The plan of the US attack on the USSR during the Cold War. Operation "unthinkable": the plan for the attack of England on the USSR The plan for the attack on the USSR in 1940

After Nazi Germany was defeated, the United States was so frightened by the strength of the Soviet Army that they were forced to develop a special strategy - "Dropshot". The plan of attack on the USSR and the Allies was supposed to stop their subsequent invasion of the territory of Western Europe, the Middle East and Japan.

It is important to note that plans for an attack on the USSR were fully developed even before the Second World War, during and after. Such thoughts are present today, threatening Russia as the legal successor of the Soviet Union. But the most likely period for the realization of the "American dream" was precisely the times of the Cold War. We have already written about some of the incidents that took place. Today we’ll talk about the latest declassified documents from the US National Military Archive - a plan to attack the USSR under the meaningless name “Dropshot”


The main strategy has been developed by the Pentagon since the beginning of 1945. It was at that time that the so-called threat of the subsequent “communization” of all of Eastern Europe appeared, as well as an extravagant version of Stalin’s alleged intentions to invade the territory of Western states under the pretext of clearing them of the remaining German occupiers.

The official version of the creation of the Dropshot plan is to counter the alleged Soviet invasion of Western Europe, the Middle East and Japan. On December 19, 1949, the plan was approved in the USA.

Several previous American projects served as prerequisites. The code name of the plan of attack on the USSR changed several times, as did its main directives. The Pentagon worked out the probable actions of the communists and designed their own methods of counteraction. New strategies came to replace each other, replacing one another.

It is interesting: the very name "Dropshot" was coined deliberately meaningless. Ours translated it as: Instant blow, Short blow, Last shot. It is curious that today the term Dropshot means a short stroke in tennis, and for professional fishermen - Dropshot known as a fishing tackle and as one of the methods of spinning fishing, used with success in America and Europe. This method is not popular with Russian spinningists.


The plan involved dropping at the first stage 300 atomic bombs of 50 kilotons and 200,000 tons of conventional bombs on 100 Soviet cities, of which 25 atomic bombs - on Moscow, 22 - on Leningrad, 10 - on Sverdlovsk, 8 - on Kiev, 5 - on Dnepropetrovsk, 2 - to Lviv, etc.

For the economical use of available funds, the plan provided for the development of ballistic missiles. In addition to nuclear weapons, it was planned to use 250 thousand tons of conventional bombs at the first stage, and in total - 6 million tons of conventional bombs.

The Americans calculated that as a result of a massive atomic and conventional bombardment, about 60 million inhabitants of the USSR would die, and in total, taking into account further hostilities, more than 100 million would die. Soviet people.


For the first time, the US “Dropshot” plan was announced in the White House after the Potsdam Conference, which was attended by the leaders of the victorious states: the USA, Great Britain and the USSR. Truman arrived at the meeting in high spirits: test launches of atomic warheads had been carried out the day before. He became the head of a nuclear state.

Let us analyze the historical reports of a specific period of time in order to draw the appropriate conclusions after that.

. The meeting was held from 17.07 to 02.08.1945.

. The test launch was carried out on 07/16/1945 - the day before the meeting.

It begs the conclusion: The Pentagon tried to bring the first nuclear test to the beginning of the conference, and the atomic bombing of Japan - to the end. Thus, the United States tried to establish itself as the only state in the world that owns atomic weapons.


The first mentions available to the world public appeared in 1978. The American specialist A. Brown, working on the mysteries of the Second World War, published a number of documents confirming that the United States was indeed developing the Dropshot strategy - a plan of attack on the USSR. The scheme of actions of the American "liberation" army was supposed to look like this:

First step: as mentioned above, hostilities were to begin on January 1, 1957. And in the shortest possible time it was planned to drop 300 atomic ammunition and 250,000 tons of conventional bombs and shells into the territory of the Soviet Union. As a result of the bombing, it was planned to destroy at least 85% of the country's industry, up to 96% of the industry of countries friendly to the Union, and 6.7 million of the state's population.

Next step- The landing of NATO ground forces. It was planned to involve 250 divisions in the attack, of which the Allied troops numbered 38 divisions. The occupation actions were to be supported by aviation, in the amount of 5 armies (7400 aircraft). At the same time, all sea and ocean communications should be captured by the NATO Navy.

The third step of Operation Dropshot- a plan to destroy the USSR and erase it from the political map of the world. This meant the use of all known types of weapons: atomic, small arms, chemical, radiological and biological.

Final stage- this is the division of the occupied territory into 4 zones and the deployment of NATO troops in the largest cities. As the docs said: "Pay special attention to the physical destruction of the communists."


“The problem of an unacceptable retaliatory strike for the enemy has risen to its full height. The complexity of its solution was that the Americans were going to bombard us with nuclear weapons from European bases, and we could stop them only by the possibility of retaliatory bombing directly on US territory. Launch vehicles, as you know, appeared in service with the Soviet troops only in 1959. At the time of the deployment of Operation Dropshot, we could only rely on long-range aviation.

After the secret test of the first Soviet atomic bomb on September 1, 1949, the US military recorded radioactive traces of a nuclear test in an air sample during a scheduled flight over the Pacific Ocean. After that, it became clear that a gratuitous strike from that moment on was impossible.

On September 26, 1956, we completed a flight to a distance corresponding to the distance to the United States and back, with aerial refueling. From that moment on, we can assume that the US nuclear blackmail against the USSR has finally lost all meaning. N. S. Khrushchev personally monitored the course of the tests, and when they ended, information was leaked that the USSR now had the possibility of a retaliatory retaliatory strike. ” Turchenko Sergey, military observer

shattered dreams

Truman's reaction to the message was not followed, he was so discouraged. Only after some time in the press there was information about this. The government was afraid of an inadequate reaction in the form of panic among the common population. Pentagon scientists found a way out by offering the president the development of a newer, more destructive hydrogen bomb. It must necessarily be in service with the States to pacify the Soviets.

Despite the difficult financial and economic condition, the Soviet Union was only 4 years behind the Americans in creating the atomic bomb!


Given the further development of events, "Dropshot" - a plan to attack the USSR, was doomed to failure. The following scientific and high-tech developments of the Country of Soviets were to blame for everything:

. 08/20/1953 - the Soviet press officially announced that a hydrogen bomb had been tested.

. On October 4, 1957, the first satellite belonging to the Soviet Union was launched into the Earth's orbit. This became a guarantee that intercontinental-range missiles were created, as a result of which America ceased to be "out of reach."

It is worth thanking the scientists who, in the post-war conditions, developed the Soviet response to the American “encroachments”. It was their heroic work that allowed the next generations not to learn from their own experience what “Dropshot” is - a plan for the destruction of the USSR, “Trojan” or “Fleetwood” - similar operations. Their developments made it possible to achieve nuclear parity and put world leaders at the next negotiating table related to reducing the number of nuclear weapons.

By the way, there were many such failed plans, and not only among the Americans. It is known that former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill suggested that the United States launch a nuclear strike on the USSR. This became known from declassified FBI documents, which were published by The Daily Mail.

It remains to wonder why exactly the West demonstrates its weakness, its failures and failures, publishing more and more supposedly secret evidence and facts about the alleged attack on the USSR, in connection with which they so urgently needed to publicly declare their vile intentions? Where is the meaning? What is it - window dressing, regular information stuffing, or information leakage?

The scale of aggressive measures today is astonishing. True, in the 21st century, in order to globally attack the country with missiles, it is not necessary, it is enough to play around with quotes, impose sanctions ... And instead of all sorts of "Dropshots" and "Trojans" tirelessly print dollars, which we still cannot refuse.

The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except what has been calculated and thought out.


The Barbarossa plan is a plan for Germany's attack on the USSR, based on the principle of lightning war, blitzkrieg. The plan began to be developed in the summer of 1940, and on December 18, 1940, Hitler approved a plan according to which the war was to be ended by November 1941 at the latest.

Plan Barbarossa was named after Frederick Barbarossa, a 12th century emperor who became famous for his conquests. This traced elements of symbolism, to which Hitler himself and his entourage paid so much attention. The plan received its name on January 31, 1941.

Number of troops to implement the plan

Germany prepared 190 divisions for war and 24 divisions as a reserve. For the war, 19 tank and 14 motorized divisions were allocated. The total number of the contingent that Germany sent to the USSR, according to various estimates, ranges from 5 to 5.5 million people.

The apparent superiority in the technology of the USSR should not be taken into account, since by the beginning of the wars, German technical tanks and aircraft were superior to Soviet ones, and the army itself was much more trained. Suffice it to recall the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, where the Red Army demonstrated weakness in literally everything.

Direction of the main attack

The Barbarossa plan defined 3 main directions for the strike:

  • Army Group South. A blow to Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea and access to the Caucasus. Further movement to the line Astrakhan - Stalingrad (Volgograd).
  • Army Group Center. Line "Minsk - Smolensk - Moscow". Promotion to Nizhny Novgorod, aligning the line "Wave - Northern Dvina".
  • Army Group North. Attack on the Baltic states, Leningrad and further advance towards Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. At the same time, the army "Norway" was to fight in the north together with the Finnish army.
Table - offensive goals according to the Barbarossa plan
Target Ukraine, Crimea, access to the Caucasus Minsk, Smolensk, Moscow Baltic States, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk
population 57 divisions and 13 brigades 50 divisions and 2 brigades 29 division + army "Norway"
Commanding Field Marshal von Rundstedt Field Marshal von Bock Field Marshal von Leeb
common goal

Get on line: Arkhangelsk - Volga - Astrakhan (Northern Dvina)

Approximately by the end of October 1941, the German command planned to reach the Volga-Northern Dvina line, thereby capturing the entire European part of the USSR. This was the plan of the blitzkrieg. After the blitzkrieg, the lands beyond the Urals should have remained, which, without the support of the center, would quickly surrender to the winner.

Until about mid-August 1941, the Germans believed that the war was going according to plan, but in September there were already entries in the diaries of officers that the Barbarossa plan had failed and the war would be lost. The best proof that Germany in August 1941 believed that only a few weeks were left before the end of the war with the USSR is the speech of Goebbels. The Minister of Propaganda suggested that the Germans additionally collect warm clothes for the needs of the army. The government decided that this step was not necessary, since there would be no war in the winter.

Implementation of the plan

The first three weeks of the war assured Hitler that everything was going according to plan. The army advanced rapidly, winning victories, the Soviet army suffered huge losses:

  • 28 divisions out of 170 disabled.
  • 70 divisions lost about 50% of their personnel.
  • 72 divisions remained combat-ready (43% of those available at the start of the war).

During the same 3 weeks, the average rate of advance of German troops inland was 30 km per day.

By July 11, the army group "North" occupied almost the entire territory of the Baltic states, providing access to Leningrad, the army group "Center" reached Smolensk, the army group "South" went to Kiev. These were the last achievements that fully corresponded to the plan of the German command. After that, failures began (still local, but already indicative). Nevertheless, the initiative in the war until the end of 1941 was on the side of Germany.

German failures in the North

The army "North" occupied the Baltic states without problems, especially since there was practically no partisan movement there. The next strategic point to be captured was Leningrad. It turned out that the Wehrmacht was not capable of this task. The city did not capitulate to the enemy, and until the end of the war, despite all efforts, Germany failed to capture it.

Failures of the Army Center

The "Center" army reached Smolensk without any problems, but got stuck under the city until September 10. Smolensk resisted for almost a month. The German command demanded a decisive victory and the advance of the troops, since such a delay under the city, which was planned to be taken without heavy losses, was unacceptable and cast doubt on the implementation of the Barbarossa plan. As a result, the Germans took Smolensk, but their troops were pretty battered.

Historians today evaluate the battle for Smolensk as a tactical victory for Germany, but a strategic victory for Russia, as they managed to stop the advance of troops on Moscow, which allowed the capital to prepare for defense.

Complicated the advance of the German army deep into the country partisan movement of Belarus.

Failures of the Army of the South

The "South" army reached Kiev in 3.5 weeks and, like the "Center" army near Smolensk, got stuck in battles. In the end, it was possible to take the city in view of the clear superiority of the army, but Kiev held out almost until the end of September, which also made it difficult for the German army to advance, and made a significant contribution to the disruption of the Barbarossa plan.

Map of the advance plan of the German troops

Above is a map showing the plan of the German command for the offensive. The map shows: in green - the borders of the USSR, in red - the border to which Germany planned to reach, in blue - the deployment and the plan to advance the German forces.

General state of affairs

  • In the North, it was not possible to capture Leningrad and Murmansk. The advance of the troops stopped.
  • In the Center, with great difficulty, we managed to get to Moscow. At the time the German army entered the Soviet capital, it was clear that no blitzkrieg had happened.
  • In the South, they failed to take Odessa and capture the Caucasus. By the end of September, the Nazi troops had only captured Kiev and launched an offensive against Kharkov and the Donbass.

Why did the blitzkrieg fail in Germany?

Germany failed the blitzkrieg because the Wehrmacht was preparing the Barbarossa plan, as it later turned out, on false intelligence. Hitler admitted this by the end of 1941, saying that if he had known the real state of affairs in the USSR, he would not have started the war on June 22.

The lightning war tactics were based on the fact that the country has one line of defense on the western border, all large army units are located on the western border, and aviation is located on the border. Since Hitler was sure that all Soviet troops were located on the border, this formed the basis of the blitzkrieg - to destroy the enemy army in the first weeks of the war, and then rapidly move inland without encountering serious resistance.

In fact, there were several lines of defense, the army was not located with all its forces on the western border, there were reserves. Germany did not expect this, and by August 1941 it became clear that the lightning war had failed, and Germany could not win the war. The fact that World War II lasted until 1945 only proves that the Germans fought very organized and brave. Due to the fact that they had the economy of the whole of Europe behind them (speaking of the war between Germany and the USSR, many for some reason forget that the German army included units from almost all European countries) they managed to fight successfully.

Did Barbarossa's plan fail?

I propose to evaluate the Barbarossa plan according to 2 criteria: global and local. Global(landmark - the Great Patriotic War) - the plan was thwarted, because the lightning war did not work, the German troops were bogged down in battles. Local(landmark - intelligence data) - the plan was implemented. The German command drew up the Barbarossa plan on the basis that the USSR had 170 divisions on the country's border, there were no additional defense echelons. There are no reserves and reinforcements. The army was preparing for this. In 3 weeks, 28 Soviet divisions were completely destroyed, and in 70, approximately 50% of the personnel and equipment were disabled. At this stage, the blitzkrieg worked and, in the absence of reinforcements from the USSR, gave the desired results. But it turned out that the Soviet command has reserves, not all troops are located on the border, mobilization brings quality soldiers into the army, there are additional lines of defense, the “charm” of which Germany felt near Smolensk and Kiev.

Therefore, the disruption of the Barbarossa plan must be regarded as a huge strategic mistake of German intelligence, led by Wilhelm Canaris. Today, some historians associate this person with the agents of England, but there is no evidence for this. But if we assume that this is indeed the case, then it becomes clear why Canaris slipped Hitler an absolute “linden” that the USSR was not ready for war and that all troops were located on the border.

One of the foundations of the Soviet idea of ​​the Second World War is the myth that the German attack on the USSR was for Hitler the ultimate goal of all military activity. Say, the victory over the Bolshevik USSR was the main cause of the World War. And of course, for this, France and England brought Hitler to power, and they armed Germany, and Czechoslovakia was “surrendered” to Hitler - only for the sake of him attacking the USSR.

Like other Soviet myths, this view is not true. The ultimate goal of the World War, Hitler saw world domination - in the truest sense of the word.

In 1940, when the plan of attack on the USSR had already been drawn up in all details and preparations had begun for its implementation, Hitler and the German General Staff rated the Red Army extremely low. Therefore, it was planned to conduct "Barbarossa" in a fairly short time and in the fall to transgress to the next operations. And these operations were not planned at all against the USSR (it was believed that after the German troops reached the Arkhangelsk-Volga line, the remnants of the USSR would not pose a military threat) - the purpose of the operations was to capture the Middle East, West Africa and Gibraltar.

During the winter of 1940-1941, the German General Staff carried out preliminary planning for these operations, and detailed plans were created by the summer. The most important document that determined the entire complex of military-strategic measures was OKW Directive No. 32 of June 11, 1941 “Preparation for the period after the implementation of the Barbarossa plan”, which stated: “After achieving the goals of Operation Barbarossa, the Wehrmacht divisions will have to fight against British positions in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor through a concentric attack from Libya through Egypt, from Bulgaria through Turkey, and also, depending on the situation, from Transcaucasia through Iran. On June 19, 1941, the chief of staff of the operational leadership of the Wehrmacht High Command, Jodl, sent this directive to the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the armed forces, and it served as the basis for drawing up specific plans for the preparation of forces and means for future operations. From the end of August 1941, the German military leaders intended to begin the withdrawal from the Soviet Union of part of the troops intended to carry out the next aggressive tasks. By the same time, new units were to be formed to replenish the German forces in North Africa. In the period from November 1941 to September 1942, the forces remaining in the USSR were to carry out an operation to seize the entire Caucasus and Transcaucasia, creating one of the springboards for an offensive in the Middle East.

OKW Directive No. 32 planned a strategic operation to capture the Middle East with three concentric strikes:

from the west - from Libya towards Egypt and Suez;

from the northwest - from Bulgaria through Turkey towards Syria and Palestine;

from the north - from Transcaucasia through Iran to the oil-bearing regions of Iraq with access to the Persian Gulf near Basra.

It is with this operation that the strategic meaning of the appearance of Rommel's African corps in North Africa is connected. The Germans sent troops there not at all in order to help the Italians out of the kindness of their hearts or simply to fight the British. Rommel was supposed to provide a solid springboard for an attack on Egypt, the capture of the Suez Canal and the further occupation of the entire Middle East. In mid-May 1941, the Nazi command expected that four tank and three motorized divisions would be enough to invade Egypt from Libyan territory. On June 30, 1941, Jodl's headquarters informed the German representative at the Italian headquarters that the attack on Egypt was planned for the autumn, and the African Corps under the command of Rommel would by that time be transformed into a tank group.

At the same time, the "Plan of offensive through the Caucasus" was prepared: in the occupied territory of the Soviet Transcaucasia, it was planned to create the "Caucasus-Iran" task force consisting of two tank, one motorized and two mountain rifle divisions to carry out operations in the direction of the Middle East. German troops were supposed to go to the Tabriz region and in July - September 1942 begin the invasion of Iran.

For the offensive from the third direction - through Bulgaria and Turkey - on July 21, a special headquarters "F" was created under the leadership of General Felmi. It was to become the basis for the formation of a military group for the invasion, as well as "the central authority dealing with all issues of the Arab world relating to the Wehrmacht." The special headquarters "F" was formed from German officers who knew oriental languages, Arabs and other representatives of the Middle Eastern nationalities. It was assumed that by the time the operation began, Turkey would already go over to the side of Germany or provide its territory for the transfer of troops. In the event of Turkey's refusal, Directive No. 32 ordered "to break her resistance by force of arms." Syria, which at that time was a protectorate of Vichy France, was also supposed to provide assistance to the Germans.

The "fifth column" was also preparing by the Germans. In Germany, Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini launched the training of special preachers - the so-called "military mullahs", who were supposed to raise the local population to revolt against the British, propagandize for supporting the German troops, create rebel detachments and maintain morale in the Arab units, which were to be formed to help the Wehrmacht. The Abwehr created a wide underground network of rebel organizations in the Middle East. This was easy enough to do, since the Arabs were then eager to break out from under the protectorates of England and France. Later, the Abwehr was able to organize several uprisings in Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia - but the British quickly suppressed them.

The outbreak of war with the Soviet Union did not slow down the planning of operations to seize the Middle East. On July 3, 1941, Halder wrote in his diary: “Preparation for an offensive in the direction between the Nile and Euphrates, both from Cyrenaica, and through Anatolia and, possibly, from the Caucasus to Iran. The first line, which will always depend on sea supplies and therefore remain subject to all sorts of incalculable contingencies, will be a secondary theater of operations and will be left mainly to Italian forces ... The operation through Anatolia against Syria, combined with an auxiliary operation from the Caucasus, will be launched after deployment of the necessary forces in Bulgaria, which at the same time should be used for political pressure on Turkey in order to achieve the passage of troops through it.

The British soberly assessed the capture of the Middle East by the Germans as a catastrophe: “Our forces in the Middle East must cover the most important oil reserves in Iraq and Iran and prevent the Germans from reaching the bases of the Indian Ocean. The loss of the Middle East will cause the immediate fall of Turkey, which will open the way for Germany to the Caucasus, and the southern route through Iran, through which the Russians are supplied, will be cut. It is not surprising that the United States and Britain proposed to Stalin by the summer of 1942 to transfer 20 American and British air squadrons to defend the Caucasus, and later to transfer units of the 10th British Army to the Caucasus. But Stalin rejected these proposals: either because at that time he was inspired by the successes of the Red Army in the winter of 1941-1942 and believed that the Caucasus was not in danger, or because he did not trust the allies and was afraid of the concentration of allied troops near the main source of oil Soviet Union.

Another operation planned immediately after the completion of Barbarossa was Operation Felix. In fact, this operation was planned back in the summer of 1940, and the order for its implementation was given in OKW Directive No. 18 of November 12, 1940. It was envisaged “to capture Gibraltar and close the strait for the passage of English ships; to keep ready a group of troops to immediately occupy Portugal if the British violate her neutrality, or if she herself does not take a strictly neutral position; to prepare transportation after the occupation of Gibraltar of 1-2 divisions (including the 3rd Panzer Division) to Spanish Morocco to guard the Strait of Gibraltar and the region of North-West Africa.

The deadline for the operation was January 10, 1941, but the Germans, as always, had no luck with the allies: Franco categorically refused the Germans not only assistance, but also the provision of Spanish territory for the transfer of troops to Gibraltar. To justify the refusal, Franco put forward a lot of reasons: the economic weakness of Spain, the lack of food, the insolvability of the transport problem, the loss in the event of the entry into the war of the Spanish colonies, etc. (when you really don’t want to, there will always be excuses).

Then Hitler did not dare to go into direct conflict with Spain. But with the defeat of the Soviet Union, the political situation in Europe was to change completely. Now Hitler could not stand on ceremony with Franco (yes, he would have no choice - how to refuse the actual hegemon of Europe?). The plans for the operation changed somewhat: it was supposed to strike at Gibraltar (from the territory of Spain), and at the same time occupy Spanish Morocco with a strike from Libya. The ultimate goal of the operation was the inclusion of the Iberian Peninsula in the territories completely controlled by the Axis powers, and the expulsion of the English fleet from the Mediterranean Sea.

The next most important strategic step, also planned by the Nazi command even before the attack on the USSR, was the plan of the operation to capture India. The order to start planning the operation to capture India through Afghanistan came from the Fuhrer himself. On February 17, 1941, the Chief of the German General Staff, Halder, decided "after the end of the eastern campaign, it is necessary to provide for the capture of Afghanistan and an attack on India." And in April 1941, the General Staff reported to Hitler on the completion of rough work on this plan. According to the calculations of the German command, 17 German divisions were needed for its implementation.

The Germans were already preparing by the autumn of 1941 to create a base for operations in Afghanistan, where they could concentrate troops. The plan, code-named "Amanullah," provided for measures to ensure the march of German troops to Afghanistan and further to India. Part of the plan was to prepare a powerful anti-English uprising of Indian Muslims, which was supposed to break out when Wehrmacht soldiers appeared at the Indian border. To work with the local population of Afghanistan and India, it was supposed to allocate a significant part of the "military mullahs".

The capture of India, according to the plans of the leadership of Nazi Germany, was supposed to finally undermine the power of the British Empire and force it to capitulate. Another important result of the capture of the Middle East and India was the establishment of a direct strategic connection between Germany and Japan, which made it possible to clear the expanses of the Indian Ocean from Africa to Australia from the opponents of the "axis".

But the "Berlin dreamer" did not stop there either. In 1940-1941, the program guidelines of the Nazi leadership were formulated, providing for the extension of German power to the American continent. On July 25, 1941, Hitler, at a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, stated that after the end of the Eastern Campaign, he "intends to take vigorous action against the United States." It was planned to start the war in the autumn of 1941 with the bombing of cities in the east of America. To do this, during Operation Icarus, it was planned to occupy the Azores, Iceland and create strongholds on the west coast of Africa.

The first stage of the invasion of America was to be the capture of Brazil - and then all of South America. From a secret map obtained by American intelligence from a German diplomatic courier in Brazil during the war years, it is clear that the Nazis intended to completely redraw the map of Latin America and create 5 vassal countries out of 14 states. The invasion of Canada and the United States was supposed to be carried out by landing amphibious assaults from bases located in Greenland, Iceland, the Azores and Brazil (on the East coast of North America) and from the Aleutian and Hawaiian Islands (on the West coast).

About the final goals Nazi Germany can be judged from the following statement by Reichsführer SS Himmler: “Towards the end of this war, when Russia is finally exhausted or eliminated, and England and America cannot bear the war, the task of creating a world empire will arise for us. In this war, we will ensure that everything that in previous years, since 1938, was annexed to the German, to the Great German and then to the Great German Empire, remains in our possession. The war is waged in order to pave the way to the East, so that Germany becomes a world empire, so that a German world empire is founded.

After the attack on the USSR, the German command continued to prepare plans for operations that would follow Barbarossa, but the ever-increasing bitterness of the resistance of the Red Army by the winter of 1941-1942 forced the generals to abandon these projects. Already in the spring of 1942, in response to the proposal of the German naval command of a new plan to capture Egypt and establish contact with Japan, Chief of the General Staff Halder limited himself to a sarcastic remark: our sober assessment of the state of affairs. People rave about continents there. Based on the previous achievements of the Wehrmacht, they believe that it depends only on our desire whether we will go out, and if so, when, to the Persian Gulf, advancing overland through the Caucasus, or to the Suez Canal ... They consider the problems of the Atlantic with arrogance, and problems of the Black Sea - with criminal frivolity". The defeat at Stalingrad completely put an end to the plans to seize world domination - Germany already had only one task: to avoid defeat in the war.

Summarizing all of the above, two conclusions arise.

The first one is quite obvious: the Soviet Union (together with its allies, of course) stood in the way of Nazism and did not allow the World Empire of Evil to arise. In all seriousness! :))))))))))

The second is not so obvious (and for many it is simply inaccessible): the tale that the West (England and France) allegedly deliberately pushed Germany to go to war with the USSR is false. The Chinese parable about the clever monkey watching the fight between two tigers is not at all applicable to all cases, despite all its banal evidence. The defeat of Germany or the USSR in this battle would inevitably mean an incredible strengthening of the winner: Germany, in addition to its advanced industrial technologies, would receive huge natural resources and labor resources, the USSR would receive German technologies and their carriers (engineers, technologists, scientists). And - most importantly: the winner became the only real power in Europe.

Even if France had survived by the time the war between Germany and the USSR ended, it could only defend its borders, counteract the seizure of the Middle East or other aggression, it would not have been able to. England, which had a land army several times smaller than the French, could not resist this all the more. That is why England tried so hard to establish diplomatic relations with the USSR in the first half of 1941, therefore it began to provide assistance with the supply of weapons, equipment and other goods already at the end of the summer of 1941 - the defeat of the USSR would mean inevitable collapse and surrender for England.

Promiscuity in the means to achieve their geostrategic goals is the "calling card" of politicians in Western Europe. At a time when, in the spring of 1945, Soviet troops, at the cost of great sacrifices, broke the military machine of the fascist Reich, a heinous betrayal was going on behind the back of the USSR. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered the development of plans for the Third World War. The code name for this treacherous action was "Operation Unthinkable".

In comments to the operation plan, Churchill pointed out that this was just a preventive measure for some hypothetical case. However, this is just diplomatic casuistry in case this plan becomes known to Stalin. In fact, a full-scale war plan was being prepared, the goals of which were the actual fulfillment of the tasks indicated in the fascist Barboros plan. Namely, the exit and strengthening on the Arkhangelsk-Stalingrad line. It was assumed that Great Britain and its allies, unlike the Nazis, would still be able to organize a "blitzkrieg". The inevitability of the fall of Nazi Germany was quite obvious by the end of 1944. Therefore, at the Yalta Conference, held from February 4 to February 11, 1945, the leaders of the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition already discussed the issues of the post-war arrangement of the world order. The main issues discussed at the conference were the change of European borders and the unofficial division of spheres of influence. After all, the impossibility of the existence of a union of capitalist countries and the Soviet Union after the defeat of the Nazis was already becoming obvious. On all the issues discussed, the allies came to agreements. But, as it turned out, not all participants were going to comply with them. The Western Allies did not at all like the idea that the Soviet Union could emerge from the war strengthened by the industrial potential of the countries occupied by Hitler and expanding its political influence throughout Eastern Europe. For these purposes, everything was done to ensure that the Red Army got only destroyed enterprises. For the sake of this, the city of Dresden, which was part of the Soviet zone of occupation, was actually wiped off the face of the earth by Anglo-American air raids. The oil fields in Romanian Ploiesti were bombed days before they were occupied by Soviet troops.
On May 6, 1945, a US tank division under the leadership of General Paton, contrary to all agreements, occupied the Czechoslovak city of Plezen. Here the goal was a complex of Skoda factories that worked for the war. In addition, it was at these factories that the archive of Hans Kammler, who was responsible for the creation of the German miracle weapon, was located. The Americans refused to liberate the city even after the arrival of the Soviet command and left it only a day later. What they managed to take away with them is still unknown. In general, the war in its last months acquired very strange features. On the Eastern Front, German troops fought to the last for every fortified area or settlement, while on the Western Front, entire divisions with all their weapons surrendered. Interestingly, these divisions were not disbanded, but withdrawn to Schleswig-Holstein and southern Denmark. There, weapons were handed over to warehouses, and German soldiers and officers continued to engage in military training under the guidance of British instructors. Why this happened, the general public was to learn much later. It turns out that these divisions had been prepared for their place in the combat formations envisaged by the "Unthinkable" plan. The attack on its ally, the USSR, was planned to be carried out on July 1, 1945. Forty-seven American and British divisions were to strike. And also ten or twelve divisions of the Germans, with such plans, even the SS divisions were not disbanded. In the future, the Polish expeditionary force was to join the troops of the "Western civilization", fighting the Russian "barbarians". The so-called "Polish government in exile" was based in London. Its prime minister, Tomasz Archiszewski, prepared an appeal back in 1943 protesting against a possible Soviet invasion of Poland without the consent of his government. A powerful organization of anti-communist underground workers from the Home Army could well provide fighters for an expedition to the USSR.
The “Unthinkable” plan rather cynically assumed that the victory over the Red Army, which would come out of the battles with the Nazis bloodless and tired, would be easy. It was believed that the material part of the Soviet weapons would be badly worn out, and the ammunition would be running out. All these advantages were going to be taken advantage of by the allies, who, under Lend-Lease, partially controlled the supply of weapons and ammunition to the Soviet Union. But even in such ideal conditions, from the point of view of traitorous allies, it was assumed that in order to successfully achieve the goals of the war, it was necessary to destroy up to sixty-five million Soviet citizens. For these purposes, massive bombing strikes on major cities of the USSR were supposed to be carried out. The technique has already been worked out in Dresden and Tokyo, practically nothing remains of these cities. The death of US President Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, brought Harry Truman, a long-time hater of the USSR, to power in this country. The American atomic bomb program was in its final stages. So the misanthropic plan "Unthinkable" could well be tried to bring to life.
However, this did not happen. The Soviet leadership received information about the Unthinkable in a timely manner, presumably from the Cambridge Five. Modern researchers believe that it was the information about the presence of aggressive plans against the USSR that led to the speeding up of the Berlin offensive operation, conducted under the leadership of G.K. Zhukov. During this operation, the Soviet troops demonstrated the highest combat readiness. As well as the availability of modern military equipment, which was the best in the world in a number of ways. The mood of the analysts of the British Committee of Staffs began to change. Churchill began to receive reports that the blitzkrieg would fail and move into a protracted stage, the prospects for which could be very deplorable for Great Britain. Two days before the planned strike, Marshal Zhukov conducted an unexpected regrouping of his forces. Professor Edinburgh University Erickson believes that the order to organize the defense came from Moscow from Stalin and was connected precisely with the exposure of Churchill's treacherous plan. In such conditions, those wishing to make war were significantly reduced. At the same time, the American military constantly pointed out to Truman the need to involve the USSR in defeating the Japanese Kwantung Army. In their opinion, this could reduce the loss of Americans by one to two million people. Our losses, of course, did not interest them.
The plan for Operation Unthinkable was never put into practice. However, one should not think that the former allies have calmed down. Already in the following year, 1946, the British government, under the leadership of the new Labor Prime Minister Attlee, began developing a new plan for the war against the USSR with the involvement of the Americans and Canadians. And even now, for sure, in the headquarters offices of the Anglo-Saxons “feathers creak” over new war plans, and targets on the territory of Russia are plotted on the map. We should continue to strengthen our Army and Navy.
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