Effective exercises for weight loss of the whole body. Exercises for fast weight loss at home

Good afternoon, dear site visitors Lucinda.Ru. Today we will talk with you about which exercises for weight loss are most effective.

I think each of us understands how great it is to have a healthy toned body! Nevertheless, most people strive for this, however, it happens that the real state of affairs becomes far from this.

Gained extra pounds during pregnancy, being under stress for a long time, "harmful" snacks at work, lack of a balanced diet, hypodynamic lifestyle - all this causes weight to grow, and then there is a need to find something that will help restore harmony, beauty and health .

One of the main rules in such a situation is an increase in physical activity.

1. What set of exercises is right for you?

In order for fat burning to begin, and so that it is necessary not only to select effective exercises, but to select them so that they correspond to the level of training and are aimed at eliminating a specific problem. However, if you need to lose excess weight in any one area, you should not focus only on it.

Weight loss exercises for the whole body will become more effective, only with an emphasis on the most problematic area. Do not overdo it with the load or perform exercises that you simply do not like - this will quickly discourage any desire to exercise, not allowing you to see at least some noticeable results.

A set of exercises for your body:

  1. Shaping- This set of exercises will certainly correct your figure. And thanks to your dance moves + aerobics, you will soon be able to get rid of your problem areas. Since the movements in shaping are very fast, therefore, it will suit energetic girls who are aimed at a quick result.
  2. Pilates- this is the safest set of exercises that will suit absolutely everyone. It consists in slow stretching movements. And it is aimed at training the press, small pelvis, as well as the back. This set of exercises for pregnant women and mothers is perfect.
  3. Fitball- This is a set of exercises with a big ball. This complex will help get rid of body fat and strengthen your muscles.
  4. Belly dance– this complex is suitable for all lovers of oriental motifs. Being engaged in oriental dances regularly, you will easily acquire a graceful appearance and get rid of excess fat. And this will be facilitated by the fact that the main load in this set of exercises is directed precisely at the hips and abdominals.

By choosing any set of exercises and doing it regularly, you will not only lose weight and improve your figure, but also improve your body, improve your mood and become more stress-resistant.

2. TOP-7 - Effective exercises for weight loss at home without exercise equipment

Among the infinite set, the most effective exercises stand out. You can achieve impressive results in a short time by including the following in your program:

3. Useful tips and rules for doing exercises for weight loss

Really fruitful will be the exercise if you follow certain rules and clearly follow the recommendations. Without any of them, fat burning simply will not start, and some will enhance the effect and achieve the desired forms only in a shorter time.

4. 15 Most Effective Exercises

Exercises to burn belly fat

Most in demand among women abdominal slimming exercises especially after the birth of a child.

Exercises for the buttocks and thighs

Exercises for the abdomen and sides

Such exercises for weight loss and many others are offered in large numbers for viewing on the Internet. This will help at home to control the correct execution.

Leg exercises

There are exercises that will make the legs seductive and irresistible. Here are the ones that will achieve the desired result:

Hand exercises

Exercises for women are also very relevant on the hands, because. this is a rather problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe female figure.

Waist exercises

Exercises for the abdomen will give a slender waist, and the silhouette is more attractive and graceful. Effective exercises for this:

  • Lie on your back and hold, straight legs 15-20 cm above the floor. It is important that the lower back is in contact with the floor.
  • Turns to the side. Standing straight, bring your hands together in front of your chest and “look” behind your back, while inhaling, stretching the spine up, and twisting even more with exhalation.

Slim waist in 7 minutes:

Facial exercises

  • Mimic exercise: inflate your cheeks as much as possible and linger for 2-3 counts; release air by pursing your lips with a tube; and then smile broadly, without opening your lips.
  • Working with the corners of the mouth, raise the cheeks high to the eyes and linger for 5-7 seconds, do this 2 times for 15 repetitions.

Gymnastics for the face:

chest exercises

5. The most effective breathing exercises for weight loss

For greater effectiveness, they use the breathing technique, which allows you to enhance the effect of losing weight. Everything happens due to the supply of oxygen to the body, because it is actively fighting fat. Therefore, even if you do not use any special breathing techniques, losing weight will be more effective with proper breathing.

Basic things to learn: the effort is made on exhalation (in push-ups, lifting up, swings, squats are also performed on exhalation, etc.).

Direction of breathing exercises is fat burning and belly tightening. Women often resort to it after childbirth. Here are some of the most effective:

  • Take a sitting position, cross your legs, straight back, reach up with the crown of your head. Fix this position. Next, you need to relax and take the maximum possible breath through your nose, inflating your stomach with a ball. Then, also through the nose, exhale slowly, pushing the wall of the abdomen to the back as much as possible. So continue at least 20-30 times.
  • The next exercise is characterized by a sharp exhalation (but also through the nose), and the abdominal muscles contract to the maximum.

6. How to eat right when losing weight

Without proper and healthy nutrition, weight loss exercises will not lead you to the desired result. Properly organized nutrition determines success in losing weight. Therefore, it is necessary to make fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs the basis of the diet, develop the habit of consuming cereals. But the meat should occupy about 25% of the plate.


You can not leave your body without breakfast- this will force it to work in energy-saving mode, which will not allow you to actively burn calories.

Snacking will relieve the feeling of hunger and the temptation to eat something “satisfier”. But dinner needs to be lightened and it is better to eat it no later than 6 pm - the body will have enough, for example, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese. If you still feel hungry after it, at night you can drink kefir.

A daily intake of one and a half liters of water will help reduce weight, and besides, this is generally a great benefit to the body. - these are just habits, and in order to replace harmful products that take away health and beauty with useful ones that will give activity and help prolong youth, it is still worth some time to endure (until they finally integrate into the lifestyle).

7. Conclusion

Dear friends, using this article, choose for yourself effective weight loss exercises that match your level of training. And, of course, you don’t need to wait for an instant result, but tune in to systematic work on improving your body. Then the process will go faster and easier.

Below you will find a video where a set of exercises for weight loss is considered. You can complete them immediately when watching a video with an online trainer :).

Every girl wants to have a slim figure. Moreover, it is not only beauty, but also health. Everyone knows the role of physical activity in the fight against hated kilograms - it is the main one. A set of exercises for losing weight at home for girls, which we will consider further, is not just a set of exercises. By constantly repeating it and using a diet, you can look slimmer, achieve beautiful relief muscles and, of course, reduce excess weight.

Home workout rules

In order for effective fitness training for weight loss at home to give the girl positive results, you need:

  1. Focus all your attention only on doing the exercises, that is, turn off the laptop and tablet, put the phone on silent mode. Also, during the lesson, try to exclude communication with children, spouse or other family members.
  2. Set a strict training schedule and stick to it.
  3. It is better to conduct classes to invigorating energetic music.
  4. It is better to keep two lists of journals: one for exercise and the other for weight changes. They highlight the progress that has been made. These records will help to cheer you up in days of fatigue and crisis. It has been empirically established that when maintaining such journals, success can be achieved much faster.
  5. If you can’t use a bike or pool, daily walking will be a great addition to ensure quick weight loss.
  6. Each exercise must be performed correctly, strictly following the indicated recommendations. It is very important to remember the exact technique of execution, it is the basis of the result. How to properly perform exercises at home, you can watch the video fitness lessons for weight loss, you will find such a video at the end of our article.
  7. If you are thirsty during class, it is allowed to drink only water at room temperature in slow sips. During training, a maximum of one glass of water is allowed, otherwise the kidneys may work in an emergency enhanced mode.
  8. Classes should be performed no earlier than 1 hour after eating and 3 hours before. This rule is optimal for your stomach.
  9. And in the morning, a small one at home will especially help you before getting ready for work, you can do it under video or incendiary music.

Duration and mode

When compiling a strict schedule of classes, please note that the aerobic part must be given more than 30-40 minutes in one lesson, 3-4 times a week. Fat burning in any person begins after the consumption of stored carbohydrates located in the pericellular fluid, liver and blood, which are processed into energy only thirty minutes after the start of physical activity. Accordingly, physical exercises less than the specified duration will be ineffective for weight loss.

We also take into account the fact that in order to lose 1 kg of weight, it is necessary to burn 8000 kcal in sports. With a light loading intensity, the consumption will be 4-5 calories per minute, and with an increase in loading, the calorie discharge increases to 10-12 per minute.

The mode is supported by your motivation, and it is archival. Remember that by skipping a workout, you move the target twice as far. Being strict with yourself is the key to success. The program for a month for weight loss at home, always in front of your eyes, will be a good helper to achieve your goal in the required time frame.


Doing sports for weight loss at home compares favorably with training in a sports club - there is no need to buy an expensive subscription and need to spend money on expensive sports equipment. All you need will be: training mat, loose clothing available. The form should be taken as convenient as possible, which does not interfere with freedom of movement.

The following gymnastic equipment will help - a rope, a hula-hoop, a chair for special exercises. By the way, the jump rope is a fairly simple item from childhood, which greatly develops the muscles of the legs and lungs.

If you want to work out with weights, you should start using dumbbells weighing one or one and a half kilograms each.

It is best to start any workout with a warm-up, which will warm up the muscles and joints. Which, in turn, will protect against sprains and injuries. Recommendations for warming up are from top to bottom, that is, the neck, shoulders, arms, and so on, up to the feet. Or you can use your own method for losing weight, any exercise at home that suits you.

The time to warm up is 5-7 minutes. It should be noted that for an ideal warm-up, joint rotations of about 10-12 sets in each direction are suitable. With the described method, you can completely warm up the entire body.

Consider a few exercises that are effective for warming up before training:

  1. First, rub your palms vigorously until they are warm. Warm up your neck, ears and face.
  2. Head rotation. We do it slowly and not very deeply. We do four movements to the left, four to the right.
  3. After that, we proceed to the shoulders. We put our palms on our shoulders. We rotate the joints energetically, first we do 10-20 times to the left side, then to the right - the same number of times.
  4. After elbows. For which, stretching the arms perpendicular to the body, we rotate them in the elbow joints 4 times in both directions, 3 sets for each side.
  5. We are working on the hands. Insert the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other and rotate four times similar to the exercise above - 3 sets each.
  6. We warm up the waist and back with circular movements around the axis - clockwise and counterclockwise. Be sure to leave the legs and hips in place without moving, only the body should turn.
  7. To warm up the lower back, we rotate the pelvis, as if we were twisting a hula hoop. Perform rotations in both directions.
  8. For warming up the legs, squats are optimal. They should be placed together and keep the entire foot tightly pressed to the floor.

How to calculate load

The best and most effective exercises for weight loss at home are carried out with the maximum allowable intensity, and the upper limit of the load is calculated from the heart rate. In other words, it is worth working at the “maximum load of the body”.

To calculate, let's take a simple arithmetic formula: subtract your age from 200. To determine the optimal “working” load, it is necessary to multiply the resulting number by a value of 0.65 or 0.85, depending on the desired load. For the minimum muscle load, use a value of 0.65, for the upper limit and maximum efficiency - a factor of 0.85.

For example, according to our formula for a forty-year-old person, the maximum allowable heart rate is 160 beats per minute. In this case, the most effective fat burning workout is between 104 and 136 beats per minute. Therefore, when the number of contractions does not reach the lower limit, increase the load, and when the pulse exceeds the upper bar, on the contrary, reduce the intensity.

By counting the number of heartbeats, we control the load and remain at the “effective height”. This approach helps in practice to choose the best physical exercises for weight loss for your body. These simple calculations will keep your body in check.

The Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Consider what exercises you need to do to lose weight. In order to lose weight at home in less time, it is better to conduct classes according to an optimally intensive program that will contain both strength and aerobic exercise.

A good one leads to an increase in heart rate - the necessary moment for the most effective fat burning. And strength exercises contribute to an increase in muscle tone and volume, which will make up a chic relief of a healthy and strong figure.

There are two main methods of studying at home:

  1. Dedicate the first day entirely to aerobic training - swimming, running, dance aerobics, cycling, hiking, in a pinch. The second, on the contrary, is to devote to the power part, loading all muscle groups.
  2. During one workout, combine strength and aerobic components. For example, start a lesson with a 5-minute run in place, then give a load to the press, then another 5 minutes of the aerobic part, after that - a load on the hips, etc.

For the most effective exercises, it is worth focusing on a specific part of the body. But keep in mind that adjacent muscles are being worked out at the same time, which will significantly enhance the result of the workout. The most effective exercise for weight loss is at the highest possible level for the body.

You can choose the appropriate exercises for losing weight at home using video tutorials on the Internet (and in our article). But we recommend paying special attention to the following effective training aimed at losing weight in the most problematic places.


The complex is great for weight loss at home and the formation of slender, appetizing forms. While maintaining a regular load on the lower body, positive changes will form quite quickly: the buttocks will be more rounded and toned, the appearance of cellulite will decrease, and the skin will tighten. Workout for weight loss at home in the video at the end of the article will help you visualize the rules for performing these exercises.

We work on the buttocks:

  • Squats- a super-effective exercise for pumping the "fifth point". Starting position - standing. The legs are wider than the shoulders, the socks are placed apart from each other. From this position, perform squats slowly, keeping your hips and buttocks in tension. Quantity - at least 10 times. With each workout, the number of approaches should be increased.
  • We squeeze the ball. Starting position - sit on the edge of the chair. The feet must be separated from each other so that a fitness ball fits between the knees. The ball must be squeezed quite firmly between the legs, keeping the muscles in tension for about a third of a minute, then rest for a minute and squeeze the ball again.
  • We sit with our hips on the floor. Starting position - standing vertically on your knees, put your hands on your belt. We alternately move our legs and sit on one buttock, followed by the second. Do the described exercise so much that the muscles start to hurt, but at least 5 full approaches.


Nice elastic hips are the desire of almost every girl. But a sedentary lifestyle and carbohydrate-rich foods lead to the accumulation of fat in this area.

If you are unhappy with your riding breeches, ears on the sides and other "charms" of excess weight on the hips, be sure to do the following exercises:

  • Jumping out of a deep squat. It will strengthen and model the appetizing shape of the buttocks, improve metabolism and contribute to high-quality weight loss. Be sure to observe the accuracy of the technique and monitor breathing. Starting position - take an even stance, put your feet shoulder-width apart, cross your arms on your chest or make a lock on the back of your head. Take a deep breath and sit down so that the thighs are parallel to the floor, and you need not tear off the surface of the feet from the surface of the floor and do not distort the pelvis. If your health allows, it is better to go lower. Tighten your thigh muscles and as you exhale, jump up as far as possible. On the way back, as soon as the feet touch the surface, immediately return to the squat and repeat the movements again.
  • Scissors. Starting position - we lie down horizontally, with the lower back completely pressed against the surface and weakening the neck muscles as much as possible. Raise your legs up at an angle of 90 0 and make movements that outwardly imitate scissors, changing the order: the first leg over the second, then vice versa. We repeat this exercise at least 15 times, without touching the floor with our feet.
  • Mahi back. Starting position - standing at the chair, holding on to it with your hands. Draw in the stomach and begin to move the leg back to the farthest position without bending. Stay for a short time. Repeat with the other leg.
  • jump rope. Jump for at least a minute. First, use the average pace, and then the maximum. Jumping rope is a simple, affordable, but very effective form of aerobic exercise, thanks to which your legs will quickly lose weight.


Another problem area where excess fat likes to accumulate. But quality home workouts will help you cope with it!

Great belly slimming exercises for home:

  • Chair exercise. Starting position - sit down and lean firmly on a chair with your hands. Stretch your legs forward. Then you need to slowly bend them and pull them to the body. Exhale later and return the legs to the starting position. The number of approaches is 15 times.
  • Bike. Starting position - lie down on the floor. Bend and raise your legs, pull to the lower abdomen. Rotate your legs forward in a circle, as if scrolling through imaginary pedals. The exercise is performed for at least one minute.
  • Twisting. The initial position is to lie horizontally, the back is firmly pressed to the surface. Point your elbows away from each other, bend your legs. Inhale deeply, and raise your head with the shoulder blades, while exhaling - the starting position. We start with 10-15 approaches, gradually increasing their number with each workout.


One of the best workouts for your back is regular walking. Passing daily on foot up to 6-8 km, you can not worry about the spine and the strength of the back muscles. However, with the modern rhythm of life, many simply do not have time to devote so much time to walking. Therefore, the back needs to be strengthened by exercises at home.

For strong and beautiful back muscles and graceful posture we recommend:

  • Exercise for the longitudinal spinal muscles. Starting position - lying on your back, arms and legs raised up. Then, in turn, we raise from the surface of the thigh and shoulder blade, we try to “reach” to the ceiling. Only 20 repetitions.
  • Upper body lift. The starting position is to lie on your stomach, connect your legs and stretch them back. Hands should be stretched forward, the gaze is directed down. Keep your head down. Tighten your arms and raise them parallel to the mat, lifting your shoulders and chest off the floor. Feet should always be pressed to the mat. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
  • Superman with alternately raising arms / legs. Starting position - lying on a horizontal surface face down, arms and legs extended parallel along the body. Alternately raise your arms and legs as high as possible, folded crosswise. This is one repetition. Hands and feet should not touch the floor until you have done 20 reps (or as many times as you can).
  • Good morning. Starting position - stand, set your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean down with a straight back. To complicate the exercise, you need to pick up additional weight (dumbbells, a bottle of water, and so on). Perform at least 10 approaches.


Exercises for weight loss in the area of ​​​​the arms and shoulders for greater efficiency are performed with weights, such as dumbbells. If they are not there, this is not a reason to worry, at home they are easy to replace with half-liter plastic bottles of water.

Consider effective fitness exercises at home for weight loss hands:

  • Push ups. When performing this exercise, it is critical to maintain a perfectly straight line of the body. We go down at the entrance, we rise on the exhale. When performing the exercise, the abdominal muscles are in tension. Perform at least 5-10 push-ups in 1 set. If the exercise is difficult for you, you can start by leaning on your knees.
  • Reverse push-ups. Stand with your back to the chair. Sit on a chair, resting your hands on the sides of your body. For beginners, legs can be bent. Move the pelvis over the edge of the chair, the back remains straight. Bend your elbows under 90 0, then straighten up. Exhale while exerting. Elbows are not allowed to spread or reduce. Repeat exercise - 10-15 times.
  • Sun. Starting position - stand, feet shoulder-width apart, you can bend at the knees. Brushes with dumbbells clamped in them are deployed to the body. With an exhalation, spread straight arms, raising them up above your head, while inhaling, we lower them back. The arms and back are even, the surface of the foot is completely pressed to the floor.

The listed basic physical exercises can be taken as a basis for compiling your own program, you can also find a lot of different “aerobics for weight loss at home” programs on video, or you can use the complexes given in our article.

Correct completion of the workout - hitch

Stretching is essential at the end of the workout. Sitting on the floor and spreading your legs to the maximum width, you need to smoothly stretch your body forward, left, right. Next, lie down on a flat surface and reach out with your arms and legs crossed to each other.

The hitch will help the blood to be evenly distributed throughout all the vessels, and the dangers of blood stagnation will bypass you. To calm down after a workout, you can take a little walk on the street or at least around the house.

Fat burning complex for home

Consider the training schedule for the week, take it as a basis and draw up a program for ourselves for a month. The workout is a mix, that is, it combines cardio and strength training. This approach provides effective fat burning and high-quality muscle development.

Rest in between sets - no more than half a minute. In order for the effectiveness of fat burning to be high, you need to work as quickly as possible.

The optimal set of exercises for weight loss at home for women:

  • Warm up. Warm up according to the scheme proposed above or any other that suits your taste. Duration 7-10 minutes.
  • Squats. Starting position - standing upright, legs shoulder-width apart, they can be slightly bent at the knees. Stretch your arms straight forward. When squatting, fulfill the following conditions: the back is straight, do not tear off the feet from the surface, we squat deeply, until the legs are bent at an angle of 90 0. It is necessary to perform 2 sets of 25 squats.
  • Then you need to enable cardio.
  • Push ups. Take an emphasis lying down and perform push-ups from the floor. If it is difficult, at first you can do push-ups on your knees. do 2 sets of 20 push-ups.
  • More cardio. Skipping rope - 2 minutes in a row. Or a two-minute run in place.
  • Twisting(press). We lie on our back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hands on the back of the head. Raise the body, tearing the shoulder blades off the surface, then slowly return to the starting position. It is necessary to pay attention so that the lower back does not “leave” behind the shoulder blades. It is necessary to perform 2 sets of 25 twists.
  • Skipping rope - 2 minutes in a row. Or a two-minute run in place.
  • Glute bridge on one leg. Lying on your back, bend your leg and put it on the surface, raise the other at an angle of 45 0. Tighten the muscles of the pelvis, raise the lower back as high as possible along with the pelvis and fix for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. We do 2 sets of 10 times.
  • Adding cardio again. Skipping rope - 2 minutes without a break. Or a two-minute run in place.
  • Side push-ups. Lying on your side, on the floor, legs are directed straight, with the hand closest to the floor, we grab the body at the waist or lay it on the cross shoulder. The second hand at this moment rests on the floor. Perform push-ups with the supporting hand, leaving the body motionless. We do 2 sets of 10 reps.
  • . 2 minutes on a skipping rope or running in place.
  • plank. We lay down on our stomach. We bend our arms at an angle of 90 0, taking emphasis on the elbows, legs are straight. From head to toe, the body is straight - without bending down and lifting. Hold the bar for 30 seconds, perform 2 sets.
  • Stretching. Stretch for 10 minutes. You can use the above complex for stretching or take any other to your taste.

Do not forget about proper nutrition

At times, you can increase the effectiveness of training for weight loss thanks to a balanced diet and taking special sports supplements. Proper nutrition for fitness should be carefully considered both before and after training. You should remember the general rule - it is better to eat more often, but less.

The main principles of nutrition:

  • abstinence from alcohol - it helps the accumulation of body fat;
  • removal from the diet of foods high in oil, sugar, fat, replacing them with a healthier alternative;
  • emphasis on foods rich in proteins;
  • fruits and vegetables are required;
  • the use of special supplements for weight loss. Fat burners have been shown to be effective and improve training results for many years.

If you are determined to do gymnastics for weight loss at home, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Set a clear goal (for example, to lose weight by 2 sizes), outline an execution plan and clearly stick to it. Otherwise, the initial motivation can quickly fade away.
  2. Don't expect super fast results. Even the most intense training will begin to “reflect” in the mirror and on weight, at least after 1-2 weeks.
  3. During the lesson, do not be distracted by extraneous matters. Focus fully on your workout and pay maximum attention to the quality of the exercises. This is the only way you can effectively work out the muscles and avoid possible injuries.

Good luck!


An excellent set of exercises for weight loss at home you will find in this video.

Until they come up with a magic pill for weight loss, humanity will be in a constant struggle with being overweight: diets, exhausting workouts, fasting and other methods are used to achieve the goal. In our article we will talk about the most effective exercises.

In fact, you can reduce body fat not only in the gym or on the sports ground, but also at home. To do this, they created a lot of exercises that effectively fight weight.

jump rope

Once upon a time in childhood it was fun, entertainment for girls, with age, such loads are perceived differently. Jumping rope is a great cardio workout.

It not only improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, but also helps to remove extra pounds. For an hour of classes, up to 650-750 kcal is burned. That is, in 20 minutes you will lose 220-250 kcal.

From the first days, you are unlikely to be able to master more than 15 minutes of continuous jumps, you need to train endurance gradually. But even daily 10 minutes will not be in vain, and you will see, albeit small, but results.

The program for endurance training in the first week may look like this:

Week 1

Jumping Rest
1 minute 30 seconds
Do 10 sets for a total of 10 minutes of continuous jumping.

The second week of training looks like this:

Jumping Rest
2 minutes 30 seconds

Third week:

Jumping Rest
3 minutes 30 seconds
The second and third weeks, do 5-10 sets.

Fourth week:

Jumping Rest
5 minutes 30 seconds

After a month, move on to more intense workouts with continuous jumps for 10-15 minutes. In total, bring the time to 30-40 minutes 3 times a week. But do not forget that jumping rope is a high-intensity activity that is not suitable for everyone.

Who is contraindicated in training on a skipping rope:

  • very overweight,
  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • with diseases of the joints and spine,
  • pregnant and lactating mothers.

Rope jumping differs in several types, here are the main 3:

  1. Standard jumps in place
  2. With alternating jumps on each leg separately.
  3. Run in place.

It is important to remember that this type of exercise negatively affects the knee joints and spine. After the jump, a landing occurs on the ground, all the impact force falls on these parts of the human body. Therefore, the correct execution technique is important, in which:

  • the knees are always slightly bent, there is no need to straighten the legs, the movements are springy,
  • back stays straight
  • the press is tense
  • arms are pressed against the body with elbows, only the hands move,
  • suitable shoes are available to cushion the impact on the floor.

Plank exercise

When performing this exercise, all muscle groups are involved. It runs statically. The core muscles that support the body in an upright position are strengthened. Due to the intense tension of the abdominal muscles, fat is burned in this area, the muscles come into tone, due to which the protruding abdominal area is tightened and reduced in volume.

Exercise technique

The classic version is done like this:
1. Lay a soft yoga mat on the floor.
2. Stand on the floor with an emphasis on your elbows.
3. Straighten your legs with an emphasis on socks.
4. It is important that the spine is perfectly even without a deflection in the lower back and a hump in the thoracic region. This disruption can lead to injury and pain.

First, try to hold this position for 30 seconds. At first glance, it seems simple, but after a while you will feel tremors in your muscles, but this is not a reason to take a break.

Do not lower the pelvis to the floor, try to hold out as long as possible in this position. For the first time, 30 seconds and 3 sets will be enough. Then increase the time to 1 minute until you can stand continuously for 5 minutes.

The plank exercise has several modifications. For example, the arms may be straight, not bent at the elbows. The side plank is performed as follows: first you get up in the classic version, then gently raise one of your hands and turn the body to the side, raising your arm up. At the same time, the legs remain in focus on the lateral surface of the foot. If desired, add movement to the side plank. To do this, raise and lower the pelvis without touching the floor.
To make the classic plank harder, lift one of your legs. You can also add a raise of one hand to this. Do this: raise your left leg and right arm (opposite to each other). This will add a load, but do not forget about the technique. The body still remains in the same straight position without deflections and protrusions.

Burpee exercise

This exercise comes from CrossFit. It is incredibly energy-intensive, and despite its apparent simplicity, it not only helps to fight excess fat, but also brings your body out of a state of rest, speeding up metabolism. It is the lack of metabolic rate that is the key to the tendency to be overweight.

Execution technique

  1. Burpee is performed from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Next, the squat position is taken, hands rest on the floor.
  3. Jump into an emphasis while lying down, do push-ups,
  4. next, jump to a sitting position,
  5. jumping up with outstretched arms.

Thus, continuously working, do the exercise for a minute. Rest between sets 1-1.5 minutes. 5 sets would be ideal.

Exercise "chair"

Classic squats damage the knee joints. To prevent this from happening, they came up with a static exercise called a chair.

It is performed in a similar way to a standard squat, but without movement. That is, the body hangs in a sitting position on a chair. In a simplified version, it is performed against the wall. The back is firmly pressed against the wall from the tip of the head to the lumbar region. The legs are located at such a distance that when squatting, the knees do not go beyond the socks.

Legs bend up to 90 degrees.
The same exercise is performed without leaning on the wall. In this case, the body leans forward at an angle of 45 degrees. The spine remains straight, the knees also should not go beyond the toes. This option is more complex.

The muscles of the back, abs and legs are being worked out. Stay in this position for as long as you can, ignoring the trembling.

Exercise "Hundred"

This exercise is named so for a reason. The main load goes to the abdominal muscles, and they, as you know, love a lot of repetitions. The "hundred" is performed as follows.
Lie on the mat on your back. Hands along the body. Lift your head off the floor along with your shoulder blades and stay in that position.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


If you want the training to not be in vain, the muscles to get the necessary load, and the body to become slim, find out what exercises to do to lose weight. This is very important because some of them help to increase muscle mass, while others help to reduce excess weight. In order for them to give the desired result, they must be done correctly and systematically.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Physical exercises for weight loss require the right approach to their implementation. Before starting classes, it is imperative to warm up for all the muscles, thereby preparing them for the upcoming loads. The main part of the training should include strength training, which helps strengthen muscles, and cardio (exercises that help you lose weight quickly). Finishing the training, be sure to do a hitch and stretch.


For many people, exercises of this kind are associated with huge muscles and heavy barbells, but not everyone is aware of how useful strength training is for losing weight, and fast and stable. Power-type trainings help not only to lose weight, but also strengthen the skeletal system, give a big boost of energy, and improve the functioning of the whole organism. If you are a novice athlete and do not know what exercises to do to lose weight, choose for yourself a few basic movements that train the main types of muscles (bench press, squats, abs).


These exercises contribute to the accelerated breakdown of fats, lower pressure (arterial), improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, help to lose weight, but the muscles do not train. You can perform them not only in the gym, but also at home. Cardio training includes cycling, jumping rope, easy running, swimming, etc. Do them three times a week for 20 minutes and you will see how the fat layer disappears before your eyes. Combine cardio with strength training to sculpt your body.

Stretching exercises

At the end of physical exercise, it is important to stretch or stretch. Such exercises relax, make muscles less prominent, develop flexibility, plasticity, improve posture and blood circulation. You can do stretching exercises at home, but be sure to do it 50-60 minutes after eating, on an empty stomach is impossible. Each movement should be performed at a slow pace for 6 sets each, fixed for 8-10 seconds.

Effective weight loss exercises at home

You don't have to buy a gym membership to lose weight and get in shape. Many effective movements can really be done at home. Learn the system of basic exercises for different muscle groups, make your own schedule, schedule and train yourself at any time of the day. Fitness beginners should start training with simple, easy movements for 25-30 minutes, without dumbbells or with a minimum load of 1 kg. Gradually, the weight of the weighting agents and the duration of the training can be increased.

Remember that every workout should be preceded by a warm-up. For this, the usual exercises from physical education lessons are suitable. Start with circular movements of the head (4-5 times for each side), then warm up the shoulders, elbow joints, hands, rotating them in different directions. After that, go to the torso, do lunges to the sides, stretch your feet. Do 5-10 minutes.

For the stomach

We train the press: lie on your back on the mat, grab the back of your head with your hands, straighten your legs. Bend your torso, pulling your knees to your chest, and your elbows to your knees, return to the starting position. Perform 2 combinations of 15-20 repetitions, beginner athletes can start with 10 repetitions. The following movement is aimed at training the oblique muscles of the press and is performed as follows:

  1. Starting position, as in the previous lesson.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees, twist the torso, pulling the elbow of the right hand to the knee of the left leg.
  3. Return to the starting position, repeat all with the left elbow and right knee.
  4. Make 15-20 movements with each elbow.

To pump the lower press, lie on your back on the mat, straighten your legs, and put your hands under your lower back. Straining your abdominal muscles, raise your legs (do not bend your knees) at an angle of about 45 degrees, fix for 10-15 seconds, lower to the floor. For best results, try the scissors exercise. Repeat this effective movement 12-14 times, trying not to lift your buttocks and spine off the floor. This set of exercises will help you easily lose weight, remove fat from the abdomen.

For legs

Let's find out what exercises to do to lose weight in the legs. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, turn them opposite to each other. Slowly squat down until your knees form a 90-degree angle. Hold the position for a few seconds, stand up. Repeat these half squats 20 times, do 2 sets. Leg swings will help you lose weight and get rid of body fat, do 10 such movements with each leg alternately, first to the right side and then to the left.

If you are not a beginner, you can try this exercise: put a chair on your side, put your foot on the back so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed with the second leg (turn its toe outward). Gently squat, without bending the knee of the raised limb, return to the starting position. Perform a couple of combinations of 10 repetitions with each leg.

For hands

Fat deposits are also often formed on the upper limbs, so let's find out what exercises to do to lose weight in the arms. Push-ups are best suited for this: stand in the “plank” position on straight arms, lean your knees on the floor, push up 10 times. To train the back of your arms, do reverse push-ups:

  1. Put a chair, stand with your back to it, sit on its very edge.
  2. Rest your hands on the edges of the chair on the sides of the body, put your legs at a right angle.
  3. Push your buttocks 4-6 cm from the chair and squat, bending your arms at a right angle.
  4. Make sure your elbows remain parallel to each other.
  5. Repeat the movement 15 times.

For thighs and buttocks

Squats will help to lose weight in the hips and pump up the buttocks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your waist. Begin to squat so that your back is flat and your feet do not come off the floor. Incomplete squats strengthen the buttocks, are performed like the previous movement, only the legs do not bend completely, but to a right angle. Freeze at the bottom pain point for a few seconds, feel the tension, stand up. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. With your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, you can perform wide squats that will strengthen and tighten your inner thighs.

Simple exercises for weight loss at home

If you are limited in time and cannot go to the gym, but you want to get rid of extra pounds, find out what exercises to do to lose weight at home. You can pump the press, squat, do lunges and leg swings, do push-ups, twist the hoop without a trainer and simulators. Walk more, ignore the elevator - take the stairs, and if possible - go for a run. There are exercises that you can do at work and in transport, for example, tighten your abs and gluteal muscles.

In addition to exercise, follow these health guidelines:

  1. Try to do exercises every morning.
  2. Review your diet, give up unhealthy foods and simple carbohydrates, do not eat at night.
  3. Increase the load gradually, starting with a small number of repetitions.
  4. Between eating and training (before or after it) there should be an interval of 30-60 minutes.
  5. Control your breathing while exercising.
  6. Drink at least two liters of pure water every day.

Exercises for weight loss in the gym

The cost of a trainer in the gym is often paid separately. If you do not have the money for this, find out what exercises to do for weight loss and do them yourself. Remember that the process of intensive fat burning occurs at the maximum range of motion, with a small number of repetitions and short rest. Make a list of exercises for a month, a table with the number of repetitions and follow them. Do not overdo it with training, exercise three times a week.

For women

For representatives of different sexes, classes on simulators will be different. Women for weight loss can do the following exercises:

  1. Raising the legs on the horizontal bar. On the exhale, you need to pull the bent legs up, on the inhale - lower, and so 3 combinations of 15 repetitions. These exercises will make the stomach flat. For best results, straight legs should be raised.
  2. Lunges with weights, 2 sets of 10 times each leg.
  3. Reduction of legs in the simulator, 15 times, 3 circles.
  4. Exercise bike - 10 minutes.
  5. Treadmill - 7 minutes.

For men

Guys need to choose an average weight of dumbbells and do exercises at a measured pace, without making jerks. Before starting, do a warm-up, then do cardio exercises. A basic workout might look like this.

Is the gym far away? Don't want to spend time on travel and money on payments? The ideal solution is a weight loss workout program at home, which will tighten the whole body and strengthen muscles through exercises that are no less effective than those that will show you in the gym. All you need for a good result is a desire and a little time, which in a few weeks or a month will pay off with a slim figure and a cheerful state of health.

How to start exercising at home

For a good result, you need to approach training wisely, that is, prepare in several important aspects. Let's list the most important:

  • First of all, decide what you want to achieve. If this is a general weight loss, then aerobic activities, such as running, fitness, jump rope, must be included. If it is important to reduce the volume of individual parts of the body, then you will need to choose targeted exercises for them.
  • The second important factor is the definition of the load. Each of us wants to see the result as soon as possible, but squeezing the maximum out of the body from the very beginning is harmful and even dangerous. You run the risk of overexerting yourself, creating heart problems for yourself and failing for a couple of weeks from unbearable muscle pain.
  • The third thing you need to pay attention to is the place to study. Sometimes his absence becomes the reason for skipping and quickly abandoning the original plans. Therefore, make sure that it is always at your disposal, provides you with space to swing, and is away from fragile objects.
  • The fourth is nutrition. You can not write off its value, especially in people with a slow metabolism. The diet needs to be at least minimally adjusted.
  • The last one is inventory. For convenience, it is recommended to purchase a rug, dumbbells, fitball (sports ball), but the rug is replaced with any non-slip floor covering, dumbbells - with water bottles. Leave the purchase of a fitball at your discretion.

Exercises for weight loss

An exercise program for weight loss at home for anyone who decides to lose weight quickly and effectively should include two types of training: aerobic and strength. The first are designed to warm up the body, increase blood circulation. They increase metabolism, make a person sweat, and with long-term high-quality performance, they lead to noticeable weight loss in all parts of the body. The second will be aimed at specific muscle groups. This will "dry" the body, driving away fat deposits from each muscle, having worked out the relief.


This type of exercise is popular among all bodybuilders because it helps to create a beautiful muscular figure. When it comes to weight loss, strength training is good for targeting specific muscles, but there's no need to fear that your muscles will grow by leaps and bounds. No, a good load will tighten them and make the body more elastic. The essence of strength training is to work with weight (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells or the weight of your body). Each type is performed n-th number of times from 2 to 5 approaches.

When doing this type of training, it is important not to overload yourself to redistribution. The load must be increased gradually, otherwise, due to strong stretching, ligaments, tendons, and muscles may suffer. This will allow your body to confidently gain strength, increase endurance. Correctly alternate inhalations and exhalations. The weight loss program at home includes basic strength elements, among which are squats with weights, bench press, working out the arms, chest, shoulders with dumbbells.


In contrast to strength exercises, aerobic exercises involve all muscle groups. When performing them, a person consumes a lot of oxygen and expends a lot of energy. Their second name is cardio training, because they give a good load on the entire cardiovascular system. For this reason, it is very important to calculate the intensity of such trainings. Beginners or people with an initial level of training should not, from the very first lessons, bring themselves to exhaustion, severe shortness of breath and inability to move their legs, because out of habit you put a lot of stress on the heart.

Sports trainers recommend choosing the intensity of aerobic exercise depending on your heart rate. This will allow you to calculate the most efficient and at the same time safe pace. It is recommended to include aerobic exercises in weight loss programs three times a week, alternating with strength training. You can choose the type of activity at your discretion: running, walking, dancing, swimming, cycling or exercise bike.


One of the most popular methods to achieve good physical performance is to do interval training. They represent an alternation of increased and decreased activity with minimal time for rest. Nothing burns fat better than this type of approach, but it also takes a lot of strength, so not everyone can immediately withstand a large load. Even an aerobic exercise can be turned into an interval exercise if you run, jump or pedal at a high or low pace.

How to create a workout program for weight loss at home

A properly designed workout program for weight loss at home is half the success of the whole undertaking. Insufficient and irregular load will not give a result, too intense will lead to overwork. It is important to decide on the three components of a good workout: frequency of training, intensity and choice of exercises. In order to start losing weight, it is best to alternately perform strength and aerobic training, take small weights of shells, and more repetitions. This will ensure a uniform load and a constant decrease in fat reserves.

In what order to execute

Another important factor on which good health and results depend is consistency. Whatever exercises your weight loss workout program includes at home, do them in the same order:

  • Warm up. Most avoid it, considering it a waste of time. Meanwhile, the warm-up is very important. It warms up the muscles and ligaments, protects the joints and spine from injuries. You need to start every workout with it, spending 5-10 minutes on intense arm swings, tilts, turns.
  • The most difficult. Energy-intensive exercises such as squats, deadlifts, push-ups are best done at the beginning of a workout, otherwise they will not have strength later. The first should be those types that need to be carefully worked out, otherwise, you will also not be able to complete them in the end with high quality.
  • Load on muscle groups. First, there is always a common base, then corrective.

How to balance the load

Stable weight loss can be achieved through a properly distributed load. You need to tune in for 40-60 minutes of training, because fat begins to be consumed after the first half hour of training. When training for weight loss, pay attention to:

  • gradual increase. This applies to load and intensity.
  • Number of approaches. There should be no more than 5. In the future, the muscles are depleted.
  • The alternation of exercises for different muscle groups, remote from each other. For example, first on the arms, then on the back. If you need to work out a separate area well, do several different exercises focusing on it.
  • Load reduction. Don't allow yourself this. Once you feel addicted, put in more effort.

Home workout schedule

The rate of weight loss will depend on the frequency of classes. It is best to assign strength training to work out different muscle groups three times a week, make a daily table and follow the regimen. For example, on Monday choose exercises for the upper body. On Wednesday - emphasis on the legs, on Friday - a complex for the buttocks and the press. Devote the rest of the days to rest or light aerobic exercise, starting with 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing to 1-1.5 hours. You can combine strength and aerobic exercise in one workout, then you can safely rest 4 days a week.

A set of exercises for weight loss at home

A competent training program for weight loss at home should give a uniform load on the entire body, including aerobic. An hour and a half of training is enough for this. It is not necessary to overwork, because you can always adjust the number of trips and give yourself a 5-minute rest. Your workout schedule should definitely include a warm-up, a few basic exercises, and a hitch will complete the work on yourself, which will allow you to relax and save strength after a sports lesson.

Warm up

The warm-up is designed to warm up the body and supply the muscles with oxygen. Do not avoid it if you do not want to get injured, tear your lower back, overstrain unheated muscles. As a warm-up, you can do a few body movements, which should take no more than 15 minutes:

  • any swings with arms and legs;
  • jumping rope;
  • easy running;
  • rotational movements for the joints of the arms and legs.

Basic exercises

The main forces of the body and the lion's share of the time must be thrown into the study of all zones. These are legs, hips, buttocks, stomach, arms. Here are the main exercises available to everyone to do at home:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs to the sides;
  • swing your legs back;
  • press;
  • slopes;
  • raising arms up and to the sides;
  • push ups.


Athletes also have such a term as a hitch. It denotes a set of exercises that are performed at the end of a workout, and takes up to 10 minutes of time. The purpose of the hitch is to move from an excited to a more relaxed state, remove lactic acid from the muscles, and lower the pulse. As a cool down, you can do a slow run, which will end with walking and pull-ups.

For a thin waist

If you want to make your waist thin, it is important to set achievable goals for yourself. So, the generally accepted norm of 60 centimeters is correct only if your height is 160. This means that the waist circumference is the number that is obtained if you subtract 100 centimeters from your height. So, in order for the waist to become slim, it is necessary to include in the classes:

  • Hoop or hula hoop. The weight of the projectile matters. It must be at least 2 kilograms, and it must be rotated for at least an hour.
  • Tilts. This simple and effective exercise can be done in different variations (forward / backward, right / left).
  • Mill. Hands are placed to the sides and intensive swings are made.

Slimming thighs and buttocks

Legs are one of the problematic parts of many people, especially girls, women, much less often than men. Cellulite, riding breeches, wide calves - all this requires correction. The following list will help to make legs and buttocks beautiful:

  • lunges forward;
  • lunges to the side;
  • swing to the sides;
  • abduction of the legs to the sides from a prone position;
  • deep squats with dumbbells.

For slimming the abdomen and sides

The scheme of general weight loss of the body will help to reduce the volume of the abdomen and sides. This process can be aided by adding a few exercises that will tighten the skin and muscles in this area:

  • bike;
  • torso lifts or twists (performed better and more efficiently on a fitball, on which you need to hold your legs);
  • roller skating (for starters, you can do it from your knees, do not forget that you can’t bend your back - it should be straight all the time);
  • leg lifts at an angle of 90 degrees from the initial prone position (performed with lowering the legs without touching the floor so that the stomach is in constant tension).

What exercises to do to lose weight

To make your hands beautiful, to give them a taut shape, several exercises will help with the use of shells and without them. Each works on different parts of the hands, so it is recommended to alternate them from workout to workout or do everything in turn:

  • push ups;
  • push-ups on the contrary (for this you need to rest your hands on the bench standing behind you, bend your elbows, lower and raise your torso);
  • pulling dumbbells to the chest.


When choosing an active and often hard training regime, many of us completely lose sight of stretching exercises, and in fact it is also very useful for losing weight on problem areas, even taking into account the static nature. Stretching makes you stay for a few seconds in each position, which helps to work out every cell of the body, develop flexibility and consolidate the result. Everyone who is familiar with yoga, even at a basic level, knows how energy-intensive, that is, the following exercises are effective for weight loss:

  • dog looking down
  • active pigeon;
  • cobra.


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