Mental illness in Malaysian islands. Meaning of amok in the dictionary of foreign expressions

mental illnessobserved in the inhabitants of the Malay Islands. It is expressed in paroxysmal impairment of consciousness that occurs suddenly or after a short period of mood disorder. The patient starts to run, senselessly destroying everything on the way. At the end of the attack, the memory of what happened is extremely vague or completely absent.

  • -), the head of one of the priests. families who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. His family was known even during the time of the high priest Joachim ...

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

  • - a twilight state of epileptic or psychogenic origin, characterized by a sharp motor excitement, during which the patient can commit severe aggressive actions followed by ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • is an ethnospecific term meaning a psychopathological syndrome characterized by the sudden onset panic with a change in consciousness of the type of twilight and uncontrollable striving ...

    Big psychological encyclopedia

  • - ova dance - a gust of rolling rabies, to which, according to local conditions, are located the Malays, the inhabitants of the Indian archipelago ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a mental illness observed in the inhabitants of the Malay Islands. It is expressed in a paroxysmal disturbance of consciousness that occurs suddenly or after a short period of mood disorder ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - sudden mental disorderdescribed mainly among the aborigines of the Malay Archipelago. Considered as a kind of twilight state ...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - a sudden onset of mental disorder, described mainly among the aborigines of the Malay arch. Considered a kind of twilight state ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Á n see _ Appendix II From this "a" my life and quiet amok begin. We live in a city called Rumor. How many Persians are drowned in the song! ...

    Dictionary of Russian stresses

  • - amok m. A sudden onset mental disorder manifested in agitation with aggression and senseless murders ...

    Efremova's explanatory dictionary

  • - "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Opium rabies ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - n., number of synonyms: 2 rabies destruction ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Amok" in books

"Amok" Another name: "Law and Duty"

From the book The Roles Who Brought Misfortune to Their Creators. Coincidences, predictions, mysticism ?! author Alexey Kazakov

"Amok" Another name: "Law and Duty" Director: Konstantin Mardzhanov Scriptwriter: Konstantin Mardzhanov DOP: Sergei Zabozlaev Artist: Valerian Sidamon-Eristavi Country: USSR Production: Georgian State Film Industry Year: 1927 Premiere: October 4, 1927 (Tbilisi), February 24, 1928


From the Book of 125 Banned Films: A Censored History of World Cinema by Sowa Don B

AMOK AMOK Country of origin and year of issue: France, 1934 Manufacturing company / distributor: Path? -Natan (France) / Path? -Natan (France); Distinguished Films (USA, 1947) Format: sound, black and white Duration: 92 min Language: French Producer: unknown Director: Fyodor Otsep Authors


From the book Nature and Power [World Environmental History] author Radkau Joachim

2. BLOOD AND SOIL: AMOC OF AUTARKISM The historical antithesis of American civilization in the ecological respect was not so much Soviet communism as German National Socialism, which placed the connection between man and nature and the earth at the center of its ideology. Terrifying


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (A) author Brockhaus F.A.

Amok Amok, Amokova dance (from the Japanese word amok, that is, to kill) is a burst of rolling rabies (Mania transitoria), to which, according to local conditions, the Malays, the inhabitants of the Indian archipelago, are located. Due, perhaps, to the predominant phlegmatic-choleric temperament, in


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AM) of the author TSB


From the book Weirdness of Our Brain author Juan Stephen

Amok This mental illness manifests itself in intense contemplation, followed by outbursts of aggression, violence, or even murder. Often it arises from the experience of an insult and affects only men from Laos, the Philippines, Malaysia, Polynesia,


mental illness observed in the inhabitants of the Malay islands, expressed in the onset of a paroxysmal disorder of consciousness; after a short-term mood disorder, the patient starts to run, destroying everything in his path.

Dictionary of Foreign Expressions. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is AIOC in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • 'AMOK in the Bible Dictionary:
    (Neh.12: 7) - see Ammock ...
  • AMOK in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (deep; Neh 12: 7,20) - the name of one of the priests who returned with Zerubbabel from captivity ...
  • AMOK in the Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms:
    (Malay amok - mad). Acute psychosisobserved among the aborigines of the Malay Islands. After a period of dysphoria, and sometimes bypassing it, comes ...
  • AMOK in Medical terms:
    (Malay, amok, amuk frantic, frenzied) a twilight state of epileptic or psychogenic origin, characterized by sharp motor excitement (eg, unrestrained running), during ...
  • AMOK in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Malay) a sudden onset of mental disorder (agitation with aggression and senseless murders), described mainly by the aborigines of the Malay arch. Considered a kind of twilight ...
  • AMOK in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    a mental illness in the Malay Islands. It is expressed in paroxysmal impairment of consciousness that occurs suddenly or after a short period of mood disorder. ...
  • AMOK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    , Amokov's dance (from the Japanese word amok, that is, to kill) is a gust of rolling rabies (Mania transitoria), to which, according to local conditions, are located ...
  • AMOK in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • AMOK
    (Malay), a sudden onset mental disorder (agitation with aggression, senseless murder), described mainly in the aborigines of the Malay archipelago. Considered as a kind of twilight ...
  • AMOK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, pl. no, m. Mental illness observed in the inhabitants of the Malay Islands: attacks of insanity, expressed in the aggressive destruction of everything ...
  • AMOK in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ́AMOK (Malay), suddenly emerging psychic. disorder (agitation with aggression and senseless killing), described preim. from the aborigines of the Malay arch. Considered a species ...
  • AMOK in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    Amok, Amokova dance (from the Japanese word amok, that is, to kill)? a gust of rolling rabies (Mania transitoria), to which the local ...
  • AMOK in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (Malay) mental illness observed in the inhabitants of the Malay islands, expressed in paroxysmal onset of a disorder of consciousness; after a short-term mood disturbance, the patient starts up ...
  • AMOK in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    `amok, ...
  • AMOK in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    amok, ...
  • AMOK in the Spelling Dictionary:
    `amok, ...
  • AMOK in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (Malay), a sudden onset of mental disorder (agitation with aggression and senseless murders), described mainly by the aborigines of the Malay arch. Considered a kind of twilight ...
  • AMOK in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. Sudden onset of mental disorder, manifested in agitation with aggression and senseless ...
  • GENDER SPECIFICATIONS OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR in the Dictionary of Gender Research Terms ..
  • ’AMMOK in the Bible Dictionary:
    (deep) (Neh. 12:20) - one of the heads of the generations of priests who returned from captivity with Zerubbabel (in Neh. 12: 7 named ...
  • HER 12 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament... Book of Nehemiah. Chapter 12 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 ...
  • DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS in the Medical Dictionary:
  • DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS in the Medical Dictionary:
    Dissociative disorders - a group of mental disorders characterized by unconscious splitting mental processes into separate components, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the personality. ...
  • Fedorov in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    1. Alexander Mitrofanovich, writer. R. in Saratov, in the family of a peasant shepherd, later a shoemaker. Expelled from the real school, acted as ...
  1. AMOK

    AMOK (Malay) - a sudden onset of mental disorder (agitation with aggression and senseless murders) - described mainly by the aborigines of the Malay arch. Considered a kind of twilight state.

  2. amok

    n., number of synonyms: 2 rabies 26 destruction 86

  3. Amok

    (Malay amok - mad). Acute psychosis observed in the aborigines of the Malay Islands. After a period of dysphoria, and sometimes bypassing it, a twilight state of consciousness occurs with aggressive and destructive actions, then amnesia. By E. Kraepelin ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms
  4. Amok

    (malay, amok, amuk frantic, frenzied)
    a twilight state of epileptic or psychogenic origin, characterized by sharp motor excitement (for example, unrestrained running), during which the patient can commit severe aggressive actions with subsequent amnesia.

    Medical encyclopedia
  5. Amok

    Amok, Amokova dance (from the Japanese word amok, that is, to kill) is a gust of rolling rabies (Mania transitoria), to which, according to local conditions, the Malays, the inhabitants of the Indian archipelago, are located.

  6. Amok

    Amok (Ammok) ("deep", probably meaning "wise", "incomprehensible" (Akkad. Emku, "wise")), the head of one of the priests. families who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Neh 12: 7). His family was also known at the time of the high priest Joachim.

  7. Amok

    'Amok (Nehem.12: 7) - see Ammock.

  8. amok

    amok, -a

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  9. Amok

    Mental illness in the Malay Islands. It is expressed in paroxysmal impairment of consciousness that occurs suddenly or after a short period of mood disorder.

  10. Amok

    (deep; Neh 12: 7,20) - the name of one of the priests who returned with Zerubbabel from the captivity of Babylon.

    Bible Encyclopedia Archim. Nikifor
  11. amok

    amok m.
    A sudden onset mental disorder that manifests itself in agitation with aggression and wanton murder.

    Efremova's explanatory dictionary
  12. AMOCO

    "AMOCO"(Amoco) - US oil company. Founded in 1889, until 1985 -" Standard Oil Company (Indiana

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  13. Ammock

    Ammock see Amok.

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia
  14. Ammock

    Ammok (deep) (Neh. 12:20) - one of the heads of the generations of priests who returned from captivity with Zerubbabel (in Neh. 12: 7 named Amok).

    Vikhlyantsev's Bible Dictionary
  15. MAKEBA

    in many countries. Films in films (Moroccan film " Amok" and etc.).

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  16. Makeba Miriam

    in the USA (she sang with J. Belafonte), later in Guinea, in Cuba (tours in many countries). She starred in the Moroccan film Amok" and etc.


    "STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY)" (Standard Oil Company (New Jersey)) - US oil company, since 1973 - "Exxon".

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  18. ZWEIG Stefan

    ZWEIG Stefan (1881-1942) - Austrian writer. Psychological novel master (collections " Amok

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  19. rabies

    n., number of synonyms: 26 amok 2 anthropozoonosis 4 disease 995 violent 15 stormy 14 hydrophobia 5

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  20. Zweig Stefan

    collections " Amok", 1922," Confusion of Feelings ", 1927), the novel" Impatience of the Heart "(1939). Literary

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  21. Fedorov I.M.

    oppressors (novel Amok”, Depicting the uprising on the island of Java, 1926). In these works F. often
    reveals a superficial acquaintance with the material (the novel “ Amok"), He also has political
    Bibliography: Amok

    Literary encyclopedia
  22. Fedorov, Ivan Mikhailovich

    oppressors (novel " Amok", depicting the uprising on the island of Java, 1926). In these works F. often
    reveals a superficial acquaintance with the material (novel " Amok"), he also has political
    Bibliography: I. Amok, Belar. dzyarzh. vyd., Mensk, 1929; the same, vyd. 2, h. 1-2, Mensk, 1933; Paleskiya

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  23. Culture-bound disorders

    lata (latah), amok (amok), susto (susto) and koro (koro).
    Lata. Lata meets Ch. arr. among the indigenous
    hysteria (Arctic hysteria). Of all K. p. lata is the most favorite subject of research.
    Amok... According to
    Murphy, the word " amok"First encountered in European literature in 1552 in the reports of the Portuguese
    amok people wounded or killed.
    Various theories have been put forward amokaattributing the reason
    what amok is not a syndrome of a separate disease, but an explosive dissociative state

    Psychological encyclopedia
  24. Ever

    in Gilead - in the land of Bashan (1 Chron. 5:13);
    5) head of priests from home Amoka at the time of the high priest Joachim (Neh 12:20).

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia
  25. Kukes, Semyon Grigorievich

    Oil "; in 1986 he headed technology center American corporation " Amoko", 1993-1995
    and refining representative office " Amoko"; since 1996 served as First Vice President

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  26. Moor

    "(1928)," Polesie Robinsons "(1932)," TVT "(1934), the novel" Amok"(1929), autobiographical

    Big soviet encyclopedia
  27. Obsession

    and are expressed most often in cynical gestures and shouts.
    Amok - unmotivated attack of the blind

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  28. destruction

    n., number of synonyms: 86 amok 2 annihilation 1 cancellation 8 cancellation 5 mutual destruction 1

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  29. Chicago

    peace Building - 442 m), John Hancock Center (100 floors) and Amoko-Building. Ch. Main Avenue - Michigan

    Dictionary of Geographical Names


    Handbook of diseases
  31. Zweig

    « Amok"(1922)," Confusion of Feelings "(1927) discovered the desire to penetrate into the recesses of psychology

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  32. dissociative disorders

    obsessions are observed in a certain region or in a particular culture, for example amok the Malays

    Medical Dictionary
  33. Kluckhoon

    cultural community of the form of psyche. deviations ( amok among the Malays; cannibalistic. aggression among some Indians

    Dictionary of Cultural Studies
  34. Pathology of races

    frequent, it seems, mental illness among the Malays, namely epilepsy (epilepsy) and characteristic mania " amok

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  35. march

    <�катастрофа супертанкера "Amoko Cadiz "off the coast of the Brittany Peninsula\u003e is rightly considered one of the most

    Dictionary of gallicisms of the Russian language
  36. polyamides

    "-diaminodiphenyl oxide or 4,4" -diaminodiphenylmethane ( amoco AI polymer).
    P. is used for the production of preim

    Chemical encyclopedia
  37. National character concept

    amok"Among the Arabs of North Africa," arctic. hysteria "among the Eskimos of Greenland and Canada," sisto "among the Andean

Amok, a mental illness seen in the Malay Islands. It is expressed in paroxysmal impairment of consciousness that occurs suddenly or after a short period of mood disorder. The patient starts to run, senselessly destroying everything on the way. At the end of the attack, the memory of what happened is extremely vague or completely absent.

Amok (malay. meng-âmok, go into blind rage and kill), mental condition, most often defined in psychiatry as an ethnospecific phenomenon characteristic of the inhabitants of Malaysia, the Philippines and the surrounding regions, characterized by a sharp motor excitement (usually running) and aggressive actions, unreasonable attacks on people.

In German, the word "amok" has acquired an expanded meaning and denotes violent, blind, unmotivated aggression with or without human sacrifice, outside any ethnic or geographical boundaries.

According to the definition of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), A. is understood as “an unprovoked episode of behavior that threatens murder, bodily harm or destruction. After that, amnesia and / or exhaustion. It is often accompanied by self-destructive behavior, self-injury, including suicide. "

According to the DSM-IV classification, A. belongs to the category of impulse control disorders, in the dictionary of culture-dependent syndromes it is characterized as "an episode characterized by heavy thinking, a twilight state of consciousness, bursting with violence, aggressive and dangerous behavior aimed at people and objects." In contrast, the ICD-10 classifier does not contain this concept.

In the Russian psychiatric school A. is a mental illness, one of the varieties of the twilight state of consciousness. It manifests itself in the form of attacks of impaired consciousness, which occur suddenly or after a period of mood disorders. The patient begins to rush about, senselessly destroying everything around. At the end of the attack, vague memories of the incident remain, or there are no memories at all. A. as an unmotivated attack of blind aggressive excitement, similar to epileptic, is used as a synonym for the state of uncontrollable rabies.

In the 17th-19th centuries, the concept reached Western culture. This happened thanks to European travelers like Captain Cook. Later she was associated with the Malay-Indonesian culture.

Even by the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that A.'s attacks occur only in a state of complete drug intoxication. Meyer's dictionary says: “Amok (from Javanese amoak - to kill) is a barbaric custom among some Malay tribes, for example, on the island of Java, consisting in the use of opium up to a state of fury. Intoxicated, armed with a Malay dagger, they rush into the streets and everyone they meet, wounded or killed, until they themselves are killed or, nevertheless, captured. "

As one of the reasons A. is called intolerable shame associated with the betrayal of a partner. A person feels his sexual incapacity, is afraid to be ridiculed by others. This feeling is replaced by hatred of others, the compensatory mechanism of aggressive behavior is manifested. The accumulation of aggression leads to its explosive manifestation, which can be associated with causing harm to a large number of people.


According to the DSM-IV classification, amok belongs to the category of impulse control disorders, in the dictionary of culture-dependent syndromes it is characterized as "an episode characterized by heavy thinking, a twilight state of consciousness, bursting out with an outbreak of violence, aggressive and dangerous behavior aimed at people and objects." In contrast, the ICD-10 classifier does not contain this concept.

In the Russian psychiatric school, amok is a mental illness, one of the varieties of the twilight state of consciousness. It manifests itself in the form of attacks of impaired consciousness, which occur suddenly or after a period of mood disorders. The patient begins to rush about, senselessly destroying everything around. At the end of the attack, vague memories of the incident remain, or there are no memories at all. Amok as an unmotivated attack of blind aggressive excitement, similar to epileptic, is used as a synonym for the state of uncontrollable rabies.

History of the concept

In the 17th-19th centuries, the concept reached Western culture. This happened thanks to European travelers like Captain Cook. Later she was associated with the Malay-Indonesian culture.

Even by the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that amok attacks occur only in a state of complete drug intoxication. Meyer's dictionary says: “Amok (from Javanese amoak - to kill) is a barbaric custom among some Malay tribes, for example, on the island of Java, consisting in the use of opium up to a state of fury. Intoxicated, armed with a Malay dagger, they rush into the streets and everyone they meet, wounded or killed, until they themselves are killed or, nevertheless, captured. "

Causes of the phenomenon

One of the reasons for amoka is the intolerable shame associated with the betrayal of a partner. A person feels his sexual incapacity, is afraid to be ridiculed by others. This feeling is replaced by hatred of others, the compensatory mechanism of aggressive behavior is manifested. The accumulation of aggression leads to its explosive manifestation, which can be associated with causing harm to a large number of people.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Amok (mental disorder)" is in other dictionaries:

    Amok ( mental disorder) mental disorder. Contents 1 Literary works 2 Films 3 Music ... Wikipedia

    Modern encyclopedia

    - (Malay) sudden onset mental disorder (agitation with aggression and senseless murders), described mainly by the aborigines of the Malay arch. Considered a kind of twilight state ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Amok - (Malay), a sudden onset of mental disorder (agitation with aggression, senseless murder), described mainly in the aborigines of the Malay archipelago. Considered as a kind of twilight state. The term received ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Malay), a sudden onset mental disorder (agitation with aggression and senseless murder), described mainly in the aborigines of the Malay archipelago. Considered a kind of twilight state. * * * AMOK AMOK ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    M. Sudden onset mental disorder, manifested in agitation with aggression and wanton murders. Efremova's explanatory dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

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