Air - the role of air in human life, plants and animals. Clean air - security guarantee cleanliness air pledge of life on earth

  • Work in pairs. Reception "Association". Fill empty squares with key concepts on the topic "Air"

The "Carousel" game (dialogue - low-order questions)

  1. What is air
  2. How much air weighs
  3. Where the air is located
  4. What is atmosphere
  5. From which protects the atmosphere
  6. What is the thickness of the atmosphere
  7. Name the properties of the air
  8. What is the air
  9. What kind of gas is needed
  • Mini-air and its properties (one group does a test on a computer, the rest on leaves)

mortgage in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - all the answers are true

"3" - three correct answers

lower than three - not dumped (textbook page 66 -67)

1. What is air?

B) special liquid

B) a mixture of gases

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

5. What happens to the air when heated?

b) turns into water

c) expands

What does the atmosphere pollute? ( 1 group)

2 group)

3 Group)

(4 Group)

  • (discussion and answers)

Indoor is dirtier 10 times.

allergy forms.)

Health Rules:

drivers warm up the motors.

Waste from plants and factories Slide "Smoke Factory and Plants"

Forest fires Slide "Fires"

Pollution of cities Slide "Smoke cities "

Many cars Slide "Machines", Slide "Condition of Forests"

- Experience "Candle burning"


Advance hypotheses:


Output :

And which of the gases in the air is the most important? (Oxygen - we are all breathing oxygen.)

We need oxygen for breathing, as well as plants. Here only in the afternoon they produce oxygen, and on the other hand, it is distinguished by carbon dioxide, so indoors where you sleep, you can not keep a lot of colors.


Solving the task:

1 group . How many trees should be (1,000,000 large trees)

2 groups . A small coniferous forest filters for a year 35 tons of dust, and the same deciduous forest is 70 tons. How many times

3 Group . How much more (290kg more)

4 Group. How many species of plants on earth on the verge of extinction? (25,000 species)

5 group. your Family?

(Student Answers)

From whom the purity of our planet depends?

IV. Poster "Clean Air - Pledge of Health"

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines, and in the group makeposteron this topic.

We are talking about
That the whole earth is our common house -
Our kind home, spacious house,
We all live from birth in it.
We are still talking about
What we do our home should be preserved.
Let's prove that it's not for nothing
We hope for us.
Let's take care of the planet,
There is no other such in the world.
Dispel on her and clouds and smoke,
Withdrawn her no one!

V. Reflection.

View the contents of the document
"Abstract of the lesson" Clean air-pledge health ""

Topic: Pure Air - Health Pledge

Objectives: Examine mechanisms for the interaction of nature objects with air.

Tasks: give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy air We are needed for life on earth, about his meaning for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around; Educating communicative skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, educate a careful attitude towards nature.

Type of lesson. Combined lesson.

View of the lesson. Research project.

Equipment: Presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film "Air pollution" - 3.45 minutes, cards with tasks.

During the classes.

I. Psychological setting

Breathing exercises.

1. Deep breath, exhale portions.

2. Deep breath, exhalation with hiss.

3. Deep inhale - hands through the sides up, rising on the socks, exhale - lower your hands down.

Why did the lesson start with the respiratory workshop? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves the work of the brain)

II. Actualization of knowledge and goal

An unusual telegram with the mark "Ecology" came to us.

What is ecology? (on the table each group, the definition of the dictionary of Ozhegov

Ecology - This is a science that studies like plants and animals are connected with air, water, earth, with a person, as a person depends on nature and how its actions affect it.

Based on the concept of ecology, what do you think, who could send this telegram? One who depends on the purity of the air (plants, water, animals, man).

What does the phrase "Clean Air" mean? Is there a dirty air?

Problem - air pollution

Hypothesis - air pollutes man.

As they call people. Who solve such problems? (ecologists)

In the dictionary of Ozhegova it is written that ecologists - These are people who deal with ecology, protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and lead the economy, so as not to destroy the nature and themselves.

- To realize the purpose of the lesson, I propose to work according to the following plan and carry out a small study.

Students Read Plan Points:


1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.

2. Investigation of air pollution factors.

3. Investigation of natural air purifying factors.

4. Study of air purification methods.

1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.


Name the basic concepts that belong to the topic "Air" (alternately from each group)

    Work in pairs. Reception "Association". Fill empty squares with key concepts on the topic "Air"


    The "Carousel" game (dialogue - low-order questions)

The box contains questions with numbers from 1-12 on the topic "Air". The speaker gives the issue number, the teacher reads the question, and the group responds (for each group of 3 questions).

    What is air

    How much air weighs

    Where the air is located

    What is atmosphere

    From which protects the atmosphere

    What is the thickness of the atmosphere

    Name the properties of the air

    What is the air

    What kind of gas is needed

    How many people can live without air

    How much oxygen is needed per day

    On which planet there is an atmosphere, but there is no life

    Mini-air and its properties (one group does a test on a computer, the rest on leaves)

mortgage in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - all the answers are true

"4" - four correct answers

"3" - three correct answers

lower than three - not dumped (textbook page 66 -67)

1. What is air?

B) special liquid

B) a mixture of gases

2. What substances are part of the air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

3. What air is needed for breathing?

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

4. What properties is air?

a) blue, like the sky, spends sounds, passes the sun's rays, does not smell.

b) transparent, blunder, without smell, expanding when heated, and it is compressed when cooled, it does not heat the heat.

c) the dust sweats with the wind in the air, the smell depends on the surrounding items, with a sharp change in the border of heat and cold winds are formed.

5. What happens to air when heated?

b) turns into water

c) expands

III. Research project.

3. Investigation of air pollution factors (work in groups with textbook text with 68-69)

Explore the text and answer the questions:

What does the atmosphere pollute? ( 1 group)

How does air pollution affect human health? ( 2 group)

How does air pollution affect plants? ( 3 Group)

Consider photos and name the main sources of air pollution. (4 Group)

Guys, people and animals, plants and machines - everyone needs air.

    Why is it not less on earth?(discussion and answers)

Because on Earth there are green plants. Man breathes oxygen, and carbon dioxide exhales. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide, and exhale oxygen, which needs people and animals. That is why it easily breathes in the forest.

    What do you think the air is cleaner: on the street or indoors? (discussion in the group and answers of children)

Indoor is dirtier 10 times.

Where does dust come from? (Particles of human and animal skin and animal

village of various fabrics and carpets, and there are many bacteria and

microbes that affect the respiratory tract and cause various

allergy forms.)

How to protect the air indoors: at home, in class?

Health Rules:

1. Learn less to be near the road, and if necessary,

try not to breathe deeply, breathing only nose.

3. Air in the apartments is very dirty due to the accumulation of dust, so

rooms need to be constantly ventilated with good drafts, people should be at this time in another room.

4. The inhabitants of the first floors should not open the windows when under the windows are a lot of working machines, especially in the morning when

drivers warm up the motors.

    Guys, and from what air can be polluted?

    Many factories are built in cities. From their pipes, smoke rises in air, in which there are many dust of poisonous substances, harmful to the health of all living beings. The exhaust gases of cars also pollute the air.

Human activity sometimes brings great harm to the planet.

Waste from plants and factories Slide "Smoke Factory and Plants"

Forest fires Slide "Fires"

Pollution of cities Slide "Smoke cities "

Many cars Slide "Machines", Slide "Condition of Forests"

- Experience "Candle burning"

Problem: What do you think, does the air pollute?

What happens if you have a plane for ordinary candle to hold a metal spoon?

Advance hypotheses: Those interested to express their opinion.

(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)


Hold a metal spoon over candle flame. We show the resulting South, cool and offer to touch your finger. What was the finger?

Output : The same dirt hits with smoke in the air, and then we breathe them.

And which of the gases in the air is the most important? (Oxygen - we are all breathing oxygen.)

We inhale air, in which there is oxygen, and exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide, he is unsuitable for breathing.
We need oxygen for breathing, as well as plants. Here only in the afternoon they produce oxygen, and on the other hand, it is distinguished by carbon dioxide, so indoors where you sleep, you can not keep a lot of colors.

    Is air clean on our planet?

    What do people do to air clean? (Answers)

    Plants work plants that capture dust and poisonous gases. Scientists are developing new machines that will not pollute air.

And in the city, Poplar and Sunflower are best cleaning the air from pollution. Only one poplar highlights oxygen as much as 3 linden, 7 firs, 4 oxins.


The game "What does air pollute?" (cotton in your hands)

Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust gases, cigarettes, animals, smoke factories, herbs, plowed lands, insects.

4. Solving environmental problems (work in groups).

Solving the task:

1 group . One big tree allocates so much oxygen per day as it is necessary for one person. In the city due to the receipt of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the release of oxygen is reduced 10 times. How many trees should beTo ensure oxygen the city of Rudny, in which 100,000 people live? (1,000,000 large trees)

2 groups . A small coniferous forest filters for a year 35 tons of dust, and the same deciduous forest is 70 tons. How many times Less dust filters the coniferous forest for the year than the deciduous? What trees are better to plant in the city? (2 times. It is better to plant deciduous trees)

3 Group . Oak Grove highlights 830 kg per year. Oxygen, and the same pine grove - 540 kg. How much more Oxygen highlights oak grove than pine? (290kg more)

4 Group . Of 250,000 species of plants of the Earth 1/10 part is in the threatening position. How many species of plants on earth on the verge of extinction?(25,000 species)

5 group. Each resident of the Earth spends a year of paper, which is obtained from three coniferous trees. How many coniferous trees per year is required on your Family? (5 people \u003d 15 coniferous trees)

Based on the results of tasks, draw out the third point of our plan.

Unfortunately, with green planting of the city, there are often problems: they choose not the breeds of trees that are required for the city.

5. View the film "Pollution of the Atmosphere" -3 min. 45 seconds

What can we do to preserve clean air? (Student Answers)

From whom the purity of our planet depends?

6. Individual work. Show arrows, which pollutes the air.

IV. Poster "Clean Air - Pledge of Health"

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines, and in the group make posteron this topic.

We are talking about
That the whole earth is our common house -
Our kind home, spacious house,
We all live from birth in it.
We are still talking about
What we do our home should be preserved.
Let's prove that it's not for nothing
We hope for us.
Let's take care of the planet,
There is no other such in the world.
Dispel on her and clouds and smoke,
Withdrawn her no one!

V.. Reflection.

    Individual estimated sheet


I'm in class


1. Interesting

1. Worked

1. Understand the material

2. Rested

2. I learned more than knew


3. Communicated other

3. It understood

Note the sign "+", apply to your mood

1. My mood at the beginning of the lesson

2. My mood at the end of the lesson

Note the sign "+", estimate

1. I learned this topic (a)

2. At the lesson, I worked

    on the deskreception "Traffic light"

(children using a sticker shows how the material is learned)

The topic is incomprehensible -

There were questions โ€“

I GOT IT โ€“

V. Homework: Work on the project "Clean City":

Draw a drawing on A-4 format, write at least 5 rules: "How to make the city pure."

Topic: Pure Air - Health Pledge

Objectives: Examine mechanisms for the interaction of nature objects with air.

Tasks: give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy air We are needed for life on earth, about his meaning for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around; Educating communicative skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, educate a careful attitude towards nature.

Type of lesson. Combined lesson.

View of the lesson. Research project.

Equipment: Presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film "air pollution" - 3.45 minutes, rebus, cards with tasks.

During the classes.

I. Psychological setting

Breathing exercises.

1. Deep breath, exhale portions.

2. Deep breath, exhalation with hiss.

3. Deep inhale - hands through the sides up, rising on the socks, exhale - lower your hands down.

Why did the lesson start with the respiratory workshop? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves the work of the brain)

II. Actualization of knowledge and goal

An unusual telegram with the mark "Ecology" came to us.

What is ecology? (on the table for each group, the definition of the dictionary of Ozhegov)

Ecology is a science that studies like plants and animals are connected with air, water, earth, with a person, as a person depends on nature and how its actions affect it.

Examine the telegram and tell me what we are talking about. (We are for clean air).

Based on the concept of ecology, what do you think, who could send this telegram? One who depends on the purity of the air (plants, water, animals, man).

The board appears on the board.

What does the phrase "Clean Air" mean? Is there a dirty air?

Problem - air pollution

Hypothesis -air pollutes man.

Purpose. Find ways to solve the problem (how to save air).

As they call people. Who solve such problems? (ecologists)

In the dictionary of Ozhegov, it is written that environmentalists are people who are engaged in ecology, protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and lead the economy, so as not to destroy the nature and themselves.

โ€“ To realize the purpose of the lesson, I propose to work according to the following plan and carry out a small study.

Students Read Plan Points :


2. Investigation of air pollution factors.

3. Investigation of natural air purifying factors.

4. Study of air purification methods.

1. Properties and composition of clean air.

    Strategy "Brainstorming"

Name the basic concepts that belong to the topic "Air" (alternately from each group)

    Strategy "Carousel"

The box lies on the topic "Air". We read the question of the neighboring group. The neighboring group responds and so on.

    Mini-Test "Air and His Guard" (one group does a test on a computer - simulator, other on leaves)

mortgage in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - all the answers are true

"4" - four correct answers

"3" - three correct answers

lower than three - not dumped (textbook page 66 -67)

1. What is air?

A) Gas.

B) special liquid

B) a mixture of gases

2. What substances are part of the air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

3. What air is needed for breathing?

a) nitrogen;

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

4. What properties is air?

a) blue, like the sky, spends sounds, passes the sun's rays, does not smell.

b) transparent, blunder, without smell, expanding when heated, and it is compressed when cooled, it does not heat the heat.

c) the dust sweats with the wind in the air, the smell depends on the surrounding items, with a sharp change in the border of heat and cold winds are formed.

5. What happens to air when heated?

a) boils

b) turns into water

c) expands

III. Research project.

3. Investigation of air pollution factors (work in groups with textbook text with 68-69)

Explore the text and answer the questions:

What does the atmosphere pollute? ( 1 group)

How does air pollution affect human health? ( 2 group)

How does air pollution affect plants? ( 3 Group)

Consider photos and name the main sources of air pollution. (4 Group)

Guys, people and animals, plants and machines - everyone needs air. Why is it not less on earth? (Answers)

Because on Earth there are green plants. Man breathes oxygen, and carbon dioxide exhales. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide, and exhale oxygen, which needs people and animals.

Guys, and what air can be polluted?

Many factories are built in cities. From their pipes, smoke rises in air, in which there are many dust of poisonous substances, harmful to the health of all living beings. The exhaust gases of cars also pollute the air.

What do people do to air clean? (Answers)

Plants work plants that capture dust and poisonous gases. Scientists are developing new machines that will not pollute air ..

The main air purifier is green plantings. That is why it easily breathes in the forest.

And in the city, Poplar and Sunflower are best cleaning the air from pollution. Only one poplar highlights oxygen as much as 3 linden, 7 firs, 4 oxins.

Now a lot is done to protect the air purity:

1) Installations are operating in many enterprises that capture dust and soot, poisonous gases.

2) Scientists develop new cars that will not pollute air.

- Experience "Candle burning"

Problem: What do you think, does the air pollute?

What happens if you have a plane for ordinary candle to hold a metal spoon?

Advance hypotheses: those interested to express their opinion.

(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)


Hold a metal spoon over candle flame. We show the resulting South, cool and offer to touch your finger. What was the finger?

Output: the same dirt hits with smoke in the air, and then we breathe them.

And which of the gases in the air is the most important? (Oxygen - we are all breathing oxygen.)

We inhale air, in which there is oxygen, and exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide, he is unsuitable for breathing.
We need oxygen for breathing, as well as plants. Here only in the afternoon they produce oxygen, and on the other hand, it is distinguished by carbon dioxide, so indoors where you sleep, you can not keep a lot of colors.


The game "What does air pollute?" (cotton in your hands)

Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust gases, cigarettes, animals, smoke factories, herbs, plowed lands, insects.

4. Solving environmental problems (work in groups).

Solving the task:

1 group . One big tree allocates so much oxygen per day as it is necessary for one person. In the city due to the receipt of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the release of oxygen is reduced 10 times.How many trees should be To ensure oxygen the city of Rudny, in which 100,000 people live?(1,000,000 large trees)

2 groups . A small coniferous forest filters for a year 35 tons of dust, and the same deciduous forest is 70 tons.How many times Less dust filters the coniferous forest for the year than the deciduous? What trees are better to plant in the city?(2 times. It is better to plant deciduous trees)

3 Group . Oak Grove highlights 830 kg per year. Oxygen, and the same pine grove - 540 kg.How much more Oxygen highlights oak grove than pine?(290kg more)

4 Group . Of 250,000 species of plants of the Earth 1/10 part is in the threatening position.How many species of plants on earth on the verge of extinction? (25,000 species)

5 group. Each resident of the Earth spends a year of paper, which is obtained from three coniferous trees. How many coniferous trees per year is required onyour Family?(5 people \u003d 15 coniferous trees)

Based on the results of tasks, draw out the third point of our plan.

Unfortunately, with green planting of the city, there are often problems: they choose not the breeds of trees that are required for the city.

Man and air

Human activity sometimes brings great harm to the planet.

Waste from plants and factories Slide "Smoke Factory and Plants"

Forest fires Slide "Fires"

Pollution of cities Slide "Smoke cities "

Many cars Slide "Machines", Slide "Condition of Forests"

Is air clean on our planet?

5. View the film "Air Pollution" -3 min. 45 seconds

What can we do to preserve clean air? (Student Answers)

From whom the purity of our planet depends ?

IV. Reflection. Poster "Clean Air - Pledge of Health"

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines And in the group make collage on the topic.

Soot trees

Love trees!

Let them be more

At rivers and roads ...

Cloudless life -

And the earth is green

And neleval

Born in foliage


V. Homework: Work on the project "Clean City":

Draw a drawing on A-4 format, write at least 5 rules: "How to make the city pure."

FULL NAME. Teachers, position and place of work: Gavrilova Elena Viktorovna. Middle School Classes No. 12. F. Doslaovova, Atyrau
Class: Grade 3
Topic: "Clean air is a guarantee of health. Peace ยป
Subject: Cognition of the World
The purpose of the lesson:
To form students' presentings about air pollution sources, about the ways to solve the problem of air ocean pollution, the meaning of air in human life, animals and plants, to convince the need to comply with cleanliness in the house, city, nature.
Develop elements of research, ability to look for ways to solve the problem, reason, draw conclusions, creative abilities of students.
Educating the careful attitude to the air-richness of nature, the ability to work in pairs, interest in the subject.
Type of lesson: learning new knowledge.
Methods: verbal, visual, partially search, practical, independent
Work, project method.
Forms: Frontal - collective, individual, work in pairs, collective,
role-playing game
During the classes
Organizing time.
Psychological attitude.
The world around us
It is interesting to learn
His secrets and riddles
We are ready to solve
- What section do we work now?
- Let's remember how everything is arranged in nature?
- We are surrounded by the bodies created by nature and made by the hands of a person.
- What is the body from?
- The body consists of a substance.
- Are we talking about all the substances that exist in nature?
- Of course not.
2. Actualization of knowledge.
- And without any substances there is no life?
- No food, water, air, heat.
- We had several options for answers. I will make a riddle, and the depth will be a response to my question:
Through the nose passes into the chest,
And back holds the way.
He is invisible, and yet
Without it, we can not live.
- This is the substance - the air.
Association "Air".
1-2 minutes later, students work independently in notebooks.
Interchange of Tetraja
Drawing up a common card.
3. Statement of the educational task.
- What is the topic of our lesson?
- Air and its security.
- Yes, we will talk about air, but our topic may sound different?
- Why do air need to guard?
- This is the substance necessary for life.
- Why air is needed for life on earth? Here we will have to answer this question.
4. Work on new material.
To answer this question, we will spend a little research.
Saving clean air. Slide: "Planet is choking!".
Our planet is a human home.
Well, how to live under the smoky cap?!
Here it is sad, in the Duma, his adhesive.
Here it sails! Still believing people!
Still lives! Still believing people!
So she cries, asks for help,
Requests to help!
- Look, guys our planet is choking and crying.
- What are these tears?
1 Slide "Transport". - What does this drawing say? (student arguments)
-Right. The greatest amount of harmful substances in the air falls with car exhaust gases. Each car should stand filters that purify exhaust gases. Future for cars that work using the energy of the sun, electricity and hydrogen.
2 tears - slide "Factory and plants"
- What does this drawing say? (student arguments)
- SELLOVEK uses everything that the land gives, without thinking about the consequences. Along with the growth of the population, the needs of humanity are growing. People need more and more different things for their satisfaction. Therefore, the resources are increasingly spent, the economy develops, technology, more and more becomes factories and plants. Of the pipes of factories and factories in the air, harmful substances fall, and it is contaminated. To breathe such air harmful, and people often sick. It is necessary that special installations work in factories and factories, which capture harmful substances and do not produce them into the air. In our republic adopted the law "On Environmental Protection". The President of N.Nazarbayev is determined ways to achieve the environmental safety of our state: environmental work in Atyrau.
3 tears - slide "Foresting" "fires". - What do this drawing tell you? (student argument)
- Each sheet, each blade is a natural oxygen factory on the planet, a natural filter cleansing the earth's atmosphere. They absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, collect harmful substances on the leaves, which are in the air along with the smoke of factories and factories. One large tree highlights so much oxygen per day as it is necessary for one person. Therefore, the forest is easier in the forest, food becomes tastier, a healthy strong sleep comes.
- What do you think, what is the most terrible trouble for the forest, which can completely destroy it?
- Fire.
- No wonder: "From 1 tree, 1 million matches can be made, 1 matches can destroy 1 million trees."
The poem "What trees can?" Practical work.
4 tears - slide "trash"
We are residents of the Earth - throw a huge number of household garbage. Household garbage - these are the remains of food, boxes, bags, paper, banks, rags, bottles. Every year the number of garbage, which people throw out, increases, because the population of the Earth is growing all the time. For garbage there are special capacities in specially designated places for this, and throwing out the garbage where it can not be.
Fizminutka. Breathing exercises.
Work on the textbook.
Reading text with stops.
Reading 1 paragraph.
-What can happen to people, animals and plants on earth, if the air is very polluted?
Reading 2 paragraph.
- Do you know which organ is responsible for cleaning the air, which falls into it, and how the cleansing passes.
Reading 3 paragraph.
- What do you think, where is the cleaner of air, in the field, in the forest or in the city? Explain why?
Reading 4 paragraph.
- What helps to keep the cleanliness of the air environment?
Reading 5 paragraph.
Creative work. Work in pairs. On the first half of the leaf, draw as you participate in the preservation of air purity, and in the second half - what you do when we become adults.
Presentation of work. Protection of projects.
- What works are carried out in our city?
- What changes did you notice?
Work on the textbook. Taking the rules of planting trees.
The outcome of the lesson. Generalization Synkievine's cleaning.
- What is most polluting the air?
- life without air is impossible.
- Without air, our planet would be a lifeless celestial body. Earth is not a massive giant, but rather a fragile Christmas ball.
- Slide "Did you like the lesson?"
11. Evaluation.
12. Homework.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Light middle secondary school
Zernograd district
"Clean air is a security deposit."
Primary school teacher:
Kovalenko A.I.
Topic: Pure Air - Health Pledge
Objectives: Examine mechanisms for the interaction of nature objects with air.
Tasks: give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy air is needed for life on earth, about his meaning for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around; Educating communicative skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, educate a careful attitude towards nature.
Equipment: Presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film "Air pollution" - 3.45 minutes, cards with tasks. Going classes.
I. Psychological setting
Breathing exercises.
1. Deep breath, exhale portions.
2. Deep breath, exhalation with hiss.
3. Deep inhale - hands through the sides up, rising on the socks, exhale - lower your hands down.
- Why did the occupation started with the respiratory workshop? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves the work of the brain)
II. Actualization of knowledge
- An unusual telegram came to us with the mark "Ecology".
- What is ecology? (On the table, each group, the definition from the vocabulary of Ozhegoviology is a science that studies like plants and animals are connected with air, water, earth, with a person, as a person depends on nature and affects it with their actions.
- Based on the concept of ecology, what do you think, who could send this telegram? One who depends on the purity of the air (plants, water, animals, man).
What does the phrase "Clean Air" mean? Is there a dirty air?
Problem - air pollution
Hypothesis - Air pollutes man.
Purpose. Find ways to solve the problem (how to save air).
- What are the people called. Who solve such problems? (ecologists)
- In the dictionary of Ozhegov, it is written that environmentalists are people who are engaged in ecology, protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and lead the economy, so as not to destroy the nature and themselves.
- To carry out a small study.
Students read the paragraphs of the Plan:
1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.
2. Investigation of air pollution factors.
3. Investigation of natural air purifying factors.
4. Study of air purification methods.
Properties and composition of clean air.
Game "Carousel"
The teacher reads the question. What air is
How much air weighs
Where the air is located
What is atmosphere
From which protects the atmosphere
What is the thickness of the atmosphere
Name the properties of the air
What is the air
What kind of gas is needed
How many people can live without air
How much oxygen is needed per day
On which planet there is an atmosphere, but there is no life
1. What is air?
A) Gas.
B) special liquid
B) a mixture of gases
2. What substances are part of the air?
a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;
b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;
c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.
3. What air is needed for breathing?
a) nitrogen;
b) oxygen;
c) carbon dioxide.
4. What properties is air?
a) blue, like the sky, spends sounds, passes the sun's rays, does not smell.
b) transparent, blunder, without smell, expanding when heated, and it is compressed when cooled, it does not heat the heat.
c) the dust sweats with the wind in the air, the smell depends on the surrounding items, with a sharp change in the border of heat and cold winds are formed.
5. What happens to the air when heated?
a) boils
b) turns into water
c) expands
III. Research project.
3. Investigation of air pollution factors
answer the questions:
- What does the atmosphere pollute?
- How does air pollution affect human health?
- How does the air pollution affect the plants?
- Consider photos and name the main sources of air pollution.
Guys, people and animals, plants and machines - everyone needs air.
Why is it not less on earth? (discussion and answers)
Because on Earth there are green plants. Man breathes oxygen, and carbon dioxide exhales. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide, and exhale oxygen, which needs people and animals. That is why it easily breathes in the forest.
What do you think the air is cleaner: on the street or indoors? (Discussion in the group and answers of children)
Indoor is dirtier 10 times.
- Where does dust come from? (Particles of the skin of man and animals, vile of various fabrics and carpets, and there are many bacteria and
microbes that affect the respiratory tract and cause various
Allergy forms.)
- How to protect the air indoors: at home, in class?
Health Rules:
1. Learn less to be near the road, and if necessary,
Try not to breathe deeply, breathing only nose.
2. It is better to walk in the parks away from roads.
3. Air in the apartments is very dirty due to the accumulation of dust, so
Rooms need to be constantly ventilated with good drafts, people should be at this time in another room.
4. The inhabitants of the first floors should not open the windows when under the windows are a lot of working machines, especially in the morning when
Drivers warm up the motors. The guards, and from what air can be polluted?
Many factories are built in cities. From their pipes, smoke rises in air, in which there are many dust of poisonous substances, harmful to the health of all living beings. The exhaust gases of cars also pollute the air.
Human activity sometimes brings great harm to the planet.
Waste from plants and factories Slide "Smoke Factory and Plants"
Forest fires Slide "Fires"
Pollution of cities Slide "I could Cities"
Many cars Slide "Machines", slide "Forest cutting"
- Experience "Candle burning"
Problem: Do you think the air pollutes the fire?
What happens if you have a plane for ordinary candle to hold a metal spoon?
Advance hypotheses: those who want their opinion.
(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)
Hold a metal spoon over candle flame. We show the resulting South, cool and offer to touch your finger. What was the finger?
Conclusion: The same dirt hits with smoke into the air, and then we breathe them.
And which of the gases in the air is the most important? (Oxygen - we are all breathing oxygen.)
We inhale air, in which there is oxygen, and exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide, it is not suitable for breathing. It is necessary for breathing. Oxygen is needed, as well as plants. Every day they produce oxygen, and on the other hand, carbon dioxide is distinguished, so in a room where you sleep, you can not keep a lot of colors.
Is air clean on our planet?
What do people do to air clean? (Answers)
Plants work plants that capture dust and poisonous gases. Scientists are developing new machines that will not pollute air.
And in the city, Poplar and Sunflower are best cleaning the air from pollution. Only one poplar highlights oxygen as much as 3 linden, 7 firs, 4 oxins.
The game "What does air pollute?" (cotton in your hands)
Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust gases, cigarettes, animals, smoke factories, herbs, plowed lands, insects.4. View the film "Atmospheric Pollution" -3 min. 45 seconds
What can we do to preserve clean air? (Student Answers)
From whom the purity of our planet depends?
IV. "Clean air - a guarantee of health"
We are talking about the fact that the whole earth is our common house -nash good home, a spacious house, we all live in it. We are talking about that we are talking that we are our house should be preserved. Let's prove that it's not in vain We are hoping by the Earth. Let's take care of the planet, there is no such thing in the world. There is a lot on her and clouds and smoke, no one will give her offense!
V. Reflection.
Draw a drawing on the A-4 format "how to make the village clean."

Karaganda region, Shetsky district, Mukhtar Central School

Gulchantly Olesya Genadadevna

Topic: "Clean air - a guarantee of health"

Objectives: Examine mechanisms for the interaction of nature objects with air.

Tasks: give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy air is necessary for life on earth, about his meaning for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around; Educating communicative skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, educate a careful attitude towards nature.

Type of lesson. Combined lesson.

View of the lesson. Research project.

Equipment: Presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film "Air pollution" - 3.45 minutes, cards with tasks.

During the classes.

I. Psychological setting

Breathing exercises.

1. Deep breath, exhale portions.

2. Deep breath, exhalation with hiss.

3. Deep inhale - hands through the sides up, rising on the socks, exhale - lower your hands down.

Why did the lesson start with the respiratory workshop? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves the work of the brain)

II. Actualization of knowledge and goal

An unusual telegram with the mark "Ecology" came to us.

What is ecology? (on the table each group, the definition of the dictionary of Ozhegov

Ecology - This is a science that studies like plants and animals are connected with air, water, earth, with a person, as a person depends on nature and how its actions affect it.

Based on the concept of ecology, what do you think, who could send this telegram? One who depends on the purity of the air (plants, water, animals, man).

What does the phrase "Clean Air" mean? Is there a dirty air?

Problem - air pollution

Hypothesis - Air pollutes man.

As they call people. Who solve such problems? (ecologists)

In the dictionary of Ozhegova it is written that ecologists - These are people who deal with ecology, protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and lead the economy, so as not to destroy the nature and themselves.

To realize the purpose of the lesson, I propose to work according to the following plan and carry out a small study.

Students Read Plan Points:


1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.

2. Investigation of air pollution factors.

3. Investigation of natural air purifying factors.

4. Study of air purification methods.

1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.

  • "Brainstorm"

Name the basic concepts that belong to the topic "Air" (alternately from each group)

  • Work in pairs. Reception "Association". Fill empty squares with key concepts on the topic "Air"


The "Carousel" game (dialogue - low-order questions)

The box contains questions with numbers from 1-12 on the topic "Air". The speaker gives the issue number, the teacher reads the question, and the group responds (for each group of 3 questions).

  1. What is air
  2. How much air weighs
  3. Where the air is located
  4. What is atmosphere
  5. From which protects the atmosphere
  6. What is the thickness of the atmosphere
  7. Name the properties of the air
  8. What is the air
  9. What kind of gas is needed
  10. How many people can live without air
  11. How much oxygen is needed per day
  12. On which planet there is an atmosphere, but there is no life
  • Mini-air and its properties (one group does a test on a computer, the rest on leaves)

mortgage in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - all the answers are true

"4" - four correct answers

"3" - three correct answers

lower than three - did not douty

1. What is air?

B) special liquid

B) a mixture of gases

2. What substances are part of the air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

3. What air is needed for breathing?

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

4. What properties is air?

a) blue, like the sky, spends sounds, passes the sun's rays, does not smell.

b) transparent, blunder, without smell, expanding when heated, and it is compressed when cooled, it does not heat the heat.

c) the dust sweats with the wind in the air, the smell depends on the surrounding items, with a sharp change in the border of heat and cold winds are formed.

5. What happens to the air when heated?

b) turns into water

c) expands

III. Research project.

3. Investigation of air pollution factors

Explore the text and answer the questions:

What does the atmosphere pollute? ( 1 group)

How does air pollution affect human health? ( 2 group)

How does air pollution affect plants? ( 3 Group)

Consider photos and name the main sources of air pollution. (4 Group)

Guys, people and animals, plants and machines - everyone needs air.

  • Why is it not less on earth?(discussion and answers)

Because on Earth there are green plants. Man breathes oxygen, and carbon dioxide exhales. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide, and exhale oxygen, which needs people and animals. That is why it easily breathes in the forest.

  • What do you think the air is cleaner: on the street or indoors? ( discussion in the group and answers of children)

Indoor is dirtier 10 times.

Where does dust come from? (Particles of human and animal skin and animal

village of various fabrics and carpets, and there are many bacteria and

microbes that affect the respiratory tract and cause various

allergy forms.)

How to protect the air indoors: at home, in class?

Health Rules:

1. Learn less to be near the road, and if necessary,

try not to breathe deeply, breathing only nose.

3. Air in the apartments is very dirty due to the accumulation of dust, so

rooms need to be constantly ventilated with good drafts, people should be at this time in another room.

4. The inhabitants of the first floors should not open the windows when under the windows are a lot of working machines, especially in the morning when

drivers warm up the motors.

  • Guys, and from what air can be polluted?
  • Many factories are built in cities. From their pipes, smoke rises in air, in which there are many dust of poisonous substances, harmful to the health of all living beings. The exhaust gases of cars also pollute the air.

Human activity sometimes brings great harm to the planet.

Waste from plants and factories Slide "Smoke Factory and Plants"

Forest fires Slide "Fires"

Pollution of cities Slide " Smoke cities "

Many cars Slide "Machines", Slide "Condition of Forests"

Experience "Candle burning"

Problem: What do you think, does the air pollute?

What happens if you have a plane for ordinary candle to hold a metal spoon?

Advance hypotheses: Those interested to express their opinion.

(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)


Hold a metal spoon over candle flame. We show the resulting South, cool and offer to touch your finger. What was the finger?

Output : The same dirt hits with smoke in the air, and then we breathe them.

And which of the gases in the air is the most important? (Oxygen - we are all breathing oxygen.)

We inhale air, in which there is oxygen, and exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide, he is unsuitable for breathing.
We need oxygen for breathing, as well as plants. Here only in the afternoon they produce oxygen, and on the other hand, it is distinguished by carbon dioxide, so indoors where you sleep, you can not keep a lot of colors.

  • Is air clean on our planet?
  • What do people do to air clean? (Answers)
  • Plants work plants that capture dust and poisonous gases. Scientists are developing new machines that will not pollute air.

And in the city, Poplar and Sunflower are best cleaning the air from pollution. Only one poplar highlights oxygen as much as 3 linden, 7 firs, 4 oxins.


The game "What does air pollute?" (cotton in your hands)

Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust gases, cigarettes, animals, smoke factories, herbs, plowed lands, insects.

4. Solving environmental problems (work in groups).

Solving the task:

1 group . One big tree allocates so much oxygen per day as it is necessary for one person. In the city due to the receipt of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the release of oxygen is reduced 10 times. How many trees should beTo ensure oxygen the city of Rudny, in which 100,000 people live? (1,000,000 large trees)

2 groups . A small coniferous forest filters for a year 35 tons of dust, and the same deciduous forest is 70 tons. How many times Less dust filters the coniferous forest for the year than the deciduous? What trees are better to plant in the city? (2 times. It is better to plant deciduous trees)

3 Group . Oak Grove highlights 830 kg per year. Oxygen, and the same pine grove - 540 kg. How much more Oxygen highlights oak grove than pine? (290kg more)

4 Group . Of 250,000 species of plants of the Earth 1/10 part is in the threatening position. How many species of plants on earth on the verge of extinction? (25,000 species)

5 group. Each resident of the Earth spends a year of paper, which is obtained from three coniferous trees. How many coniferous trees per year is required on your Family? (5 people \u003d 15 coniferous trees)

Based on the results of tasks, draw out the third point of our plan.

Unfortunately, with green planting of the city, there are often problems: they choose not the breeds of trees that are required for the city.

5. View the film "Pollution of the Atmosphere" -3 min. 45 seconds

What can we do to preserve clean air? (Student Answers)

From whom the purity of our planet depends?

6. Individual work. Show arrows, which pollutes the air.

IV. Poster "Clean Air - Pledge of Health"

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines, and in the group make poster on the topic.

We are talking about
That the whole earth is our common house -
Our kind home, spacious house,
We all live from birth in it.
We are still talking about
What we do our home should be preserved.
Let's prove that it's not for nothing
We hope for us.
Let's take care of the planet,
There is no other such in the world.
Dispel on her and clouds and smoke,
Withdrawn her no one!

V. Reflection.

  • Individual estimated sheet
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