Hair types of Shar Pei dogs. Jack Russell Terrier Varieties and Hair Care Decorative Long-haired Dogs

Horseshar pei

Wool length up to 10 mm. The hair is hard, thick and spiky.Horse Shar-Pei puppies have a greater number of ...

The Chinese Shar Pei has 3 main types of coat - horsecoat, brushcoat and bearcoat. There may also be slight variations of these coat types and you can hear - short brush, long brush, semi brush, etc. Purebred Chinese Shar Pei can have all three types of wool in any color. They are all similar and make great companions, but they all have their own unique qualities.

Horseshar pei

Wool length up to 10 mm. The hair is hard, thick and spiky.

Horse Shar Pei puppies have more folds and are most often depicted on posters and postcards. However, as the Horus Shar Pei puppy grows and matures, it tends to become less wrinkled and leaner and more athletic than the Brush Shar Pei. Horse Shar Pei are also more active than their litter brush brothers. Horse Shar-Pei are wonderful pets, but may require more attention and training during the first two years compared to brush pets. Early sociolization is very important for both types of Shar-Pei. The more you pay attention to the puppy as a child, the more feedback and mutual understanding you will get in the future. And it may take two years before he becomes a wonderful stay-at-home, while taking Shar-Pei it will take a year.

In Horses, the claws tend to grow faster and may require more maintenance. They also freeze more strongly in winter due to their shorter coat. However, the short coat of a Horses Shar Pei requires less maintenance than a brush. In winter, the Horse does not develop an undercoat. Molting is much easier than that of a brush.

Some people may experience slight skin irritation (quickly passing) due to contact with the coarse hair of a Horses Shar Pei, so it is not advisable to purchase Horses if there are small children in the family. Young children tend to have more sensitive skin. Horses also become greasy faster and may require more frequent bathing than brushed ones.

Horse Shar Pei requires a little more patience and additional training for the first two years, but it is worth the effort because he will always give more than the family asks for in return.

Brashevyshar pei

Wool length from 1 to 2.5 cm.

Puppies that have taken Shar Pei also have many folds. As a rule, they retain more wrinkles on the lyceum neck compared to their siblings Horses. The brash Shar-Pei, due to its longer coat, looks, as a rule, more powerful, stocky, with a larger head. But with the same height, the weight of the horse will be greater. In addition, they tend to be less active and more laid-back than Horses. But it is equally important to socialize and educate them from puppyhood. It is always more difficult to cope with a 25 kg untrained dog compared to a small puppy.

The brush Shar-Pei has a thick and dense undercoat for the winter, which disappears in the spring. Using a special comb will reduce the amount of hair in your home and make the entire shedding process much faster.

Bear fur.

Wool length over 2.5 cm.

Bearcoat Shar Pei only appear if both parents carry the recessive gene for that coat. The coat is longer than that of the brush and the Shar-Pei becomes similar to the Chow Chow. The genes for this type of coat came from the first dogs imported from China in 1973. So this recessive bearcoat gene began to merge into the Shar Pei lineages from the very beginning. Initially, the CSPCA (Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America) recognized the bear-coated Sharpey as one of the coat types. And even one of the first CSPCA champions was a Shar-Pei bearcoat named Walnut Lane's Rick of Poo. In the following years this type of wool became a serious disadvantage by FCI standards, the Shar-Pei bearcoat was found unsuitable for display at show-class shows, but they can be shown to be obedient and agile.

Shar Pei with bear hair is similar to a brush Shar Pei. They tend to be heavier and stockier with large heads. They also have folds, but it is not easy to see them under the long coat. They are calm and gentle and prefer to laze around at home. But it is also important to communicate with them and train them from puppyhood. Puppies are soft, fluffy balls, and keep their coat soft as they get older.

Undercoat - a type of hair found in many species of mammals and is a delicate and fluffy coat. And the undercoat is located at the level of the lower part of the other hair - awn.

What does the undercoat look like and what is it for?

The hairs of the undercoat are slightly curled, very thin and are characterized by the absence of cortex. They are very densely located around the hair of the wool itself, performing the function of secondary hairs. By the way, all the hairs of the undercoat are endowed with a single sebaceous gland. And its main purpose is proper thermal insulation.

Caring for cats' fur and undercoat

In principle, cats themselves take very good care of their fur - they comb it and wash themselves, using exclusively their paws and tongue. The rough tongue of these cute creatures not only perfectly cleans the coat, but also brushes it perfectly.

However, most cats also need additional combing - this procedure provides an excellent massage to the skin and significantly enriches the hair follicles through blood flow, which in turn can significantly improve the appearance of the cat's fur. In addition, regular brushing prevents the formation of extremely unsightly mats.

Combing is also useful for the health of the tailed, because uncombed hair gradually accumulates in their stomachs. The tongues of cats are abundantly covered with papillaries - rough papillae. These papillaries help them to eat, lap and lick their fur. During active licking, dead hairs get stuck between these papillae, and animals simply swallow them. All swallowed hairs accumulate in turn in the cat's stomach, forming oblong and fairly dense lumps. Such a nuisance often leads to digestive disorders, and sometimes it becomes the culprit and intestinal obstruction. However, cats try to get rid of such lumps on their own, occasionally causing themselves to vomit - animals with medium-length hair do this up to two or three times a month. The most serious consequence is the complete blockage of the intestines with hair (most often this occurs in Persian cats).

How to comb a cat? Human combs, brushes and combs are categorically not suitable for this, therefore, the right brush should be selected exclusively in pet stores. These brushes may differ in purpose, material, frequency of teeth and shape. You can purchase a special combing brush that will remove dead skin and hair and massage the skin. Or you can pamper your pet with a massage brush with short and sparse, but at the same time, rather large teeth, equipped with rounded tips.

It is especially important to regularly comb out cats during the molting period, when not only their fur, but also their undercoat is actively changing. At this time, it is necessary to comb even short-haired cats every day - one brushing a day will be enough for them. And long-haired pets should be brushed more often, several times a day.

During the autumn molt, you should not use brushes with sharp and frequent teeth - they can easily damage both the skin and the new undercoat. Long-haired cats are best brushed with large and sparse-toothed brushes. And during the spring molt, it is quite acceptable to use a brush with frequent teeth. True, in this case, a certain accuracy should be observed, since the fur of the animals at this time is quite confused.

Caring for the coat and undercoat of dogs

The coat of dogs consists of guard hairs (they can be either short or long) and an undercoat that provides them with warmth. During shedding in dogs, it is the undercoat that is replaced to the greatest extent. True, at

Jack Russell, this agile and charismatic terrier, was originally bred in good old England exclusively for hunting foxes, badgers and large water rats such as the muskrat.

Hunting by hunt, but in the modern world our favorite jacks are more likely to lie on sofa cushions than to dig holes in search of animals.

With good care, this breed of dog can be perfectly kept both in a private home and in the city.

A beautiful dog is a well-groomed dog!

Therefore, today our conversation is about the care of Jack Russell's coat.

Not everyone knows this, but their coat, like many terriers, has a unique ability to clean itself. When the dog is heavily smeared in the mud, it is enough to let it dry for a while and shake it off, as in front of us is again an almost clean dog!

But, you must agree, in the conditions of maintaining a city apartment, we cannot afford such a luxury as waiting for this "self-cleaning"! Usually, right after a walk, in order to save furniture, carpets and the surrounding reality, the owners are forced to drag the pet into the bath ...

Jackies are different: smooth, shaggy - beautiful!

Russells are:

  • Smooth-haired
  • Long-haired (or wire-haired)
    with additional subspecies:
  1. Brokens (broken)
  2. Rafa (rough)

Therefore, depending on the length of the animal's hair, caring for it has its own characteristics.

And now about everything in order.

Smooth Jack Russell

The peculiarity of these dogs is that their coat is very tight to the body. This is a must for working dogs, whose purpose is burrow hunting.

Of course, caring for such dogs is not difficult. But if you think that they do not fade at all, then I hasten to disappoint - they fade! As one friend of mine used to say: “There’s nothing to fall out, but I find on my clothes almost all year round and, what is most unpleasant, in my plate, there are many, many small short hairs!”

Now, if your dog lives on the street, then natural molt happens twice a year. But an animal that is brought up in an apartment will molt almost constantly.

A good, healthy coat should have a dense undercoat. Soft and too thin is a flaw.

Owners of short-haired Jack Russell terriers, remember, ANY dog needs to be combed every day.

For this, there are a variety of rubber-toothed brushes and furminators.

Furminator - hand-held mini-rakes for combing out hair during dogs molting.

Manufacturers release them with different markings.

For Russell, it is better to choose a furminator with the letter designation S (small - for small dogs). Long hair is for long haired, short hair for smooth haired jacks.

The smooth jack should be washed about once a month (excluding emergencies).

Dog grooming products are:

  1. Dry - powder, which is applied to the scalp, and then combed out.
  2. Washable - liquid, including concentrated, which must be diluted in certain proportions with warm water.

How to choose products for washing your dog's hair:

  • Pet shampoos should not dry out the skin and hair, so choose the mildest shampoos and, if possible, with a neutral PH.
  • Try not to forget who these liquids are for - dogs cannot stand the strong odors of perfumery at all. What is pleasant for us can be very unnerving for a four-legged.
  • For dirties whose paws and belly are difficult to clean with conventional products, buy special shampoos for oily and heavily soiled wool. They often include citric and ascorbic acid.

The price for such products varies from 50 rubles for a bottle of economy class products to 1500-1800 rubles for a shampoo from a series of professional cosmetics.

Attention! The skin of four-legged friends is much drier than ours. When bathing with chemicals, natural grease is washed off. Therefore, do not save on the dog's health - wash only with high-quality dog \u200b\u200bshampoos!

You can read about how to properly wash a dog so that this procedure is fun, not torture, here.

Long-haired or wire-haired (colloquially "stiff")

Of course, long-haired Jack Russell looks pretty funny and attractive.

Only now questions often arise - will this, albeit not very long, but dense enough wool, shed heavily? Do not worry if you trim the coat in time, which is already ripe for loss, then the house will be almost clean.

Trimming - plucking and trimming of the surface, "matured" coat, which falls out badly by itself, but remains on the dog.

Along with the coat, dead skin particles that are often allergic to the skin are automatically removed during trimming. Therefore, allergy sufferers, long-haired Jack Russell is your dog!

For those who are interested in what a professional Jack Russell Terrier trimming is, I suggest reading the article here. I will tell you about the technique, techniques, timing and signs when it is already possible to pluck out the regrown wool.

Photos of the dog before and after trimming and video will complement the experience.

The plucking procedure itself is quite laborious, lengthy, and most importantly, very delicate. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to a specialist groomer. Indeed, without experience and skill, you can get not a noble jack, but a funny half-hairy beast.

Grooming is a whole complex of animal hair care:

  • the washing up,
  • drying and styling (the latter is, of course, superfluous for jacks),
  • combing and removing matted mats,
  • shaving or cutting with scissors,
  • trimming (plucking),
  • processing of leather and wool with special cosmetics.

Varieties of Wire-haired Russell Terriers

One of the rather common misconceptions is that Broken Terriers are just an intermediate type of Russell Terrier with coats longer than smooth ones, but shorter than long-haired ones.

But it is not so. Not even at all!

The family of wire-haired Russells is complemented by two subspecies - broken and raf, the differences between which are clearly visible from the definitions below.

1. Brocken or broken ( broken - literal translation "broken").

These dogs have a single break in hair. Broken is a terrier with a fairly long, hard and coarse coat, which does not stick out in different directions, like true long-haired ones, but is pressed against the body.

Periodic trimming is required.

2. Raf (rough - literally "rough, tough").

The hairs of their wool have breaks in several places.

Raf is a Russell Terrier with a tough, coarse hairline that lags behind the body, and therefore turns out to be a funny, in places shaggy dog.

Without trimming, such dogs look almost like the hero of the cartoon "Bobik Visiting Barbos".

But after plucking, you get, practically, "smooth" - you can't tell!

Four beauty secrets for your jack

So that your dog always has a well-groomed appearance, make yourself a rule - after each "general" wash, do some simple cosmetic and hairdressing manipulations:

  1. Carefully trim the fur in the groin folds and around the genitals with scissors (it is better if they have rounded safe tips).
  2. Cut off the tassel at the tip of the tail, even if you really like it: Russell is not a lion!
  3. If the tail itself is a little overgrown with feathers, trim them too.
  4. On the underside of the neck, wool periodically grows sloppily. Do not be stingy and purchase thinning scissors at a hairdresser's store: with their help you can easily remove unnecessary vegetation.

Remember, a sign of a healthy dog \u200b\u200bof any type is a well-developed undercoat.

And may your well-groomed pet be healthy and please the world around with its perky mood!

Many allergy sufferers dream of a pet but cannot afford it because they fear for their health. The only way out for them is to breed cats without undercoat. Such an animal will minimize the risk of an allergic reaction.

In addition, it will relieve its owner of the hassle associated with wool scattered throughout the house during the shedding period. In this article, we will briefly dwell on the causes of allergies and get acquainted with the most popular cat breeds that do not provoke it.

Why does wool allergy occur?

Most of the people are sure that the hair allergy is caused by the villi themselves, which, entering the respiratory tract, cause a negative reaction of the body. For a long time, scientists thought so, but then changed their minds.

According to research results, the cat's coat itself is hypoallergenic. Fel D1 protein is to blame for everything. It is produced in the body of the animal, found in urine and saliva, and is also present on the skin.

Naturally, this substance also enters the fur of a fluffy pet, and then into the human respiratory tract. That is, the villi are just a "vehicle" for the dangerous protein. If the animal has few or none at all, the risk of allergies tends to zero. Here, of course, smooth-haired cats and their "naked" friends win.

Scientists also claim that the amount of protein in different cats is not the same.... For example, in the body of females it is produced less than in males. Types of cats with light coat color are less allergenic than those with dark coat.

It has also been proven that spayed animals are safer in this respect than their non-castrated counterparts. All this should be taken into account for people prone to allergies when choosing a pet. It is best to take a cat that has a very light undercoat or no undercoat at all.

The most famous breeds of cats without undercoat

There are a number of cat breeds that have little or no undercoat. The five most popular include:

  • The Canadian Sphynx has a minimum undercoat... There is practically no fur coat. Visually, it seems that the cat is completely naked, but to the touch - that his body is covered with a thin layer of velvet. The ancestor of this breed was first registered in the mid-60s of the last century in Canada - hence the name. She was the result of an accidental mutation, and then the Canadian Sphynxes were purposefully bred. The appearance of this cat without undercoat is peculiar. She is not to everyone's liking, you need to get used to it. Sphynxes have a large body with well-developed muscles. And their wide-eyed muzzle resembles an alien creature. Representatives of this breed are the only cats on the planet "equipped" with sweat glands. Thanks to this, they can change their skin color, which is definitely a highlight. However, such a shorthaired cat requires special care. In particular, she needs to be bathed more often than others.
  • Donkoy Sphynx... Cats without undercoat of Russian "production". They took them out to Rostov-on-Don. This breed differs from the "Canadians" in that the hairs on the body of its representatives are completely absent. This is an absolutely bald cat.
  • Devon Rex has a wavy coat without an undercoat... It is the absence of the latter that makes it hypoallergenic. Devon Rexes have a miniature "figure" that makes them look like a toy. They have a naughty, playful character. This pet is ideal for families with children.
  • Peterbald... The second name of the breed is the Petersburg Sphynx. Breeders brought her from the northern capital of Russia by crossing a smooth-haired oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. Peterbalds are of four types: completely naked, with a short, barely noticeable "hair" without undercoat, "velor" (hairs up to 0.5 cm), and "curly" - with hard "curls". With age, as a rule, all representatives of the breed become bald.
  • Cornish Rex have a very unusual appearance... They also resemble aliens. Their coat is short, wavy. There is no undercoat, so even when the cat sheds, there is practically no danger from it.

Perhaps smooth-haired cats do not evoke such affection as their fluffy "colleagues in the shop", but for allergy sufferers it is a real find. This option will also appeal to those who love perfect cleanliness. There will be no wool on the floor, clothing, or anywhere else.


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