Ears are bleeding. Bleeding from the ear: causes, symptoms, treatment

Ear bleeding is a dangerous symptom that results from injury or from a variety of medical conditions. Ear bleeding signals a pathology in the body. This phenomenon is a serious reason for contacting an otorhinolaryngologist, who will determine the cause of the appearance of blood and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The special structure of the auditory analyzer and earwax, which has a bactericidal effect, protect the inner ear and brain from infection from the external environment. When exposed to adverse factors, sulfur loses its beneficial properties, liquefies, ceases to protect the human body from microbes, making the ears most vulnerable.

The causes of ear bleeding are very diverse and very serious. Blood from the ear is a warning sign that should not be ignored.

The reasons

Mechanical damage

  • Ear bleeding is common with ear trauma. The blow damages the blood vessels, they rupture, and blood flows out of the ear. Ear bleeding in this case is prolonged, but not severe. It is almost impossible to stop it on your own, you need the help of a specialist.
  • In children, a foreign body is a common cause of blood from the ear. - small parts of toys, coins, buttons. It is not always possible to detect these objects in a child's ear in time. A foreign object in the ear leads to the development of inflammation and bleeding, which requires a visit to a specialist.


Infectious and inflammatory pathology of the tympanic membrane - myringitis develops as a result of infection from the external environment or the tympanic cavity. Patients are worried about pain, intoxication,. If left untreated, a severe form of inflammation develops, which is accompanied by ear bleeding. In children, myringitis is manifested by the appearance of blood and vesicles with serous contents.

Ear furuncle

Another etiological factor for ear bleeding is furuncle of the external auditory canal. Injuries and abrasions on the skin are the gateway for viruses and bacteria that enter the wound and cause limited purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. With a decrease in the general resistance of the organism, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci penetrate into the hair follicle and cause the development of a pathological process. The boil can reach enormous sizes and outwardly resemble a giant pimple or neoplasm. In addition to local symptoms - throbbing pain and swelling in the ear, patients have signs of general intoxication - fever, chills, weakness. After ripening, the boil bursts, pus is released along with the blood, the condition of the patients is normalized. Only a specialist has the right to open an abscess. He makes an incision, removes the purulent contents and treats the wound with antiseptics.

Ear Candidiasis - opportunistic mycosis, affecting the skin and mucous membranes. The causative agent of the pathology are yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The walls of inflamed blood vessels lose their elasticity, become thinner and break down. This is how ear bleeding develops. Pathology is manifested by itching in the ears, the appearance of profuse discharge, maceration of the skin and often leads to deafness. Blood from the ear is a serious complication of candidiasis that develops only in advanced cases in the absence of adequate treatment.

Ear bleeding sometimes occurs with. Usually, its appearance is preceded by fever, ear pain ,. Blood from the ear leaves along with purulent contents.


  • Tumor in the tympanic cavity often causes bleeding from the ear. A neoplasm, depending on its size and location, can be detected with the naked eye in the ear canal. It can protrude beyond the outer ear or be located in the tympanic cavity. In patients with this, there is pain in the ears, dizziness,.
  • Polyp in the ear canal - a local complication of chronic purulent otitis media, which develops in the absence of timely treatment. This is a pathological proliferation of tissue of the ear canal, which periodically bleeds. Polyps are attached to the mucous membrane using a wide base or thin stem. Purulent and bloody discharge are symptoms of polyps in the ears. They can only be removed surgically.
  • Ear carcinoma - a malignant tumor growing from the epithelial cells of the middle ear. Reaching a considerable size, it presses on the blood vessels, which are damaged. This is how ear bleeding occurs.

Pressure change


Treatment for ear bleeding depends on the underlying cause. To determine it, you need to contact a specialist who will examine the ear and provide qualified medical care.

Any unnatural discharge from the ears - blood or pus - requires urgent medical attention. This problem occurs infrequently, but the causes of ear bleeding are very serious.

The ear has a special structure, and together with earwax, they perform a protective function, preventing the development of bacteria and the penetration of infections into the inner ear cavity and the brain.

When exposed to a number of unfavorable factors, sulfur in the ear loses its beneficial properties, liquefies, which becomes the cause of many diseases, with symptoms such as:

  • sharp pain;
  • dizziness;
  • edema;
  • pus;
  • ear bleeding;
  • decreased sound perception and others.

Experts identify several reasons that provoke bleeding from the ear:

  • mechanical;
  • infectious;
  • pathological.


The most common cause of blood in the ears is injury. Scratches and abrasions are accompanied by slight bleeding. In such cases, you can stop the bleeding yourself, at home. It is necessary to rinse the auricle and part of the ear canal with warm water. Additionally, the use of antiseptic drugs is optional.

Slight discharge from scratches occurs most often during hygiene procedures. Such wounds heal quickly and become covered with a crust, which eventually disappears. They are not dangerous for life and health.

Deeper damage, such as the tympanic membrane, may cause minor bleeding. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, using special instruments, will remove blood clots from the ear canal and prescribe treatment.

A head injury can also cause spotting from the ear. This is due to vascular damage. This bleeding is minor, but can last up to 7 days before the wounds heal.

A dull blow to the auricle can also provoke the appearance of blood in the ear. In such cases, the discharge is usually insignificant, but the patient must be shown to a specialist in order to exclude damage to the tympanic membrane.

Pressure surges

The sudden drop in pressure can cause bleeding from the ear and nose. Most often, such situations occur during diving or long flights.

Such discharge is not intense, but at the same time requires the attention of a specialist. If the doctor is not around, the person should take drugs that normalize blood pressure.


With infections and inflammations of the inner ear, otitis media, myringitis, blood is released along with pus. They can be recognized by small vesicles with serous viscous contents. Inflammatory processes are often accompanied by pulsating local pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe focus of an infectious disease. The patient complains that he feels the blood “pounding in his ears”. Such symptoms require immediate medical attention, since it is one of the signs of meningitis.

Blood and pus in the ear can also appear after opening the boil. It develops after infection gets into microdamage. The disease is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, edema and local pain.

Otitis media due to fungal, viral or infectious etiology, with improper treatment, leads to a purulent complication. This is manifested by severe pain, fever, discharge from the ear canal. In the morning, pus flows out of the ears along with blood. If otitis media is bleeding from the ear, this is a very dangerous symptom, indicating that the disease has damaged deep tissues. This can lead to even more serious consequences.

Many people are interested in the question: can otitis media be contagious to other family members? At first glance, it may seem that infectious otitis media can be transmitted from a patient to a healthy person, since microorganisms become its pathogen: streptococci and staphylococci. But, in fact, otitis media develops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner ear or the Eustachian tube, and they are hermetically protected by the eardrum. Therefore, such a disease is not considered contagious.

But otitis externa, bacterial etiology can be dangerous. Bloody and purulent discharge contains many harmful microorganisms that are transmitted through household items, as well as hygiene products (towels, bedding). Even in the pool, a child or an adult is at risk of contracting this disease.


Such ear pathologies can be benign and malignant. They can be detected with the naked eye in the ear canal. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • ear pain;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss.

The most common neoplasms that result in blood from the ear canal are polyps and carcinoma.

Polyp is a benign formation. It is a local complication of purulent otitis media and is an overgrowth of tissue. Polyps are attached to the mucous tissue on the leg, and are removed only surgically.

Malignant neoplasm of the middle ear - carcinoma. It grows from epithelial tissues, and when it reaches a large size, it begins to squeeze blood vessels. As a result - frequent but not profuse bleeding.

Changes in the ear of a hyperplastic nature

This process is associated with benign tumors that fester or injure. The result is bleeding from the ear with accompanying symptoms in the form of congestion of the auditory organ and an unpleasant odor from it. Sometimes it is accompanied by headache and visual impairment. With such symptoms, a specialist examination is required.

Candidiasis (infection with yeast-like fungi)

The cause of the disease is the excessive use of ear antibiotics. Symptoms of the pathology are that there is a slight bleeding from the ears and a characteristic white coating appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ear canal. All this is accompanied by intense itching and general discomfort of the sick person.

The appearance of blood in the ear with otitis media is due to the development of inflammation in the mucous membranes of the middle and inner ear, as well as damage to the tympanic membrane or the opening of a furuncle in the external auditory canal. Catarrhal processes in the ear lead to morphological changes in tissues, as a result of which bleeding may occur.

The presence of blood impurities in serous or purulent exudate indicates the severity of the course of the disease. If a hemorrhagic exudate is found in the ear canal, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Untimely therapy often causes serious complications.


Often, the occurrence of bloody discharge is due to the development of otolaryngological diseases, accompanied by inflammation of the epithelial tissues in the hearing aid. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the organ of hearing can be provoked by:

  • infections;
  • chronic inflammation;
  • neoplasms in the ear;
  • perforation of the ear membrane;
  • eczematous rash;
  • mechanical damage.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of hemorrhagic exudate are shooting pains in the ear, painful sensations on palpation of the tragus, purulent discharge from the auditory canal, hearing impairment. When pathological processes occur in the mucous membrane, the trophism of tissues is disturbed, which leads to its degradation. Subsequently, there is a thinning of the walls of the vessels, which increases their permeability. This is one of the key causes of ear spotting.

Causes of bleeding

There are several types of ENT diseases, in which serious degenerative changes occur in the epithelial tissues of the hearing organ. The appearance of blood from the ear with otitis media may be due to the presence of the following types of ear pathology:

The appearance of hemorrhagic exudate in the ear canal may indicate the development of inflammation in the ear labyrinth.

In rare cases, minor hemorrhages in the ear canal occur due to the development of a fungal infection. As a rule, the multiplication of fungal flora leads to the appearance of allergic blisters filled with serous exudate and blood. Mechanical damage to the vesicles during scratching leads to the evacuation of the contents into the ear canal.

Ineffective and untimely therapy of ENT disease can cause local complications. In particular, chronic tissue inflammation leads to the appearance of benign or malignant neoplasms. Their proliferation can cause hemorrhages. Among the most common complications, experts include:

Important! With severe bleeding, do not put cotton turundas in the ear canal.

A blockage in the ear canal can cause blood to enter the ear maze. Damage to the semicircular canals is fraught with auditory dysfunction and vestibular disorders.


The appearance of blood from the ear with otitis media can be caused by a sharp change in internal and external pressure on the ear membrane. ENT disease is considered occupational and is called aerootitis. The following categories of persons are most susceptible to the development of ear pathology:

  • divers;
  • parachutists;
  • pilots;
  • submariners;
  • stewardesses.

With a sharp increase or decrease in external pressure, the eardrum either protrudes or is pressed into the ear. If the pressure difference is low, the person feels congestion in the ears. However, excessive pressure on the ear membrane provokes disturbances in the structures of the middle ear. This leads to inflammation or perforation of the membrane itself, which causes hemorrhages.

First aid

If bleeding occurs from the ear canal, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. If the bleeding is severe, the patient needs to be given first aid before the doctor arrives:

  1. lay the patient down so that blood flows out of the ear canal without hindrance;
  2. fold the sterile bandage in 5-6 layers and apply to the sore ear;
  3. if the appearance of blood is probably due to the opening of the boil, treat the wound with boric alcohol.

Important! Before the arrival of a specialist, medications cannot be instilled into the ear. In the presence of perforations in the ear membrane, they can provoke hearing impairment and even greater swelling of the mucous membrane.

In case of serious damage to the tympanic membrane, its regeneration without surgical intervention is practically impossible. To restore the integrity of the membrane, the surgeon performs tympanoplasty, due to which recovery occurs within 3-4 weeks.

The principle of treatment of the disease is determined by the cause of hemorrhage, which depends on the type and stage of development of otitis media. After a comprehensive examination to relieve symptoms, pathologists can be assigned the following types of pharmaceuticals:

  • systemic anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Nise) - eliminate inflammation in tissues, which contributes to their regeneration;
  • local antiseptics ("Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin") - eliminate the pathogenic flora in the foci of inflammation, which prevents the occurrence of complications;
  • antimycotics ("Miramidez", "Pimafucil") - kill yeast-like and mold fungi that lead to the development of otomycosis;
  • systemic antibiotics ("Ceftriaxone", "Amoxicillin") - eliminate the manifestations of purulent otitis media and labyrinthitis;
  • antimicrobial drops ("Otirelax", "Otofa") - relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues by destroying pathogenic bacteria in the mucous membranes of the ear.

In case of detection of benign neoplasms in the ear, conservative treatment will be ineffective. Surgery will be required to eliminate the tumor. In the presence of malignant processes, therapy is carried out under the supervision of not only an otolaryngologist, but also an oncologist.

Bleeding from the ears is not a common condition, it does not arise by itself without a reason. In no case can any unnatural bleeding be ignored, and with regard to blood from the ear, the situation becomes dangerous because the organ is located in close proximity to the brain. Blood can be released in small quantities, accompanied by pus, have an unpleasant odor, or flow out in a trickle, it depends on the cause of the bleeding.

Photo 1. Bleeding from the ear is a very dangerous symptom. Source: Flickr (miserablespice).

Causes of bleeding from the ear

Blood from the ear or otorrhagia indicates damage to blood vessels in the organ of hearing... It can occur for various reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • trauma to the organ of hearing;
  • barotrauma;
  • benign formations;
  • malignant formations.

Note! Bleeding from the ear always indicates damage to the capillaries inside this organ.

Infectious diseases can provoke bleeding from the ear, since they lead to damage to the eardrum, these include:

  • otitis;
  • myringitis;
  • perichondritis;
  • furunculosis.

The structure of the hearing organ is designed in such a way as to prevent the penetration of various bacteria, but in some conditions or diseases the ears become vulnerable to infections.


Otitis media almost always occurs against the background of decreased immunity... This disease can be provoked by a virus, bacteria, fungus, it can also be of an allergic nature.

Purulent form of otitis media

Pusaccumulated in the ear begins to press on the eardrum, and when it is perforated, it is excreted along with the blood.

Purulent chronic otitis media is divided into two types: epitympanitis and mesotympanitis, with mesotympanitis, odorless pus with blood is released, and this type is often treated conservatively. Both of these types are the result of untreated acute otitis media.

Note! In some cases, the doctor will make an incision in the membrane in the ear to allow exudate to escape.

Bullous otitis media is characterized by the appearance of rashes - blisters that contain a clear or bloody fluid. Bursting, such a bubble releases the contents outward. The disease is caused by influenza viruses, herpes viruses, adenovirus and some others.


Myringitis is inflammation of the tympanic membrane, which arises for reasons:

  • water entering the ear canal;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis media not cured in time;
  • viral infection;
  • mechanical, traumatic damage.

The blood vessels are destroyed by these causes, and bleeding from the ear occurs.


Furunculosis is a disease that affects the hair follicles in the ear canal under the influence of staphylococci and streptococci. These microbes live on the skin and do no harm until the right opportunity presents itself. With a decrease in immunity, chronic otitis media or ear trauma, bacteria penetrate deep into the ear canal and form boils there. At the time of opening, these formations secrete the contents (purulent bloody exudate) outward.

Other reasons

Another disease that provokes bleeding from the ears is candidiasis or mycosis... This pathology is accompanied by itching in the ears, but blood appears in a very neglected stateif you do not engage in treatment.

Inflammation of the perichondrium or perichondritisCauses of trauma to cartilage or microbial damage is rare, but it is a condition that can be accompanied by bleeding from the ear.

Hearing trauma leads to violations of the integrity of the capillaries and bleeding. This occurs in the following cases:

  • careless handling of ear cleaners;
  • using unsuitable items to clean the ears, inserting them deep into the ear may cause injury;
  • drug abuse (ear drops, ointment).

Note! When a blow to the head area from the ear, blood flows not intensively, but for a long time, it is almost impossible to stop such bleeding on its own;

With barotrauma the eardrum collapses, this happens under the influence of:

  • a sharp rise in pressure in the arteries;
  • flights by air transport;
  • chronic inflammation in the nose and throat;
  • very loud sound;
  • pressure surges in divers.

Benign lesions and carcinomasthat affect the appearance of bleeding from the ears, can be seen without a special device. In case of carcinoma, emerging from the epithelium of the ear cells, there is pressure on the capillaries and their subsequent damage.

With complications of chronic purulent otitis media, it canthe tissue of the ear canal begins to grow and a polyp occurs - a formation that is easy to damage, and it begins to secrete blood. The polyp is firmly attached to the mucosa; it can only be removed surgically.

First aid at home

With first aid, you need to tilt your head so that blood flows out without obstacles.

It is important! In no case should you cover your ear with a cotton swab or tissue. If the blood does not stop for a long time, then you should apply a tampon to your ear and call a doctor immediately.

After the blood has stopped, it is necessary treat the ear with chlorhexidine or any other antiseptic solution.

The bleeding can help stop the cold compress.

If a foreign body gets into the ear canal, you must not try to remove it yourself, even if this causes blood to leak, otherwise the situation may worsen.

If there is no apparent reason why blood can flow from the ear, then it is necessary urgent specialist consultation... The doctor, examining the organ of hearing and relying on laboratory tests, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Photo 2. In case of bleeding, seek emergency help. Source: Flickr (theofficeofdesign).

Possible complications

Complications in such cases refer to those diseases or conditions that cause bleeding from the ears. So, damage to the tympanic membrane in case of injury leads to:

  • leaking blood from the ear;
  • to hearing impairment, or partial hearing loss;
  • tinnitus and acute pain;
  • to the possibility of penetration of foreign bacteria, thereby causing infectious diseases.

Note! Otitis media, accompanied by bloody and purulent discharge, can provoke inflammation of the facial nerve.

A complication of purulent otitis media is manifested in the fact that the exudate comes out not only outside, but can also penetrate into the inner ear cavity. Then an even more serious disease will arise - meningitis, and this is already fraught with the most dangerous consequences, up to and including death.

Both forms of chronic suppurative otitis media, epitympanitis and mesotympanitis, despite the fact that they are treatable, lead to hearing loss in an advanced state and it will not recover.

Diagnosing the problem

The doctor conducts tactile and visual inspection, if necessary, will carry out the procedure otoscopy, which will reveal any damage in the ear.

If chronic purulent otitis media is suspected, differential diagnosis epitympanitis from mesotympanitis using X-ray and computed tomography... In case of discharge I will be taken fluid samples for analysis. Through research, a doctor can:

  • determine the presence of inflammation in the organ of hearing;
  • identify the exact causative agent of the infection;
  • determine the stage of the process;
  • find out the presence of complications.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe effective medications.

Homeopathic treatment

With discharge of blood from the ears adults and childrenappointed Mercurius vivus (Mercurius vivus), it is also indicated for shooting pains in the ear.

At the initial stage of otitis media Ferrum phosphoricum is used.

Foul-smelling discharge from the ear canal, which are accompanied by a burning sensation, with otitis media, Arsenicum album is used.

In case of rupture of the membrane in the ear and the allocation of purulent exudate appoint Calcarea sulfurica (Calcarea sulphurica).

If the tympanic membrane is damaged Kali chloratum is taken.

With inflammation of the middle ear chronic course is appointed Barita carbonica (Barita carbonica).

Viola odorata is applied for the treatment of purulent otitis media with fluid escaping from the ear, with tinnitus.

Causticum is prescribed with thick dark red, brown, foul-smelling discharge.

For the treatment of otitis media with chronic course and bone damagemeans needed: Calcarea iodata, Calcarea fluorica, Sulfur, Silicea.

Also in the chronic course of the disease with a dense foul-smelling liquidsecreted from the ears, with boils, Morbillinum is used.

Preventive methods

To prevent the appearance of blood from the ear, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • timely treat diseases of the ear, throat, nose;
  • prevent chronic processes in the body;
  • perform various actions aimed at increasing immunity (physical education, hardening);
  • avoid stagnation of water in the ears after bathing or swimming in water;
  • do not use sharp objects to clean your ears;
  • avoid places with very high noise loads;
  • visit the ENT doctor's office to remove sulfur plugs.

To prevent injuries at work, you should take care of your head, observe safety precautions.

In the ear, it can signal a serious illness. If you have such a symptom, then you need to see a doctor (ENT).

There can be many reasons for the appearance of blood in the ear and only a doctor can determine it.

The causes of blood in the ear can be:

  1. Due to the appearance of a polyp in the ear. After growth, the polyp protrudes above the surface, as a result of which purulent and bloody discharge appears c. Because of this, the hearing weakens.
  2. Injury to the ear canal or concha. Wounds and scrapes can cause blood in the ear. This injury is not dangerous and requires the help of a doctor; bleeding from the ear can be stopped by yourself with the help of a cotton pad moistened with alcohol.
  3. A foreign body may enter and damage the eardrum. Bleeding from such an injury will be mild, but headache, dizziness, hearing problems, pain in the ear canal and inside the ear may appear.
  4. Also, a glomus tumor can become an ear visce. It is a benign tumor that forms in the bulb of the jugular fossa. As its growth increases, it begins to press on the part of the eardrum, which is closer to the ear canal. Due to the compression of the membrane, profuse bleeding begins. Hearing can be lost, tinnitus, dizziness and headaches appear.
  5. Infectious myringitis (inflammation of the eardrum) may be the cause. When contacting a doctor, he will prescribe an opening of the blister. After opening it appears. Most often, this blister appears on the eardrum or in the middle ear.
  6. A furuncle may appear in the ear. A furuncle is an inflammation of the hairy bulb. The cause of the boil is. The ear skin becomes red, swells,. After opening the boil, purulent contents appear. The wound, if you can get it, should be treated with a cotton pad moistened with an alcohol solution, in order to avoid re-infection.
  7. The most common cause of ear bleeding is otitis media. Symptoms - pus with blood is released, the body is up to 40 C, unbearable pain appears. It is necessary to pay attention to the contents of the secretions - if only blood is released, but there is no pus, then this is a bad sign. Pus could pass to other tissues, including the brain, which can lead to the development of meningitis.
  8. The cause may be a disease such as squamous cell carcinoma. It is a malignant tumor that affects epithelial tissue. The main thing is to take measures in time, otherwise you can lose your hearing. You should not immediately panic and think that you may have this particular disease, but if there is blood from the ear, and you have not found the above reasons, but be sure to consult a doctor to find out the diagnosis. Do not self-medicate in such cases.
  9. Condidosis - caused by fungi that have got into. More often people who have taken antibiotics for a long time suffer from this disease. Immunity from taking drugs decreases and this becomes a fertile ground for the development of fungi. Bleeding can be profuse or scarce.
  10. With a fracture of the skull, bleeding also occurs.
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