Bio instructions for use. Tizin Bio: instructions for use

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


You should always take care of skin hydration. This requires drinking enough fluids per day and taking vitamins. Additionally, you can act on the skin externally using special professional cosmetics. By purchasing a miraculous jar of Bio-Oil from the pharmacy, you will smooth scars, moisturize your body, get rid of fine wrinkles and stretch marks.

The cosmetic product Bio-Oil entered the market in 2002, becoming one of the products sold. The spectrum of its action is wide: from eliminating scars, scars and ending with an anti-aging effect. The drug meets the requirements of the World Health Organization and has been awarded with awards from world exhibitions, for example, as "The best multifunctional restorative agent".


Bio-Oil is based on conventional unrefined oils (chamomile, lavender, calendula) and supplemented with vitamins A, E. The exclusivity of this product lies not in its composition, but in the formula, which ensures the complete absorption of all ingredients by the layers of the epidermis. However, along with herbal ingredients, Bio-Oil contains a mineral product - Paraffinum Liquidum, which is not natural in any way.


Action on the body

Chamomile oil

Renews the skin, improves microcirculation and promotes rejuvenation.

Calendula oil

It has a wound-healing, anti-burn effect.

Lavender oil

Cleans the skin from toxins. Promotes cell regeneration. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.

Rosemary oil

Makes age spots, scars, scars less visible.

Vitamin A

Gives skin elasticity, repairs it and heals wounds.

Vitamin E

It has an antioxidant effect, restores skin after thermal damage, for example, after sunburn.

Bisabol (chamomile extract)

Destroys bacteria. Soothes the epidermis.

Softens the dense texture of oils. As a result, the product penetrates deeper into the skin layers, is well absorbed, without leaving a greasy film.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the tool

The disadvantage of a cosmetic product is its high cost. For a visible result, a long course of application is required (at least 3 months), which can be costly in terms of the family budget. If you take breaks, then the desired effect will not be. Another disadvantage, judging by the reviews, is an inconvenient bottle with a dispenser: when used, the liquid flows down the bottle, staining it. However, this drug has more advantages:

  • due to its liquid consistency, it penetrates deep into the skin;
  • makes the skin softer, silky, has a general healing effect;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • restores the tone of aging, oily, problem skin;
  • reduces scars, fine wrinkles, post-acne;
  • restores structure, promotes the synthesis of new cells;
  • moisturizes rough and dry areas of the epithelium;
  • removes peeling;
  • relieves inflammation and irritation;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • evens out the color of the epidermis with regular use;
  • comes in recyclable packaging.

Indications for use

Since the beginning of production, Bio-Oil has been positioned as a drug to combat stretch marks. Later, the range of activities expanded significantly. Currently, it can be used to care for any type of skin. The cosmetic product is applicable for burns, scars, wrinkles, irritation, inflammation. However, you do not need to overdo it so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Bio-Oil for stretch marks

There is no positive answer - does bio-oil help against stretch marks? Daily use of a natural preparation will make your skin fresh, smooth, firm and elastic. Small stretch marks will become almost invisible. However, if you have had striae for a long time, then you will hardly be able to completely get rid of this cosmetic defect with the help of this tool.

With wrinkles

The desire to prolong youth is characteristic of any woman. In the fight against wrinkles, dehydration and aging of the skin, the fair sex uses any drug. Some choose proven grandmother's recipes, others choose the latest innovations in the cosmetic industry, and someone is trying to look for combined products. The latter include the Bio-Oil suspension, which successfully smoothes wrinkles, including mimic ones.

Bio-Oil for scars

Eco-oil is good for treating fresh and minor tissue damage. Although the manufacturer claims that Bio-Oil reduces the appearance of scars, no cosmetic product can cope with deep scars (for example, after the application of surgical sutures). Here there is only one way out - grinding with a laser. Bio-Oil is able to even out the tone, but it is not able to completely dissolve the scar.

Use for pigmentation and acne

Uneven pigmentation is no less problematic for women than stretch marks. The reason for this defect is the irregular production of melanin, which occurs due to external influences. Using low-quality bleaching products or prolonged exposure to the sun will change your skin color. Another reason may be hormonal imbalance, typical during pregnancy. Reviews of Bio-Oil oil confirm the effectiveness in combating this drawback. Bio-Oil can also be used for acne, after consulting a dermatologist.

Bio-Oil - instructions for use

An allergy test must be carried out before use. Apply the drug to dry or slightly damp body. If you want to get rid of stretch marks, rub it on the damaged areas with massage movements for 2 minutes. Kneading the skin will improve circulation and get rid of stretch marks faster. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 2-3 times. Owners of dry and aging skin should use the serum before bedtime.

Bio-Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the oil suspension is used to prevent stretch marks and improve overall tone. The cosmetic preparation nourishes the skin from the inside, saturating it with a complex of vitamins. Use Bio-Oil starts from the 2nd trimester 2 times a day. After taking a bath, apply the product to the body. Particular attention should be paid to areas prone to stretching: chest, thigh, buttocks, abdomen.

Side effects and contraindications

Bio oil cosmetic oil has side effects and contraindications. The product can provoke an allergic reaction, as it contains paraffin and wax. It is not advisable to use it during the period of inflammation of acne and acne: the oily structure can clog the pores and provoke the appearance of comedones. The preparation should be applied very carefully to the face, while avoiding the area around the eyes.


The multifunctional product Bio-Oil is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug that has no analogues in the fight against scars and stretch marks. However, judging by the reviews, you can still buy a cheaper remedy for stretch marks or make it yourself at home, for example, a suspension with a mummy (dissolve it in water and mix with a nourishing cream). Among the main substitutes are:

  • Re-Gen oil. The composition, appearance of the package, smell and consistency are very similar to the oil in question. However, the price is much cheaper.
  • Revitol. A product based on powerful natural ingredients.
  • Kontraktubex. Analogous to domestic cosmetic oil.
  • Mama Mio. The components of the cream can reduce the visibility of stretch marks by up to 70%.
  • Body-Perfector. A product of the Oriflame company, created on the basis of glacial water and herbs.


Bio-Oil cosmetic for scars, stretch marks, uneven tone

Bio is a drug used to correct electrolyte and energy balance. The medication provokes the restoration of the water-salt balance, which was susceptible to disruption during dehydration. Bio also corrects acidosis and can be used as a drug to maintain and restore the normal state of intestinal microflora. The use of the medication is strictly contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the constituents of the dosage form and in children under 3 years of age.

Dosage form

Side effects

Side effects while taking the drug Bio are extremely rare. The most possible negative effect of the drug is redness of the skin.

Interaction with other medicinal products

There is no information on the interaction of Bio with other medicines.

special instructions

Rehydrating agent in powder form for oral solution. As active elements, the preparation contains: dextrose hydrate, sodium chloride, cadium chloride, sodium hydrocitrate. It is used for the same indications as Bio. The remedy is contraindicated for hyperkalemia, hypervolemic shock, acute or chronic form of renal failure, depression of consciousness, as well as for violations of acid-base balance and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.


It is a powder for oral solution. Contains glucose, potassium chloride, sodium citrate and sodium chloride. It is used for the same indications as the original medication (Bio). The drug Citroglucosolan is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug.


Bio cost is on average 513 rubles. Prices range from 100 to 602 rubles.

Registration number R No. 000326/01

Tradename: Bio-Max

Dosage form:

Film-coated tablets


1 tablet contains:
Vitamin A (retinol acetate) 1.135 mg (3300 IU)
Vitamin E (a-tocopherol acetate) 10 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 1 mg
Vitamin B2 coenzyme (riboflavin mononucleotide) 1.27 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 50 mg
Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) 7.5 mg
Folic acid 0.1 mg
Vitamin P (rutoside) (rutin) 25 mg
Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) 5 mg
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 0.0125 mg
Lipoic acid (thioctic acid) 2 mg
Iron (II) (in the form of iron sulfate heptahydrate) 5 mg
Copper (II) (in the form of copper sulfate pentahydrate) 0.75 mg
Calcium (II) (in the form of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate) 50.5 mg
Phosphorus (in the form of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and magnesium hydrogen phosphate) 60 mg
Cobalt (II) (in the form of cobalt sulfate heptahydrate) 0.1 mg
Manganese (P) (in the form of manganese sulfate pentahydrate) 2.5 mg
Zinc (P) (in the form of zinc sulfate heptahydrate) 2 mg
Magnesium (II) (in the form of magnesium hydrogen phosphate) 35 mg

Excipients:sugar, potato starch, povidone, citric acid, crospovidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, flour, basic magnesium capbonate, gelatin, titanium dioxide, wax, polysorbate (tween-80).

Film-coated tablets, white, round, biconvex, with a characteristic odor. The cross section shows two layers. The inner layer is heterogeneous in color with splashes.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

multivitamin + multimineral

ATX code: A11AA04

Pharmacological properties. Determined by a complex of vitamins and minerals included in the preparation.

Vitamin A participates in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, mucopolysaccharides, is necessary for the normal function of the eyes, increases the resistance of the skin and mucous membranes to infections.

B vitamins promote the formation of various enzymes, ensuring the regulation of metabolism in the human body.

Vitamin B1 essential for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Vitamin B2 participates in the processes of biological oxidation and energy metabolism.
Vitamin B5 participates in metabolic processes, the synthesis of phospholipids, steroid hormones and other active substances, ensures the development and differentiation of tissues.
Vitamin B6 participates in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.
Vitamin B12 participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, influencing the processes of hematopoiesis.

Vitamin C participates in the oxidation of biologically active substances, regulates metabolism in connective tissue, carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, participates in the process of regeneration of bones and cartilage tissue; stimulates the formation of steroid hormones, increases the absorption of iron in the intestine.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant; maintains the stability of cell membranes, protecting them from damage.

Vitamin PP takes part in redox processes.

Vitamin P reduces the permeability of capillary blood vessels.

Folic acid stimulates erythropoiesis, participates in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids.

Lipoevaya acid is involved in the redox processes of the body, has a hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect, detoxifying effect in case of intoxication.

Iron is part of hemoglobin, a number of enzymes.

Calcium - the basic element of bone tissue, it is necessary for muscle contraction (including myocardium), blood clotting and transmission of nerve impulses.

Cobalt stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, is a part of vitamin B i2.

Magnesium Magnesium deficiency is accompanied by a decrease in the body's immune forces, rhythm disturbances and myocardial excitability.

Manganese promotes the formation and mineralization of bone tissue.

Copper necessary for normal iron metabolism; promotes the transport of oxygen to the tissue.

Zinc is a part of many enzyme systems, provides the synthesis of insulin and other hormones, is necessary for tissue regeneration.

Phosphorus participates in the formation of bone tissue and teeth, in the formation of high-energy compounds, is necessary for the transfer of energy.

Pharmachologic effect.
Bio-Max is a balanced vitamin and mineral complex containing 12 vital vitamins and 8 minerals and trace elements. A precisely selected combination of active components of the complex is designed in accordance with the peculiarities of the Russian way of life, nutrition, climate. The complex is necessary to maintain the body's energy reserves; metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins; collagen synthesis of connective tissue and neurotransmitters.

The complex strengthens the body's defenses and contributes to the normal functioning of the human nervous system, increases resistance to stress, ensures the development and differentiation of tissues, promotes wound healing, improves the condition of the skin, hair, bone tissue, teeth, gums, blood vessels. The complex has an antioxidant effect.

Indications for use
Prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency in the background:

  • prolonged physical and mental stress;
  • reducing the body's defenses after illness, injury, surgery, after taking antibiotics;
  • malnutrition (including unbalanced diets aimed at reducing body weight);
  • spring-winter alimentary vitamin deficiency;
  • gastrointestinal diseases leading to impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals (chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis, chronic colitis);

and also during:

  • intensive growth during adolescence;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Children up to age 12.

Method of administration and dosage.
Bio-Max is taken orally, after meals.

In order to strengthen the body's defenses after illnesses, during the period of increased physical and mental stress, injuries, surgical interventions, after taking antibacterial drugs for the prevention of alimentary vitamin and mineral deficiency, adults and children over 12 years old are recommended to take 1 tablet per day daily for 3 -4 months. It is recommended to take no more than 1 tablet per day during pregnancy. For the treatment of hypovitaminosis, the recommended dose is 1 tablet 2 times a day for 4 weeks. The repeated course is carried out in 3-5 months.

Side effect.
Allergic reactions to one or more components of the complex. Subject to the instructions for dosing, even with prolonged use of the drug, side effects are not observed.

Special instructions.
Possible staining of urine yellow, which is completely harmless and is explained by the presence of riboflavin (vitamin B2) in the preparation. When taken in recommended doses, the use of the drug during pregnancy is safe for the fetus. It is not recommended to take other vitamin and mineral complexes simultaneously with Bio-Max.

Release forms
Film-coated tablets. On 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging from a PVC film and printed aluminum foil varnished. 3, 6 blister strip packs with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions.
At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children.

Shelf life.
2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies.
Without recipe

The manufacturer accepts claims from buyers:
Valenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC, 141101, Shchelkovo, Moscow region, st. Factory, 2

The Glycine Bio product contains an active ingredient glycine-bio , as well as additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (), magnesium stearate.

Release form

Produced in pill form. They are flat, round, white or whitish in color, with a cruciform risk on one side, and chamfers on both sides. Slight marbling is possible.

pharmachologic effect

Glycine is a substance that is a nonessential amino acid. Under its influence, metabolic processes in the brain tissues become more active, an antioxidant effect is provided. Glycine also regulates the activity of glutamate receptors. As a result, a person's level of conflict, aggressiveness, psycho-emotional stress decreases. The patient's mood improves, the drug allows you to overcome the manifestations, symptoms of vegetative-vascular disorders, disorders in people who have recently suffered a traumatic brain injury or. In addition, glycine reduces the toxic effect of ethanol on the central nervous system.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The active substance actively penetrates into the human brain, into other tissues and body fluids. Metabolism takes place in the liver, where it breaks down to water and carbon dioxide.

Indications for use of Glycine Bio

There are the following indications for the use of Glycine Bio:

  • , which provokes a state of psycho-emotional stress;
  • deviant behavior in adolescents and children;
  • deterioration in mental performance;
  • diseases of the nervous system of a functional and organic nature, in which there is a high level of excitability, emotional stress;
  • insomnia, other sleep disorders associated with neuroses, vegetative dystonia, various forms (including those associated with alcohol abuse);
  • cerebral infarction.

The tool is used in narcology for treatment during remission with encephalopathy and NS lesions.


It is not prescribed to patients who have its components, it is carefully prescribed to patients suffering from arterial hypotension .

Side effects

Allergy manifestations are possible.

Application instruction of Glycine Bio (Way and dosage)

The instructions for use provide for buccal or sublingual administration of tablets. In stressful situations, memory impairment, decreased performance, as well as deviant behavior adults and children are shown taking 100 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day. Treatment can last up to 1 month.

If the patient is diagnosed nervous system damage , in which symptoms of excitability and emotional arousal are noted, the drug is prescribed to children under three years of age at a dose of 50 mg of Glycine Bio 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks, children after three years of age should receive 100 mg 2-3 times a day. The course can last from 1 to 4 weeks.

If the patient has sleep disorders , then, depending on the age of the person, before going to bed he needs to take 50-100 mg of the drug.

Patients with cerebral infarction it is necessary to take 1 g of the drug in the first 3-6 hours after development. In the next 1-5 days, you should take 1 g of the drug per day, then - for another 30 days. 100-200 mg three times a day.

In drug addiction practice prescribed 100 mg 2-3 times a day, treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.


An overdose of the drug is impossible.


During treatment with the drug, the degree of toxic effects of antidepressants, as well as anticonvulsants and antipsychotics, on the patient's body decreases.

With the simultaneous administration of Glycine Bio and hypnotics, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, the effect of inhibition of the nervous system is summed up.

Terms of sale

You can buy it from pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

To store the tablets, you need a dry and dark place with an air temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The drug must be protected from children.

Shelf life

special instructions

If a person is prone to arterial hypotension, then the dosage of Glycine-Bio should be reduced. You need to regularly monitor blood pressure; if its indicators are lower than usual, then the treatment is suspended.

When treating with the drug, you need to drive with caution and practice other activities that require special concentration.


Matching ATX level 4:

There are a number of analogues of this drug. These are drugs Glycised , Glycine Forte , Glycine Biotics and other drugs, the active ingredient of which is glycine. But only a doctor should choose the most suitable drug in each case.

For children

The tool is used to treat children, but only strictly according to indications. The duration of therapy and dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor.

With alcohol

When vegetables grow slowly or yield poor yields, growth activation agents can be used. To date, the BioGrow fertilizer (pronounced as "BioGrow fertilizer") has proven itself well. In this article we will tell you in more detail about what BioGrow is.

BioGrow biofertilizer is perfect for all plants - from tomatoes and potatoes to fruit trees. Naturally, clinical studies conducted by professionals have proven that the use of BioGrow fertilizer is absolutely safe for both plants and humans. BioGrow is a bioactivator of plant growth, therefore its action is to enrich the soil with useful elements.

The result of using this tool is an increase in the number of germinating seeds, as well as the yield (for example, the yield of tomatoes that were treated with this fertilizer increased by half). Also, the tool is able to activate the growth of shoots and increase the immunity of plants, protecting them from diseases and pests. Another undoubted advantage is the beautiful and aesthetic appearance of the fruits, as well as the improvement of their taste characteristics.

The product stimulates the rapid growth of roots, making them more saturated with moisture. Also, after application, you may notice that the foliage of the plant acquires a rich green color and accelerates growth.

What is it for

Many farmers know that beneficial micronutrients in the soil are depleted over time, and in order to get a good harvest, you need to make a variety of fertilizing. In fact, it may seem that it is best to grow fruits and vegetables "naturally" without fertilizing. However, today it is extremely problematic to get a rich harvest without using mineral fertilizers. Of course, manure, saltpeter or ash can be used as fertilizers, but the use of ready-made mineral fertilizers is the easiest.

BioGrow is a fertilizer that is very convenient to use as a top dressing, it gives excellent results. Using this tool, you will strengthen the immunity of your plants, increase yields and stimulate the rapid growth of shoots. Naturally, the product is completely harmless, so you will get excellent results without stuffing your plants with synthetic chemicals.


Studies carried out by specialists confirm the absolute safety of this supplement. It contains natural ingredients that stimulate growth and increase crop yields.

Mode of application

The instructions for use itself are contained in any packaging of this product, so that, most importantly, do not confuse anything and do everything correctly. By the way, for this you do not need any special devices, thanks to the efforts of manufacturers, it is very convenient to use the product at home.

So, the way to use this biofertilizer is as follows: you need 5 liters of water and 1 tsp. BioGrow. It is necessary to dilute the product in water and mix. To achieve the desired effect, the product must be completely dissolved in water. If you are still not sure if you have understood how to use the drug correctly, watch the video that explains how to carry out the treatment.

Top dressing can be used for different purposes, and this will change the way the fertilizer is applied. So, for example, you can use this additive when preparing seeds before planting. It is necessary to place all the seeds that you are going to plant in a plastic container and fill with solution. As a rule, they are left in this form for a day. Tomato and cabbage seeds are left for two days, but if you decide to strengthen potato tubers in a solution, then they have a grip for 12 hours.

Also, you can not water your crops, but spray them with this preparation. This will be an excellent pest prevention and will also activate the growth of your plants. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray your plants either early in the morning (before the sun has risen yet) or after sunset. It is better to refrain from processing in rainy weather - so there will be very little sense from it. The maximum effect is achieved if flowers, trees or vegetables are treated during the period of ovary formation.

Well, the most versatile way is watering. Watering plants with this drug can be at any stage of development. You will need 2.5 liters of solution per 1 sq. m beds. Gently pour the solution under the root, and the procedure itself can be repeated after 20 days.

Remember that you need to process the area in the evening, after the sun has gone down.

Pros and cons

Undoubtedly, this top dressing has much more positive qualities than negative ones.

  • This additive can be used for all types of plants. With its help, you can increase the yield of vegetables in your garden, increase the yield of various fruit trees, and also stimulate the flowering and growth of ornamental plants. It can even be used to grow mushrooms.
  • The yield and quality of fruits really increase significantly after using this drug. According to the research, the yield of some crops has increased by more than half. Thanks to this, even having a small summer cottage, you can get a rich harvest.
  • The drug can be used in various ways - it is suitable for both seeds and adult plants. Thanks to this, the spectrum of action is significantly increased, and you do not have to spend money on additional drugs.
  • It is perfectly compatible with other preparations, which makes possible simultaneous processing without the risk of harming the plants.
  • The safety of BioGrow is also beyond doubt - many real customer reviews, as well as expert studies have proven that using the product gives excellent results and is absolutely safe.
  • And, of course, the price of the supplement should be noted. It is quite acceptable, so you can try to get this biofertilizer, so to speak, "for trial." And if suddenly it does not suit you, it will not hit your wallet.
  • The tool is very economical, so it will last for a long time.

Of the negative points, only one can be noted - this is a large number of fakes that began to appear after the success of this drug among farmers. It is because of such fakes that a lot of negative reviews about BioGrow have arisen, which can be found on the Internet.

Therefore, in order to purchase BioGrow biofertilizer, it is enough to order it on the official website - there you can also get acquainted with the certificates to be sure that you are purchasing a quality product. So be careful when purchasing BioGrow biofertilizer, and be sure to read the reviews, perhaps so you will find out which suppliers are unscrupulous.

Video "Advantage of BioGrow biofertilizer"

In this video you will learn about why it is worth using BioGrow biofertilizer.

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