Visceral fat. Visceral fat and what he is dangerous visceral obesity in women treatment

Visceral fat is an unpleasant and inesttic outcome of stress, lack of sleep, harmful meals and lack of mobility. Inside our body there are excess fat reserves. It is very difficult to fight them, they go slower than I would like. Their accumulation is harmed not only appearance, but also health. If you do not get rid of such fat "reserves" on time, then in the future, serious medical diagnoses cannot be avoided. The site tells what it is - visceral fat than it differs from Abdominal and how to get rid of women and men at home (diet and exercise).

Visceral fat - what is it?

Visceral fat is fat clusters in the waist area. They are formed in the abdomen, enveloping internal organs. To say that this is an unnecessary organism a substance that simply spoils the figure - wrong. Visceral fat stories serve to protect our internal organs from the influence of the inner medium. Harm brings not their presence, but excessive accumulation. Doctors argue that in our body there should be inner fat, but not in an overnight volume.

Healthy internal organs and floating visceral fat - the layout is made on the basis of the photo from the inside.

Visceral fat photos from the inside

The norm of visceral fat in women and men - how to determine it?

To assert that only the person who does not exceed 10-15% of the mass of all other fat cells can normally say that visceral fat. Determines this percentage Special medical examination or computed tomography. But there is another way to help find out the level of internal fat deposits on their own.

Make it is not so difficult. It is necessary to arm a centimeter tape. With it, it is determined by the waist and hips. Then the first indicator is divided into the second. The resulting number is the coefficient that determines whether the visceral fat of permissible limits in our body has not exceeded. The woman is enough for him not to cross the borders of 0.88. Men have a little more - to 0.95.

What danger is visceral fat?

Visceral fat is more dangerous than the usual subcutaneous. First, he comes from the belly very slowly, so getting rid of it harder. Secondly, its surplus pose a threat to the body. Excessive accumulation can provoke such health problems as:

  • Varicose on the legs.
  • Sugar diabetes (II type).
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart attack.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Failures in metabolism.

All these troubles can be avoided if you get rid of the extra accumulations in time. But it is necessary to do it under the supervision of a dietegologist. This type of obesity can only be defeated if we are patient. Slimming in this case should be slow and phased.

Visceral fat and abdominal fat - what are their differences?

These two terms are often found when it comes to fat stocks in the zone of the abdomen and waist. But is there any differences between them or are these words synonyms? In fact, the answer is unexpectedly simple. To do this, know a little about the types of obesity.

Abdominal obesity is divided into two subtypes:

  • Abdominal subcutaneous - concentration of fat cells under the skin in the abdomen area.
  • Visceral is a cluster of fat inside the abdomen, or rather, enveloping the fat cells of the internal organs that are in the abdominal cavity.

Simply put, any fat, spacked around the waist - abdominal. Visceral is just that fatty tissue, which intensify internal organs.

Sometimes two terms consider the same and say that there is no difference between them. In some sense, it is correct, because visceral deposits are part of abdominal obesity.

Reasons for the accumulation of visceral fat in women and men

Before you begin to combat hanging fat rollers on the waist, you need to determine the reason for their appearance. There may be several reasons:

  • Sitting work and a sedentary life structure.
  • Genetic location.
  • Unhealthy diet.
  • Stress and lack of sleep.
  • Hormonal disbalance.

Depending on what caused the laying of fat folds on the waist, it is solved and how to get rid of the problem. In many cases, you need to make three steps towards success: to correct your lifestyle, go to proper nutrition and play sports.

Do change the life style or how to overcome bad habits?

Before fighting a discoverished belly, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. From the list of your habits, you need to draw out those that lead to fat deposits and develop new rules, namely:

Learn to get enough sleep. The modern pace of life leaves us a chance of a normal dream. If you add to the lack of sleep stress at work, the troubles in the family, then the appearance of visceral fat will not make himself wait. Therefore, you need to teach the body to go to bed far before the usual. The earlier the better.

Walk more on foot. We are all accustomed to Routine - work-house-work. Moreover, to get from point A to point in, we choose the most comfortable type of transport. If the stomach already meets the folds to our desire to surround himself comfortably, then it's time to "learn" to walk. It may be one bus stop traveled by foot after work or evening walk.

The main rule is to move more in the fresh air.

Do mini workout in the workplace. If the work is connected with a permanent seat in an office chair, then every hour needs to arrange small workouts. Exercises can be any, even the simplest slopes of the hull will prevent many health problems, including with the accumulation of inner fat.

Make a sport part of your life. There are many techniques to burn fat on the waist with it: power exercises for the press, halakhup, breathing practices (for example - "Vacuum" of the abdomen), mobile games.

Another important point is the right and healthy diet. It is important to know which products to eat in food, and from what better to refuse forever.

Visceral fat on the stomach - how to get rid of home with a diet?

By organizing a diet that will save from visceral sediments, comply with several rules:

  • Food should be low in carbohydrates and fats.
  • The number of food meals need to be increased to 5 times a day, with small portions.
  • Every day you should drink a lot of water - at least 1.5 liters.
  • Food is better to boil, bake steer or process steam.
  • From smoked, fried food is better to refuse.

Disture from the list of products that most of all contribute to the formation of internal fat:

  • Sugar and baking.
  • White flour bread.
  • Strong alcohol.
  • Roasted and saham-containing drinks.
  • Potatoes and most croup. An exception can be done for bunting, buckwheat and black rice. They do not contribute to the accumulation of fat cells. On the contrary, they are considered good burners.
  • Fat meat.

What must be included in the diet?

Diet is not a complete rejection of nutritional food. A variety of products should be present in the diet. First of all, vegetables, greens, berries and fruits.

Among them are the most useful, which affect the removal of visceral fat:

  • Cabbage. The optimal version is broccoli or color.
  • Cucumbers. They must become a mandatory ingredient in vegetable salads or smoothies.
  • Apples and drying of them, as well as any other dried fruits.
  • Citrus. It is best to burn excess fat grapefruit.
  • Greens. Add it to food as spicy and fresh seasonings.
  • Berries. All of them contribute to weight loss, but the champions among fat shreders are black currant and blueberries.

It is important to add more proteins to the diet than carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude meat from nutrition. But it should be without fat and attend small quantities. No need to ignore fish, especially low-fat varieties. White bird meat is a desirable diet component. It will saturate the body, without leaving in it the deposits of fat.

Eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes, rye bread with bran - all these products are shown at a diet against visceral fat. To help get rid of it can drink. Green tea with the addition of ginger and lemon is not only fragrant and tasty drink. This is the best "hot cocktail" for weight loss. Instead of lemon, it is possible to add cinnamon in it - it is the leader among spices in the fight against fat.

Visceral fat on the stomach - how to get rid of home using exercises?

The most effective exercises that solve the problem of how to remove inner fat - aerobic. These are workouts that use the maximum amount of muscles and under which the body saturation is based oxygen. Bicycle riding, swimming, walking, running, ski run, skating training - all these sports will help get rid of non-psychotic hanging sides. Why is the presence of oxygen necessarily? All simple - its molecules help destroy fat cells during physical exertion.

Sports, helping to fight visceral fat

In addition, other sports activities will help:

Exercises of therapeutic physical education against visceral fat on the stomach

Classic option. Everyone knows this exercise since school lessons of physical education. You need to lie on the floor, the hands of the fold "in the castle" behind the head. Bend your knees, lay down in the footsteps about the floor. Then the housing rises up. For starters, there are 10 repetitions once a day, 3-4 times a week.

Lower press. It is pumped simply - from the position of lying legs rise up until an angle of 90 ° C is in relation to the case. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the legs do not bended in the knees, kept smoothly. Then the legs are lowered, the number of repetitions and approaches is the same as for the classic option.

Oblique muscles. They also need to pump up so that the waist becomes expressive, and the unnecessary fat came to "no". The initial position coincides with the classic, but only when the case is lifted, a "twist" is made. At first, the left elbow stretches to the right knee, and the next time you need to pull in the opposite side right elbow. It is done 2-3 times a week for 20 approaches.

Double press. This is a complicated option, but also more efficient. It takes its initial position for its execution, as with a classic approach. Then simultaneously rose to each other torso and bent legs. There will be one point of the support - the loin. Repeat 15 times, weekly norm - 2-3 times.

Side muscles. Such an exercise removes fat on the sides of the waist. Lie on the floor, raise smooth legs. The angle between them and the torso should be direct. Then tilt the legs in turn - to the left and right side. The number of repetitions is 20 times, 3-4 times a week.

Cross muscle. It is usually hammered by a non-power method, but respiratory. This exercise "Vacuum" for the abdomen is called. It is best to make it on an empty stomach in the morning. Take the position lying. Inhale as deep as possible, after which I do not rush to exhale all the air from the lungs. At the same time, you need to try to draw your stomach and delay your breath by 15-20 seconds. After that, slowly exhale and make several breaths, exhale to restore the breath. The number of repetitions is 3-5 times, it is done 5 times a week.

Fat cells accumulate the energy supply of the body and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D), hormones are distinguished, protect the internal organs from concussions and injuries, the body temperature is maintained. If the energy goes more than consumed, the cells increase in the amount, which leads to an increase in fatty tissue thickness.

In the body, fat is distributed in different ways: some it is postponed in the field of hips and legs, in others in the abdominal area (on the abdomen). The most dangerous visceral obesity, since it leads to the development of somatic diseases.

The essence of the problem

The primary alimentary-exogenous obesity is isolated, which is formed as a result of admission to the body of an excessive fat and carbohydrates, and the secondary, coming due to CNS diseases or the endocrine system.

Primary obesity occurs in 75% of people with overweight. It develops due to the fact that there is more energy in the body than is spent, the power mode is broken (the main share of calories is consumed overnight) or rare food intake, but are abundant.

It is not always obesity arises from people due to excessive food intake, sometimes the reason in insufficient physical activity. The genetic factor in the development of obesity was not proved, the fact that the whole family suffers from the disease is explained by common habits and lifestyle.

Exogin-constitutional obesity is divided into a guide-shaped (bore-femur) and abdominal when fatty tissue accumulates in the abdominal cavity. When fat is around the organs, and not under the skin, they talk about visceral obesity.

The risk of the pathology of the cardiovascular system is associated with any fat in the body, and with the nature of its distribution. So, a person with top obesity (abdominal, central, android) is more likely to get a heart disease than a person with the lower type of obesity (the berium-poor, hyneoid, peripheral).

Three layers of adipose fabric are distinguished: subcutaneous, visceral, and located under the muscular cloth. Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous - type of adipocytes, lipolytic activity, insulin sensitivity and other hormones. All fat facility is 80% composed of subcutaneous fat.

The volume of visceral adipose tissue reaches 20% in men and 5-8% in women. With age, this indicator increases from representatives of both sexes.

Obesity in men and women proceeds in different ways. So, men first accumulate visceral fat, and after that there is a subcutaneous deposit. With weight loss, the fat is first consuming, filling the space between the internal organs, and only then the amount of the waist is reduced.

Obesity in women begins with an increase in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue, since estrogen prevents the deposition of visceral fat. But still, with an increase in body weight, the volume of visceral adipose tissue increases.

Fat accumulates in subcutaneous tissue, retroperitoneal space, epicardine, delicate mesentery, rarely occurs hepatosis of the liver

Visceral adipose tissue surrounds the abdominal organs (it accumulates around the intestines), stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs. Epicardial fat is a special form of visceral fat, located around the heart. It produces substances affecting the work of the cardiovascular system.

A person without problems with excess weight of visceral fat is about 3 kg. If there is obesity, then this indicator may increase 10 times. Fat cells surround the internal organs and, if necessary, provide them with energy. But if a lot of fat accumulates in lipocytes, they squeeze the organs, affect the blood supply and the movement of lymph.

In a patient with visceral obesity, complications from the pancreas and the cardiovascular system are much more often found than people with bench-founded obese.

The reasons

The factors provoking the development of obesity:

  • hormonal disorders arising during the nursery of the child, lactation, menopause;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (stress, psychosis, panic attacks);
  • excessive use of beer (testosterone is transformed into female sex hormones and ceases to participate in fats splitting);
  • reduced physical activity (sitting, inactive rest);
  • hypothalamus works incorrectly;
  • incorrect meals (fats or carbohydrates predominate in the menu, dense dinner before bedtime);
  • overeating;
  • against the background of drug therapy (reception of hormonal products, tranquilizers, antidepressants);
  • violation of the work of the endocrine system (Izhenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism);
  • sereotonin lack (hormone is responsible for the good mood and feeling of satiety).

Waist grumps can also be considered a marker of the redundancy of visceral fat


Increase the volume of visceral fat can not only have people with obesity. British scientists found out that 45% of fine sex representatives and in 60% of men with a body mass index of 20-25 units increased the amount of visceral tissue. They explained that people supported the weight "sitting down" on a diet, as a result of the cells accumulate fat "for a black day".

Those who studied by whom was the normal content of visceral fat, led an active lifestyle and did not suit the hunger strike.

To diagnose abdominal obesity enough to measure the waist circle and hips. If the coefficient from / about more than the unit in men and above 0.85 in women, then this indicates the deposition of adipose tissue between the internal organs.

If a person under 40 years old grabs the waist of more than 90 cm at the age of 60), it is believed that there is abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.


The regulation of the energy balance has been changed in obesity with obesity, there is a disorder of intertoon exchange with the enhanced formation of adipose tissue from fats and carbohydrates coming from food, there are difficulties with the mobilization of fat from cells.

With excessive admission of food, lipogenesis above lipolysis, therefore triglycerides are deposited in fat cells (lipocytes). The number of cell data in an adult does not change (predecessor cells are divided only during embryonic development and puberty), triglycerides increase the size of lipocytes three times.

But if fat continues to enter the body, the predecessor cells begin to share. At extremely obesity, the number of lipocytes can increase 10 times. If new cells were formed, then during weight loss, they no longer disappear, but only decrease in size.

Any type of obesity leads to atherosclerosis, chronic cholecy and osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, vein varicose veins and many other diseases

Visceral adipose tissue disrupts the heart of the heart, because of which the person is practically incapable of physical exertion. Changes to the worse and easy work, so there are difficulties with breathing. The intestinal walls are squeezed out, which leads to a violation of the work of the organ and the shashing of the body.

Very strongly, the pancreas suffer from obesity, which is disturbed by insulin production and sugar diabetes develop. The liver accumulates in the cells of fat, it ceases to cope with the protective function and toxins penetrate into the bloodstream.

Visceral adipose tissue belongs to endocrine organs, since it produces cortisol, interleukin-6 (inflammation hormone), leptin. Testosterone fat cells are transformed into female sex hormones (estrogens), so in excess weights, obesity goes on the female type and there are problems with potency.

Increased level of cortisol leads to chronic stress. Due to hormone inflammation, even with small disorders in cells, a strong inflammatory response can develop. Because of the action of hormones synthesized by visceral adipose tissue, the activities of all cells deteriorates, which contributes to the deposits of harmful substances in them (slags, cholesterol, fats).

It turns out that the more abdominal fat, the more produced hormones leading to the deposition of fat on the internal organs.

Venous blood flowing from visceral adipose tissue, through the portal system penetrates into the liver. Because of this, many free fatty acids and adipokines penetrate into the gland. Free fatty acids lead to the formation of hepatic insulin resistance, and adipocines contribute to the activation of anti-inflammatory mediators.

Thus, obesity provokes:

  • type II diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling;
  • did;
  • violation of reproductive and sexual function;
  • changing the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • deterioration of liver functions;
  • lethargy, fast fatigue;
  • stress, depression;
  • elevated appetite.

The doctor when appointing therapy should take into account not only the severity of obesity, but also the concomitant diseases


The treatment of visceral obesity is to compensate for the developed metabolic disorders and involves a decrease in insulin resistance. Therapy is carried out comprehensive and includes measures designed to reduce the mass of abdominal visceral fat. Patients are prescribed hypochaloric nutrition and regular exercise.

If there are signs of obesity, then you need to consult an endocrinologist. Therapy takes place in two stages: a decrease in body weight (takes from 3 to 6 months) and its stabilization (lasts up to a year). In most cases, psychological assistance is also required to patients to understand what problems are "seized" and learn to avoid it.

Obesity Power Principles

The diet is individually compiled, taking into account the mass of the patient's body, its age, gender, food addiction, physical activity. You can use fat only 25% of the daily caloric content, with the animal fats there must be no more than 10% of the total fat, and cholesterol to 300 mg per day.

Restricted consumption of fast-air carbohydrates. It is recommended that there are many vegetables and fruits because they contain dietary fiber. When making a menu, a person suffering from obesity should be focused on lists of permitted and prohibited products (recommended by the NO 8 diet according to the pessner).

It should be completely abandoned by Fastfud and Transhirov. It is impossible to completely exclude fats, as this may cause a violation of lipolysis. Reducing weight and blood indicators should be controlled by a doctor.

Physical activity is necessary with all forms and stages of obesity. The aerobic load mode is selected individually, since it depends on many factors (from clinical manifestations of obesity, concomitant pathologies, age, gender, physical training).

The primary task is not harvested by the cardiovascular system. Exercises increase energy consumption, normalize metabolism, accelerate fats cleavage, improve the functions of all organism systems, increase performance.

Daily aerobic loads of low or medium intensity are required

For patients of young and middle age without diseases of the heart and vessels, exercises that increase endurance are particularly useful. Walking, running, rowing, swimming, sports games. Exercises for the speed of difficulty and do not give the necessary energy consumption.

The method of fractional loads is used, that is, during the day you need to do several approaches. The course of treatment is divided into two periods. During the first patient, adapts to increasing physical exertion, and in the second, when the outflow and severe heartbeat disappears, you can increase the number of approaches (one occupation lasts from 45 minutes).

As studies show, with a loss of 10-15% of the entire body body, it is burned from 30% of visceral fat and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

Reception of drugs

The decrease in fat volume, in most cases, leads to a decrease in hyperinsulinemia, the restoration of metabolism, normalization of blood pressure, return sensitivity to insulin. Unfortunately, not all insulin resistance and abdominal obesity passes with a decrease in weight, so medicines are prescribed.

If in 2 months there is no result from therapy, then the doctor may appoint the reception of the following drugs:

  • Orlistat. The active substance inhibits lipase, which leads to a disruption of splitting and suction of fats. Contraindicated in Malabsorption syndrome, cholestasy. As a side effect, a meteorism may occur, steatheree, frequent defecation, incontinence of feces, imperative urge to empty the intestines. The probability of the occurrence of undesirable effects is increased by non-compliance with the diet. Treatment lasts from 3 months. Analogs of Alley, Xenalten, Ksenikan, Orlyimax, etc.
  • Metromamine (glucophage). Shown in type II diabetes mellitus. Reduces the absorption of glucose from the intestine, accelerates its disposal, increases insulin sensitivity, and besides this reduces the level of triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood.
  • Analogs of glucuite-like peptide. The peptide is produced by the cells of the iliac and colon in response to meals. Stimulate its secretion of triglycerides and carbohydrates contained in Himus. In the stomach, it suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid and weakens the motorcy, and in the pancreas peptide stimulates the production of insulin and inhibits the synthesis of glucagon and somatostatin. Thus, the drug suppresses a feeling of hunger.

The effectiveness of treatment is estimated during the year. Diet is corrected during this period, the psychological state of the patient is estimated.

Therapy is considered ineffective if 10% of weight has not gone

If weight loss must be achieved in a short time on medical reasons, as well as the integrated therapy does not lead to results, then surgical intervention can be appointed. Obesity is not only a cosmetic defect, it is also the impossibility of conducting an active lifestyle, difficulties with the establishment of social contacts, health problems.

To get rid of extra kilograms take a lot of time, willpower and work on yourself. You should not expect quick results and put the goal to lose weight, so the risk of irreparable harm to health increases and is the likelihood that motivation will decrease. You need to start with a small and get used to a new way of life.

The problem of overweight is very developed in countries with a high level of civilization. Despite the abundance of drugs for weight loss and gyms, obesity has become a common disease in women, and men. But the deposits of Excloshers differ: the obesity of men is noticeably in the field of the waist, and visceral obesity in women manifests itself from the hips and buttocks.

The presence of fat in humans contributes to the stock of energy, because the thin fat membrane envelops all internal organs by providing access to additional energy.

In a normal person, the total amount of such internal, visceral, fat reaches three kilograms. In obesity, the weight of such inland fat increases to thirty kilograms. Accordingly, with such quantities, the organs are greatly squeezed, their work process is violated, and health problems are formed.

Because of what appear overweight problems?

Men often deal with large physical exertion, high workload at work, tend to smaller consumption of flour and sweet food, but they can still suffer from excess weights. Why? The root of this trouble lies inside the hormones, and specifically testosterone.

At the normal level of male hormone, excess weights are not recruited in any way - a man looks healthy, with developed muscles. As soon as the level of testosterone goes to the decline, the dominant position in the influence of the metabolism occupies a female hormone - estrogen.

In men, there is a female hormone, but in small quantities. Excess estrogen contributes to laying fat. Such a process after launch becomes self-sustaining - in the peritoneum testosterone is processed in estrogen, a hormone is produced under the name, which suppresses the production of testosterone, and the fat begins to postpone more and stronger.

Insufficient motor activity, incorrect meal, the problems of the digestive tract also lead to the accumulation of fat. Naturally, the most popular alcoholic beer - beer also contributes to obesity when used it is more often once a week. Although the basis of the disease is precisely hormones.

How to determine the degree of the disease?

Determine the excess weight of men simply. For this, only you need to change the volume of the waist. Dimensions Above 94 centimeters already have a reason to think about, and over 102 centimeters are one hundred percent obesity of the second degree and a reduced level of testosterone.

Find out the obesity stage easily - it is enough to apply a bit of mathematics. It is necessary to calculate the body mass index. It is considered by dividing the mass on the growth, erected into a square. If the mass index is between 18.5 and 25, this is the norm for men. Nutritionists, after long observations, created their table to determine the degree of obesity:

  • from 25 to 29.9 - the presence of some excess weight;
  • 30–35 – ;
  • from 35 to 39.9 -;
  • from 40 - the obesity of the third degree is called.

Visual signs of excess fat in men differ from women. In the body of a strong sex, fat is postponed in the waist area, which is why the well-known "beer belly" appears.

What threatens obesity?

Due to the fact that men are accumulated on the waist, the probability of visceral obesity is higher. Visceral obesity - fat, delayed directly on the internal organs. The tendency to excess completeness can be obtained both genetically and due to improper nutrition. And also affects the frequent use of products, which contains sugar.

The accumulated excess fat near the heart form the upper fat layer, which greatly squeezes this, undoubtedly important organ. Therefore, complete people have the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • fast fatigue;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypertension.

Obesity of the lungs does not allow them to be completely disclosed, as well as difficulty with breathing. The brain displaces the necessary oxygen, which also does not contribute to a healthy state. There may be problems with the work of the intestine - constant constipation appear, which is why the body cannot get rid of harmful substances.

The inner layer of fat is also an endocrine body that produces cortisol - a hormone of stress. This hormone contributes to the operation of internal organs with reinforced load. And also this fabric reproduces interleukin-6 - basic hormone inflammation, so any chih and cough can turn into a dangerous disease.

The presence of excess fat from organs in the abdominal cavity also harms the health of the body. In this regard, there is a violation of the work of metabolic processes, diabetes or christiest is developing. Gradually leads to impotence and infertility. Therefore, in this case, men should follow the example of women and also begin fighting fat.

How to find out the level of your visceral obesity and how to detect it?

For the convenience of determining nutritionists came up with some indices (to calculate them too need to remember a little mathematics):

  • WHR - the ratio of the waist on the volume of the hips. The normal indicator is the number less than one;
  • WTR is the division of the waist parameters for the thigh, which is measured in the upper third. The norm is considered to be less than 1.7;
  • WAR - the volume of the waist is divided into the amount of hand in the maximum biceps size - the average third shoulder. The normal indicator is less than 2.7;
  • WHTR - division of waist size for growth. In men, the answer should be less than half.

How to get rid of obesity?

Naturally, as in all diseases you need to consult with your doctor. In this case, this is a nutritionist. It will determine the cause of obesity, will make recommendations on the diet, will send for surrender. He can also immediately compile a course of treatment.

The first advice will be a change in the method of nutrition. The specialist begins with the analysis of the food diary. The diet will not be a panacea due to its short-life.

For final healing, it is necessary to completely change its nutrition. The nutritionist rigidly cuts out of the lists of resolved dishes:

  • grilled meat;
  • alcohol;
  • sweets;
  • fat food.

It is replaced by this abundance of vegetables or at all and very lean dishes - soups, fruits and vegetables.

In addition to changing the diet, the doctor may advise drug treatment. For severe cases, funds are used that reduce appetite - sybutramine. But their use is fraught with serious side effects.

In easy cases, drugs can advise that reduce the absorption rate of nutrients in the intestine. There are several types of such: xenical prohibits suction fat, and the famous Akarbaza blocks the production of enzymes. Enzymes are involved in the splitting of starch because of which there is a smaller amount of carbohydrates in the metabolism.

Some help will be and traditional medicine - there is a herbal tea that will reduce appetite. It is brewed from immortelle, birch kidney, chamomile and hormour in equal amounts. Drink follows 3-4 times a day.

Do not stop in achieving the goal. Reset overweight. The resulting good physical form contributes to better performance and health.

The complexity of treatment

To get rid of excess weights use:

  • medication;
  • biological additives to food;
  • diet;
  • liposuction.

But none of these methods on visceral fat has no effect. Fasting does not attach the waist harness, weight leaves the limbs, faces, chest, but remains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen.

Obesity in men is difficult to adjust: low-calorie diets are too complicated in a man's diet. Due to constant stress at work, food intake can be skipped, which subsequently leads to overeating in the evening.

The consequences of visceral obesity in women also have destructive power to organism health. Due to external discomfort, a woman falls into depression, suppress which is trying with sweets or alcohol. Such methods lead to hormonal bursts in the body. A rigid diet interrupted by an abundant meal with all efforts to zero.

2 years ago

Today, overweight for the majority of the population of our planet is the problem number 1. Most often it is associated with the body's constitution. In most cases, such a problem can be solved with the help of two weapons - sports and diet. But what to do if doctors diagnosed visceral obesity? Let's discuss in today's article.

Obesity is not a simple problem, and the present disease that requires treatment with the participation of specialized doctors. Visceral obesity in women meets more often than representatives of the opposite sex. Although visceral obesity in men is a real Beach of our century.

Many in a joke call their belly lumps of nerves. And this has a scientific name - android obesity. Figure in shape resembles an apple. If fat deposits accumulate in the femoral-buttock region, then it is a guinided obesity.

In medical practice, several degrees of obesity are distinguished. To determine the degree, it is necessary to calculate the coefficient of special formula.

And what is visceral obesity? You will be surprised, but a person may not suspect the presence of this ailment, since the mass of his body does not change. This pathology is coming when internal organs in force with adolescent fabric. They seem to be taken into the ring.

On a note! The first to sight of visceral obesity falls the liver and heart.

We are looking for the cause

The appearance of adipose tissue on the internal organs can cause both a banal overeating, and a sedentary lifestyle. If the reason is only in this, the chances of success in treatment are huge. But there are other reasons to be eliminated. And in most cases, as practice shows, without the help of a specialized doctor here can not do.

The reasons for the appearance of visceral fat should be attributed to:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • frequent use of beer;
  • constant experience of stressful situations;
  • psychosis;
  • lack of motor activity;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
  • overeating;
  • the presence of a large number of fats and carbohydrates in the menu.

Please note that visceral obesity can be a consequence of the reception of a number of drugs, including antidepressants.

Anxious bells of the body

As already mentioned, visceral obesity is not always accompanied by a set of overweight body, especially if the disease is progressing against the background of another disease or dysfunction of organs of the human body.

The liver, heart muscle, kidneys and pancreas are the first to hit. As the adhesive tissue is growing, the functioning of the listed organs is violated. Fat seems to clamp vitally important organs in the ring.

Visceral obesity is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • breath;
  • hypertension;
  • edema;
  • diabetes;
  • frigidity;
  • impotence;
  • lethargy;
  • pathological weakness;
  • uncontrolled appetite;
  • fast fatigue;
  • painful sensations in the right part of the peritoness;
  • violation of cardiac rhythm;
  • ischemia;
  • nausea attacks;
  • by depressive state.

In the manifestation of such symptoms, immediately appeal to the profile doctor. Often visceral obesity arises against the background of hormonal imbalance. Most often it happens during the period of the climacteric pause or tooling the fetus.

On a note! Without obvious signs of obesity, the presence of visceral fat can be diagnosed by means of computed tomography.

After a comprehensive examination and determining the exact diagnosis, the doctor and the patient start working together. The ultimate goal is to reduce body weight and improved well-being. If visceral fat appeared as a result of a banal overeating, then a diet is prescribed first. With visceral obesity, the diet will be scarce, but balanced.

Important! Depending on the initial mass of fat, the diet can last that pairs of months until six months. After that, for 6 months, the result should be fixed in order to continue not to gain weight.

Of course, the specialist in each case individually develops a dietary diet. No favorite tastes, fast food and other food, littering our body. From now on, only healthy and proper nutrition.

If you want to eliminate the inner fat, enveloping organs, you will have to reduce the amount of carbohydrate and fats consumed. In general, the daily caloric content of food should be a much less than the cumulative indicator of the energy being spent.

Slimming process prevents swelling. To normalize the withdrawal of fluid from the body, it will have to minimize the amount of salt consumed. Sugar sand enters the list of prohibited products. It is better to replace this sweetness with natural beekeeping product - honey.

On a note! Once a week, arrange unloading days. So you can activate with a greater power of metabolic processes and fat burning.

As medical practice shows, subject to a diet and regular sports after the first two weeks will be noticeable results. In the future, overweight will melt, as if snow near the spring sun.

But if conservative treatment turned out to be unsuccessful, the doctors of the narrow profile are prescribed drug drugs, the action of which is aimed at blocking the suction of fats. These include:

  • "Glucophage";
  • "Orlistat".

Important! Take biological additives or means of alternative medicine, causing a false sense of saturation or overwhelming appetite, extremely undesirable. This must be coordinated with your attending specialist.

Extremely rarely, visceral fat treatment is carried out through surgical intervention. The patient can be shown an operation to reduce the stomach, installation of cylinders accumulating fat.

A problem that is more characteristic of residents of developed countries, but did not bypass and our own, - overweight. People of all age groups are subject to this disease: both adult men and women and children. But at all-choice representatives, it proceeds not equally. For women, more characteristic of the bore fatty deposition is more characteristic, while men even obesity 1 degree (initial stage) is determined mainly to increase the waist. What is obliged to the emergence of male redundancy of the first degree weight, as pathology proceeds, which affects it, let's consider that it can be better to understand what tactics to work out to combat data.

Common causes of the disease

The overwhelming majority of men usually experience strong physical exertion, they work more and harder, but at the same time they eat flour and sweet. Nevertheless, they suffer to obesity on a par with female floors. Why does this happen? The causes of male obesity lie in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hormonal sphere, to be more accurate - a direct connection with a lack of male hormone - testosterone can be traced. If testosterone is a male body, the body's body is considered satisfactory, they feel tightened, slim, they have muscles of impressive sizes, etc. When the testosterone level begins to fall, the processes of metabolism begin to fall stronger under the influence of sex hormones - estrogen, which men also have, not in such a significant amount.

Estrogens in the body of men cause such an effect in metabolic processes as fat deposition. Gradually, the circle closes: in the abdominal cavity androgen is converted into estrogen, the leptin substance that blocks the formation of the testicular androgen is still there. And the procedure for deposition of fat accelerates its movement is increasingly. Without a doubt that irrefined nutrition, problems of the functions of the digestive tract, hypodynamine helps accumulate overweight. Invariably causes irreversible changes with weight such a common male habit, how to drink beer. Nevertheless, the impulse to the development of the disease is violations in the hormonal system in men.

Diagnosis and variation of the disease

Measuring the circumference of the male waist is a sufficient reason to make a diagnosis. If the waist in its coverage exceeds 94 cm, then there is evidence of excess weight. The parameter of 102 cm is equal to 2 degrees of obesity among male representatives and is 100% proof that the testosterone level in a man is reduced. The obesity of men is determined by both simple arithmetic: calculating the body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated by sharing the body weight on its growth, which is pre-elevated in a square. Normal body weight is considered when BMI corresponds to a value of 18.5-25.0. At damage equal to 25.0-29.9, the weight is considered redundant. 1 degree characterizes the BMI in the range from 30.0 to 35.0. 35.0-39.0 - 2 degree, 40 and above - 3 degree (Morbid obesity). Outwardly, it looks somewhat different than that of representatives of the beautiful floor. The fat of the power of the power elected the place of its localization is the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist, which thus forming the "beer tummy", sometimes making a male figure like a form of an apple.

Compare the type of figures of different floors can be comparable 2 photos. It is this feature of a male figure carries the greatest harm to health. The redundancy of fat in the body disperses and postponed in different ways. Based on the individual features of the Constitution and the body, 2 types of obesity are separated - peripheral and centered. With peripheral dispersal, the accumulation of fat occurs mainly in the tissue under the skin, and its accumulation occurs on the surface of the internal organs.

Body overwater stones

Since men are more characteristic of the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, then they have exactly visceral obesity, they have more likelihood. Often, the predisposition to it is caused congenital or genetic factors, diet disorders, love for the consumption of high calorie products and sugar-containing. What is this kind of obesity and what hazards is it in yourself?

Visceral species shape around the heart an excess fat layer, which presses the vital organ. In view of which the heart refuses to work in the usual mode. As a result, arrhythmia, hypertension, shortness of breath appear, increased fatigue. Fat sediments surrounding the lungs do not allow them to be disclosed in full. The patient is beginning to occur in breathing. The brain does not flow oxygen in the required volume and occurs oxygen fasting. As a result - shortness of breath all the time, fatigue increased, weakness is regular. The spread of the fat layer around the peritoneal bodies prevents their functioning according to the same principle.

In the body there is a violation of the exchange processes, the development of diabetes mellitus, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of biliary tract. The forecast visceral view of obesity gives not the most comforting - infertility and impotence. Obesity does not make exceptions to anyone: the consequences for all unpleasant are both for men and women.

Diagnosing visceral type

Conduct examination in men visceral type can be different. First option: Measure the waist circle. If the volume of the male waist is less than 94 cm - it is still normal. With an indicator above 94 and less than 101 cm - there are all the symptoms of weight redundancy and to the state of their health should be an increased attentiveness. The indicator over 102 cm gives all the grounds to immediately appeal to the consultation in the clinic.

Indexes have been developed to calculate the degree of accumulation of fat mass around the internal organs.

  1. WHR is less than 1. It is the ratio of waist and hips ratio.
  2. WTR is less than 1.7. The ratio of the waist measurement to the thigh volume. Father the hip circle is produced in the upper third part of it.
  3. War - less than 2.4 (norm). The ratio of the waist and circumference of the hand in the middle of the shoulder, where the biceps in the amount of maximum.
  4. WHTR - norm less than 0.5. The ratio of the waist and growth values.

How to cope with such a difficult situation?

Of course, it is much easier to cope with the excessive mass of the body of 1 degree than doing this at the subsequent stages. But alone is not so easy, as it seems. Therefore, the consultation received at the reception at a specialist will be very valuable. After a conversation with the doctor, it will become much clearer how far the situation has entered and what will be the tactics of the method of treatment.

In any case, a man will have to change the way. A nutritionist conducts an analysis of the food diary in this case. The word "diet" does not sound very correctly, since the diet always implies the selected power supply for some time cut in order to obtain the desired result in weight and then it ends.

The entire diet should be changed. Foods with an indication of their quantity should be thoroughly analyzed, after which dishes are fried, alcoholic beverages (beer especially), fatty, sweet. Instead of excluded dishes, more liquid food (soups), fruits and vegetables are primarily in a fresh form, dietary poultry meat.

It is important to provide an increase in physical exertion. With too strong shortness of breath and the impossibility of visiting the gym, daily walks should be entered into habit, which once again need to increase both in time, and by range.

Singing the duration should take from half an hour to 40 minutes a day, then it will give a positive result. If the patient decided to train in the gym, then together with the coach, to choose a commensurate load of the body with the possibility of its subsequent increase. In this case, the muscles will have time to grow, and the overloading the body will be rendered the smallest number.

The system of heart and blood vessels, as well as respiration in a patient with an increase in body weight begins to perceive the loads over the norm. And to reduce the fat layer around them you need time. For a significant weight loss, it is sometimes prescribed drugs that contribute to weight loss. 1 Group of funds (decreasing appetite): Denpluramin, Sibutramine, Fluoxetine. The acceptance of them is prescribed an exclusively attending physician due to the presence of side effects and the list of contraindications and discharges in the threatening human life cases. 2 The group of drugs - substances that are designed to slow down the suction of nutrients in the intestinal space. Xenical counteracts the suction of fats. Akarbossa eliminates the development of enzymes to splitting the starch, as a result of which a small amount of carbohydrates comes into the blood.

Folk ways to reduce appetite can also be used to be used to reduce the craving for food. Well helps to reduce the appetite of tea from various plants.

You can use the following method of cooking: chamomile, kidney birch, St. John's wort and immortelle in the same ratio are poured with boiling water and drink 2-3 times a day. If a person thus thoughted and decided to get rid of exceeding weight, the main commandment in such a situation is a long and complex combination of various techniques and weight reduction techniques with proper nutrition and conducting an active lifestyle. The process may not be so fast as I would like.

However, all the efforts made will be returned repeatedly in the form of a good physical fitness and high performance for many years.

Health and Success!

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