I'm not happy with a fitness trainer. How to choose a coach so that he does not deceive you? A love story with a fitness instructor: is this person for you?

You are visiting a fitness room. And the thought involuntarily arises, what does the coach think of you?

And he certainly has his own opinion about each of the students, just as the teacher evaluates the abilities of his students, and the doctor considers the chances of each patient for recovery and his desire for this. It so happens that over time, the former enthusiasm disappears, and the classes do not bring satisfaction. You have decided that fitness is not for you and you need to quit training. Why? Maybe it's not you at all, but the coach, and it is with him that you need to part, and not with fitness?

Let's try to find answers to the questions together. For training to be beneficial and the desired effect, you need to clearly know the rate of training, which is right for you. As they say, everything is good in moderation. If you expose your body to too much stress, the process of losing weight may take place at a slower pace, and you will only deplete your body.

The reason for this will be an increase in appetite, a decrease in energy consumption, due to intense workouts with excessive stress. The entries in the fitness trainer's diary turned out to be interesting. “A middle-aged woman (43 years old) who holds the post of chief accountant came to my room to study. She was brought to the fitness room by problems with the cervical spine (osteochondrosis) and a disease of the joints of the foot (arthrosis). The client said that for five years she has been attending step aerobics classes, classes with strength classes, and is fond of dancing.

Thanks to these exercises, for some time the pains that bother her disappeared, but now the pain sensations have returned. When I asked about the purpose of attending personal trainings, the client stated her desire to lose weight, which simply surprised me. In my opinion, there is no need for a client to lose weight, but to increase muscle strength is necessary. Strengthened muscles will become a kind of protection for the joints, they will reduce the load on the spine, relieve pain. The client agreed with my arguments, and we drew up a training plan with the possibility of making further adjustments to it. "

What role do muscles play for a woman?

Already at the first training session, the reason for the pain that returned to the client became clear to me. And this reason is the presence of scoliosis and underdeveloped muscles. The client expressed her firm belief that the muscles of women are not adorned and their presence is not necessary.

Dance steps for the back

I included stretching in the workout. This is necessary for the correct correction of the spine, strengthening the back muscles. These exercises are necessary because the client has scoliosis, and the load on all parts of the body is uneven. Hence the excessive stress on the bones and joints, which makes it painful. This stage of training with the client was carried out in the gym. The simulator plays the role of a "holder" of the back, knees, shoulders. It provides correct flexion and extension. Muscle work helps the joints return to the correct position.

Burning fat

The workouts were gaining momentum, and after six weeks I invited the client to start training, promoting fat burning. At this point, I asked the client to reduce her daily fat intake to 30 grams. This is the equivalent of giving up two large croissants or one tablespoon of butter. At this stage of training, the client learned the "science" of counting calories using tables, making up a diet for every day. In practice, she applied the knowledge gained, cooked healthy food and carried it with her to work.

It has come time of the first strength training. I planned one set at a time with as many reps as possible for the client's strength. The client's approach to the leg trainer was very difficult for the client. While performing tasks on the simulator, the suffering expression did not leave her face. But towards the end, the mood improved. Next, our path lies to the bench press bench. Here the client gathers for a long time, carefully corrects her hair, sports form, in general, wastes time. And since metabolic processes are transferred to another mode of work, the transition from one exercise to another should be as fast as possible.

Here, too, it does not do without oohs and oohs, but the client continues to perform presses. The tenth bench press shows that the strength is running out and the bar is skewing, but, having gathered all the strength, the client does five more presses. She stands up, pride for herself is read in her eyes. .. The success is obvious, I lifted a 20-kilogram Olympic bar in the bench press.

Get a miracle!

Strength training did not disappoint my hopes and client's expectations. The miraculous transformations were impressive. The pains in the legs and back stopped tormenting her, her weight decreased by 3.5 kilograms. The client's body has grown slimmer, has become fit. The gait became easy, but there is nothing to say about the mood! Exercise helped her to feel confident in her abilities and to understand that the amount of fat burned depends on strength loads. Now training on simulators, exercises with a barbell have ceased to cause fear and uncertainty. The desire has come to study with full dedication. "

    Any club considers it its duty to sell various drugs and vitamins to improve training. However, not every center can afford the highest quality, so we often come across counterfeits. (Igor, novice coach of the club at Moscow State University)

    This has already ceased to be a secret, but in many clubs, including ours, illegal drugs such as methane are sold clandestinely. They remove the pain threshold, which allows people to do more exercise. (Nikolay, fitness trainer of Golden Ring)

    The pills are most often distributed as follows: a jock appears in the club, which immediately attracts attention. People approach him and ask how he managed to achieve such results. He lifts the curtain and offers them forbidden pills. Often this pitching is sent by the management of the club in order to make money. (Alexander, personal trainer since 2002)

    Do not be surprised that in the bars of fitness centers almost everything contributes to weight loss. "Will I lose weight from these cocktails or bars?" - "Yes of course!" And people believe in this and after every workout they go to the bar, drink these cocktails and eat all kinds of bars in the hope that they will lose weight from it.

    Pool temperatures are often checked by dipping your finger into the pool. Sometimes we completely forget to do it.

    In our club, obviously unnecessary chemicals are often added to the pool so that the water remains transparent for longer. Visitors then complain of itching, for which we suggest they use our towels, and not their own, as they can get an infection in the bag. (Igor, coach of the club in the Moscow district of Tsaritsyno)

    Don't listen to the bartenders who offer you this or that cocktail or vitamin. More often than not, they have no idea how it affects the body. (Stepan, manager of a network of fitness centers)

    In order not to provoke the coach, girls should dress appropriately. It should not be a miniskirt or tight leggings, but sweatpants.

    If I really like a girl, which happens quite often, I can afford to once again put my hand on the gluteal muscles, although this only teases me even more. (Alexander, fitness trainer of Golden Ring)

    Often, more experienced coaches do not work in the most expensive club, because they do not have a special education. Expensive clubs most often invite students of physical education universities who understand the theory, but have little practice. (Anatoly, professional trainer, CCM in bench press, Samara)

    We collect water for the cooler from the tap. But during classes, no one notices the difference. (Marina, who runs a bar in a fitness club in the center of Moscow)

    Sometimes, in order not to strain once again and not to take responsibility for injuries and all that, I do not prescribe more complex exercises for the client, even if he is already ready for them. For example, this applies to squats. (Igor, novice coach of the club at Moscow State University)

    If a very arrogant and unpleasant client comes across, a couple of pancakes may "unexpectedly" fall on his leg. (Oleg, fitness trainer and CCM in tennis)

    Sometimes it happens that I do not have time to conduct a lesson and then work out myself. Then I suggest the client to study together. And clients in such cases are even glad that I pay less attention to them. I kill two birds with one stone. (Anatoly, professional trainer, CCM in bench press, Samara)

    Sometimes, when I have financial problems, I consciously take an interest in one of the clients. Taking the initiative several times, I hint that he should hire a coach, although in fact it is not at all necessary. After that, the chances are high that he will choose me. (Kirill, swimming coach at the fitness center, 3 years of experience)

    If I really like the girl, I can hint her to take a personal trainer so that we have more freedom in communication. It is especially good to isolate her from the claims of other clients or instructors in this way.

    When choosing a coach, you need to be careful. Some of them have nothing to do with fitness at all. Therefore, it is worth consulting with friends and acquaintances who were engaged in this club. You can also periodically ask different trainers questions during your regular workout. It is worth paying attention to whether the coach speaks confidently, whether he is closely following what is happening in the gym, whether he is distracted by the phone. So you can understand who suits you best.

    In our club, employees occasionally smoke in the changing rooms for clients, where they are not caught. In other places, cameras are hung, but here they are not out of respect for customers. (Alexey, manager of the club in the Academic district)

    Engineers in good shape, responsible for the correct operation of the equipment, in our club are typical locksmiths. A day does not pass without a bottle, which, by the way, they drink right at the workplace. (Alexey, manager of the club in the Academic district)

    No matter how they smile at you, remember that any coach sees in you first of all either a member of the club, if you are, or just a wallet from which we, the coaches, get something.

    Don't be surprised if no one other than your coach notices an improvement. Even if you get better, a kind trainer will not allow you to question your own skills and will say that the results are excellent. (Vladimir, trainer of the fitness club at the Tulskaya metro station)

    Be prepared for the fact that a highly qualified coach with education may turn out to be a simple fired bartender or taxi driver who had nowhere else to go. (Yuri, sports club manager with 3 years of experience)

    A special line of rational nutrition in fitness bars of some clubs is mashed carrots with cabbage. Only they cost several times more than spring salad. (Andrey, bartender of a fitness club in the southwest of Moscow)

What instructors take revenge on

    It infuriates when, after the first or second lesson, visitors think that they can do everything and do not take a personal trainer. If suddenly after that one of these asks for advice, I leave the answer or say everything wrong. (Anatoly, professional trainer, CCM in bench press, Samara)

    It annoys when a person considers you not a coach, but a servant, and leaves behind shells. We have to remove them, although this is not at all our responsibility. Such a person is immediately blacklisted. (Alexey, trainer of a corporate fitness club, 5 years of experience)

    It pisses me off when people are constantly distracted by cell phones. It even happened that a person started talking and left the hall altogether. (Georgy, coach and manager of a club in the center of Moscow)

    It is annoying when visitors come dressed like a club. Because of this, they get a huge amount of injury when the braces cling to something. (Georgy, coach and manager of a club in the center of Moscow)

    It is annoying when a client cancels a workout five minutes before starting or five minutes after starting. (Vyacheslav Volkova, "Planet of Fitness", 7 years of experience)

    Fitness is fashionable today. It is annoying people who come to the club to hang out, not work out. They break the whole atmosphere in the hall. (Alexander, trainer and engineer of the fitness center on Pyatnitskaya street)

    You have to show character with people who believe that they know best what and how to do. (Arkady, six months working in a sports club at the Arbatskaya metro station)

Denis Semenikhin - A veteran trainer, fitness guide and TV host commented on the confessions of his colleagues and answered three questions.

    How to choose the right coach? Today, in self-respecting clubs, all coaches must be professionals. Another thing is that everyone has different approaches and characters. In most clubs, managers try to recruit people with a wide variety of personalities so that each client can find his own. Initially, you can try to evaluate the coach for photography and resume. However, the appearance does not always correspond to the inner content, so you can agree on trial sessions. However, in order not to anger the coach and not become an unpleasant guest for the coaching staff, it is better to stipulate in advance that you have not yet fully decided and will first conduct two or three classes with him.

    Where is the best place to buy drugs? Vitamins? Despite the fact that most clubs are now trying to monitor the quality of drugs, not all of them succeed. And not even because they lack competence, but because fakes often turn out to be of very high quality at first glance. Therefore, I advise you to buy such drugs only in specialized stores, after consulting with a trainer and a doctor.

    What are the signs that it is time to change the club? Unlike, for example, hotels, there are much fewer such signs in fitness centers. The look can be great, but the club can still be substandard. The main sign that it's time to look for another place to study is damaged or malfunctioning equipment. Fitness equipment is what people come to the club for, so their condition is decisive. The behavior of fitness trainers is also quite revealing. If they are constantly standing in groups, discussing something, it means that the club does not follow them at all. In other words, the management of the club does not care what results their visitors will achieve. If the coaches are attentive and ready to respond to any request, it means that the managers are doing well and are regularly brainwashing the coaching staff.

Our interlocutor is an experienced fitness trainer. She agreed to talk about the painful, but with one condition: complete anonymity. And we can understand her - good or bad, the students bring her money. So the mentor will cover the truth-womb under a fabulous pseudonym - Vasilisa. So, Vasilisa herself long ago learned to hide negative emotions from the pupils, even from those five types that frankly enrage not only her, but also any self-respecting fitness trainer. In the hall you will not hear what Vasilisa is saying here - at least from the professionals.

“A real coach will never allow himself to openly express dislike for a student. Maximum - he will declare that he cannot work with you and will ask you to go to another mentor. But this rarely happens when it comes to open conflict. This happened to me only once - when the girl with whom I was engaged, switched to personal insults. And, of course, no one will deliberately "drive" or put a person in a risky situation, even an unpleasant one. The coach is responsible for his pupils, ”Vasilisa explains.

Please do not forget that each type is a collective image. And if you suddenly recognized yourself (no, of course, our readers are not like that!), Then you should not get angry and curse coach Vasilisa. Maybe there is a reason to think: what if there is something wrong with you?


Features:weight, volume and sexy folds. Refuses to acknowledge the direct link between exercise and nutrition. Sometimes he openly revolts, more often - he silently sends the coach with his demands to hell. He eats whatever he wants, is quite capable of celebrating the next workout with a large burger with a couple of liters of beer. At the same time, he says to all his acquaintances that he eats strictly according to the diet - just “the bone is wide” or “the coach must be changed”.

What they hate for:turns the work of a trainer into the construction of a "Zenith-arena" - the forces and means on both sides are poured into immense amounts, and the result is a non-functional freak. In addition, a fitness trainer, like any professional, hates if someone blatantly lies to him in the eyes or does not consider his recommendations not worth attention.

“When you talk to such a person about the diet, his eyes immediately become dull, he is bored, he waits for me to shut up as soon as possible. He says: "Yes, I understand, I will follow a diet," but I can see straight away that he is lying. You look at him in six months - it's just a shame for your work. Yes, he pays money, but it is unpleasant to work “idle”, - coach Vasilisa complains about Glutton.

"Status girl"

Features:impeccable makeup, hairstyle, the most fashionable and advanced form, and most importantly - a smartphone with a good camera - without it, going to the gym loses all meaning. As the name implies, such athletes come to the gym because status requires. The modern goddess of beauty is obliged to regularly post a certain number of photos from the gym, with hashtags # healthy, #sporttime, #popakoreh, #name.

Not to be confused with - those, although they are prone to narcissism, are actually engaged. "Status women" perceive training as annoying and unnecessary red tape. Having fulfilled the standard for reposts, they sincerely believe that they have honestly worked out the program for today, gather in a flock and chirp merrily until they leave for the locker room. Naturally, a coach who encourages you to exercise is perceived as an aggressor and immensely annoying. For the sake of justice, let us note that there are more and more “status” men. But girls in this category still dominate.

see also

What they hate for:for turning prayer into a farce. A couple of "status girls" can completely ruin the working atmosphere in the gym - this mess is distracting and annoying for normal athletes. In addition, if it comes to training, the coach is faced with a sea of \u200b\u200bwhims and the requirement of vigilant attention only to the "status".


Features:appears in the hall in late spring, a month or two before the trip "to the seas" or just before the beach season. Outwardly, it often resembles a "glutton". But at the same time, he is ready to honestly fulfill all the requirements of the coach with the condition that by the time of departure he will have the body of Michael Jordan in his prime. Believes sincerely that this is possible. Sometimes he thinks that the phrase "I will pay twice as much to you personally" is a spell that can magically transform his belly into a pumped up abs. But one way or another, the "snowdrop" very quickly disappears from the hall to reappear next spring.

What they hate for:for mocking the very idea of \u200b\u200bgoing in for sports. It is useless to explain to "Snowdrop" that this belly cannot be removed in 1-2 months, that a beautiful body is the fruit of long, and most importantly, regular training. Sometimes, some weight drives off or manages to pump something up there a little. But the result is negligible, and then the fat returns in an even greater volume. Who might like this attitude to what they love?

“The most interesting thing is that the result he wants will definitely not be. And he will tell me - "It's your fault, you are not a coach." And it is useless to remind that I warned. She invited one of these: keep studying, in a year you won't recognize yourself. And he told me: "Fuck you!". It’s bad that some trainers tell clients that such a miracle is possible to earn. Do not believe them, there are no miracles! ”Warns coach Vasilisa.


Features: buys a subscription for a month, and then gets lost for three weeks. Having appeared, it requires an extension, compensation or the exhaustive cost of services in the days remaining until the deadline. And, oddly enough, he prefers to solve this problem with coaches, and not with administrators. The most feisty type of gym goer.

What they hate for:all of the above is in itself a worthy cause for hatred. And the “lost” also makes the coaches get distracted from the case and solve issues that are not in any way related to his direct responsibilities. You can generally forget about fitness as such. The most unpleasant thing is that he will almost certainly buy a season ticket again. And everything will happen again.

“I can never understand one thing: why do they buy monthly passes over and over again? Why don't they pay for one-time lessons, since they can't train regularly? ”- the question of coach Vasilisa hung in the air. The Lost Ones themselves do not know the answer to it.


Distinctive features:heals injuries longer than exercising. Constantly stretching something, dislocating, bruising, or even tearing or breaking. More often than not, this is a dolt, unable to learn the instructions of the coach, and sometimes it is impossible to explain such "luck" - karma, not otherwise.

What they hate for:in all conscience, there is nothing to hate "traumatic". It hurts the same person. But you can't stand it! To the coach, his constant injuries do not add peace of mind. Even if you do not count the worries about the person who is in pain, fiddling with first aid is also a dubious pleasure. Again, reputation can be affected - what kind of fitness trainer is this if his client is constantly “breaking down”? And, finally, it will be difficult to achieve any noticeable result with it.

“In this case,“ I hate ”is too strong. But when a person “breaks down” on a regular basis, you inevitably begin to get irritated. You pull yourself back - it's not good, but in fact you want him not to come again. True, sometimes a series of injuries ends and a good athlete turns out. But rarely, ”coach Vasilisa concludes.

Surely many people know the term - professional burnout syndrome; fitness trainers often suffer this fate. Stress, high pace of life, chronic fatigue, lack of motivation, lack of support in the management team, colleagues. All this can lead to the so-called professional burnout syndrome. Even the most successful specialists are not immune from loss of interest in the profession. Read a revelation from a current coach. The article is recommended primarily for employers and fitness trainers.

About six months ago, I found a Moscow article that talented coaches either burn out because of the requirement to fulfill the "plan" or go to basement clubs - they do not require compliance with corporate professional ethics.
I thought for a long time .... I am very tired. I don't have time and energy for family, friends and communication with the opposite sex. I thought that everyone should adjust to my work schedule and love me just for what I am. But recently it dawned on me.
In every club, without exception, they want to see what coach? Proactive, bright, young, stylish, competent ... The list goes on for a very long time. But that's bad luck! Initiatives are pacified - there is no money for your ideas. The bright and stylish are dressed in club uniforms and compared to everyone else. Young ... Okay, everything is ok here. Competent ... Can you ask a question? When to become literate, if you have a plan.
I have 6 to 8 workouts a day (regular classes and staff). And this is without spontaneous replacements. I'm a versatile person. I am a group program instructor and personal trainer in the gym. And when can I read professional literature? Where to find time for your training, you want to see your staff with a beautiful, athletic figure, right? When should I go to yoga at megaguru to improve my professional skills, for the soul, for the body? When should I communicate with my family to maintain a comfortable emotional background?
Let's look at the cost of a trip to Rimini? And let's go to Nike and understand that for a pair of socks I will be leading two groups, hoping. For a pair of socks, Karl!
I want to see such coaches in any premium club. But I know. They'll wring me out like a loofah. Pure enthusiasm. Your hour individually and with a group costs about the same.
I was even offered to shoot a video for a TV channel. Half of my salary in 2-3 minutes.
I understand that I will not earn my salary anywhere in the civil service. But where in the civil service do you value your intellectual work and ambitions?
What happened with me? Is it time for vacation? Can? Maybe bloggers? And tell about all the troubles in the work of the clubs where I worked? And also about how in the premium class every 5th client considers you to be service personnel, and not his body expert and assistant ?! And the employer wants you to plow 8-9 hours a day, 7 days a week. At the same time, he studied and was proactive. Then, free of charge, on pure enthusiasm, he conducted and organized competitions and holidays for the students. I'm not a toastmaster, not an entertainer, I'm a coach!
Are you tired? No! This is burnout .....
Dear employers, I would like to address you! Here's a look at what happens in the group! How many emotions and strength are left on her!
And count how many groups you need to hold to buy a pair of famous brand sneakers !!! Respect and value your staff, coaches are people just like you, they also have families, spiritual values, physiological and material needs.
This is so, a cry from the heart! I'll go to yoga. They don't need Nikes ... Curtain.


3 Svetlana Savina 06/04/2016 14:53

I quote Vasya Pupkin:

As I understand it, we will comment anonymously

Anyone who is afraid that he will be fired from his job for a revelation can be anonymous
But the problem does not go away, we knocked off what they are afraid to talk about out loud, it is customary to keep silent about it, but here you can write whatever you want, the site will stand everything, let employers read you and draw conclusions

6 # 12 Natalie 06/04/2016 23:08

I quote Olga:

I want to say that all professions who work with people are subject to this "ailment"! I am a physician and in the article I recognized similar "problems". But there are psychologists who can help solve the problem with burnout, this is not fatal.

Perhaps this is a great way out - to work and spend half of the salary on a psychologist) An hour of a brain scientist is three times more expensive than an hour of a coach
But I think it will work

4 # 15 Natalie 06/05/2016 18:54

I quote Constantine:

I quote Constantine:

He himself worked as a coach in the premium segment for many years. The entire narrative of the author is the usual whining of a bum or a loser. If you have the desire and mind, you will have time to earn and relax and improve your qualifications.

Club club discord) Are you a station wagon coach? Can you conduct classes in all directions, replace all your colleagues in the shop and go out on duty in the hall? And then hang out with the kids, if necessary ???))))))))))))))))))) I don't believe it !!!

10 # 18 Peter 06/05/2016 21:10

I quote Constantine:

He himself worked as a coach in the premium segment for many years. The entire narrative of the author is the usual whining of a bum or a loser. If you have the desire and mind, you will have time to earn and relax and improve your qualifications.

Let's first define what premium segment have you worked in? How much did your personal training cost, and how much per day did you do it?
Did you conduct group trainings, all areas of step, aerobics, body sculpting, Pilates, MPF, etc. further increasing? Did you rehearse and give concerts to clients in your free time?
And then pi .. everyone knows how to do, not understanding what is at stake.
Respect and respect to the author! Everything to the point

1 # 20 Sergey 06/05/2016 10:21 PM

I quote Constantine:

Can I name the club, city, we'll drive up, see?))
well, obviously it looks like a shit ... I opened the club myself and believe me, it was not without inverters, although I worked as a coach for 15 years in an expensive club

4 # 21 Nutt 06/05/2016 10:34 PM

I quote Constantine:

People in any profession are divided into 2 categories. lazy people and losers who blame everyone around except themselves and the professionals who work and achieve their goals. I worked as a coach from 2001 to 2008, all my colleagues who didn’t whine, but worked now run clubs from 2000m2 and above, or have become so much in demand that they have an apartment and a good car and Nike with socks. All who whine and work as coaches or in other professions, but they also whine and are not happy with everything. Your humble servant has his own, not the worst FC, and if I whined and instead of work wrote in the forums how heartless bosses interfere with my life, I would have remained a coach.

Konstantin, everything sounds good with you) I somehow worked in the masmarket class. On a percentage of the subscription. And the business class was not affected by me for long. All is cool. But now I have grown professionally only in the premium class. The years that you announced, I was not even a coach. Even now, my coaching experience is several times less! No employer can call me lazy or ignorant. Loser too)
You are an incredible person if in 2001 you were a universal coach) After all, there were no such people in the daytime with fire))))))))))))) Troll of course) Konstantin, I am very interested in talking to you outside of these comments. For I don't like squabbles. And to talk about an abstract "lazy trainer" and about an abstract "successful club under your leadership" .... Ridiculous)

6 # 23 Sergey 06/05/2016 10:47 PM

I quote Constantine:

Merged quickly: -x
And you are not ill with nonsense

3 # 24 Nutt 06/05/2016 22:52

I quote Constantine:

i'm not going to prove anything to anyone, you want to whine, whine, but if you have brains, you work and systematically go to the goal, my advice is useless to you, you will succeed.
P / S those who allow themselves to swear, even in the forum, go to work as a loader, do not disgrace the profession, all the same, nothing will come of it.

You do not need to prove) You are a group member even in the past, and this is a fact! You are a talented coach who "went to the basement". But I know coaches who charge mowing dollars just for the time and talk. And clients run after them from club to club. They work great ... language. And this is sad. I don't want to get personal. But, those who chose the intellectual path are clearly not the most paid ones now)
For some reason I am sure that our servant does not have the best club) And he does not go to Nike obviously) And when he plowed his training plans, he was not a girl with a personal life, but either alone ... Or his wife work pushed) Fellowship - a container with READY food. The food is being prepared. And they buy in the market ... And after eating they wash the dishes) Again I troll you)
You are the average static soulless DIR

4 # 25 coach 06/05/2016 22:58

I quote Constantine:

i'm not going to prove anything to anyone, you want to whine, whine, but if you have brains, you work and systematically go to the goal, my advice is useless to you, you will succeed.
P / S those who allow themselves to swear, even in the forum, go to work as a loader, do not disgrace the profession, all the same, nothing will come of it.

and who asked to prove? people want advice)

4 # 26 Peter 06/05/2016 23:06

I quote Constantine:

People in any profession are divided into 2 categories. lazy people and losers who blame everyone around except themselves and the professionals who work and achieve their goals. I worked as a coach from 2001 to 2008, all my colleagues who didn’t whine, but worked now run clubs from 2000m2 and above, or have become so much in demand that they have an apartment and a good car and Nike with socks. All who whine and work as coaches or in other professions, but they also whine and are not happy with everything. Your humble servant has his own, not the worst FC, and if I whined and instead of work wrote in the forums how heartless bosses interfere with my life, I would have remained a coach.

You still haven't answered my questions. Ignored? Obviously there is nothing to answer, because you do not even understand what it is about. Can I give you some good advice, I think it will come in handy for you as a current employer, before teaching anyone, take the trouble to at least grasp the essence of the issue.

7 # 28 Sergey 06/06/2016 00:01

I quote Constantine:

Listen, dude, there is no need to teach anyone the manners of decency, a normal man would not humiliate the female sex, especially to his colleagues.

5 # 29 Nutt 06/06/2016 00:06

I quote Constantine:

I worked in the gym and in the kids club in the world class fitness club chain, of course I participated in outdoor and club events, entertained clients and their children. Now, in addition to business, I sometimes act as a lecturer, as well as train and improve the qualifications of our colleagues. People who allow themselves to communicate such words as "bullshit" and "fuck" by definition cannot be a successful fitness professional. This profession is based on communication with people. I am extremely sorry that there are such people among our colleagues. But they punish themselves, success will never come to them.

Which should have been proved) Dear Konstantin! You haven't worked a day for such a meager salary. And in Moscow there were always all the innovations quickly enough. I work in Ukraine. And not even in its capital. I also have to do with improving the qualifications of coaches. But the question? Where can I raise it for myself? In my city, I've just outgrown everything ... There is no way to go abroad - it is incredibly expensive. In our capital, everything is known) And probably all interesting stage passed.
You worked in World Class during its golden years! And in my country, fitness just started to wake up and stalled with the dollar exchange rate. The management of the club is forced to save on everything. First of all on the RFP! The cost of PT increases, but the percentage for the coach decreases!
So you know, "don't threaten South Central while drinking your juice in your neighborhood")
Just so you understand! I have to do about 40 personal trainings for a pair of sneakers) And I need 2-3 pairs for different classes. Just give it a try. I'm not the one who's messing around. It just happens like that. And it's not about bad employers. I had different directors) There was even one who, by the way, paid 50% of the cost of my shoes) This is such a small plus) I do not require an exorbitant salary.
Is it really difficult to negotiate discounts in some stores? Indeed, in Ukraine, even Reebok does not support a partnership with coaches. For example, bring you to our club and teach us something. Big club, great opportunities. We just want care and solutions to those problems that we cannot solve ourselves!

1 # 31 Vladislav 06/06/2016 00:35

I quote Sergey:

Situations are different, you cannot call all people idlers and losers, I would have looked at you how you would have earned for your club having from 1 to 4 bucks for a staff. YES, this is how the Ukrainian coaches of premium class get it. Be smart in your Muscovy. All the best

3 # 32 Nutt 06/06/2016 00:39

I quote Constantine:

i thought you were proving a little different ... something about a party ... in Moscow I did not work for a day, I did not start working in the premium segment right away, and I know what a tiny salary is. I did not earn money for my club by itself by coaching, this is many years of hard work in a completely different field. If this pleases you, then my employees have discounts in sports stores. Let me remind dear colleagues that this is not about my modest person and not about whether the coach lives better or worse in damn Muscovy. I tried to convey to you that conceptually, a working, purposeful, intelligent person will sooner or later achieve success, and a person who sees the root of all his troubles in employers, re-drinking of fate and the political environment will not achieve success! This law is the same for the whole world, and not only for ours with you, essentially the same countries.

0 # 33 Coach 06/06/2016 01:07

I quote Vladislav:

I quote Sergey:

Situations are different, you cannot call all people idlers and losers, I would have looked at you how you would have earned for your club having from 1 to 4 bucks for a staff. YES, this is how the Ukrainian coaches of premium class get it. Be smart in your Muscovy. All the best

Horror. 4 bucks is 100 UAH. We in Kiev until 8-10 and then cry ... Sergei, how do you survive at all, what city are you from?

0 # 34 Dumbbell 06/06/2016 01:14

Quote Trainer:

I quote Vladislav:

I quote Sergey:

Situations are different, you cannot call all people idlers and losers, I would have looked at you how you would have earned for your club having from 1 to 4 bucks for a staff. YES, this is how the Ukrainian coaches of premium class get it. Be smart in your Muscovy. All the best

Horror. 4 bucks is 100 UAH. We in Kiev until 8-10 and then cry ... Sergei, how do you survive at all, what city are you from?

Think correctly - 8-10 bucks minus 40-50% - you get the same 4-5 bucks to your salary. Plus clips - even minus 15% on average, so even 3 bucks can be. Or will you correct me?

I read and am amazed) in Kiev 8-10 bucks for PT in premium? What are you talking about? 8-10 bucks clean coach rather)


An unqualified and non-professional fitness trainer in the gym is your attitude to a fitness instructor without education.

Girls, there was a "sports" question.

As recently there was a fashion for silicone boobs, so now it is natural and sporty. Naturally, fashion makes good money. But if only a doctor can do boobs, then almost anyone who wants to become a coach (at least in Russia). Here, as they say, wherever you spit - everywhere a fitness trainer.

Tell me honestly, does it bother you that recently models, Instagram chicks, stripes and others have begun to climb into the "fitness trainers"? I feel uncomfortable seeing this. Would you trust such a specialist, would you pay them money based on trust in their "experience", without any knowledge of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry? Even if they did not deign to take fitness trainer courses, am I not talking about sports education?

It doesn't bother you that the screams around are not about sports for health (albeit the same power ones), but about "tear your ass, lazy freaks, eat carbohydrates and fats as little as possible (let the hormones go nafig), cellulite is a disease, loads should be worn out, fatty, jump on the bench (knees too nafig, because I don't even know how they work, hee-hee) "and so on.

Tell me, is it really ok, or do these people have problems with the cuckoo? Why now practically every fitness trainer is like this, especially Moscow and St. Petersburg sin with such pseudo-instructors.

You think correctly. It's just that someone strongly believes in himself and looks very funny from the outside - these are all sorts of pseudo coaches. Yes, and boobs are sometimes done by doctors "veterinarians". The coach must have a special education. Not 3 courses in sports nutrition. I went for a massage for a long time and corrected my back, I ran into such a coach in Moscow.

Out of all the coaches in our gym, two are more or less adequate. The rest - some from boxing, some from some other struggle, some just unlearned on the courses. It is frightening when a fitness trainer has been trained in three-week courses and pretends to be a sports guru. From such, if I may say so, a professional, there will be no benefit, only harm. Tin, in short. It will become bad for a person from the load, and such trainers will help without the formation of figs.

Well, either education, or do it yourself seriously. Therefore, I prefer elite fitness clubs, where vacancies for a fitness trainer are very seriously developed and there are very high requirements for applicants, up to education in the direction of "sports medicine" and courses not in some Muhosransk, but at accredited trainers.

I "like" the fitness bikini. I spoke a couple of times, usually a slender girl. She won a prize (often having sexual intercourse with one, or even several judges) and, "drum roll", there is an ad from her a la "personal trainer, programming, diet." Everywhere you look, there are qualified bikinist "trainers" everywhere. And the brain is not enough to understand that the work of a fitness trainer is a highly skilled work. And every bikinist has nothing to do there.

This is a sore subject. Let it get bad - it's good if anyone notices at all. In our gym, people from the simulator "stacked" on the floor in a ball, the trainer was generally not clear where, I was in a panic - I see this for the first time, called to the swing, who is more experienced, they figured it out. It's scary when a fitness coach comes to the club to work and fumbles less than just pitching with experience, which, by the way, does not climb into a coach.

Not really, not everyone. To do this, you need to have an athletic figure, eat right, and also not be very thin. A thin friend wanted to become a coach, but she was not hired. There is a whole story of how to become a fitness trainer. Well, yes, it’s annoying when every chick that has pumped herself up, in pursuit of money, calls herself a super-duper trainer.

In the previous room, where I went, it was so. The girl sat at the reception for six months, studied for free in the same room, and then figak - she is a personal trainer and presenter of group programs. Moreover, every second fitness trainer in St. Petersburg is really scary. I have not gone there for a long time and I am glad.

I have never met such coaches, and I also have problems with my spine. And I would not trust the first person I met. Yes, a coach can choose a program for you, and if he is a good coach, he will choose what you need. But only you yourself feel your body and your muscles, and all the exercises in the gym are not suitable for everyone, everything is individual, and you do not need to adjust to the training of others.

In-in, therefore, a good professional will first send to the doctor. He learns about all the sores, problems of his ward. And then he will train, knowing the features, and now all the programs are the same. And this pornography is also called a personal fitness trainer, but in fact it is a girl or a boy who or who knows only one program and drives everyone on it. Like, it's fine for me, it will suit you too.

Not only do I have a curvature of the spine, but also the nerve is squeezed somewhere in the lower back and if there is a stretching exercise, that's all for me - the convulsions begin. And you try with such problems go to such coaches to tear your ass. I'm even afraid to imagine what will come of it.

I'm talking about that too. My coach is not cute with cubes on the press, he simply does not have time for himself. And he doesn't go to all these competitions. He goes to fitness courses, graduated from physical education. And if there are problems in the gym, he will give first aid with a bang, and he will correct his back so that a masseur is not needed.

Ideally, it should be so - any experienced, qualified trainer, before taking on you, will ask you for a doctor's note. he will listen to all complaints about health, etc., and only then will he decide what and how you will do in the hall.

So it is that this is all he asked for and he knows all my ailments. While I go to the gym, my back does not hurt at all, and I feel much better. It's just that my work is such that I strain my back. Therefore, if a fitness trainer is a girl who has just become a bikinist herself, and already imagines herself to be a pro, in fact she will only bring harm.

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