Cycloferon regimen for the prevention of influenza. Instructions for use

During flu epidemics, prevention is necessary. One of the most effective remedies is Cycloferon. It can be used both to prevent ARVI and to treat it.

How should cycloferon be taken to prevent ARVI and influenza for adults and children? This is a very topical issue during the epidemic season. The agent has antiviral, antitumor, anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine acts on those organs that contain lymphoid elements.

The drug is made in the form of tablets and solution, but in different cases, a different form of the drug is prescribed. The first option is most often used. The medicine is most effective during cold weather, when viral diseases are especially common.

It is necessary to start prevention in case of malaise, weakness, rise in body temperature. Flu symptoms include:

Dryness, tickling appear in the nose, dry cough, sore throat develops. If prevention is started on time, the symptoms will disappear after 5 days. At this time, it is advisable not to visit public places, but to take up treatment. Complications can develop if the necessary measures are not taken.

When a medicine is prescribed by a doctor, the likelihood of successful treatment increases. It is helpful to consult an immunologist to develop an effective prevention program. Then the risk of adverse reactions will be minimal. Often, drug treatment is prescribed by children's doctors, therapists.

Indications and contraindications

Cycloferon can be taken by children and adults. Moreover, it is more effective for the treatment and prevention of such ailments:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • rotavirus infections;
  • herpetic eruptions.

The medicine should not be taken in the following cases:

  • with liver diseases;
  • with intolerance to the components;
  • children under the age of 4;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with diseases of the stomach and thyroid gland.

Doses of medicine

The drug should be taken once a day 30 minutes before eating. The tablet is taken with water without chewing. Dosage is important in taking medication. On the first day, you will need 2-4 tablets, and on the following days - 2.

In difficult cases, cycloferon should be consumed in an amount of up to 6 tablets. Already several techniques alleviate the condition, allow you to get rid of fever, and eliminate the temperature. Treatment and prevention of influenza with cycloferon protects against complications. Over time, pain disappears.

For non-specific prophylaxis during flu epidemics, you need to adhere to the dosage. It is necessary to take pills on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. Children 4-6 years old need 1 tablet, 6-11 years old - 2, 12 and more - 3 tablets a day. You can repeat the treatment after 2-4 weeks. During pregnancy and lactation, Cycloferon liniment can be applied topically.

Admission rules

Cycloferon to eliminate the flu should be used with the arrival of cold weather. The tablets are applied once a day half an hour before meals. The daily rate is calculated depending on the characteristics of the organism. For an adult, up to 900 mg is prescribed.

Cycloferon should be taken when the first signs of the disease appear.

For the prevention of influenza, the medicine should be used in smaller quantities. If a headache or other signs of illness appear, then 6 tablets are required. The entire course of treatment includes 20 tablets. If an infection has developed, an individual dosage is prescribed.

Solution application

Cycloferon is taken for the prevention of influenza, not only in tablets, but also in solution. It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. This is usually required after contact with sick people. The product should be used once. If the infection has already occurred, then the dosage is set by the doctor.

Usually, the medicine is used intramuscularly 2 times a day.

The treatment takes about 10 days. The drug should be used in complex recovery. In any case, the doses are determined by the doctor.

If a specialist has prescribed intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug, then the therapy must be carried out to the end and without interruption. Injections should be done on schedule and doses must be strictly observed. This is required for effective treatment results.

Directions for use

Cycloferon should not be used without consulting a specialist. It should be used with caution in diseases of the digestive system. During an exacerbation of an ulcer, drug treatment should be abandoned. If necessary, it is better to use a solution.

The medicine should be used with caution in diseases of the thyroid gland. The tablets are prescribed by a physician and approved by an endocrinologist. Other immunostimulating agents are sometimes chosen.

Medicinal effects

For the prevention of influenza to be effective, cycloferon will need to be taken in appropriate doses. The doctor needs to tell about the presence of chronic diseases, because they can affect the treatment. This will determine how the drug will interact with other drugs.

The drug is compatible with other drugs used to treat and prevent influenza. These include antipyretic and antibacterial medicines. The remedy reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.

Storage rules

The tablets should be stored in a dry place out of reach of children. The room temperature will be quite acceptable for them. The drug retains its effect for about 2 years after manufacture.

Solution for injection should be refrigerated. During transportation, it is frozen, which does not affect its medicinal properties. After defrosting, the product is stored for a long time at a temperature of 25 degrees. The manufacturer sets an expiration date of 3 years.

Supplement with folk remedies

You can use cycloferon together with folk remedies. Garlic and onions should be included in the diet. These products are completely harmless and can be used continuously. The aroma of onion and garlic also has a healing effect.

An inhaler has a wonderful effect, with which it is better to use herbs such as sage. There are aroma lamps in pharmacies, it is recommended to evaporate eucalyptus oil in them. This tool can be used at home and at work.

From folk methods, an infusion of rose hips, linden and viburnum is useful. Raspberry jam can be used to make tea that is useful for colds. Lemon should be added to it, which saturates the body with vitamin C.

Cycloferon replacement

There are other immune-boosting agents that can be used to treat and prevent influenza. One of the most popular is the drug "Amiksin". The main substance is tilaxin, and the additional ones include starch, cellulose, calcium stearate. The medicine can be used during cold weather and in contact with patients. Tablets are contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 7 years of age.

There are many more medicines for adults, but a limited number of medicines can be used for children. Pediatricians prescribe "Anaferon for children", which strengthens the antiviral immunity. It is prescribed to almost everyone due to the absence of contraindications. The only exceptions are children under the age of 1 month. Sometimes there is an intolerance to the components.

"Galavit" is an immunostimulating agent produced in tablets and suppositories. It is prescribed to everyone except pregnant and lactating women. It is also used in the form of candles for children. These devices are only similar to cycloferon, but not identical to it.

Each of the remedies will be effective when used correctly, the scheme of which is prescribed by the doctor. Cycloferon is considered one of the quality drugs for the prevention of influenza. The medicine will allow you to avoid the first signs of a cold, so do not worry about your well-being. To protect against disease, an integrated approach is important, thanks to which the body will become resistant to the appearance of infectious ailments.

Cycloferon with influenza eliminates symptoms, restores efficiency, and increases immune forces. According to research, the drug reduces the likelihood of complications (bronchitis, pneumonia) by 9 times. How to drink Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza and with an already developed disease, we will discuss below.

Cycloferon contains meglumine acridone acetate. This is a chemical compound that, entering the lymphoid organs (spleen, liver, intestines), stimulates the production of interferon and the activity of T-lymphocytes. Cycloferon helps with flu, as it affects both the virus and the human immune system.

The drug is used for emergency prophylaxis, during seasonal epidemics, for the treatment of a disease caused by strains A, B. Tablets are used for the prevention and treatment of infections of mild to moderate severity. The solution is indicated for patients with severe forms of infection.


The drug in tablets is used in the treatment of:

  • infections that affect the respiratory system (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, and others);
  • infections affecting the gastrointestinal tract (rotavirus, enterovirus);
  • infections caused by the herpes virus;
  • viral infections affecting the nervous system (meningitis, borelliosis);
  • viral hepatitis (B, C) in the chronic course;
  • in the second and third stages of HIV infection;
  • to prevent respiratory infections, including influenza.

In addition, the solution in ampoules for parenteral administration is used for:

  • degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (deforming osteoarthritis);
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • infections caused by cytomegalovirus;
  • infections caused by chlamydia;
  • acquired decreased immunity.

The drug in the form of an ointment is used to treat urethritis, balanoposthitis, vaginosis, vaginitis caused by venereal infections or nonspecific flora. Meglumine acridone acetate is indicated for the adjuvant therapy of herpetic skin lesions.

How to use Cycloferon for influenza?

The dosage of Cycloferon for influenza depends on the severity of the disease, age and concomitant pathology. If symptoms are present, the drug is used within 8 days. The instructions for the use of Cycloferon for influenza indicate that do not crush or chew the tablet... This leads to damage to the protective membrane and the drug becomes inactive.

How to drink Cycloferon with influenza for adults?

The tablet preparation is drunk before meals (25-30 minutes). People over 18 years of age are prescribed 4 tablets for one dose, which are washed down with water. According to the scheme, Cycloferon with flu is drunk on the first and second days in a row, and then every other day - on the fourth, sixth, eighth days. According to the indications, the drug is drunk longer.

How to give Cycloferon to a child with flu?

The scheme depends on the form of release of the drug and the weight of the child. If the agent is administered in ampoules, the minimum dose is 6 mg / kg, the maximum dose is 10 mg / kg. The injection is carried out 1 time per day intramuscularly or intravenously. Cycloferon for influenza in children is often prescribed in tablet form.

The required dose is taken once before meals. Pills are drunk on certain days - the first, second, fourth, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth, twentieth, twenty-third. The course of treatment can last from 5 to 10 days, depending on the clinical picture. If necessary, a second course is prescribed in 14-21 days.


The remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, children under 4 years of age. The tool is not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components. After taking, the drug circulates in the blood for about 8 hours. Full elimination is carried out in a day, so you must adhere to the regimen.

The metabolism of meglumine acridone acetate is carried out in the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the remedy is used with caution in case of insufficiency of these organs of moderate and severe degrees. Monitoring blood counts and the state of the cardiovascular system is required in old age.

Features of reception

Medical supervision is required in such cases:

  • The presence of endocrine pathology.
  • Taking drugs, sedatives, tranquilizers.
  • The presence of allergic diseases.
  • Exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Meglumine acridone acetate irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. In the presence of chronic pathology (peptic ulcer in remission), it can lead to exacerbation. The drug should not be taken with alcoholic beverages, this increases the load on the liver and may lead to an increase in ALT, AST.

Meglumine acridone acetate can be used when working with machinery and driving, as it does not have a sedative effect. It is not recommended to allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes (gums, eyes) due to irritating effect.

Drug interactions

Meglumine acridone acetate can be taken with drugs from the interferon group, chemotherapy drugs. It improves the effectiveness of antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic agents.

Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza in adults - how to take

How to take Cycloferon to prevent influenza? For preventive purposes, the drug is taken within 23 days. The tool is safe and effective, as it stimulates the formation of 3 types of interferons - a, b, g.

How to take Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza in adults? According to the instructions for use, Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza is drunk once a day. Single dose - 600 mg (4 tablets). The days of reception are presented in the table.

Cycloferon can be taken to prevent influenza after contact with a carrier or a sick person (emergency prevention). To do this, drink 900 mg (6 tablets).

How to take Cycloferon to prevent influenza in children? There are such age-related dosages of the drug:

  • At the age of 4 years - 6 years - 150 mg.
  • At the age of 7-11 years - 300 mg.
  • After 12 years - 600 mg.

The dosage of Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza is presented in the table.

Days 1 2 4 6 8 11 14 17 20 23
Dose tab. 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4

According to the instructions for the prevention of influenza, the entire dose of Cycloferon is drunk at a convenient time (1 time per day).

With influenza, Cycloferon injections are prescribed for people with persistent weakening of immunity (hereditary or acquired immunodeficiency).

How to inject Cycloferon with flu? The drug is administered according to the standard scheme - every other day. The ampoule is injected intramuscularly once a day. If necessary, intravenous administration is possible.

Scheme of Cycloferon in injections for influenza:

  1. On the first day of treatment, 250 mg of the drug is administered.
  2. The injection is skipped the next day.
  3. Adhering to this schedule, 10 injections are given.
  4. Further treatment with the drug is stopped.

Cycloferon is rarely used in injections for flu and colds. The remedy is indicated for cytomegalovirus infection, herpes, immunodeficiency.

How to take Cycloferon for influenza for adults? Reception of Cycloferon in tablets for influenza and SARS begins at the first symptoms. Scheme of taking Cycloferon for influenza: at one time they drink from 2 to 4 tablets. If necessary, use 6 tablets for the first dose. The maximum course dose is 20 tablets.

The days of taking the medicine are shown in the table.

Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Reception + + + + +

How to take Cycloferon tablets for influenza? Cycloferon for influenza and SARS is drunk at the same time in the morning or in the evening. The medicine is washed down with water - 50-100 ml. Cycloferon in tablets for colds and flu is combined with drugs that lower the temperature, improve sputum discharge, and eliminate pain.

Cycloferon flu pills - price

The cost of the medicine Cycloferon for flu and colds varies from 200 to 800 rubles.

Packing, pcs. Price, p.
Tab. No. 10 195
Tab. No. 20 363
Tab. No. 50 834

The prices of the medicine for influenza Cycloferon differ in different regions of Russia. When ordering from an online pharmacy, the delivery amount is also taken into account.

Swine flu (H1N1) is a type A viral infection. Does Cycloferon help with influenza caused by the H1N1 strain? The drug fights all types of viral infections, including type A. Therefore, it is indicated for the fight against this pathogen. It is more often prescribed for prophylaxis than for treatment. This is due to the fact that it takes several days to produce the required amount of interferon.

How to drink Cycloferon with flu? For treatment, adults are prescribed 600 mg (4 tablets) at a time. At the age of 12 years, 1 to 3 tablets are used once. When treating influenza, Cycloferon reduces the likelihood of complications (bronchitis, pneumonia).

The price of the drug depends on the region of residence, the form of release. The drug can be purchased at the following cost:

  • Tablets No. 10 - 186-195 p.
  • Ampoules No. 5 - 339-356 rubles.
  • Ointment 30 ml - 400-444 RUB

Victoria M .: “I was very worried when preparing for the wedding. The day before the ceremony, she was overcooled. On the same evening, there was a high fever, muscle pain, weakness. The state of health was so bad that she was going to postpone the wedding. In the medicine cabinet there was meglumine acridone acetate - I drank 4 tablets before going to bed and an antipyretic. In the morning I felt good, the symptoms disappeared. "

Olga Z .: “My job involves contact with a lot of people. I used to get sick often. Now at the first symptoms I take meglumine acridone acetate. After it, I either don't get sick at all, or the flu is mild. "

Maria P .: “On the recommendation of a doctor, I gave pills to my 5-year-old daughter. The temperature was kept for 1 day, there were no other signs of flu. After ingestion, a rash appeared on the skin of the forearm. I don’t know whether it is connected with medicine or food ”.

According to reviews, Cycloferon for flu and colds is used in children from 3 years old and adults. It eliminates flu symptoms in a few hours. The drug is effective in cases where there was contact with a sick person.

  • Arbidol;
  • Arbimax;
  • Imunoflazid;
  • Kagocel;
  • Ismizhen;
  • Neovir.

What is better for flu Kagocel, Arbidol or Cycloferon?

Kagocel is more often used for preventive purposes. Its use is limited during pregnancy and in children under 6 years of age. Arbidol prevents the penetration of infection into the cells of the body - it blocks hemagglutinins. It is used to treat infections caused by strains A, B.

Cyclaferon has a wide range of indications and has been clinically tested. The drug stimulates its own immunity and affects several types of viruses. Therefore, with an unknown pathogen and for prevention, it is better to use it. If the listed funds are drunk in the early stages, they have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in equal measure.


Store the medicine in a dark, low-humidity environment. The maximum allowable temperature is 20⁰С. The ointment and tablet preparation can be used for 2 years. The product in the form of ampoules can be stored for 3 years.

If necessary, the solution can be frozen for several hours (during transportation). The product is thawed at 22-24 ° C, since heating leads to a loss of properties. In case of sediment formation, turbidity, the ampoules are disposed of.

The use of meglumine acridone acetate is safe, as it has low toxicity and practically does not cause complications. Taking the drug for influenza Cycloferon increases natural immunity.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules. In order to always stay in shape and not procrastinate important things, you need to be completely healthy and energetic. What if the flu or cold makes you refuse important appointments and knocks you out of your usual rut for a long time?

"Cycloferon": method of administration and dose

"Cycloferon" should be taken at the first signs of the disease. The immunostimulating drug quickly suppresses the multiplication of viruses and significantly increases the resistance of the human body against infections of a bacterial and viral nature.

In case of severe flu, an adult can take 6 tablets of Cycloferon with a glass of water on the first, second and third days from the onset of the disease. Then every other day, three tablets. Babies from four years old are recommended one tablet for the first three days and one tablet every other day until the eighth day from the onset of the disease.

In case of a declared flu epidemic, Cycloferon can be used as a prophylaxis, one tablet every other day for three weeks.

Additionally, you can use symptomatic therapy, using antipyretic, expectorant drugs in the dose recommended in the manufacturer's annotation.

Contraindications to the use of "Cycloferon"

Cycloferon is not recommended for use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, children under four years of age, patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis, thyroid dysfunction and individual intolerance.

With caution, the drug should be used by persons suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, duodenitis.

Before using Cycloferon, get a recommendation from your doctor.

The basis of good health and the body's immunity to infections and foreign substances for a person is the presence of a strong immune system. But sometimes it can be weakened by seasonal illnesses, a destructive lifestyle or nutrition that does not contain important and necessary nutrients. In such cases, taking vitamins sometimes becomes insufficient, and immunostimulants created with the help of modern pharmacy come to the rescue. Cycloferon is one of these "helpers" to activate immunity.

Dosage forms of Cycloferon

Cycloferon is available in several forms:

  • tablets - for oral administration;
  • ointment - for topical external application;
  • injections - used to inject a drug into a muscle or vein.

Cycloferon in ampoules can be produced:

  1. In the form of a lyophilisate - a dry substance of Cycloferon, which has passed the process of soft drying in a vacuum apparatus. The lyophilisate is used for long-term storage and, for injection, is preliminarily diluted with a special liquid.
  2. In the form of ready-made injections that do not require additional dilution - this form of release is convenient for independent use at home, with medical experience.

Diseases for which Cycloferon is used in ampoules

Cycloferon is prescribed to enhance the activity of the immune system in complex treatment for colds, flu and during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases (autumn-spring). Also, indications for the use of Cycloferon injections are diseases:

  • human immunodeficiency virus (stages 2A-2B);
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes;
  • the presence of chlamydia and CMV - infection;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • neuroinfection;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • rheumatic and autoimmune diseases.

Side effects of Cycloferon

Since Cycloferon belongs to the pharmacological group of interferons, i.e. in essence, it is a protein synthesized by the human body in response to the invasion of the virus and prevents its development; no side effects of this drug have been noted. The only undesirable effect of taking Cycloferon may be an individual intolerance to his body, manifested by allergic reactions.

Barriers to the use of Cycloferon

The drug is not allowed for use during pregnancy and lactating women, as well as children until they reach the age of four.

With caution, Cycloferon is used when diagnosing liver cirrhosis. In the presence of problems associated with the endocrine system, the use of the drug requires constant monitoring by a specialist doctor (endocrinologist).

How to inject Cycloferon in ampoules?

To activate immunity in case of "mild" diseases (influenza, SARS), Cycloferon injections are made intramuscularly according to the basic scheme: 0.25-0.5 g once a day for two days in a row and then switch to injections every other day.

It should be noted that, for various diseases, the optimal treatment regimen with Cycloferon in ampoules is established by the attending physician, based on the severity of the disease, general indicators of the body and the main treatment.

Approximate injection schemes for Cycloferon:

  1. Herpes. Injections are given according to the basic scheme indicated above. The total number of injections is ten, then a break is taken for 14 days and another course of 7 injections is given.
  2. Hepatitis. In acute form, the basic scheme is used, 6 grams per course. In the chronic form of the disease, as maintenance therapy, 0.25 g (one ampoule) once every five days for three months.
  3. Neuroviral infections. The main scheme is 0.6 g of the drug, then maintenance therapy is also 0.6 g every five days, for 2.5-3 months.

Cycloferon - injections

Cycloferon Is a medicinal product that is available in various forms, including for injection (injections). Tsifloferon injections are prescribed to increase immunity and prevent diseases in cases where the body's immune defense is weakened and is not able to overcome the disease on its own, and the risk of infection or the development of complications is great. Often, Cycloferon injections are recommended by doctors for flu and colds, with herpesvirus infection. From what else Cycloferon is prescribed in the form of injections, how this drug acts on the body, what are its contraindications and side effects, we will consider further.

The action of Cycloferon injections and indications for their use

The drug in question is based on such an active substance as meglumine acridone acetate. This component, upon penetration into the human body, stimulates the production in tissues and organs containing elements of lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes, liver, spleen, intestines, tonsils, etc.), a large amount of its own interferon. As you know, the interferon protein is one of the main "defenders" of the body from foreign agents (infectious agents, malignant cells), therefore, the more its content, the more efficiently pathological processes will be suppressed. In addition, Cycloferon activates other protective cells in the body (granulocytes, T-lymphocytes, T-killers), suppresses autoimmune reactions, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antitumor effects.

  • HIV infection;
  • serous meningitis and encephalitis;
  • tick-borne borreliosis;
  • hepatitis of viral etiology;
  • herpesvirus infection (including cytomegalovirus);
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • chlamydial lesion;
  • syphilis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • flu and SARS;
  • tumor processes.

Thanks to the use of Cycloferon in most diseases, a decrease in the intensity of symptoms, the duration of the disease, and the prevention of the development of various complications are achieved. In the treatment of bacterial infections, this drug significantly increases the effectiveness of the prescribed antibiotic therapy. During the season of outbreaks of respiratory viral diseases, the use of Cycloferon will help protect the body from infection and the development of severe forms of infection.

Contraindications and side effects of Cycloferon injections

In most cases, injections with this drug are well tolerated. Cycloferon does not possess toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. In rare cases, the following adverse events may occur:

  • allergic reactions (including urticaria, angioedema);
  • hyperemia and swelling at the injection site;
  • increased body temperature.

Mild soreness, short-term burning and slight redness of the skin at the injection site are normal. Moreover, all of the above side effects usually do not require drug withdrawal.

As for contraindications, Cycloferon also has them, but there are not many of them:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • children's age up to four years.

It should also be noted that in no case should you start using this medication on your own, without a doctor's appointment.

How to take Cycloferon for prevention?

During the cold season, many neglect such unpleasant symptoms as sore throat, runny nose and cough. A common cold, at first glance, may turn out to be the flu. Late treatment will lead to severe malnutrition such as arthritis or pneumonia. In order not to get sick in winter, it is necessary to carry out prevention. It is worth eating right, sleeping more and being outdoors. Additionally, you should take medications for prevention. Cycloferon is a popular drug that will help fight the flu.

Release form and composition

Cycloferon is often prescribed to prevent influenza. How to take the medicine is indicated in the instructions. The medication is produced in the form of tablets and a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration. The active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate. Additionally, the tablets used substances such as calcium stearate, methacrylic acid copolymer, propylene glycol, polysorbate. The solution contains water. The drug "Cycloferon" for prophylaxis in most cases is prescribed in the form of tablets.

The medicine has antiviral as well as immunostimulating effects. The medication is highly effective against herpes and influenza viruses. The medicine can be used in pediatrics. During cold weather, Cycloferon tablets are used to prevent viral diseases.


After oral administration, after 3 hours, the maximum concentration of the active ingredient in the blood of patients is reached. Within a day, the medicine almost completely leaves the body. If you take Cycloferon for prophylaxis in doses recommended by a specialist, conditions for cumulation in the body are not created.

Indications and contraindications

In most cases, Cycloferon is used to prevent influenza. How to take the medicine? It all depends on the form in which it is used. As part of complex therapy in adult patients, a medication can be prescribed for acute respiratory diseases, hermetic infections, flu. It is an immunostimulating drug "Cycloferon". Influenza prophylaxis can be used in patients over 4 years of age.

Like other immunostimulating drugs, Cycloferon may not always be used for prophylaxis. There are a number of contraindications. This includes cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, and some diseases of the cardiovascular system. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must conduct a complete examination of the patient's body.

How to take Cycloferon for prophylaxis during pregnancy? Experts say that at this time it is advisable to abandon immunostimulating drugs. The active ingredient can provoke abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Able to harm the medication and the infant. Therefore, prophylaxis during lactation is undesirable.

The medicine has age restrictions. It is not prescribed for patients under 4 years of age. How to drink "Cycloferon" for the prevention of children will be described below. Tablets by small patients should be used strictly under adult supervision.

In rare cases, patients may develop hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. If you experience allergy symptoms, you should stop taking the pills and seek medical attention.

Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza. How to use?

The medication can be used with the onset of the first autumn cold weather. The tablets are taken once a day, 30 minutes before meals. The daily rate is determined individually in accordance with the characteristics of the patient's body. Children under 6 years old are prescribed one tablet (150 mg). Means "Cycloferon" for the prevention of children under 12 years of age are prescribed two tablets (300 mg). The daily allowance for an adult patient can be up to 900 mg. The dose is adjusted according to body weight.

If the patient already has flu symptoms, treatment should be started immediately. How to take Cycloferon? For prevention, the drug is used in a reduced dosage. If an adult patient feels a headache, body aches, symptoms of a cold appear, it is worth taking six tablets on the first day. The full course of treatment for influenza is twenty tablets. For a hermetic infection, the dosage is calculated individually. The full course can be forty tablets.

Using the drug in the form of a solution

For prophylaxis "Cycloferon" can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. This technique is used in the event that a person had to come into contact with a sick flu. The drug can be administered once. If the infection has already occurred, the dosage is determined by the doctor in accordance with the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. In most cases of influenza, the medication is administered intramuscularly once every two days. The course of treatment is 10 days.

With herpes infection, therapy is also carried out for 10 days. The patient is injected daily with 250 mg of the drug. The drug can be prescribed as part of complex therapy and for acute viral hepatitis. In this case, the course of treatment is at least 14 days. The patient is injected daily with 500 mg of Cycloferon.

special instructions

The medicine cannot be used without first consulting a doctor. Cycloferon is prescribed with caution to patients with diseases of the digestive system for the prevention of influenza. How to take pills if an ulcer is in the acute phase? Experts during this period recommend abandoning preventive measures. If flu treatment is needed, it is better to use a medicine in the form of a solution.

The drug is prescribed with caution to people suffering from thyroid diseases. The therapist should make the decision on the appointment of tablets or solution in conjunction with an endocrinologist. You may need to select other immunostimulating drugs.

Drug interactions

Before drinking "Cycloferon" for prophylaxis, it is worth informing your doctor about existing chronic diseases that require drug treatment. This is necessary so that a specialist can understand whether individual drugs can interact with each other. Cycloferon is compatible with all medicines used in the treatment of influenza and herpes infection. These are various antiviral agents, antipyretic and antibacterial drugs.

It should be borne in mind that the main component of Cycloferon tablets can enhance the effect of interferons and nucleosides. In addition, the drug helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

Storage conditions

The drug in the form of tablets should be stored in a dry place protected from babies at room temperature. The drug does not lose its properties for two years after release. Experts recommend storing the injection solution in the refrigerator. During transportation, the medicine is frozen. This does not affect the medicinal properties of the medication in any way.

After thawing, the solution can be stored for a long time at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life from the date of production is three years.

How to replace "Cycloferon"?

There are many immunostimulating agents that are used not only to treat influenza, but also to prevent it. Amiksin tablets are popular among therapists. This antiviral agent is an inducer of interferon synthesis. The active ingredient is tilaxin. In addition, substances such as potato starch, cellulose, calcium stearate are used in the composition. The medicine has all the same indications as the Cycloferon tablets. Prevention of influenza is carried out during the cold weather, as well as in the event that it was necessary to contact the patient. Amiksin tablets are not prescribed to pregnant women, as well as to patients under 7 years of age.

What else can replace the drug "Cycloferon"? For prophylaxis, many medications can be used for adults. But the list of medicines for children is limited. Many pediatricians recommend that parents use the drug "Anaferon for children". This medicine perfectly activates antiviral immunity. Thanks to this, the child's body is excellent against the flu. The drug has practically no contraindications. It is not prescribed only to babies up to 1 month. In rare cases, children develop individual intolerance.

Galavit is another popular immunostimulating drug that comes in the form of tablets and suppositories. The active ingredient is sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione. Additionally, talc, lactose, calcium stearate, starch are used. The candles also contain glycerin. The medicine is great for preventing the flu. The medication is not suitable only for pregnant and lactating women. In the form of suppositories, the medicine can be prescribed to children from the first days of life.

As soon as we approach the change of seasons from warm to cold, there is an increase in epidemics of acute respiratory diseases. In order not to expose the body to severe stress, it is necessary to prepare in advance. One of the best drugs is cycloferon for the prevention of influenza, how to take it and in what doses, we will learn in more detail.

An outbreak of respiratory disease, which poses a serious threat to human life, occurs every year. The risk of infection due to the contagiousness of the disease is high, so it makes sense to strengthen your own health, to take measures that will not give viruses a chance to easily enter the body. But for this you need to understand at least a little what the flu is, how the infection occurs, what dangers this disease carries, its symptoms. It is also important to know about the effectiveness of drugs such as Cycloferon, there is no more effective remedy against influenza and other respiratory diseases.

Cycloferon is actively used to prevent influenza and ARVI

No matter how hard scientists tried, they could not establish the exact date when mankind was first attacked by the influenza virus. But one thing is clear - this disease accompanies people from the very beginning. Moreover, the virus can penetrate into the body of animals, which causes the death of millions of birds, pigs, etc. As for people, there were at least 18 major influenza epidemics, the disease crossed not only the borders of countries, but also continents and oceans. Millions, tens of millions of people perished, since it was not possible to resist the infection without having a vaccine against influenza and colds, cycloferon, and antiviral agents.

Even in the recent past, just 100 years ago - in the 1920s, and also in 1957, a wave of influenza swept over certain regions again. The first is the notorious "Spanish woman", whose victims were about 20 million people in Asia, Europe, Scandinavia. The symptoms became more active in half a day, in a few hours the infected died, but if he managed to survive in the first days, then within 5-6, he died from complications. The second wave covered the Far East in 1957 and was called the Asian flu. The disease has killed 70,000 people in the United States alone. Then there were milder pandemics in 1969, 1978, but a little later a drug was created that synthesizes immunity against influenza, instructions for admission and adherence to the scheme will strengthen the body and survive infectious diseases.

How influenza affects human health

Even if a person manages to curb the flu condition with victory, in any case, the disease takes away at least a year of his life. No matter how hard we try, the work of the infection creates terrible sensations, discomfort, poisons the body, burns its immunity with a high temperature, etc. Also, after the disease, irreversible processes occur, the cardiac, vascular, nervous, genitourinary, gastrointestinal systems, respiratory, hearing, brain, liver, kidneys suffer. For this reason, you should not miss a single minute and visit a specialist at the first symptoms. And for prevention, an experienced immunologist will tell you how to use cycloferon for influenza in order to strengthen the immune system.

Influenza pathogens

The legendary Hippocrates was the first to write about the flu. The ancient doctor fully described the mechanism of the disease, the symptoms, and according to his data, the first known epidemic occurred at the end of the 16th century. The disease claimed a huge number of lives. It was possible to identify the causative agent of type A of an infectious disease only in the 30s of the 20th century by English scientists, and in the 33rd type B virus was isolated, in 47 type C.

Influenza viruses infect healthy cells in the body

  • Type A - provokes a complex or moderate disease, can affect the body of both humans and animals. This type is the culprit of the largest pandemics.
  • Type B causes local outbreaks, covering a maximum of several adjacent countries. It affects only the human body, often children.
  • Type C - this classification, unfortunately, is poorly understood. It attacks only the human body, but the symptoms are mild, practically safe and have no complications.

Any kind of classification can be notified in advance. To do this, it is enough to consult a doctor and start taking cycloferon, the instructions for use for the prevention of influenza fully reflect the regimen and dose.

How the disease is transmitted

An infectious respiratory disease is easily transmitted through the air, sneezing, coughing, and household use. During communication or when an infected person coughs, sneezes, infected microparticles of mucus and saliva fly out. The atmosphere surrounding the patient becomes infectious and even with a normal inhalation, viruses enter the human mucosa.

Important: the infected area never exceeds 3 meters, but in any case, virus particles tend to multiply in dry, stagnant air, which means they can take up more space.

Flu symptoms

It is impossible to immediately determine that a person is sick with the flu a few hours or a day after infection. The symptomatology is rather secretive. First, viruses penetrate the mucous membrane, then break through the upper layer of the epithelium and enter the human circulatory system. This requires several days, then symptoms appear, the severity of which depends on the person's condition. If he has weak immunity, then a more complex form occurs. A low level of protective forces is possible due to:

  • long-term, chronic diseases;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcoholism;
  • hypothermia.

Also, the symptoms depend on the type of illness in the infected person with whom the person was in contact.

  • mild degree;
  • moderate;
  • heavy;
  • hypertoxic degree.


In the mild stage, the patient's temperature does not exceed 38 degrees or remains at the normal level, there is no pronounced symptomatology. In this situation, cycloferon for the prevention of influenza with an indication of the dosage in the instructions will be a very appropriate drug, thanks to which any complications can be avoided.

Moderate - high temperature, which can reach 39.5 degrees, the usual symptoms appear:

  • myalgia - pain in joints, muscles;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • dry, unproductive cough;
  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose;
  • chest pain;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose.

A runny nose may indicate a moderate form of flu

Often, the disease is complemented by abdominal syndromes:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • cramps in the abdomen.

The severe form is accompanied by a high temperature of up to 40 degrees and above, if convulsions occur, a rash of unknown etiology, vomiting, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Important: influenza is especially dangerous for young children who have not developed immunity and the elderly, who already have poorly formed protective functions. At the first signs of illness, you need to see a doctor, as symptoms can cause dangerous complications in a matter of hours.

Cycloferon for influenza

After a specialist diagnoses the disease, adequate treatment is provided. The course includes taking antiviral drugs, multivitamins, as well as following the usual measures. So let's start in order:

  • Antiviral agents. Remantadin, Tamiflu, Relenza are prescribed as antivirals. To restore immune forces, stimulate a protective reaction, Viferon, Anaferon, created on the basis of human interferon, are used.

Important: Many people mistakenly believe that in case of flu, SARS, you need to immediately start taking antibiotics. This is wrong, since this type of drug is prescribed to eliminate inflammatory processes: pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.

  • An abundant drink of warm liquid is shown, including juices, milk, herbal decoctions, tea with lemon, honey, linden, chamomile, jelly, fruit drink.
  • To increase resistance, it is necessary to take cycloferon with ARVI, but the dosage and dosage regimen should be prescribed only by an immunologist.
  • Antipyretic. It is not worth bringing down the heat up to a temperature of 38.5. Thus, the body fights against colonies of viruses, but if the mark grows, then it makes sense to take Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and call emergency help.
  • To relieve puffiness, sedation, antihistamines or combination drugs are prescribed: Gripex, Diazolin, Suprastin, etc.
  • The analgesic properties are possessed by analgesics, combined agents: Teraflu, Coldrex, Pharmacitron.
  • Expectorant, thinning phlegm and activating exudation are bronchodilators: Bronholitin, Herbion, Bromhexin.

How to drink cycloferon with flu

This drug has passed many years of testing and has proven its effectiveness. There are different types: tablets, vaccines, belong to immunomodulatory, antiviral agents, and also effectively act on bacterial, viral diseases:

  • herpes;
  • AIDS, HIV;
  • meningitis;
  • hepatitis type B, C;
  • flu, SARS;
  • cytomegallovirus;
  • lyme syndrome;
  • infectious bowel diseases.

Important: injections, pills for flu and colds Cycloferon is strictly forbidden to take without a doctor's prescription. By acting on the immune system, the drug can malfunction in the body and lead to more serious pathologies.

Cycloferon injections are even more effective than tablets

You need to store the product at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, it is produced in blisters of 10 or bottles of 50 tablets. Each tablet contains 150 mg of active substance.

How to take Cycloferon tablets for influenza

There is a certain scheme for taking the drug. You need to start when the first symptoms of a respiratory illness occur: high fever, myalgia, dizziness, weakness, sore throat.

Admission scheme for adults
  1. On the 1st day, from 4 to 6 tablets are drunk, and at one time in the morning, half an hour before a meal, washed down with plenty of water.
  2. On the 2nd, 3rd, 4th day, take from 2 to 4 tablets, also, in the morning half an hour before meals, with plenty of warm water.
  3. Further admission is provided in rare cases, but in any case, the course is agreed with the immunologist.

How to take cycloferon for prophylaxis in adults

To prevent respiratory diseases, it is not enough to use drugs that stimulate resistance and immunity. You must be vaccinated, as well as:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: swimming, jogging, walking more often in the open air;
  • Eat healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, avoid smoked meats, fatty, spicy, sweet foods, baked goods.
  • During epidemics, do not visit places with a large crowd of people: discos, nightclubs, etc.

As a preventive measure, cycloferon is taken according to the following scheme: 1 time in the morning, half an hour before meals, drink 3 to 4 tablets at a time, washed down with water at room temperature.

Cycloferon for ARVI children

It is hardly worth reminding that such serious drugs as cycloferon must be coordinated with a specialized specialist, an immunologist. When treating respiratory diseases in a child, the remedy can be combined with antihistamines, antipyretics and other types of drugs.

The scheme of taking the drug for children with ARVI

Before 4 years, the medicine is contraindicated for prescription. Unlike the adult dosage, at the age of four to 6 years, it is prescribed according to the 1st table. 1 per day;

at the age of 6 to 11 years - 2 tables;

from 11 to 16 years old - 3 tables. a day, drink plenty of warm water. Also, during the day, an abundant drink is shown - at least 2 liters during the day.

Important: taking cycloferon for the prevention of ARVI for resistance cannot be combined with acidic drinks, juices.

Cycloferon acts like this

Flu Prevention - How To Take For Children

Thanks to cycloferon, it is possible to effectively prevent not only respiratory infectious diseases, but also common colds. This is especially true for babies who have problems with the immune system and they get sick with ARVI more than 6-7 times a year, etc. To do this, you need to take the remedy for 1 tablet on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th day, complete the prophylactic course by taking 5 tablets within 72 hours.

This therapy is also provided in the following cases:

  • in the presence of AIDS, HIV;
  • radiation therapy;
  • low level of immunity due to chronic or previous diseases;
  • due to taking medications that reduce the protective functions of the body;
  • during the next wave of the epidemic as a flu prevention.

Who should not drink cycloferon - a contraindication

Everyone who has decided to strengthen their own immunity, the body's resistance should know not only how to take cycloferon to prevent influenza in adults, but also its contraindications:

  1. The presence of an allergic response of the body. If after taking nausea, swelling, rash, redness, stop taking it immediately and call an ambulance. Better yet, take under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
  2. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  3. Liver diseases - hepatitis, insufficiency, cirrhosis.

Also, taking cycloferon for influenza can cause side reactions:

Allergic reaction in the form of a rash, redness, itching, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

Important: if at least once after taking Cycloferon any type of allergic response occurs: rash, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria, etc., the drug is prohibited forever.

Reception of cycloferon for ARVI and influenza - benefits

The effectiveness of the drug is not observed instantly. You need to understand that as it affects the body, an immune response is developed to the attack of viruses. Therefore, to the question: “ Cycloferon flu pills to take or not? ", The answer is unambiguous - in the absence of side effects and contraindications without fail.

You need to know that the action of Cycloferon is not instantaneous

The fact is that when taken, the degree of complications is already minimized, the risk of pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, meningitis, encephalitis, etc. is reduced. The drug in the form of injections for influenza act more quickly, also synthesize immunity and help to strengthen internal potential.

Cycloferon is a potent drug for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. Carelessness in its reception threatens with consequences. Further on how to take Cycloferon correctly and in what cases it is contraindicated.

Cycloferon is a Russian antiviral drug designed to increase immunity and strengthen the body's resistance to viruses. Also, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

The active ingredient of the drug is meglumine acridone acetate. It boosts the production of interferons, which fight infection.

Cycloferon is indicated for the following diseases:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Meningitis;
  • Herpes;
  • Hepatitis (B and C);
  • Acute intestinal infections;
  • Tick-borne encephalitis;
  • AIDS.

Sometimes prescribed for the prevention of disease during epidemics.

Available in three types: ointment, tablets, injection solution. The most effective type of release is considered to be pills. They have the largest field of influence and are more convenient to receive.

How to take pill medicine

The order of taking Cycloferon tablets depends on the type of disease and the patient's age.

Reception of Cycloferon: instructions for the use of tablets for adults with influenza:

  1. The first reception takes place on the first day of illness;
  2. First day: 4 pieces at a time. At high temperature and in serious condition - 6 pieces. Drink in the morning;
  3. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days: 2-4 pieces once a day;
  4. A longer course is prescribed by the doctor.
  5. With flu, acute respiratory viral infections and colds, Cycloferon is drunk once a day, in the morning before breakfast. Cycloferon is drunk half an hour before meals. The product is not chewed and washed down with plenty of water at room temperature.

In the case of prevention, the scheme is the same. But during epidemics, prevention changes a little:

  1. For influenza: 1 piece per day on days 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8. After 72 hours - 5 more tablets;
  2. With ARVI: 1 piece per day for 5-9 days.

With infectious herpes, they drink 2-4 tablets on the following days:

  1. First and second days;
  2. From the fourth to the eighth every other day;
  3. From the eleventh to the seventeenth in two days;
  4. Twentieth and twenty-third.

When treating intestinal infections, they drink 2 tablets per day:

  1. On days 1 and 2;
  2. On days 4, 6 and 8 and 11.

Scheme for tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis:

  1. For 1-3 days, 2 tablets;
  2. From 5 to 17 days - 2 tablets every other day;
  3. The next 2 months - 2 pieces every 5 days.

During the entire course, drink as much water as possible - from 2 liters per day. With prophylaxis - from 1.5 liters. It is best to avoid acidic drinks. There is a risk of worsening the condition. The medicine can be combined with other drugs, but first you should consult a therapist.

The price of Cycloferon and its analogues

Cycloferon is considered an expensive remedy, so sometimes you can resort to its analogs with a lower cost.

The analogs of the drug include the same agents that stimulate the production of interferons - proteins that enhance the body's defense during viral diseases. Among the most common drugs with similar properties:

Anaferon. Absorbs. For prevention and treatment. Suitable for children and adults;
Arbidol. In a film casing. For prevention and treatment. For adults and children. The active ingredient is umifenovir;
Amiksin. In a film casing. For adults and children. The active ingredient is tilorone;
Galavit. Small sublingual tablets, powder, or suppository. For children over 12 years old and adults.
Ingavirin. Capsules. For children 7-17 years old and adults, it is often prescribed as a prophylaxis;
Lavomax. In the shell. For the prevention and stimulation of the production of interferons. Available only for adults over 18 years old;
Oscillococcinum. Homeopathic remedy from French manufacturers;
Echinacea tincture. Plant-derived immunity stimulant. The cheapest option.

Before buying any product, you should consult with your doctor - to prevent the consequences.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects from Cycloferon are possible only in two cases: allergy and improper intake, which does not correspond to the recommendations above. If taken incorrectly, the patient's condition will worsen, but nothing terrible will happen.

Can appear:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • temperature increase.

With an allergic response, the following symptoms will appear:

  • edema (including Quincke's edema);
  • nausea;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • redness or rash.

Having found these symptoms, you should immediately stop taking the medicine and call an emergency ambulance. For prevention, it is better to consult a therapist.

If once a person has already had allergic reactions to Cycloferon, the drug is contraindicated for such a person forever.

Cycloferon for children

The child is given Cycloferon only according to the testimony of an immunologist. The order of taking the drug depends on the type of disease, its severity and the age of the child.

The general dosages of Cycloferon tablets for children are as follows:

  • Kid 4-7 years old: 1 tablet per day (150 mg);
  • Child 7-11 years old: 2 tablets per day, both at one time (150x2);
  • Child from 12 years old: 3 tablets per day, at a time (150x3).

Cycloferon is contraindicated in children under four years of age.

The tablets should be taken with plenty of warm water, and throughout the course you should also drink abundantly - from 1.5 liters of water per day.

Sometimes children can be prescribed Cycloferon for the prevention of infectious and colds. In this case, the agent is taken according to the following scheme: 1 tablet for 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days. The course is completed by taking 5 tablets within 72 hours.

Such prevention is indicated in the following cases:

  • reduced immunity;
  • the presence of AIDS;
  • a course of drugs that negatively affect the protective functions of the body;
  • radiation therapy;
  • flu epidemics.

Who should not be treated with cycloferon

Reception of Cycloferon is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis, failure);
  • pregnancy and lactation, since the drug is toxic to the fetus;
  • individual intolerance to the product or its components;
  • age up to 4 years.

In the presence of diseases of the thyroid gland, the drug is taken only under the supervision of an endocrinologist, the medicine can provoke unwanted reactions.
In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should also be careful and act strictly according to the instructions of your doctor.
Liniment of Cycloferon (5%) is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age. Due to the small number of drug trials and clinical studies.

Application during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

Annotation to Cycloferon says that the drug is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
The main reason for the ban - lack of research. There were no tests and observations of the effect of the drug on the child. Therefore, manufacturers and doctors recommend that you play it safe and not test the medicine yourself.
However, experts often emphasize that a small dose of the drug is unlikely to cause significant harm to the child.

The negative consequences of the reception will manifest themselves either immediately or in no way. If a pregnant woman unknowingly took Cycloferon during the first trimester, and the drug somehow affected the fetus, a miscarriage will occur. If this does not happen after the 8-week period, everything is in order.

Small doses of Cycloferon do not cause fetal pathologies. Otherwise, it is recommended to register with the LCD and undergo research to eliminate the risks.
It is also better to abstain from the medication while breastfeeding - to prevent possible consequences. If the reception has already been started, it is better to stop it, but you should not be afraid, since small doses will not cause large consequences.
Instead of a conclusion
Cycloferon is a potent agent that actively fights viruses. It is prescribed for treatment and prevention. It is worth taking the remedy only according to the testimony of a doctor. Especially for children. The general course lasts one week and includes taking 1-3 tablets per day before breakfast. The number of tablets and days of administration depends on the type of disease and age.

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