The exact horoscope for the year is Cancer man. Cancer horoscope by month

There is no doubt that the year of the Yellow Dog will open up brilliant love prospects for the underwater zodiac sign. It's a pity that not all representatives will be able to take full advantage of them: cautious and prudent, stellar arthropods have a habit of thinking and weighing everything for too long, which is not always good for them. However, it is the tendency to sober calculation that will help protect oneself from many troubles associated with the romantic sphere, so, whatever one may say, the period is expected to be prosperous. The main thing is to try to balance what your heart and mind will dictate to you. This will help the tips of the love horoscope for Cancer for 2018.


Already January will prove to lonely Cancers that cold weather and drizzle are not an obstacle for ardent feelings. For the whole month, charming arthropods will be here and there waiting for supposedly random meetings, in fact cleverly arranged by the Dog, guarding secret and obvious fans and besieging romantic moods.

But married couples will have a hard time. The emotional background of Cancers will be unstable, so any everyday little things or habits of the second half, which previously seemed harmless, will begin to cause bouts of irritation. In addition, the pink love fog floating in the head of the representatives of this sign will begin to incite Cancers to spin a romance on the side. Think three times before succumbing to the temptation: for your family life, adultery can end very badly.

Not everyone will be able to restore the trust of the second half after infidelity

Alas, he does not have February for love. Cancers in a relationship will need all of their patience to endure the whims of the other half calmly and not get a nervous breakdown. Well, those who are in search will have to do boring routine things all month, and only at the very end of winter they will get a chance to grab the elusive luck by the tail and meet the main love of their life.

December will be the month of renewal. Some Cancers will look at their partner with different eyes, discerning unexpected but pleasant character traits in him; others will strike up a new relationship almost under the chimes ... Well, those who will celebrate the New Year in the status of bachelors will feel an unprecedented surge of energy and will start making their long-cherished dreams come true.


In comparison with the seething passions in winter, spring will pass quite peacefully, so the winged Cupid will have time to get bored: there will be almost no work for him.

In March, the love horoscope for Cancers predicts: you will feel the desire to engage in self-development. As a result, some of them will enroll in courses, others will try to realize themselves in creativity, and still others will take a long journey, as a result of which they will rethink some of their life priorities. All changes will affect your relationship with your soul mate.

In April, business will demand attention and the over-busy arthropods will again have no time for love. You will have to twist on your tail with all your might, flip the claws at competitors and desperately wiggle your mustache in search of profit. And at the end of the month - also to improve relations with his soul mate, who gets tired of Cancer's neglect and begins to talk about parting.

May will reward all lovers for their patience

Fortunately, May will put everything in its place. Shaky alliances will fall apart, but in most cases Cancers will be able to overcome differences and achieve idyll. The last month of spring can be devoted to entertainment, rest and gentle relaxation in the arms of a loved one.


The harmony that reigned in Cancer relationships in May will continue into June. The main thing is that restrained arthropods do not hesitate to more often demonstrate to partners - real or potential - a romantic gentle soul hidden under a tough shell.

True, lonely representatives of the watermark can get caught up in a cool cover in June. Fate will give them so many chances to strike up a new relationship that some of the handsome men armed with claws will wake up an adventurous streak, and they will start making dates right and left. And at first everything will go just fine, but by the end of June the established love triangles, quadrangles and other geometric shapes will disintegrate with a terrifyingly loud crash.

Fortunately, in July, lonely Cancers will come to their senses and again go all out. However, you should not lose your head, because it is in the middle of summer that arthropods will sharply increase the chances of acquiring unplanned offspring.

July and August is a time of light flirting, romance and love, but not fateful changes

The end of July and August for both married and free Cancers should be devoted to communicating with relatives and arranging their home - say, a slight cosmetic repair. A trip to warm countries will be successful, which will allow you not only to get out of the gray everyday life for a long time, but also to get a boost of vigor for many months in advance. But the wedding scheduled for this period has too great a chance to fail, so it is better to postpone it to autumn.


In the fall, Cancers will be able to do two opposite things: fix old mistakes in relationships and stick even more new ones.

September will provide everyone with an opportunity to restore the once severed love and friendship ties. If there is a person in the past of Cancer that he regrets about breaking up with, the first month of autumn is the best time to take a step towards reconciliation. But if, despite the help of the stars, the broken cup cannot be glued together, Cancer will not have time to be upset, because at the very end of September fate will give him a meeting with an extraordinary and extremely attractive person. The relationship will be long, bring with it a lot of positive emotions, and possibly acquire the status of permanent.

October will not bring surprises to singles. But it will shake the nerves of established couples a lot! Finance, jealousy, everyday life - everything will become a reason for quarrels and mutual reproaches! In order to keep their union intact, and the psyche healthy, the representatives of the watermark should hide their claws for a while and more often trust the reins of the second half.

In November, many Cancers will want to diversify their intimate life, which has long ceased to indulge arthropods with vivid impressions. If the star owner of the pincers undertakes to solve the problem with a partner, everyone will be happy. If he goes to the side for help, there will be one.

Video: love horoscope for 2018 for men and women Cancers

Most of the coming year, Cancers will spend as if on a swing, alternately falling from love euphoria into a period of squabbles and whims, as if specially created in order to test their feelings for strength. But don't be afraid of turbulent periods! Wise Cancers are endowed with sufficient composure to easily pass them and find a calm backwater where they can fully enjoy happiness with their soul mate. Everything is in your claws!

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 can be interpreted in its own way, and he likes the complete submission to himself and his habits of everyone around him, in any situation. You should not expect that the year will safely leave its mark on Cancer, you will have to work hard, learn a lot. Each day of the year slowly leads the impatient Cancer into the fall season, when it's time to "count the chickens."

Do not look for a second bottom, another subtext in relations with loved ones, because not always, when it seems to you, everyone is opposed to you. Your friends find it difficult to communicate with you, because your attitude is so militant that it is difficult for them to predict your mood and your desires. You should not rush the trust of friends and bring the relationship to extremes, this threatens to seriously upset your friendship.

Love is something to do this year for both sexes of this sign. The serious relationship that you are afraid of, but want so much, will not keep you waiting, and you will not have time to analyze whether your feeling is real or not. You will plunge headlong into relationships, forget about everything that previously upset you, and your partner with exactly the same attitude towards you will make you forget everything in the world.

The family expects from you success in business, recovery, development, but you really like the "bird in the hands", and you are in no hurry to make a decision and change your life.

You only have to decide what is important to you and what is secondary. Do not rush things and do not believe your momentary desires, most likely they will turn out to be false and not as significant as they seem at first.

There is not a day when you do not remember and regret missed opportunities, but the more you drive yourself into a feeling of guilt, the longer you feel sad. As soon as you understand that the past is a passed stage that does not matter now, then changes will begin in your life.

Health and Leisure

You are in excellent physical shape, and only emotional burnout and some fatigue leave their mark on your health. Hurry up to take action, otherwise you will be deeply depressed, and there will be no chance of returning to the strength that you have now. The Cancer horoscope for 2018 can only guarantee one thing for sure - do not be afraid of treatment, if it is carried out before the fall, it will be completely successful.

See your doctor if you have heart problems. Even small deviations from the norm can be serious, and you will not have a chance to get out of the situation if you come to the doctor later than summer. Some fatigue awaits you, and the experiences that loved ones provide you will cause malaise and pain in the heart.

Be patient, work, rest and get quality sleep, and this is the only way you can maintain the right balance, and remain full of strength and positive mood. It all depends on you and on the case that you choose as the main one.

Autumn in any case will make its own adjustments, and even if you do not have, at first glance, time, energy and new sensations, you will find the strength and funds in your wallet and go on a journey.

Do not forget that sport is not intended to torment you, but to help you, and first of all, your body, which will most of all require attention from the very beginning of spring. Taking vitamins, gymnastics, gym, sauna or steam bath, as well as massage - that's all you need to feel happy and the right course of life.

Finance and shopping

The financial horoscope for Cancer for 2018 is not a gift that you just need to accept, but recommendations and direction for your activities throughout the year. As soon as you understand that you are ready for changes in your life, as soon as you understand that you can earn more, and most importantly, you want more, then an opportunity will enter your life, and not one, but several offers you will receive from people you know or with previous places of work.

This will make a significant contribution to your family and your personal interests. You should definitely get the thing that you have dreamed of for a long time, which you often think about, because you will have a greater attitude to work and you will achieve more.

Take your time to distribute money, much less take out a loan. The mortgage is undesirable until the fall, when you can soberly assess your capabilities. And in the summer you yourself will experience some constraint in finances, and perhaps you yourself will go to friends with a request for help, and you should not be ashamed of it.

Do not waste on trifles, but do not jam money on gifts for your loved ones, do not regret what is necessary for children and the second half, help parents with money, but moderate spending on alcohol, because "thanks" to alcohol, a large waste can creep into your life. and most likely not one.

In the fall, you will receive a large amount of money from a completely unexpected side, most likely - the debt will be returned to you, but this is not certain, and you may personally have to put your hand in this and insist on a return.

Career and business

No matter how high Cancer's demands were, he was never a careerist, he always soberly and sensibly calculated his strengths and capabilities. The business horoscope of a career for 2018 Cancer is in no hurry to take it at face value until the moment when he does not have a real question for the stars, and he begins to be annoyed by the constant constraint in finances.

A new position, most likely, is not available to you now, but your unwillingness to deal with this issue is understandable, your life is now static, and it suits you

Love and family

If you have plans to start a family, then your time is summer and spring. During this period, you will meet people who will turn out to be good friends in the future or an excellent spouse for you. The main thing is to take a close look at them.

Everything that happens to you depends on many factors, but the main factor is your loved ones. If you cannot find the other half, look around and you will understand, maybe everyone around you does not want this, maybe they are used to the fact that you belong to them without a trace?

Choose only the life in which you see yourself as a happy and emotional person.

Family signs are impatient with their other half, because they stopped seeing support in her, but you just need to say what you really feel, and admit that you are not satisfied, tell why you are hurt by the words thrown by them by chance.

Signs born from June 22 to July 1, they do not keep up with the speed of life that begins to haunt them since July, and although they see this as a plus, they can hardly adapt to this, get tired, and some lose patience. Don't ask too much of yourself and stop thinking of yourself as a superhero, just enjoy

Signs born from 2 to 12 July almost everything can, just not right away, and they must understand the situation that swirls around them.

Signs born from 13 to 22 July are the most patient representatives, and are not ready to sacrifice their time for the sake of others, and they will wait for the moment when they will be left behind, and they can live in peace.

Cancer Woman

You are not ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of illusory happiness, but everyone around you is required to instantly solve problems and make decisions. You are considered a strong and intelligent woman, and you understand that a little girl is whining in you now.

In the period from January 1 to January 20, when the Sun is in an unfavorable aspect to your sign, the skeletal system will be vulnerable. It is recommended to be extremely careful at home and on the street, as well as refrain from playing sports: there is a risk of injury, bruises and fractures. In February and March, when Mars and Saturn transit in the Sagittarius sign, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. Well-being is guaranteed at this time. If you are planning a pregnancy, then this period is suitable for conducting a comprehensive examination, taking tests and preparing for conception. Be careful from April 10th to April 26th with any sharp objects. Due to the negative aspect of the planets, the risk of injury increases significantly. In the second half of May, dental problems are possible. Do not self-medicate and be sure to visit your dentist. From June 1 to July 8, your well-being will completely depend on your mood, and therefore, in no case do not succumb to melancholy and sad thoughts. The sun will be in your sign from June 22 to July 22. This is the right time for the prevention and treatment of heart and spine problems. From October 5 to October 17, the negative impact on your sign of Uranus will increase. During this period, reduce the strain on your eyes and replenish your diet with foods that are good for vision (carrots, corn, beets, etc.). In the first two decades of November, there is a high risk of catching a viral infection, and therefore avoid crowded places. In December, you will feel great. However, in the period from 5 to 20, try not to overeat. Due to the tense aspect between the Sun and Jupiter, you run the risk of gaining extra pounds.

Money horoscope

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer promises changes in terms of monetary status, but not global. Even if there is an increase in the career ladder, the increase in salary will be insignificant.

In the summer, there may be interesting proposals for the sale of real estate or a car. Here we recommend to agree and not even think for a long time. This is exactly the chance that a person is given only once in a lifetime. It is better to postpone the funds received for a rainy day, which may already come in the fall. It may even be possible with the help of this money to invest in your own business.

It will be possible to improve the financial situation only with the help of relatives. You will be left with an inheritance or simply get an expensive gift.

Important! In the event that a loan is still hanging, be sure to pay it, do not risk it. Make at least a mandatory payment in order not to meet with another nuisance.

Psychological picture

Cancers are in no hurry to show others their true character, preferring to portray a calm and self-confident person, but people quickly read this mask: Cancer's fears are too strong to be hidden under the mask of calm and confidence.

Cancers are not particularly impulsive, but they have mood swings. A representative of this sign may be very offended or angry even at trifles, and then calm down and seem to forget about what happened. When communicating with Cancer, it is worth knowing that his behavior is associated with the phases of the moon and changes in accordance with them.

Cancers make decisions quickly, but they do not go ahead to their goal. Before reaching the goal, Cancer examines possible plans for the development of the situation, and ways to escape.

Cancers are prone to hoarding, preferring real benefits rather than prospects, and they categorically do not like to risk money. Even if they feel successful in the business, they will invest much less in the business than they could - this is how Cancers protect themselves from financial losses, which they fear more than anything else.

Cancers are very vindictive and sometimes vindictive, but they do not conduct an open battle, preferring to do everything secretly so that no one knows about him.

Cancer love horoscope 2018

Earth Dog is the best companion for building strong relationships. Cancers just need to set a goal and purposefully go towards it. Do you want to be happy? Even if this requires sacrifice, take the risk and find love for your whole life. Most importantly, we recommend that you decide exactly what kind of person you need. You can even draw it on paper and go to your dream.

It is especially important in 2018, according to the horoscope, for lonely Cancers to go on a trip or to rest in warm countries. Interesting and unexpected acquaintances will be expected there, which, perhaps, will develop into a serious relationship.

Attention! In married couples, by the end of summer, divorce and finding a new couple are possible.

Resort romances with breaks are also possible, after which only relatives can console.

Career and money

In the first third of the year, you should not get involved in financial adventures. They will not bring the expected profit, and participation in them can negatively affect your reputation. Be especially careful between February 25 and April 18. A tempting commercial offer received at this time may be fraught with deception. The main source of income for the rest of the spring will be wages. Bonuses, windfall receipts and other bonuses are available from April 19 to May 14. If you are not working, then at this time expect significant material support from a loved one. In any case, do not try your luck and do not take part in the lottery in the hope of getting easy money. You will have such a desire in the first decade of June. However, your chances of winning are negligible. From July 3 to August 10, relations with colleagues may worsen. But by the end of the summer, the workplace will change for the better, helped by Jupiter. It is this planet that will have a beneficial effect on the state of your finances and portends you a major success in the fall of 2018. In this case, the following periods will be the most successful: from September 3 to 18 and from October 13 to November 7. You will succeed in almost everything, for whatever you undertake. And if you have free funds, then in one of these periods they can be invested in real estate or land, which can be purchased at a bargain price. But you must have time to complete the deal before November 17: on this day, Mercury will begin its retrograde movement.


Cancer's sensitivity is a real problem primarily for themselves: they are prone to depression and sudden mood swings. On the other hand, an optimistic Cancer is recovering from even the most serious illness right before our eyes and remains healthy until a ripe old age.

Skin is an eternal problem for Cancers, because they have it very sensitive and prone to inflammation, even the smallest cuts and abrasions heal for a long time

Representatives of the sign, the same should pay attention to the kidneys and bladder, because they are weak, and care for them should be appropriate.

Cancer desperately needs walks in the fresh air, as well as relaxation by the water. The sea can heal Cancer from melancholy, provoking an illness, faster than success at work or even happiness in the family, which people of this sign attach great importance to.

Love and relationships

In 2018, it will be easy for you to fall in love and be carried away by a new partner, while an existing relationship may crack. Because of your overly conservative outlook on life, your regular partner may feel insecure or heightened in control around you. Try to be less picky and wayward. Fortune will smile on spontaneous Cancers, who will be ready to take a chance and move away from a stereotyped view of life in all areas. Relations with business partners will be difficult, and you will have to spend more time building up. But communication with children will improve. In 2018, your chances of conceiving and having a baby increase. From March 24 to March 30 and May 6, you will be able to establish relationships with friends who have managed to fall out of your environment for a long time. From October 5 to November 16, under the influence of retrograde Venus, former fans, longtime acquaintances or colleagues from their previous place of work can return to your life. Cancer and Aries. 2018 will bring clarity to your relationship. If the novel has a future, then in the middle of winter or in the first half of summer you can achieve more certainty. In early October, be especially alert to the mood swings of your Aries friend or partner. It is possible that he will need help, which he is embarrassed to ask for. Cancer and Taurus. Relationships with Taurus will be remembered for their brightness and unpredictability. The fantasy of a partner will not let you both get bored. A craving for new experiences and impulsiveness will help you avoid satiety Cancer and Gemini. In a difficult situation, it is a Gemini friend who will help you understand yourself deeper and find warm words of comfort and approval. The emotionality of the representative of this sign will add depth and sincerity to your romance. Whatever work you have to do with Gemini, rest assured that they won't let you down.

An alliance with Cancer will be tiresome: either you will conquer him, or he will win you, and it does not matter how long we have been together. The solidity of a Cancer friend will come in handy when traveling together

A colleague or boss born under this sign will be sympathetic to the difficulties you face and will provide support. Cancer and Leo. In 2018, Leo is more compliant with crumples, thanks to which relations with him will develop harmoniously. However, at work, you will probably have to deal with Leo's scruples more than once, which will cause you to be overtly irritated. Cancer and Virgo. Today you are trying to prove your leadership in a relationship to a Virgo friend or romantic partner, and tomorrow you are demonstrating a sincere desire to obey him. The whole of 2018 will pass for you in such fluctuations. But at work everything is stable, just do not forget from time to time to note the professionalism and all kinds of talents of a colleague or partner-Virgo, Cancer and Libra. Even if your relationship with Libra was stable before, important changes will take place in them with the onset of the Year of the Yellow Dog. In your union, it is you who will periodically "ground" the overly freedom-loving Libra, provide them with support and be a fulcrum. Cancer and Scorpio. The Scorpio's foresight will add solidity to your relationship. You will learn to give in to each other in time and extinguish conflicts at the very beginning. Working as a team with Scorpio in 2018 is a pleasure. He will support and develop all your original ideas Cancer and Sagittarius. A storm of passions, unbridled emotions and jealousy - you will have to face all this repeatedly throughout the year if your partner is a Sagittarius. With a friend or colleague born under this sign, "you can't cook porridge" - he will shift the responsibility onto you all the time. Cancer and Capricorn. In the year of the Yellow Dog, Capricorn will search hard for like-minded people. Find yourself with him "on the same wavelength" - for example, share a passion - and he will become your real support. At work, it is better not to bother Capricorn with irrelevant questions - he will be too focused on his duties. Cancer and Aquarius. You are too different and you can hardly find a common language in business, friendship or love. In no case try to educate Aquarius - you will only cause bewilderment and ridicule in him. Cancer and Pisces. In Pisces in 2018, a strong desire for stability will awaken, so you can easily convince your partner to get married or acquire a living space. A Pisces friend and colleague will surprise you with their loyalty to their word and their ability to keep secrets.

Cancer business horoscope for 2018

If in 2018 Cancers want to get a new and more promising position with appropriate pay, it is worth remembering that this will have to work hard. The stars advise you to enroll in advanced training courses, because the acquired knowledge and skills will definitely come in handy.

The management will appreciate the efforts of Rakov and will soon offer to take the post of manager. The most difficult will be November and December, because during this period various checks will be added to the usual tasks of Cancers. One may get the impression that there is no end to the revisions, and besides, envious people continue to plot behind Cancers' backs.

Nerves will be stretched to the limit, which as a result, by the end of the year, can lead to serious illness or psychological breakdown

This can be avoided if, throughout the year, Cancers pay special attention to their health and do not forget about the need for good rest.

Health horoscope for 2018

Cancers are very energetic and always full of energy. But without a vacation, of course, forces will begin to leave, the nervous system will also begin to shake. Accordingly, regular stress can lead to insomnia, decreased immunity, irritation and even aggression. In order to protect yourself from complications and diseases, it is better to do yoga, meditation, or another sport. Representatives of this sign most often choose breathing exercises, since active exercises are not for them.

In summer, be especially careful with food: fruits, mushrooms, berries.

The horoscope for 2018 warns Cancers that allergies are possible in the fall. Better to see a doctor right away, spend money and identify an allergen. This procedure will help protect yourself from future troubles.

Cancer financial horoscope for 2018

From the first months of 2018, Cancers will begin a period of savings. During the reign of the Yellow Earth Dog, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to understand the value of the money earned and refuse to spend it on various little things.

The stars advise Cancers not to lend, because many unscrupulous individuals are simply not going to return the loan. Cancers themselves will begin to feel this, so it is better to avoid communicating with selfish friends who want to take advantage of your gullibility.

Cancer financial horoscope

Closer to summer, Cancers will be able to accumulate a fairly large amount of money, which will be more than enough to start their own business or make a large purchase that has long been planned, but there was no way to make it.

In 2018, Cancers may find themselves in a rather difficult financial situation and close relatives will come to their aid, who will be able to help financially and save them from debt. But it is worth mentally preparing for the fact that this money will have to be returned soon, so now is not the time to relax, but you need to continue to work hard.


Annual horoscope
for Cancer for every month


Cancer horoscope for January

In January Cancers will go through a difficult period. They will meet the beginning of the year in depression, pursued by a series of failures, not finding understanding even in the family. The situation can be reversed only if we turn to a different kind of activity. A hobby is also suitable, as long as the new activity is pleasant and enjoyable.

Cancer horoscope
for February
February is the life of Cancers

will fly with the speed of a bursting spring. Previously stable structures will collapse, including long-standing relationships. But new things will go well and new acquaintances will please. Emotionally, Cancers will be extremely unstable, they will either cry or laugh. By the end of the month, the situation will stabilize, and Cancers will be able to breathe more calmly.

Cancer horoscope for
March Cancers start a new life. They will find a solution to problems, both in professional matters and at home. Everything will work out if they start to trust their intuition. Fateful meetings on fruitful trips are likely.

Horoscope for
Cancer on
In April, Cancers spring depression will overtake. Friends and new activities will help you to distract from longing and self-pity. At the end of the month, luck will return. New beginnings will be challenging and exciting.

for Cancer for May

Cancer in Maythey will say that they fly as if on wings. They will have a chance to move up the career ladder and settle household chores. Sometimes this will require forceful solutions. But Cancers will act not only in their own, but also in the public interest. This will help you break through any obstacles. By the end of the month, fatigue will build up again. Cancers should consider taking a vacation.

Horoscope for
Cancer on
In June Cancerswill put in order old affairs and make plans for the future. They will think not only for themselves, but also for the people who trusted them. Responsibility will become depressing, but the results will exceed the wildest expectations.

Cancer horoscope for
In July, Rakov some major turning point in fate awaits. For a while, they will become a topic for the gossip of others. We should wait for the fulfillment of desires, however, not at all those that were thought for the near future. Something really good is going to happen that Cancers didn't even hope for.

Cancer horoscope for August In August, Cancer will be the perfect vacation time. Business will stall for a long time. During vacation travel, you should be more careful on transport and look after money and documents.

Cancer horoscope for September

In September, Cancers will complete a long-term romance or lose a friend. Against this background, they will become even more active in business. Perhaps a major professional achievement, but in their hearts Cancers will mourn the past. During this period, errors in paperwork are likely

It is important to carefully read everything that is brought for signature.

Horoscope for
Cancer for October
In October at Cancers a streak of luck will come. Probably, there will be a significant acquaintance or an invitation to a good job. The mood will be great. In this state, everything will work out.

Cancer horoscope for November November for Cancersthe trends of the previous month will be in effect. The benefits that fate will distribute to Cancers will go on increasing. The grumbling of spiteful critics will seem like a mosquito squeak.

Horoscope for
Cancer on
In December at Cancers the time for retribution will come. As they all this time treated people, so people will begin to do with them. Probably a large reward for work performed, as well as a significant purchase for a home.

Work and career

Among Cancers, there are a large number of outstanding people with a scientific mindset - they enjoy studying and comparing facts, analyzing. Cancers love history, which is why they make excellent experts in the field of antiques.

Cancers are imaginative. Cancer's ability to keep secrets and instill confidence and calm in people makes them good advocates. Also, they make good psychologists and psychotherapists.

Cancers have a passion, but they are pursued by bad luck, so they make good businessmen than players

It is worth noting that Cancers are very responsible for their work, they perform duties in good faith down to the smallest detail, and it does not matter what position they occupy.
... Cancers love the earth, and therefore work in the garden is very natural for them.

Also that Cancers take food very seriously and take great care and become excellent cooks.

Cancers love the earth, and therefore working in the garden is very natural for them. Also that Cancers take food very seriously and take great care and become excellent cooks.

Horoscope for 2018 for Cancer woman

This year is especially good for creating a social unit. The fairer sex who are already in a relationship is waiting for a marriage proposal. Well, those who are already married will have a child.

In April, relatives will help as much as possible financially, and, possibly, a lucrative job offer will be received. In the summer, the Year of the Dog will help you to plunge completely into work and earn a lot of money. Accordingly, there will be an emotional uplift

It is better to devote all your free time to a man, show care, affection and attention. The main thing is not to be rude to him, be restrained

Attention! Autumn will be an auspicious season for single ladies.

Cancer love horoscope for 2018

From the first days of 2018, lonely Cancers will be in an active search not just for a soul mate, but for a real ideal. Even last year, representatives of this zodiac sign dreamed of becoming really happy, and now they will use all available and inaccessible means to achieve the desired result.

But it will only turn out to be much more difficult to realize what was conceived than it might seem. The fact is that Cancers simply have no idea what an ideal person should be, with whom they can build not only strong and lasting, but also happy relationships.

As a result, even the innate charm that helps Cancers easily conquer any member of the opposite sex will not provide an opportunity to find a soul mate in 2018. Almost all relationships started will turn out to be an indiscriminate search for the unknown.

Closer to summer, more interesting and significant events will begin to occur in the life of Cancers. At this time, the representatives of the sign will go on vacation, the stars are advised to rest in warm lands, where they can meet a person who in the future will completely obey. This state of affairs can completely change the inner world of Cancers, thanks to which they will be liberated and admitted to their innermost desires. During the period of love, Cancers will wake up unique creative abilities, which they themselves did not suspect. This is what will help them become famous and become a real celebrity.

Such emotional outbursts are often characterized by the downside, because sooner or later a partner, whom Cancers completely subjugate, ceases to be a mystery. In a relationship, the period begins when partners remain together only thanks to intimacy, which is quite satisfactory for both.

If Cancers themselves agree to obey their soulmate in everything, they will have to constantly fulfill all the whims and requirements. As a result, representatives of this zodiacal sign may find themselves in a difficult situation when they simply cannot refuse a loved one, but they cannot rely on mutual feelings either.

Cancers risk being completely alone as a result, which will make them truly unhappy. Such an arrangement of things will negatively affect the nervous system, which in turn will lead to a very deplorable state. If in such a difficult period there is no faithful friend next to Cancers, depression can be very prolonged.

Cancer love horoscope

It is important to help Cancer return to normal life, as they will not be able to cope with such a difficult situation on their own. But closer to the New Year holidays, these representatives of the zodiac sign will have a fateful meeting that will completely change the usual life of Cancers

Next year promises to be happier and more enjoyable in terms of personal life, unlike 2018.

Today is November 23, 2018


If you don’t understand something today, it may not have the best effect on your future life. So it's better to ask again ten times.


Today you need to be very humble in your food choices and in your behavior. Try to do your best to decide what is vital for you and give up everything else.


Today it will be difficult for your loved one to understand what is good and what is bad. You will have to recall Mayakovsky's old poem on this topic and, like a patient father, explain common truths to the newly-born baby son. You should definitely succeed.


Today it will be difficult for you to cope with some temptation and overcome some temptations for the sake of work. Try to do it all the same, because otherwise, tomorrow you may have very serious problems with your superiors. And you don't need it at this time.


Any food could shudder at the sight of your determination and ability to destroy it. Raid the refrigerator and then hit a few points throughout the kitchen. Continue your sabotage activity until the potential enemy is completely destroyed, to the last crumb, drop and fiber.

Cancer horoscope for 2018 joy and luck

Until November 9, 2018, Jupiter will be with Cancers in the 5th house - the house of the game of entertainment and children. Then he goes to the 6th house - the area of \u200b\u200bhealth and work.


Jupiter in the 5th house will endow Cancers with love for everything grand. As it is written in the horoscope for 2018, Cancers will strive for everything that is a little “too much.” This can be unexpected and risky financial transactions, sports, a large number of love affairs, participation in gambling. This arrangement of the planet is especially favorable for those representatives of this sign who are engaged in science, art, publishing or teaching. Cancer educators will try modern innovative methods in their work. In general, it will be very pleasant for you to be among young people. Children will delight, and the family will be big and friendly.

With the right use of the energy of Jupiter, in 2018, financial investments and speculative gambling will bring good luck to Cancer. During this period, you need to try not to take on too much obligations, otherwise you can lose a lot.

But in general, in 2018 Cancers will be lucky in all their endeavors. They will wake up the gift of a real businessman, and they will embark on various adventures with passion, make more and more new acquaintances, many of which will turn out to be very profitable.

According to the horoscope for 2018, Cancers will radiate confidence and optimism, which will make the most favorable impression on others. They will gladly take part in various competitions - sports, professional, love. And they will almost always come out victorious. In many cases, this will be facilitated by the confidence of the Cancers themselves in their victory.

This is the main trap of 2018: being confident that they are the favorites of Fortune, Cancers may miss the moment when this capricious lady turns away from them. And the fall can be quite painful. To avoid this, you will need to pay more attention to small details and signs that you usually prefer not to notice.


At the beginning of November 2018, Jupiter moves to the 6th house in Cancer. And if before that they had any problems at work or with its search, now they will end. Representatives of this sign will find a job that will not only appeal to them, but also bring a good income. Cancers will be generous and willing to collaborate with others, showing extraordinary organizational skills. They will like it when their work will benefit someone, moreover, they will enjoy just the fact that the results of their work turned out to be necessary and important for someone. Psychologists, healers and those Cancers who are engaged in charity work will be able to achieve good results.

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 indicates that the workplace environment will be the most favorable. Colleagues will respect them, bosses will appreciate and promote them. During this period, Cancers can fully enjoy their position, however, well deserved.


Starting in November 2018, cancers can expect good health and good immunity. Even those who have some kind of chronic illness will see some progress and improvement. The usual seasonal colds will hardly bother them, and if this happens, Cancers will quickly restore their normal state.

The treatment will be easily tolerated, and others will surround you with attention and care. If Jupiter is affected during this period, the risk of obesity, the development of liver disease or the appearance of a tumor will increase

Cancer horoscope

Next year after the fiery Rooster we will meet the yellow earth Dog. The year should be lucky for all signs of the zodiac, but for those who are under the rule of the moon, it will be tense and, alas, unstable, they will wait for a change.

In the spring, Cancers will have to seek comfort and help from their loved ones, friends and relatives. If they do not receive this, they will achieve harmony without anyone's help.

Next year, Cancer people will completely plunge into work and will try to earn the maximum amount of money. There will also be an obsession with those who are not yet paired to find a soul mate. Closer to the autumn season, it is better to change something in life: change jobs, housing, or just make repairs. If you do not distract yourself, then stress, nervous breakdowns are possible, which will negatively affect your health. Therefore, we advise you to take everything calmly.

Attention! The main thing, remember, after the black stripe in life there always comes a white one.

Also, be careful at the end of November: difficulties that you have reached due to flaws or mistakes and shortcomings in the past may pile up. Better not to pay attention to problems and walk towards your goal. Only 2019 will help to solve all the problems.

Love sphere family

develop into a strong union.
Not every man can tame the pride of a woman desired by many men, but if you manage to do this, then the Cancer man will become the happiest person on earth. It is not for nothing that they say that a man's happiness and success largely depends on the emotions of his woman.

How do you recognize a dashing gentleman who, under other circumstances, can replace all the men of the planet? Everything is quite simple: a sensitive Cancer girl will feel amazing warmth and lightness, as if the person standing opposite is an endless source of light, as comfortable and safe as a father's house. Agree, this is difficult to confuse.

  • Cancer has the best compatibility in love and marriage. with Scorpions, Pisces and Cancers... The love between them will only grow, and this bond can lead to the perfect marriage.
  • Well compatible with Taurus and Virgo... The love and marriage union between them is successful, especially if the partners are ready to give, and not just receive.
  • Union with Ariescan be beneficial for career and social status.
  • With Libra- for emotional support.
  • Relations with Leo can be financially beneficial. And marriage can be happy and long-lasting.
  • Capricorncould be one of the best choices. This is one of the most natural and harmonious couples, which has every chance to live a long and happy life together.
  • Partnership with Gemini fruitful for spiritual development.
  • Successful relationship with Aquarius rare but possible. The key to the success of this alliance may be joint business or financial interests.
  • With Sagittarius a good union is also possible, provided that there is a reasonable attitude towards each other. Here, the fate of a couple largely depends on the partners themselves.

Tomorrow 24 November 2018


Do not agree to do something today that they will try to impose on you against your will. An excuse can always be found, and the voice of conscience is not always right, you can do much more good elsewhere.


Now try to monitor your blood pressure, especially strong swings in the afternoon are possible. If now you can protect yourself from various stresses, this will be an excellent insurance for your health.


Today, your business will progress slowly and therefore it will not end in any way. That will annoy your loved one immensely. Try to somehow correct the current situation, otherwise you will not avoid a quarrel from scratch, and you do not need it at all.


Today, your business plans can be suddenly ruined by an unexpected visit. Even if this is a surprise and unpleasant for you, do not try to show it in any way, then you will not end up in problems. Pull yourself together and chat with loved ones.


Change your environment with your own hands. Repaint in your favorite color, anything that lends itself to repainting. Bring (using scissors with a needle, saw or with a hammer) everything else to your favorite size. The people you interact with will emit a pleasant scent when sprinkled with your favorite cologne.

Horoscopes from

The mainHoroscopes

The nature of the sign

Cancers are quite interesting and unique natures, they are changeable emotionally. And they also carry a large number of positive emotions, with their laughter they are able to infect a whole crowd. At parties, in large companies, they are easy to recognize. People under this sign are very fond of jokes, they do not joke themselves, but they can laugh at the jokes of others. They don't chase popularity and usually don't have leadership skills, but secretly they want a lot of attention too.

Also, these personalities are melancholic, they can not only infect with laughter, but also drown in their tears. They are in a constant sense of danger.

Cancers are anxious and careful about their home, but still they can never feel safe. They are always lacking something in life: money, fame, love, etc. Also, Cancer people love water, this is quite natural. They love to swim in various bodies of water, go boating and are good at all activities that involve water.

Many representatives of this sign bring themselves to serious illnesses due to constant anxiety. Well, then their rich imagination can lead the smallest trouble to a global catastrophe. Only positive and good mood can save them from problems and illnesses. In addition to this sign, no one else is able to bring himself to such an extent with his own emotions, but no one can also recover with the help of optimism.

Cancers love to collect and save. In life, of course, they usually collect money, food and do not allow anything to be thrown away. Also, regardless of gender, the parental instinct is very developed.

Zodiac Cancer man

Date of birth: from June 21 to July 20, Planet: Moon, Element: Water, Quality: Cardinal, Color: Silver, Day: Monday, Stone: Pearl, Motto: I feel, energy: Yin

Zodiac Cancer man has a shy and reserved character. He is empathetic and generous, and his qualities are best shown in the home. Cancer is clearly aware of its responsibilities, and even if he does not become a millionaire, he will be fully convinced that the greatest wealth is the love and care of those he loves.

With outward signs of excessive aggression towards him, he closes in, hides inside himself. Forcing him to do something by force will never give a positive result. It needs a special approach based on trust. The first impression about a Cancer man can be wrong, he can be nervous and fickle and the next minute confident and calm. Changes in mood occur under the influence of the lunar phases, to which Cancers are very sensitive, because they are ruled by the Moon

Zodiac Cancer man is capable of frequent experiences, he has many emotions and a sensitive soul, so you need to handle him with caution, and remember about the vulnerability of his soul. Always polite and a little old-fashioned, this sign is the epitome of the classic school of gentlemanly manners.

His home is his fortress, and only in it he feels completely safe.

Watch the video Cancer zodiac:

Cancer zodiac sign man - hard outside, soft inside. He is a gentle and loving family man, outwardly he can put on a rude appearance in order to ensure himself safety from external negative influences, but his kind heart and willingness to help others always makes him an excellent friend and companion. A reliable Cancer who values \u200b\u200bstrong family relationships and uses their qualities to further strengthen such bonds. His element is a cozy home, a loving family and a barbecue in the yard with friends. Family evenings, picnics, and friends are the main value in the life of a Cancer man. He carefully chooses his friends, and will not enter into close, trusting relationships until he makes sure of the reliability of his acquaintance. But if you can convince him of your reliability, you will have a friend for life.

Cancer zodiac sign man stylish but conservative and not ready to be a trendsetter. He is shrewd and very considerate when it comes to financial matters. He rarely spends his money impulsively and emotionally. Cancer has a weakness for food and sweets, and that could be a problem. You may be overweight and need to follow a diet.

His common sense, keen intuition and ability to understand people make him an excellent candidate for positions in education, counseling, medical services, or journalism. The ideal option for Cancer is the opportunity to work from home, where he can be close to his family.

Zodiac Cancer man relationship, love and sex

Cancer zodiac sign man careful and when it comes to romance, he will move slowly. After the relationship with the chosen one gets stronger and moves to a more trusting level, Cancer will become very loving and tender. A Cancer woman must prove that she is worthy of his uncompromising devotion. Love is the main goal in the life of Cancer and he always tries to achieve it. However, his shyness and innate distrust of others makes this goal difficult for Cancer, and it will take him time and effort to fall in love. When he finally finds the woman of his dreams - Zodiac Cancer man jump into romance and buy flowers, write poetry and have a candlelit dinner.

His loyalty and close attention to the woman he loves makes the Cancer man one of the best lovers among the zodiac signs. Not very confident in the external environment, calm Cancer, very hot and passionate lover in the bedrooms

His incredible intuition and sensitivity makes him a skillful lover. In a relationship, a Cancer man needs tenderness and confidence, otherwise he may leave you disappointed. His devotion is limitless, and he will expect the same in return. He will never forgive treason. He is most compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus.

Hobbies and travel

During the first three months of 2018, you will be able to get rid of the burden of experiences accumulated over the previous year, physically and emotionally relax and find harmony with yourself. Meditation and reading psychological literature will help you with this. Some very useful books, by the way, will be advised by one of the guests who visited you at this time. From January 20 to February 3, on the aspect of Mars and Neptune, which awakens the desire to "grow above yourself", you will give preference to an intellectual form of leisure. Perhaps sign up for a chess club or foreign language courses, attend various lectures and seminars, read books on philosophy, and get carried away with movies “not for everyone”. A good time for vacation will be the periods of April 15 - July 26 and August 19 - November 17, when Mercury will make a direct motion and other planets do not form adverse aspects to your sign. At this time, you can safely go to other cities and countries, without worrying that troubles will overtake on the way. On the contrary, you will be very lucky with fellow travelers and, in principle, with everyone with whom you will contact on vacation. By the way, if the purpose of your trip is to improve your knowledge of a foreign language, then you will achieve it quite easily. The stars also advise you to go on trips with your family, and if you are single, get ready for a vivid romantic adventure on vacation. In any case, positive emotions are guaranteed to you! In early August, you may have a new hobby - for example, crafts, drawing, photography, collecting, fishing, theater or dancing. On the basis of common hobbies, it is likely that you will meet interesting people, communication with whom will develop into strong friendship. In September, a great culinary specialist will wake up in you. Follow traditional rules and feel free to experiment. Learn to decorate dishes with creativity and grace. Be sure to invite family and friends for dinner on September 7 or 8, when the Moon activates the Leo sign. You will hear many flattering words in your address and discuss new interesting recipes. In October and the first half of November, Venus retrograde will awaken a passion for vintage items and antiques. At this time, the so-called flea markets will become your favorite place. The items of clothing, interiors and accessories that you purchase there will collect an incredible amount of compliments from others! In the second half of November, Venus will make you more "domestic". Communication with family will become much more desirable during this period than frequent meetings with friends. If your relationship with one of your relatives has not developed in the best way until now, the planet during this period will give you the opportunity to find ways of reconciliation. In December, keep the doors of the house wide open: guests are coming to you, and a lot! It is possible that there will be those among them whom you have not seen for a very long time. It’s beyond words how warm your meeting will be! Together you will spend more than one evening remembering funny moments from the past, looking through photos and ... making joint plans! Yes, after such a reunion, you decide not to delay the next meeting and, for example, agree to spend the upcoming vacation (in 2019) together. Great idea!

  • Gemini sign
  • Libra sign
  • Aquarius
  • horoscope
  • Daria Horoscope
  • Virgo sign
  • money
  • health
  • career
  • Capricorn
  • Leo sign
  • love
  • journey
  • Cancer sign
  • Pisces sign
  • Scorpio sign
  • Sagittarius sign
  • Taurus sign

Cancer celebrities

Each zodiac sign has a famous representative. Celebrities who were born under the sign of Cancer include the following personalities:

  • Natalya Varley is a famous theater and film actress. At the moment she is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • Elena Perova - actress, singer;
  • Valery Meladze - singer, Honored Artist of Russia, as well as People's Artist of Chechnya;
  • Zidane Zinedine is a famous French footballer. Played in teams such as Cannes, Bordeaux, Juventus, as well as the French national team and Real Madrid;
  • Timur Bekmambetov - a film director who is already known all over the world, screenwriter, creator of clips for many stars, and he is also a producer;
  • George Michael is a British singer with two Grammy awards;
  • Jason Schwartzman - musician, actor;
  • Tobey Maguire - actor;
  • Butyrskaya Maria is a master of sports, world champion in single figure skating, and also has the title of European champion and took first place in the Russian championship six times.

And also Soso Pavliashvili, Pamela Anderson, Giorgio Armani, John Rockefeller, Mike Tyson.

Cancer health horoscope for 2018

Cancers will enter the new year 2018 with a feeling of constant fatigue. Prolonged lack of appetite, persistent insomnia, increased emotionality and vulnerability are the first signs that it is time to get a good rest.

At the end of 2017, Cancers had to work hard and spend a lot of energy, so in January, the stars are advised to set aside time to deal exclusively with the restoration of a weakened and tired body.

Representatives of this zodiac sign can go to a sanatorium, where it will be possible to combine health improvement and walks in the fresh air. With the onset of summer and autumn, there is a risk of exacerbation of old allergies, so preventive measures must be taken in advance. To eliminate the cause of the allergy, you will have to seek help from a doctor, since you cannot cope with the problem on your own. However, in the absence of proper treatment, a deterioration in well-being can occur.

The second half of the year is becoming an ideal time to be actively involved in sports. The stars advise Cancers to sign up for a gym or pool, and of course, be sure to give up junk food.

Element of the sign

Cancers belong to the water element. Such people try to avoid violent currents, choosing a slow but solid movement along the bottom. They are worried about the problems of their own safety and security, Cancers use the water column as additional protection from unnecessary vibrations.

All representatives of the water element, and Cancers in particular, know how to focus on insignificant but interesting little things, although sometimes they give them great importance, which is what they limit their freedom.

For Cancers, the priority is the lake than the fast river; they are not afraid of boring and routine life and prefer a deep study of the situation to the superficial, while well aware that too fast a dive can be destructive. Therefore, before starting, they thoroughly test the waters.

In the previous year, Cancer did not have serious problems, so it is difficult for him to say goodbye to a caring bird. But the Yellow Dog, which will take over on February 16, 2018, vows to keep Cancer out of trouble. The mistress of the year likes the water element of Cancer, which means there is nothing to be afraid of. The Cancer horoscope 2018 promises many pleasant surprises in February.

At the beginning of March, the favorites of the moon will be able not only to gain the favor of their superiors, but also organize a profitable business themselves. Spring will be successful professionally. The Cancer horoscope for 2018 advises keeping your mouth shut, and not bragging to everyone about your achievements.

Luck in business will accompany Cancers in May. Although, some will allow themselves to rest and even go on a trip. The dog is not averse to keeping Cancers company and will even tell you which travel agency to buy a ticket from.

The horoscope for 2018 for Cancer promises a truly significant summer period. A lot of work is expected, but it will captivate creative Cancers so much that they will happily realize their wildest fantasies and projects. Words of gratitude and a large award will be heard from the chief, and compliments will be poured from colleagues.

In the personal life of Cancer in the year of the Yellow Dog, everything will turn out excellently. Those who have a family and children will be able to solve everyday problems, as well as avoid conflicts with relatives. Older family members will consult with Cancer on all matters. Perhaps the birth of a child for those couples who have long dreamed of replenishment in the family.

Cancer horoscope for 2018 predicts a fateful meeting for the lonely. This will not be just a banal romantic acquaintance, but a serious and strong relationship. The dog will help Cancers choose not only a wedding dress and a ring, but also find the most perky toastmaster and a chic restaurant.

The fall season can be "painful" for Cancer in the full sense of the word. Therefore, you need to protect yourself from colds, flu and infectious diseases. But Cancers are so sensitive to their health that they are not afraid of diseases. Well, the Dog will add optimism and fun. Hardworking and zealous Cancers will be immersed in work, so they will definitely not be left without a decent amount in the fall.

The Cancer horoscope of 2018 promises an expansion of living space, a move and a global renovation. Fortunately, there is enough finance for all this. The Earth Dog is not indifferent to the Watermark, therefore, it will show care and help to purchase the materials necessary for the construction. The main thing is not to forget to pay attention to the external image in the bustle of the work. You can change your image, dress up fashionably and change your hair color. Only everything should be in moderation so as not to sound like a pompous and tasteless parrot.

Cancer horoscope for 2018 predicts a prosperous December in every sense. Many will look not only respectable, but also solid. Status in society will matter for, but not to such an extent that you forget about friends and a loved one. The fight against competitors will not be as tough as last year, but you should still be careful with new partners. The Yellow Dog will personally introduce Cancers to Lady Luck, so you shouldn't worry about the future. At the end of 2018, a win is possible, an inheritance from a great-grandmother and a sea of \u200b\u200bother financial surprises.

The horoscope for 2018 for Cancer advises to look less back, and more confidently look into the future. Then the problems will diminish, and the cherished desires will quickly come true. Cancer needs to develop a pace that does not harm, but outstrips rivals in work and personal life. Do not overwork and be nervous, otherwise you can end up in a hospital bed, or become a patient in a psychiatric clinic. The dog is a peaceful animal, therefore, Cancer is not advised to get involved in conflicts.

At the end of 2018, on the contrary, you need to demonstrate your feelings, become more open and honest in communication. Cancer is Samoyed by nature, which can lead to depression and breakdowns. You should dig into yourself less, trust people and not be afraid of disappointment. By the way, there will be a minimum of them in life, as the horoscope for Cancer for 2018 promises. Well, peace of mind will be provided to those who seek to surround themselves with positive people, and do not make hasty conclusions.

Love horoscope for Cancer for 2018

In love, Cancers will definitely be lucky if they themselves do not chase the invented ideal. The dog will do everything possible for them to make their personal life shine with all the colors of the rainbow. The love horoscope for Cancer for 2018 recommends communicating more with friends, visiting new companies and becoming the initiators of romantic acquaintances. Then, already in December, Cancers will be able to seal the relationship with the newly-chosen chosen one with wedding rings. The main thing is to be sincere and take the initiative into your own hands.

In February and March, Cancer lovers can leave for permanent residence in another city, because they are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of their loved one. But the Dog will not allow them to commit rash acts, but will advise to weigh everything in advance and think it over carefully. If Cancer's departure is just an escape from a former lover, then you shouldn't even pack your suitcases. After all, as you know, you still can't run away from yourself.

The horoscope for Cancer for 2018 has in store for those who have a family, many gifts of fate. A trip to the desired country is possible, where you can not only relax, but also learn a lot of interesting and useful things. Together with her husband, Cancers will open a personal business that will bring impressive profits. The only thing the Yellow Dog asks for is not to talk about his plans. Only close people should be among the initiates.

Family horoscope for Cancer for 2018

The Cancer horoscope 2018 predicts warm and comfortable weather in the house. Family for Cancer is in the first place, so he strives for order and a cozy atmosphere. If close people love and respect him, then he will always "repay" the same.

The dog advises Cancer not to postpone problems until later, but to immediately deal with them. Moreover, in 2018 you will have such a grip and zeal that households will truly be surprised. Cancer will take care of elderly relatives and will even get its beloved grandmother a ticket to the best sanatorium in the country.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2018 Dogs recommends listening to what close relatives advise. Of course, the Dog will not remain aloof from the Hound's throws and experiences. But if the question concerns the repair or redevelopment of the apartment, then you cannot do without specialists. It is necessary to regale households more often in 2018 with something delicious of your own preparation. Yes, and Cancer himself should not be on a strict diet, especially to give up protein foods.

Health horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

The Yellow Dog advises hardworking Cancers to take breaks for rest and lunch. Then there will be no serious health problems. You need to be in nature more often, engage in spiritual practices and meditation. Cancer is very sensitive and depends on the Moon phases, so in 2018 it needs to beware of overwork, especially mental. The main thing is not to be lazy, not to be depressed and to work on yourself.

The horoscope for 2018 for Cancer predicts good health, but on condition that he is correct and according to the diet. More fruits, vegetables and berry fruit drinks, not chips, sausages and carbonated drinks. Cancer will be happy to remind you of gymnastics in the morning by the Dog, which cannot imagine life without movement and walks in the fresh air. Cancer can enroll in dance, fitness and aqua aerobics to look great all year round.

The Cancer horoscope of 2018 does not recommend taking health lightly, otherwise even a simple cold will cause complications. The dog will control that Cancer is tempered, doused with a contrast shower and walk more. Well, you should quit smoking to improve your health and save money. After all, the accumulated funds are better spent on sports equipment or on a trip to the sea, isn't it?

Cancer horoscope 2018 career and finance

The Cancer career and finance horoscope 2018 predicts some financial difficulties. But he himself is to blame for the lack of funds for anything. In 2018, you should be extremely economical in order to save and accumulate a decent amount. If Cancer takes the path of a spender, then even the Dog will not be able to help him. You should not chase after luxury, cars and expensive things, otherwise by December 2018 Cancer will be left without money. But if the mind takes over, then the material situation will not be so deplorable.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2018 Dogs advises to be prudent and prudent when it comes to career and money. It is not advisable to embark on adventures and take risks, otherwise you can lose friends and be left without a roof over your head. If Cancer decides to change jobs or move to live in another country, then everything should be calculated in advance. To maintain stability in finances, you need to find additional income or open your own business. Moreover, Cancer has long dreamed of doing something useful and promising. At the end of 2018, there may be debts, hassle about work and difficulties in communicating with colleagues.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer and year of birth

Horoscope Cancer - Tiger for 2018

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 advises to build less "air" castles. Live a real life, connect with new people and be genuine. In 2018, he will be distinguished not only by his ingenuity, but will also be able to discover a lot of prospects. Your charm will be noticed by everyone with whom you find a common language. Everything is excellent in financial matters, so you can afford to buy an outfit and get a high position.

Horoscope Cancer - Ox for 2018

In the year of the Dog, he will be distinguished by endurance and perseverance, which will allow him to reach career heights. To become successful and wealthy, you must go the right way. After all, the Dog is always on guard for the health and love of Cancer-Ox. Don't forget to buy a lottery ticket - the win will be big! To meet your soul mate, you need to be choosy and not ignore the attention of those who love you.

Horoscope Cancer - Rat for 2018

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 does not recommend looking back in time. If you stand still, you are unlikely to achieve what will lead to the achievement of the goal. can become not only rich and successful, but also famous all over the world. After all, your talents will be noticed by influential people. In the love sphere, Cancer-Rat will have a person with whom they want to go down the aisle. The dog has already composed Mendelssohn's march in a romantic way.

Horoscope Cancer - Cat (Rabbit) for 2018

In 2018, they will be at the right time and in the right place. This applies to work, money and amorous affairs. The main thing is not to overlook all the chances that the Dog will throw. Creative Cancer-Cats will never cease to amaze and inspire everyone around them, and they will also be able to implement grandiose projects. Competitors will be left behind if you spot them on the way. There will be no rivals in love, but only crowds of fans and those wishing to make an official proposal.

Horoscope Cancer - Snake for 2018

The horoscope for 2018 for Cancer advises to gain wisdom and make decisions in emergency situations. If you observe the measure in everything, then you can attract many worthy individuals to yourself. The ingenious will shine with intelligence and sparkling humor, so even in love they will be able to achieve sympathy. If someone insults the dignity of the Cancer-Snake, they will have to deal with the Dog. She will always defend herself and will not allow you to look askance in your direction.

Horoscope Cancer - Dragon for 2018

In 2018, they will be active even in those matters that many would consider hopeless. The dog advises to show abilities in all areas of life in order to be realized and not blame yourself for inaction. Cancer-Dragons will fly with happiness, both in love and professional affairs. There will be no end to the suitors, and many will have a baby in the family. Just look at life optimistically, and do not regret what has passed.

Horoscope Cancer - Horse for 2018

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 Dogs predicts unprecedented heights in career and personal life. Circumstances will turn out in such a way that Luck itself will go into hands. You can build a house, plant a tree, and give birth to a son. Just do not be lazy to introduce something new. Cancers-Horses will famously deal with rivals if they call on a brave Dog to help. In family life, one should not build illusions, but rather take a realistic look at what is happening.

Horoscope Cancer - Monkey for 2018

Cancer-Monkeys in the year of the Dogs will be able to do what they like. From a financial point of view, 2018 is a profitable and promising year. The main thing is not to borrow money. You should not recalculate finances from morning to evening, as well as spend them on useless purchases. In amorous affairs, frivolous connections must be excluded. So you will not create a family, but find yourself in an abyss of disappointments and painful partings.

Horoscope Cancer - Goat (Sheep) for 2018

The Cancer horoscope 2018 recommends to take yourself by the breasts and become more confident. You should not analyze everything, condemn everyone and build obstacles for yourself. Excessive suspiciousness can harm in personal life if they constantly suspect the chosen one of treason and criticize. Relaxing, having fun and traveling are what you need to aim for in the Year of the Dog. If you want, then open a veterinary clinic. The hostess of the year will thank you for this.

Horoscope Cancer - Rooster for 2018

In 2018, I should more often seek advice from relatives. Especially if the courage itself is not enough to make a decision. A good period for shopping, moving and external transformation. Cancer-Rooster loves a busy life, which can negatively affect well-being. A child will appear in the family, so you need to take care of children's things. Lonely Cancer-Roosters will meet "their" person, so they will immediately propose to him.

Horoscope Cancer - Pig (Boar) for 2018

Cancer horoscope for 2018 predicts a political career. Of course, this is a noble cause, but it will take a lot of time and effort. not out of a timid dozen, so the Dog will gladly lend him a helping hand if difficulties arise. Honesty and sincerity are a priority, which is already good. Cancer-Pig will be able to easily deal with problems in his personal life. There will be excitements in love, but they are insignificant.

Horoscope Cancer - Dog for 2018

In 2018, the "wise of this world" can envy. They are talented and cunning when circumstances call for it. In business, one has to look for worthy partners and new ways of development. In the financial sphere, everything will turn out great if Cancer-Dogs do not spend money on nonsense. Moreover, the accumulated capital will soon come in handy for the wedding. Are you surprised? Yes, get ready for a fateful meeting.

Cancer horoscope for each month of 2018:

In the coming year, representatives of the sign will breathe deeply. Opportunities open up in all directions: both in love and in career. Naturally, this requires efforts, but the more persistent you are, the more effectively you will get the result. Don't dwell on problems - this is just another stepping stone to success!

Horoscope for Cancer in the Year of the Dog 2018

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be full of stress and instability. At the end of spring, you will look for support in the person of older relatives, but without receiving a proper response, achieve harmony on your own.

The obsession with replenishing the pocket can cause discord in the family and everything can end in divorce. Autumn stress will cause you to change your place of residence or work. Do not take everything to heart, everything will return to normal on its own. Past imperfections and mistakes will appear at the beginning of winter. Despite the difficulties, do not give up on the goal.

The exact horoscope for 2018 Cancer

  • Pleasant surprises will rain down on you from the very beginning of January.
  • In February, you will receive a lucrative offer for an increase or you will start your own business.
  • In April and May, take a break and travel.
  • Summer will be hot at times both in business and love.
  • In the summer, think about having a baby.
  • Free representatives will not know the end of the fans.
  • In the fall, colds are possible.
  • In autumn, the financial situation will improve.
  • There will be an opportunity to purchase your own home.
  • You can win a large amount in the lottery.

What awaits Cancer in 2018 horoscope

The year will be productive and fruitful. You can get success in many things and change jobs for a more promising one. There will be a chance that can radically change your life. Spring will give you the opportunity to change the future and bring old ideas to life. During this period, there will be a temptation to solve material difficulties with the help of family ties. A marriage of convenience or employment for a high position with the help of influential relatives is possible.

August and September are ideal times for shopping. If you want to buy a property, a car or make a grand renovation - do it before the beginning of October. Listen to the advice of friends and family, but do not lend them - this may end in court.

Summer is a hot period, you will work tirelessly, so feel free to go on vacation in the fall. Conquer unknown countries or travel to your native land.

At the end of the year, you will discover new talents in yourself. A hobby can become an additional income or even the main source of income.

Cancer financial horoscope 2018

From the first weeks you will have to save a lot. The Yellow Dog will show the value of money and teach them not to waste on trifles. Do not lend, otherwise you will no longer see your money. In the summer, you can accumulate a decent amount, which is enough to open your own business or a grand purchase. There is a possibility of experiencing financial difficulties - wait for help from your relatives, they will pull you out of the debt hole. But the money will have to be returned, so work hard.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer work

All work-related problems will be resolved in November. The new position will bring not only pacification, but also good income. Representatives of the sign will be generous and benevolent, collective work will be crowned with success. You will be glad that your efforts did not go in vain and brought benefit to someone. Employees will be treated with respect and bosses will be encouraged in every possible way.

Career horoscope for 2018 Cancer

Build friendships in the team, now it is important to gain trust and respect. If you succeed, expect an increase in the spring. If your career comes first, then devote the summer to hard work, you can take a break if you feel a breakdown. Expect trouble in the fall. But do not give up, everything will definitely work out.

Health horoscope for 2018 Cancer

The year under Doggie's patronage will begin with overwork. Appetite and sleep will disappear, hypersensitivity will appear - these are the first symptoms that require rest. In 2017, the representatives of the sign worked hard, so devote January to health and the restoration of energy reserves. In summer and autumn, a long-forgotten allergy may worsen, so take preventive measures in advance. Pay a visit to your doctor, he will prescribe the correct treatment.

In the second half of the year, give preference to sports and proper nutrition, sign up for fitness and give up fatty foods.

Family horoscope for 2018 Cancer

  • The family will be in the foreground.
  • Relatives living far from you will need your care and warmth.
  • You will have to invest in children - both financially and morally, but soon the investments will return a hundredfold.
  • Don't just focus on household chores.
  • Travel with your family in the fall.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer woman

In the coming year, Cancer women can show themselves in all their glory. Perhaps there will be a desire to seduce a married man, and nothing will interfere with the implementation of the desired.

From the first weeks, mood swings are possible, which are fraught with scandals and quarrels. This can scare off the faithful. And only a strong man can cope with a rebellious beauty by curbing her in bed.

The second half of the year will pass calmly, as the young ladies will be very busy at work. Until the end of the year, they will enjoy their work activities, successfully combining it with household chores. At the end of the year, you will have to make a difficult decision that will have a direct impact on your future fate.

Love horoscope for 2018 Cancer woman

Let yourself be happy this year. Imagine the ideal man, carefully draw his image in your head and start acting! In the summer, go on a vacation to the south for a whirlwind romance full of vivid and unforgettable sensations. Married ladies at the end of summer can divorce their spouse, this will negatively affect mood and health.

It is difficult to find at least one person who has never been interested in his fate. For such interested people of the earth element, a horoscope for 2018 is prepared: Taurus. In it, the stars reveal all the secrets of the future, while suggesting how to behave in some situations so as not to harm. The horoscope for 2018 is no less valuable and interesting: Gemini. Those born in the element of air can draw valuable information from an astrological forecast, which in some cases can become a guide to action.

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