Daily calorie intake: calculator for women and men online. Daily calorie intake - what is it and how to calculate? Calculator and formulas Calories per day

In fact, everyone understands that this concept is rather ambiguous and depends on many factors, such as weight, height, age, degree of activity. For each person, this rate can be calculated.

Minimum daily calorie requirement

There are several formulas for accurate calculation. The first one is for women:

  • weight in kilograms should be multiplied by 10;
  • multiply height in centimeters by 6.25;
  • multiply age by 5;
  • then add the second to the first number, then subtract the third and minus 161.

For example, for a woman 25 years old, weighing 70 kg and 170 cm tall, the calculations would look like this:


This is the minimum number of calories that a woman should consume per day. That is, this energy is spent on metabolic processes in the body, which means that the daily norm should not be lower than this figure for the healthy functioning of the body.

For men, the calculations, with the exception that in the end you need not subtract 161, but add 5. For example, for a man aged 35, weighing 110 kg and 180 cm tall, the calculations would look like this:


Accordingly, each of us can at home calculate how much energy is spent on servicing his body, even if a person is at rest. These calculations give an answer to the question of how many calories a person should consume per day. The daily norm is the metabolism, which is calculated according to the above formula, and the level of physical activity, and each has its own.

depending on lifestyle

Now it is necessary to determine how much energy a person spends on metabolism and his physical activity. This will help you roughly calculate how many calories a person should consume per day to maintain their weight at the same level.

So, the previous calculations should be multiplied by the coefficient:

  • 1,2 - for;
  • 1,375 - for those whose activities are not active, but there is a place to be sports up to 3 times a week;
  • 1.55 - with average activity, for example, playing sports 5 times a week and office work;
  • 1.725 - for athletes and those whose work is associated with physical activity;
  • 1.9 - with heavy physical daily work.

Thus, the main exchange should be multiplied by the coefficient that characterizes the current lifestyle as accurately as possible. The resulting number of kilocalories is necessary to maintain weight.

Another way to calculate

There are several other methods to calculate how many calories a person should consume per day to maintain weight. For example, on average, each person consumes approximately 1 kcal per kilogram of their weight every hour. Accordingly, to calculate the daily minimum, the weight should be multiplied by 24.

For example, for a woman weighing 70 kg, about 1680 kcal should be consumed. But here the degree of physical activity is not taken into account, so the first method is more accurate and objective.

Keeping a diary

But there is the surest way to determine how many calories a person should consume per day individually. This can be done through observation, that is, for several days you should keep a food diary.

For example, for 10 days you need to record all the foods consumed, their calorie content and volume. This is provided that the weight is in place. After the scheduled time has elapsed, you need to calculate on average how many calories a person should consume per day. The calculation according to this scheme can be considered as accurate as possible, because the body is individual, and the metabolic rate is different for everyone.

How many calories do you need to lose weight

Since the problem of excess weight is acute today, attention should be paid to this issue. Really, how many calories should a person consume per day to lose weight? If you know for sure your basic metabolism, that is, the amount of energy that is currently supplied with food and contributes to maintaining weight.

Nutritionists do not recommend sharply reducing the calorie content of the daily diet, by a maximum of 10%. If you do not adhere to this rule, then you can cause serious damage to health, well-being worsens. That is, the body goes into energy saving mode, the metabolism slows down, as a result, this can lead to weight gain.

The issue of weight loss should be approached wisely. Make it easier for those who lead to determine how many calories a person should consume per day. Here you can clearly see what can be easily excluded from the diet or replaced with lower-calorie foods.

How to properly distribute calories

First you need to learn that energy gives us three main elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is categorically impossible to refuse any of them, because each element plays an important role in the functioning of the human body, healthy weight loss is impossible without them.

For example, fats are not only a source of energy, but also necessary for transporting nutrients to the cells in the body. Protein is a building material, without it it is impossible to form muscle tissue and lose weight, respectively. Carbohydrates are converted into energy, which is necessary for normal human performance.

The daily diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the following percentage ratio of 20/50/30. But here it is important to know which nutrients we need on a daily basis, because some foods will have to be eliminated completely in order to lose weight.

Good and bad calories

The most important thing is not only how many calories a person should consume per day for weight loss, but where they come from. We are talking about "bad" and "good" calories. This is, of course, a figurative definition, in fact, you need to correctly understand which products contain energy that is consumed immediately, and which are stored in reserve.

For example, carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugar and all foods that contain it, including fruits. They do not saturate, but are necessary for brain function, in reasonable amounts. That is, people engaged in intellectual activities should consume simple carbohydrates in their natural form - honey, fruits. Complex carbohydrates are vegetables and cereals, they saturate for a long time and bring maximum benefit, therefore it is recommended to eat them daily.

The same goes for fats, the most useful of them are vegetable, and animals do not bring any benefit to the body. Therefore, the diet must contain vegetable oils, they are in nuts, seeds, avocados.

What calories should be consumed for health and a beautiful figure

Now the key point is how many calories a person should consume per day for weight loss and where they should be drawn from. After all, you can, for example, eat 1500 kcal with vegetables, fruits and cereals and at the same time feel great and lose weight, or eat less fast food, pastries and other unhealthy foods in terms of calories and at the same time gain weight and increase body fat.

The moral is that it is important not only to correctly calculate the calorie content of the diet, but also to remove unnecessary products that do not carry any benefit from it. This can be done only if you clearly see everything that has been eaten lately. Many complain that they eat very little and at the same time do not lose weight. Refusal to eat is not a way out, you need to eat so much so as not to experience but not to overeat.

How to lose weight without sacrifice

So, if you determine as accurately as possible how many calories a person should consume per day, then you can easily create a healthy eating program for yourself. It will not be difficult to find the calorie content of each product or this information can be found on the packaging. You don’t need to go on diets and limit yourself in nutrition, just switch to healthy and healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish, seafood.

Now we can conclude how many calories a person should consume per day. The daily norm for each is individual, it is enough to determine it yourself, after which you can adjust your menu. And at the same time, there is no need to contact a specialist, unless, of course, the cause of excess weight is associated with malnutrition. But you should not sharply and much reduce calories, the process of losing weight is long and should not exceed 1.5 - 2 kg per week.

Hello my dear readers! A real man should take care of his health. To do this, you need to know what and in what quantities you can eat. First of all, you need to determine what is the norm of calories per day for men.

The composition of the food is also important. It is worth eating a balanced diet. Each person should receive a certain amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We need vitamins and microelements contained in foods. But, if you decide to seriously take care of your health, first calculate your daily calorie intake. This is a top priority.

Every person needs food. After all, we get energy from it. Many of us remember that the measure of its measurement is the kilojoule. Indeed, the energy value on many products is also indicated in kilojoules. But for an ordinary person who is not keen on physics, this is inconvenient. Therefore, it was decided to equate 1 kilojoule to 4.186 calories.

The number of calories differs depending on the composition of the products. There are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat. And in 1 gram of carbohydrates and carbohydrates 4 kcal. But not only the quantitative composition is important. All elements are digested differently. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. The latter are digested more slowly, and more energy is spent on it. Therefore, they are more useful. But let's take a closer look at the quantitative indicators.

Do you know exactly how many calories you need per day? It all depends on the energy consumption. If you play sports, then your body spends more energy. Youth also has an impact. Young people need more energy.

Why do you need to know your limits?

If we start to consume more than we should, then our body reacts instantly. Extra centimeters begin to appear on the stomach and sides. Unspent calories are converted into fat. The figure loses its relief and begins to “float”. In addition, overeating has a negative impact on health. After all, obesity leads to many diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Hunger doesn't do us any good either. Starting to sharply reduce the number of calories, we make our body "panic". As a result, muscle mass is destroyed, not fat. We become lethargic and irritable. However, not getting the desired result.

To keep yourself in great shape, you need to monitor your diet and exercise. To always look "excellent", do not be afraid to ask for help. I really like Vladimir Molodov's fitness trainings. He has a good training for girls. And of course there is a great training " super relief" for men. He is the champion of Russia in bodybuilding and trains many celebrities. He will inspire anyone with his example!

Daily Value for Men

Approximate figures for the daily calorie intake are known. On average, each man needs from 2400 to 3000 kcal. However, this figure can increase or decrease depending on lifestyle. Plus, goals are important. If a person wants to lose weight, then the number of calories must be reduced.

For a young person from 19 to 30 years old, 2400 kcal is considered the norm. Provided that he leads a sedentary lifestyle. A man with the same data, but aged 31 to 50, needs 2200 kcal. And from 51 years old and even less - 2000 kcal per day. If a man goes in for sports, then energy consumption increases. Therefore, the daily calorie intake should increase. To be more precise, your daily calorie intake depends on 4 main factors:

  1. Your weight - the more it is, the more you need to consume so that the weight does not change.
  2. Your height - tall people need to eat more 🙂
  3. Your age - with age, the body consumes less and less energy
  4. Your physical activity - if you work out physically or go to workouts regularly, then you need more calories than an office worker who has never been to the gym.

Formulas for calculating the daily norm

The most common 2 formulas for calculating the norm of calories:

  • Harris-Benedict formula
  • Mifflin-Sant Geor formula

The first was proposed in 1919 (its modified version is now used). For a long time she was the only one. Now the Mifflin-San Jeor formula is becoming more popular. It was bred quite recently, and nutritionists prefer to use it, because. it is easier to calculate. On the jelly itself, the results of both formulas are very close.

Below I will give calculations for both formulas with examples. You can decide for yourself which of the formulas suits you best.

First, measure your height and weight. Also determine what kind of lifestyle you lead. This information is needed to select the coefficient of physical activity:

  • if you do not play sports and spend most of the day passively, then your coefficient is 1.2;
  • when playing sports 3 times a week - 1.375;
  • at 5 times a week - 1.4625;
  • when you are engaged in physical labor and train intensively - 1.55;
  • if your sports activities are everyday, then your coefficient is 1.6375;
  • your daily classes are intensive or take place not once a day - 1,725;
  • and, if you also work physically, then the coefficient is 1.9.

In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to a healthy lifestyle. The media promotes sports, tells amazing stories of people who were able to lose weight, shows materials about the consequences of malnutrition. Whatever the goal is not set by a person, you need to start by setting the daily calorie intake per day.

The calorie content of foods (energy value) is the amount of energy that is produced after the digestion and complete assimilation of food.

The unit of measure for energy value is the kilojoule (kJ) or kilocalorie per 100 g of food. All foods have calories. But such as black tea, dried dill are slightly high-calorie foods.

Good and bad calories

A calorie is a unit of heat, energy. They are usually divided into useful and harmful, since some of them, entering the body, are beneficial, while others are sent to the reserve.

Most of the calories come from carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are found in:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • saccharides.

Fast carbohydrates - in sugar, chocolate and confectionery. In the first case, the body will receive a lot of energy, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. These are healthy calories.

When simple carbohydrates enter the body, it will receive a significant dose of calories with virtually no useful elements, plus they will go into the reserves of adipose tissue. These calories are called bad.

Healthy calories are obtained from natural products, and harmful ones are obtained from processed components enhanced with flavoring additives.

Norms for women, pregnant girls

A woman needs fewer calories than a man.

To calculate the daily calorie intake, they need to consider:

  • activity;
  • age;
  • individual characteristics;
  • health.

With an inactive lifestyle, the norm per day will be:

  • from 18 to 24 years old - 1950 kcal;
  • from 25 to 49 years old - 1750 kcal;
  • over 49 years old - 1550 kcal.

With an average level of activity:

  • from 18 to 24 years old - 2150 kcal;
  • from 25 to 49 years old - 1950 kcal;
  • over 49 years old - 1750 kcal.

During an active life:

  • from 18 to 24 years old - 2350 kcal;
  • from 25 to 49 years old - 2150 kcal;
  • over 49 years old - 1950 kcal.

When a woman is carrying a child, she is forbidden to lose weight, but eating food for two can also be harmful. You need to remember the golden rule - "do not eat for two, but for two."

Table of daily calorie intake per day for men and women

The daily calorie intake per day depends on the duration of pregnancy. With its increase, the calorie intake should also increase, starting from 2500 and ending with 3200 - in the last weeks of pregnancy.

So per day, the expectant mother should consume at least 3500 calories. Their third part goes to hormonal changes, to provide the fetus with everything necessary, to prepare the woman for future childbirth and breastfeeding.

Norm for men

The daily calorie intake per day for males is much higher. To correctly calculate the energy requirement for a man, you need to know his lifestyle and the number of full years.

25 years 26-45 over 45
2300 kcal 1900 kcal 1600 kcal
average activity
2450-2700 kcal 2450 kcal 2250 kcal
3150 kcal 2950 - 3150 kcal 2550 - 2950 kcal

If a man wants to lose extra pounds, the daily calorie intake should be reduced, and when building muscle, it should be increased.

Norms for children and adolescents

The diet of children and adolescents should be varied and complete, as in the teenage body there are large hormonal changes, body growth. The daily calorie intake for the younger generation should take into account its physical activity - various sports, psychological stress, physical and mental stress per day.

If a girl is active, her norm will be from 1800-2100 kcal. For an active young man, the norm is 2200-2500 kcal. When guys lead a sedentary lifestyle, calorie intake should not be more than 2000 kcal.

The daily calorie intake per day for children is determined by age. A small growing organism needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of energy. The growth process of children occurs quickly, so every 6 months the calorie content must be adjusted.

Given the age, the need looks like this:

  • from 12 months to 1 year 11 months - 1250 kcal;
  • from 1 year 11 months to 3.5 years - 1450 kcal;
  • from 3.5 to 6 years - 1850-2000 kcal;
  • from 6 to 9 years - 2000-2400 kcal;
  • from 9 to 13 years old - 2850 kcal.

It is not necessary to bring the calorie intake to the norm by the increased consumption of flour, confectionery, soda and other products containing a lot of sugar.

This may lead to:

Lower limits of normal

The calorie corridor is the lower and upper limit of daily calorie intake for weight loss or maintenance. Knowing the lower limit will help to know the individual metabolic rate (basal metabolic rate). There are many equations for calculating the metabolic rate. To the result of the lower limit of the norm, you need to add 200, and you get the upper limit.

To lose weight, you need to calculate an individual calorie corridor and start reducing it. Doctors advise not to go below the lower limit of the norm - 900-1000 calories per day. If losing weight consumes less, then he will constantly feel hungry and be stressed. At the same time, weight loss will stop, as the body will leave energy in reserve.

Why you need to stick to your daily calorie intake

Basal metabolism is the metabolism that occurs when a person is sleeping or at rest.

Calorie is spent on the natural processes of physiology:

  • breath;
  • circulation;
  • maintaining the temperature regime;
  • growth of new cells.

Therefore, when calculating the exchange in absolute rest, the need for calories for active physical activities is not taken into account.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, getting into the body, provide the work of all organs, release energy for solving everyday tasks and actions. Giving the body the right amount of calories, a person greatly facilitates the work of the entire human mechanism. The body will respond with health, endurance, resistance to bacteria and good mood.

Consequences of under and over consumption of calories

Insufficient or excessive calorie intake can be asymptomatic, and can lead to the appearance of visible diseases and the development of pathological conditions of the body.

Malnutrition can lead to:

  • decrease in immunity;
  • diseases on the background of the psyche;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • oncological diseases;
  • violations of the physical development of children and others.

Consequences of overeating:

To prevent these consequences, you need to balance the diet, replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods, combine proper and balanced nutrition with exercise and exposure to fresh air.

Calculation of the norm according to the Muffin-Jeor formula

In 2005, the Muffin-Jeor formula was introduced to calculate the calorie intake per day. The equation was introduced by a team of nutritionists from America under the guidance of eminent doctors - Muffin and San Jeor. The formula is based on the calculation of the calorie requirement to maintain the current weight, taking into account activity.

There is a theory in 2 forms - simplified and modified:

1.A simplified way shows calories for the metabolism of men (MMB) and women (BM):

OOM \u003d (10 * kg (weight)) + (6.252 * cm (height)) - (5 * age) + 5;

OZH \u003d (10 * kg (weight)) + (6.252 * cm (height)) - (5 * age) - 162.

2. The modified Muffin-Jeor equation represents a more accurate number of calories, taking into account daily physical exertion - the result of the OOM and OOH is multiplied by the physical activity.

Activity is divided into 5 steps depending on physical activity:

  • 1.2 - small;
  • 1.38 - weak;
  • 1.55 - moderate;
  • 1.73 - large;
  • 1.9 - super large (applies to people who work and exercise every day).

Harris-Benedict Formula

The Harris-Benedict equation has been very popular for many decades and has earned the approval of experts. It was founded in 1919. Due to its simplicity, the formula is able to determine the individual rate in calories.

The equation calculates the required caloric volume for metabolism (BVR). After that, it becomes obvious how much less calories you need to eat in order to start losing weight.

BOO according to the theory of Harris-Benedict (age - full years, height - centimeters, weight - kilograms):

  • female: BOO = 655.2 + 9.61 * weight + 1.851 * height - 4.69 * age;
  • male: BOO = 66.48 + 13.76 * weight + 5.01 * height - 6.75 * age.

In 1984, the equation is revised and adjusted, in connection with innovations in medicine and people's lifestyle:

  • female: SBI = 447.594 + (9.248 * weight) + (3.099 * height) - (4.331 * age);
  • male: BOO = 88.363 + (13.398 * weight) + (4.798 * height) - (5.678 * age).

Ketch-McArdle Formula

The Ketch-McArdle equation is based on the calculation of lean body mass, which makes it possible to more correctly determine the calorie requirement per day. The calculation is based on muscle mass (MMT), so it is equally suitable for both males and females.

Basic exchange = 370 + 21.6 * muscle mass.

For example, for a person weighing 53 kg, with a fat content of 20% (10.6 kg of fat), which means that the body weight without fat will be 53 - 10.6 \u003d 42.4 kg calorie requirement per day will be:

370 + (21.61 * 42.4) = 1286 calories

In this case, activity should be taken into account, for example, it will be equal to 1.55 (training or physical work more than 2 times a week). Calorie requirement per day = 1.55 * 1286 = 1993 calories.

WHO Formula

The World Health Organization equation is based on daily calorie needs, taking into account activity (weight in kilograms).

For girls and women of age:

  • 18 - 29: cfa * (0.0641 * weight + 2.038) * 241;
  • 30 - 60: cfa * (0.035 * weight + 3.540) * 241;
  • over 61: cfa * (0.039 * weight + 2.756) * 241;

For boys and men age:

  • 18 - 29: cfa * (0.064 * weight + 2.897) * 241;
  • 30 - 60: cfa * (0.485 * weight + 3.654) * 241;
  • over 61: cfa * (0.493 * weight + 2.460) * 241.

CFA is activity, can take on the value:

  • 1 - low, minimum loads;
  • 1.3 - medium, training from 2 times a week, work of moderate severity;
  • 1.5 - high, physical work, constant sports.

For example, a 28-year-old girl weighing 48 kg with a high CFA level needs: (0.064 * 48 + 2.038) * 241 x 1.5 = 1847 kcal.

Formula based on body area

The formula is based on the knowledge of a person's height and weight. In tall and thin people, the basic level of the metabolic process will be higher. If an equal amount of calories is consumed daily by people with the same weight, but different in height (low and tall), then after a certain time a person of short stature will gain weight. In this case, a person of large stature will remain with the same weight.

Calorie consumption per 1 sq. m of body area per hour:

Age calories
14-16 43
16-18 40
18-20 38
20-30 37
30-40 36,5
40-50 36
50-60 35
60-70 34
70-80 33

BJU norms per day for women, men and children

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are important components of food. When following a diet and counting calories, it is necessary to take into account their ratio.

When determining the BJU norm, a person is determined in one of the following weight categories:

  • Category 1 - body weight in the range of 30–50 kg;
  • Category 2 - 51–60 kg;
  • Category 3 - 61-70 kg;
  • Category 4 - 71–90 kg.

Norm of carbohydrates:

1 category 2 category 3 category 4 category
weight maintenance
men 220 g 235 g 255 g 265 g
women 155 g 195 g 205 g 225 g
men 163 g 168 g 178 g 188 g
women 135 g 145 g 160 g 170 g
for muscle growth
men 280 g 295 g 325 g 340g
women 210 g 255 g 270 g 255 g

Protein norm:

1 category 2 category 3 category 4 category
weight maintenance
men 150 g 160 g 170 g 180 g
women 125 g 135 g 145 g 155 g
men 155 g 160 g 165 g 175 g
women 110 g 135 g 155 g 145 g
for muscle growth
men 185 g 195 g 205 g 215 g
women 165 g 175 g 190 g 195 g

Fat rate:

1 category 2 category 3 category 4 category
weight maintenance
men 45 g 55 g 55 g 60 g
women 40 g 45 g 45 g 50 g
men 25 g 25 g 25 g 25 g
women 25 g 30 g 30 g 35 g
for muscle growth
men 65 g 65 g 70 g 75 g
women 55 g 55 g 60 g 65 g

Age affects the norms of BJU for children:

Age (years) Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
1-3 54 54 212
4-6 69 69 272
7-10 77 79 335
11-13 boys 90 92 390
11-13 girls 82 84 355
14-17 boys 98 100 425
14-17 girls 90 90 365

Food should be balanced for both adults and children. Excess or lack of BJU affects health and well-being.

Individual calculation of BJU

To calculate the individual level of BJU, it is necessary to calculate the level of your metabolism according to one of the formulas of well-known doctors and nutritionists.

It is known that in 1 g:

  • protein - 4 kcal;
  • fat - 9 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 4 kcal.
  • 27% proteins;
  • 23% fat;
  • 50% carbohydrates.

Based on this, an individual BJU is considered (let's take the number of calories for a basic metabolism equal to 1250):

  1. Proteins \u003d (1250 * 0.27): 4 \u003d 84 g.
  2. Fat \u003d (1250 * 0.23): 9 \u003d 32 g.
  3. Carbohydrates \u003d (1250 * 0.50): 4 \u003d 156 g.

The diet should be tailored to the goals and calorie needs, while maintaining a balanced ratio of BJU.

How many calories do you need to lose weight or build muscle

The daily calorie intake per day for everyone is individual and depends on lifestyle. And the purpose of counting calories is also different, one for dieting, the other for building muscle.

Modern nutritionists allocate a figure - 1000-1200. So many calories a woman and a girl need per day to provide the female body with everything necessary. For men - 1200-1500 kcal. By reducing these indicators, you can start to lose weight. It is not recommended to sharply reduce calorie intake, you need to gradually reduce it by 20%.

Proteins are responsible for muscle growth in the body, fats are responsible for stabilizing the fat layer, and carbohydrates are responsible for generating the necessary energy. The required calorie content of food depends on the specific sport and is calculated per kilogram of body weight. When the goal is weight gain, the calorie requirement should be 50-63 kcal per kilogram of body weight.

Rate of weight loss and gain

Excess weight is dangerous for a person, but a sharp decrease in it is also undesirable. Modern nutritionists believe that losing weight per kilogram in the first week of dieting will not harm the body. But weight loss should come not only through dietary nutrition, but also through sports and an active lifestyle.

In the first 2 weeks, water is lost, not fat reserves. Further, it is recommended to lose weight no more than 600 g per week. In order for weight loss to go faster, you need to consume more complex carbohydrates, while calorie consumption should be more than intake.

Sudden weight loss does not allow the body to adapt to new conditions. There is a decrease in the level of metabolism and a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. A rapid loss of fluid leads to flabbiness of the skin, to convulsive processes in the muscles and heart.

Advice from doctors and nutritionists on organizing a menu with calorie counting

Doctors and nutritionists recommend keeping a notebook when counting calories. In it, you need to plan your meals for every day, taking into account the recommended consumption of BJU, as well as calculate excessively accumulated reserves, or the desired kilograms. Proper nutrition should be accompanied by a psychological attitude towards the benefits and benefits.

Nutritionists support the idea that a person should not limit himself in any products. The whole point of dieting and gaining weight should be based on calorie counting. You should not start a diet for any diseases, stress, difficult periods of life.

  • daily food intake should be divided into 4 times, with breaks between them from 3 to 4 hours;
  • reduce the consumption of smoked meats, marinades;
  • the final meal should be 2.5 hours before bedtime (preferably earlier);
  • the norm for the use of simple carbohydrates (pasta, confectionery);
  • the distribution of calories should be as follows: breakfast - 30%, light snack - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%, 5-10% - additional dinner;
  • Drink a glass of water half an hour before eating.

Knowing the daily calorie intake per day, it is easy to adjust the diet and start the path to achieving the desired goal - gaining or losing weight. Counting the calorie content of foods will help you take a different look at nutrition and balance your life.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video on the topic: Daily calorie intake for a person

It's no secret that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. If it depends only on the consumption of food and drinks, then the consumption is divided into basic and additional. The basic calorie expenditure is the energy expenditure for maintaining life, and the additional one is the amount of energy that we spend on training and any other physical work. To avoid confusion in these concepts, let's look at them in more detail.

Calculation of the basic consumption of calories (Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR)

The body spends much more calories on maintaining vital functions than on training activity. We do not notice this, but our body expends energy on breathing, the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, cognitive functions and support of the nervous system, the heartbeat and the work of other internal organs, maintaining hormonal levels, sleeping, moving, and even eating. . The work of the body does not stop even for a minute.

Lean body mass (LBM) calculation:

LBM = [weight (kg) × (100 - %fat)]/100

BMR = 370 + (21.6 × LBM)

The basic calorie expenditure is related to both the amount of fat and the amount of muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more energy your body expends at rest.

Additional energy expenditure is divided into calories that we spend in training and calories spent on non-exercise activities.

In training, we spend relatively few calories - an average of 400 calories per hour of intense training. With three workouts per week, this gives us only 1200 calories. However, if the training is aimed at strengthening muscle tissue, then the basic energy expenditure will increase. The body burns more calories to build and maintain muscle than it does to store and retain fat.

Any spontaneous or routine physical work is implied: walking, shopping, cleaning, cooking, playing with a child, and even working at a computer.

Knowing the energy expenditure allows you to correctly calculate the calorie deficit for weight loss, but it is quite difficult to predict the exact weight loss.

Difficulties may arise due to:

  • Errors in counting calories consumed;
  • Erroneous assessment of one's own activity;
  • Fluid retention in the body;
  • Fluid retention in the female body in certain phases of the cycle;
  • Simultaneous growth of muscle mass and fat burning;
  • Inattention to slow down basic calorie expenditure.

To avoid the above difficulties, eat right within the calorie and BJU corridor, soberly assess your own non-training activity, trying to maintain it at approximately the same level every day, exercise regularly, weigh yourself and measure volumes at the same time, and also take into account the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The only correct and effective way to lose weight is sports and a balanced diet. The rate of weight loss depends on the physiological characteristics of each person, the level of physical activity (training), existing diseases, etc. If you want to lose weight, a woman needs to correctly calculate the daily calorie intake for more effective and faster weight loss and subcutaneous fat.

Why Calculate Calories?

A calorie is the energy weight of a food that is released by the body when food is digested. The balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and the caloric content of the dish are associated with working capacity and activity, health status.

With insufficient intake of energy in the body, weakness, apathy, deterioration of the skin, teeth, and hair are observed.

With an excess of caloric intake, fat accumulation in the body and an increase in body weight occur.

For healthy and safe weight loss, it is important to gradually reduce the calorie intake to the desired level. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the rate of individual calorie intake by the body, keep a food diary, which reflects all the foods and dishes eaten per day.

How to calculate daily calorie intake

The World Health Organization has recognized universal calorie norm data: for women, calorie content per day is 2000 kcal, for men 2500 kcal. However, these data do not take into account a number of factors that directly affect the daily calorie intake, such as gender, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity, etc.

The daily calorie intake for a woman when losing weight is calculated using special formulas.

The calculation consists of several stages:

The result is the metabolic rate (metabolic rate).

Multiplying this figure by the coefficient of the corresponding level of activity, we get the required calorie intake per day to keep the weight at a stable level.

To lose weight, a woman needs to reduce the resulting figure by 500 kcal. That is, if in the calculations the required daily calorie content turned out to be 1800 kcal, then in order to reduce weight, it is necessary to limit yourself to 1300 kcal.

To speed up weight loss, you can increase the number of workouts.

Calculation of ideal weight and minimum calorie intake for weight loss

Then multiply the result by:

For example:

Woman 28 years old, height 170 cm, normosthenic build with moderate physical activity. Ideal weight: 170 * 360 = 61.200 kg.

The norm of calories to maintain weight at a normal level: 61 * 33 \u003d 2013, i.e. 2000 kcal.

Mifflin-Saint-Geora Method

This calculation is the most optimal way when compiling a diet.

The disadvantage of the method is the lack of consideration of the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue in the body, tk. the level of muscle mass affects the rate of metabolic processes.

For example:

Daily calorie intake for a woman 35 years old, 160 cm tall and weighing 78 kg with moderately intense CFA: 78 * 10 + (6.25 * height in cm) - 5 * age (full years) - 161 \u003d 1444 kcal

1444 * 1.550 = 2238 kcal - daily requirement.

To lose weight, a woman needs to receive energy in the amount of 2238 kcal with food, but gradually reduce the rate to 2000 kcal.

Harris-Benedict Method

This method was developed in 1919. At present, the method is somewhat incorrect and has a calculation error of +/- 5%.

The daily calorie intake for men and women according to this method is calculated as follows:

For example:

A 33-year-old woman, weighing 65 kg and 173 cm tall, will need to maintain her normal weight:

655.1 + (9.563 * 65) + (1.85 * 173) - (4.676 * 33) = 1442.43 kcal.

Method of the World Health Organization (WHO)

According to this method, the calculation of the daily calorie intake is made taking into account CFA:

For example:

A 25-year-old girl weighing 55 kg with intensive CFA per day requires: (0.062 * 55 + 2.036) * 240 * 1.5 = 1960.56 kcal.

Ketch-McArdle Method

Calculations using this method allow taking into account the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue in the body. The disadvantage of the technique is the lack of consideration of gender, age and height in the calculations, which increases the likelihood of errors in the calculations.

According to the Ketch-McArdle method, daily requirement = 370 + (21.6 * weight in kg, excluding adipose tissue).

For example:

A woman weighing 60 kg per day needs: 370 + (21.6 * 56) = 1579.6 kcal.

By adhering to the rules of a healthy balanced diet, taking into account the required caloric content, a woman can keep her weight at a normal level. If a woman wants to lose weight, then 500 calories should be subtracted from the received calorie intake, but at the same time, the CFA level should be taken into account. A sharp decrease in the caloric intake for the fastest weight loss and an increase in physical activity contribute to the development of serious complications and diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive systems, slow metabolism, and reduce immunity.

Features of calculating the daily caloric intake

The daily intake of calories in the body for men and women is different. Men need more energy. For an accurate and most indicative result, the following individual features should be taken into account in the calculations:

  • age,
  • growth,
  • body type,
  • lifestyle, level of physical activity,
  • type of employment (mental labor, hard physical labor).

When taking into account the level of physical activity, one should take into account the performance of household work (washing floors, dishes, washing, ironing clothes), walking up stairs or riding an elevator, the degree of movement in everyday life, the level of stress resistance.

So, a woman with hard physical work needs more calories to maintain strength than a woman with the same parameters, but working in the office.

Calorie intake during pregnancy

A woman during pregnancy is strictly forbidden to diet, lose weight. Overeating "for two" is also not recommended. Given the interesting situation, a woman needs to calculate the daily calorie intake to maintain the body's natural processes for the development of an unborn child.

Experts recommend gradually increasing the caloric intake with increasing gestational age from 2500 kcal in the first trimester to 3500 kcal in the third trimester. Gaining the required calories should be from plant foods, lean beef and chicken, fatty sea fish, nuts, fruits, whole grains and bread.

The Importance of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates in Calorie Counting

When calculating calories, it is important to consider what calories are derived from. The state of the body, the process of losing weight or increasing body weight directly depends on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food.

So, for example, the 2000 kcal necessary for the body, obtained from “heavy” food, will not benefit the body. But the same 2000 kcal, obtained from fresh vegetables, whole grains, protein products, nuts, will help maintain balance in the body and, if necessary, lose weight.

Specialists use the universal ratio formula in the diet B (1): W (1): Y (4). However, when losing weight, you should increase the amount of protein and complex carbohydrates, and fats should be vegetable, polyunsaturated. It is also recommended to take foods high in potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and strength in the body. When losing weight, you need the intake of complex carbohydrates, which are digested longer by the body and give a feeling of fullness.

The intake of carbohydrates should be from the following sources:

  • oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat, corn grits, bulgur, couscous,
  • legumes: lentils, beans, peas, corn,
  • whole wheat bread.

When losing weight for a woman, it is important to take into account the amount of complex carbohydrates, protein foods and fats in the daily calorie intake.

Possible errors when calculating calories

The main errors in calculating daily caloric content:

  1. Physiological features.
  2. Hormonal changes and disorders. So, hypothyroidism contributes to a slowdown in metabolism, causes a violation of the water-salt balance in the body (which is reflected in the form of swelling).
  3. Fluid retention in the body. Due to the use of a large amount of salt, smoked meats, hot spices, water retention occurs, swelling of the body appears. When losing weight, weighing will be incorrect, because due to excess fluid in the body, body weight will be greater than it actually is.
  4. CFA in the calculations are approximate. It is impossible to determine the exact number of calories burned during sports.

To avoid possible errors in the calculations, it is recommended to keep a food diary, which will reflect all the foods eaten during the day. So, observing the diet for 3-4 weeks, you can identify excess and high-calorie foods that interfere with weight loss.

A qualified specialist (nutritionist, trainer) will help you correctly calculate the daily calorie intake. Taking into account individual characteristics, gender, age, height and CFA level, a specialist will be able to more accurately calculate how many calories the body needs to consume and perform physiological functions.

Calculating and applying the daily calorie intake is a useful practice that allows you to lead a normal lifestyle and at the same time noticeably lose weight. Knowing how many calories are in each particular product, you can calculate the rate of consumption of BJU.

The article was checked and approved by Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna, a practicing family doctor - see below.

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