Papillomas in intimate places in women: symptoms and treatment. Papillomas in intimate places in women - causes and methods of treatment Papillomas in women in intimate places

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of HPV is papillomas in intimate places. The disease affects a person’s quality of life, brings a lot of inconvenience, and most importantly, can cause the development of cancer. Genital papillomatosis is one of the most common diseases of the genital area. Therefore, it is important to know why papillomas appear, how to recognize the disease, how to treat it and what to do to protect yourself from relapses and complications.


Papillomas in intimate areas occur as a result of infection with HPV (human papillomavirus). The infection is transmitted through sexual contact, and less commonly through personal hygiene items. The risk of infection is quite high - a person infects a sexual partner in 60% of cases. Among the factors that increase the likelihood of developing papillomas in intimate places, doctors identify the following:

  • Early sexual life (up to 15-16 years).
  • More than 5 sexual partners.
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse (without barrier contraceptives).
  • Concomitant diseases of the genital organs.

Genital papillomas do not appear in all people infected with HPV. The development of the disease depends on the human immune system, because in a healthy patient the body’s defenses are able to suppress the activity of infectious agents. Doctors associate the causes of growths in the intimate area with decreased immunity. Papillomavirus is activated under the influence of such factors:

  • Infections of the genital organs. Very often, papillomas are found against the background of chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and inflammatory processes.
  • A general decrease in immunity due to poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, bad habits, frequent acute respiratory infections and other diseases.
  • Abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy injures the mucous membranes, and wounds and injuries are suitable places for the virus to activate.
  • Hygiene failure. This can lead to skin irritation in the groin area and external genitalia, leading to the growth of tumors.
  • Pregnancy. The reasons for the appearance of papillomas during this period are changes in the body, hormonal changes, and weakened immunity.
  • AIDS. Against the background of immunodeficiency, papillomatosis appears on any part of the body, but most often manifests itself as anogenital warts.

Papillomas in the groin and genitals develop under the influence of several strains of the virus. The most common are:

  • 6 and 11th type. They do not belong to the group of oncogenic, they provoke the development of benign neoplasms - genital warts.
  • 16th type. The virus belongs to a group of high oncogenic risk and causes the development of genital warts in the bikini area and flat papillomas, in particular dysplasia. Type 16 is the main cause of cervical cancer; it is found in 50% of patients with this diagnosis.
  • 18th type. Like the 16th, it belongs to viruses of high oncogenic risk. In patients with cervical cancer it occurs in 10% of cases.

Papillomatosis in women

Papillomas in intimate places in women pose a particular danger precisely because they can provoke cancer. Gynecologists pay special attention to cervical dysplasia, which belongs to the category of flat papillomas. Epithelial cells infected with such a virus can degenerate into malignant ones.

Despite the fact that dysplasia is diagnosed as a precancerous condition, statistics show that malignancy occurs in 5-10% of patients. It takes 10-20 years from the first symptoms to cancer. In this case, the disease can stop at stages 1 and 2 of dysplasia, and in some cases disappear on its own. For example, growths that appear during pregnancy often go away after childbirth, when the woman’s immune system is restored.

Papillomas on the pubic part and the skin of the groin in women often manifest as genital warts. The formations grow singly or in groups (resemble small combs or bunches of sharp shoots). Typically, this type of papillomatosis is not associated with cancer. But such a papilloma in the groin still causes discomfort:

  • High risk of injury. It is easily injured by clothing, underwear, and while swimming. In this case, the growth begins to hurt and becomes inflamed. In addition, a torn papilloma can lead to infection - suppuration develops, body temperature rises, and general condition worsens.
  • Cosmetic defect. Papilloma in an intimate area significantly worsens a woman’s quality of life and causes the development of complexes.

Papillomatosis in men

According to statistics, 80-90% of infected men are only carriers of the infection - the human papillomavirus, which affects the genitals, does not manifest itself in them. In this case, such a person can infect a sexual partner.

In men, papillomas appear in intimate places for the following reasons:

  • Deterioration of immunity due to protracted illnesses and long-term use of medications.
  • Diseases of the immune system – AIDS, autoimmune diseases.
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.
  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Papillomas in the groin and genitals can be flat or pointed. In men, both types are dangerous and can cause tissue malignancy. A number of genital warts on the head and body of the penis eventually cause pathological phimosis. The condition leads to inflammation in the affected area and ulcers forming. Such symptoms indicate the onset of a malignant process and require immediate consultation with a urologist and oncologist.

Flat papillomas on the genitals in men are manifested by bowenoid papulosis. The disease is provoked by the most dangerous strains of HPV - types 16, 18, as well as types 31-35, 42. In appearance, the disease resembles a large rash, which consists of compacted plaques rising above the surface of the skin by 1-2 mm. Bonevioid papulosis is diagnosed by urologists as a precancerous condition. Such papillomas on the genitals require detailed diagnosis and mandatory treatment.

Diagnosis of papillomatosis on the genitals

Papillomas in the groin and genitals are diagnosed and treated by a gynecologist (for women) or a urologist (for men). In difficult cases, the patient is referred to an oncologist - consultation with this doctor is needed for people who have been diagnosed with a precancerous condition or cancer.

The doctor examines papillomas in the groin area visually; to clarify the diagnosis, a scraping is taken from the tumors. If there is no suspicion of a malignant process, such growths are removed after initial diagnosis.

Gynecological examination of the internal genital organs is more thorough. The World Health Organization recommends screening for cervical cancer for all women from 25 to 30 years of age. Genital papillomas in the vagina and cervical canal are detected during the following examination:

  • Colposcopy. Examination of the internal genital organs using a special drug that allows the doctor to visually examine the condition of the mucous membranes.
  • Cytological smear. It is taken from the cervical canal with a special brush. The material is examined for the presence of altered cells - if they are present, the doctor may suspect cancer.
  • HPV test. The standard is the Digene test (the “hybrid capture” method), since it determines the type of HPV that caused papillomas in the intimate area and shows the number of viruses. The material can also be examined using the PCR method - polymerase chain reaction, which makes it possible to detect HPV DNA.

If a woman is diagnosed with stage 2-3 dysplasia, a biopsy for histological analysis is additionally recommended. Histology reveals changes in the tissues of papillomas of the intimate area and helps detect cancer in the early stages.

Diagnosis in men includes the following examinations:

  • Smear for cytology. It is taken from the urethra.
  • Cystoscopy. Examination of the urethra and bladder using a special endoscopic instrument. It is prescribed if there is a suspicion that papilloma has appeared in the bladder.

Drug treatment

What causes papillomas? The first and main reason for the development of the disease is weakened immunity. Therefore, the treatment regimen for papillomatosis always includes drugs that strengthen the body’s immune defense. Among the immunomodulators:

  • Cycloferon.
  • Isoprinosin.
  • Reaferon.
  • Interferon.

Additionally, the patient is prescribed vitamins, diet adjustments are made, and recommendations are given for lifestyle changes. In 57% of women with stage 1 dysplasia, such measures are sufficient for the disease to disappear. Therefore, surgery to remove genital papilloma is not always prescribed.

The therapy uses antiviral gels and ointments, which are recommended to be applied directly to the tumor. Gynecologists and urologists recommend the following medications:

  • Gel Panavir.
  • EpigenIntim.
  • Reaferon in candles.
  • Acyclovir.

Removal of papillomas

If papillomas on the pubis and genitals do not go away after drug treatment, doctors prescribe removal of the tumor. The simplest way is to use cauterizing agents - viral growths are lubricated with special gels or liquids, and as a result they dry out. These medications include:

  • Condilin.
  • Super Clean.
  • Podophyllin.
  • Feresol.

Such products can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, especially if papillomas on the penis are being treated. Improper use of medications leads to burns, scarring, and loss of skin elasticity. An inflammatory process may develop in the wound, which will require surgical intervention. For the same reason, doctors do not recommend treating any papillomas between the legs with folk remedies.

Large tumors are removed surgically. Now minimally invasive methods are used for this - the operation lasts no more than 10 minutes, the wounds heal quickly, and no trace remains at the site of manipulation. In addition, such methods reduce the number of relapses of the disease - new papillomas will not appear in 90-95% of cases. The following methods are used in gynecology and urology:

  • Cryodestruction.
  • Laser surgery.
  • Radio wave method.
  • Electrocoagulation.

If a large papilloma is found in intimate places, there is a suspicion of the onset of an oncological process, it will be removed using a scalpel. The doctor will excise all the affected tissue, and after healing, a scar will remain. This is a complex operation, but in case of a malignant tumor it is the most suitable option.

Papillomas formed on the genitals are a fairly common pathology, which, according to official statistics, affects every seventh resident of our country. These benign formations will not cause pain, but, in addition to a cosmetic defect, they are dangerous in terms of the risk of degeneration into oncological tumors. In addition, the disease leads to disruption of normal sexual life, depresses a person’s moral state and gives rise to a feeling of shame about one’s own body. Fortunately, papillomatosis today can be successfully treated if therapy is started on time, and not wait for the generalization of the pathological process and the appearance of complications of the disease.

Genital papillomatosis is an infectious disease of viral etiology that affects the epithelial integument of the external genitalia and the mucous membranes of the internal structural elements of the reproductive sphere. This variant of the disease is characterized by a number of features:

  • the disease is highly contagious, when the infectivity is almost 100%;
  • papillomas in the intimate area grow very quickly, forming extensive lesions within a short period of time;
  • in women, cervical papillomatosis provokes the development of cancer in 15% of clinical cases;
  • the disease is prone to relapse.

The pathological condition is diagnosed equally in males and females. The virus can remain in the human body in an inactive state for a long time. The transition to its active form is facilitated by the deterioration of the immune system, the presence of chronic diseases in the patient, as well as long courses of antibiotic therapy and pregnancy.

Causes of the disease

Papillomas in the intimate area in women arise as a result of infection of epithelial tissues with different strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). Viral agents, entering the body through injured areas of the skin, are based inside cells and actively divide. As a result, a growth appears on the surface of the covering epithelium, which quickly increases in size.

Several factors contribute to the penetration and growth of formations:

  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections in a person, namely chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, etc.;
  • a decrease in the body’s support reactivity and the development of a state of immunodeficiency;
  • seasonal hypovitaminosis;
  • dysbacteriosis of the genital tract;
  • pregnancy period;
  • use of local hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine device, antibiotics.

The most common way of transmitting genital warts is through sexual intercourse. Much less often, infection occurs in domestic conditions when using personal hygiene products of a sick person. HPV can also be transmitted during childbirth from mother to newborn baby or spread throughout the body through self-infection during hair removal procedures, razor use, and the like.

The risk of developing the disease in this case is about 55–65%. If intimacy between people occurs constantly, then the probability of infection increases to 100%.

How does the disease manifest?

Papillomatosis of the genital areas is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance on the genitals of formations with a rough surface that quickly grow, increase in size and form colonies;
  • spread of growths to the anus;
  • the occurrence of minor bleeding due to frequent damage to the base of the formations;
  • the presence of complaints of a burning sensation, tingling or unexpressed pain in the areas where papillomas appear.

Neoplasms in men are quite common, although representatives of the stronger sex are often carriers of the causative agent of the disease without any of its external manifestations. Growths occur at the root of the penis and on its head, as well as in the scrotum or inner thighs. These benign tumors cause discomfort, are often injured, bleed and even hurt. With constant damage, papillomas in intimate places in men can become inflamed or degenerate into malignant neoplasms.

The main symptom of infection in the fair sex is the appearance of growths in the form of warts and condylomas on the genitals. Such papillomas in women provoke pain during sex, bleeding and an unpleasant odor from the genital tract. They quite often transform into oncology, especially when it comes to infection of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and cervix. You can find out more by looking at photos and videos about the disease.

Diagnostic features

A viral disease requires a thorough, comprehensive diagnosis, which will establish the nature of the pathological process, the degree of its neglect, the presence of complications, and will also help determine the choice of further treatment tactics. Diagnosis of genital papillomatosis includes the following measures:

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examination by a gynecologist or urologist;

histological examination of growths;

a blood test to determine HPV titers, as well as a smear to identify the strain of the virus;

cytology of growths.

It is important to remember that before determining how to treat papillomas in intimate places, the doctor must collect all the necessary information about the formations, exclude their malignant nature and ensure the reliability of the research results.

Modern approaches to treatment

The removal of papillomas in intimate areas should be carried out exclusively by a qualified specialist after receiving the results of analyzes of the formations, which make it possible to understand their true nature. Self-medication and an illiterate approach to the treatment of growths can provoke an exacerbation of the pathological process, cause infection of warts or their transformation into cancerous tumors.

Most warts known to medicine respond well to treatment. The most effective way to get rid of growths is considered to be the removal of papillomas in intimate places using hardware techniques, including:

  • cryodestruction of formations using liquid nitrogen, which is used on open skin, as well as in the vaginal cavity and on the cervix;
  • laser treatment of the wart with its subsequent removal, which allows you to get rid of growths, regardless of the depth of damage to the epidermis and the phase of activity of the pathological process (after the laser therapy procedure, no visible scars remain on the patient’s body);
  • burning out papilloma with electric current;
  • papillomas in intimate places are surgically removed when the warts are excised with a scalpel using an anesthetic gel;
  • excision of pathological tissues with an electric knife or electrocoagulation destruction.

Drug therapy refers to more gentle methods of removing formations. At the same time, it is characterized by relative effectiveness and frequent occurrence of relapses of the disease. There is no specific treatment for genital warts yet. Doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to their patients, as well as drugs that improve the immune system. Most often in medical practice, Viferon ointment for papillomas in intimate places is used, less often Oxolinic and Salicylic ointments, Betadine, Panavir cream.

Cauterization of papillomas and condylomas can be carried out using special products containing strong acids that can dissolve pathological tissue.

Among such drugs, the most popular are “Solcoderm”, “Superchistotel”, “Kondilin”. Indications and contraindications can be found in the table.

A drug Indications Contraindications Side effects
Kondilin Genital warts Intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy and breastfeeding, age up to 12 years Allergic reaction, pain, burning, redness
Solcoderm Violations of the integrity of the skin, burns, frostbite Hypersensitivity to any of the components, pregnancy Urticaria, dermatitis, short-term burning sensation
Fluorouracil HPV, solar keratosis, condylomatosis of the vulva, vagina, cervix The period of bearing a child during breastfeeding, bleeding, infectious diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies to fluorouracil Skin redness, itching or burning, anaphylactic shock, urticaria
Verrucacid Condylomas, papillomas and warts on the body, dry calluses, keratomas Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 7 years of age, tumors on the mucous membranes Chemical burn, rash, itchy skin
Imiquimod External condylomas in the genital area Age under 18 years, drug intolerance Pain and itching at the application site, urticaria, dermatitis

Also, doctors do not deny the effectiveness of some folk remedies for treating papillomatosis, so they recommend that patients use celandine juice, garlic cream or red potato squeeze.

Danger of disease

It is not difficult to guess what flat papillomas in intimate places lead to and whether they are dangerous at all, because benign neoplasms can degenerate into malignant ones. In addition, they are easily damaged by rubbing underwear or during sexual intercourse. Violation of the integrity of the membrane causes bacterial infection and suppuration. The growth may grow over large areas. Do not forget that papillomas are contagious and are transmitted sexually or during childbirth.

Prevention measures

Naturally, it is always easier to prevent any disease than to get rid of it later. Papillomatosis is no exception to this rule. Its prevention includes:

  • use of personal intimate hygiene products;
  • measures to improve the immune system;
  • protection of sexual intercourse with a condom.

In any case, having identified papillomas on the leg near an intimate place, you should not ignore the problem or self-medicate. The best way to solve it is to consult a doctor and competently treat the formations using modern methods of disease correction.

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Papilloma in an intimate place occurs for various reasons. Unfortunately, not everyone who discovers this problem is in a hurry to see a doctor.

But papilloma is not such a harmless phenomenon as it seems at first glance. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, these growths can cause burning in the intimate area, pain during sexual intercourse, and bleeding.

In addition, if the papilloma is damaged or disrupted, there is a possibility that new growths will appear with a large lesion. It is worth mentioning the 100% probability of infecting a sexual partner during unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as the possibility of degeneration of this formation into a malignant tumor (in women, this is cervical cancer).

Therefore, papilloma that occurs in an intimate place must be treated. We'll talk about treatment methods next.

Why do papillomas appear in intimate places?

The most important cause of growths on the genitals of men and women is the human papillomavirus.

What is it and how does it enter the body? It is transmitted through contact with an infected person. Its distinctive feature is its long incubation period.

An infected person does not even suspect that he or she has HPV.

Only when the body’s immune functions begin to weaken (this happens in the autumn-spring period, with vitamin deficiency, stressful situations, poor diet, frequent infectious diseases, taking antibacterial drugs, addictions, hypothermia, etc.), the virus begins to manifest itself in the form formations on the skin and mucous membranes.

The sources of papillomas in the intimate area are also:


If a person, regardless of gender, leads a healthy lifestyle - eats rationally, gets enough sleep, does not get nervous, plays sports - then the virus present in his body will not manifest itself in any way. It will remain at rest until the body's protective functions weaken.

Once this happens, recognizing the manifestation of papillomavirus will not be difficult.

Here are the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. The appearance of a growth on the genitals. As a rule, formed warts resemble oblong formations on a thin stalk of a whitish or flesh-colored color. The shape of papillomas is very similar to “rooster comb” or “cauliflower”. Rarely, warts are single. Basically, the affected area is large. If you touch the papilloma, it will be either soft or with a keratinized surface.
  2. Neoplasms are necessarily accompanied by redness of the genital mucosa, itching, and burning. Soreness and slight bleeding from the vagina appear during or after sexual intercourse.
  3. Women in advanced cases develop an unpleasant odor and discharge from the genital tract. As a rule, these symptoms are observed when the papilloma is damaged and a secondary infection occurs.

Attention! If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Papillomas in men

In men, papillomas in intimate places are located:

  • On the foreskin;
  • On the scrotum;
  • Around the anus;
  • On the coronal sulcus of the glans penis;
  • Inside the urethra;
  • On the body of the penis.

During sexual intercourse, the formations are often damaged, which leads to pain, severe itching and burning. If a papilloma has formed inside the urethra, then the act of urination is disrupted (the flow of urine is splashed and interrupted).

The likelihood of malignancy in growths between the legs in men is minimal.

Photos of papillomas in the intimate areas of men

Attention! In men, HPV can cause the development of bowenoid papulosis. With this disease, the head of the penis is affected, which becomes covered with yellowish, pink and whitish plaques.

Papillomas in women

In women, warts appear on intimate places:

The doctor will conduct a number of studies, namely:

  • Visual inspection;
  • PAP test, which detects whether there are atypical cells;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • Biopsy - to exclude the development of a malignant process.

To strengthen the immune system, the doctor will definitely prescribe immunostimulating drugs based on interferon (Alfaferon, Cycloferon, Neovir, Likopid, Imiquimod, Reaferon, etc.). Further treatment will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of HPV.

Drug treatment

Various drugs are used to treat papillomas on the genitals in women and men.

The most effective in this case are considered to be:

All of the above products are intended for external use. However, doctors often prescribe antiviral drugs to prevent relapse.

Most modern drugs have an immunomodulatory effect. As a result, two tasks will be solved: strengthening the immune system and suppressing infection activity.

The most effective antiviral drugs are:

  • Isoprinosine;
  • Panavir suppositories - used for papillomas that appear in the vagina;
  • ointments Acyclovir, Acigerpin, Zovirax.

Antibacterial agents are also often prescribed for papillomas. The drugs themselves, or rather their active ingredients, do not affect HPV. They are prescribed to relieve the inflammatory process against the background of infection (syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

To relieve inflammation caused by HPV, women are prescribed:


Papillomas in intimate places are a consequence of the activity of the human papillomavirus or HPV. According to statistics, more than 2/3 of the world's population is infected with this virus.

There are more than one hundred strains of this virus. For the most part, they are harmless and cause only aesthetic discomfort, since growths can form on open areas of the body that are visible to others. Some strains of the virus are potentially dangerous with the risk of developing cancer. In almost 90% of cases of cervical cancer, the cause is HPV of one of the oncogenic types - 16, 18, 31 or 32.

The virus is transmitted:

  • sexually;
  • through contact and everyday life;
  • when passing through the birth canal, from mother to child.

Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact. Papillomas on the genitals are a consequence of unprotected sexual intercourse.

You can also become infected with the virus at home, especially against the backdrop of decreased immunity. Papillomas on the genitals can appear due to the use of other people's hygiene products, primarily this applies to towels.

Since the area of ​​contact with an infected person determines the area affected by the virus, papillomas in the groin can appear when using someone else’s trimmers, razors, or wearing someone else’s underwear. In rare cases, you can get the virus even by shaking hands, with the condition of a severe decrease in immunity.

Papillomas on the genitals can appear in both men and women. In men, the virus is concentrated in the smegma, so infection can occur even during oral sex. Papillomas in the groin in men are formed during unprotected sexual intercourse, since the virus is concentrated in the vaginal secretions and is easily transmitted from one person to another.

The most common route of transmission of the virus is sexual

Papillomas in intimate places: causes, signs, methods of elimination

The main cause of formations in the intimate area is the penetration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) into the body. It is considered contagious; you can catch the infection from a person during sexual intercourse; you can catch papillomatosis by using the patient’s personal belongings.

The infection cannot enter the child’s body during pregnancy; HPV is localized only in the superficial layer of the skin or mucous membranes, the cells of which do not enter the bloodstream of the mother-placenta-fetus system. It is possible for a newborn to become infected through contact during childbirth.

The virus can remain in the surface of the body for a long time in an inactive state, without manifesting itself. The patient is often unaware of the disease. The following reasons can trigger the activation of HPV, the growth of papillomas and condylomas:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. Colds that are infectious in nature.
  3. Taking antibiotics, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants for a long time.
  4. Drinking alcohol in excessive quantities, smoking.
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  7. Failures in exchange processes.
  8. Hormonal imbalances after pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives.
  9. Frequent stress, constant fatigue and emotional overstrain.

The above factors are favorable for weakening the immune system and awakening a dormant virus, the growth of papillomas on the genitals.

The difference between genital growths and ordinary ones is that benign tumors of the mucous membranes pose a particular danger:

  1. They pose a risk of infecting other people with HPV.
  2. They pose a risk of infecting an unborn baby. HPV can threaten the life of a newborn.
  3. Papillomas between the legs are often injured, cause discomfort when wearing underwear, sexual intercourse, and become infected.

The degeneration of a benign growth can be recognized by the formation of ulcers and erosions in the groin, which develop due to the contact of various pathogenic microorganisms on injured and inflamed areas.

The pathogen that causes the growth of formations in the groin area is dangerous because it survives well in a humid environment; the virus can easily be picked up in public baths, swimming pools and saunas.

Formations in the groin area must be urgently treated by contacting a doctor, who will prescribe tests and studies to determine the type of papilloma. Overgrowth on the skin greatly affects the body, weakening the immune system. As a result, the growths become larger, making them more difficult to deal with and avoid relapses.

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One of the main reasons for the appearance of papillomas in the intimate area is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Let's take a closer look at some of the causes of this disease:

  • numerous sexual relations. With one-time contact with an infected person, it is almost impossible to become infected, but with multiple sexual contacts, the papilloma virus easily penetrates the body and begins its action;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules. If there is a person in the family with such a disease, you should absolutely not use one towel. The papilloma virus can survive on damp laundry for quite a long time;
  • At risk are people with weakened immune systems, women who have given birth frequently, pregnant women, people who have suffered from various diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis).

The incubation period of the virus is quite long, ranging from 4 weeks to 5 months. After this period, the disease begins to act. A number of changes occur in the skin epithelium, infected cells begin to divide and formations appear in the form of growths on the skin.

Papillomas can affect any part of the human body. The cause is the entry of pathogenic HPV into the body. In the intimate area, growths appear after sexual contact with a partner who is a carrier of the papillomavirus. This happens due to the structural features of infectious cells. They are so small that they easily penetrate microcracks in the skin or mucous membrane.

Condoms are not a barrier to the pathogen. Protected sex does not prevent HPV infection.

In the body, the infection is attacked by the immune system, causing the virus to enter a latent state (persist). Activation occurs when the immune system fails. Tumor-like formations appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

In women, growths more often affect the pubis, labia, and vaginal walls. When the virus spreads due to sexual intercourse, condylomas may appear on the cervix. Men notice condylomas on the head of the penis. The worsening of the disease provokes the germination of formations to the urethra.

Both sexes are characterized by the appearance of growths in the anal canal area.

Papillomas in intimate places are a widespread phenomenon. The growths are located in the groin, vagina, penis, and anus. Genital papillomas often occur in children. Neoplasms can cause their carrier not only embarrassment, but also physical discomfort. According to medical statistics, genital papillomavirus occurs in almost a quarter of the population.

In an inactive state, the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus can live in the body for a fairly long period. A virus carrier can infect others without even knowing it. The process of activation and growth of viral cells occurs when the body’s defenses are weakened. As a result, new growths appear.

There are 3 ways of infection:

  • infection due to a disorderly intimate life with a lack of protective equipment (condoms);
  • infection of the fetus during intrauterine development or during childbirth;
  • contact method of infection (use of shared hygiene items, clothing, infection in a clinic due to the negligence of health workers).

It is impossible to completely destroy the infection. Pathogens remain on bedding or underwear, clothing, and hygiene products. The place for active reproduction and life of papillomavirus of the genital tract and anus is a warm and humid environment (baths, saunas, swimming pools). Transmission of the virus often occurs when several people use common hygiene products, if one of them is already a carrier of the pathology. People who have had an STD (trichomoniasis, syphilis) are especially susceptible to infection and the active development of external signs of infection.

Among the many factors that contribute to the activation of the infectious process, the following can be identified:

  • constant stress, nervous tension, depression;
  • drop in the body's defenses;
  • avitaminosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • taking hormonal tablets, in particular contraceptives;
  • chronic diseases.

Papillomavirus of the genital organs and anus are benign growths that develop mainly in groups. The processes can have a papillary shape and are connected to the body through a thin stalk. Pointed formations (condylomas) are common. They look like multiple growths, shaped like coral.

The color of such neoplasms can vary from light pink, flesh-colored to brown. Below in the photo are papillomas in the groin area in men and women. It is not recommended to ignore pathological formations, since in addition to psychological, physical discomfort and the possibility of injury, papillomatosis of the genital organs can provoke the development of cancer.

Genital papillomas, photos of which are shown here, may have the following character of localization and development of neoplasms:

  1. Papillomas on the female genital organs are formed on the mucous membranes of the internal and external structures. Papillomas on the pubis and in the perineum cause the fair sex embarrassment and discomfort in the form of pain.
  2. In men, HPV on the genitals is diagnosed on the penis, in the groin area, and around the head. The photo shows papillomas on the pubic area in men.
  3. Regardless of gender, papillomas are often diagnosed in the groin and anus.

Typically, genital papillomatosis is represented by pointed neoplasms. Sometimes thread-like papillomas occur in the groin area. Squamous cell papillomas of the external genitalia are rarely diagnosed; they can cause pain, burning and itching.

The main difference between the papilloma virus on the genitals (see photo) is the high probability of infection during promiscuous intimate relations. The risk of infection is almost 100%. Genital papillomavirus provokes the development of cancer, in particular, the occurrence of cervical cancer. Discomfort when formations appear can ruin the quality of sexual life. Papillomatosis of the external genitalia can lead to injury to the formations, bleeding and pain.

When pathological cells enter the genitals, they actively grow and reproduce. After a certain time, growths of various shapes form on the affected areas of the body; they can be single or multiple.

The set of characteristic signs of pathology can be divided into 2 groups depending on gender:

  • In representatives of the male population, genital and anal papillomavirus is characterized by the formation of HPV growths on the head of the penis (or around it), on the scrotum, in the groin, in the pubic area, and in the anus.
  • In women, papillomas are most often diagnosed in the bikini area, on the labia, and in internal organs (vagina, cervix). Papilloma on a woman’s genitals is detected during a gynecological examination. The decision about the need for treatment is made by the doctor. Photos of papilloma in the perineum can be found on the Internet.

More than 40 HPV genotypes can cause papillomas in intimate places in women. They may look like dense bodily formations on the skin, not cause itching or pain, but pose a danger to the wearer. If it occurs, treatment must be started immediately.

HPV is an infection present in the vast majority of the world's population. Science has identified more than a hundred different strains of infection, among which there are types with a high oncogenic risk and incapable of causing malignant tumors.

The causative agent of warts on the body is tenacious in the human body, it is impossible to get rid of it forever, but outside the human body the virus quickly dies. Methods of transmission: sexual, less often household contacts. In everyday life, transmission of infection occurs through the use of personal hygiene items of an infected person. A person does not always have visible growths on the body; in some cases, with good immunity, the virus does not manifest itself and is in an inactive state.

The reasons for the appearance of papillomas in a woman’s intimate parts are considered to be a general decrease in immunity, in which the body is unable to keep the virus under control. The following factors lead to a state of immunodeficiency:

  • oncological diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • woman's pregnancy;
  • neglect of hygiene procedures;
  • bad habits, smoking, alcohol;
  • hormonal/endocrinological disorders and diseases associated with them;
  • unhealthy diet: rich food, insufficiently balanced diet, foods not related to a healthy diet: fatty foods, sweets, smoked semi-finished products.

Often, a decrease in the activity of the body's protective cells is caused by background diseases, seasonal colds, the rehabilitation period after surgery, and climate change.

Symptoms and features of localization in intimate places in women

In conditions of decreased immunity, the virus located in the mucous membranes or skin begins to actively multiply, infecting more and more neighboring cells and penetrating their DNA. Mutations caused by infection lead to excessive cell growth. Benign papillomas form in the perineal area of ​​a woman. The virus increases blood flow to the site of skin lesions, which creates favorable conditions for further nutrition and growth of growths.

Indirect symptoms of a genital infection are:

  • itching, swelling, redness;
  • pain after intimacy.

In the absence of visible formations in a woman’s intimate parts, a gynecologist will make an accurate diagnosis based on a smear, but the genotype is determined by more detailed studies. If there are rashes, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis based on a visual examination of the genital organs.

Papillomas in the intimate area are most often located on the labia majora, but their area of ​​distribution is not limited to this place. The rash spreads to the anus, skin in the lower abdomen, papilloma on the clitoris. During a gynecological examination, the doctor identifies condylomas on the inner walls of the vagina and cervix. Group rashes are more susceptible to mechanical damage, which entails additional symptoms: pain, the formation of painful wounds.

Methods of treatment and removal of papillomas on female organs

Medicine is not able to defeat the virus and completely destroy it in the body, however, with the help of a healthy lifestyle and antiviral drugs, it is possible to keep the infection in a state of deep remission for a long time. To avoid infecting others, the carrier should strictly monitor body hygiene.

Treatment of infection in intimate areas includes an integrated approach:

  • hardware removal of growths;
  • elimination of background diseases;
  • correction of immunity with immunomodulatory drugs; in the absence of allergic reactions, it is allowed to take general strengthening decoctions according to traditional medicine recipes;
  • regular examinations by specialists;
  • antiviral therapy to help reduce activity;
  • correction of lifestyle, diet, sleep and rest patterns: balance nutrition, physical activity, avoid stress and overwork.

To remove papillomas on female intimate places, modern medical science does not recommend using homemade recipes and pharmaceutical drugs for several reasons:

  • Traditional medicine recipes are inconvenient to use, require long-term use, and do not provide a guaranteed result. The most commonly used natural remedies for removing warts are celandine juice, Kalanchoe, aloe, vinegar, onion and garlic juice;
  • Pharmacies offer necrotizing and keratolytic agents against warts, burning drugs, popular products for cryodestruction at home, and drugs for exfoliating atypical cells in the form of patches. Medicines have different price categories, each of them has its own characteristics of use. Some require long-term use. Others can, if used carelessly and come into contact with healthy skin, cause a chemical burn: Supercleaner, Verrukacid, the following, if diseased cells are not completely destroyed, will lead to relapses (Wartner, Cryopharma). These techniques are prohibited for treating growths on mucous membranes, but are acceptable for use on the skin.

Self-medication for papillomas in the intimate places of women is contraindicated. In addition to removing the growths, the doctor’s task is to determine whether the virus can trigger the growth of cancer cells.

  • laser removal - the technique does not require special preparation for the patient; many formations are removed in one procedure. Thanks to anesthesia, the procedure is practically painless, suitable for treating patients of all ages, minimal wound care and a short recovery period;
  • radioknife, the advantages of which are considered to be effectiveness without blood loss, painlessness, the ability to treat patients of different ages, and a quick rehabilitation period;
  • cryodestruction - destruction of infected cells using ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen. The advantages of the method are the ability to remove several defects in one visit to the doctor, minimal wound care, speed of the procedure, short rehabilitation;
  • diathermoelectrocoagulation - cauterization of formations with a hot electrode, a short recovery period, and affordable cost are among the advantages of the technique.

Surgical intervention is used to remove large papillomas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Why are papillomas in the intimate area dangerous?

Painful sensations in a woman’s perineum during sexual intercourse is another reason to visit a doctor and get rid of growths.

Papillomas on the genitals are dangerous for sexual partners and are highly contagious.

With any sexual intercourse, the probability of infecting a partner is almost 100%, even if there are no formations on the body or intimate places. In everyday life, when using shared towels, slippers, and soap accessories, the infection can be transmitted to others; the carrier must take care of body hygiene and have personal hygiene products.

In what cases is relapse possible?

Papillomatosis is a relapsing disease. Repeated rashes in a woman’s intimate places cannot be avoided unless the body’s defenses are increased and a promiscuous sex life is maintained. To prevent immunodeficiency you should:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle: eat properly, moderately, and in a balanced manner;
  • avoid hypothermia, stress, overwork;
  • observe personal hygiene standards, have sex with only one partner;
  • bring hormonal levels and the digestive tract back to normal, cure chronic diseases;
  • see a doctor within the recommended time frame;
  • relax, spend enough time in the fresh air, increase physical activity, lose excess weight.

The appearance of papillomas in a woman’s intimate parts is not a sign of cancer, but there is a risk of malignant degeneration. In order to maintain health and prevent the return of the disease, it is recommended to undergo a full course of treatment.

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