Swine flu (H1N1) features and symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease in adults and children. Swine flu vaccination and development of complications of influenza infection

Each cold season "pleases" us with various epidemics of viruses, this year again makes us worry about outbreaks of swine flu, or scientifically speaking, influenza A (H1N1). To protect ourselves and our loved ones, we will analyze this disease in more detail.

Swine flu is a type of influenza A caused by the H1N1 virus. For the first time, scientists loudly announced it in 2009, when the first cases of the disease were detected, in Mexico, rapidly spreading around the globe. This is what the WHO announced in 2009.

A bit of history

The influenza A (H1N1) virus was familiar to mankind back in the last century, the first cases of the disease were registered back in 1918, then the disease was aggressive and took many lives.

Then the disease recalled itself in 1976 in Mexico, at that time 217 people fell ill, one of them died, after 2 months the disease receded in a mysterious way.

Many media outlets argued that swine flu is the machinations of the pharmaceutical industry to improve its financial base, but this hypothesis has not been confirmed.

Who is he swine flu virus?

Typically, the virus infects pigs without clear signs of infection, rarely causing death in them. This feature makes it difficult to diagnose sick pigs, which is dangerous for a person who cares for or processes the meat of a sick animal.

Mutation of avian, swine, and human influenza viruses has increased the pathogenicity and contagiousness of the infection, resulting in a pandemic.

Due to the mutation, the infection began to be transmitted from person to person, which poses a great threat to humanity.

How can you get infected

The transmission routes are mainly:

  • airborne droplets, through coughing, sneezing;
  • by contact, through objects used by a sick person.

The virus is transmitted from sick pigs to humans and from person to person.

Disease symptoms

According to the observations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the symptoms of swine flu are very similar to the clinical manifestations of simple flu and other infectious diseases. In influenza A (H1N1), the upper airways are very vulnerable.

Swine flu symptoms:

  • sudden high fever accompanied by chills;
  • sneezing, runny nose, redness of the eyes;
  • cough, sore throat;
  • headaches and muscle pains;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea is a characteristic feature of the A (H1N1) virus;
  • shortness of breath;
  • children develop severe respiratory distress, cyanosis (cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle), loss of consciousness, hallucinations, dehydration, refusal of food, etc. develop.

So, in order not to bring the situation to a difficult course, you should carefully listen to your body. In case you have at least 2 of the above symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Risk group

Swine flu infection that can lead to severe complications in the following at-risk individuals:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with chronic lung disease;
  • people with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • people with neurological pathologies, Alzheimer's disease, etc .;
  • people with HIV infection;
  • people with reduced immunity;
  • people with diabetes mellitus;
  • babies;
  • old people.


Swine flu should only be treated under medical supervision. Self-medication is fraught with big problems, including death.
For the treatment of the disease use:

  • isolation of the patient;
  • antiviral treatment - Tamiflu, Zanamivir, etc .;
  • antipyretic drugs - Analgin, Paracetamol, etc .;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Nurofen, etc .;
  • detoxification treatment;
  • vitamin therapy.


  • Mainly if there is a case of swine flu in the family, monitoring of those who have been in contact with the sick person is carried out.
  • Full processing of all objects and rooms where the sick person was.
  • The introduction of quarantine in gardens, schools, hospitals, etc.
  • In case of epidemics, it is recommended to wear medical masks, observe hygiene, namely, washing hands after visiting public places.
  • Hardening, vitamin therapy.
  • Frequent airing of premises and wet cleaning.
  • If the first signs appear, see a doctor immediately.
  • At the time of the appearance of dangerous infections, mankind is mainly looking for ways of protection, such types include a vaccine.

Vaccine medicine found a way of protection in the form of a vaccine that was developed at the end of September 2009 and licensed in the UK.

First of all, people from an increased risk group are vaccinated. WHO recommends vaccinations early in the season for possible influenza outbreaks.

In conclusion, I want to note, do not self-medicate, only medical workers can distinguish between the symptoms of swine flu and the usual one. Unreasonable treatment can aggravate the situation, and sometimes lead to death. Take care of yourself and your family! Be healthy!

Influenza A (H1N1), formerly known as "swine flu", is an extremely infectious acute respiratory disease of pigs caused by one of several swine influenza A viruses. It is usually characterized by high morbidity and low mortality (1-4%). The virus spreads among pigs by airborne droplets, through direct and indirect contact and by carrier pigs that do not show symptoms of the disease. Outbreaks occur in pigs throughout the year, and in temperate climates are most common in autumn and winter. In many countries, pig populations are routinely vaccinated against swine flu.

Swine influenza viruses most commonly belong to the H1N1 subtype, but other subtypes (such as H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2) circulate among pigs. In addition to swine flu viruses, pigs can also be infected with avian influenza viruses and seasonal human influenza viruses. It is believed that the H3N2 porcine virus was introduced into the swine population by humans. Sometimes pigs can be infected with more than one virus at the same time, which allows the genes of these viruses to mix. This can lead to the emergence of an influenza virus containing genes from different sources - the so-called "reassortant" virus. Although swine flu viruses are usually species-specific and only infect pigs, they sometimes cross the species barrier and cause disease in humans.

From time to time, there are reports of outbreaks and isolated cases of human infection with influenza A (H1N1). Typically, its clinical symptoms are similar to those of seasonal flu, but the reported clinical presentation varies widely, from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia with fatal outcome.

Because the typical clinical picture of influenza A (H1N1) infection in humans is similar to seasonal influenza and other acute upper respiratory tract infections, most cases are detected incidentally as part of seasonal influenza surveillance. Mild and asymptomatic cases may go undetected; therefore, the actual extent of the disease in humans is unknown.

Since the IHR (2005) 1 became applicable in 2007, WHO has received notifications of influenza A (H1N1) cases from the United States of America and Spain.

Humans usually contract influenza A (H1N1) from infected pigs, but in some cases, people have had no previous contact with pigs or the environment where the pigs were. In some cases, human-to-human transmission has occurred, but it has been limited to people and groups of people who have had close contact with sick people.

Yes. There is no data on transmission of influenza A (H1N1) to humans through the consumption of properly processed and cooked pork (pig) or pork offal. The virus is killed during cooking at 70 ° C (160 ° F), according to the general guidelines for the preparation of pork and other meats.

Swine flu is not subject to notification to international animal health authorities (OIE - International Bureau of Epizootics, www.oie.int), so the extent of its international spread among animals is not well known. The disease is considered endemic in the United States of America. Outbreaks in pigs are also known to have occurred in North America, South America, Europe (including the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Sweden and Italy), Africa (Kenya) and parts of East Asia, including China and Japan.

In all likelihood, most people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have the immunity to swine flu viruses that can prevent viral infection. If effective human-to-human transmission of influenza A (H1N1) virus is established, an influenza pandemic could occur. The consequences of a pandemic caused by such a virus are difficult to predict: it depends on the virulence of the virus, existing immunity in humans, cross-immunity from antibodies acquired as a result of seasonal influenza infection, and body factors.

There are no vaccines containing the current influenza A (H1N1) virus that causes human disease. It is not known if current human seasonal influenza vaccines provide any protection. Influenza viruses change very quickly. To ensure maximum protection for humans, it is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating strain of the virus. Therefore, WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible - this will allow choosing the most suitable virus for the vaccine.

In some countries, antiviral medicines for seasonal flu are available that are effective in preventing and treating illness. There are two classes of such drugs: 1) adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) and 2) influenza neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir).

Most of the patients with previously reported cases of influenza A (H1N1) have completely recovered from the illness without any medical care or antiviral drugs.

Some influenza viruses develop resistance to antiviral drugs, which limits the effectiveness of chemoprophylaxis and treatment. Viruses obtained from patients in recent cases of swine flu in the United States of America have been shown to be susceptible to oseltamivir and zanamivir, but resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.

There is insufficient information available to recommend the use of antiviral drugs for the prevention and treatment of influenza A (H1N1) viral infection. Clinicians must make decisions based on clinical and epidemiological judgment and on the harms and benefits of preventing / treating the patient. For the current influenza A (H1N1) outbreak in the United States of America and Mexico, national and local health authorities recommend the use of oseltamivir and zanamivir for the treatment and prevention of disease based on the sensitivity of the virus.

While there is no clear evidence that current human cases of swine flu are associated with recent or current swine flu-like illness, it is desirable to minimize contact with sick pigs and report such animals to the appropriate animal health authority.

Most people are infected through long-term close contact with infected pigs. To prevent exposure to pathogens, good hygiene must be maintained at all contact with animals and especially during slaughter and subsequent handling. Sick animals or animals that have died from the disease should not undergo primary treatment. The recommendations of the relevant national authorities should be followed.

There is no evidence that influenza A (H1N1) is transmitted to humans through the consumption of properly processed and cooked pork (pig) or pork offal. The influenza virus is killed by cooking at 70 ° C (160 ° F), following the general guidelines for cooking pork and other meats.

In the past, people infected with swine flu were usually mild, but could lead to severe pneumonia. However, current outbreaks in the United States of America and Mexico are characterized by different clinical presentations. None of the confirmed cases in the United States of America have had severe illness and patients have recovered without any medical attention. In Mexico, some patients reportedly had severe illness.

To protect yourself, take general preventive measures against influenza:

  • Avoid close contact with people who seem unwell and have a high fever and cough.
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, including getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and staying physically active.

If there is a sick person in the house:

  • Try to give the sick person a separate room in the house. If this is not possible, ensure that the patient is at least one meter away from other people.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when caring for a sick person. You can buy masks that are commercially available or make them from scrap materials, provided they are disposed of or washed properly.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after each contact with a sick person.
  • Try to improve the supply of fresh air to the patient. Open doors and windows in fresh wind.
  • Keep the room clean with available household detergents and cleaning agents.

If you live in a country where people have influenza A (H1N1), follow additional advice from your national and local health authorities.

If you feel unwell, have a high fever, cough and / or sore throat:

  • Stay home and, if possible, avoid going to work, school, or crowded places.
  • Rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with disposable handkerchiefs and dispose of them appropriately.
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water, especially after coughing and sneezing.
  • Inform family and friends about your illness and ask them for help with household chores that require contact with others, such as shopping.

If you need medical attention:

  • Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before visiting and report your symptoms.
  • Explain why you think you have swine flu (for example, if you have recently traveled to a country where there has been an outbreak of swine flu in humans). Follow the advice given to you.
  • If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, please report your suspected swine flu as soon as you arrive at the healthcare facility.
  • Make sure that your nose and mouth are covered with something during the trip.

The strain of influenza A / H1 N1, nicknamed "swine", has not yet been fully studied by mankind, since it appeared relatively recently.

We are in the process of searching for information about him, learning through trial and error, which often brings disastrous results.

H1 N1 is so powerful and unpredictable that it has every chance of infecting half of the world's population. Already, its outbreaks have been detected in most countries of the world.

At the first stages of his appearance, many compared him with the "Spanish flu", and believed that the human immunity before him was powerless. This caused a real panic among the people, because without any drugs and a complete lack of body resistance, the h1 n1 influenza virus became fatal, and those who fell ill with it became doomed.

After some time, when the study of this type of flu reached certain results, the opposite became clear. Studies have shown that older people who have ever had the common flu caught the h1 n1 virus much less frequently than younger people.

This made a real breakthrough in the study of influenza, it became clear that the h1 n1 virus will not become the plague of a new generation. The immune system is able to deal with this problem. If the body has been exposed to weaker seasonal influenza viruses, immunity becomes resistant to swine.

Of course, this does not give absolute protection against swine flu, anyone can easily get it, no matter how many seasonal diseases they suffer. But partial immunity significantly weakens the symptoms, the h1 n1 flu is not in full force, its symptoms become more like a common cold. He is treated, accordingly, faster and does less harm.

The swine flu virus is type A and is incredibly infectious. It is twice as strong as usual and hits the body with all its might. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from it. In a short time, the h1 n1 virus is capable of infecting more people than any other, causing a real epidemic.

At the moment, only two ways of infection have been identified:

  1. Airborne;
  2. Contact and household.

But other options are not excluded. Medicine has not yet fully studied the disease, moreover, the h1 n1 virus, like any other, is rapidly mutating, adapting to conditions and getting used to the drugs that humanity is trying to fight against it. And it mutates faster than these drugs are invented.

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to a common illness, except that they are much more severe. In the first months of its appearance in the world, the h1 n1 virus could take a person's life on the second day of the disease. People simply burned out. Not surprisingly, people began to compare him with the plague.

The h1 n1 virus is able to infect a healthy person, being in a sick person a day before the first symptoms begin to appear. That is, one patient could infect dozens of people without even suspecting that he had some kind of disease. The virus progresses for a week from the moment its first signs became distinguishable and is infectious throughout this period.

In the days before they knew anything about the swine flu, it was mistaken for a common cold, giving the wrong treatment and increasing the infection. Transmitted by the fastest ways of infection: through the air and through household items, the h1 n1 virus is able to “mow down” dozens of people in just one day.

H1 n1 persists in the air and on the surfaces of objects for two to three hours, and before people guessed to isolate the sick and treat the room where they are located with antiviral agents, the swine flu took more than one life.

Many years have passed since the first outbreaks of the h1 n1 virus, and medicine has made significant progress in its study. Now humanity knows much more about the disease and is able to protect itself. The types of people most susceptible to the disease and the risk groups that should be increased the degree of protection have become known. The first are:

  • Elderly people over sixty;
  • Children under five;
  • Patients with severe chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and respiratory system;

That is, weakened immunity makes people more susceptible to the h1 n1 virus. The course of the disease, the speed of recovery, also depends on it.

Individuals at risk are directly related to patients or carriers of swine flu. Because of their profession or lifestyle, they are more likely to come into contact with the virus than others, which is why they are more likely to become infected than others. These include:

  • People of public professions associated with communication with a large number of people. For example, teachers, drivers, salespeople;
  • Medical workers: doctors, orderlies, nurses, etc. they face patients every day and the risk of infection is very high.

The name of this disease owes itself to a medical error. When the flu just began to manifest itself, and scientists already realized that it was not an ordinary cold, but something new, the symptoms of the disease began to be recognized among animals. It turned out that pigs get sick with something similar. The contagious pig hypothesis emerged, and the flu was named after the culprits.

Later it was revealed that animals cannot infect humans, and the h1 n1 virus is much more complicated than the one that killed pigs, but the name has already firmly stuck in everyday life.

The period from the moment of infection until the first symptoms appear is about three days. As it was said, at this time the sick person is already able to infect others.

Moreover, the symptoms at their first stage are practically indistinguishable from the symptoms of ordinary flu, and this illusion is precisely the main blow. After all, the treatment of swine flu is most effective in the first stages. Missing the moment, the patient risks his life.

  1. An abrupt rise in temperature. The degree can rise sharply from 38 to 41 degrees. This symptom is characteristic in the very first stages, it is on these days that a lethal outcome is possible. The body can simply not stand it and burn out;
  2. General weakness, lethargy;
  3. Muscle pain and joint aches;
  4. Headache;
  5. Unreasonable fatigue;
  6. Nausea and vomiting;
  7. Diarrhea.

The last two signs are not manifested in everyone and not often. They often accompany high fever and headache.

The listed symptoms are characteristic at the beginning of the disease. In the future, they are joined by:

  1. Dry throat, sore throat and redness;
  2. Rough cough. Often it has an attack character and causes chest pain;
  3. Breathing heaviness, shortness of breath.

The course of the disease is different. For some, the first days after the onset of the first symptoms are the most difficult, for others, the entire treatment is not easy. Swine flu does not tolerate disregard and neglect, it must be treated at the first symptoms and not at home.

It is important to urgently consult a doctor, only he is able to timely and correctly diagnose the disease.

If treatment is not started on time, death may be the worst outcome. The best is the complications of the disease. In addition, delayed treatment can lead to complications. When the first signs of improvement appear, many loosen their pressure and leave the hospital. This should never be done in the case of swine flu.

Complications of influenza can be as follows:

  1. Pneumonia;
  2. Hemorrhagic syndrome;
  3. Myocarditis is infectious.

The most common of these three complications is pneumonia. It is an incredibly serious condition that cannot be easily treated. It can be viral and bacterial, and both types are equally bad.

Signs of viral pneumonia:

  • Appears as a complication on the third day of the flu;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Dry cough;
  • Blue nasolabial triangle and nails on the extremities;
  • When listening to breathing, wet rales are guessed.

If the treatment is not of high quality, or for some reason the disease does not recede, on the seventh day symptoms of bacterial pneumonia appear:

  • Increased cough;
  • An abrupt change in the patient's condition: it either improves, then worsens again;
  • The temperature, knocked down a few days ago, rises;
  • Greenish sputum is discharged;
  • X-rays show darkening of the lungs.

Swine flu itself is scary and dangerous. When complications appear, everything worsens several times, the patient's condition becomes even more severe, and the treatment is intensified. However, this can be avoided by timely and correct diagnostics, and by doing everything in a timely manner.

The h1 n1 virus can be detected from the first hours of infection by taking a swab of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, or by performing a blood test.


Rarely, what disease can be dealt with without seeking medical attention. Swine flu completely excludes this option. You should go to the hospital as soon as the first symptoms appear, and at times of viral epidemics, it is best to get tested before signs of the disease appear.

If the disease is diagnosed, treatment is prescribed based on its severity. At the initial stage, it is carried out on an outpatient basis, in any other cases, the patient is hospitalized. Although, there are groups of people who are hospitalized immediately after the detection of the virus:

  • Children under seven;
  • Elderly people after sixty;
  • Persons with chronic severe illnesses;
  • Pregnant and lactating women.

Influenza is treated with antiviral drugs, such as Oseltamivir or Zanamivir. Along with this, an active restoration of the immune system is carried out so that the body can cope with the disease.

Any other medications, especially antibiotics during the treatment of influenza are strictly contraindicated, since they have a destructive effect on the immune system, while viruses are absolutely harmless. That is, they are used exclusively.

During treatment, it is advisable to drink a lot of warm liquid: tea with lemon, berry and fruit fruit drinks, compotes, milk, etc.

If side diseases and complications occur, it is important to treat them separately. For example, a cough, runny nose, or high fever will not be relieved by antiviral drugs. For coughs, you need to take ACC, Ambrohexal, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Ibuklin will help to remove the temperature, and vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose.

Swine flu treatment lasts from one to four weeks. After recovery, prevention is very important, since the body is not restored and is not resistant to infectious agents.

The video in this article reveals the consequences of swine flu.

Swine flu. This diagnosis plunges the entire population into panic and horror - it is believed that this disease is very difficult and, at best, leads to complications, and at worst ends in death. What does science know about swine flu and how to prevent its occurrence?

Overview of Influenza A (H1N1)

It is believed that the outbreak of swine flu falls on the New Year holidays - people stay at home for a long time, their number decreases due to the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. By the way, it is in connection with the presence of people in their homes that cases of influenza with severe complications are recorded very often - patients go to doctors already in a critical condition.

Note: from year to year the same picture repeats: first the influenza B virus rages, then the flu begins to appearH1N1, but it quickly "burns out" and again comes the influenza B virus, which can sluggishly infect people. And even the period of such a wave-like infection every year falls on the same time - from January to March.

A large percentage of patients with swine flu was observed in 2009 - then deaths were recorded, and the severe course of the infection was clearly traced. Doctors predicted an outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) in 2016 in advance, this strain was planted in which a large number of people were vaccinated - this made it possible to create a good immune layer among the population. Nevertheless, since the beginning of 2016, the dangerous swine flu began to actively spread in the territories of the Northern Hemisphere - Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Israel.

Swine flu symptoms

The danger of the disease in question lies in its rapid development, so everyone needs to know clearly the symptoms of swine flu. These include:

  1. Severe intoxication of the body, which always manifests itself suddenly - the patient can literally name an hour when he felt bad.
  2. Hyperthermia is a high body temperature that can reach critical levels.
  3. A headache of a sharp nature, intense - the patient is irritated by bright light, noise and any movement.
  4. Problems in the functioning of the respiratory system - patients complain of a dry cough that appears.
  5. General weakness, accompanied by aches throughout the body.
  6. A feeling of compression of the lungs - patients complain of severe pain behind the sternum, the inability to take a deep breath and exhale.

It is extremely rare among the symptoms of influenza A (H1N1) to have a runny nose and.

There is a dedicated group of individuals who are at risk for infection with the influenza A virus. It includes:

  • children under the age of 5;
  • pregnant women;
  • people over the age of 65;
  • patients with previously diagnosed chronic pathologies - for example, pulmonary diseases, kidney problems, and so on;
  • people with sugar and heart disease;
  • patients with pronounced obesity.

Why swine flu is dangerous

It is influenza A (H1N1) that poses a particular danger to human health and life - this disease is characterized by the development of severe complications. These include:

  1. Changes in the structure of blood - it becomes thicker, clotting increases, and the risk goes to the highest level.
  2. Within 1-2 days, the swine flu becomes viral, which is often accompanied.
  3. The flu virus has a detrimental effect on the kidneys - this can provoke the development of nephritis.
  4. The myocardium of the heart is negatively affected by the virus.

Note: it is viral pneumonia, which develops rapidly against the background of swine flu, literally within a few hours / days, that most often leads to the death of the patient.

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova:

“That is why, literally on the very first day, constant supervision of a doctor is necessary: \u200b\u200bcall him at home, because only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment. Many regions, where the active spread of influenza has already begun, are introducing such a practice - a patient with a confirmed diagnosis of influenza does not go to the hospital every five days to extend the sick leave, but every day in text messages he describes his condition to the attending physician. In no case should the deterioration of the condition be allowed if a person feels that he is breathing with difficulty, urgent hospitalization is necessary "

How to recognize swine flu

Sometimes it is very difficult to immediately determine the development of the swine flu - many patients mistake its symptoms for signs of a common cold or acute respiratory viral infection. This entails inadequate treatment, missing the first hours of the disease and the development of severe complications.

The table will help to distinguish the symptoms of swine flu and a common cold:

Symptoms Cold Flu
Temperature Sometimes, usually not high Almost always, high (38-39C °, especially in young children), lasts 3-4 days
Headache Sometimes Often
Other pains Not strong Often, strong
Weakness, lethargy Sometimes Often, it can last 2-3 weeks.
Heavy condition, exhaustion Never Often, especially at the onset of the disease
Stuffy nose Often Sometimes
Sneezing Often Sometimes
Sore throat Often Sometimes
Chest discomfort Mild to moderate Often strong
Cough Dry cough
Complications Sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear Sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, m. life-threatening
Wash your hands often, avoid contact with people with colds Wash your hands often, avoid contact with people with the flu, get a seasonal flu shot, talk to your doctor about antiviral drugs
Treatment Antihistamines, decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs Antihistamines, decongestants, analgesics (ibuprofen, paracetamol), antivirals in the first 48 hours after symptoms develop. An effective remedy for both colds and flu is the drug "Antigrippin". Ask your doctor for more details.

Features of the course of influenza A (H1N1)

It is worth knowing that swine flu is transmitted by airborne droplets - you can get infected by being near a sick person who sneezes and coughs. For example, in a movie theater, influenza viruses when sneezing from an already ill person spread 10 meters around.

Virologists identify several distinctive features of the course of swine flu:

  1. Headaches are localized in the forehead - patients complain of heaviness of the brow ridges. Even a simple attempt to open the eyes, to raise the eyelids completely, leads to intense pain of a boring nature in the eyeballs.

Note: if a child in preschool age with symptoms of a cold begins to complain of pain in the head, then immediately call a doctor - headaches are not typical for preschoolers .

  1. If a patient with a cold has a history of diseases of the heart system, or, if you complain of profuse cold sweat against a background of high body temperature and difficulty breathing, you should call the ambulance team. This is a sign of the development of swine flu, and it is for heart patients and hypertensive patients that it rapidly turns into viral pneumonia with pulmonary edema.
  2. For influenza A (H1N1), respiratory failure is characteristic - the patient cannot breathe deeply, he is tormented by a constant feeling of lack of air, the breathing rhythm becomes very fast.

Complications associated with swine flu can affect almost every organ:

Important nuances

There is a lot of controversy about how to behave when the first symptoms of swine flu appear. But the main recommendations of doctors are as follows:

  1. Do not bring down the temperature too zealously. An increase in temperature is a signal that the body's immune forces have begun to fight the infection. But too sharp a jump has a bad effect on the work of the heart. The threshold is 38 degrees Celsius. If with flu the temperature is up to 38.5 degrees (for small children - up to 38 degrees), it is better not to take anything antipyretic. If higher - use drugs with paracetamol, ibuprofen, if there are no contraindications. If the temperature does not drop, urgently call the ambulance team, be sure to report on the measures taken, and that the fever does not subside.
  2. There is no antiviral food and drinks, no matter how we are presented with pseudo-useful notes on social networks. But to activate the immune system will help:
  • natural fermented milk products (low-fat yogurt, ayran, tan),
  • citrus fruits (this is a classic: sick people - a grid to raise their spirits, and preferably lime in tea and in the day - they also help the heart to survive flu stress). , which they are rich in, and pectins help to remove phlegm from the lungs, reduce the risk of congestion.
  • fruit drinks of all types (from lingonberries, currants), except for sweet ones (excess sugar interferes with the elimination of viruses from the body).
  • natural proteins that are easy to digest and strengthen the heart - eggs, chicken breast, rabbit, fish.
  1. Self-medication is not worth it - the result will be disastrous. Yes, it is possible and necessary to provide the patient with plenty of drink, but no medications can be taken! Usually, for severe swine flu, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs, but they are selected on an individual basis. If the situation requires resuscitation, then the presence of medical workers next to the patient will save his life.

What to do as part of prevention

When the season of mass infection with the influenza A (H1N1) virus begins, it is worth taking certain preventive measures - they will help reduce the risk of infection at times. Virologists give the following recommendations:

  1. You should not visit crowded places - theaters, discos, cinemas, shopping centers and the like should be excluded from your routine.
  2. After visiting various institutions, being on the street and on public transport, wash your hands with soap and water, be sure to have special disinfectant wipes with you - they can be used to wipe your hands and face.
  3. Flush your nose with saline as often as possible throughout the day. An alternative can be seawater sprays - they are sold in pharmacy chains and have quite an adequate cost.
  4. Before leaving the house and going to work or any other place, lubricate the nostrils (the direct entrance to the nose) with oxolinic ointment - viruses will be prevented.
  5. A medical mask is not a panacea for the flu. Viruses are so small that they penetrate through the smallest pores. But as an additional security tool, it is quite suitable, especially if you need to move and communicate a lot. Nuance: wear a mask only in transport or indoors, where there are a lot of people. Outdoors, the chance of infection is minimal, so don't torture yourself.
  6. The house or office should be aired daily, and each procedure should take at least 15 minutes. Remember - swine flu spreads only in a warm and dry environment, it is afraid of cold and dampness.

Swine flu is a dangerous disease that can lead not only to serious consequences, but also to the death of the patient. Only an immediate appeal to doctors for help, strict implementation of all recommendations and appointments of specialists can prevent such a development of events. By the way, if swine flu is mild, then the disease goes away within 1-3 weeks without any consequences in the future.

Regular outbreaks of swine flu occur throughout the year, especially in autumn and winter, and there are rare cases of animal-to-human transmission. However, in previous years, human-to-human transmission of the swine flu virus was very limited.

How did the new swine flu virus come about?

Pigs can carry different types of influenza viruses: swine, avian and human influenza. Sometimes, one animal can suffer from several types of virus at the same time, which allows the genes of these different viruses to mix in the animal's body and create a new influenza virus. It has long been known that pigs can be a potential source of a new influenza virus that is dangerous to humans.

The current outbreak of swine flu in Mexico in April 2009 is caused by a new virus that is a combination of genes from human, avian and swine flu viruses. Precisely because this virus is new and is the result of the mixing of genes of different viruses, it is very difficult to create an effective one against it.

How is the current outbreak of swine flu different from previous ones?

The outbreak of swine flu in April 2009 is a subtype H1N1 virus, which is now spreading from person to person. Since this virus is new, the vast majority of people are not immune to it. Typically, influenza viruses, although rapidly mutating, still retain similarities with strains prevalent in previous years, so humans retain some degree of protection against them. But this swine flu virus is so different from all previous ones that health authorities fear that most people's bodies will not be able to develop immunity to it. That is why this virus is spreading so quickly.

According to information as of 16.10.09, according to the WHO regional offices, the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases of human diseases caused by the pandemic virus (H1N1) 2009 in the world is more than 387 thousand, including 4820 fatal cases. More than 800 cases have been recorded in the Russian Federation.

What is a pandemic?

A pandemic is an epidemic of a disease that spans vast geographic areas. The most famous case of a pandemic is the 1918 flu virus known as the Spanish flu. This pandemic was also caused by the H1N1 virus subtype, which has spread to many parts of the world and killed millions of people.

WHO experts developed six-tier pandemic alert.

  • Phase 1.No new human influenza virus subtypes have been identified. The influenza virus subtype that has caused human cases may be present in animals. If the virus is present in animals, the risk of infection or human disease is considered to be low.
  • Phase 2. No new influenza virus subtypes have been identified in humans. However, the influenza virus subtype circulating in animals can pose a significant risk of illness in humans.
  • Phase 3. A case / cases / infection of people with new subtypes of the virus has been identified, but no person-to-person transmission of the virus has been detected, or very rarely transmission by close contact has been observed.
  • Phase 4. Small groups with limited person-to-person transmission of the virus, but very limited spread. It is assumed that the virus has not fully adapted to the human body.
  • Phase 5. Large populations are infected, but human-to-human transmission of the virus is limited. It is assumed that the virus has adapted significantly better to the human body, but has not yet fully acquired the ability to spread / significant risk of a pandemic /.
  • Phase 6.Pandemic: Increased and sustained spread of infection in the general population.

Reached level 6 because it is recorded over a vast territory and among a very large number of people.

However, in the majority of patients, the flu proceeds quite easily, resembling the symptoms of a common flu, and goes away on its own, with simple symptomatic treatment. Therefore, the number of deaths compared to the number of cases is small.

Severe forms of flu can occur in some risk groups:

  • in pregnant women
  • in small children
  • in very elderly people
  • in patients with concomitant diseases (asthma, lung diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.)

What are the symptoms of swine flu?

The symptoms of swine flu are very similar to those of the common seasonal human flu that everyone experiences during the cold season. Swine flu symptoms include the following:

Some patients also experienced nausea and diarrhea.

WHO has released guidance on the use of drugs in the treatment of patients infected with the H1N1 pandemic influenza virus. The guideline was developed as a result of a consensus reached by an international group of experts who reviewed all available research results on the safety and efficacy of antiviral drugs. Particular importance is attached to the use of and zanamivir in order to prevent the development of serious illness and death, reduce the need for hospitalization and shorten the duration of hospital stay.

The pandemic virus is currently susceptible to both of these drugs (known as neuraminidase inhibitors), but resistant to the second class of antiviral drugs (M2 inhibitors), according to the WHO press service.

Around the world, most patients infected with the pandemic virus show typical flu symptoms and complete recovery within one week, even without any medication. Healthy patients with an uncomplicated disease do not need treatment with antiviral drugs, the WHO said.

In an individualized patient approach, treatment decisions need to be made based on clinical judgment and knowledge of the presence of the virus in specific communities.

In areas where the virus is circulating widely in communities, physicians who see patients with influenza-like illness must assume that the disease is caused by a pandemic virus. When making treatment decisions, you should not wait for laboratory confirmation of H1N1 infection.

Treat serious cases immediately

Evidence reviewed by a panel of experts indicates that oseltamivir, when properly administered, can significantly reduce the risk of developing (one of the leading causes of death from both pandemic and seasonal influenza) and reduce the need for hospitalization.

For patients who develop severe illness from the outset or begin to deteriorate, WHO recommends starting oseltamivir treatment as early as possible. Research shows that early treatment, preferably within 48 hours of symptom onset, is significantly associated with better clinical outcomes. Patients with severe or worsening disease should be treated even at a later date. If oseltamivir is not available or is not available for any reason, zanamivir may be given.

For patients with comorbid conditions that increase the risk of more severe illness, WHO recommends treatment with oseltamivir or zanamivir. These patients should also receive treatment as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms, without waiting for laboratory test results.

Given that pregnant women are at increased risk, WHO recommends providing them with antiviral treatment as soon as possible after symptoms appear.

At the same time, the presence of concomitant health disorders does not allow reliably predicting all or even most cases of the development of a serious illness. Globally, about 40% of severe illness now occurs in previously healthy children and adults, usually under the age of 50.

Some of these patients experience a sudden and very rapid deterioration in their clinical condition, usually on the 5th or 6th day after the onset of symptoms.

Clinical deterioration is characterized by the development of primary viral pneumonia, which destroys lung tissue and is not sensitive to antibiotics, and functional failure of many organs, including the heart, kidneys and liver. Intensive care units are needed to manage these patients, where other therapies are used in addition to antiviral drugs.

The use of antiviral drugs in children

WHO recommends immediate antiviral treatment for children with severe or worsening disease and children at risk of developing more severe or complicated disease. This recommendation applies to all children under the age of five, as this age group is at increased risk of developing a more severe illness.

All other healthy children over the age of five need antiviral treatment only in cases of protracted or worsening illness.

Signs of danger in all patients

Physicians, patients, and home caregivers should be vigilant for signs of danger that may signal the development of a more severe illness. Given that disease progression can be very rapid, medical attention should be sought if anyone with confirmed or suspected H1N1 infection develops any of the following danger signs:

  • shortness of breath during physical activity or at rest;
  • difficulty breathing; blue in the face;
  • bloody or colored sputum;
  • chest pain;
  • change in mental state;
  • high fever for more than 3 days;
  • low blood pressure.

In children, signs of danger include rapid or labored breathing, decreased activity, difficulty waking up, and decreased or no desire to play.

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