The first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy what to do. What to take for pregnant women with a cold: the safest and most effective methods of treatment

Medicines for pregnant women for colds stand out in a separate subgroup. After all, only these medicines are tested and reliably safe. It is worth noting that some of them are allowed only for certain periods. This article will tell you about what medicines you can take for pregnant women with a cold. You will learn about the features of the use of certain means. It is also worth mentioning the reviews of expectant mothers in the correction of this condition.

Colds in pregnancy

During the period of expectation of a child, every woman tries to protect herself from all kinds of diseases. After all, some pathologies can negatively affect the development of the future crumbs. However, it is not always possible to avoid a cold.

When fertilization occurs, the immune defense of the woman's body is suppressed. This is necessary for the correct and normal course of pregnancy. Otherwise, the fetal egg may be perceived as a foreign body. It is because of the decrease in immunity that infection occurs with some colds. Is it worth intervening in this process?

Colds in pregnant women must be cured. What drugs can be taken at the same time - you will learn further. Many expectant mothers also resort to the use of traditional medicine recipes. In most cases, this disease is accompanied by fever, chills, runny nose, cough and sore throat. Consider what drugs can be pregnant with a cold.

and fight viruses

Cold medicines for pregnant women may have an antiviral effect. But at the same time, they increase their own immunity. Drugs that provoke the production of interferon are very popular. It is worth noting that this substance is independently produced by the body of a sick person. That is why it is not capable of harming the expectant mother and her unborn child.

Medicines of this type include "Interferon leukocyte", "Anaferon", "Ergoferon" and so on. Separately, it is worth highlighting the medicine "Viferon". For pregnant women with a cold, it is administered rectally. This method of use avoids the entry of the active substance into the blood. It is worth noting that not all antiviral and immunomodulating compounds that produce interferon are approved for use on different drugs. Such drugs as Likopid and Isoprinosine can only be used in the third and second trimesters.

Antibacterial drugs

In some situations, you may need medicines for pregnant women with colds, which can eliminate the bacterial infection. Before using them, doctors recommend that a bacteriological culture is mandatory. This analysis allows you to determine the location of microbes and identify their sensitivity to certain drugs.

Among the antibiotics that are allowed while waiting for a child, one can note Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Augmentin, Ecobol, and so on. The active substance of all these drugs is amoxicillin. It is approved for use in the second and third periods of pregnancy. In the first third of the term, the medicine is contraindicated, as it can harm the developing organism. In especially difficult situations, doctors may recommend other antibacterial formulations.

Eliminate sore throat

If a pregnant woman has a cold, then pain becomes the main concomitant symptom and medicines allowed during this period will help eliminate this problem. These include the drug Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Tantum Verde. These medicines are available in the form of a spray. You just need to spray the medicine into the larynx. The described agents have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The drug "Tantum Verde" is also recognized as an anesthetic. It reduces the severity of pain and eliminates itching.

Another approved medication is Lizobakt. This drug should be slowly dissolved in the mouth. It acts locally and has a bacteriostatic, analgesic and softening effect.

The fight against a cold

What other medicines are there for pregnant women with colds? If the pathology is accompanied by an abundant separation of mucus from the nose, then drops should be used. They are divided according to their action into vasoconstrictor, antiviral, antibacterial. Before applying the drug, it is recommended to rinse the nasal passages. This can be done with the help of compositions such as Aquamaris, Dolphin, Aqualor, and so on. If necessary, you can use normal saline. A few minutes after the manipulation, it is allowed to use drugs.

To combat viral diseases, use the medication "Gripferon", "Derinat" or "Nazoferon". If we are talking about a bacterial lesion, then it is permissible to use Polydex or Isofra preparations. With nasal congestion, doctors sometimes allow Nazivin or Vibrocil drops to be used. However, the dosage of vasoconstrictor formulations should be for children. In some cases, with a prolonged runny nose, doctors prescribe warming up.

What to do when the temperature rises?

What to drink for a pregnant woman with a cold if she has a fever? Many doctors do not advise bringing down the temperature to the mark on the thermometer at 38.5 degrees. It is in this state that the body can most effectively cope with the infection on its own. However, this statement does not apply to pregnant women. Expectant mothers should monitor their temperature very carefully. When the scale on the thermometer crawled over the value of 37.5, you need to think about antipyretic drugs.

Paracetamol is the safest remedy for fever. With this active ingredient, the preparations "Cefecon", "Panadol" and many others are produced. It is worth paying attention to additional components. The less you find them, the safer the medicine will be. During pregnancy, the use of the drug "Ibuprofen" is allowed. The described drugs not only reduce body temperature, but also help to eliminate pain. As a result, the expectant mother feels much better. Doctors do not recommend the abuse of the described drugs.

Cough during pregnancy is a dangerous enemy

What other medicines can pregnant women have with a cold? If the expectant mother is faced with a cough, then this can have a very bad effect on her condition. During contractions of the bronchi, an involuntary tone of the uterus occurs. This can lead to the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. That is why you need to start fighting this symptom as soon as possible. To begin with, it is worth determining the nature of the cough. It can be wet or dry, productive or paroxysmal.

The best cough remedy is inhalation. You can carry out the procedure with some medicinal formulations or ordinary mineral water. What else can be done? What medicines can pregnant women have for a cold that is accompanied by a severe cough? Effective means include the drug "Ambrobene", "Lazolvan", "ACC" and others. Sometimes doctors prescribe the medicine "Coldrex Broncho".

Folk recipes

What to drink for a pregnant woman with a cold? Many expectant mothers adhere to traditional medicine. They are sure that natural compounds cannot harm the unborn child. However, special care must be taken in such treatment. Here are some effective folk remedies to fight the common cold:

  • Warm milk. This remedy is great for cough relief. The effect will be enhanced if you add a piece of butter to the white liquid. After using the composition, an instant softening of the tonsils and larynx occurs.
  • This recipe belongs to the category of antipyretics. It is used both warm and hot. It is worth noting that the danger of this remedy is that raspberries increase uterine tone. Large doses can lead to the threat of premature birth.
  • Lemon and parsley. In the treatment of colds, vitamin C cannot be dispensed with. This substance helps to increase immune defenses. Also, vitamin C can slightly reduce the temperature. Lemon and parsley contain a large amount of the described substance.
  • Onion and garlic. These funds are recognized as very effective, they can fight the common cold. To prepare drops, you need to squeeze the juice of onion and garlic, and add a teaspoon of olive oil.

If the main time of pregnancy fell on the autumn-winter period, then sooner or later a woman will think about how to treat a cold during pregnancy. In the cold season, people's immunity decreases, and expectant mothers fall under a double blow, since the main resources of their body are aimed at the child, his protection and development. How to recognize a cold in yourself? How can pregnant women treat it? How to strengthen the body so as not to get sick at all? All this in our article.

The main symptoms and causes of colds

Manifestations of a cold are detected quite quickly, knocking a woman out of a rut in 1-2 days. Headaches appear immediately, which increase over time. Along with this, there is a strong weakness, lethargy and impotence. The most famous and characteristic manifestations are rhinitis (runny nose) and cough. Moreover, rhinitis manifests itself earlier, and then the infection passes to the larynx and down into the bronchi. This causes a cough, the nature of which (dry, wet, with or without sputum) may vary depending on the initial health of the woman and her immunity, as well as the degree of infection in the body. A woman loses her appetite, which worsens her health even more, as she stops getting the vitamins and other microelements she needs with food. The temperature ranges from 37.1°C to 38°C. However, if the temperature rises above this mark, the disease is more serious than you might think. This is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible, in extreme cases - call an ambulance.

Everyone knows the symptoms of a cold - nasal congestion, sore throat, fever

The main cause of the disease are viruses and bacteria, which cause inflammatory reactions in the body. However, factors that reduce immunity and give impetus to the development of infection are hypothermia and small enclosed spaces. If everything is clear with hypothermia, then what do small spaces have to do with it? Let's explain with a simple example. You travel in winter by public transport. There are a large number of people around and some of them are sick, even a small one. Someone sneezed, someone coughed. And now you are already in the zone of destruction of bacteria and viruses.

The fact is that viruses and bacteria after the act of sneezing or coughing in a closed space (and in winter all windows are closed in public transport) continue to circulate in the air for about an hour or two. Thus, during the day, pathogenic microorganisms circulate in buses almost all the time, looking for a potential victim. The lower your immunity, the more likely it will be you.

If you have found at least part of the list of symptoms while in a position, then we advise you to contact your doctor. The infection tends to spread, and therefore not fully cured simple diseases can eventually flow into more serious or even chronic ones. Remember that your health is now first of all, since the health of your baby directly depends on it.

To be afraid or not?

The body of a pregnant woman is most vulnerable during the first trimester, when all the forces and resources of the body are directed to the fetus. It was at this time that one of the main processes takes place - organogenesis in the fetus, that is, the laying of organs and the organization of their systems. At this time, any disease can directly or indirectly affect the development of the baby, and therefore is potentially dangerous.

Do not confuse a cold with rubella - at the initial stage, the diseases are similar

One of the most insidious diseases is rubella, since its first symptoms are very similar to the usual symptoms of a cold. A woman has a slight runny nose, cough, lymph nodes increase. Sometimes rashes on the skin are added, but often only a dermatologist can correctly characterize them.

Another particularly dangerous disease for the expectant mother is the flu. One of the characteristic manifestations of this disease is a high temperature, which disrupts the metabolic processes of the body and can affect the development of the fetus. In exceptional cases, even congenital malformations in a child or miscarriage can be the result.

If you notice any symptoms of colds, then you should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, as pregnancy is not the time to experiment with your health. Be sure to consult a doctor, take the tests prescribed for you. Only after the doctor makes a diagnosis, it will be possible to talk about the severity of the disease and its danger to the baby.

Some sources claim that in the second trimester, colds are less dangerous or do not pose a threat to the health of the child. This is wrong. Complications of many diseases suffered during pregnancy can be no less dangerous and difficult to treat diagnoses. Polyhydramnios may develop, inflammation of the genital organs may occur, and much more, which will complicate the process of bearing a child and childbirth.

However, this is not a reason to panic if you have a runny nose or a slight cough. In no case. Just take care of your immunity at the stage of pregnancy planning and continue to support it throughout the nine months. This will minimize the likelihood that the body will not cope with the infection, which means it guarantees you the absence of a cold during the entire period.

Rhinitis - the first and main manifestation

The first thing a future mother will encounter is a runny nose. This is an annoying and extremely unpleasant symptom, indicating that the infection entered the body through the nasal passages. With the course of a cold, rhinitis can first bother with excessive secretions, and then with unpleasant dryness (sometimes vice versa). To prevent infection from entering the body in this way, it is worth using oxolinic ointment. You can buy it at a pharmacy for a small price or find it in your first aid kit. Apply this ointment every day before going to work or just for a walk. It will become an additional barrier that traps pathogenic microorganisms, as well as moisturize the nasal passages and relieve dryness.

Rhinitis is an unpleasant symptom of a cold, especially during pregnancy.

If you are already sick and you need to get rid of an annoying symptom, vasoconstrictor drops are a good solution. Modern pharmaceutical companies provide a large selection, and therefore every woman will be able to choose something for herself.

However, it is worth approaching the choice responsibly or considering other options for treating the symptom, as scientists have long proven that vasoconstrictor drops are addictive. This means that each time you need more and more drops to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. At the same time, their effect will be proportionally reduced. Eventually, you will have to pick up more drops, and then more and more. Sounds like a vicious circle, right?

That is why, first of all, it is worth attending not to the treatment of concomitant symptoms, but to the treatment of the main cause of the disease. In the case of colds, viruses are often the cause and antivirals are the cure. Start your fight against infection by choosing antiviral drugs with your doctor, and only then start treating symptoms.

Do you want to avoid this vicious circle with drops and is it really necessary to use them? Choose any folk remedy. Regular washing of the nose with a weak saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm boiled water) or instillation of aloe juice (1-2 drops in each nasal passage) will be effective.

Do I need to take vitamins?

Vitamins are an integral part of our life, even if we do not notice them. Every day we consume a certain amount of vitamins and minerals with food. The question is, does your daily diet cover the daily requirement for vitamins? If you managed to get sick, then most likely the answer is “no”, since the body's immunity is supported by vitamins and other substances, which for the most part enter the body from outside.

Synthetic or natural vitamins - decide this issue together with the doctor

It doesn't matter if you want to prevent the development of the disease or support the immune system in the fight against an existing cold - vitamins are necessary. Moreover, for pregnant women, the daily norm of each vitamin increases slightly, since the calculation also takes into account the consumption of body substances for the development of the unborn baby.

Try to increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and oils in your diet, because all these foods are rich sources of trace elements. Each product contains a certain set of vitamins, and therefore the best option is to introduce dishes into the diet that will consist of a small amount of different products. This ensures that as many different vitamins as possible get into your body.

If you live in a region where access to fresh vegetables, fruits and meat is difficult, then just start taking vitamin complexes. They are no worse than the "natural" version. Their dosage is correctly calculated by scientists, and therefore, with the right selection (always with a doctor!) Of such a complex, an overdose is almost impossible.

Hyperthermia: danger and methods of elimination

Hyperthermia is simply a “high temperature”, which is also a characteristic symptom for most colds.

The average temperature of colds ranges from 37.1 ° C to 38 ° C and means that the body is trying to cope with a foreign infection in the body on its own.

High fever can be dangerous during pregnancy

A temperature above this mark indicates that inflammation is spreading throughout the body and the immune system cannot stop this process on its own. Such a temperature can be a real danger and often signals that you need to urgently see a doctor or call an ambulance, as this condition can threaten your health and the health of your baby. When high temperatures appear:

  • Open up and allow free access of cool (not cold!) air to the body. Natural heat exchange with the environment will lower the body temperature.
  • If chills are observed, then cover (do not wrap tightly!) 1-2 layers of a blanket.
  • Provide plenty of fluids - water, tea, juice, milk, etc.
  • Perform regular wiping the body with water at room temperature or a little cool. You can also use a solution of water with table vinegar (not essence!).
  • Give a simple enema using cold water.
The use of any antipyretic drugs is contraindicated in pregnant women. Exceptions are rare and only as prescribed by a doctor with an individual dose calculation.

Colds: features and treatment options during pregnancy

If we talk about how to treat a cold during pregnancy, then it is worth understanding and remembering a few simple principles. The treatment of any disease (including the common cold) is a whole complex of various measures and methods. But they all have two main goals:

  1. A destructive effect on a pathogenic bacterium or virus that is the causative agent of the disease.
  2. Maintenance during illness of immunity and the general forces of the body, which are weakened.

As we said above, you should first start the fight against the main cause of the disease, and only then with the accompanying symptoms. The only exception is hyperthermia, since this symptom can pose a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother.

If possible, if you notice the first signs of the disease in yourself, contact your doctor, as only he can quickly and accurately diagnose, prescribe treatment, choose drugs that are acceptable for use by pregnant women. If in the near future you cannot see a doctor, then we offer you several folk remedies to combat colds.

Cold compress

Allows to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman during a short-term fever. Soak a towel or gauze in cold water, wring it out thoroughly, and place it on your forehead. Change the compress every 2-3 minutes as the material warms up. The total time of such a procedure can be from 15 to 40 minutes.

You can also use a special ice pack, but be sure to put the same towel or gauze folded in two layers under it.

Another option is to place small bottles of cold water or towels on the areas where the major arteries of the body pass - on the neck, on the elbows, on the stomach, under the knees.

Acetic rubdown

Wiping the whole body with a solution of water and vinegar is carried out only if the high temperature is accompanied by reddening of the limbs of the body and they are hot to the touch.

Do not rub down with vodka! The alcohol contained in it quickly evaporates from the surface of the body and is inhaled by the woman, after which it can go directly to the fetus through the bloodstream.

Plentiful drink

Plentiful hot drinks are encouraged in the fight against colds, since in this way you sweat intensely, that is, remove excess toxins from the body through sweat and activate the body's natural thermoregulation.

It can be teas or infusions on various herbs. Hot milk with honey and a little butter (drink gradually, in short sips). You can even drink plain water, it will be no worse. The main thing is to drink a lot and regularly.

Chamomile infusions can be effectively used for washing the nasal cavity and gargling, as they have a disinfecting and soothing effect. In the room where the expectant mother is located, you can simply put a hot decoction of chamomile, letting the steam rise from it and humidify the air in the room. Remember that the air near the patient should always be fresh, slightly cool and humidified.

Delicious cough drops are effective, but many of them are contraindicated for pregnant women. Exceptions are lollipops based on lysozyme. It is an antibacterial agent found in saliva in small amounts. For medicinal purposes, it is extracted from the protein of chicken eggs. It is lollipops based on this enzyme that will be harmless to the expectant mother at any time and even during feeding, since normally it is contained in all of us in saliva. A good and proven example of such lollipops is Lysobact.


Prevention always goes hand in hand with treatment, since the disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. There are several types of prevention.

Specific: prevention of a specific disease by creating immunity through the introduction of a vaccine. Most likely, you have come across the annual flu vaccination, which is always given to the public. It is carried out every year because the flu virus is very changeable and mutates into new strains every year when we have immunity to one of the previous strains. Thus, the vaccine allows you to quickly create immunity that protects against the disease.

Vaccination is possible during pregnancy, but only for a certain period

Most vaccinations for expectant mothers are done no earlier than 14 weeks, since before that any pathogenic effect on the fetus can cause a violation of organogenesis or miscarriage.

Non-specific: some of us carry out this type of prevention every day without even noticing it. Non-specific prevention of diseases consists in the general hardening of the body and ensuring the best immunity. Such prevention can be provided:

  • A good and balanced diet that will provide the body with a complete set of vitamins and minerals.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air and minimal physical activity (these two options can be combined or carried out separately), which will significantly speed up your metabolism (metabolism).
  • Complete exclusion of bad habits.
  • Healthy sleep (at least 7-8 hours daily), which will help the body to gradually recover and develop.

Autumn and winter are wonderful times of the year, if they are not overshadowed by colds and other diseases that unsettle a pregnant woman. Eat right, walk more and say "no" to all negative emotions! And be healthy!

Colds in early pregnancy are quite common in pregnant women. When a woman's body is rebuilt to a special state of bearing a child, a new functional system is formed in the mother's body, which is designed to provide all the necessary conditions for the full development of the fetus. Although this is an unusual, but quite natural condition, it leads to a general decrease in immunity and, as a result, a high risk of colds. That is why frequent colds are regarded as a sign of early pregnancy.

Read in this article

Symptoms of colds in early pregnancy

The common cold is a generalized name for various acute respiratory diseases due to the action of a virus or infection on a person. The first symptoms of a cold are: fatigue, weakness, dizziness and nasal congestion. But all the ailments are also characteristic of the early stages of pregnancy, when the body is rebuilt. For the timely recognition of a cold or other similar diseases, the expectant mother must carefully monitor the condition of the throat. After all, it is these two indicators that distinguish simple hypothermia from infection of the body with a virus. If a woman freezes during pregnancy in the early stages, in no case should she turn a blind eye to this!

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention

Symptoms that indicate the need to seek help include:

  • A sharp jump in temperature is a sign of infection with the flu, it leads to chills, pronounced muscle and headaches, the body aches and a weak dry cough appears.
  • Thick discharge from the nose, pain in the eyeballs, headache and dry cough no doubt mean infection with adenovirus, which initially manifests itself as a runny nose, frequent sneezing, and only after a while an increase in body temperature.
  • Sore throat and sore throat, which makes it difficult to swallow, are the first signs of a rhinovirus infection. Also, with such a disease, breathing becomes difficult, and burning and tingling begins in the nasopharynx.

The occurrence of any of the above ailments in a pregnant woman indicates an urgent need to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct effective treatment.

If an incorrect or inadequate treatment of ARVI is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, the consequences of this disease may well affect the health of the unborn baby. The disease is especially dangerous in the initial weeks of pregnancy, since in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy the placenta is formed, and the fetal egg does not yet have protection against negative factors.

The effect of the common cold on intrauterine development of the fetus

Most modern women are not sufficiently informed about the importance and seriousness of the process of bearing a child. That is why, with a disease in the early stages, many are either treated with the usual, but unacceptable means, or are not treated at all, enduring the disease “on their feet”. But due to SARS in the early stages of gestation, according to medical statistics, occurs in more than 10% of women.

A cold in a future mother that occurs at the 5th - 6th week of the gestational age of the embryo can cause a defect in the child's nervous system, since it is at this stage of development that the neural tube of the fetus is formed. Difficulty breathing and, as a result, simple nasal congestion during early pregnancy can lead to oxygen deficiency in the embryo, and as a result, its hypoxia and developmental delay. In the first trimester of pregnancy (the embryonic period), all the most important organs are laid down and formed, and, therefore, it is this gestation period that will affect the entire subsequent life of the future person.

How to treat early

What to do if a woman is still ill in early pregnancy? It is very important to visit both the general practitioner, who will determine the diagnosis and refer you to a qualified specialist, and the obstetrician-gynecologist who leads the pregnancy.

But with all the precautions that the expectant mother takes, there are cases of incompetence of the leading doctor, which can critically harm both the fetus and the woman herself. As the saying goes, "trust but verify," so you need to know which drugs can and which absolutely can not be used in the first trimester of gestation.

Safe medicines for colds while carrying a child

Unfortunately, the fastest acting remedies are often contraindicated during pregnancy. For women in position, you can choose the funds presented in the table.

Drugs allowed during pregnancy during a cold Their pharmacological properties
Paracetamol Taken when fever and headaches appear, it is highly effective and safe for the fetus, which has been proven by numerous studies.
Pharyngosept Effective for sore throat in early pregnancy. It has a bacteriostatic effect and is not contraindicated in the first trimester. The drug will help with pharyngitis and stomatitis, relieve sore throat, acts locally and does not change the intestinal microflora.
Aquamaris or Humer These are saline sprays that are handy for rinsing the sinuses with a runny nose. They are absolutely harmless to the mother's body and are much more convenient than washing the nose with "old-fashioned" methods.
Viburkol Due to the analgesic and sedative effect, it is simply indispensable for a future mother's cold. Indications for use: fever and fever, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, for the general treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.
Tussin It can be used only with the consent of the attending physician or the leading obstetrician-gynecologist, although it has no contraindications during pregnancy. Such precautions should be taken due to the presence in the preparation of the active substance guaifenesin, which stimulates the production of secretion by the bronchial glands, which increases the expectoration of sputum. But coughing in early pregnancy is dangerous if the mother has a low placenta or breech presentation of the fetus.

Groups of drugs that should not be taken during pregnancy

The main danger of self-treatment is ignorance of the effects of drugs on the fetus. If it is not possible to visit the hospital, then the use of such medicines should be avoided:

  1. except for the penicillin series. The vast majority of antibiotics cause a violation of the development of the embryo, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. Aspirin. Its use negatively affects the development of the cardiovascular system and lungs of the baby, and there is also a risk.
  3. Pertussin. This drug is often prescribed if the patient has a sore throat, in the early stages of pregnancy, its use is prohibited, due to the fact that the active substances of the drug cause increased and quite often lead to miscarriage.
  4. Glycodin and ACC. These drugs are not used because of the pronounced mucolytic effect, which can cause, and.

In fact, the list of prohibited and not recommended drugs during childbearing is much larger, there is a very limited range of substances that are harmless to the fetus. Therefore, it is much easier and safer to try to cure a cold with “grandmother's” methods, and not with pharmaceutical preparations. Moreover, nature really has something to offer the expectant mother and her baby. Many widely used natural substances are actually effective in dealing with colds.

Folk remedies for colds

In addition to the measures that are familiar to everyone, it is also necessary to be as careful as possible during the off-season periods: after a walk, be sure to wash your hands, eat foods high in vitamins, and avoid hypothermia and drafts. When even seemingly innocuous symptoms appear, such as chills during early pregnancy, urgent measures must be taken to prevent diseases.

At the first signs of malaise, a woman needs to switch to "bed rest", it is also recommended to drink plenty of warm water or compote. The room in which mom spends the most time should be warm and ventilated. If you need to go out into public places, you need to lubricate the sinuses with a small amount of oxolin ointment. This drug has been used quite successfully for decades. Some herbal infusions that can relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and increase immunity will also be useful.

Herbal infusions for all cold symptoms

There are several decoction recipes that have been proven over the years and are effective in the fight against colds:

  • Linden flower tea is taken if a woman is shivering during early pregnancy. The tea recipe is simple: mix linden flowers and black elderberry flowers in equal proportions, two tablespoons of the mixture are added to a glass of boiling water. Such an infusion should be drunk moderately at one time.
  • The leaves of the mother-and-stepmother are good for coughing and have absolutely no contraindications for the expectant mother. And with a dry, barking cough, a good remedy is an infusion of dates in this form: boil 10-12 dates in half a liter of water for 30 minutes. You need to drink the drink hot for maximum positive effect.
  • Raspberry with honey has a tonic effect and improves immunity. It is worth noting that raspberry leaves are prohibited during pregnancy, only raspberries are used for infusion. A medicinal drink is being prepared according to the recipe: brew a tablespoon of raspberries, currants in half a liter of boiling water and insist the mixture for 15 minutes. Drink the infusion before meals 3 times a day.

How to treat a stuffy nose

To defeat a runny nose in early pregnancy, you can not only rinse your nose with saline solutions, but also use therapeutic inhalations. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing mixtures for inhalation, however, not all of them are suitable for the body of a future mother. The most harmless remedy is considered to be boiled potatoes. For useful inhalations, boiled potato peels are used, in pairs of which you need to breathe, covered with a thick towel.

If dizziness or any other discomfort occurs, the woman should stop inhalation.

How to treat a sore throat

Many tinctures for rinsing cope with a sore throat, however, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor the absence of alcohol in them if the medicine is bought at a pharmacy. You can independently prepare a solution for gargling using salt, soda or sage infusion. Rinsing with home remedies will eliminate the negative effects both on the baby in the womb and on her body, so they need to be given special attention.

Prepared by infusing one tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water for thirty minutes. Rinse the throat and mouth with this medicine should be especially careful and in no case should it be swallowed. Sage is prohibited for internal use by women during the gestation period, since it significantly affects the hormonal background and causes uterine contractions.

Gargle with soda according to the scheme: dilute 2 teaspoons in 250 milliliters of warm water, rinse five times a day. The use of soda for the oral cavity will help get rid of sneezing during pregnancy in the early stages, because this solution is effective in rinsing the nose with a runny nose. The same effect occurs when applying a saline solution to a sore throat and nose.

Every mother tries to give her child only the best, and good health is a valuable gift! And it entirely depends on the 9 months that the baby grows and develops in the womb. It is very important to be aware of the responsibility that every woman bearing a child bears on her fragile shoulders. Taking care of her health, a young mother will ensure the health of her unborn child.

Cold. Absolutely everyone faces this disease, and if in ordinary life the symptoms of a cold disappear already in 3-4 days, and in most cases you can get by with well-known means (both medication and folk), then during pregnancy even this banal disease is dangerous.

Since many medications are within the contraindications during pregnancy, a woman needs to know how to treat a cold while carrying a child.

Table of contents:

The first and main symptom of a cold is an increase in body temperature - during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to take complex preparations (Coldrex, Fervex, and so on), and analgin is also prohibited. Doctors generally do not recommend taking any measures to normalize body temperature if its indicators do not exceed 38 degrees.

How to lower the temperature during pregnancy

What can be used by pregnant women with an increase in body temperature:

  1. Paracetamol. At any stage of pregnancy, you can take paracetamol as both an anesthetic and an antipyretic, but not more than 3 days in a row. If you take a course of taking paracetamol according to the recommended dosages, then it will not have any effect on the developing fetus, although this drug crosses the placenta.
  2. Cold compress. It is done on the forehead, for which it is enough to moisten a towel or textile napkin in water at room temperature. Apply the cloth to the forehead, hold it until it warms up, then turn it over. Instead of a napkin with water, you can use a heating pad with ice, just put 2-3 layers of cloth on your forehead. Such a compress will lower the body temperature, alleviate the patient's condition, and make the headache less intense.
  3. Rubbing with vinegar. This method can be used at any stage of pregnancy, but it should be noted that vinegar essence cannot be used for this procedure, you will need 5% vinegar. It is not recommended to use alcohol or vodka for wiping - even through the skin and respiratory tract, alcohol penetrates the placenta and from there to the fetus.

Note:if the woman’s hands and feet are not hot, there is no redness of the skin, then cold compresses are not recommended - such a procedure can lead to a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels.

  1. You can take lime blossom tea- this is allowed at any stage of pregnancy, and it is useful both at elevated body temperature and at normal. You can brew lime blossom in a thermos - 10-15 minutes is enough to infuse, but you need to take ½ cup twice a day. To improve the taste of the broth, you can add raspberry jam to it.

How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, a woman is strictly forbidden to use vasoconstrictors for the treatment of a runny nose - Naphthyzin, Tizin, Nazol and Oxymetazoline drops are contraindicated during pregnancy. They affect the fetal heartbeat - it becomes more frequent, which can lead to the development of pathologies of the cardiac system of the unborn child.

You can help a pregnant woman cope with a runny nose and make her breathing easier by washing the nasal passages. The procedure is done using a saline solution - for 200 ml of warm water, 2 g of ordinary table salt. If the nasal passages are heavily blocked, breathing is impossible, then you can make a stronger salt solution - put 4 g of salt in 200 ml of warm water.

Note:the procedure for washing the nose with saline can be carried out 2-3 times a day, but you should beware of infection from the nasal passages into the ears. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to flush without tension, allowing the saline solution to flow calmly from the nasal passage.

How to treat cough during pregnancy

We recommend reading:

Doctors say that it is cough against the background of a cold that is most difficult to treat without specific medicines. A pregnant woman with a cough is given the following recommendations:

  • you can’t breathe cold air - if the weather is cold outside, then walks should be excluded;
  • observe bed rest - if a pregnant woman works, then it is necessary to issue a sick leave;
  • you need to talk as little as possible, shouting is generally prohibited;
  • do not breathe hard - inhale / exhale should be calm, without tension;
  • pepper patch can be applied to the chest and back;
  • chest and back can be rubbed with ointments with a warming effect;
  • you need to drink a lot of liquid - it can be tea with raspberries, and water with lemon, but always warm;
  • keep your back, arms and legs, chest constantly warm;
  • at night you should drink a glass of warm milk with the addition of baking soda (half a teaspoon) and butter (a teaspoon).

Note:at certain stages of pregnancy, you can take some medications, but only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

If there is a sore throat, then thoughtlessly taking medications to alleviate it is impossible - for example, alcohol-containing sprays, calendula tincture and even propolis. But there are some remedies that doctors are allowed to use for throat treatment even during childbearing. These include:

  • chlorhexidine rinse solution - it does not enter the bloodstream, therefore it does not pose a danger to the fetus;
  • miramistin spray (or rinse solution) - does not cross the placenta;
  • chamomile officinalis, sold in pharmacies - gargle with a decoction in the event of any pain against the background of the inflammatory process;
  • lugol.

Note:during pregnancy, you can treat the throat with lysozyme-based lozenges - this is a natural enzyme that does not adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. These lozenges include lysobact and laripront.

Treatment of a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

It is in the early stages of pregnancy that the likelihood of a woman getting a cold is very high - the body is greatly weakened. It is the early stages of pregnancy that are extremely undesirable for colds, doctors say that even at the 10th week of pregnancy, the disease in question is less dangerous for the unborn baby.

What should a pregnant woman do:

  • observe bed rest;
  • exclude walks in the fresh air and in general any physical activity;
  • to alleviate the condition, inhalations can be carried out with a decoction of chamomile;
  • to facilitate breathing, you can use saline rinsing of the nasal passages;
  • in the room where the pregnant woman is located, there should be humidified air;
  • the expectant mother needs to provide plenty of drink - tea on lime blossom with the addition of honey, raspberry jam;
  • when the temperature rises, you can only make a cold compress and rub down with vinegar.

Note:when the first signs of a cold appear in early pregnancy, you should seek professional help - only a doctor can determine the risk of using drugs in therapy.

According to statistics, there will be no consequences after a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy if you respond to the symptoms of the disease in time, follow the prescriptions and recommendations of doctors.

A pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, will tell about the treatment of acute respiratory infections in pregnant women in the early stages in a short video review:

Treatment of a cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

A cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is, to put it mildly, an undesirable event. The danger lies in the fact that the development of such a pathology can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby - it is in the 2nd trimester that the nervous system of the fetus is formed and develops, and fetoplacental insufficiency may develop along the way. In turn, placental insufficiency provokes a lag in the development of the fetus, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) and an increased risk of preterm birth.

A cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy cannot cause any serious fetal malformations, but this does not mean that a woman can calm down and wait for an independent recovery. Here's what experts warn about:

  • 14 weeks of pregnancy - a common cold can provoke a miscarriage or disturbances in the development of the fetal endocrine system;
  • 16-17 weeks of pregnancy - a cold negatively affects the formation of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, bone tissue;
  • 19 and 20 weeks of pregnancy - if a female fetus develops in utero, then a cold will affect the formation of eggs.

What can a woman do:

Note:without consulting your doctor and gynecologist, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take any medications and products from the category of "traditional medicine".

The third trimester of pregnancy can be considered less dangerous in terms of catching a cold. But! In no case should you relax and ignore the symptoms of the condition in question. Judge for yourself what a common cold can lead to in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

A cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy threatens premature aging of the placenta, which leads to a lack of protection for the fetus. Of course, a child inside the womb cannot get sick, but getting a dose of toxins from medicines is a good chance. Therefore, no medicines can be taken by a pregnant woman without a doctor's prescription, you need to be extremely careful when choosing funds from the category of "traditional medicine".

When the first symptoms of a cold appear in late pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist - usually expectant mothers for a period of 39-40 weeks with a cold are immediately placed in a hospital, in the maternity ward. It will be necessary to undergo a course of correct therapy, which will allow you to recover from a cold before childbirth.

A cold at any stage of pregnancy should proceed under the supervision of doctors - it is strictly forbidden to take any medicines (even at first glance absolutely simple and safe) on their own. Even folk remedies for colds are not suitable for everyone during childbearing. Therefore, frivolity at a crucial moment in a woman's life is unacceptable - you need to take care not only of your own health, but also the normal development of the unborn baby.

What medicines can be taken during pregnancy? You will get the answer to this question by watching the video review.

be treated for colds pregnant You need to be very careful not to harm the child!

Ideally, the expectant mother would not get sick at all, but few people manage to avoid colds and flu during the cold season. Even if you reduce contacts with the outside world to a minimum, viruses can be brought into the house by a family member who has come unstuck.

Furthermore! Sometimes they attack us from within without any external infection, because they doze in the genetic apparatus of cells, waiting for a favorable moment to declare themselves. Pregnancy is just one of these conditions.

The protective system of the female body, due to physiological reasons, is in a state of forced oppression - immunosuppression. This is a guarantee that the mechanism of protecting the internal environment from everything alien will not work against the emerging life. Full tissue compatibility is possible only between two clones or identical twins, but not between a future mother and her baby!

However, the same immunosuppression that curbs rejection reactions and keeps a pregnancy going makes a woman highly susceptible to seasonal infections. If you catch one of them, act wisely so as not to harm the child!


no chemicals in pregnancy you can’t take it (and the vast majority of drugs from the pharmacy are powerless against viruses), but you also need to be careful about herbal medicine: sometimes herbs are more powerful than drugs!


Drugs containing alcohol are prohibited (even in small quantities it is harmful to the fetus!), Especially tinctures of immunostimulants - licorice, echinacea, lemongrass, zamaniha, leuzea, ginseng, rhodiola rosea ... They increase blood pressure and speed up the pulse, increasing the load on the hard working the heart of the expectant mother and the vascular system of the baby.

His tiny heart is already beating at a frantic pace, making more than 200 beats per minute. Accelerating this pace means wearing out the developing heart muscle and laying the foundation for cardiac ailments.

Advice: use an immunostimulant that does not give undesirable effects. This is a horseradish that has long been used from colds during pregnancy folk medicine. Grate its root on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of sugar, leave in a warm place for 12 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. every hour during the acute period of a cold.


Vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy

Use preparations such as galazolin and naphthyzinum only at the peak of a runny nose, strictly observing the dosage (1-2 drops, not a quarter of a bottle at a time!) And the frequency, which depends on the type of active substance. Some drugs are used 1-2 times a day, others - 4-5 times: carefully read the instructions!

The less you use such drops, the more. Why?

1. The vasoconstrictive effect can also spread to the arteries of the placenta, disrupting the blood supply to the fetus if you drip the medicine too often, for a long time or a lot. Some of it is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, while the other flows into the esophagus and enters the blood from the digestive system.

2. Such drops have the unpleasant property of causing spasm not only of the afferent, but also of the efferent vessels, increasing the swelling of the nasal mucosa. The action begins to manifest itself from the 3-5th day of illness, forming a dependence on the drug. They dripped - and it became easier to breathe, and an hour later the nose was stuffed up even more and you again reached for the drops - it's not for nothing that modern doctors call them drugs for the nose!

At pregnant women such a dependence occurs more easily than anyone else: the hormonal background is such that nasal congestion is sometimes felt throughout the entire 9 months, and after childbirth, the manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis magically disappear. This is another reason to be careful with vasoconstrictor drops - since modern science and traditional medicine know many other remedies for the common cold!

Advice: rinse the nose from a syringe with a weak saline solution (a glass of water - table salt on the tip of a knife) and instill into the nose based on sea water (Aquamaris, Salin).



The need for them in expectant mothers is already high, and during illness it increases. Do I need to take them extra?

It all depends on the timing pregnancy and features of the disease: consult a doctor! Without his permission, a dose of pharmacy vitamins do not increase. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to support the body with ascorbic acid, which is heavily consumed during infections, or ascorutin (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of bleeding during influenza).

The main thing is to observe a fine line: to make up for the deficiency of vital substances caused by the disease, but not to create hypervitaminosis. An excess of vitamin A in the early stages of pregnancy leads to malformations, and a bust of vitamins C and D in recent months is fraught with aging of the placenta.

Advice: lean on fresh fruits and vegetables and drink juices squeezed out of them (except for carrots). The body will absorb the vitamins it needs from them without an overabundance.


Honey and bee products

With their help, we usually escape from respiratory infections. But it is better not to use this in the second half of pregnancy: an allergy may already form in an unborn baby, and a future mother may have gestational diabetes.


Pregnancy-cold-thermal treatments

Many of them are contraindicated in your position. Perhaps you are accustomed to taking cold hot bath with salt and herbs. For a while pregnancy she must be forgotten! Soaring your legs is also undesirable: there is a real danger of reflexively stimulating the uterus, provoking an abortion or premature birth.

But even if nothing like this happens, it’s already bad that blood will flow to the veins of the legs (stretch them and cause swelling), and at the same time it will be removed from the placenta: during the procedure, the baby will suffer from a lack of nutrition and oxygen.

Advice: You can soar your hands under a tap with hot water for a future mother - this is an excellent remedy for a runny nose and sore throat! Dry heat won't hurt either. You feel that you are starting to unstick, wrap a warm scarf around your neck, put on woolen socks (you can put a little mustard powder in them or cut out insoles from mustard plasters), warm pajamas and go to bed: it is possible that by morning the cold will pass without a trace.


Unlike traditional medicines, homeopathy is not harmful to pregnant women.

If you feel unwell, every 15-30 minutes, dissolve in your mouth 5 grains of homeopathic (!) Antigrippin, or take a tablet of flu-hel, which has the same effect, every 15 minutes for 2 hours. To consolidate the effect, continue the same for at least another 5 days, taking antigrippin every 2 hours, and flu-hel - 3-5 times a day.


Advice: it is better to invite a doctor in the morning, when the painful symptoms are more pronounced and it is easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

PREGNANCY: Severe runny nose


It is difficult for mommy to breathe - and less oxygen is supplied to the baby. Moreover, with abundant mucus secreted from the nose, your body loses up to 2.5 liters of fluid. Drink more - losses need to be replenished!

  • Place an additional pillow under the head: this will reduce swelling and inflammation in the mucous membrane, and it will become easier to breathe.
  • Massage the points at the outer base of the nostrils with the tips of your index fingers - nasal congestion will immediately decrease.
  • Apply a little Asterisk balm several times a day to the bridge of your nose, temples and those places on your face where you feel discomfort.
  • A hot infusion of plantain, wild strawberry leaves and St. John's wort helps from a runny nose and sinusitis: 2 tbsp. Spoons of any herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • It cleans the nasal cavity well, making breathing easier, soda-tannin drops: brew a teaspoon of tea with a glass of boiling water, evaporate for 15 minutes over low heat, strain through cheesecloth and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Bury 2-3 times a day, 1-2 pipettes in each nostril, then be sure to blow your nose.
  • Herbalists recommend pouring 6-8 drops of juice (carrot and apple) or herbal infusions into each nostril 3-4 times a day. The latter can also be used in the form of inhalations - 3-4 daily procedures for 5 minutes:
  • 1. Mix St. John's wort, willow and oak bark, linden flowers and mint leaves (1:1:2:2:2). Pour 2 tbsp. collection with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours in a thermos, strain and add 3-5 drops of fir oil before drinking.
  • 2. Take equally the herb of yarrow and oregano, sage leaves, tricolor violet root and viburnum bark. Pour 2 tbsp. collection with a glass of cold water, leave for an hour, bring to a boil, soak on fire for 5-7 minutes, cool and strain.
  • 3. Make a collection of equal parts of pine buds, forest mallow flowers, coltsfoot leaves, willow bark and oregano grass. Prepare the infusion as in #2.



  • If temperature rises sharply, and at the same time you feel chills and cannot warm up in any way, your arms and legs are icy, cover yourself with a blanket, drink a few glasses of hot diaphoretic tea and apply heating pads to your palms and soles. This will help to expand the narrowed vessels of the skin, causing a rush of blood, and thereby increase the release of heat. When you get warm, start to bring down the heat with traditional grandmother's remedies: rub your body with vodka or 3% vinegar half-diluted with water (undress for the duration of the procedure and do not rush to immediately wrap yourself up.
  • For fever, brew herbal tea: 2 tbsp. dried raspberries or raspberries extracted from jam. 4 leaves coltsfoot, 3 plantain, 2 oregano. Another recipe: 1 tsp. finely chopped white willow bark pour 1 cup boiling water, cool. Drink 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • prepare a coniferous cocktail in advance. Grind 100 g of young shoots of fir or pine buds and 50 g of raspberry roots. Fold in a glass jar, pouring 100 g of sugar. Add 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for a day, and then heat for another 6-8 hours in a water bath. Leave to stand for 2 days, drain the resulting bright raspberry juice. Keep it in a dark cool place and take 1 tbsp. 4-5 times before meals.





Do not try to talk, even in a whisper - it can be even more dangerous. What a loud speech. During laryngitis, when whispering, the vocal cords tense up, as when screaming. You can even lose your voice!

Inhale the fragrant steam every 30 minutes. Pour the herbal collection with a glass of boiling water, soak for an hour under the lid. Composition of infusions:

  • 1/2 teaspoon wild rosemary leaves, 1 tsp. plantain leaves and 2 tsp. coltsfoot leaves;
  • 3 tsp pine buds or lavender grass and chamomile flowers;
  • 2 tsp tricolor violet herbs and 1.5 tsp. herbs of a series of tripartite;
  • 1 tsp coltsfoot leaves. Mullein scepter flowers and elder flowers.

Don't gargle! Not a drop will get into the larynx anyway - during the procedure, the epiglottis tightly covers it. And the sounds when rinsing can hurt.



At the beginning of the illness, when the cough is dry, drink and breathe over the steam of infusions and decoctions of chamomile, plantain, sage, three-leaf watch, lime blossom. They soften the larynx and bronchi, soothe irritated respiratory mucosa and have anti-inflammatory effects.

After 2-3 days, after the cough becomes wet and sputum begins to go away, switch to decoctions of herbs with a drying, astringent and expectorant action - snake mountaineer, lingonberry and eucalyptus leaves, rosemary herbs, yarrow and succession.

With a prolonged cough that does not “let go” of you by the end of the week. You should be examined by a doctor to rule out pneumonia.

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