The meaning of the word pharmaceuticals. Pharmacology and medicine

Usually under the word " pharmacist"We mean any employee of the pharmaceutical industry. They can also be the seller of the pharmacy, and the employee of Himfarpredit, and the representative of the medicinal company. However, each of them is a representative of a separate profession. What is the difference between them - read below.


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Located at the lowest stage of the hierarchy of pharmaceutical professions. As a rule, it works in a pharmacy, and its main responsibility is the sale of medicines. To become a pharmacist, it is enough to finish in the direction and get a certificate of the main specialty. However, if you count on career promotion, medium-sized vocational education will not be enough for you - the highest.


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You can only become in the event that you have a complete higher pharmaceutical education. These specialists most often share the same terms of responsibilities as ordinary pharmacists: sell drugs, advise buyers and control recipes. However, it is provisions that have the right to hold the position of the pharmacy head of the pharmacy. In chimefarpreditors, the provisions are in demand no less and in most cases occupy the posts of production technologists: they are responsible for the process of creating drugs and participate in the development of new drugs.

Medical representative

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It offers pharmacies, polyclinics and hospitals drugs produced by any pharmaceutical company. His working day takes place in the road, and his main distinctive feature is the ability to speak with and other pharmacists in their language. This profession falls both with higher and medium pharmaceutical education, but it has no fundamental importance for the employer.


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The only profession at the junction of medicine and pharmacology. In this profession, they fall in two ways: finishing the university in the direction or by finishing the university in the direction. If we speak in a simple language, then this is a doctor who is engaged in the development of drugs, conducts their clinical trials, and on the basis of the observations obtained is recommendations on the use of drugs for other practitioners. Most often it works in hospitals and research institutes.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ feces and pharmaceuticals - harm to health, illness

    ✪ Pharmaceutics of Facultynet - 65 Zhyl



"Pharmacy" and "pharmaceuticals" can be viewed as different historical stages, two different approaches to the manufacture of medicines. The traditional, centuries used by pharmacy, the method is in low-profile manual work (mostly aimed at satisfying local needs in medications) in the "quiet" "pharmacy" (pharmacies) for the preparation and leave of a limited number of doses of medication for a small circle of patients. The drugs obtained in this way are distinguished by insufficient standards, often give unwanted adverse reactions in their patients who took them (link?).

The imperfection of this ineffective (for the purpose of global trade) of the method was obvious at the beginning of the XIX century, when for the first time (in the US) began a mass standardized, high-performance and economically more profitable industrial production of medicines - "Pharmaceutical", on substantially larger enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutics has become a new technological stage of pharmacy development, a modern method of producing drugs and medicinal substances.

The difference of pharmaceuticals from pharmacy

  • "Pharmacy" and "Pharmaceutics" are two different end results. If Currently, Pharmacy is preparing only 3% of all drugs consumed, then "pharmaceuticals" and the pharmaceutical industry standing behind it - 97% of drugs consumed in the world having a finished dosage form.
  • Abroad the term "pharmacy" is associated with those retail places In settlements, where you can purchase the necessary medicine or a means to care for a sick person, get a medical advice, to become the owner of the means of cosmetics, shampoo, office supplies, sweets and just a snack. As for pharmaceuticals, she does not engage in trade.
  • The difference between the terms "Pharmacy" and "Pharmaceuticals" is underlined in the Oxford Dictionary of the English language. Pharmacy (Pharmacy) is defined as a place for making and selling drugs, as well as medicine preparation activities. Pharmaceuticals (Pharmaceutics) means activities related to the production of medicines and medicinal substances at industrial enterprises. Similar differences in the definition of these terms exist in industrialized countries, in India and China.
  • Another objection to the synonymous use of the terms "pharmacy" and "pharmaceuticals" in the international community is that pharmacy serves as the name of a whole complex of scientific and practical disciplines. On the contrary, the pharmaceuticals are one of the disciplines of pharmacy. The latter, in addition to pharmaceuticals, also includes the chemistry of medicinal substances, pharmacognosy, the technology of preparation of dosage forms, practical activities in retail and stationary units implementing drugs and objects of patient care, recommends combining drugs, treatment regimens and ensures their safety and efficacy.
  • Moreover, the union of the terms "Pharmacy" and "Pharmaceuticals" leads to international isolation of the relevant manufacturing, technological field of knowledge and practices carried out in Russian, and prevents international harmonization of knowledge and economic activity.
  • Another argument in favor of distinguishing these terms is the multigid of the term "pharmacy" in the international community, which is shown below. Pharmacy in hospitals, hospitals or hospitals Essentially different from retail pharmacy. Specialists working in stationary pharmacy, referred to as "clinical pharmacologists", as a rule, have greater special training and experience. They develop complex diagrams of medical treatment of stationary patients, consider indications and contraindications to the integrated use of highly efficient drugs in a particular heavy patient. Often, they have a specialization in separate therapeutic disciplines, such as hematology / oncology, HIV / AIDS, infectious diseases, intensive and urgent therapy, toxicology, radionuclide therapy, anesthetic therapy, neurology / psychiatry, anticoagulant therapy, medicinal treatment, pediatrics / neonatology , Geriatry.

EXTEMPORAL PHARMATION Engaged in manual preparation and release of perishable medicines and dosage forms according to individual recipes. Specialists practicing advisory pharmacy Act in boarding schools for disabled and in, which drugs are manifested in the body. Among them:

  1. the chemical nature of the medicinal substance and its concentration;
  2. physical condition of the drug substance (particle size, shape of crystals, presence or absence of charge on the surface of particles, etc.);
  3. auxiliary substances, their nature, physical condition, concentration;
  4. type of dosage form and ways to introduce it;
  5. pharmaceutical technology and equipment used in production.

The boundaries are not always clear between the pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, chemistry of medicinal substances and practical activities using drugs of distils. Often a group of specialists is working on solving a specific task. But nevertheless, in Russian, it looks quite justified by the use of the international term "pharmaceuticals", emphasizing the industrially oriented, technological part of the pharmacy.

Pharmaceuticals (error? "Clinical pharmacology is divided into three departments: pharmacokinetics ...") has the following branches:

  • pharmacoenomika
    • creating medicinal shapes
    • technology of pharmaceutical preparations and dosage forms.

Pharmacology - This is a science that is searching for medicinal substances and studying the biological effects of their interaction with the organism of animals and man
Term " pharmacology"Comes from the ancient Greek word Pharmakon (Pharmacon) - medicine. This is the doctrine of what influence on the body has medicinal substances (drugs) and as an organism reacts to them.

Term " medicine"It has many values, most often under it implies a substance used in medicine to treat diseases. However, the word "medicine" can be applied to any biologically active substances capable of calling the desired changes in the body, including:

Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol;
substances with a narcotic action (exciting), such as hashish, heroin and cocaine;
Food components - vitamins, minerals and amino acids;

« Pharmacology»It should be distinguished from" Pharmacy "- the last term refers to the profession associated with the production, preparation and turnover of drugs.

Pharmacology It studies the effect of drugs into live systems or their components -, cell membranes, organelles, enzymes, and even DNA. This means that the effects of drugs can be studied at various levels of biological organization or complexity, ranging from the interaction of medicinal substances with target molecules in the body (usually proteins, as well as enzymes, ion channels or neuro-step receptors, hormones, etc.) and ending with the impact on the human population.

In this regard, sections pharmacology It is often referred to as the level of the body, where medicines are studied. From here there were such concepts as molecular, functional, theoretical and clinical pharmacology. For a complete understanding of the action of medicinal substances, comprehensive information obtained at each of these levels is necessary.

Knowledge pharmacology Extremely important for practical medicine and veterinary medicine, where patterns are used to treat human and animal diseases. The principles of pharmacology are also applicable to toxicology in which the subject of study is the toxic effects of chemical agents (including drugs). Knowledge of the pharmacology of the medicinal substance has a decisive importance in solving the question of the possibility of its use for treatment, when its selective use is required to achieve a certain clinical goal.

Perfect property of any medicinal substance There would be a selectivity of his action, but often it is unattainable. The selectivity of the action can be achieved provided that:

The relatively high concentration of the drug is possible to create at the level of a certain target (cells, fabric or organ), where the drug effect is necessary;
The chemical structure of the medication is such that it selectively interacts with certain target molecules localized where it is necessary to obtain the desired effect.

A significant difference between pharmacists and pharmacologists has already been explained in our medical blog. However, there was still some uncertainty with their patrimoncies - pharmaceuticals and pharmacology, or rather, corresponding to adjectives. For example, how to correctly call companies producing drugs: pharmaceutical or pharmacological?

Pharmacology (unlike pharmacologists, who, as we learned, are largely ahead of pharmacists) - the concept is narrower, rather than pharmaceuticals. It as science studies a relatively small region: the effect of medicinal substances to the body. But the pharmaceuticals include a whole complex of scientific and practical disciplines that cover the whole cycle of creating a medicine: from the development of the formula to the sale of a finished drug to the population. Partially in it includes pharmacology - at the development stage.

So it turns out that if a kind of company produces medicines, it is not a pharmacological one, but the most likely to ...

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Pharmacist specialization, duties and differences from the provision

Pharmacist - a man, whose shoulders are the work of the researcher and a specialist in the field of medicinal. It is erroneous to be considered the place of work of the pharmacist exclusively pharmacy. In fact, the need for pharmacists is not only in pharmacies, but also on medicinal warehouses, spareholds of pharmacy drugs, pharmaceutical factories.

The role of the pharmacist cannot be overstated, because even no research institute can function without pharmacists, not to mention control and analytical laboratories.

The main specialization of the pharmacist is knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, the use of systemic knowledge among a number of drugs, knowledge of the economy and the organization of pharmacy. Analyzing the role of the pharmacist and knowledge requirements in different industries, it can be concluded that this is the pharmaceutical time, a fairly advanced profession relative to others. Undoubtedly, it is ...

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The modern world has a lot of riddles that we cannot solve. This also applies to many professions that in ordinary life are quite common. Each of us periodically enters the pharmacy and does not impass yourself that there are people of different specialties. It seems to us that there is no difference between them, and meanwhile it is not so. Today we will try to figure out than the provisor differs from the pharmacist, and what they are their professional duties.

Chapper and pharmacist - who are they?

The provision is a specialist with higher education, which has the right to independent pharmaceutical work. It can make medicines and control the pharmacy, in other words, the provision is a doctor.

Pharmacist is a specialist with secondary vocational education, he can work at a pharmacy, make and let go of the medicine, that is, to work as an assistant to the provinces.

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Pharmacist (pharmacist)

Pharmacist is a pharmacist of higher qualifications, which has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (making medicines) and to control the pharmacy.

From lat. Provisor - pre-caring, harvesting,
greek. Pharmakeutes - preparative medicines.

Pharmacist is a pharmacist of higher qualifications, which has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (making medicines) and to control the pharmacy.
The title of provision in terms of qualification corresponds to a doctor.

A pharmacist, who graduated from a college or technical school (secondary vocational education) can work as an assistant to a phase: make some forms of drugs, let medications and lead a pharmacy in the absence of a specialist with higher education.

Features of the profession

The most common name for the provision or his assistant is a pharmacist. However, the pharmacy does not cover the entire diversity of this profession.

Pharmacy is a complex ...

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Pharmacology and medicine. The difference in pharmacology from pharmacy

Pharmacology is a science that is engaged in searching for medicinal substances and studying the biological effects of their interaction with the organism of animals and humans.
The term "pharmacology" comes from the ancient Greek word Pharmakon (Pharmacon) - medicine. This is the doctrine of what influence on the body has medicinal substances (drugs) and as an organism reacts to them.

The term "medicine" has many values, most often under it implies a substance used in medicine to treat diseases. However, the word "medicine" can be applied to any biologically active substances capable of calling the desired changes in the body, including:

Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol;
substances with a narcotic action (exciting), such as hashish, heroin and cocaine;
Food components - vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
Cosmetic ...

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Pharmaceuticals are an area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and practical activity in the interests of industrial, mass and economically perfect production of medicines and substances.

This is an independent science for the design of the dosage form of the drug and all aspects of the process of turning a new chemical substance into a drug, suitable for safe and efficient use by many millions of patients. It is widely known that many chemical compounds with pharmacological properties are useless in the untreated state, and sometimes dangerous for the patient. Pharmaceuticals gives a similar substance a unique dosage form suitable for treating a specific group of patients with a certain way of its introduction and application mode. Pharmaceuticals, having a clearly defined and unique content, explores substances with medicinal properties, and drugs, as well as all sides of them ...

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What is the difference between a pharmacist pharmacist?

There are differences from the pharmacist from the provision. They clearly indicate the level of education and the potential, which is quite possible in the case of one and another specialist. However, it is most often believed that the main difference between the pharmacist pharmacist in the level of education. And this is true, but there are other differences.

Each time, crossing the pharmacy threshold, we absolutely do not think about what they are ready to promptly and unobtrusive, to assist and give advice from different specialties. One of them is a championship profession, and the other is a pharmacist.

Similarities between these professions are much larger than differences, so the question is what the pharmacist differs from the pharmacist is quite clear. At first glance, it seems that there is no difference between them, there is no difference, and meanwhile the situation is a little different.

See also:

The main differences of the pharmacist pharmacist

Let's try to understand what the provision ...

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Each of us from time to time you have to visit the pharmacies. However, few of us deal with what profession people work in them. You may say that these are pharmacists. But it is not so. Along with the pharmacist, the pharmacy works and the pharmacy. Who is that enters his duties, and what is his difference from other related specialties, we will try today to find out. We also learn how to become a professional in this area and what salary can be counted at the same time.

Wire - who is it?

In short, it can be said that the person of this profession is a specialist having a higher pharmaceutical education and working in the field of storage, production and sale of drugs. What is the meaning of the word "plumbing"? From the Latin language, this word is translated as "harvesting" or "foreseen".

In many countries of the world, they have been called any pharmacy worker. However, today this profession ...

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, it is enough to introduce the necessary word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from different sources - encyclopedic, intelligent, word-forming dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of using the word you entered.

The meaning of the word pharmaceuticals

pharmaceutics in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


pharmaceutics, MN. No, g. (Greek. Pharmakeutike, letters. Drug). A combination of applied disciplines about mining, processing, storage and vacation drugs.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, g. The same as headlights.

arr. pharmaceutical, one

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.



Pharmaceutics - Part of the pharmacy associated directly with the production and technological problems of the process of manufacturing medicines and substances.

It is known that many chemical compounds with pharmacological properties in the untreated state are useless or harmful. Pharmaceuticals gives a similar substance a unique dosage form suitable for treating a specific group of patients with a certain way of its introduction and application mode.

The term "pharmaceuticals" is not synonymous with the term "pharmacy".

Examples of the use of the word pharmaceuticals in the literature.

He had to hand over a trifle exam in order to become the owner of real estate, - nonsense for a person who passed dozens of volumes on pathology, histology, anatomy and pharmaceutical.

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