Can there be a condensed milk. Benefit and harm condensed milk

Ah which sweet word is "condensed milk." For many of us in childhood, it personified complete happiness. We could eat it with banks (if allowed) and ever! Yes, and now we often want to pamper by this sweet delicacy and, as it were, to return to serene childhood again.

Condensed milk came up with a Frenchman's manner at the beginning of the XIX century, and for the first time on sale it entered America in 1856.
In Russia, it began to be released at a small factory under Orenburg in 1881. Thus, condensed milk for more than 200 years!

The composition of this product is very simple - only milk and sugar. Sugar is dissolved in milk, and then long time is evaporated at a temperature not higher than 50 degrees before obtaining the necessary density. As a result, it turns out a product with a moisture content of up to 26%, sugar in the amount of 43, 5% and a fat content of 8.5% or more. In one milk bank contains 1200 kcal. In condensed milk, according to GOST, there should be no other components, because this is a product of baby food!

The benefits of condensed milk
Condensed milk is considered the most useful sweetness, since it contains a lot of calcium and other useful minerals and vitamins, but unlike other sweet products (cakes, marmalade, sweets and other confectionery products) in it is not contained yeast and food additives. Thus, genuine condensed milk has many useful properties inherent in fresh milk.
This condensed milk should be white, with a slight cream tint, homogeneous, thick and have a creamy taste.

Condensed milk, although it is canned, very demanding to conditions and storage. It should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of from 0 to 10 degrees and no more than 12 months.
Any violation of these rules (increased or reduced storage temperature), a disruption of packaging tightness or storage duration makes this product unsuitable.
If, opening a jar of condensed milk, you will notice that it began to crystallize, there were lumps or mold in it, and the bank's swollen itself, - throw it away immediately! By eating such spoiled milk, you risks for a long time to be on the hospital bed and significantly undermine your health.

There are condensed milk nutritionists not as an independent product, but in combination with other products, for example, with pancakes or fruits, and drink it by unsweequish tea.
Know the measure! Many of us are accustomed to there is a condensed milk with large spoons and a polarism, and meanwhile the daily rate of consumption of condensed milk is only 2 tablespoons!
Harm of condensed milk
There are a lot of sugar in a thundered milk, and naturally it is very calorie.
Condensed milk is contraindicated:
. overweight people;
. in obesity;
. with diabetes mellitus.
Excessive use of condensed milk can cause caries.

A condensed milk, alas, is the most falsified dairy product - more than two thirds of condensed milk - fake!
According to GOST, this condensed milk is called "Milk solid condensed with sugar" and can not be called anything otherwise. If you will see jars with the name on the stores of the stores: "Condensed milk with sugar", "milk condensed" or "condensed milk with sugar" (variants of the set), despite the familiar blue label, know - in front of you fake!
In such a condensed milk, in order to reduce it, various vegetable fats are added instead of natural milk fat, such as palm oil, which is harmful to the human body, as well as various nutritional supplements.
With a laboratory study in some types of condensed milk, a white dye E171 - titanium dioxide was discovered, a very poisonous substance, which is used in the manufacture of paints (Titanium Belil), in the production of products from ceramics and solar batteries.
In addition, real condensed milk should be packed only in tin cans, no other packaging - plastic tubes, cups, etc. - is not allowed.
In order to maximally protect yourself from fakes and do not harm your body, carefully read the label. Remember, if the product, except for milk and sugar, includes anything else - this is a harmful product!

The condensed milk was patented on August 19, 1856 by American Gail Borden. The goal of Bordene was to come up with a way of long-term storage of products. Experience with milk was preceded by attempts to thicken juice, tea, meat. In 1850, Borden created a "meat tender", and was invited to London to the trade exhibition. Returning, he witnessed the death of several children due to poisoning by poor-quality milk. From that moment on, Borden was engaged in the conjecture of milk.

In 1858, the world's first plant for the production of condensed milk opened in the United States, and with the beginning of the Civil War, the product began to be made in huge quantities to supply them the soldiers of the North. The post-war famous fame of Bordene allowed him to organize several new plants, pass the prosperous company to sons, and to finish the days in the small Texan town, called Borden in his honor.

The first plant for the manufacture of condensed milk in Russia appeared in Orenburg.

Technology production condenbies

The condensed milk according to the norms of the GOST should be prepared from natural normalized pasteurized milk, but in fact they often use the restored. Be careful when buying, read the label, the interpretation of incomprehensible terms can be found on our website, and ask questions on the forum.

So, in the prepared milk add a lot of sugar or hot sugar syrup. The process of thicing takes place in special vacuum-evaporating installations, when entering which milk begins to be intensively boiled, as a result of which the extra moisture evaporates, and the liquid is evaporated. The readiness of the condensed milk is determined by the content of dry substances, a refractometer or through a density measurement. So far, the condensed milk is cooled, it is sent to the crystallizers: under vacuum and with constant stirring, the condensed milk is cooled within 20-25 minutes to a temperature of 200 C. This procedure is necessary that the consistency of the delicacy is homogeneous, without outsided clots and grades, as required by classic recipe Condensed milk.

Then, according to the pipes (the vacuum of the process is not broken), the condensed milk is sent to the packaging on tin cans or modern packaging (plastic bags, tubes, bottles).

The benefits of condensed milk

Such technology allows you to maintain most of the beneficial properties of natural milk. The most important milk microelement - calcium is practically not destroyed when preparing condensed milk. As you already understood, it does not use yeast, no taste amplifiers, nor dyes, which makes condensed milk to other sweets.
That's not all. The favorite of children and adults contains vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as sodium, fluorine and iodine. Of course, the concentration of them is lower than in sweet fruits, but compared to cakes and marmalade condensed milk is more useful. It contributes to the strengthening of bones, an improvement in vision and strengthening the immune system.

This does not mean that the condensed milk has lost all useful properties. Of the large number of sweets, the condensed milk is perhaps the most useful. It saved calcium, milk protein, it does not use yeast, taste amplifiers or dyes, as in some other sweets (cakes, candy, marmalade, lollipops, etc.).
The minus condensed milk is that it contains a huge amount of sugar (here is such a formulation of preparation). The product is very fat and a calorie - if you eat the contents of the banks at a time, then your body will be replenished with a 1200 kcal. This is a lot for an adult, but for children and especially. No matter how well they did not work in the children's body exchange processes, with such a nutrition, it is unlikely to remain slender and healthy. The advice of nutritionists - do not consume condensed milk as an independent treat. It is better to use it in combination with other products - fruit, berries or adding tea or coffee.

The condensed milk is loved and appreciated in our country. The reason for this is quite understandable: condensed milk is a fantastically tasty and nutritious product for children, and for adults.

On the one hand, the condensed milk contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, such as: vitamins A, B, C, D and E, Calcium, sodium, fluorine, iodine, etc. In combination, all these substances contribute to bone strengthening and improving vision. Regular use of condensed milk helps also strengthen the immune system.

But, on the other hand, if you eat more than 2-3 spoons of condensed milk per day (and it is such a number of condensed milk to consume nutritionists), it can negatively affect the work of the brain. In addition, sugar contained in condensed milk in large quantities can lead to a whole bouquet of diseases: problems with teeth, obesity, diabetes, cancer, infertility, impotence, etc.

In Russia, there is a fairly large selection of condensed milk. Moreover, manufacturers constantly come up with new options for the classic version of the product: condensed milk with the addition of coffee, cocoa, chicory, boiled condensed milk. Permanent work is also carried out above the packaging form: the condensed milk is placed in tin cans, in glass, plastic glasses and even in tubes.

The above it was about natural condensed milk. According to GOST for its manufacture, you can use only raw milk and cream, as well as sugar and water. But the trouble is that modern Russian producers under the guise of a natural product sell falsification! And this condensed milk is now rarely meeting. To reveal a natural product and falsification (the main point of the study was the detection of palm oil in condensed milk), a special examination was conducted. In the trading network, 9 samples of condensed milk were purchased with marking "GOST R 2903-78" and 1 sample, released on the (technical conditions).

It is worth noting that the product released on the one has the worst taste and nutritional qualities, compared with the product made under GOST. But be attentive: Marking "GOST" / "TU" despite the fact that is usually indicated on the label, the product is not displayed in the title!

To date, it is allowed to produce "dairy-plant" condensed milk on that with the predominance of dairy fat over floral. At the same time, the complete substitution of the milk fat is prohibited by law.

But, despite this, unscrupulous manufacturers put a product with palm oil on the counter, which is much cheaper than milk fat in terms of financial costs, but damage to human health is huge! In contrast to the same dairy fat, palm oil does not dissolve in the body and is not displayed, but only postponed in the form of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels, which lead to atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Interesting, but not at all an appetizing fact: palm oil is used in industry to lubricate the equipment. The temperature at which it melts is at times above the temperature of the human body. And therefore, falling into our stomach, palm oil remains a plastic adhesive mass that plins everything around!

Palm tree oil is the strongest carcinogen. And most developed countries have already abandoned its use in the food industry. In Russia, there is a special standard: the amount of use of such oil in food should not exceed 2%. Useful substances in palm oil is not at all! It contains saturated fats of plant origin, which are long stored, without changing their properties. With palm oil, the life of the product is increased and the taste and color of the product improves. On this use it ends. Fatty acids are capable only to increase blood cholesterol, provoking, thus, the development of atherosclerosis, heart disease and vessels and obesity. Therefore, palm oil is an unacceptable product for a person of any age.

But we proceed directly to laboratory research.

As a result, falsified samples were revealed. As we, in general, were assumed. Of the 10 samples - four were falsification and one does not comply with the norms of the GOST. The grounds consider them as follows:

In the sample of CJSC Verkhovsky ICC (Oryol region) of the Glavproduct trademark, the presence of milk fat is revealed less than 15%, and the rest is palm oil;

In the samples of LLC "Gagarinsky Milk" (Smolensk region) and "Porechsky" (Yaroslavl region) found a complete replacement of milk fat on palm oil;

In the condensed milk of CJSC "Korenovsky ICC" of the trademark "Gastira" also did not detected milk fat;

The condensed milk of "Porechsky" and "Korensky" factories does not correspond to the GOST due to the exceedment of the mass fraction of moisture. And the excess of the content of moisture suggests that the thickening of milk was carried out not to the end. Thus, the technological process is broken. The product is obtained more liquid, and therefore contains less dry matter than it follows. This leads to a decrease in its nutritional value. Also, significant excess of moisture affects the consistency of the product: condensed milk becomes more fluid;

In the sample of OJSC Ostankinsky MK, the term "plastic" - apogee delirium producers was used! After all, this definition is completely inapplicable to "Moloko solid condensed with sugar", and besides, it also does not correspond to the indicator "Marking". It was also revealed that the product has too tight consistency with the presence of precipitate on the bottom of the packaging, a strange smell and a yellowish tinge, which is not allowed by GOST. The color "right" condensed milk should be white with a cream tint. The yellowness of condensed milk speaks of a violation of the process of preparation: it was led at too high temperatures. The too viscous consistency indicates that milk with increased acidity was used in the preparation of the product, and as a result of thickening, the protein curled. A precipitation formation, the so-called "sandyness" occurs when the crystallization mode is violated. In other words, manufacturers "stopped" with the evaporation of milk, which led to the formation of lactose crystals (milk sugar, which is contained in the dairy protein).

On the other hand, everything is not so bad! Studies revealed other samples of condensed milk, corresponding to the norms of the GOST, namely:

Sample OJSC "Belmolprodukt";

Sample of OJSC Sukhonsky MK;

Condensed milk of OJSC Rogachevsky ICC (Rep. Belarus);

Condensed milk CJSC Alekseevsky ICC;

Sample Promkonsenvier LLC.

So, rejoice, buyer! You have so far from what to choose!

Take care of yourself and your health. And carefully follow what you eat. And we will help you in this!

Products to this expertise:
TM Weight,
c. kcal price
Milk Rogachevsky condensed with sugar GOST 380.0 329 69
Milk whole condensed with sugar 0.3 329 0
Milk solid condensed with sugar ("Sukhonsky MK") 0.4 0 0
Milk Condensed Porechsky with sugar 0.3 320 43
Milk whole condensed with sugar ("Verkhovsky ICC") ChiefProduct 0.4 320 45
Milk condensed with sugar Alekseevskoe 0.3 0 45
Milk whole Soviet condensed with sugar 8.5%, 380.0 329 52
Examination: condensed milk BMP condensed milk GOST 380.0 315 46
Examination: condensed milk solid Soviet condensed with sugar 8.5% GOST 300.0 329 46
Examination: condensed milk Ruslad condensed milk with sugar 8.5% 270.0 320 36
Examination: condensed milk Alekseevskoe condensed whole with sugar 8.5% 380.0 329 69
Examination: condensed milk milk gastilar condensed with sugar 8.5% 380.0 330 51
Examination: condensed milk Milk Gustyar Condensed sterilized without sugar 7.8% 320.0 136 51
Examination: condensed milk
Examination: condensed milk Condensed Ostankinskoe with sugar 8.5% 250.0 327 46
Examination: condensed milk solid condensed with sugar 0.3 329 0
Examination: condensed milk solid condensed with sugar (Sukhonsky MK) 0.4 0 0
Examination: condensed milk Condensed powder with sugar 0.3 320 43
Examination: condensed milk solid condensed with sugar ("Verkhovsky ICC") ChiefProduct 0.4 320 45

Condensed milk has long been considered a favorite delicacy for children, and for adults. About the benefits, harm and other features of this product and will be discussed in this article.

Calorie and composition

This product is made from solid cow milk using heat treatment. Despite this, all the beneficial properties of milk are saved. In the manufacture, a large amount of sugar is added, so the product is considered to be sufficiently calorie and will not suit those who adhere to the diet. Conventional condensed milk has 328 kcal, boiled - 315 kcal.

Product nutritional value:

  • water - 67 g;
  • saccharides - 55 g;
  • cholesterol - 30 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - about 5 g;
  • ash - 1.75 g;
  • organic acids - 0.4 g.

Also condensed milk contains:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B12;
  • vitamin A.

Macro- and trace elements:

  • potassium - 371.0 mg (7.9% of the daily norm);
  • calcium - 284.0 mg (28.4%);
  • phosphorus - 253.0 mg (36.1%);
  • sodium - 127.0 mg (9.8%);
  • magnesium - 26.0 mg (6.5%);
  • zinc - 0.9 mg (8.50%);
  • iron - 0.2 mg (1.9%);
  • selenium - 14.8 μg (26.9%).

The benefits of condensed milk

If you compare the condensed milk with other sweets, then it includes only milk and sugar, as it is made according to GOST. From this point of view, condensed milk is more useful than waffles or candies, which include harmful components.

  • strengthening muscles and bone tissue;
  • improving brain performance;
  • increases blood formation;
  • high nutritional value;
  • improves eyesight;
  • improving the work of the nervous system.

But nevertheless, it is important to know the sense of measure. It is recommended to eat two teaspoons a day.

Did you know? The idea of \u200b\u200bthe preparation of the product belongs to the French Culinary N. Appeer.


Considering the high caloric content of the product, you should not eat thickens to people with excessive weight. Due to the presence of a large amount of sugar, contraindicated people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Also dangerous to health can be poor-quality or manufactured non-GOST product containing palm oil, preservatives, white dye E171 (very toxic, used in the manufacture of paints, solar batteries).

Is it possible to bumps

Many are interested in the question whether condensed milk can be condensed with breast feeding, pregnant women, as well as other special states.

At gv

To add to meals this product nursing mothers recommend all experts, but in small portions. The nursing mother will sufficiently add a teaspoon of delicacy into tea, which is favorable to increase lactation.
Inserting a condensed milk with breast feeding is needed gradually, preferably in the first half of the day, and follow the condition of the kid. It is worth noting that the nursing mothers need to eat only fresh, high-quality condensed milk, prepared according to standards, without lumps and chemical additives. Refusal from the use of a product for nursing mothers will be an allergic reaction from a child.


Strict contraindications to the use of condensed milk are not pregnant, it is worth only to stick to temperate portions. With a tendency to obesity or fear, to dial overweight, it is better to refrain from it. It is also worth abandoning this delicacy if there are problems with digestion or individual intolerance to the components of the condensed milk.

Did you know? The first production of condensed milk was opened in the United States in 1858.

With gastritis

People suffering from gastritis can also use a condensedum in small quantities. The main thing is that these are products of proven brands made according to GOST and without additional taste additives. In any case, it is better to consult with the attending physician to avoid any complications.

With pancreatitis

People suffering from the inflammation of the pancreas, this delicacy is prohibited. Condiculka is a difficult product, so even when remitssing is reached, it is not necessary to use it.

How to cook condensed milk

Nowadays, there are a huge amount of this product on the shelves of supermarkets. But you can cook this delicacy and independently, so we offer a recipe that will allow you to quickly and without much effort to prepare a thickening at home.

You will need for cooking:

  • 1 l of milk;
  • 180 g of sugar.
  1. Take a small bowl and add ingredients to it.
  2. We place the container on the stove and bring to a boil stirring.
  3. Cook on a small fire, until the mass will not fall until 400 g.
  4. The resulting mixture must be strain and cool. CHBC is ready.

Video: How to cook condensed milk

How to store

The packaging method contributes to long-term storage of the product. Temperature should be from 0 to 10 s °, humidity - 75%. If you cook a condensed milk, then its storage period does not decrease. Store an open container is needed in the refrigerator no more than a week, then it will save their taste and useful qualities. It is advisable to shift the product to another container with a plastic cover, since the metal bank can oxidize and give the uncomfortable taste.
Condic hat is very tasty and useful. It is better to use it in a small amount. It is also worth sticking to certain rules when stored.

Many favorite condensed milk belongs to the sweetest food. It consists of sugar and concentrated milk cow. Often, and shop counters can be found condensed milk, which is standing there in tin jars. And they usually weigh up to four hundred grams. But now you can also find another condensed milk, which is sold in plastic banks or glass, and sometimes in tubes. This product is extremely nutritious and calorie. It is characterized by a snow-white or slightly cream tint and the highest protein content. The excellent gastronomic qualities of the product together with its useful properties made condensed milk incredibly popular and one of the most beloved sweets of all those people who love to enjoy similar desserts. And in the culinary sphere, the condensed milk found so widely as, listed all this, you can get tired. Many confectionery acquires their extraordinarily sweet taste, precisely thanks to condensed milk.

Useful properties of condensed milk:

If we say trimming, this food product is likely, is the same as the cow's milk, only with storage time, which were enlarged. For this reason, the benefits of this food product will be akin to the beneficial properties of ordinary milk, but in more minor quantities. But if there is a completely high quality condensed milk, it will be completely appreciated by the human body, enriching its useful substances. Due to the presence of calcium in this product, the condensed milk will be useful, as a means of promoting strengthening teeth and bone tissue, as well as improve human vision. It was proved that in ordinary condensed milk there is the content of a huge number of balanced salts of phosphorus, which are responsible for the activity of the brain and for the process of blood recovery.

Therapeutic properties of condensed milk:

In fact, such a delicacy is the most useful of a huge amount of sweets. It must be said that condensed milk is given to strengthen the human immune system. In principle, it is possible to talk about the special healing properties in this case, it is possible, but some kind of definite benefits, despite the explicit damage, from this product is still able to do. Even the improvement of visual processes mentioned above, all lovers of this delicacy can say. In addition to the other benefits, thanks to the use of condensed milk in food, you can strengthen, even nails! It seems amazing, but it is. The truth should be remembered that only a limited amount of such sweetness can be useful for nails, bones and teeth. Otherwise, it is worth paying attention to contraindications and the harm of this product. Calorie at one hundred grams - 328 calories.

Contraindications to the use of condensed milk:

So, now about minuses, which are still more advantages, because the condensed milk is usually eating true sweet tooths, and such people cannot dwell on the moderate amount of product use in food. If you allow yourself more than three spoons of condensed milk in one day, there is an opportunity to gain active development of obesity, caries and diabetes. In particular, it is necessary to be attentive parents who should not allow their children to have condensed milk banks. So baby, alas and ah, will not grow healthy and beautiful. But everything will most likely begin with overweight problems. At least it will be more visible to the parents and other people themselves.

Condensed milk is sweet, tasty and loved by all children product. The composition of the condensed milk is pretty simple - sugar and cow's milk. Recently, the condensed milk has become sold in a variety of containers: in tin 400 grams, in plastic and glass jars, in tubes and rigid bags.

Caloric content of condensed milk is very high - 320 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, the condensed milk contains 34% protein.

Condensed milk is eaten as an independent sweet product, and also added to pastries, tea and coffee.

The benefits of condensed milk

The condensed milk has all the useful qualities of cow's milk. If it is done qualitatively, the body fully absorbs it and is enriched with the useful substances contained in it.

Calcium helps strengthen bones, nails and teeth, improves eyesight. In addition to calcium in condensed milk contains phosphorus salts that are responsible for the activity of the brain and blood recovery.

Harm of condensed milk

Using condensed milk is important to remember the sense of measure. Eating more than 3 spoons per day can lead to the development of obesity, diabetes mellitus and caries.

The benefits and harm of condensed milk are directly dependent on the composition of this product. How not to make a mistake and choose a pleasant delicacy, and not a dangerous fake? First of all, it is worth paying attention to the name. "One-piece condensed milk with sugar" is the name of condensed milk according to GOST. The fatty condensed milk should not be below 8.5%. In condensed milk, only cow fats are allowed. It is worthwhile, if a palm fat is included in the condensed milk - such a product will definitely not contribute to your health. If the inhomogeneity of the structure was discovered when opening the condensed milk, it is better to throw it out, it can be too dangerous for health.

Fish milk - benefit and harm

Many people consider fish milles by waste. However, this speaks only that this group of people does not know about the benefits and dangers of milk fish. Seed glands of white, because of which they received their name, are intended for the origin of a new life, so nature generously endowed their useful substances.

What is useful for milk fish?

Fish milk contains a large amount of useful substances:

  • protein containing a valuable substance Protamin;
  • vitamins of group A, B and C;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron.

Due to its composition of milk, fish have such useful properties:

  • improve the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • are prevention of blood clots;
  • reduce cholesterol in blood;
  • improves the work of brain cells;
  • positively affect the outer attractiveness: strengthen the hair, smooth skin;
  • are prevention of osteoporosis;
  • have a healing effect, so they are useful to use with stomach and gastritis ulcers;
  • accelerate metabolism;
  • have an antiseptic effect.

The benefits of milk fish for men

Fish milles have a lot of useful properties. Men worth paying special attention to this product because it not only improves general physical health, But also has a positive impact on the possibilities in the sexual sphere. Fish milles have an exciting effect, helping to receive more pleasure from intimate contacts.

Harm fish milk

This product has practically no contraindications, but it costs it in reasonable limits.

Fish milles are a rather high calorie product, and in the process of preparation, calorie becomes even more. Therefore, people with obesity and overweight, milk can only be in small quantities.

The benefits and harm of milk

Already the first year there are disputes about whether milk is harmful to eat or still this product benefits our body. Supporters of both positions lead a wide variety of facts and arguments to protect their beliefs. In this material, we will rely on scientific conclusions and try to find out whether the milk is a necessary person in food.

Milk formation of mammalian females, necessary for nutrition of the fetus, who left the womb of the mother.

Milk mammals has a different composition due to the species feature of the organism for which it is intended. That is, the cow's milk has a different composition in relation to goat, sheep, camel and even more so human milk.

It is worth noting that in nature the newborn uses milk for a certain period, after which it never returns to this type of nutrition. If you draw an analogy (as a person also refers to the class of mammals), he also should not eat milk in adulthood.

As you can notice even with superficial, logical analysis, the scales bowl tends to the fact that a person should not continue the use of milk after finishing his mother's breastfeeding, but that the information is as objective as possible, let's analyze everything and against, a little deeper.

Casina harm

One of the most harmful substances in milk is casein - milk protein, which every type of mammals is distinguished by its structure. To assimage this protein in animals in the stomach, a special enzyme is produced by renin. The person has such an enzyme. The newborn when taking milk absorbs it thanks to a special base produced in Mother's Machine glands and entering the Baby's body together with milk.

Milk flushes calcium

It probably sounds strange, as the main arguments in favor of milk use is precisely high content in this calcium product. In fact, in addition to calcium in the human body, Casein comes, which is a strong oxidizing agent (and in the human body there is no enzyme splitting this protein). In order to bring the body into acid-alkaline equilibrium, the body neutralizes the increased acidity in the stomach due to calcium (alkali).

Very often, the entire calcium milk is spent on homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment), but if this quantity is not enough, then the calcium received from the other food, if there is no, then there are internal reserves of the body, that is, bone tissue. It is this process that explains the complete digestibility of calcium, which is actually spent on maintaining acid-alkaline balance. If the internal calcium reserves will be consumed constantly, then this can lead to osteoporosis (calcium lack).

Since the human body is not able to absorb casein, it will fall into our kidneys in its pure form, with the result that phosphate kidney stones can be formed in people with genetic predisposition.

Milk can cause diabetes

Prolonged, regular use of milk (most often from early childhood and in adulthood) can cause type 1. Diabetes. This is not the type 2 diabetes, which develops as a result of excessive sugar use. Very often, people develop type 1 diabetes due to the same casein, which, like all proteins consists of amino acids located in a certain sequence. In an almost the same sequence, the amino acids of our beta cells of the pancreas are located, responsible for the synthesis of the insulin hormone, which splits sugar.

As soon as Casein falls into our body, and how we remember, in our body there is no possibility to split it, it is immediately perceived by our immune system as an antigen from the outside. As a result of neutralization of an alien gene, the immune system can switch to its own cells, similar to the structure of amino acid units on the Kazin protein. In other words, antibodies that should fight antigens begin to strive our own cells of the body, and an autoimmune disease occurs - type 1 diabetes.

Damage lactose

Harmful and so-called milk sugar (lactose). Lactose, falling into our body, splits into two components:

  1. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body and is fully absorbed.
  2. Galactose is not absorbed by the human body at all, since after the child ceased to feed the gene, which is responsible for the processing and absorption of galactose, turns off.

The galactose that fell into the stomach is not displayed, laying off on the joints, causing different forms of arthritis. On lens, forming a cataract. Galactose is also postponed in skin cells, and under the skin, which leads to hated cellulite women, etc.

Hurting milk fats

Free radicals contained in milk are negatively affected by the body. They are formed as a result of oxidation of fats under the influence of air. Free radicals interfere with the structure of fats, proteins, cell DNA, changing and destroying it. When the free radicals are destroyed by the fat molecule, a chain reaction may begin, which most often leads to the destruction of the cell membrane, and, consequently, the cell death. Free radicals are able to cause mutations in DNA, which lead to different diseases and many varieties of cancer.

In itself, oxidized fats make in themselves no less danger than free radicals. The fact is that oxygen dissolves in fats eight times faster than in water. It happens in the process of milking, if we are talking about domestic use, or in the process of processing in industrial production. In nature, milk never contact with air, since all mammals get it only when the mother's breast is in contact.

Free radicals are destroyed by dozens of healthy organism cells.

Oxidized fats, falling into the human body, under the influence of heat, iron, copper and some other enzymes, are converted into a hydroxyl radical, destroying tens of cells at a time. The hydroxyl radical contributes to the appearance of plaques and blockage in the circulatory system, speeds up the process of aging and leads to premature death.

Milk is one of the most dangerous products, as cows can be carriers of viruses, which, falling into the human body, can cause diseases such as:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Diphtheria
  • Brucellosis
  • Scarlay

Dairy fats are excellent protection against gastric acid and microflora for causative agents of infections. Even the sterilization of milk does not guarantee its safety from such pathogens as Staphylococcus and Salmonella.

Radionuclides in milk

No less damage to milk can cause the body if radionuclides are present. Today, their presence can be found in many products - meat, fish, vegetable food, but they can be removed at least partially, and they are not output from milk at all. No matter how many radionuclides are applied by the activity of radionuclides, but how many active strontium and its counterparts - contributing to the substitution of silicon with calcium, as a result of which the soft walls of vessels, joints, cartilage discs become rigid, causing polyarthritis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, etc.

Milk can cause prostate cancer in men if the milk contains hormones added to food cows to accelerate growth and increasing the thaw.

Milk Lechit

Despite all the above harmful effects of milk on the body, it has and beneficial properties. Milk is rich in vitamins, has a soothing effect, is a natural anabolic and a lot of diseases can be treated.

Periodically, milk is useful to use hypertensive, as it has a soft diuretic property, thereby reducing the pressure.

If you are tormented by heartburn, a glass of milk can help you, reducing the increased acidity of the gastric juice.

Milk consumption will help to fill the lack of more than 20 vitamins, especially vitamin B2.

Milk can help cope with insomnia due to the content of tryptophan and phenylalanine, soothing the nervous system and with a slight sleeping pills.

With a cold, milk will also come to the rescue. The large content of the easily-friendly protein will help the body to quickly develop immunoglobulins to combat infection.

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With milk, different mammals are treated with many diseases. For example, Hippocrates cured goat milk with a lot of patients from consumers. The kum (milk mare) is treated with gastrointestinal diseases and increase the content of hemoglobin. Camel milk treat allergies. Milk moose helps with immune diseases. Sheep milk is used for liver disease. The buffalo milk is healing skin diseases and respiratory tract.

Milk is a double product that can cause both harm and benefit your body, so it is still worth perceiving the milk as a drug and apply it if necessary for treatment. If you feel the need to eat milk, then do it, but observing frequency.

What milk is better to buy

The most valuable milk is the pair milk. It contains the maximum amount of beneficial substances and has all the healing properties of natural milk. Before using this milk, you need to be sure that the dairy animal is absolutely great.

If you acquire milk in the store it is best to choose a pasteurized product, since with thermal processing of the product (pasteurization) the temperature does not rise above 60-70 degrees. Which allows you to preserve not only vitamins, but also most of the beneficial microorganisms and at the same time suspend the process of milk skewing, which is 36 hours of storage.

And the sterilized milk should not buy. In disaster, it is heated to 135 degrees, and then quickly cooled. Such technology can significantly increase the shelf life of milk, but at temperatures above 70 degrees there is a complete and irreversible denaturation of proteins - the destruction of the primary protein structure and the melting of DNA. All useful enzymes are destroyed from 43 to 70 degrees. Such milk, falling into a human digestive system, does not bear good for him, but only is food for pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi). As a result of the activities of which toxins and slags are formed, and as a result, diseases are developing.

Do not buy the goods in the store indicating that it is a milk drink. This is the so-called restored milk. Produce it from dry milk. There are practically no vitamins and trace elements in such milk.

There is also "homogenized", that is, uniform milk. Fat in such milk is distributed throughout the product volume, and not going to the surface in the form of cream. It is safe to use such milk, however, there are opinions that the processing process itself destroys some substances, resulting in less useful than pasteurized milk.

In order not to harm your health, it is worth refraining from the acquisition of milk in untested places, such as: free markets, along the automotive tracks, in individuals. If you decide to acquire homemade milk, make sure that the seller has veterinary conclusions that its product is absolutely safe for use.

Milks of salmon - benefit and harm

Milks are men's seed glands from fish that can be eaten. They possess a sufficiently specific taste, however, there are many dishes with salmon milk. These parts of the fish contain full-fledged proteins or protamines and therefore very nutritious. We will tell, what is the benefit of salmon milk.

How are salmon milk?

In order to assess the properties of this product, consider in more detail its chemical composition.

  1. Milks are very rich in vitamins of the group B, C, E and N, so their use has a beneficial effect on the blood system: the vessels become stronger, the processes of blood formation go more active, normalizes blood viscosity. In addition, the work of immunity, skin condition and hair is improved.
  2. In addition, the milk are the source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. Their benefits are the ability to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, thereby not giving to develop atherosclerosis.
  3. Also, the benefits that salmon milk bring us is due to the presence of iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in them. These elements are involved in the formation of hemoglobin, is necessary for building muscles and normal heart.
  4. Very interesting protein composition of this fish product. Millets are a source of protamine - protein, which is able to extend the effect of some medicinal substances, such as insulin. Therefore, people with diabetes mellitus are recommended to include them in the menu.
  5. What is useful to salmon fish are still, this is the presence of amino acid lysine, arginine and glycine. The lysine for us is an indispensable amino acid, and the arginine is not synthesized in the children's body, so the milk will be useful for a child. The replaceable amino acid glycine is necessary for the normal operation of the nervous system.

It turns out that the milk are very useful because of their rich chemical composition. People, in whose diet there is this product is less susceptible to heart attacks and strokes, less often suffer from arterial hypertension and in general have a fairly fast metabolism.

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