The NATO summit has started in Brussels - the survival of the alliance is at stake. Vladimir Putin arrived in Qingdao, where the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit will be held Where the G20 summit will be held

In 2018, the meeting of the leaders of the G20 states will be held in the capital of Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires. The exact dates of the event have not yet been specified. We only know that it will be a few days in late May or early June 2018. The main topic of the thirteenth summit, held this year, will be the problem of employment in the period of global development of digital technologies.

G20 summit in 2018 when, where will be held: the procedure for holding a meeting of the G20 countries this year

The future G20 summit will be the thirteenth since the creation of the organization. For the first time, the meeting of the leaders of the G20 countries will be held in South America, more precisely in the capital of Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires. In addition, the venues for the summit in the next two years have already been determined: in 2019, the choice fell on Japan, and in 2020, Saudi Arabia. At the next meeting, the delegations of these countries will work together. This is necessary in order to guarantee the continuity and consistency of the discussion of world problems.

The exact dates of the forum have not yet been determined. It is only known that the meetings are planned to be held over several days in late May - early June 2018.

At the annual meeting of world leaders, the global problems of mankind are discussed. This year, the main topic will be employment in the context of large-scale development of digital technologies. The technological revolution significantly affects the structure of the economy. The use of digital technologies led to the fact that last year one and a half million specialists of various levels lost their jobs.

G20 summit in 2018 when, where will it take place: the history of the G20 organization

The G20 is an organization created in 1999 to strengthen and develop the Earth's economy. The main tasks of the G20 were to strengthen the stability of the economy in the world, develop the social sphere, participate in the reconciliation of national conflicts, provide food for distressed countries, and preserve the planet's ecology.

The states that have become members of the G20 represent all the continents of the Earth, their economy makes up 85% of the world's GDP, and their population is 2/3 of the number of people in the world. In addition, important international organizations are constantly invited to participate in the summit.

In 2008, during the global financial crisis, the meeting of the leaders of the G20 countries played a significant role in stabilizing the economic situation, thanks to the anti-crisis measures developed at the forum. Since then, the G20 Forums have become an annual event.

Football will become an informal topic for discussion and leaders of NATO countries. The two-day summit opens today in Brussels. In the hall where the meeting will be held, a large screen has already been installed to broadcast the England-Croatia match.

However, there are also problems to be discussed. The question of the existence of the alliance is at stake - NATO allies have serious disagreements.

Donald Trump believes that the Old World treats America like a piggy bank, but the States no longer want to be a sponsor. European leaders don't like the fickle temperament of their American colleague either.

The reception given to Donald Trump is really cold. At the gangway neither the king, nor the prime minister, nor even the head of the Belgian Foreign Ministry: everyone preferred to watch football, because the national team plays in the ¼ of the World Cup. Only the head of the ministerial protocol service arrived. However, their relationship has not been very friendly for a long time.

According to Belgian journalists, Donald Trump may even stay at the American embassy for the duration of the summit. That is, to refuse any housing offered by the host. And this says a lot about the level of trust between the US and Europe.

As if to confirm this, there were crowds of police officers outside the embassy the day before. The entrances to the building were blocked not just with fences, but with a pointed fence with barbed wire. Metal spikes and sharp peaks in the center of Brussels look wild. But between the US and the EU and the truth of the war. Trump even before the visit conducted an artillery preparation through Twitter. He said that the Americans pay for almost everything in NATO, which means that the music should be ordered. They like upbeat tunes about rising defense spending. The Europeans have so far refused to do so.

Dear President Trump! America does not and will not have a better ally than Europe! Dear America! Appreciate your allies, you don't have many after all President of the European Council Donald Tusk delicately addressed the participants of the meeting.

But NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg directly called on the EU countries and Canada to increase spending by another 266 billion. Growth will peak next year.

— European NATO countries have committed to increase their military spending, and we must do everything possible to minimize the impact of existing differences between European allies and the United States, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

Disagreements at this summit will not be forgotten. In fact, it is a new battlefield.

Like the G7 meeting that Trump left with a scandal. Or negotiations with European leaders, with whom everyone was dissatisfied. In two days, the American president will try to bend under him much more purely countries.

To do this, he came with help. The American delegation completely occupied one of the best hotels in Brussels.

The city was filled with cars with diplomatic plates - they are flying along blocked roads to sort things out. Now they are very strange allies. Countries that impose sanctions against each other are forced to discuss joint security. Many believe that NATO will ruin it. And some even dream about it.

“NATO is trying to turn Russia into an enemy. Although, this is far from the case. As an institution, the North Atlantic Alliance has long outlived its usefulness. And was supposed to disappear after the USSR in 1991, Jérôme Peraya, head of Action for Peace, says.

In the Brussels office, one of the leaders of the pacifists only gives interviews. Actions are planned in a completely different place. Secret. They break into military installations and parade around with paper rockets in clown costumes or throw red paint on the offices of organizations that are accused of starting wars. The days of the summit are also promised to be bright, but where and when they do not say. For NATO members, this will be a surprise.

Ministerial and Sherpa meetings

Joint meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers and Sherpas (Buenos Aires, Argentina), November 28, 2018

Fifth meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers and Heads of Central Banks (Buenos Aires, Argentina), November 26-27, 2018

Working dinner of finance ministers and heads of central banks (Bali, Indonesia), October 11, 2018

Meeting of Ministers of Health (Córdoba, Argentina), October 4, 2018. Declaration (eng.)

Meeting of Trade and Investment Ministers (Mar del Plata, Argentina), September 14, 2018. Statement (English)

Meeting of Employment Ministers (Mar del Plata, Argentina), September 6-7, 2018. Declaration (English)

Joint Meeting of Ministers of Education and Employment (Mar del Plata, Argentina), September 6, 2018. Declaration (English)

Meeting of Ministers of Education (Mar del Plata, Argentina), September 5, 2018. Declaration (eng.)

Meeting of Ministers Responsible for the Digital Economy (Salta, Argentina), 23-24 August 2018. Declaration

Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture (Buenos Aires, Argentina), July 28, 2018. Declaration (eng.)

Second Meeting of Deputy Ministers of Agriculture (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 26-27 July 2018

Third Meeting of Finance Ministers and Heads of Central Banks (Buenos Aires, Argentina), July 21-22, 2018. Communiqué. G20 Work Plan for Future Labor Markets

Fourth Meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers and Heads of Central Banks (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 19-20 July 2018

Meeting of Energy Ministers (Bariloche, Argentina), June 15, 2018. Communiqué ( English )

Second meeting of finance ministers and central bankers (Washington, USA), April 20, 2018

Third meeting of deputy finance ministers and heads of central banks (Washington, USA), April 19, 2018

First meeting of finance ministers and heads of central banks (Buenos Aires, Argentina), March 19-20, 2018. Communiqué ( English ). Annex to the communiqué ( English )

Second Meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers and Heads of Central Banks (Buenos Aires, Argentina), March 17-18, 2018

First Meeting of Deputy Ministers of Agriculture (Rosario, Argentina), March 12-14, 2018

First Meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers and Heads of Central Banks (Bariloche, Argentina), November 30 – December 2, 2017

G20 Roadmap for Improving Infrastructure Quality

Other meetings and documents

WTO Business Priorities - Statement by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Argentinean Presidency of the B20 (B20) to the WTO Public Forum 2018

G20 Global Forum Ministerial Paper on Overcapacity in the Steel Industry, 20 September 2018

B20 Recommendations (B20) for G20 Leaders, September 2018
Growth Financing and Infrastructure
"Digital Economy and Industry 4.0" (English)
"Employment and Education"
Energy, Resource Efficiency and Sustainability
"Integrity of work and implementation of agreements" (English)
"Development of small and medium enterprises" (English)
"Trade and Investment"

Summit Communiqué "Expert Twenty" (T20), September 16-18, 2018 (eng.)

B20 Statement for the Third G20 Sherpa Meeting, September 8, 2018

Joint B20 (B20) and Expert 20 (T20) Statement on the Future of Sustainable Food, September 2018

Joint statement of the Women's 20 (W20), Youth 20 (Y20) and Business 20 (B20) "Education: a source of equal opportunities", September 2018 (eng.)

Joint Statement by the B20 (B20) and the Labor 20 (L20) to the G20 Labor and Employment Ministerial Meeting, September 2018

Joint Statement of the B20 (B20) and the Civil 20 (C20) "Implementing National Anti-Corruption Strategies", June 28, 2018 (eng)

Joint Statement of the B20 (B20) and the Civil 20 (C20) "Improving the Integrity and Transparency of Public Enterprises", June 28, 2018 (eng)

Joint statement of the Civil 20 (C20), Labor 20 (L20), Science 20 (S20), Expert 20 (T20), Women's 20 (W20) and Youth 20 (Y20) on closing the gender gap in labor markets, 1 June 2018 (eng)

Business 20 Summit (Business20)(Buenos Aires, Argentina), October 4-5, 2018. Communiqué (English)

Women20 Summit (Buenos Aires, Argentina), October 1-3, 2018. Communiqué

Think20 Summit (Buenos Aires, Argentina), September 16-18, 2018

Youth20 Summit (Cordoba, Argentina), August 13-19, 2018. Recommendations (eng.)

C20 Summit (Civil20) (Buenos Aires, Argentina), August 6-7, 2018

7th G20 Leading Agricultural Scientists Meeting, May 28-30, 2018 Communiqué

B20 Statement on the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference, December 21, 2017

Reports of international organizations

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

G-20 2018 Report on Strong, Sustainable, Balanced, and Inclusive Growth, November 2018

IMF 2018 Taxonomy of Capital Flow Management Measures, October 2018

Mitigation Policies for the Paris Agreement: An Assessment for G20 Countries, August 30, 2018

Group of Twenty: Coordination Between the International Monetary Fund and Multilateral Development Banks on Policy-Based Lending: Update on the Implementation of the G20 Principles, August 29, 2018

  • The IMF's Institutional View on Capital Flows in Practice, July 30, 2018 (English)

To the meeting of finance ministers and heads of the Central Bank, July 2018

  • G-20 Surveillance Note
  • The Future of Work: Measurement and Policy Challenges
  • Shifting Tides: Policy Challenges and Opportunities for the G-20 - Blog by Christine Lagarde
  • Staff Note for the G20 IFAWG: Recent Developments on Local Currency Bond Markets in Emerging Economies, June 15, 2018

  • IMF Note on Global Prospects and Policy Challenges, March 2018
  • Technology and the Future of Work April 11, 2018

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Joint Summary on G-20 Trade and Investment Measures (OECD/WTO/UNCTAD), November 22, 2018

OECD/UNCTAD Report on G-20 Investment Measures, 22 November 2018

G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance. Digitalisation and Financial Literacy
G20/OECD Policy Guidance. Financial Consumer Protection Approaches in the Digital Age

  • OECD Secretary-General Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, July 2018
  • G20 Menu of Policy Options for the Future of Work, July 2018. Tax policies for inclusive growth in a changing world (English), Maintaining competitive conditions in the era of digitalization (English), OECD reports to the G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bankers, July 2018
  • G20/OECD/WB Stocktake of Tools and Instruments Related to Infrastructure as an Asset Class – Background report, July 2018

  • G20/OECD Effective Approaches for Implementing the G20/OECD High-Level Principles on SME Financing, July 2018
  • The OECD Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements: Update on Developments, OECD Report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers July 2018
  • Joint Summary on G-20 Trade and Investment Measures (OECD/WTO/UNCTAD), 4 July 2018
  • OECD/UNCTAD Report on G-20 Investment Measures, 4 July 2018

To the meeting of finance ministers and heads of the Central Bank, March 2018

  • Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Face of Digital Transformation and the Future of Work March 19, 2018
  • Going for Growth 2018
  • G20/OECD/WBG Stocktake of Tools and Instruments Related to Infrastructure as an Asset Class Progress Report March 2018
  • Secretary-General Report to Finance Ministers, March 2018
  • Interim Report of the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS on the Tax Challenges arising from Digitalisation, March 2018

Financial Stability Board (FSB)

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: Fourth Annual Report, November 28, 2018

Second Phase of the G-20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2): Third Progress Report, FSB, IMF, September 25, 2018 ( English )

To the meeting of finance ministers and heads of the Central Bank, March 2018

  • FSB Chair Letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, March 13, 2018
  • FSB action plan to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking. Progress report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting of March 2018, March 16, 2018
  • Stocktake of Remittance Service Providers’ Access to Banking Services March 16, 2018
  • Progress update on cyber lexicon to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting of March 2018, 20 March 2018

Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)

To the meeting of finance ministers and heads of the Central Bank, March 2018

  • Report to Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, March 2018

Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI)

To the meeting of finance ministers and heads of the Central Bank, March 2018

  • Financing for SMEs in Sustainable Global Value Chains
  • Policy Paper on Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons - Priorities for G20 Action

Global Infrastructure Hub (GIH)

To the meeting of finance ministers and heads of the Central Bank, March 2018

  • Global Infrastructure Hub - Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022

World Trade Organization (WTO)

  • WTO Report on G-20 Trade Measures (mid-May 2018 to mid-October 2018), November 22, 2018
  • Summary and Status of G-20 trade and trade-related measures since October 2008 (Excel Format), November 22, 2018
  • WTO Report on G-20 Trade Measures (mid-October 2017 to mid-May 2018), 4 July 2018
  • Summary and Status of G-20 trade and trade-related measures since October 2008 (Excel Format), 4 July 2018

Summary and Status of G-20 trade and trade-related measures since October 2008 (Excel Format), November 22, 2018

“We are more ready to accept the SCO than we are not ready”

Against the backdrop of arrests of Chelyabinsk officials, the 2020 SCO summit may be moved to Yekaterinburg

During the preparations for the 2009 SCO summit, many new buildings appeared in Yekaterinburg. This infrastructure can also be used for the 2020 summit Jaromir Romanov/website

The summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS countries, scheduled for 2020 in Russia, may change its venue. According to an informed source on the website, against the backdrop of Chelyabinsk's weak readiness for a large-scale event and the arrest of the SCO curator in the regional government, the federal authorities may consider moving the summit from Chelyabinsk to another large city where all the necessary infrastructure is ready. In addition to Sochi, which has repeatedly hosted international investment forums, officials consider Yekaterinburg as such a venue, where the SCO summit was already held in 2009. The regional government believes that, in principle, the city is already ready to receive guests if the decision to transfer is made.

Yesterday, a flying group led by Russian presidential aide Anton Kobyakov flew to Chelyabinsk. According to the source of the site, she worked in the region for two days and, following the results of this trip, should assess the readiness of the region to host a major international event. Now such readiness is called into question by many.

Arrests and unfinished

Talk about a possible postponement of the SCO summit from Chelyabinsk, which had been going on for several weeks, intensified last week after the arrest of the head of the directorate for preparations for the SCO and BRICS summits, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the region Anton Bakhaev. He was charged with fraud on an especially large scale committed by a group of persons (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The official is accused of fraud with budget money in the amount of 3.8 million rubles during the Russian-Kazakhstan forum in November 2017. Shortly before his arrest, according to sources on the site, Chelyabinsk Governor Boris Dubrovsky was warned of possible criminal cases against his subordinates in connection with the misappropriation of funds in preparation for the SCO.

Yesterday Governor Boris Dubrovsky found a replacement for the arrested Bakhaev in the person of Denis Isaev, Head of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region. In addition to this, Dubrovsky established a special working group for control, so that it “analyzes the existing system of work of the directorate and all those decisions that were made earlier for compliance with all requirements of the law” and contributed to “the flawless passage of all procedures in terms of eliminating the risks of corruption character."

Nail Fattakhov

However, despite these measures, the federal authorities may consider moving the summit from Chelyabinsk to a city more prepared for this, also because there are not enough places in the capital of the South Urals for all the SCO and BRICS delegations. If until 2018 the city was waiting for the arrival of 18-20 delegations, now they need to receive 30 delegations, for which there are simply not enough presidential numbers. The difficult environmental situation and the still unfinished congress hall, which should be commissioned by the end of 2019, are working against Chelyabinsk, if the city still hosts the summit. The problem for the region was that the authorities were not ready to give preferences to businesses building facilities for the SCO, so the completion of construction was in jeopardy.

According to a site source familiar with the discussion of the SCO issue, all this is pushing the government to reconsider the decision to hold a meeting in Chelyabinsk in favor of the city, whose infrastructure is already ready.

Sochi or Yekaterinburg

The city of Sochi, beloved by Russian President Vladimir Putin, where he often holds meetings with leaders of other states and also participates in major international forums, and Yekaterinburg are named as contenders for this. Like Sochi, Yekaterinburg successfully hosted the World Cup matches this year, coping with a large number of guests and fans. The city has a sufficient number of rooms and already accumulated experience in holding international events thanks to Innoprom and the 2009 SCO and BRICS summit. Tomorrow, according to the website, Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev intends to hold a big meeting on the results of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, where the city's readiness to host major international events in the near future will also be discussed.

Alexander Ivanov, head of the information policy department of the Sverdlovsk region, told the website that so far there have been no negotiations on the transfer of the SCO to Yekaterinburg. “We expect the summit to take place in Chelyabinsk as planned,” he commented.

Dmitry Fedechkin, a spokesman for the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, told the website that the data on the postponement of the SCO and BRICS summits are unsubstantiated rumors. “Today, there is a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which fixes the city of Chelyabinsk as the venue for the summits. Everything else is speculation and insinuation,” he said.

Nail Fattakhov

A site source close to the leadership of the Sverdlovsk region says that, according to his information, so far there have been no concrete proposals to transfer the SCO to Yekaterinburg to the region. “If such negotiations are underway, then for the time being it is taking place in another place, behind closed doors,” the source of the publication assures. — But it is likely that Yekaterinburg may be considered. The region has experience in holding events, it is not far from the Chelyabinsk region, and the city is in good standing with federal officials.”

According to him, while preparing for the past SCO, Yekaterinburg has already acquired all the necessary infrastructure, creating about 100 new facilities and reconstructing 340 buildings. The hotel stock increased in the city, the airport was reconstructed, and since then the competencies necessary for the summit have only developed. For example, Koltsovo Airport has undergone another reconstruction, and the total fund of accommodation facilities in Yekaterinburg has reached almost 6,000 rooms for 11,000 beds. At the same time, as Vladimir Bolikov, deputy head of the administration of Yekaterinburg, said this spring, the city is waiting for the emergence of a new, seventh international hotel operator.

“Today, everyone is ready to host such a big event as the SCO, and it will be much cheaper: because a serious infrastructure has already been created for the World Cup, more than 1,000 volunteers with knowledge of foreign languages ​​have been trained, which is also an integral part of organizing such events. Facades of houses, streets, substations, hospitals have been repaired. The police system has also proven that they can organize the work in such a way that all participants feel comfortable,” the source said. — In addition, in 2019 we will open a congress hall at the Ekaterinburg-Expo IEC with an area of ​​41.6 thousand square meters. meters, and if now we have a plenary meeting room for 1.5 thousand square meters. meters, then after the opening of the new hall, he will increase the admission to 4 thousand. All this allows us to host the SCO - and although we have not yet seen the rider of the delegations, the situation here is definitely better than in Chelyabinsk. We are more ready to accept the SCO than not.”

The final decision on the venue for the SCO-BRICS summit in 2020 remains with Russian President Vladimir Putin. So far, the decree signed by the president in March of this year remains in force - on holding the next SCO summit in Chelyabinsk.

The next international summit G20-2018 will be the 13th event of this kind. Traditionally, it will bring together the leaders of the countries participating in the G20. The meeting of heads of state will be held for the first time in South America, in particular, in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Note that as a result of the Hamburg forum, it was established not only where the G20 summit will take place in the upcoming 2018, but also where it will take place in one and two years. So, in 2019, Japan will be the host for the first time, and after it, Saudi Arabia.

Until now, the date of the G20 summit in 2018 has not been set. It is supposed to take place over two days in May or June. At the same time, last year in Germany the date of the congress of leaders was set for another month - July, namely the 7th and 8th.

The heads of the following powers and regions will meet in Buenos Aires:

  1. Australia.
  2. Russia.
  3. Brazil.
  4. Canada.
  5. China.
  6. South Africa.
  7. Mexico.
  8. Japan.
  9. Italy.
  10. Indonesia.
  11. India.
  12. Saudi Arabia.
  13. South Korea.
  14. Great Britain.
  15. Turkey.
  16. France.
  17. Germany.
  18. Argentina.
  19. The European Union, which will be represented by two - the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Union.

If where the G20 summit will take place in 2018 has already been decided, who will go to the convention from the Russian Federation is still a mystery. The fact is that the president will represent Russia at the meeting, which will take place only in March next year.

Current Issues

At the moment, it is known that Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have already met with each other as part of the Argentine summit. Their conversation lasted over two hours.

The leader of Russia said that he talked with the head of the United States:

  • about what is happening in Syria and Ukraine;
  • about cybersecurity;
  • on the fight against terrorists.

The parties, who quickly came to a consensus, settled the Syrian issue and agreed on a ceasefire in the country. However, other problems still remain open. They will be put forward for discussion by the G20 in 2018.

In addition, at the future summit, Russia intends to introduce the idea of ​​creating an association of aluminum producers, which will also include India, China and the states of the Persian Gulf. At a recent July meeting, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov has already managed to agree on the creation of an association with colleagues from Arab countries.

The question of sanctions remains acute. Last year, the leaders of the powers could not agree on the lifting of trade restrictions. The presidents discussed this mechanism of economic pressure only indirectly, but such a superficial resolution of the problem did not suit the Russian representatives, in particular, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Economic Development Minister Maxim Oreshkin, and many others. In the coming year, ambassadors from Russia intend to raise the topic of protectionist policies that have a negative impact on global economic growth.

The climate session at G20-2017 was also unsuccessful. Because of the views of Donald Trump, who considers global warming a hoax, the United States completely left the environmental association. Therefore, countries will have to return to the conversation about greenhouse gas emissions and effectively regulate compensatory policies related to the withdrawal from the agreement of one of the largest emitters of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone.

About the essence of the summits

The G20 is an organization that brings together the major economic systems of the planet. The year of its formation is considered to be 1999. From the beginning of its foundation to the present day, the key goal of the G20 has been to ensure the sustainable growth of the planetary economy. In order to achieve the implementation of this large-scale task, a whole range of local topical problems was solved at the congresses. These include today the search for adequate ways:

  • to stabilize the world economy;
  • for the development of social and financial infrastructure;
  • to resolve regional conflicts;
  • to ensure the food security of poor countries;
  • to save the Earth's ecology.

So, at last year's summit in the German city of Hamburg, Angela Merkel formulated the following 3 key tasks:

  1. Increasing the resilience of the countries of the world to various kinds of problems.
  2. Approval of development stability.
  3. Taking responsibility for decisions and actions.

Recall that since 2008 the G20 meetings have been held on a regular annual basis.

Video from the G20 summit in 2017: Angela Merkel greets Vladimir Putin:

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