pravda's correspondent during the war, was a Jew, Boris Polevoy.

There is a well-known rule for all journalists - to write the truth about what they see. But this rule did not apply to the Jew B. Polevoy (real name Kampov), he lied: “The Germans in Auschwitz covered up the traces of their crimes. They blew up and destroyed traces of the electric conveyor, where hundreds of people were simultaneously killed by electric current.” Even if no traces are found, then electric conveyor had to be invented. In the documents of the Nuremberg trials, the use of electric conveyors by the Germans was not confirmed.

Keep on fantasizing B. Field imperceptibly, as if casually, in passing, threw in the text and gas chambers: “Special mobile devices for killing children have been taken to the rear. The gas chambers on the east side of the camp have been rebuilt with turrets and architectural decorations to make them look like garages.”. How B. Polevoy (not an engineer) was able to guess that there were gas chambers instead of garages is unknown. And when the Germans managed to rebuild the gas chambers into garages, if according to the testimony of other "eyewitnesses" - Jews, the gas chambers worked continuously, until the arrival of Soviet troops in Auschwitz.

So for the first time thanks to B. Polevoy, began to be mentioned in the Soviet press gas chambers.

The task that B. Polevoi set (as did his fellow tribesman Ilya Ehrenburg, by the way) is quite obvious - to increase the readers' hatred of the Germans: “But the worst thing for the prisoners of Auschwitz was not death itself. German sadists, before killing the prisoners, starved them to death and cold, 18-hour work, brutal punishments. They showed me the leather-covered steel bars used to beat the prisoners.”. Why should steel bars be “upholstered” with leather, to anyone who read this note by B. Polevoy almost sixty years ago, just not clear.

Further, B. Polevoy fantasizes, not limited to gas chambers and electric conveyors, in order to further show the bestial appearance of the Germans, he listed: “I saw massive rubber batons, with the handle of which the prisoners were beaten on the head and on the genitals. I saw benches where people were beaten to death. I saw a specially designed oak chair on which the Germans broke the backs of prisoners.” Surprisingly, there is not a word about the number of Jews killed in this death camp. And the Russians too.

B. Polevoy, as a journalist, did not even ask about the ethnic composition of the prisoners, how many of them were left alive, and did not try to interview any of the prisoners of Auschwitz, among whom there were many Russians.

If this camp was so terrible and several million people allegedly died in it, most of whom were Jews, then this fact could be exaggerated as widely as possible.

But B. Polevoy's note went unnoticed, it did not evoke any response from readers.

Of interest is another note by B. Polevoy dated February 18, 1945, entitled “Underground Germany”. It spoke of one underground military factory built by the hands of prisoners: “The account of prisoners was strict. None of the builders of the underground arsenals should have escaped death.” As you can see, there was a record of prisoners, which contradicts the statements of other Jewish propagandists who deliberately rounded the number of victims in a particular camp to four or five zeros (see articles about concentration camps in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia).

Newspapers reported on the crimes of the German invaders in the occupied territories. So, for example, in Pravda of April 5, 1945, a message was placed by the Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of German Atrocities in the Territory of Latvia. Appears figure killed 250 thousand civilians in Latvia, of which 30 thousand were Jews. If this is true, then the 30,000 murdered Jews in the largest Baltic republic suggests that the total number of victims among the Jewish population of the Baltic states differs sharply from those given in Jewish sources.

On April 6, 1945, an article appeared in Pravda with the title "Investigation of the German atrocities in Auschwitz." It said that on April 4 in Krakow, in the building of the Court of Appeal, the first meeting of the commission investigating German atrocities in Auschwitz was held, which will collect documents, material evidence and interrogate captured Germans and escaped prisoners of Auschwitz, organize a technical and medical examination. It was reported that the commission included prominent lawyers, scientists and public figures of Poland. For some reason, the names of the members of the commission were not called.

And on April 14, in the same Pravda, a message appeared that the Commission had allegedly begun work. “The commission visited Auschwitz and established that in Auschwitz the Nazi villains blew up gas chambers and crematoria, but this destruction of the means of killing people is not such that it would be impossible to restore the full picture. The commission established that there were 4 crematoria in the camp, in which the corpses of prisoners who had previously been gassed were burned daily. In special gas chambers, the poisoning of victims usually lasted 3 minutes. However, to be sure, the cells remained closed for another 5 minutes, after which the bodies were thrown out. The bodies were then burned in crematoria. The number of those burned in the Auschwitz crematoria is estimated at over 4.5 million people. The commission, however, will determine a more accurate figure for those who have been placed in the camp.” An article by an unknown TASS correspondent from Warsaw did not report on the number of gas chambers, or where the gas was supplied from, how many people were placed in the gas chambers, and how the corpses were pulled out of them if poison gas remained in the chambers. It was not reported how in such a short time (the commission worked for one day!) The figure of 4.5 million people killed was established, what it consisted of and what documents the commission relied on when counting. It is strange that the "commission" forgot to count the number of dead Jews.

However, a check of the reports of the Polish Press Agency - the main source of information for newspapers, radio and government agencies in Poland - shows that there were no such reports in the Polish press. Just as there was no TASS correspondent office in Poland, which had just been liberated from the Germans. B. Polevoy in his first note reported that the gas chambers were rebuilt into garages, and here they were blown up. The wording that “the destruction of the means of killing people is not such that it would be impossible to restore the full picture” also looks strange, unproven. Such formulations are typical for those who want to hide the truth. Apparently, this note was prepared not without the participation of B. Polevoy.

Here it is appropriate to mention such a fact.

In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, in an article about Poland (vol. 20, p. 29x), it is said that St. 3.5 million people.

This is how the myth of the Holocaust was born.

Even then, in April 1945, long before the Nuremberg trials, lies were introduced into the minds of millions of readers of Pravda.

The apotheosis of the lie was an extensive article in Pravda dated May 7, 1945 entitled “The monstrous crimes of the German government in Auschwitz” (no author credit).

From “Polish” sources, the number of victims is “over 4.5 million.” people migrated to the central party body, where it was brought to the figure of “over 5 million.”

The article has been overgrown with new details:

“Every day 3-5 echelons with people arrived here and every day 10-12 thousand people were killed in gas chambers, and then burned.”

It is not necessary to determine a lie when reading this, at first glance, sensational article: “In 1941, the first crematorium with 3 furnaces was built to burn corpses. The crematorium had a gas chamber to suffocate people. It was the only one and lasted until the middle of 1943.” It is not clear how such a crematorium with 3 furnaces could burn 9 thousand corpses monthly (300 corpses per day) for two years. For comparison, let's say that the largest in Moscow Nikolo-Arkhangelsk crematorium with 14 furnaces burns about 100 corpses daily.

Quoting further, “By the beginning of 43 years, 4 new crematoria were delivered, in which there were 12 furnaces with 46 retorts. From 3 to 5 corpses were placed in each retort, the burning process of which lasted about 20-30 minutes. At the crematoria, gas chambers were built to kill people, placed either in basements or in special annexes to the crematoria. The word “or” immediately provokes protest. If the gas chambers were located in “basements”, then what kind of basements were these that could accommodate thousands of people? If in “special outbuildings”, then how was their tightness ensured so that the gas would not escape from them. In order for the reader to imagine what such “outbuildings” were supposed to be like, let’s say that the Palace of Congresses in Moscow can accommodate 5,000 people.

Realizing that it was impossible to burn such a huge number of corpses in additionally built crematoria, an unknown author reported another “news”:“The productivity of gas chambers exceeded the productivity of crematoria, and therefore the Germans used huge bonfires to burn corpses. In Auschwitz, the Germans killed 10-12 thousand people daily. Of these, 8-10 thousand from the arriving echelons and 2-3 thousand from among the prisoners of the camp. However, simple calculations show that 140-170 wagons are required daily to transport 10-12 thousand people (railway wagons of that time could carry about 70 people). In conditions when the Germans suffered one defeat after another, the supply of such a number of wagons over the course of 4 years of the existence of the camp is unlikely. Germany did not have enough wagons to transport military equipment and ammunition to the front line. This became especially felt after the Battle of Stalingrad and Kursk in the summer of 1943.

The author of the article did not take into account such an indisputable fact. To burn a human corpse in a crematorium oven until ash forms, it takes not less than 20-30 minutes, but at least 1.5 hours. And in the open air, it takes even more time to completely burn the corpse. For example, we were told how the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed by terrorists, was burnt at the stake, according to Indian traditions. The body burned for almost a day. If coal was used in crematoria, then it is simply impossible to burn a human corpse with such fuel until ash forms in 20-30 minutes.

An article in Pravda reports that they were interviewed 2819 rescued prisoners of Auschwitz, among whom were representatives of different countries, including 180 Russians. But for some reason, the testimony came exclusively from Jewish prisoners.“They drove 1,500-1,700 people into the gas chambers,” said Dragon Shlema, a resident of the town of Zhirovin in the Warsaw province. - “The killing lasted from 15 to 20 minutes. After that, the corpses were unloaded and taken out on trolleys into the ditches, where they were burned. The names of other “witnesses” are also listed: Gordon Yakov, Georg Katman, Shpater Ziska, Berthold Epstein, David Suris and others. The article does not say when the survey was conducted and by whom. And why are there no testimonies of prisoners from other countries. By all laws of jurisprudence, the testimony of witnesses must be verified and corroborated by documents and other sources such as photographs. However, the Nuremberg Tribunal did not find documentary evidence of the use of gas chambers by the Germans in the camps. If this fact had taken place, then not only the designers of the gas chambers, but also the company that produced and supplied poison gas to the camps would have appeared before the court. In the questions of the judges to the defendant Minister of Armaments of Germany Speer, the gas chambers did not appear.

The only known case of the use of poisonous substances (chlorine) by the Germans during the years of the 1st World War. But in 1925, an international agreement was signed to ban the use of chemical poisons, known as the "Geneva Protocol". Germany joined in. Throughout the 2nd World War, Hitler never dared to use poisonous substances, despite the difficult situation of his troops, even at a critical moment for the Reich - in the battle for Berlin. If gas was used in Auschwitz, what kind? They talk about Cyclone-B. But among the known chemical toxic substances, such a gas does not appear.

The exaggeration in the Jewish press, especially recently, of the use by the Germans of gas chambers to kill Jews for some reason has taken on a completely curious character. So, a well-known Jewish propagandist, one of the active participants in the overthrow of Soviet power Heinrich Borovik, touching on this topic in one of his TV programs, he agreed to the fact that he allegedly met with the designer of German gas chambers in South America. But I, Borovik said, felt the danger and was glad that I got out alive. He ended up in Chile “during the search for the creator of the Nazi gas chambers, Walter Rauf,” who allegedly worked as “manager of a canned fish factory.”

At the end of the article in Pravda, the capacity of 5 crematoria per month (in thousands) is reported: 9, 90, 90, 45, 45. And the final conclusion is made: “Only during the existence of Auschwitz, the Germans could kill 5 "121" 000 people ".

And further: “However, applying correction factors for underloading of crematoria, for their individual downtime, maintenance, the commission found that during the existence of Auschwitz, German executioners killed at least 4 million citizens of the USSR, Poland, France, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia in it , Belgium, Holland and other countries”.

T Thus, in all publications, including the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the figure of 4-4.5 million began to walk.

Years later, this figure of millions of people allegedly killed in Auschwitz was included in the collections of documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal during their publication and thus, as it were, legalized.

These collections began to be referred to in the preparation of new publications.

Those who prepared the article for Pravda for May 7, 1945 were clearly at odds with reality. If in 20 minutes 75 corpses were burned in 15 retorts of the 3rd and 4th crematoria, then 4.5 thousand are obtained per day. This is theoretical. But after all, with such an intensity of destruction of corpses, it is necessary to load only one crematorium 48 times a day. Not counting the unloading of corpses from the gas chambers, which allegedly contained poison gas. To get to the truth and get the truth about the mass extermination of people in Auschwitz, one would have to interrogate those who built the gas chambers, who delivered the gas, who unloaded the corpses, who took them to the crematoria, who unloaded the ashes. But none of the direct participants in the destruction of people during the Nuremberg trials was interrogated. From this we can conclude that there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz.

As a starting point for the assertion that it was precisely such a huge number of corpses that were burned per day, the article in Pravda cites a letter addressed to the “Central Construction of the SS and the Auschwitz (Auschwitz) Police” of a certain company “Topf and Sons”, which supposedly was supposed to build gas chambers and crematoria.

However, no correspondence between the camp administration and such a firm was found in the archives of Auschwitz.

In Germany, firms received orders not from the leadership of the concentration camps, but from the Ministry of Industry and Armaments.

Only one crematorium appears in the testimony of witnesses.

Having invented 5 gas chambers (which were supposedly either attached to crematoria or were in basements) and 5 crematoria, Jewish propagandists created a myth about the extermination of millions of people in Auschwitz.

It was nothing but an ideological diversion with far-reaching consequences.

In the preparation and organization of this sabotage An important role was played by the Trotskyists who were not finished off by Stalin, who, having changed their Jewish surnames to Russians, disappeared into the general mass of the party during the period of the purge of the party in 1935-1996. The mentioned article in Pravda appeared not without the participation of the then editor-in-chief of Pravda P.N. Pospelov (real name Fogelson) and the party ideologists M.A. Sovinformburo” under the leadership of the Jew Lozovsky.

Their role, as secret Trotskyists, came to light with the coming to power Khrushchev.

It was Pospelov (Fogelson) who prepared that notorious report “On the Personality Cult of Stalin,” which Khrushchev delivered at the 20th Party Congress.

The Birth of Holocaust Doubts (Reading Jewish Sources)

There are many doubts.

The reason for doubts are the numerous publications about the Holocaust, which suggest the falsity of the information given in them.

Let us first turn to Jewish sources, such as the Brief Jewish Encyclopedia (Jerusalem, 1990).

For some reason, there is no article about the Nuremberg Trials, but there is an article “The Nuremberg Laws”, which says that in Germany, with the advent of Hitler to power, two supposedly anti-Semitic legislative acts were issued - the “Reich Citizenship Law” and the “Law on protection of German blood and German honor.

According to Art. 2 of the Reich Citizenship Law, a citizen can only be one who has “German or related blood and who by his behavior proves the desire and ability to faithfully serve the German people and the Reich!”.

This article was interpreted by Jewish encyclopedists in their own way:

“Such a wording actually meant depriving the Jews of German citizenship.” The "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" forbade, as "a desecration of the race," marriage and extramarital cohabitation between Jews and "citizens of German or kindred blood." The concept of “non-Aryan” was defined in the same law. On the basis of this law, in 1935, decrees were issued that allegedly closed the access for Jews to occupy leadership positions in Germany, and introduced the obligatory mark jude (“Jew”) in their certificates. But this is a natural phenomenon - to occupy leading positions in any state by representatives of the so-called titular nation, which constitutes the majority in terms of population. There were more Germans in Germany than Jews, but before Hitler came to power, only Jews dominated all power structures in Germany. This was the need for the introduction of the Nuremberg Laws, which limited the power of the Jews.

However, no government orders for the extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany were issued and, of course, they did not appear at the Nuremberg Trials.

If you carefully consider the period before Hitler came to power in 1933, you can see that all the hatred of the Jews for the Germans lies precisely in the fact that they lost power.

By the way, the same hatred of the Jews for Stalin is explained by the same thing - he also took power from the Jews, only in Russia.

Although not in such large numbers, Jews in Germany and Russia remained in the power structures.

Both Hitler and Stalin stopped the robbery of their countries and made their countries independent from the Jewish criminal capital at its core.

There is no article on the Holocaust in the Concise Jewish Encyclopedia, but there are articles on several German concentration camps that give some idea of ​​the Jewish victims. For example, an article about Majdanek says that “only in 1942-43. Over 130,000 Jews were deported to Majdanek. The prisoners were used for various jobs. By November 1943, 37,000 people had died from overwork. The rest were liberated by the Red Army in 1944.”

Here Jewish propagandists, contradicting themselves, are forced to admit two indisputable facts. The first is that people in the camp were not killed or gassed, but "were used in various jobs and they died from overwork." The second is that almost 100,000 Jews were not exterminated, but liberated by the Red Army.

The article about Mauthausen says even less: “Only according to the surviving documents, 122,000 people were killed in the camp (of which 32-120 Jews).”

Now let's see what the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia, published in 2000, writes about the victims of the Holocaust. It also lacks an article on the Holocaust, but volume 4 contains an extensive article entitled "Catastrophe". In particular, it says: "An attempt to establish the exact number of victims is fraught with extreme difficulties due to the lack of verified data on the scale of the genocide in Eastern Europe." Articles about German concentration camps cite figures of dead Jews. Although they are unverified, they nevertheless say that there were few Jews in the concentration camps, since the bulk of the prisoners consisted of prisoners of war, among whom there were few Jews.

Claiming that the total number of victims of the Holocaust is difficult to establish, the same article cites the calculations of the American Jew Jack Robinson, who “calculated” that during the war years 5 million 821 thousand Jews died, of which 4 million 665 thousand were Polish and Soviet Jews.

And in the article "Jews in Poland", placed in the same edition, it is said that after joining in 1939-40. Western Ukraine and Belarus (taken away by Poland from Russia in 1920), as well as the Baltic states and Bessarabia, the Jewish population of the USSR was 5.25 million people, and that of them 2 million Jews were destroyed. As you can see, the data on the dead Jews of one article are in conflict with the data of another article of the same publication.

Even more interesting information is provided by the article "Poland". From reading this article, it turns out that (and I quote) “in total, about 350,000 Polish Jews ended up in the interior of the Soviet Union - they all fled either to the United States or inland.” According to the 1939 census, 3 million 28.5 thousand Jews lived in the USSR. With the addition of 350,000 Polish Jews to them, their total number on the eve of the war should have been less than 3.5 million. And according to Robinson's "calculations", it turns out 4.565 million!

In order to convince the reader that Robinson's data is correct, the article "Catastrophe" refers to the judgment of the Nuremberg International Tribunal, where it allegedly noted that "according to A. Eichmann's calculation, 6 million Jews were killed by the Germans."

This is blatant nonsense, because Eichmann he did not make any calculations, and he himself was not at the Nuremberg trials. He was caught and executed in Israel later 15 years after the war.

For the uninformed (reading the documents of the Nurbern Tribunal)

And now let's turn to the documents of the Nuremberg trials of the main German war criminals.

It is noteworthy that the documents were published 20 years after the Nuremberg trials, during the so-called “Khrushchev thaw”, when lies were elevated to the rank of state policy.

Before getting acquainted with the documents, I no longer doubted that there Jewish ideologists from the Central Committee of the CPSU tried to stick the figure of 6 million or close to it.

The 3rd volume of documents is devoted to the Nazi death camps. They generally refute the numbers of victims of the Holocaust, which are trumpeted daily by the Jewish media. For example, in the materials about the Treblinka camp, Z. Lukashevich, acting district judicial investigator in Siedlice, cites the conclusion: “I believe that about 50 thousand Poles and Jews died in this camp.”

More specific information is given about Buchenwald.

The "Report of the parliamentary delegation of Great Britain, investigating the atrocities of the Germans in this camp" is given:“The maximum capacity was determined at 120 thousand people. On April 1, 1945 (at the time of liberation by the troops), the number of prisoners in the camp amounted to 80 "813 people. It turned out to be impossible to give an accurate estimate of the percentage of nationalities remaining in the camp of prisoners: we met many Jews, Germans of non-Jewish origin, Poles, Hungarians, Czechs , French, Belgians, Russians, etc. In a detailed report handed over to us by representatives of the anti-fascist committee, it was indicated that the total number of dead and killed in Buchenwald was 51 "572 people. The Nazis left detailed camp files with names, but at the time of our visit it was impossible to start compiling lists of people still in the camp, since the American medical and sanitary service was cleaning up the camp.

It turns out that it turns out that Jewish journalists, screaming about 6 million victims of the Holocaust, deliberately keep silent about the fact that in German concentration camps there were detailed camp card indexes indicating the names of prisoners. According to them, it was possible to determine the total number of victims, up to one person. In Buchenwald, this figure was 51 "572 people. In the encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." the article on Buchenwald provides additional information: “The labor of the prisoners was used in mines and industrial enterprises, especially at the large military enterprise Gustlowerke.”

The Germans did not separate the prisoners along ethnic lines, which was also confirmed by the British parliamentary commission. The surviving documents indicated from which country the prisoners came, their names and the total number. For example, prisoners from the Soviet-German front were called Russians, although among them were Ukrainians, Belarusians, and representatives of other nationalities that inhabited the Soviet Union. Therefore, everywhere, in all documents, the total figure for the loss of the camp population is indicated without division along national lines. How many of the dead in Buchenwald were Jews, so no one has determined. Thus, even this information casts doubt on the numbers of victims of the Holocaust.

About the camp Dora in the documents of the Nuremberg trials the following is reported: “The capacity of the camp is 20 thousand people. The camp has a barrack system, where there are 140 residential and service barracks. There is a crematorium with two ovens with 5 corpses in each oven. According to the amount of ashes and the remaining documents, 35 thousand corpses were burned in the crematorium ovens and in the pits (for the entire time the camp existed from 1942 to April 11, 1945).”

Now you can compare that exactly the same crematorium, but with three furnaces (“Pravda” dated May 7, 1945) monthly burned 9 thousand corpses. All this suggests that the article in Pravda was inspired by Soviet Zionists, who then hid under the guise of communists.

From the report of the legal service of the 3rd US Army dated June 2, 1945, which examined the Flossenbürg concentration camp: “Among the victims of Flossenbürg were Russians - civilians and prisoners of war, German civilians, Italians, Belgians, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, English and American prisoners of war . It is almost impossible to compile a complete list of the victims who died in the camp from its inception in 1931 until the day of liberation. Approximately this list includes more than 29 thousand people”. And here we see that no one from the general list singled out or counted the number of dead Jews. Yes, they are not mentioned in this report.

It is known that by the beginning of the war on the territory of Germany and Austria there were 6 concentration camps. Among them is Flossenbürg. Opponents of the regime were kept in these camps - German communists and German criminal elements. There were few of them. Only with the beginning of the war, prisoners of war and Russian civilians deported to Germany for forced labor began to enter the camp.

Auschwitz has a special place in the Jewish propaganda machine.Without exception, all Jewish printed publications are unanimous in one thing, that it is in Auschwitz that the total number of dead Jews is the largest. Since it was not possible for Jewish propagandists to single out from the total mass of prisoners and count the number of Jews who died in a single camp, but 6 million it was necessary to type from somewhere, then somewhere, by someone, at some closed Jewish council it was decided to concentrate the largest number of victims on Auschwitz and consider it a Holocaust.

It is alleged that the Germans brought Jews from all European countries for extermination in Auschwitz, in connection with which the total number of Jews killed in some publications was brought to almost 4.5 million.

But recently this figure has started to decline. For example, the Concise Jewish Encyclopedia states:

“In view of the fact that the vast majority of Jews were sent to the gas chambers without any registration, it is impossible to establish the exact number of victims. According to American intelligence data (published by the Office of the President in December 1950) and concerning the period up to March 1944, 1.765 million Jews were exterminated in Auschwitz.”

If the number of victims of Auschwitz cannot be established, how did the Americans establish them? Is it possible to trust American data at all, if Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army, and all camp documentation was taken to the USSR and classified?

A comparison of American data with Soviet data showed that 1.765 million Jews were killed in Auschwitz - this is a lie!

In a recently published book by Jewish authors “Jews and the 20th century. Analytical Dictionary” (2004), this figure was even lower: “It is believed that almost 1.1 million people were killed in Auschwitz, and about a million of them were Jews.” Who "assumes" and on what basis is unknown.

And then follows: “Due to the fact that Auschwitz had the status of the deadliest place in all of Nazi Germany, Auschwitz is known as the epicenter of the Holocaust, the murder of over 6 million European Jews by the Nazis during the years of the 2nd World War.”

And here the question arises.

If one million Jews were killed in Auschwitz, then where, in what place, were the remaining 5 million Jews killed? After all, the number of Jews killed in all the camps is still unknown.

It is interesting to note that the authors of the analytical dictionary themselves, talking about the monument to the victims of the Holocaust erected in Auschwitz, drew attention to the inscription on the monument: “Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of German murderers in 1940-1945.” And they immediately noted: “Meanwhile, it is well known that 4 million people did not find their death in Auschwitz. The number 4 million, as unreliable as it is rounded, arose as a result of the desire of the Polish authorities to inflate as much as possible the figure reflecting the number of political martyrs”.

Some Jewish researchers of the Holocaust are forced to state that such an impressive figure of victims of Auschwitz had more political in nature than the desire to establish the truth.

And subsequent publications in the Jewish press revealed and financial benefit from Holocaust propaganda.

If you carefully read the collections of documents of the Nuremberg trials, it is noteworthy that for some reason there is no detailed information on the Auschwitz camp itself. There are no references to camp documents, nor evidence that they were considered during court hearings. And if some information is found, then they come into conflict with one another. For example, in the testimony of the former commandant of the Auschwitz camp, Rudolf Hess, it is stated that the total death toll is approximately 3 million people, of which approximately 100,000 are German Jews. However, Max Grabner testified: "During my leadership of the political department of the camp in Auschwitz, 3-6 million people were killed." So 3 or 6 million? Hess spoke about one gas chamber in the camp with a capacity of 2 thousand people, and Grabner - 4. Hess allegedly claimed that "during the summer of 1944 in Auschwitz alone, we executed approximately 400 thousand Hungarian Jews." While Hess was the camp commandant until December 1st, 1943. For some reason, all of Hess' testimony is concentrated on Jewish victims.

Apparently, one of the compilers of the collection, published not just anywhere, but in the USSR, "edited" Hess's testimony in the right direction - towards an increase in Jewish victims. Based on this, it can be argued that when compiling a collection of documents and preparing it for publication forgery was committed, the testimony of witnesses was falsified.

Hess himself was not interrogated at the Nuremberg trials.

Striking with its content is another document called "Report of the Polish Government".

It lists the extermination camps located in Poland, and for some reason, again, apparently deliberately, the emphasis is on victims suffered only by Jews. Attention is drawn to the vagueness of the wording, the style of presentation, and vagueness.

Belzec: "Thousands of people died."

Sobibor: "Thousands of Jews were brought there and gassed in cells."

Kosuev-Podlaski: "The methods used here were similar to those in other camps." Not a word about the number of victims.

Kholmno: "This camp was a station that received Jews coming from the Reich and from the surrounding territories." Not a word about the number of victims.

Auschwitz: “In the period up to the end of December 1942, according to reliable information and testimonies, among the victims were 85 thousand Poles, 52 thousand Jews from Poland and other countries, 26 thousand Russian prisoners of war.” Further, it is reported in what conditions the prisoners were, how much food they were given, and at the end, without any reference to documents (and in Auschwitz, like other camps, there were books of records of all prisoners arriving at the camp), a stunning conclusion is made: “... Thus, 5 million human beings were killed in Auschwitz.” What kind of “reliable information” this is and why the number of victims is limited to December 1942 is unknown. How many of these "human beings" were Jews is not said.

Majdanek: “In 1940, the Germans set up a concentration camp in Majdanek, near Ljubljana, in which 1.5 million people of various nationalities, mostly Poles and Jews, were imprisoned for 4 years.” And then the absolutely incredible follows: “1.7 million human beings were killed in Majdanek.” How many Jews among them is unknown.

Treblinka: “When the process of extermination of the Jews began, Treblinka became one of the first camps to which the victims were sent. The average number of Jews exterminated in the camp in the summer of 1942 amounted to two railway transports per day. This data comes from one prisoner who managed to escape from the camp. It was Yankel Wernik, a Jew, a carpenter by profession, who spent a year in Treblinka.” It was evident that the document had been fabricated somewhere: the prisoners were called “human beings”.

The document itself (if you can call it that) looks strange.

All documents that were considered by the court of the international tribunal were assigned a number. It is not on this document.

Reading this "report" raises many questions.

Why is it placed not in the 3rd volume, where documents about the atrocities of the Germans are collected, but in the 2nd?

If this is a “report”, then who made it, when and where?

At that time, there was still no Polish government as such, but there was a Provisional Polish Government of National Unity, formed on June 23, 1945. The document has neither a date nor a signature certifying its authenticity.

If the camp commandant R. Hess allegedly showed 3 million killed in the camp, then why was it necessary to inflate this figure to 5 million?

Without finding answers to these questions, a firm conviction is created that one of the compilers of the collection was interested in sticking this fake “document” into the collection when preparing it for publication in order to give the figure of 5 million authenticity.

And this interested person could be one of the compilers of the collection Jew Mark Raginsky.

It was he who was responsible for the selection of documents in this section (this is mentioned in the collection).

Now it becomes clear why in many Jewish sources the emphasis is on Auschwitz.

Subsequently, Jewish propagandists turned the figure of 5 million destroyed “human beings” into 5 million Jews. And taking into account the "exterminated" Jews in other German concentration camps, it was not difficult to "find" another million.

And so the final figure of 6 million, called the Holocaust, began to walk in the press. Auschwitz was artificially made the center of the Holocaust, in which the mass extermination of Jews allegedly took place.

However, Mark Raginsky, placing a forged document in the 2nd volume of the collection of materials of the Nuremberg Trials, did not take into account the fact that this deception is easily detected when reading the documents of the 3rd volume. In this volume entitled “Crimes against humanity. Mass deportation of the population for slave labor” reveals all the lies of Jewish propaganda: the prisoners were brought to the camps not for extermination, but for use in the construction of military factories. And yes, the title says so. From the documents on Auschwitz, it is clear that on March 24, 1941, a meeting of representatives of the German military industry was held at the Ludwigsgafen plant, at which a decision was made to build an IG Auschwitz plant for the production of buna (synthetic rubber) in the small village of Oswiecim. Soon in the same area, the construction of a Krupp plant for the production of weapons began. To do this, it was supposed to demolish most of the village. At the same time, it was noted that "the eviction of Poles and Jews will cause by the spring of 1942 a large shortage in the labor force." That is, this document is not about the destruction, but the eviction of Poles and Jews from the village of Auschwitz. The 3rd volume contains many documents on Auschwitz, including weekly reports from the factory management with the presence of the camp commandant. At the meeting of August 9, 1941, it was said that on the basis of the intervention of the Reichsführer SS Himmler, all German concentration camps were ordered to provide 75 guards for Auschwitz (“40 had already arrived last week,” the document said). And then it was said: “This makes it possible to send one thousand more prisoners to the concentration camp in addition to the 816 already working on construction sites.” That is, we are talking about only about two thousand prisoners in Auschwitz at that time. Already by 1942, a shortage of labor began to be felt in Germany, which is why it was decided to use prisoners of war in the construction of military facilities. Subsequently, the civilian population deported to Germany from the territories occupied by the Germans began to be used to work in military factories and agriculture.

The report on the meeting on the construction of the Farben-Oswiecim plant dated September 8, 1942 states that “by order of Sauckel, another 2,000 prisoners were sent to Auschwitz.” Thus, on September 8, 1942, there were 3816 people in the camp. And in the “Report of the Polish Government” it is reported that by the end of December 1942, 163 thousand people were killed in the camp. In a report dated February 8, 1943, the issue of increasing the number of prisoners in the Auschwitz camp was discussed: “SS Colonel Maurer promised that their number would increase in the near future from 4 to 4.5 thousand people.” And from the report of September 9, 1943, it can be seen that there were a total of 20,000 prisoners in the camp. These figures give an idea of ​​the number of prisoners in Auschwitz, although there is no information about the camp itself.

The testimonies of some witnesses for the prosecution, placed in the 3rd volume, are curious.

So Gregoire Arena said: “On January 22, 1944, I was arrested in Paris and sent to Auschwitz. The wake-up call took place at 4 am. At 4.30 the prisoners were called to roll call. After the roll call, we were taken to the factory, where construction work was going on for IG Farbenindustry. There were about 12,000 of us prisoners, and about 2,000 English prisoners of war, as well as civilian workers of various nationalities. Execution by hanging was common. 2-3 people were hanged every week. The gallows stood on the same parade ground where the roll call took place. On January 18, 1945, the Germans evacuated Auschwitz. On January 27, the Russians arrived. I remained in Auschwitz until February 9 and worked as an interpreter for the Russians.”

As you can see, there are no millions here either (they are just invented). The total number of working prisoners says that by the time of release it did not exceed 15-16 thousand people. The gas chambers are not mentioned either. The prisoners would remember them. Instead, one gallows and 2-3 hanged per week. Here are all the victims of Auschwitz in a week, and not 10-12 thousand a day, which the Jewish press paints about.

Another prisoner, Douglas Frost, testified at the trial: “I was captured on April 9, 1941, near Tobruk. I was first sent to Italy, then to Germany, and finally to Auschwitz. Soon I started working for IG Farben. The factory in Auschwitz covered an area of ​​about 6 square kilometers and was built entirely by the slave labor of prisoners. The Germans worked only as overseers. There were from 10,000 to 15,000 Jews and 22,000 people of other nationalities, mostly Russians and Poles.”

And in these testimonies there is no talk of any millions of Jews.

From the testimony of the defendant Otto Ambros: “From 1938 to 1945 I was the chief manager of the IG Farbenidustri concern. Under my control were all the departments of the production of Buna for rubber. I was instructed in 1940 to find the necessary territory for the construction of the 4th plant for the production of Buna. Auschwitz is an area that turned out to be suitable for our purposes. "IG Farbenidustri" was built using the labor of prisoners, as there was not enough labor. The plant in Auschwitz produced 30 tons of buna per year”. Many other testimonies, both witnesses for the prosecution and the defendants, can be cited, from which it follows that prisoners were brought to Auschwitz not for mass extermination, but for work.

Few people know that all the documents on Auschwitz were taken to Moscow and were immediately classified. Apparently, so that people do not know the true numbers of the victims of Auschwitz, and what really happened there

Already during the period of perestroika, in the era of glasnost, one meticulous journalist gained access to documents from Auschwitz.

It is surprising how the Jewish newspaper Izvestia overlooked publishing this sensational stuff.

After all, he completely crosses out all the writings about the horrors of Auschwitz with its gas chambers and crematoria. The newspaper of February 17, 1990 published an article “Five days in a special archive”, which indicated the victims of Auschwitz closer to the truth, consonant with the documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal. “But we survived, thank God, to glasnost. Last summer, the Auschwitz books of death were extracted from the bowels of the archive, albeit with some difficulty. with the names of seventy thousand prisoners from 24 countries who died in the extermination camp”. As mentioned above, the Germans were not involved in establishing the nationality of the prisoners. Therefore, the Izvestinsky people failed to determine the number of Jews who died in Auschwitz out of these 70,000.

Although Jewish researchers in their latest research have reduced the number of their victims in Auschwitz to one million, this figure is also far-fetched. It is simply impossible to locate a concentration camp with a capacity of even a million people on the territory of the village of Auschwitz on an area of ​​​​6 square kilometers, and there is no documentary evidence of the destruction of such a number of people in Auschwitz in the minutes of court hearings in Nuremberg.

The fact of the destruction of such a huge number of Jews is not confirmed by demographic scientists who study the change in the number of peoples of the world over the years.


Now it becomes clear why Jewish researchers of the Holocaust in their numerous writings try to hush up some documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal, in which 3, 4, and even 5 million victims of Auschwitz were entered with a big stretch. It is unprofitable for them, since when they get acquainted with the testimony of prosecution witnesses and original documents, the following indisputable facts are revealed.

1 . Prisoners were used to work in the construction of military enterprises in Germany, which is confirmed by numerous documents of the 3rd Reich, including minutes and reports of meetings, telephone messages, circulars, testimony of prisoners. Even common sense told the Germans why, having such an amount of cheap labor, to destroy it. Government orders ordering the mass extermination of Jews. The Nuremberg Tribunal did not record. The reference of the Jewish encyclopedists to the Wannsee Conference held on January 20, 1942, at which the decision on the final solution of the Jewish question was supposedly made, is also untenable. It did not appear in the Nurbern trials. The Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1976 edition) states that the decisions of the Wannsee Conference applied to the 11 million Jews living in Germany. In reality, 503,000 Jews lived in Germany before the war (300,000 of them left for other countries). The Nuremberg Laws adopted after Hitler came to power should serve as the basis for the supposedly final solution of the Jewish question. But even they do not say that the Jews should be exterminated without exception.

2. Documents from the concentration camps show that the Germans did not separate the prisoners along ethnic lines. Therefore, it was impossible to single out the Jews from them.

3. We are often shown footage of newsreels with people stripped to the naked and the accompanying text that they seem to be going to the gas chambers. But specially created commissions from representatives of the allied powers, when examining concentration camps, did not find a single gas chamber. In some camps (according to documents), in order to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases, barracks and people were sanitized, which was later passed off as gas poisoning by some Jewish propagandists.

4. The multi-million victims of Auschwitz are an indicator of the lies of the Jewish press both in Russia, where the Jews seized power, and abroad. In the “report of the Polish government” composed by someone, the number 5 million appears. The number 4 million is stamped on the monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Auschwitz. The compilers of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia indicated that “over 4 million people were killed in the camp during the existence of the camp.” Camp commandant R. Hess indicated 3 million. The authors of the reference book “Jews and the 20th Century” prove that 1.1 million people died in Auschwitz. But in reality it turned out that in the camp the number of victims does not exceed 70 thousand.

5. The main supplier of labor for Germany was the Eastern Front and the bulk of the concentration camp prisoners were prisoners of war and civilians forcibly taken out by the Germans from the occupied regions of the USSR. There were few foreigners. Hijacking to work in Germany was part of the Nazi occupation regime. According to the encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (ed. 1985), about 6 million people were taken out of the USSR by the Germans. According to the logic of Jewish propagandists, it was they who made up the bulk of the dead Jews. But the same encyclopedia reports that of these 6 million, 5.5 million returned to their homeland.

It is believed that by the end of the war on the territory of Germany, Austria and Poland there were about 14 million people who were forcibly taken out by the Germans from various European countries, including the USSR. If we consider this figure close to the truth, as well as the figure of 10 million of them who returned from the camps to their homeland, then the figure of 6 million dead Jews also does not fit into the remaining figure of 4 million citizens of various nationalities. So how many Jews actually died? This question is answered by the demographic data of states when comparing the number of Jews before and after the war. Approximate estimates show that the number of victims among the Jewish population of Europe does not exceed 250-400 thousand people. This includes those who died of natural causes.

6. Now about the gas chambers and crematoriums in which these ill-fated millions of Jews were allegedly burned.

There are 3 state and one private crematoriums in Moscow. Mitinsky and Khovansky each have 4 ovens, Nikolo-Arkhangelsky - 14 and the private CJSC "Gorbrus" - 2 ovens. With the modern technique of cremation (and English technology is installed in our crematoria), the average time for burning one corpse is 1.5 hours. Theoretically, with continuous operation of 24 furnaces per day, 252 corpses should be burned. But the furnaces are stopped for ash extraction and preventive maintenance. Therefore, in total, all 4 crematoria in Moscow burn about 200 corpses per day. That is, 6,000 corpses per month.

This figure completely refutes the statement of the Jewish press that 279 thousand corpses of people who were previously killed in gas chambers were burned in Auschwitz every month. So at least it was reported in Pravda of May 7, 1945. Even if there really were 5 crematoria with 15 ovens in Auschwitz, with the technique of burning corpses that existed in Auschwitz, it is simply impossible to burn such a number of corpses in a month. And the Germans physically could not deliver almost 300 thousand people to the Auschwitz camp alone every month for 5 years. Even if they could, then with such an intensity of the destruction of people, the Germans would have managed with 6 million prisoners in 2 years, and not in 5 years.

All these calculations and reasoning lead to an unambiguous conclusion: there were no gas chambers either in Auschwitz or in other camps. Most of the prisoners died of natural causes from disease, exhaustion and exhausting labor in the military factories built in the camp area. The gas chambers were invented by Boris Polev in order to horrify the public, they say, what monsters the Germans are, and thereby arouse hatred for the Germans all over the world even more.

It is known that a similar technique was used by British intelligence during the 1st World War, when a rumor was spread through the press that the Germans were processing the corpses of soldiers, their own and others, into stearin and pig feed. . This message caused an uproar around the world and served as a pretext for China to enter the war on the side of Great Britain. On this occasion, the American newspaper The Times Dispatch wrote a few years later: “The famous story of the corpses, which during the war brought the hatred of the peoples towards Germany to the limit, has now been declared a lie by the English House of Commons. The world has learned that this lie was fabricated and spread by one of the cleverest officers of British intelligence.”

Today we can say that the famous gas chamber story is a lie. The world learned that this lie was fabricated and spread during the 2nd World War by one of the clever Soviet officers B. Polev (he had the rank of colonel). But the news about the gas chambers in that distant 1945 did not cause indignation either among the readers of Pravda or the world press, which, as is well known, was in the hands of the Jews. Nobody believed this. They do not believe even today. The fact that there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz throughout the war is evidenced not only by the original documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal (they are not mentioned in the accusatory speeches of representatives of the victorious countries), but also in the conclusion of the International Red Cross commission, which arrived in Auschwitz immediately after his release. It is also known that representatives of this international organization repeatedly visited German concentration camps during the war and did not record a single gas chamber.

Despite the lack of evidence of the use of gas chambers by the Germans (no drawings, no orders from the German command for their construction, no photographs were found), Jewish propagandists, even after 60 years, still try to claim that they were. So, for example, in the program "Euronews" on Channel 5 TV for January 17 this year. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, one chimney was shown, which indicates that there was one crematorium in Auschwitz. This is a surviving building, small in appearance, in which it is not clear how 5,000 corpses could be destroyed daily, according to the announcer. Then the viewers were shown a small pile of metal cans similar in volume to cans, and the announcer's voice said that there were 20,000 such cans, and that each can with 5 kg of gas could kill 1,500 people. How such small jars could hold 5 kg of gas and how they were filled with gas, viewers were not told.

Then they showed a small square hole in something, where, apparently, this can of gas was supposed to be placed. It was an allusion to the gas chamber. They tried to convince the viewers that with the help of these 20 thousand jars, either 4, or 3, or one and a half million prisoners were destroyed (the last figure is indicated in the Parliamentary Newspaper of January 26, 2005). But a simple arithmetic calculation by multiplying 20 thousand by 1500 gives the figure 30 million! This figure does not fit anywhere at all and once again shows all the deceitfulness of Jewish propagandists. We Russians seem to be considered fools. You can deceive all the time part of the people. You can deceive the whole people for a short time. But you can not deceive all the people all the time. The time has come to bring to justice the persons and press organs who spread these lies and constantly impose on the Russians the idea that the Jews, working for the Germans, suffered more than all other peoples during the war.

Holocaust propaganda pays off

An American Jew, New York University professor Norman Finkelstein published a book called The Holocaust Industry, which was published in English (2000), German (2001) and Russian (2002). This book is notable for revealing a subtle fact. If 6 million Jews became victims of the Germans (this is almost half of all Jews in the world), then why are they still alive? After all, they are considered destroyed in the gas chambers, where they were driven 10-12 thousand a day! Today they demand compensation, like victims of the Holocaust.

Finkelstein opens the eyes of the world community to some aspects of this brilliant Jewish invention. He drew attention to the fact that the promotion of the propaganda campaign on the Holocaust began after the victory of Israel over the Arabs in 1967. And it was started by American Jews. Through the Holocaust, they defended and justified the violation of the rights of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories. As Finkelstein noted, "Israel and the Holocaust became the pillars of the new Jewish religion in the United States, which replaced the dilapidated Old Testament."

And not only in the USA, but also in Russia, which ended up in Jewish hands. The legend of the eternally persecuted people and the terrible Holocaust became necessary not only to protect Israel from condemnation by the world community, but also to protect the national wealth seized by Jews from other peoples from any criticism. As soon as a word is said against a rogue Jew, the Jewish-owned world press immediately screams about Auschwitz. And if it comes to Jewish swindlers like Berezovsky, Gusinsky or Khodorkovsky, then they immediately threaten to return the Gulag.

Finkelstein argues that the top Jewish community in the United States acquired millions and billions of dollars on the money of the Holocaust, while the real victims of Nazism get crumbs.

Finkelstein writes that only 15% German compensation for former prisoners reached the goal the rest stuck in the pockets of leaders of various Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, B'nai B'rith, Joyne, and others. Jewish demands for compensation have turned into racketeering and extortion, writes Finkelstein. Not only those who were in German concentration camps began to extort money, but also those who had never been there.

Jews targeted as their first victim even Switzerland. They started a rumor that several billion dollars worth of Holocaust victims' accounts were still in Swiss banks and that their heirs could not get them. But none of these extortionists, writes Finkelitein, “provided valid proof of the existence of deposits in Swiss banks.” It is known that Swiss banks are very sensitive to economic pressure from the United States and therefore were forced, fearing notoriety, pay extortionists.

Having dealt with the Swiss, the Jewish organizations took up Germany. They demanded compensation for the forced labor of their fellow tribesmen during the 2nd World War, and under pain of a boycott and legal action, the German companies agreed to start the payout.

Here the "victims" of the Holocaust exposed themselves.

They did not die in the gas chambers, but worked in German factories.

The experience of extortion in Switzerland and Germany served as a prologue to the total robbery of Germany's allies during the 2nd World War.

The Holocaust industry, writes Finkelstein, set about extorting the poor of the former socialist camp.

The first victim of pressure was Poland, from which Jewish organizations demand all the property that ever belonged to Jews - victims of the Holocaust and is estimated at many billions of dollars. Next in line is Belarus. At the same time, the robbery of Austria is being prepared.

In German concentration camps there were Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and people of other nationalities, but for some reason German compensation did not reach them. Naruseva, the wife of the famous Sobchak, was in charge of receiving compensation in Russia.

The Russian people did not notice how they were enslaved. And they have to pay Jewish extortionists.

With the beginning of perestroika, the Jewish media led the Russians to the idea that they should also be paid for the victims of the Stalinist concentration camps to the living Jews. And the payments are coming. Talking about 6 million victims of the Holocaust, the Jews with the same zeal scream from day to day about the millions of victims of the Stalin period, equating Stalin with Hitler. But even here, if we take a closer look at these "victims", then the following becomes clear. Firstly, these tens of millions never existed, and secondly, Soviet concentration camps were created by Jews at the dawn of Soviet (Jewish) power, and the victims of these camps were exclusively Russians. About 3 million Russians fled abroad from the horrors of Jewish emergency situations and Jewish concentration camps, and about the same number of Russians were tortured to death in these Jewish emergency situations and concentration camps.

Jews received compensation from Germany fraudulently, 50 years after the end of the war, because there was no Holocaust.

But Israel, where Russian Jews arrived, and Jews living in Russia, where they are again in power, must pay compensation to Russians for their truly millions of victims and property confiscated from them in the years after the 1917 revolution and during the period of perestroika - the new Jewish revolution - at the end of the 20th century. Compensation for the robbery that they perpetrated on 1/6 of the land. That would be perfectly fair!

Holocaust propaganda - retaliatory measures

On January 26-27, 2002, the International Conference on Global Problems of World History was held in Moscow. Scientists from the USA, Morocco, Austria, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Australia and Russia took part in it. The vast majority of reports were devoted to the study of the Holocaust. Some speakers who studied the Holocaust visited former German concentration camps and independently came to the conclusion that the Germans did not exterminate 6 million Jews. The Russian media did their best to ignore the conference. Her silence once again showed that the Russian press is in the hands of those who benefit from supporting the myth of the Holocaust. Freedom of speech and glasnost in Russia turned out to be with the Jews, so any attempt to express an opposite opinion runs into an obstacle; even talking about it is forbidden. Those who try to understand the Holocaust are persecuted. For example, the author of the book "The Great Lie of the 20th Century" (the myth of the genocide of Jews during World War II), 1997, Jurgen Graf was forced to emigrate from Switzerland and move to Belarus.

In this regard, retaliatory measures are also needed: to persecute those who are engaged in Holocaust propaganda and profit from this propaganda (Holocaust museums have already been opened in a number of Russian cities, books on the Holocaust, including textbooks for children, are being published in mass editions).

Memorial plaques in Auschwitz. On the left - 4 million, on the right - 1 million.

Origins of revisionism

There are frequent discussions in the blogosphere and social networks about the number of victims of the Holocaust. At the same time, some of the disputants consider the generally accepted figure of 6 million to be clearly overestimated, while their opponents argue that this figure is several times underestimated. There are also people who generally deny the Holocaust. They argue that the number of victims of this process was exaggerated, that the extermination of the Jews was not the result of a deliberate policy, and they also question the existence of gas chambers and death camps. In a number of European countries, as well as in Israel, denial or downplaying the effects of the Holocaust is illegal. At the same time, Holocaust deniers refer to the British journalist and historian Vivian Bird, who claims that 400 thousand died in the Reich concentration camps, of which 73 thousand died in Auschwitz, including 38 thousand Jews. Bird himself, in turn, refers to a certain E. Maximova, who allegedly studied in detail the registration books of the Third Reich concentration camps in the KGB archives. So is it possible today to name the exact numbers of victims of the Holocaust?

REX IA expert, political scientist and historian, candidate of historical sciences Lev Vershinin commented to the agency on the situation with the number of victims of the Holocaust.

The truth is easy and pleasant not only to speak, but also to listen. Moreover, at the suggestion of the IA REX agency and at the numerous requests of readers who knocked on the PM of my blog, there was an occasion to talk about what I had planned for a long time ...

In fact, a fact is a fact: the phrase "" And those who died in Auschwitz, according to journalist E. Maksimova, who was allowed to access the archives", - exactly, " E. Maximova", and nothing else, - just a tracing from the English text of the brochure of the British journalist (also called "historian", but he was never a historian) Vivian Bird, - one of the most radical revisionists, - called "Auschwitz: the final count" , where it is proved that 400 thousand people died in the concentration camps of the Reich, of which 73 thousand died in Auschwitz, including 38 thousand Jews, and the main references go just to "E. Maksimov".

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the most stupid "deniers" and admirers of the Fuhrer rush about with this brochure, as with a written sack. But in vain. Everything is not at all what they want.

The fact is that Ella Maksovna Maksimova (actually - Merkel ... yes, a distant relative!) Is not just some kind of " E with a dot", and a very famous person. She was one of the brightest stars of Izvestia for many decades, was famous for her exceptional professionalism, and it was her in 1990, when Gorbachev wanted to please his friend Helmut, that they let her into the holy of holies of the archives of the USSR for several days, the result of which was a huge, about five voluminous articles cycle " Five days in the Special Archive", which includes a lot of interesting things, including data on the victims of the Holocaust, later used by Vivien Byrd, and now by his fans.

But here's the problem: having appeared in print back in January 1991, these articles were never transferred to the Web. Many searched for them, asking to publish the full texts wherever they only intersected with Ella Maksovna - for example, here (taken from here) - but to no avail. Links to cycle " Five days in the "Special Archive""- the sea, but you can’t find the articles themselves. Unless, of course, you don’t know how to search. But if you know how to search and not be lazy, then whoever searches will always find. And it was found! Here they are, these cherished articles, almost completely included in the memoirs of the "lime" Anatoly Prokopenko, from which we learn that:

(a) in the passage " But we survived, thank God, to glasnost. Last summer, the Auschwitz Death Books with the names of seventy thousand prisoners from twenty-four countries who died in the extermination camp were extracted from the bowels of the archive, though with great difficulty."it's not about complete" death books", but only about those four volumes (yes, 74 thousand names, including 38 thousand Jews), which, at the direction of the Central Committee of the CPSU, were " declassified to a limited extent"back in 1964, when the trial of the executioners of Auschwitz was going on in Frankfurt am Main;

(b) however, - Ella Maksovna writes further, - the answer to the demands of the International Committee of the Red Cross and other organizations to declassify not only these four volumes of the "Books of Death", but all several dozen that are in the Soviet archives, was silence. All questions for more than a quarter of a century - only silence. And finally, on the morning of November 10, 1989" local and national newspapers reported that« The Soviets hand over to the ICRC lists of 400,000 names of victims of fascism"". Friend Mikhail made a pleasant surprise for his friend Helmut - another 20 volumes of "Auschwitz books of death." However, Ella Maksovna complains, " many more are still unavailable".

That's the sadness, I'm sorry. Four volumes (70 thousand names) were declassified in 1964 and published in 1990. Another 20 volumes (with a total of 400,000 names) were declassified and "discovered" in 1989. And many dozens of volumes have not been declassified or "opened" to this day.
In early 1991, Ella Maksovna spoke about this, and two months later, on March 3, 1991, a retelling of her material appeared in “ New York Times”, - from where Vivian Bird took these figures, but in his presentation they have already become final: 400 thousand dead in all the camps of the Reich, of them in Auschwitz- a little more than 70 thousand, and of this number - 38 thousand Jews.

I really don’t know if this author got confused in the translation, didn’t understand what he was talking about, or deliberately cheated, but I assume the last option is correct. Radical "revisionists" are far from always stupid, but they have problems with conscience, and hatred clears complexes. But their fans, stupidly reprinting falsifications - they are likely to rustle not so much out of malice, but out of a lack of brains. For there would be brains, it would be easy to check.

Ella Maksovna also brings considerable clarity to the accursed question of "gas chambers".

"Archives of the Central Construction Directorate of the Waffen-SS taken during the liberation of Auschwitz she reports. - In several hundred "storage units" intelligibly and efficiently, in the language of drawings, calculations, financial estimates, a typical technology for the construction of a death factory with special forces, including camps for gypsy, Jewish and Soviet prisoners of war, is set out. Total value of 51.797.218.5 Reichsmarks. Engineering improvements in crematoriums with muffle furnaces attached to "baths for special events" made it possible to increase their capacity to 4,756 people per day, including 1,440 in the Russian camp. However, the head of the department notes with dismay in a memo that “due to continuous and excessive use, the resulting overheating caused the chimney to crack so much that it was in danger of falling.” The military translator, apparently, was a sensible and decent person. Having managed to translate only a small part of the documents, he writes: further study of all materials by specialists in technology and medicine will help to more fully illuminate the true purpose of the installations and devices hidden in the correspondence under the legend. There was no further research. "Usage sheet" of the fund is empty...".

These, my friends, are pies with kittens. But it makes no sense to slow down on this - the topic has been untwisted too well. So let's talk about revisionism in general. If you think about it, this phenomenon is very ambiguous. We will not talk about "deniers" for now (we will talk about them a little later), but we point out that the camp of "acknowledgers" is not monolithic either. Two camps were clearly visible in its ranks. For some - let's call them "fanatics" - the very fact of the mass extermination of people on a national basis was important, and here the numbers are no longer important, the more the better. The latter - let's call them "professionals" - recognized the fact of mass destruction, but demanded that facts be considered facts only when they were verified. That is, properly documented.

The problem, however, was that there were few documents. A lot of orders were given orally, a bunch of acts and instructions were written in "Aesopian language", understandable to everyone, but not filed to the point, and the Nazis managed to destroy a lot of papers. In fact, the only reliable source is the so-called. Korherr Memorandum (a report addressed to Himmler, prepared on the orders of the Reichsführer SS by one of the leading German statisticians Richard Korherr), where it was stated that " since 1937 to December 1942 number of Jews in Europe decreased by 4 million due to emigration, as well as due to the excess of Jewish deaths in Central, Western and especially Eastern Europe, partly due to evacuation", moreover, out of 4 million in the territory of the Reich and the occupied countries, including the USSR, as of January 1, 1943 (the report was filed in March)" died"2,841,500 Jews. No one questions this figure. But it is insufficient in itself, because it includes those who managed to leave, but does not apply to the events of 1943-1944 (that is, the most "disastrous") years.

Where did the number come from? six million” (that is, twice as much as “according to Korherr”)? And from Nuremberg, where no one aspired to objectivity. And it is based only on the "testimonies" of two witnesses out of many hundreds. Moreover, both - and Dr. Wilhelm Hetl, deputy head of department AMT-6 (foreign section) of the RSHA, and Hauptsturmführer Dieter Wisliceny, Eichmann's subordinate in department IV-A-4 ("Jewish department") of the RSHA - referred to Eichmann, allegedly telling them in secret about " approximately five to six million murdered Jews". Moreover, " approximately 4 million were exterminated in concentration camps, and an additional two million were killed in other ways».

This figure became the "canon". But only in a political and ideological context, and nothing more. True, there were attempts to raise it even higher - for example, the French Office for the Study of War Crimes in 1945 suggested " take at least"the figure of 8 million victims, and in the documentary (also French)" foggy night”(1955), and in general it was about 9 million, but this initiative was still not picked up. In the end, the experts of the American Jewish Congress settled on a modest "six", and it became generally accepted.

However, punctures immediately followed. The figure needed substantiation, but it was impossible to substantiate it. Even such a supreme and generally recognized expert as Raul Hilberg folded his hands on 5.1 million, and his British colleague Gerald Reitlinger gave out 4.3 million in general. Even during the trial of Rudolf Hess (1947), no matter how hard they tried, it turned out " more than five million victims, of which 90% were Jews”, but not six, but in general the figure tended to decrease.

In such a situation, "revisionism" could not but arise - and first of all, quite understandably, again as a not scientific, but political and ideological reaction to the "obligation". Instead of revision (clarification), a tendency to "denial" started. Like, no one specifically killed Jews at all, and all this is “only a Jewish invention for pumping money.” This position was held mainly by convinced anti-Semites and surviving Hitler worshipers, in general, the moral twins of the adherents of the “six million”. True, there were also simply Germans who did not want to believe in the crimes of their fathers and older brothers. They, as a rule, disputed not so much the fact as the quantity, methodology, and sometimes the motives for the destruction (the main pros and cons have been collected).

But in the end, the truth suffered. Any attempt at a sane and impartial examination became impossible, because, on the one hand, it was immediately adopted and emasculated by fanatics like the above-mentioned Vivien Byrd, and on the other hand, the “six millionaires” sought to nullify it. Even if the inconvenient fact was investigated by a serious historian, by no means a anti-Semite, or just an expert invited to assess some technical nuances, as soon as he voiced doubts about the truth of the "canon", fanatics spread his theses in an extremely distorted form, instantly compromising them, and one or another professional Jewish organization, for its part, filed a lawsuit and, as a rule, won.

The swamp cleared up a little about 25 years ago, when Bradley Smith, undoubtedly a historian seeking the truth, founded the well-known Committee for Open Discussions about the Holocaust, on the website of which all the materials of the "revisionists" are published and everyone can ask questions, argue, offer versions and generally check the strength of the design of a particular author. At this point, the nonsense of many became visible in reality, and the validity of the claims of "professionals" too. But still, ideologization and politicization still ruled, and so it was until 1991, when the so-called. " Auschwitz breakthrough».

The point is the following. Auschwitz was considered one of the "sacred cows" of the canonical version. According to the accepted opinion, more than four million souls died there. About half of which (that is, 1/3 of the "canon") were Jews, and the rest included Poles, gypsies and Soviet prisoners of war. The problem, however, was that this figure was again based on one oral source: the testimony of Rudolf Hess in Nuremberg, where he, in response to numerous questions and, apparently, under pressure, finally said that “ did not do the calculations, but let it be about three". But in 1947, at the Krakow trial, where he was already allowed to refer to documents, Hess already gave a different number: 1 135 000 person, convincingly substantiating it, and it was also recorded as official, along with the "canonical" one. She was simply not supposed to pay attention.

And only in 1989, when the archives of Auschwitz were declassified, it appeared - for the first time! - the possibility of an objective study of the problem by historians seeking the truth, and not dancing to the tune of ideologues and politicians. Franciszek Pieper, a Polish historian with a good "dissident" reputation, attracted very serious people for cooperation: the Zionist Miles Lerman, an authoritative expert on the history of the Holocaust from the United States, Aaron Breitbart, director of the Holocaust Studies Department of the Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles (naturally, also a Zionist ) and the Israeli Israel Gutman, a professor at the Hebrew University in Israel, with an Auschwitz number on his shoulder. That is, the very composition of the group of researchers ruled out possible attacks.

Yes, not only Jews (and Gypsies) were doomed to death, they went under the ax in the first place, but the same fate, in the second place, awaited the Slavs, primarily Russians (including Belarusians), with whom they also did not at all they were on ceremony, except that on the ground they did not have time to take it seriously.

Yes, not everyone was rejected in a row. In any case, the German Jews who recognized themselves as Germans had (albeit a minority) some chances to fall into the category of "Mischlinge" on the "Rosenberg scale" - that is, to leave the danger zone in the category of "very spoiled" or even " very, very spoiled", but still Germans (or "slightly Germans"), that is, subjects of the Reich, with somewhat limited, but still rights, and a full set of duties, including serving in the army ( only the figures differ, but the critics do not deny the fact).

Yes, the Nazis did not kill everyone in a row, but "only" the majority, and even then with a choice, and the more "western" the Jew was, the more chances he had to avoid the gas chamber or execution. Yes, finally, many of the dead, especially in late 1944 and early 1945, died from starvation, illness and other “domestic” hardships, and not in gas chambers and execution ditches (for example, only one of Ani Frank’s entourage died from gas neighbor, the death of the rest was caused by starvation, typhus, etc.). This is true and you need to know it. At least in order to move on. To understand the real reasons why the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"exporting" Jews anywhere turned into massacres, which is why Soviet citizens were killed especially mercilessly, even more mercilessly than Polish ones, who and why blocked their exit from the becoming deadly Europe, and by and large, and who in general conceived everything, and having conceived, for almost 20 years he encouraged, covered and pushed precisely Hitler.

But, it is also true that, with all the pitfalls, the Jews - precisely as Jews, strictly on a national basis - were confiscated (or literally squeezing and squeezing out from the "allies", if those like Mannerheim, Tsar Boris and Horthy did not agree ). And then they were taken out and (in the vast majority) killed. If not with gas and bullets, then with hunger and disease. Which, between us, is also pure murder, since almost all the dead were civilians who suffered only because they were Jews. In particular, "Soviet Jews" were often "extremized" right on the spot, without even taking them out. Giving no opportunity to either adapt or survive.

In other words, if the purposeful, elevated to the rank of a state program, the destruction (by one method or another) of millions, or even hundreds of thousands, of absolutely innocent, mostly civilians, purely by biological (or even pseudo-biological) indicators, can be called the Holocaust, then the Holocaust, whatever one may say, was. And the figures - when people are destroyed on a national basis, with an irrational-mystical justification - are no longer very important.

An important fact. Which can only be denied by people with shifted brains. Or, on the contrary, they know very well what to divert the attention of the masses to so as not to think about really serious issues. Which, of course, must be voiced and studied. In accordance with " Breitbart's formula", - and no matter how the "ideologists" and "politicians" squeal from both the left and the right flank. Moreover, these flanks are easily closed.

The myth of the Holocaust. The bitter truth about the fate of the Jews in the Second World War, which brings billions of profits to the Jews.

I want to remind everyone.

In Russia, there is no article for denying the "Holocaust" ..

And in Russia it is real - FREEDOM OF SPEAKING!

Moreover, this book (Not banned in the Russian Federation, only some sites were closed) representative of the revisionist school of historians, the Swiss scholar Jürgen Graf, is not the first among works on this topic, but the most concise and at the same time the most informative - a kind of summary of the whole problem. Scholars belong to the revisionist school of historians who, on the basis of an analysis of documents and "evidence" of eyewitnesses, cast doubt on the allegations of the "Holocaust" - the extermination of 6 million Jews by the Nazis.

The author shows that with the help of the "Holocaust" myth, the world behind the scenes is trying to impose on world public opinion the idea that the Jewish people suffered more than all others during the war years, so other peoples are obliged to feel guilty, repent and pay compensation. The author comes to the conclusion that about 500 thousand Jews perished in the sphere of German domination. Exposing the lies of the "holocaust" could have devastating consequences not only for Zionism, but for the political and intellectual ruling caste of the world.

Designed for a wide readership.

ISBN 5-85346-016-1

(c) Jurgen Graf

(c) Russian Herald

O. A. Platonov.

Table of contents:

From the publisher


II. The function of the "holocaust" in the world after 1945

III. revisionists

IV. What really happened?

V. Who once lied...

VI. Evidence for the existence of the Holocaust

VII. Documentary evidence of the Holocaust

VIII. Witnesses to the gas chambers of Auschwitz

IX. Witnesses to the gas chambers of Auschwitz

X. Auschwitz: scientific research

XI. Other "extermination camps"

XII. Miracles on the assembly line

XIII. Number "6 million"

XIV. The Elephant That Wasn't Seen

XV. Ness shirt


Search the INTERNET and you will find.!

Briefly about the content:

The appearance of the term "holocaust" is by no means accidental.

This Greek word means the sacrifice of the ancient Jews, in which the victim was completely devoured by fire. As R. Garaudy explains, the term "Holocaust" "expresses the desire to commit crimes committed against the Jews, an exception in history, because suffering and death are given a sacred character".

"Martyrdom of the Jews, thus, becomes incomparable with any other: thanks to its sacrificial nature it is included in the divine plan as the crucifixion of Christ in Christian theology, marking the beginning of a new era." According to the rabbis, The establishment of the State of Israel is God's answer to the Holocaust".

“In order for the real martyrology of the Jews not to become “banal”, it is necessary, continues R. Garaudy, “not only to push everyone else into the background, including 27 million dead Soviet citizens and 9 million Germans, but also to give real suffering a sacral character ( under the name of "holocaust"), denying it to everyone else. hold on to the inflated number "6 million", although on the memorial plaque in memory of those killed in Auschwitz, the number "4 million" victims was already quietly replaced by one million. This alone reduces the notorious 6 million by half.

According to R. Garaudy, "without exaggeration, history itself can play the role of an accuser better than myth. First of all, it does not reduce the scale of actual crimes against humanity, which cost the lives of 50 million people(Not counting 18 to 90 million Chinese), to the pogrom of just one category of innocent victims, while millions died in arms fighting against this barbarism."

1. Extensive disappearance of Jews from many places of their former compact residence, which were under German control during the war; first of all from Poland, where by the beginning of the 1930s, as is recognized, over 3 million Jews lived, and now, according to official statistics, only a few tens of thousands. Where are these Jews now, if they have not been eradicated? - so the question is put.

Towards the end of our research we will deal with the demographic aspects of the issue under consideration, but for now we will limit ourselves to only one counterargument. In the areas east of the Oder and the Neisse at the end of World War II, about 16 million Germans lived. Now there are between 1 and 2 million left. Does this mean that the rest of the East Germans were exterminated? No, although many of them died in the process of eviction. Most still managed to go to the West and survive. Accordingly, the extensive disappearance of Jews from Poland is not proof that they were exterminated. They could evacuate from there, run away. Has this happened and to what extent? This, as said, we will deal with later.

2. There are allegedly countless witnesses. Those who are not privy to this question exclaim with conviction: "Perhaps individual witnesses are lying or exaggerating the horrors of the Holocaust, but that everyone should lie? It is unthinkable!"

This argument is based on pure misunderstanding. There are far fewer witnesses to the extermination of Jews in the gas chambers - and this is the main issue of the "holocaust" - than many people realize.

Whoever begins to read the recognized exemplary literature on the "Holocaust" will soon find that the same handful of witnesses appear throughout it: Gerstein, Hess, Brode, Vrba, Müller, Bendel, Feinzilberg, Dragon, Niezli and a few others. (And this is a FACT!)

And given that there is no forensic or documented proof of the murders in the gas chambers - and we will show this in the most detailed way - then it turns out that the entire history of the "Holocaust" is based on the testimony of less than two dozen key witnesses. The remaining "countless witnesses" do not even claim to be eyewitnesses; they heard about the gas chambers from second and third parties.

3. Photos and movies. Only one thing is indisputable, that there are genuine photographs of dead and emaciated living prisoners in German concentration camps, taken after their liberation by the Allied forces. But they are by no means proof of the systematic extermination of the Jews, since even the official point of view of historians is that these dead and dying are victims of epidemics that have spread widely in the last months of the war that have thrown everything into chaos.

However, there is undoubtedly something else here, that along with the genuine ones, there are rough fakes that have been stubbornly distributed for decades (photomontages, paintings that are passed off as photographs, etc.). Much credit for their exposure belongs to Udo Valendi. All such forgeries speak neither for nor against the "holocaust", but they arouse distrust in us. Well, why, one wonders, resort to such a primitive fraud, if there is a mass of irrefutable evidence of the existence of gas chambers and the extermination of Jews?

Argument: I myself saw it in the movies, on television! - able to impress a very simple, trusting soul. All films about the extermination of Jews - "The Holocaust", "Shoah", "Schindler's List" - appeared many years after the end of the war and therefore, of course, do not have any probative force. It is no coincidence that Schindler's List was filmed in black and white. In this way, the filmmakers are trying to give the uneducated viewer the impression that this is a documentary.

I. Lies about the "gas chambers" and the extermination of the Jews

What has mankind believed since 1945?

In the middle of the 20th century, in the heart of Europe, the Germans secretly killed from 5 to 6 million Jewish men, women and children for three years (from autumn 1941 to autumn 1944), secretly from the whole world. At the heart of such an extermination of an entire people lay a diabolical plan carefully thought out by the National Socialist government. Most of the victims - according to various historians, from 2 to 5 million or more were destroyed in a previously unknown way, namely in gas chambers and in "gas wagons" - special cars, with the help of exhaust gases. The massacre was carried out in six death camps located on the territory of Poland: in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Chełmno. In the last of these camps, gas cars were used as murder weapons, in five others, stationary gas chambers.

Auschwitz and Majdanek were combined labor and extermination camps. Jews capable of work were selected here for forced labor, and those who were unable to work were sent immediately, without registration, to the gas chamber.

As for Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chełmno, they were pure death factories, where, with the exception of a handful of Jews who served the camp, they were all gassed without delay, without registration. The corpses of the dead were burned to the ground - some in crematoria, others in the open air. In addition to the indicated number, the Germans also destroyed from 1 to 2 million Jews in Russia with the help of gas cars and executions. The killings there were carried out by special troops, consisting of only killers - the so-called "Einsatz teams".

One should also take into account the half million, or even more, Jews who died in the ghettos and labor camps from ill-treatment, disease, and malnutrition. Although they are included in the total number of 6 million, their death was not the result of a deliberate policy of extermination. They cannot be called direct victims of the "holocaust", but they are, for simplicity, ranked among them.

From a moral point of view, the "holocaust" - half a century of media around the world has been hammering in - cannot be compared with any atrocity of the past. The Germans went to the “holocaust” not because the Jews posed any real or potential danger to them, but only because the Jews were Jews. Thus, out of pure racial hatred, the Germans, as the accusation says, exterminated an entire people. Because of racial hatred, they killed not only able-bodied men, but also the elderly, and women, and children, even babies. Only because they were called Jews.

IV. What really happened?

Before we turn to the evidence of the "holocaust" - which, we repeat, is understood as the purposeful mass extermination of Jews with the help of gas - it is necessary to describe in general terms what undeniably happened to the Jews in the Third Reich.

The Jewish policy of the NSDAP was from the very beginning aimed at constantly reducing the influence of Jews in Germany and forcing most of them to leave the country. The first goal was served by a number of decrees and laws adopted starting from 1933, which, with the help of high quotas, limited the number of Jews among lawyers, doctors, etc., and also narrowed the economic and political rights of Jews. At least until 1938, this process proceeded without the use of violence; before Kristallnacht, not a single Jew was sent to the camp for being a Jew. He could get there only if he manifested himself as a military-political opponent of the regime, or committed a criminal offense.

In order to set in motion the mechanism of Jewish emigration, the Nazis worked closely with Zionist organizations interested in the departure of as many Jews as possible to Palestine. This historical phenomenon - a joint Nazi-Zionist work - has been carefully documented and researched. The results of these studies have been published by many authors. They, as far as we know, are not disputed by anyone.

The British prevented the resettlement of Jews in Palestine, and therefore it went very slowly; many of the German Jews chose other countries for resettlement, most often the United States. Although, it must be said that there, too, obstacles were constantly erected on the path of Jewish emigration.

By 1941, the vast majority of German and Austrian Jews were in exile. In the same year, the deportation of Jews to labor camps and ghettos began. The reason for this was: firstly, the lack of German labor, since most of the men were sent to the front; secondly, the Jews began to pose a definite threat to the Nazi state.

The Jew Arno Lustiger, a fighter of the then Resistance who survived many camps, proudly reports that in France, 15% of the operations carried out by the Resistance are accounted for by Jews. Jews then made up less than 1% of the population of France.

The communist Zionist organization "Red Chapel", which caused great damage to the German army, was mainly composed of Jews.

It should be noted that in other countries suspicious national minorities were interned for incomparably lesser grounds. For example, in the United States, many Japanese, even those who had an American passport, were sent to camps (which the Americans themselves do not like to remember too much now). At the same time, as Ronald Reagan later admitted, there was not a single case of espionage or sabotage by the Japanese Americans.

In the countries occupied by Germany, Jews suffered from deportation far from equally. They were treated especially harshly in Holland, from where about two-thirds of them were taken out. From France, on the contrary, as Serge Klarsfeld testifies, 75,721 Jews were deported, which corresponded to about 20% of the Jewish population of France; but even from that number, many were deported not because of their faith and race, but because they participated in the Resistance or violated various regulations and laws. In such cases, non-Jews were often deported as well. A small part of the Jews were deported in Belgium.

There was an alarmingly high death rate in the camps, mainly due to disease. Typhus, carried by lice, especially mowed down people. To combat it, they began to use the insecticide "Cyclone-B".

In Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp, typhus was especially rampant in the late summer and autumn of 1942. The epidemic peaked between September 7 and 11, when an average of 375 prisoners died daily. By January, the death rate had dropped to 107 people. per day, and by March rose again to 298.

In the Western camps, the situation became especially disastrous in the last months of the war, when tens of thousands of people died. Allied bombing completely destroyed infrastructure, destroyed food and medicine depots. In the camps, the need became critical in everything: food, medicine, barracks. Chuck Jaeger, the famous American pilot who was the first to break the sound barrier, writes in his memoirs that his squadron was ordered to attack everything that moves.

“Germany,” he writes, “was not so easy to divide into innocent civilians and the military. For example, a peasant fed the German army from his potato field.”

In this way, the allies purposefully, with the help of a terrible war waged from the air, caused a total famine, and then hypocritically assumed the role of judges over the vanquished, began to judge them because they were poorly fed in concentration camps.

The British troops found themselves in a particularly terrible situation in April 1945 in Bergen-Belsen, where they faced thousands of unburied corpses and "living skeletons". Propaganda still uses the photographs taken there as proof of the existence of the "holocaust". However, the facts say otherwise.

The camp commandant, Josef Kramer, protested with all his might against the sending of new prisoners to the hopelessly overcrowded camp, but to no avail. Instead of simply leaving the internees in the eastern camps to the Soviets, the Nazis evacuated them to the West and distributed them to the camps that existed there, so that not a single soldier or labor force would fall into the hands of the Red Army.

Transports on the way were constantly bombed, the evacuation often lasted for weeks, and many prisoners found their death in that cruel winter. In the camps where those who had endured the journey arrived, the situation became more and more dramatic every day.

Kramer's protests went unheeded. Meanwhile, typhus and dysentery were rampant in Belsen, and food was becoming scarce. What should Cramer do?

Release the prisoners? But who would feed them in freedom? And epidemics would spread to the civilian population. Should he, along with the political ones, release the criminals as well, so that they would terrorize the population? I must say that he himself had the opportunity to escape to South America, and even taking with him the camp cash desk. But he didn't; he trusted the British nobility and paid dearly for it. He was stigmatized by the press as the "Belsen Beast" and sentenced to death by a judicial farce.

Also in other camps, the vast majority of casualties occur at the end of the war. In Dachau, 15,389 people died between January and April 1945, and 12,060 during the rest of the war.

The tragic situation in the camps was an inevitable consequence of the collapse of Germany, and it had nothing to do with planned genocide, which cannot be said about the Allied bomb war against the civilian population of Germany (and Japan). In Dresden alone, 250,000 people were killed. Yes, 8 times more people were killed there in one night than in Dachau during the entire war, and at the same time in the most terrible way.

Jews, of course, also died outside the camps. According to Jewish sources, 43,411 people died in the Lodz ghetto from autumn 1939 to autumn 1944. In the Warsaw ghetto, before the uprising (spring 1943), 26,950 deaths were recorded. Some of the people, of course, died of natural causes, but the majority - as a result of hostilities and evacuations.

Bottom line: the Jews suffered heavily during the Second World War, they suffered great human losses.

However, there are no wars where people do not suffer, people do not die. In Dresden, 250 thousand people died a terrible death in one night - burned down, were buried under the ruins; in Leningrad, hundreds of thousands of Russians died of starvation; 180 thousand people died during the suppression of the Warsaw uprising. Not only concentration camp prisoners suffered hard, but also Russian and German soldiers on the fronts. So does the suffering of the Jews really greatly exceed the percentage of the losses of other peoples? We will now deal with the answer to these questions.

Recently, Russian nationalists have again begun to widely disseminate anti-Semitic myths and fakes about the alleged "salvation" of Jews during the Second World War.
This is a lie from beginning to end - in 1941-1945. 60% of the Jewish population of the USSR was destroyed - almost 3 million Jews, and in the occupied territories the Jewish population was destroyed almost without exception - 97%
see Holocaust in Russia
There was no genocide of the Jewish people on such a scale in any of the countries occupied by the Nazis. In contrast, in completely occupied France, the Nazis managed to exterminate only 25% of French Jews. These figures eloquently speak of the "contribution" of the population of the USSR to the extermination of their Jewish fellow citizens.

Another fake that has received the widest distribution in today's Russia is the widespread lie there about the alleged non-participation of Jews in the war.
This brazen lie is easily refuted by facts and documents, testifying to the great contribution to the Victory made by the Jewish citizens of the USSR. This contribution is many times greater than the percentage of Jews in the population of the USSR.
More than 500 thousand Jews fought in the ranks of the Red Army, 167 thousand of them were officers. More than 200 thousand Jewish soldiers and officers died in the battles
I summarized some data about the Jews in the Red Army during the Second World War and this is the picture

During the Second World War, 1 million 685 thousand Jewish soldiers fought in the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition on the Soviet-German front, in Europe, in North Africa, in Asia and the Pacific Ocean, on land, in the sea and in the air. More than 500 thousand Jews fought in the ranks of the Red Army, more than 200 thousand of them died in battle.

Jews in command of the Soviet Army:

Combined arms generals - 92;
aviation generals - 26;
artillery generals - 33;
generals of tank troops - 24;
generals of the communications troops - 7;
generals of technical troops - 5;
generals of the aviation engineering service - 18;
generals of the engineering and artillery service - 15;
generals of the tank engineering service - 9;
generals of the engineering and technical service - 34;
generals of the quartermaster service - 8;
generals of justice - 6;
admirals-engineers - 6.

Jews were:
9 commanders of armies and flotillas,
8 chiefs of staff of fronts, fleets, districts,
12 corps commanders,
64 division commanders of various branches of the military,
52 commanders of tank brigades,
In total, during the war years, 305 Jews served in the armed forces of the country with the rank of generals and admirals, 219 of them (71.8 percent) took a direct part in the hostilities, 38 died ...

Jewish commanders of units and formations of the Soviet Air Force in the Second World War:

Lieutenant General of Aviation twice GSS Ya. Smushkevich - Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army Air Force in 40-41 (shot in November 1941)
Lieutenant General of Aviation GSS M. Shevelev - Chief of Staff of Long-Range Aviation
General-Major of Aviation of the GSS Z. Pomerantsev - Deputy Comm. Front Air Force
Lieutenant General of Aviation GSS A. Rafalovich - Commander of the Air Force of the Army
Major General of Aviation B. Pisarevsky - Commander of the Army Air Force
Lieutenant General of the GSS Aviation A. Zlatotsvetov (Goldfarb) - commander of the 1st Guards.
mixed air corps
Colonel GSS Yu. Berkal - commander of the 282nd Fighter Aviation Division
colonel GSS I. Udonin - commander of the 261st mixed aviation division
sub-nick GSS Khaim Yankelevich Khashper - commander of the 7th Guards assault aviation regiment
Major R. Lyakhovsky - Commander of the 75th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
under-nick A. Tseygin-commander of the 16th Guards Long-Range Aviation Regiment
sub-nick GSS Ya. Kutikhin - commander of the 156th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
major Yankovsky - commander of the 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment
p / p-k Nihamkin - commander of the 43rd Fighter Aviation Regiment
Major Dankevich - Commander of the 347th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Captain Pozdnyakov Yakov Mironovich - commander of the 513th Fighter Aviation Regiment
major Plotkin - commander of the 486th attack air regiment
Major Swirs - Commander of the 567th Attack Aviation Regiment
p / p-k Flying Israel Yakovlevich - commander of 646 night scorers. air regiment
Major Shulyakov Grigory Iosifovich - commander of 989 night scorers. air regiment
major Mogilevsky - commander of the 40th bomber regiment
major Yakobson - commander of the 99th bomber regiment
p / p-k Berman - commander of the 511th separate reconnaissance aviation regiment
regiment. Goberman - commander of the 6th air defense regiment

Jewish commanders in the Red Army cavalry in WWII:

Major General Tsetlin - commander of the cavalry corps
Major General Borisov (Shister) - Chief of Staff of the Cavalry Corps
Colonel Dobrushin - Deputy Commander of the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps
Colonel Demchuk David Semenovich - commander of the 9th Guards Cavalry Division.
Colonel Roytenberg - commander of the 37th cavalry division
Colonel Moskalik Mikhail Emmanuilovich - commander of the 75th cavalry division
Colonel Popov Khaim Abramovich - 31st Guards Cavalry Regiment
Mr. Nidelevich - Kr 37 Guards Cavalry Regiment
P-K Factor - K-r 170 cavalry regiment.

Jewish commanders of units and formations of the Soviet armored forces in the Second World War:
General Lieutenant Binovich. - Commander of an armored tank. and mechanized troops of the 2nd
Ukrainian front
Major General Rabinovich - Commander of the Armored Troops
2nd Belorussian Front
Lieutenant General Chernyavsky - Commander of the Armored Troops
2nd Baltic Front
General Lieutenant Hasin - Commander of the Armored Troops
Leningrad Front
Major General Raikin - Commander of the Armored Troops
4th Ukrainian Front
General-Major Preisman - Head of Armored Tank Directorate
Northwestern Front
Major General Eht - Deputy. commander of armored troops
3rd Ukrainian Front
Major General I.S.Zaltsman - People's Commissar for the Tank Industry (1942-43)
Colonel General Zh.Ya.Kotin - tank designer, deputy people's commissar of the tank industry (1941-43)
General Lieutenant Weinrub - Commander of the Armored Troops of the 8th Guards Army
Major General Suprian - commander of the armored forces of the army
Major General Schneider - commander of an armored tank. and fur. army troops
regiment. Vishman - Commander of the Armored Troops of the 37th Army
Major General Safir - commander of an armored tank. and fur. army troops
Lieutenant General Krivoshein - commander of the 1st mechanized corps
Major General Khasin Abram Matveevich - commander of the 2nd mech. corps
Major General Khatskilevich - commander of the 6th mechanized corps
regiment. Bibergal - Chief of Staff of the 1st Tank Corps
Major General Dukhovny - Chief of Staff of the Tank Corps
Major General Kreizer Yakov Grigorievich - commander of the 1st Panzer Division
regiment. Temnik - commander of the 21st Guards. fur. brigades
regiment. Kremer - commander of the 8th Guards. fur. brigades
p / Colonel Egudkin - commander of 16 mech. brigades
p / colonel Livshits - commander of 19 mech. brigades
p / Colonel Goldberg - commander of the 55 mech. brigades
regiment. Shpiller - commander of the 3rd Guards. tank. brigades
p / Colonel Mindlin - commander of the 1st Guards. tank. brigades
regiment. Krichman - commander of the 6th Guards. tank. brigades
Major Pechkovsky - commander of the 14th Guards. tank. brigades
regiment. Klinfeld - commander of the 25th Guards. tank. brigades
regiment. Dragunsky - commander of the 55th Guards. tank. brigades
regiment. Cheryapkin - commander of the 50th Guards. tank. brigades
regiment. Butman-Doroshkevich - commander of the 10th tank. brigades
regiment. Lieberman - commander of the 50th tank. brigades
p / Colonel Kochergin - commander of the 78th tank. brigades
regiment. Secunda is the commander of the 95th tank. brigades
regiment. Vishman - commander of the 110th tank. brigades
regiment. Oscotsky - commander of 152 tanks. brigades
p / Colonel Levi - commander of 195 tank. brigades
regiment. Kirnos Avraam Solomonovich - commander of the 12th tank. brigades
Major Kaufman Shaya Shmerkovich - commander of the 17th tank. brigades
p / p-to Golant Ovsey Iosifovich - commander of the 24th tank. brigades
regiment. Rabinovich Leonid Yudelevich - commander of the 47th tank. brigades
p / p-k Paykin Zalman Grigorievich - commander of the 98th tank. brigades
p / p-to Gorodetsky Moisei Isaakovich - commander of the 99th tank. brigades
p / p-k Aizenberg Isaak Ilyich - commander of the 110th tank. brigades
regiment. Granovsky Isaak Naumovich - commander of the 111th tank. brigades
p / c Dvorkin Boris Lvovich - commander of the 154th tank. brigades
p / p-to Motskin Yakov Lvovich - commander of the 166th tank. brigades
Major Golzer Munya Yakovlevich - commander of the 191st tank. brigades
p / p-to Dukhovny Efim Evseevich - commander of the 196th tank. brigades
p / p-k Vainrub Evsey Grigorievich - commander of the 206th tank. brigades
regiment. Shulkin Lev Moiseevich - early. intelligence of the 3rd Guards. tank army
p / p-k Goldberg - commander of the 55th Guards. tank regiment

Jewish infantry commanders in WWII:
gene. Army Kreiser - Commander of the 2nd Guards. army
Colonel General Shtern - Commander of the Far Eastern Front
Major General Gorodinsky - Army Commander
gen.-leit. Dashevsky - army commander
gen.-leit. Skvirsky - commander of the 26th army
Major General Katsnelson - early. Headquarters of the Kalinin Front
Major General Stelmakh - early. Headquarters of the Leningrad Front
gen.-leit. Belkin - early counterintelligence department SMERSH of the Baltic Front
gen.-leit. Rubin - head of intelligence of the Southwestern Front
Major General Sorkin - Head of Intelligence of the Far Eastern Front
Major General Beilin - early. headquarters of the 3rd Shock Army
Major General Birman - early. headquarters of the 12th army
Major General Berezinsky - early. headquarters of the 42nd army
Major General Bragin - early. headquarters of the 32nd army
Major General Golovchiner - early. headquarters of the 8th Army
Major General Markushevich - early. headquarters of the 19th army
gen.-leit. Rogachevsky - beginning. headquarters of the 28th army
gen.-leit. Rogozny - beginning. headquarters of the 40th army
Major General Siminovsky - early. headquarters of the 39th army
Major General Sosedov - early. headquarters of the 10th Guards. armies
gen.-leit. Andreev - commander of the 43rd rifle corps
major general Babich - commander of the rifle corps
regiment. Blank - commander of the 15th Rifle Corps
major general Khmelnitsky - commander of the rifle corps
Major General Shteinman - Commander of the Rifle Corps
p / regiment. Portnov - commander of the 1st Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Levin - commander of the 4th Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Moretsky - commander of the 7th Guards Rifle Division
p / regiment Klebansky - commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Division
Major General Shafarenko - Commander of the 23rd Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Maksimovich - commander of the 34th Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Smolin - commander of the 35th Guards Rifle Division
p / regiment. Shtrigol - Commander of the 39th Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Bransburg - Commander of the 40th Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Levin - commander of the 96th Guards Rifle Division
regiment. Kreizer - Commander of the 1st Moscow Rifle Division
regiment. Grossman - commander of the 25th Infantry Division
regiment. Yankovsky - commander of the 30th Infantry Division
regiment. Steiger - Commander of the 32nd Rifle Division
regiment. Vasilevsky - commander of the 53rd Infantry Division
regiment. Levin - commander of the 62nd Infantry Division
regiment. Bobovich - commander of the 67th Infantry Division
regiment. Lebedinsky - commander of the 85th Infantry Division
regiment. Blank - Commander of the 87th Rifle Division
regiment. Tsukarev - commander of the 97th Infantry Division
regiment. Sorokin - commander of the 126th Infantry Division
regiment. Gershevich - commander of the 161st Infantry Division
Major General Rogachevsky - commander of the 169th Infantry Division
regiment. Tsyplenkov - commander of the 170th Infantry Division
p / regiment. Gorelik - commander of the 174th Infantry Division
Major General Kronik - Commander of the 178th Rifle Division
regiment. Maloshitsky - commander of the 180th Infantry Division
regiment. Shekhtman - commander of the 185th Infantry Division
regiment. Melder - Commander of the 200 Infantry Division
regiment. Makhlinovsky - commander of the 211th rifle division
regiment. Roitenberg - commander of the 216th rifle division
regiment. Birstein - Commander of the 251st Rifle Division
p / regiment. Levin - commander of the 258 Infantry Division
regiment. Gorshenin - commander of the 260th Infantry Division
Major General Fishman - Commander of the 263rd Rifle Division
p / regiment. Shafarenko - commander of the 2nd airborne brigade
p / regiment. Stein - Commander of the 6th Airborne Brigade
p / regiment. Vilshansky - Commander of the 8th Separate Marine Brigade
regiment. Lyaskin - Commander of the 62nd Marine Brigade

Jews - Heroes of the Soviet Union
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 157 Jewish soldiers, three Jews - Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of the Red Army, Lieutenant General Smushkevich, Colonel General. tank. Troops Dragoon and Marshal armored. Katukov troops - received this title twice, 14 more became full holders of the Order of Glory, which was equated to the title of Hero. In terms of one hundred thousand Jewish population, 6.83 Heroes are obtained. Only the Russians are ahead - 7.66 Heroes per hundred thousand, then, after the Jews, Ukrainians go - 5.88 and Belarusians - 4.19.
In total, the title of Hero was posthumously awarded to 45 Jewish soldiers, that is, almost a third of those awarded this title, eight more died, having already become Heroes in the course of further battles.
The Jewish heroes were distributed as follows:
private and non-commissioned officers - 39,
junior officers - 71,
senior officers - 33,
generals - 6
and one civilian - the secretary of the Minsk underground city committee of the CPSU, the head of the sabotage group I. Kazinets. On March 27, 1942, he was captured by the Gestapo. Shooting back, he killed two fascists and wounded three. He was tortured for a long time, his eyes were gouged out, but he did not betray anyone or anything. On May 7, Isai Kazinets was hanged in the city square. The title of Hero was awarded to him ... May 8, 1965.
According to the types of troops, the alignment of the Jewish Heroes is as follows:
infantrymen - 36,
artillerymen and mortarmen - 38,
pilots - 28,
tankers - 21,
political workers - 12,
sappers - 7,
sailors - 6,
signalmen - 1,
underground workers - 1.
Of the 157 - exactly two-thirds (106 people) came from working-class families, 12 - from peasants, the rest, as they say, commoners. Among the Heroes, there is one orphanage, a village teacher and even an artist, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR
The awarding of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Jews was associated with various anti-Semitic discriminatory restrictions.
Many Jews did not receive high awards only because of the anti-Semitic policy of the Soviet authorities.

So, during the war years, Matrosov’s feat was repeated by four Jews, and ordinary Abram Levin lay down on the embrasure a year before Matrosov, on February 22, 1942, during the liberation of the Kalinin region (he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree posthumously ... after 15 years), and the sergeant Tovye Rise managed to stay alive, although he received 18 wounds, and was awarded the Order of Glory III degree.

14 Jewish pilots accomplished the feat by directing their wrecked aircraft at a concentration of enemy troops:
Isaak Zinovievich Preisaizen,
Isaak Moiseevich Betsis,
Isaac Abramovich Irzhak,
Zinovy ​​Abramovich Levitsky,
Isaac Davydovich Shvartsman,
Ilya Borisovich Katunin,
Israel Kapelevich,
Victor Chernyavsky and others.
The title of Hero was awarded only to two - I. Katunin, obviously, due to the ambiguity of the nationality of his surname and Shik Kordonsky - only in 1990 (!) Year, although the entire squadron was witness to his feat on September 28, 1943.

Jewish pilots who committed aerial ramming
Among all types of air combat during the Second World War
the most mysterious and exciting is the air ram.
Asin Vladimir Naumovich, senior lieutenant, and Beletsky Abram Isaakovich, major of the guard, were seriously wounded during ramming, and each of them lost both legs. After the hospital, they returned to service and fought until the Victory.
Binov Lev Isaakovich, Major of the 512th Fighter Aviation Regiment. September 19, 1942 on the outskirts of Stalingrad rammed a German fighter plane. On his damaged aircraft, wounded, he landed. After being cured, he continued to fly and died in an air battle in January 1943.
Butman Ion Vladimirovich in January 1942 on the Karelian front shot down a German plane with a ram attack.
Hetman Naum Froimovich, senior lieutenant, ship commander of the 752nd long-range bomber regiment, on November 5, 1941, on the outskirts of Moscow, rammed a German fighter plane.
Grul Simkha Grigoryevich - junior lieutenant. On October 9, 1941, in the sky near Moscow, he shot down an enemy plane with a ram attack,
Krivoshein Sergey Mikhailovich, junior lieutenant, flight commander
126 Fighter Aviation Regiment, born in 1921 on August 6
1941 on the Central Front was rammed by a German bomber. Landed by parachute. September 2, 1942 did not return from a combat mission. Sergei is the nephew of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Krivoshein Semyon Moiseevich.
Levin Abram Georgievich, sejeant. Pilot of the 11th Fighter Aviation Regiment, born in 1920 in Roshal, Moscow Region. On December 4, 1941, a German bomber rammed on the outskirts of Moscow and died.
Novorozhkin Samuil Izrailevich junior lieutenant, pilot-observer in 1942. participated in the battle as part of the crew of the spotter P.I. Zhilinsky, who rammed one of the 5 German fighter planes that attacked him. Thrown out of the plane, the wounded landed on a parachute.
Radicher Lev Sergeevich, pilot of the 728th Fighter Aviation Regiment, was born in 1923 in the village. Obukhovo Moscow region On August 23, 1943, on the approaches to the city of Chuguev, he was rammed by a German fighter and died.
Tabatadze Moses Efimovich, junior lieutenant. Pilot of the 160th Fighter Aviation Regiment, born in 1921 in Borjomi (Georgia). July 9, 1941 in the Smolensk sky rammed an enemy plane and died.
Ushatsky Lev Vulfovich; junior lieutenant, deputy squadron commander of the 926th Fighter Aviation Regiment, was born in 1916 in Petrograd. September 17, 1943 at the station. Bologoe, Kalinin region, was rammed by a German bomber.
Chagall Anatoly Ionovich; senior sergeant, pilot of the 34th Fighter Aviation Regiment, born in 1921 in Makedonovo, Kalinin Region, on August 4, 1943, a German bomber rammed at the distant approaches to Moscow.
Shimanchik Lev Leonidovich, foreman, pilot of the 164th Fighter Aviation Regiment, was born in 1922 in Minsk. In April 1943, a German reconnaissance aircraft rammed on the Western Front. The injured pilot landed on the damaged plane.
A hero was not given to any Jewish pilot who committed an aerial ramming! Let me remind you that Viktor Talalikhin, who rammed a German plane in the sky near Moscow on August 7, 1941, was awarded the title of Hero literally the very next day.

The shameful fact of Soviet state anti-Semitism was the deprivation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union of 6 Jews.
Departure for permanent residence in Israel led to the deprivation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the deprivation of all military awards from four Jews: V. Vilenkis, M. Grabsky, M. Felsenstein and K. Shuras.
As part of the anti-Semitic campaign for the "fight against cosmopolitanism" in 1953, Hero of the Soviet Union Lev Gitman was slandered and sentenced to ten years in the camps and deprivation of all government awards "for theft of state property, namely, scraps of sheet metal for a total of 8 rubles 67 kopecks »
Hero of the Soviet Union Yefim Lev was stripped of all his military decorations in 1961. At that time, well-known trials for so-called "economic crimes" were going on in the USSR. Most of the accused in these trials were Jews. Many of them received death sentences.

12 Jewish soldiers were awarded Orders of Glory of all three degrees. These soldier orders were awarded for personal deeds and heroism. Here are their names: Leonid Davidovich Blat, Grigory Abramovich Bogorad, Semyon Meerovich Burman, Nikolai Lazarevich Gizis, Lev Davidovich Globus, Boris Naumovich Zamansky, Efim Lvovich Minkin, Vladimir Izrailevich Peller, Eduard Nisinovich Roth, David Markovich Sidler, Shmuel Ziskovich Shapiro, Semyon Elyashevich Schillinger.

Professor of the military academy M.V. Frunze, Colonel Fyodor Sverdlov, in the encyclopedic work "Jewish Warriors on the Fronts of the Great Patriotic War" gives data on the awards of Jews: "According to the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense, in the most difficult years for the front in 1941 and 1942 (until October 5), they were awarded orders and medals The Union of the SSR has a total of 185,000 soldiers and officers, of which 127,000 are Russians, 33,000 Ukrainians, 5,500 Belarusians, and 5,200 Jews." All statistical calculations are given per 100,000 population. According to the first post-war census, 114 million Russians, 37 million Ukrainians, 7.9 million Belarusians, 2.3 million Jews lived in the country. Of these, about 500 thousand fought in the ranks of the army and navy. Consequently, the author concludes, for 100,000 of the population, Russian soldiers received 111.4 combat awards, Ukrainians - 89.2, Belarusians - 69.7, Jews - most of all - 226.
Further, the author cites, using the same methodology, the calculation of those awarded for the entire period of the war. The result is this: per 100,000 population - Russians - 5.4 thousand, Ukrainians - 4.6 thousand, Belarusians - 3.9 thousand, and Jews - 7 thousand.
That is, by the number of those awarded orders and medals of the USSR, Jewish soldiers took first place

Jews at the head of the Soviet military industry

Colonel General Vannikov Boris Lvovich - People's Commissar for Armaments from 1939 1941, then People's Commissar for Ammunition in 1942-1946.
Ginzburg Semyon Zakharovich - People's Commissar for Construction of the USSR in 1939-1946. During the war years, he supervised the construction of defense and industrial facilities, the commissioning of evacuated enterprises, the restoration
economy in the liberated areas.
Kaganovich Lazar Moiseevich - member of the State. Defense Committee, Chairman of the Transport Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, People's Commissar of Railways in 1938-1942. and 1943-1944.
Major General Zaltsman Isaak Moiseevich - Deputy People's Commissar, then People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of the USSR in 1941 - July 1943. Creator and leader
Tankograd, created in Chelyabinsk on the basis of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, evacuated from the Kirov Machine-Building and Kharkov Tank Plants.
Produced more than 1000 tanks per month
Major General Sandler Solomon Mironovich - in 1940-1946. - Deputy People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry.
Major General Vishnevsky David Nikolaevich - DURING THE WAR, deputy. People's Commissar of Munitions. Under his leadership, new types of fuses for shells were developed.
Major General Zalessky Pavel Yakovlevich - in 1940-1950. - Deputy head of the main department of the people's commissariat of the aviation industry. .
Major General Zemlerub Viktor Abramovich - from 1942 to 1946 - Head of the Main Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition.
Lieutenant General Levin Mikhail Aronovich - in 1941-1445 - head of the department of engine building and fuel of the aviation industry.
Major General Nosovsky Naum Emmanuilovich - in 1940-1946. - Head of the Main Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Armaments.
Major General Frankfurt Samuil Grigorievich - in 1942-1946. head of the main department of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition.

Some names of directors of factories that produced weapons, ammunition and equipment for the front:
Major General Bidinsky David Grigorievich - in 1937-1947. director of a number of ammunition factories.
Major General Bykhovsky Abram Isaevich - in 1939-1955. director of the Izhevsk and Perm artillery factories. Izhevsk plant was the main manufacturer of aircraft guns and all types of small arms (machine guns, rifles, anti-tank guns).
Major General Belyansky Alexander Abramovich - in 1942-1947. Director of Aviation Plant No. 18, which manufactured Il-2 attack aircraft.
Major General Gonor Lev Ruvimovich - since 1939 and all the years of the war - director of the Ural Artillery Plant.
Gorsky Boris Lvovich - director of the gunpowder factory,
Major General Zhezlov Mikhail Sergeevich - during the war years - director of an aircraft factory.
Major General Levin Israel Solomonovich - during the war years - director of an aircraft factory in Saratov.
Kotlyar Alexander Solomonovich - Director of the Optical Plant of the People's Commissariat for Armaments.
Kramer Mikhail Pavlovich - director of a metallurgical plant.
Neustroev Semyon Abramovich - director of the ammunition plant.
Major General Polikovsky Vladimir Isaakovich - Head of the Central Research Institute of Aviation Motors.
Major-General Khaim Emmanuilovich Rubinchik - Director of the Krasnoye Sormovo Plant of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry.
Sokol Yakov Isaakovich - Director of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant of Quality Steels
Slavsky Efim Pavlovich - director of the Ural aluminum plant.
Major General Fratkin Boris Abramovich - director of the artillery factory.
Major-General Khazanov Boris Abramovich - Director of the Artillery Plant. Voroshilov.
Shvartsburg Petr Ilyich - director of the Chelyabinsk forging and pressing plant.
Shenkman Matvey Borisovich - director of the aviation plant.
Shifrin Yakov Abramovich - director of the artillery plant.
Eskin Yuliy Borisovich - director of the marine plant.

Below is a part of the names of those who created the production base of the defense industry;
Bernstein Lev Borisovich - head of construction of facilities for the Northern Fleet.
Grenadier David Semenovich - head of the construction of a plant in Siberia.
Dymshits Veniamin Emmanuilovich - builder of metallurgical plants: Kuznetsk, Azovstal, Krivoy Rog, Magnitogorsk. During the war years, he introduced new capacities. Manager of the trust "Magnitostroy".
Sheinkin Boris Lazarevich - head of the construction of an underwater gas pipeline across Lake Ladoga. Then he supervised the construction of an oil pipeline from Guryev to Kuibyshev,
Schildkrot Moses Abramovich - head of the construction of a tank city on the basis of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.
Major General Rapoport Yakov Davidovich - In 1942-1943. - Commander of the 3rd sapper army and defensive construction of a number of fronts. Since 1944, he built the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant.
Bayer Efim Yakovlevich - head of the construction trust. He built a plant for anti-tank rifles and machine guns in Kovrov.

Jews - the creators of military equipment and weapons

Colonel General Kotin Joseph Yakovlevich - under his leadership, modifications of the heavy tank KB (KB-lc, KB-85, new tanks IS-1, IS-2.
Designers of Soviet tanks Chernyak B.A., Mitnik A.Ya., Shpaikhler A.I., Shvartsburg M.B.
Vikhman Yakov Efimovich designed tank diesel engines. A powerful V-2 diesel engine designed by Vikhman was installed on the T-34 tank
Gorlitsky Lev Izrailevich was a designer of self-propelled artillery mounts SAU-76, SAU-122.
Loktev Lev Abramovich - designer of anti-aircraft artillery guns.
Artillery guns ZIS-3 were developed in Grabin's design bureau - they were created by designers-developers: Lasman B., Norkin V., Renne K.

Major General Lavochkin Semyon Alekseevich - General Designer of fighters. Specialists worked with him: Taits M.A., Zaks L.A., Pirlin B.A., Zak S.L., Kantor D.I., Sverdlov I.A., Kheifets N.A., Chernyakov N. S., Eskin Yu.B.
On the La-5 fighter, pilot Ivan Kozhedub shot down 45 enemy aircraft, and on the La-7 fighter - another 17
Nizhny Vladimir Iosifovich - engine specialist. Died in an engine explosion during engine testing.
Mil Mikhail Leontievich - designer, who in the future became an outstanding creator of a number of helicopters.
Gurevich Mikhail Iosifovich - together with Mikoyan A.I. created a series of high-rise fighters - MIG. Major General IAS.
Izakson Alexander Moiseevich - together with Petlyakov V.M. On the eve of the war, he created the Pe-2 dive bomber. After the death of Petlyakov in 1942, he headed the design bureau that created the Pe-2, Pe-3, Pe-8 (TB-7) aircraft. Buyanover SI worked with him. - chief designer of sighting devices for dropping bombs from Pe-2, Vilgrube L.S., Erlikh I.A. and etc.
Kosberg Semyon Arievich - chief designer of aircraft engines.
Kerber Leonid Lvovich - chief designer. Deputy General Designer Tupolev A.N. Prominent designers and engineers worked with him at the Tupolev Design Bureau: Yeger SM., Iosilovich Ts.B., Minkner K.V., Frenkel G.S., Sterlin A.E., Stoman E.K. They created the Tu-2 tactical dive bomber and other aircraft of the Tu family.
Nudelman Alexander Emmanuilovich - designer of aircraft weapons. Chief designer for aircraft guns at the Izhevsk plant. The most popular Yak-9 fighter was equipped with an automatic 37-mm cannon of its design. Together with him, Richter Aron Abramovich designed air guns.
Taubin Yakov Grigorievich - a talented designer of aviation weapons, was repressed in December 1941.
Galperin Anatoly Isaakovich - the designer of a super-heavy aerial bomb weighing 5.4 tons, which was used to destroy especially important and large enemy targets, and others.

For participation in the development and production of new types of military equipment during the war years, 300 Jewish specialists were awarded the Stalin Prize, 12 - the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, 200 - were awarded the Order of Lenin. In total, orders and medals were awarded to 180 thousand Jewish engineers, business leaders and workers.

Among the test pilots, the names of Gallay Mark Lazarevich, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, are known. Baranovsky Mikhail Lvovich Gimpel E.N., Izgeim A.N., Kantor David Isaakovich, Einis I.V. and others.

Facts of Soviet state anti-Semitism directed against Jewish soldiers
As Lev Kopelev wrote, "already in 1943, secret orders appeared, most often verbal, about the removal of Jewish soldiers from command posts, about reducing the number of Jewish names presented for awards."
Israel Podrabinnik in the study "Jews in the Great Patriotic War" listed some of the feats of the Jews, for which they should have received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but did not.
On June 27, 1941, Isaac Zinovievich Preseizen sent his wrecked plane to a German tank column. In the award list for conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on Preseizen, there is a positive conclusion from the commander of the Western Front. But Preseisen was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War only in 1991.
On January 17, 1944, the squadron commander, captain Isaak Aronovich Irzhak, did the same, but was not awarded. I.P.Zazulinsky, Zinoviy Abramovich Levitsky, B.S.Solomnik (1942-45) who performed the same feat and died were not awarded.
Five Jewish soldiers blew up accumulations of enemy manpower, tanks or a moving tank at the cost of their own lives, tying themselves with anti-tank grenades. Four of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously (G. I. Gardeman, A. M. Zindels, M. I. Ocheret, L. Kh. Papernik), the fifth - V. Rimsky - was awarded the order, the title of Hero was not given to him.
On October 26, 1941, in Minsk, the Nazis hanged underground partisans: the photo shows two men and a girl. The surnames of men are known, the girl was written about as "unknown" for many years. Meanwhile, it has long been known that this is 17-year-old Masha Bruskina, a Jewess, a graduate of the 28th Minsk school.
Masha (Mira Vulfovna) Sinelnikova served in the intelligence of the 43rd Army. She was seized on January 17, tortured evening and night, and shot on the morning of January 18, 1942 in the village of Korchazhkino, Kaluga Region. 25 years after her death, her fate was clarified, preparation of documents began to present her to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but the title was not awarded.
In February 1944, Yury Lazarevich Vater was thrown into the depths of the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky boiler with a sound installation. Wounded three times, he was captured, tortured and executed. The head of the political department of the front, General Shatilo, introduced Vater to the title of Hero, but he was not awarded the title.
The department of junior sergeant Grigory Gershkovich provided the battery commander with communication with his firing positions. Suddenly, during the battle, communication was interrupted, and the guns fell silent. Grigory found a break, grabbed the two ends of the broken cable, clamped it with his teeth. Soon four mines exploded next to him. He died, but he provided communication. For such a feat then awarded the title of Hero. The commander filled out an award sheet for him, but he was not given the title of Hero.
This feat was repeated by signalman Anya Umanskaya. Anya found damage, began to connect the broken wires, but at that time an enemy mine exploded behind her, and Anya was wounded in the back. She continued to squeeze the wires, but when her hands were weak from loss of blood and cold, she clamped the wires between her teeth and held them until help arrived. For this feat, Anya was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree.
Gersh Gechtman, a scout of a rifle regiment, was presented with the title of Hero during the war, he was even announced about it, but he never received the Golden Star. The feat of fighter pilot, senior lieutenant Alexander Gorelik is unparalleled in the history of World War II. In one sortie, with one refueling of ammunition, Gorelik shot down 9 German aircraft. The next day he shot down another bomber, but in this battle he was set on fire and died. Even for this unprecedented example of courage and combat skill, he was not awarded the posthumous title of Hero.
The commander of the reconnaissance group, Lev Grechaninov, was twice presented to the title of Hero, it was on the Stalingrad front, but they were never awarded.
The commander of the submarine, captain of the 3rd rank Isaak Solomonovich Kabo, who at the very beginning of the war torpedoed two German ships, including the large transport Boden, was presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war years, he brought the number of destroyed enemy ships to 11, but he was never awarded the title of Hero.
In 1943, Semyon Kruglyak volunteered for the front. Became a scout, went to the enemy's rear, took the "language". Each of his outings could be his last. During the war years, he was twice presented to the title of Hero - he was not awarded.
Roman Markovich Kupershtein twice presented himself for the title of Hero, but he never received this title.
Pilot Lydia Litvak - the record holder among women in the number of downed fascist aircraft, died on August 1, 1943, did not receive the title of Hero.
Aron Nemirovsky, born in Ternivka, Vinnitsa region, fought from 1941 to May 11, 1945, participated in the capture of Prague. On account of his 7 wrecked German tanks, he was wounded 6 times, he was awarded orders 6 times, he was presented to the title of Hero three times, but never received it. Participated in the Victory Parade.
Scout Semyon Melnik, with the help of his detachment, organized all-round defense and ensured the landing of the main forces of the army and the advance of the front. For this feat, the commander promised a Hero, and Melnik was given the Order of the Red Star.
During the Battle of Stalingrad, the pilot, Colonel Lev Ovsishcher, together with his crew, was ordered to fly on a "corn" to the enemy's location and from a low altitude, using loud-speaking equipment, agitate the Germans to stop senseless resistance. The crew of Ovsishcher fulfilled the task of command. His comrades were marked with the title of Hero. They forgot about him.
Five times they were presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the commander of the partisan detachment named after. Voroshilov Evgeny Fedorovich Miranovich is the pseudonym of Zhenya Finkelstein.
The commander of the reconnaissance group, Lieutenant Peller Israel Isaakovich, was presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but under a far-fetched pretext, this title was not awarded to him.
Three times Iosif Abramovich Rapoport was presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the war.
The soul of the defense of the Brest Fortress was the regimental commissar Efim Moiseevich Fomin - the author of order No. 1. Issued by traitors, he was shot. The fortress became a Hero-Fortress, Fomin did not.
At the beginning of the war, Colonel Shafarenko Pavel Mendelevich formed the 25th Guards Division. In the ranks of the division there were 79 Heroes of the Soviet Union, the division commander in November 1942 received the rank of major general, but the Hero was not assigned to him.

Why did the Germans kill six million Jews? This question is difficult to answer. Some historians believe that the Nazis had planned the extermination of the Jews ever since they seized power in 1933. Other historians believe that the extermination of the Jews was the result of a specific historical context and therefore was not originally planned.


In the early 1930s, during the Nazi rise to power, Germany experienced great economic and social difficulties. Country:

  • had to pay huge compensation to the allies as a result of the defeat in the First World War;
  • had to adhere to the Treaty of Versailles, according to which she could no longer have a large army and had to give up some territories;
  • experienced high inflation and economic instability;
  • experienced high levels of unemployment.

Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat, blaming them for Germany's economic and social problems. The Nazi Party promised to resolve these issues, and in 1932 received 37% of the vote in the elections.

The rise of the Nazis to power

All Jews and non-Aryans were excluded from German society. They could no longer own government jobs, own property, or run their own businesses. In 1935, the government passed the Nuremberg Laws, which stated that only Aryans could be German citizens. The Nazis believed that the "purebred" German was racially superior, and that a struggle for survival existed between the German race and those races that were considered inferior. They saw Jews, Gypsies, Sinti, black people and the disabled as a serious biological threat to the purity of the German-Aryan race.

Racial politics

According to a large group of historians, the "race war" against the Soviet Union, which began in 1941, took place in a certain historical context, where it became possible to kill people - Jews, Poles and Russians - in a new and terrible manner.

The Nazi racial policy between 1933 and 1945 consisted of two elements: eugenics and racial segregation (later racial extermination).

Thus, the Nazis tried to keep their own "race" free from anomalies and diseases (eugenics) and to keep the Aryan race closed to other "inferior" races (racial segregation and extermination). In the name of eugenics, the Nazis initiated the forced sterilization of hereditary patients and euthanized about 200,000 mentally and physically disabled Germans.

Another part of the racial policy, racial segregation, was initiated with the aim of suppressing and persecuting all non-Aryans, primarily Jews. Later, racial segregation was tightened and became a policy of racial expulsion: Jews were forced to emigrate. This policy succeeded successfully in Austria in 1938 and then was introduced in Germany itself under the slogan: “ Germany for the Germans!". But why did the Germans kill the Jews in the first place? Most historians believe that Hitler's personal dislike for this race was most influenced by this.

The collapse of the policy of forced emigration

It would seem that the Nazis would stop at the law of forced emigration. So why did the Germans kill Jews during the war? The fact is that after the occupation of Poland in 1939, the policy of forced emigration became unsuitable for the Nazi regime. It was simply unrealistic for over 3 million Polish Jews to emigrate. This led to ambitious Nazi plans to solve the "Jewish Question". On January 20, 1942, under the leadership of Police Chief Reinhard Heydrich, several senior officials of the Nazi state met to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". As a result of this meeting, Heydrich received full support from the participants for the systematic extermination of the Jews. The decision itself, the extermination of the Jews, was presumably taken before the conference.

Extermination policy

In 1941, the Nazi leadership determined the future of the Jews. Starting this year, Jews have been executed and killed on an incredibly large scale. The massacres began in connection with the war against the Soviet Union, which started on June 22, 1941. In total, 1.5 million Jews were killed in the occupied Soviet territories - with the help of local anti-Semites. Almost simultaneously, mass executions began in six "extermination camps" located in Poland. At least 3 million Jews died in these camps. To this must be added another 1.5 million Jews who died in concentration camps, ghettos and elsewhere as a result of starvation, slave labor and arbitrary executions.

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