Blood group (AB0): essence, compatibility, definition in a child, what does it affect? The rarest blood type in the world. Rh factor of the rarest blood type in humans What does 1 blood type mean

Blood is the source of energy, nutrition and functionality for the entire body. It is believed that the first blood group is the oldest. Its age, as experts could determine, is about 60 thousand years. Doctors also call it the cleanest, as it consists of antibodies and does not contain foreign substances (antigens). It has a specific feature that can protect the body from harmful microorganisms and infections. Due to the different physiological composition, the blood is divided into 4 groups. The first positive blood type is the most common. Its carriers are almost 50% of the world's population.

Which donors are suitable

The main difference between blood groups is the absence of antibodies that can react with other blood groups. It is for this reason that a person with such a group is able to be a universal donor. 1 positive blood group is suitable for owners of any other, from I to IV groups, regardless of the Rh factor.

The influence of the Rh factor on the body can manifest itself in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy, with incompatibility of the rhesus of the child and the mother.
  • With surgical intervention, where there is a possibility of carrying out.

In other cases, the presence of a positive or negative Rh factor does not affect the body, and, accordingly, cannot cause any discomfort.


Parents-to-be are obliged to take care of the health of the unborn baby and mother, ensuring a smooth course of pregnancy. For these purposes, they must donate blood for laboratory research and find out the blood group and Rh factor.

If the husband and wife are positive or negative, then the children will inherit Rh identical to their parents and there will be no problems. The conception and intrauterine development of the baby is the most favorable. The same happens with the acquisition of the parental blood group. More often, mothers. Therefore, if the mother has 1 positive blood group, then in 90% of cases the child will take it, regardless of which blood group the father is.

Rhesus conflict

The main danger during pregnancy is. It can occur if, and the dad has a positive Rh factor. The likelihood of a child's rhesus belonging is the same in relation to both parents.

If the baby takes the mother's blood - negative, pregnancy will not cause problems and will not affect healthy development and successful delivery.

Difficulty can only be caused by the case when the child gets the negative Rh factor of the father. This is called the Rh-conflict, the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus.

Throughout pregnancy, you need to carefully "listen" to your body, register early in the antenatal clinic, take all tests on time and do not miss scheduled visits to the doctor.

It can be very dangerous. The female body is a complex mechanism in terms of labor. The antibodies produced by a woman may seek to destroy the fetus. Despite the fact that in 50% of cases, newborns acquire blood of a positive Rh factor, part of the blood during childbirth goes to the mother, which leads to the rejection of a dissimilar rhesus. In this case, the Rh-conflict can provoke a miscarriage or intrauterine death of the baby.

Subsequent childbirth can also cause danger, since they tend to accumulate and are capable of destroying the blood cells of the fetus. In this case, doctors recommend, during the first birth, injecting antibodies into the woman's body that can destroy the positive cells of the fetus. As a rule, after carrying out the correct manipulations, the second and all subsequent pregnancies proceed without problems. The birth of a baby will be a pleasant moment and will not cause worries about health.

Metabolism, in people with 1 positive blood group, contributes to the productive use of calories. Eating large amounts of carbohydrate foods can lead to edema, a decrease in basic thyroid function, and even obesity.

There is an increased, diabetes mellitus. It is quite obvious that there should be a correct diet for the first positive blood type and a healthy lifestyle. Of course, such advice can be given to representatives of absolutely any blood group, but some dietary features are still worth considering.

Protein-containing foods are the basis for keeping the body in good shape and ensuring a good mood.

These are all types of meat products, preferably dark meat, liver. This type of food should dominate the composition of the diet. Foods containing protein can saturate the body even in small amounts, quickly relieve hunger and prevent overeating. Helps Maintain Healthy Metabolism

Seafood will be able to supply the body with iodine, which will improve the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Let's remind that the thyroid gland is the “weak point” of the representatives of the 1st blood group. Fish is phosphorus and, vital, a set of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Seafood is especially good at promoting gentle, painless menstruation in women.

Particular attention should be paid to herbs and infusions. The best remedy for the body from toxins, toxins, is herbal tincture. It will be most effective if it contains ginger, mint and rose hips.

Vegetable salads have a beneficial effect. They are quickly absorbed by the body and enrich the blood with essential vitamins.

Dairy products are less healthy. This is due to the difficult assimilation of the protein contained in this type of product line. In this regard, it is not recommended to abuse the intake of products such as cheese, kefir and eggs. Since people in this category are 3 times more likely to suffer from peptic ulcer, all legumes (beans, lentils) and corn should be dosed in their diet. Use citrus fruits in limited quantities: orange, lemon. For wellness, minimize coffee and sweets.


Our blood type has a great influence on our body along with diet and lifestyle. As you know, there are 4 types of blood groups: I (O), II (A), III (B), IV (AB).

A person's blood type is determined at birth and has unique characteristics.

All blood groups have several characteristics that interact with each other, determine how external influences affect our body. Here are a few facts that would be interesting to know about blood type.

1. Nutrition by blood group

Throughout the day, chemical reactions take place in our body, and therefore the blood type plays an important role in nutrition and weight loss.

People with different blood types should eat different types of food. For example people with I (O) blood group, you should include protein-rich foods in your dietsuch as meat and fish. People with II (A) blood group should avoid meat, as vegetarian food is more suitable for them.

Those who have III (B) blood group, you should avoid chicken meat and consume more red meatand people with IV (AB) group will benefit more from seafood and lean meats.

2. Blood type and disease

Due to the fact that each blood type has different characteristics, each blood group is resistant to a certain type of disease, but more susceptible to other diseases.

I (O) blood group

Strengths: strong digestive tract, strong immune system, natural defense against infections, good metabolism and nutrient retention

Weaknesses: blood clotting disorders, inflammatory diseases (arthritis), thyroid diseases, allergies, ulcers

II (A) blood group

Strengths: adapts well to dietary and external diversity, retains and metabolizes nutrients well

Weaknesses: heart disease, type 1 and 2 diabetes, cancer, liver and gallbladder disease

III (B) blood group

Strengths: strong immune system, good adaptability to food and external changes, balanced nervous system

Weaknesses: type 1 diabetes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases (Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis)

IV (AB) blood group

Strengths: well adapted to modern conditions, stable immune system.

Weaknesses: heart disease, cancer

3. Blood type and character

As mentioned earlier, our blood type also affects our personality.

I (O) blood group: outgoing, confident, creative and extroverted

II (A) blood group: serious, neat, peaceful, reliable and artistic.

III (B) blood group: dedicated, independent and strong.

IV (AB) blood group: reliable, shy, responsible and caring.

4. Blood type and pregnancy

Blood type also affects pregnancy. For example, women with blood group IV (AB) produce less follicle-stimulating hormone, which helps women get pregnant more easily.

Hemolytic disease of newborns occurs when the blood of the mother and the fetus is incompatible with the Rh factor, sometimes with other antigens. If an Rh-negative woman has an Rh-positive fetus, an Rh conflict occurs.

5. Blood type and stress exposure

People with different blood types react differently to stress. Those who easily lose their temper are most likely the owners of the I (O) blood group. They have higher adrenaline levels and take longer to recover from a stressful situation.

At the same time, people with blood group II (A) have higher levels of cortisol, and they produce more in stressful situations.

6. Blood group antigens

Antigens are present not only in the blood, but also in the digestive tract, in the mouth and intestines, and even in the nostrils and lungs.

7. Blood type and weight loss

Some people have a tendency to accumulate fat in the belly area, while others may not worry about it due to their blood type. So, for example, people with I (O) blood type are more prone to fat in the abdominal area than those with II (A) blood group, who rarely have this problem.

8. What blood group will the child have?

Anyone must be aware of which group his blood belongs to and what Rh he has. These biological characteristics of an individual can be identified in any clinic.

The first negative blood type is detected in about 15% of the European population, 7% of the inhabitants of the African continent and is rare in the population of India. Such an infrequent distribution of the group determines the territorial characteristics of the continents. For example, among the European population, the fourth negative blood type is detected even less often than the first negative type.

Parents pass on their genetic information to their children, and the final blood group is formed due to various antigenic combinations. Regarding the predicted combinations of chromosomal fusions, it is possible to assert that the first negative type has differences in the expected percentage of group formation and Rh factor.

The possibility of forming the first type of blood in a baby is shown in the table below:

The Rh factor is considered an additional erythrocyte antigen. Note! It is impossible to give birth to a baby with the first blood type if the husband or wife has the 4th blood type. This test is used in genetic counseling and in establishing paternity.

  1. It will certainly be absent in the blood of newborns if it is also absent in the blood of one of the spouses.
  2. If the presence of a rhesus antigen is present in the blood of one of the partners, then the prognosis for the birth of a child with a negative indicator is 50%.

Benefits of having a first negative blood type

A person with this type of blood, due to the lack of antigenic characteristics, is one of the safest donors in the process of blood transfusion.

In the absence of a similar type of blood, in emergencies, it is transfused into patients with any other type of blood, regardless of the presence or absence of antigen. However, this type of deliberate transfusion is unacceptable.

Note! According to some theories, the carriers of this type of blood are quite strong-willed people who strive to lead in any situation. And in many cases, they achieve all their goals. The characteristic features of carriers of the first blood group include high emotionality, strong instincts for self-preservation. Such people are wary of unjustified health risks and predict the results of their actions in advance.

Disadvantages of having a first negative blood type

In the event of an emergency and the need for an immediate blood transfusion, a person with a first negative blood type will need a donor with similar biological characteristics of blood.

Important! In case of unforeseen emergencies, it is necessary to have a relative or friend with the same biological characteristics of blood on hand.

Some illnesses are common in these people. They often tend to:

  • rh-conflict in the process of blood transfusions;
  • ulcers in the stomach and duodenum;
  • high risk of hypertension;
  • hemophilia (especially in men);
  • to the defeat of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc.;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • some allergic reactions.

Pregnancy with the first negative blood type

A woman who does not have antigens in her blood may face the same consequences, regardless of what her blood group is. In this case, the doctor leading such a pregnancy usually directs both the husband and wife to have tests that accurately determine their Rh factors.

If a pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor, she may face a Rh conflict with her own child, if there are paternal Rh-positive genes in his blood. Nevertheless, the first pregnancy in such situations is considered more or less favorable, since the fetus begins to be rejected by the mother's immune system only towards the end of the term.

The baby is born with some ailments, including:

  • icteric disease;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • anemia.

Such a child is immediately under the supervision of doctors and undergoes timely treatment. In the future, his condition returns to normal.

Re-pregnancy of women with negative rhesus is capable of proceeding with some complications, due to the presence of ready-made antibodies in the bloodstream, which begin to act on the developing fetus already from the initial stages of pregnancy. This situation is fraught with dangerous consequences, but in the modern world they are able to resist such pathologies by introducing anti-rhesus globulins, which have the ability to bind and neutralize the antibodies of the mother's body.

Note! Women who are carriers of a negative Rh factor should approach the issue of planning a child with all responsibility, and pregnancy must necessarily proceed under the guidance of a doctor.

Nutritionists consider people with the first blood group prone to overweight and recommend that they limit the consumption of baked goods and sweets in their diet in order to preserve the quality of life.

In the past century, the assumption of the dependence of the diet on the type of blood has been very popular. The presence or absence of antigens in the bloodstream was not taken into account. The authors of the theory believed that for each type of blood there are a number of foods that are most beneficial to eat. In addition, they identified foods that are not useful for each specific group due to their ability to slag the body and their ability to cause disease.

Primitive people ate exclusively meat. People of the first blood type owe their origin to humanoid creatures that do not possess antigens. They hunted and ate exclusively meat food. Due to the dramatic change in environmental conditions, modern "hunters" cannot eat only meat - other wholesome food is also important. The diet involved lifelong adherence.

Although the theory has outlived its relevance and has been refuted many times by numerous studies, it still has followers who believe in its foundations.

The blood type I diet recommends limiting their intake of:

  • sausages, smoked products, fatty meat delicacies ;;
  • dairy products and eggs;
  • fruits with high acidity and citrus fruits;
  • potato and cabbage dishes and other products.

The following are considered permitted:

  • lean beef or lamb meat; fish, seafood;
  • pumpkin, spinach;
  • buckwheat and whole grain cereals, etc.

Whether or not to stick to the diet is up to everyone to decide for himself. In modern medicine, excesses, questionable innovations and excessive dietary restrictions are not approved. In everything, a measure is needed to avoid a long and painful restoration of the disturbed balance.

Video - Features of the first blood group

In medical science, it has long been known about the existence of 4 blood groups. Some of them are quite common, and some are quite rare. Plasma is the 4th and is in about twenty percent of people. The first negative blood group is often found and is used for donor transfusion. Geographical specificity is of great importance, for example, Europeans are rarely born with the fourth type.

This is due to genetics, because already the human embryo has a set of certain specific ones. The child's blood type is formed during the interaction of antibodies and antigens of the parents, which will soon create a group and Rh factor in the baby. Biochemistry releases antibodies α and β, as well as antigens A and B.

In nutrition, lean meat and drinking milk are considered the most optimal choices. Green tea and drinking herbal decoctions are also useful, but it is advisable to refuse black tea. It is also important to follow a diet and avoid citrus fruits and many types of berries.

The main advice in nutrition will be abstaining from fatty smoked sausages and small sausages. You should eat dishes from zucchini, seaweed, spinach, cauliflower, and parsley.

The membrane of red cells contains proteins and carbohydrates in various quantities (glycopeptides), which are called antigens. The characteristics of the blood depend on them. The most common is the first positive blood type.

Characteristics of the first blood group

1 blood group is ancient. Its owners have strong volitional qualities. There are no antigens in the blood that contribute to an immune response. The owners of this group have only positive characteristics. But they are characterized by excessive fussiness. Such people tend to do several things at the same time, which can cause nervous exhaustion.

This negatively affects the state of health, so a person must work on self-control. The carriers of this biotype are responsive. They always come to the rescue and empathize. These people are characterized by the presence of pronounced organizational skills.

Blood transfusion compatibility chart

The first blood group with a positive Rh is not uncommon - it is found in about 40 percent of the population. Such blood is characterized by the presence of beta and alpha agglutinins in its composition. There are no antigens in it. Compatibility is high. It suits almost all people. In this case, one feature must be taken into account. Experts believe that transfusion can be carried out in groups I, II, III, IV, which have the Rh factor "+":

Rhesus conflict

The presence or absence of antigens in erythrocytes has no effect on the human body. This factor is important in determining who is suitable for transfusion. It is also necessary to determine compatibility during pregnancy, which will identify or exclude the presence of Rh conflict.

When planning a pregnancy

In accordance with the studies conducted, it was found that parents with different groups of children are born with different combinations. If a woman and a man have the first group, then they will have children with the same indicators. The designation of the Rh factor is an important aspect. It is impossible to give an unambiguous forecast regarding the conflict with a positive factor for both parents or their mismatch. If a man has the second group, and a woman has the first, then the child can become the owner of any of them in a percentage ratio of 50:50. The same situation is observed when combining the first and third, first and fourth groups.

The lack of antigens in the parents is the reason for the negative Rh factor in the baby. If only the mother has a negative indicator, the child may have a Rh factor positive (like the father). In the absence of blood mixing, the danger to the unborn baby will be negligible. This is typical for the first pregnancy. During childbirth, the blood of the mother and the baby contacts, the production of antibodies is started in the woman's body. With repeated pregnancy, a conflict will begin, the mother's immune system will attack the baby's blood. This threatens the life of the fetus.

Important! With a powerful immune attack by the mother's body, the child is diagnosed with oxygen starvation due to the destruction of red blood cells and the development of hemolytic disease. In order to avoid spontaneous abortion, it is recommended to take timely measures. If the baby remains alive, then he is most likely to be diagnosed with hemolytic disease, which can have icteric, edematous or anemic forms.

To avoid a problem, a woman needs to be under medical supervision. A universal method of therapy is to prevent the destruction of erythrocytes. Before the start of antibody production, the patient is injected with immunoglobulin twice during pregnancy. After the start of the process of producing antibodies, the administration of the drug is prohibited. In this case, the doctor prescribes supportive therapy and adheres to expectant tactics. If the case is especially severe, it is recommended to carry out intrauterine blood transfusion under the control of ultrasound examination, and early delivery.


In order for the human body with the first group to be healthy, it must be provided with proper nutrition. The diet consists in the predominance of protein products that have a positive effect on the characteristics of the group. That is why the consumption of various types of meat and fish is recommended. In the absence of meat products in the diet, a person experiences a constant feeling of hunger. This causes nervousness and irritability, as well as insomnia and constant bad mood. When choosing meat products, you must ensure that they contain a minimum amount of fat. It is necessary to give preference to veal, beef, lamb, turkey.

The owners of the first group can eat seafood. Experts recommend combining them with meat during menstruation. This will help improve the woman's mood and well-being. Men and women should prepare dishes from fresh herring, cod, hake, mackerel, river pike, trout, salmon. It is better to refuse salted and smoked types of fish.

A person's diet should consist of vegetables and non-acidic fruits:

  • bell pepper;
  • jerusalem artichoke;
  • leaf beet;
  • spinach;
  • chicory;
  • hot pepper.

From drinks, it is recommended to give preference to infusions, for the preparation of which mint, ginger or rose hips are used. Thanks to these drinks, body weight stabilization is provided. With this group from the diet, it is recommended to exclude excessively fatty foods and foods that include large amounts of carbohydrates in their composition. This is due to the tendency of people to be overweight, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition.

Patients are not advised to use soybean, peanut and corn oil for cooking. Fermented milk and milk-containing products must also be abandoned. The consumption of peanuts, pistachios and lentils should be kept to a minimum.

Important! Diet food is not strictly limited. A person should minimize the use of flour products. Potatoes and heavy grains should also be consumed in limited quantities.

The first group is written as I "+" and is widespread, it is widely used in donation. In some cases, a woman with this blood may have a Rh conflict with a child. This requires urgent medical intervention, which will eliminate the development of complications. To ensure the normal well-being and health of the owners of this group, proper nutrition should be followed.

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