Cabbage compress with cough honey. Cabbage leaf with honey - cough medicine

Honey compress. Video

My treatment reviews


There is hardly a person who has never experienced a cough, the main symptom of respiratory diseases, although a cough does not always mean an inflammatory process in the trachea, bronchi or lungs. A cough can be caused by inflammation of the larynx, bronchospasm, heart failure, and many other conditions. Today, dear readers, we will talk with you how to use cabbage leaf with honey to treat cough in adults and children.

As a cough remedy, cabbage leaf with honey has been used for a long time and successfully, especially in children. This is due to the special properties of white cabbage, which contains, in addition to vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, mustard oil, organic acids and many other substances useful for the body. Our grandmothers treated us this way in childhood - a cabbage leaf with honey on the chest and different herbs inside.

Healing properties of cabbage leaf with honey

Cabbage leaf for cough is most often used in the form of a compress, which:

  • able to fight infection,
  • remove the inflammatory process,
  • reduce pain,
  • warms up the chest well,
  • promotes coughing. Already overnight, a dry cough can turn into a wet, with abundant sputum,
  • helps to eliminate sore throat,
  • has a mild immunomodulatory effect.

Sometimes a few treatments are enough to bring about significant relief. The main thing is not to start the disease, even with a slight cough, you need to start treatment.

What type of cough to take

This compress can be used for wet coughs, dry coughs, and also for severe nocturnal coughs for adults and children.

  • With a wet cough, it liquefies the existing phlegm particles and quickly removes them.
  • With a dry, barking, dull cough, this remedy helps to normalize mucus production and cleanse the lungs.
  • It is also good to do this compress for allergic coughs.
  • Helps with bronchitis and pneumonia.

In addition, the use of this drug allows you to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. It is believed that the action of active ingredients can destroy the spores of certain types of fungi.

Cabbage leaf compress with honey for coughing adults

How to do it right?

  • Leaves for a compress should be taken from healthy juicy elastic heads of cabbage, cut off the central rough parts from them and dipped in hot water for a minute so that the leaf warms up and becomes soft.
  • Then roll it with a rolling pin or a bottle so that the leaf lets out the juice.
  • In a water bath, you need to warm up the honey, you need it to be warm and spread well on a cabbage leaf. One spoonful of honey is taken on one sheet.
  • Apply honey quickly and evenly to the leaf and apply it to the chest, where we usually put mustard plasters. The heart area should be open.
  • On top, attach a thick layer of fabric (this can be flannel, cotton, linen), and then a warm scarf or shawl, which you need to bandage the chest so that the compress holds well.
  • If the cough is in the initial stage, then one sheet on the chest is enough, but if the process is aggravated, put the second sheet prepared in the same way on the back between the shoulder blades.
  • In the morning after removing the compress, wipe the skin with a soft damp towel and immediately dress warmly.

How many procedures to do

Such compresses should be applied at night 3 to 7 times daily. Usually by this time, the cough subsides if treatment is started on time. With a strong cough, the compress can be applied twice a day, observing bed rest.

If the cough is accompanied by fever, headache, then this may be the result of a viral infection, in this case it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Cooking a compress

If you or your child is allergic to honey, make a simple cabbage leaf compress. Do everything in the same way as I described above, only without honey. Such a compress also copes well with cough and improves sputum discharge.

What can replace honey?

Honey can be substituted for butter, melted pork fat, or castor oil.

A decoction of cabbage leaves with a wet cough

In addition to the compress, you can make a decoction of the leaves of white cabbage, for which 2 - 3 leaves are well washed, cut into medium-sized pieces and boiled in 1/2 liter of water. Cook for about 10 - 15 minutes, then drain the broth, cool.

How to use

Drink half a glass warm 3 to 4 times a day. Such a decoction will help saturate the body with mineral salts, accelerate the discharge of phlegm from the bronchi and strengthen the immune system.


A decoction of cabbage leaves is contraindicated for flatulence, infectious diarrhea, and functional disorders in the liver.

If the cough persists within one to two weeks, you should see your doctor for help.

It is not always possible for a child to be given pharmacy cough preparations, which have a lot of side effects; in the early stages of a cold, simple folk harmless remedies help to cope with a cough.

Just want to draw your attention to the fact that the cabbage leaf can only serve as an adjuvant for the treatment of cough in children. It is best to show the child to the doctor right away so as not to miss serious illnesses.

A cabbage leaf with honey for a cough can be applied to a child on the chest or back if he is not allergic to honey and provided that the cough is wet, has a cold in nature and the body temperature is not elevated.

How to make a compress

The compress is prepared exactly as described above (in the recipe for adults). Make such a compress at night, wrapping the child well. By the morning, the cough usually becomes softer, the bronchi are better cleared of phlegm.

Cabbage leaf and honey flatbread with wet cough for children

If a child has sensitive skin, then a compress made from a whole cabbage leaf can be replaced with a flat cake made from a mixture of crushed cabbage leaves and honey. Cabbage leaves should be doused with hot water.

How to cook?

  1. You need to take 2 teaspoons of honey on one sheet.
  2. Apply the resulting mass to a gauze napkin from several layers of gauze.
  3. Cover the top with the same layer of gauze and apply on the chest or back, like a mustard plaster.
  4. Keep such a compress for one hour, then remove, wipe the place where the compress is applied with a damp towel.
  5. Put the child to bed, giving him cough herbs.

In addition to the compress, the child can be given 3 times a day for 1-2 tablespoons of a warm broth of white cabbage leaves with 1/2 teaspoon of natural honey.

Honey compress for adults and children

And here is another very good way of making honey cough compress for children and adults.

  1. Mix flour with a little honey.
  2. Add some olive oil.
  3. Roll it out with a rolling pin, after sprinkling flour on the table.
  4. Place the mixture on a napkin.
  5. Wrap with cheesecloth.
  6. Attach the compress to your chest or back using the tape in a roll.
  7. After that, you need to wear something warm (pajamas, etc.)
  8. For children, keep the compress for 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  9. Adults are applied overnight.

You can use coconut oil instead of olive oil. You can also add ginger juice to a mixture of honey and flour. Usually 3-5 treatments are enough to get the cough going.

Honey compress. Video

I suggest watching a video on how to make a honey compress for children, which heals a severe cough in children.

Can I use it during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, coughing itself is very harmful, since during coughing, the abdominal wall and many organs are strained, which can damage the unborn child and even lead to a miscarriage. All the more dangerous is a cough caused by inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract, it is dangerous for a child at all stages of its development. Therefore, with the slightest symptoms of a cold or ARVI, an urgent doctor's consultation is necessary.

At certain stages of pregnancy, drug treatment of cough is contraindicated and even mustard plasters cannot always be used, therefore alternative methods are used, one of which is cabbage leaf with honey. It is applied to the chest in the form of a compress instead of a mustard plaster.

During pregnancy, any medications, any methods of treatment, including traditional ones, must be agreed with a specialist.

My treatment reviews

My feedback on the treatment of cough with cabbage leaf has always made children happy. Daughters, when they were little, often caught cold. And almost immediately, a cough began. So I used the cabbage leaf with success. We also did a compress, we had no allergies. And inside, I gave a decoction of cabbage leaf and watered a little cabbage juice.

Cough is an unpleasant symptom that often interferes with a quiet life. To get rid of it, they resort to various means, including unconventional ones. These include the cabbage leaf, which is used in various traditional medicine recipes. It is effective for various diseases of the respiratory system.

Cough is not a disease in itself, it refers to the symptoms of various pathologies associated with the respiratory system. The use of cabbage for coughing has a beneficial effect on the state of the body due to its composition. It is rich in trace elements, vitamins, nutrients that penetrate into the cells, thanks to which the body resists disease and regenerates.

Cabbage has the following actions:

  1. Anti-inflammatory - cabbage contains antioxidants that help fight against any pathology of the respiratory system, even bronchitis.
  2. Bactericidal - helps to eliminate bacteria from the body, especially in combination with drugs.
  3. Pain reliever - with a strong strained cough, pain and discomfort in the throat often occur. Taking kale leaves can help reduce these unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Soothing - prolonged nighttime coughing does not allow rest. But during an illness, it is necessary in order to quickly recover. Cabbage has a mild sedative effect, which improves sleep.
  5. Immunomodulatory - the use of cabbage helps to increase immunity, thereby quickly cope with the disease and recover from it.

Application methods

You can use cabbage in different forms: as a compress, in a decoction or squeezing juice from the leaves.

Before using a vegetable, you need to carefully examine it. It is worth selecting healthy, undamaged fruits. In case there are defects, it is better to cut them off or not to take these leaves. Rinse all leaves before use with warm running water.


For the preparation of compresses, you can use the leaves themselves and the stump.

In the case of using leaves, they are carefully separated from the stump. Remove the thickened stem with a knife. Then slightly beat off the sheets with a wooden rolling pin or hammer. Apply the side from which the juice was released to the neck, chest area, back. Wrap the top with cling film and insulate with a woolen scarf or shawl. Leave the compress for a couple of hours, then remove the bandage and rinse off the remaining juice.

If there are no cabbage leaves or there are few of them left on the stump, then you can use the following recipe. Grind cabbage leftovers with a blender or food processor. Transfer the resulting gruel to cling film and attach to the neck. Fasten it carefully, warm it with a scarf. Leave the compress for several hours. After 1-1.5 hours, relief is felt, the cough will become less pronounced, and its frequency will decrease. Change the bandage every 2 hours until the condition is completely improved.

In case there is a cough, the use of cabbage compress is contraindicated.

Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is good for sore throat caused by a strong dry cough. You can use a juicer to get it. In its absence, the cabbage is rubbed on a fine grater. Transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly. Add 1 tsp to the resulting juice. 6% acetic acid solution. Leave to infuse for 25-30 minutes. Gargle with this composition every 2-3 hours. It will relieve pain and discomfort in the throat.

Cabbage juice - a folk remedy for cough

Cabbage broth

Cabbage broth is also an effective remedy against cough; with its help, this symptom is treated at any stage of pathology.

To prepare the broth, a small head of cabbage is poured with cold water in a saucepan and put on fire. You need to cook the vegetable until fully cooked, until the leaves become soft. After that, the head of cabbage is removed from the pan, the broth is filtered and poured into a jar. Take a drink in half a glass with the addition of 0.5 tsp. honey three times a day with meals.

Honey, with individual intolerance, is replaced with castor oil.


Although cabbage is a natural product, it has a number of contraindications. In the event that the leaves or stump of a vegetable are used to prepare a compress, there are no special contraindications, except for an increased temperature.

Many recipes indicate the use of honey. Its use is also limited if there is an allergic reaction to bee products, even if used externally.

There are other restrictions on the use of this composition:

  • the presence of open lesions (wounds), ulcers on the skin in the place where the compress is applied;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

With the internal use of cabbage, it has the following contraindications:

  • with diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis;
  • chronic diseases of various etiologies;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

Application features

Like other folk recipes, the use of cabbage has its own characteristics, concerning certain groups of people. These include children and pregnant women. These two categories of persons require special attention due to their sensitivity. Before using any treatment, you should consult a specialist.

Features of use in children

It is not always possible to use pharmaceutical cough medicines when it comes to a child. Nowadays, many of them come with various additives that cause allergic reactions. Therefore, traditional medicine comes in handy.

You can use cabbage to treat cough in a child in different forms. The most popular are leaf and honey compresses. They are applied to the chest and back. This procedure is carried out at night, having wrapped the baby well in a blanket. During the night, the baby will sweat, and the cough will become softer, thereby clearing the bronchi from phlegm. Do not apply the procedure at elevated temperatures. For a complete recovery, 3-4 procedures are usually enough.

You can also make mustard compresses from cabbage gruel. They are just as effective as sheets.

Drinking cabbage drink (broth, juice) most often does not cause a child's refusal. They are pleasant to the taste, do not have bitter and sour shades. But they can cause indigestion, in particular, increased gas production, constipation. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the baby's stool.

Features of use in pregnant women

A cough for pregnant women is dangerous in itself, since during it there is tension in the anterior abdominal wall, and therefore the uterus. This can pose a threat to the further bearing of the child.

Throughout pregnancy, drug treatment is rather unsafe. This is especially true for the first trimester. Cabbage is not contraindicated in pregnancy. Therefore, it can be applied during this entire period. It can be used in the form of compresses that are applied to the chest, back, neck, or taken internally. But when using broths and cabbage juice, it should be borne in mind that it contributes to flatulence. This can make a pregnant woman feel worse.

Cabbage Leaf Recipes

For the treatment of cough in traditional medicine, there are a large number of recipes and the use of cabbage leaves.

  1. Boil a head of cabbage. Carefully separate the leaves from the stalk. Lubricate the inside with honey and apply to the patient's chest. Secure with cling film and wrap with a blanket. Leave this compress overnight. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.
  2. Grate cabbage and beets on a fine grater. Squeeze the resulting gruel through cheesecloth. Add a little vinegar to the juice and let it brew for about half an hour. You can then gargle with a gargle. This remedy is effective for sore throat with angina, tonsillitis, laryngitis.
  3. Mix the cabbage chopped with a blender (combine) with honey, flour and mustard to make a fairly dense cake. Knead it and put it on the patient's chest. After that, wrap it up first with cotton cloth, and woolen on top. Stay like this for 30-40 minutes, then remove the compress. The procedure cannot be carried out longer, as mustard can cause a burn. The remedy helps with advanced bronchitis, expanding and relieving spasm from the bronchi, helping to remove the bronchi and alleviate the cough symptom.
  4. Mix the juice of cabbage and aloe, add a little honey. Take this mixture 5-6 times a day for 1 tbsp. before meals.

Cabbage is an effective cough suppressant. But at the same time, she has her own contraindications and side effects, which should not be forgotten. Before using it in any form, you need to consult your doctor. Otherwise, it may not be possible to achieve a complete cure and the cough will turn into chronic or complications will arise.

One of the most famous and simple folk remedies is cabbage leaf for cough with honey. It has worked well in treatment, both components are widely used in recipes passed down from generation to generation.

The benefits of cabbage and honey are evidenced by a wide range of dosage forms used with their use, and their combination gives a very tangible effect.

Indispensable and simple cabbage

Since the days of ancient Rome, cabbage has been used as an immunostimulant, a reliable and proven remedy for headaches and prolonged insomnia. In Russia for many centuries it has been a desirable food on the dinner table, and a remedy in the arsenal of traditional healers. White cabbage contains not only natural vitamins in a wide range, which makes it an excellent immunostimulant, but also folic acid, which improves metabolism, and selenium, which is vital for the nutrition of all cells, and zinc, which normalizes metabolism.

This healthy vegetable is shown in many therapeutic diets as a valuable source of fiber and pectin, potassium, phytoncides and enzymes. The content of potassium, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, iron, iodine, phosphorus and cobalt in it fully explains why the popularity of cabbage is so high.

At all times, the cabbage leaf has been treated for inflammation of the extremities, and the leaf, beaten to softness and juiciness, is used to treat headaches.

Cabbage treatment for varicose veins is also common. The number of diseases in the treatment of which drugs with cabbage are used is large - and stomach ulcers, and atherosclerosis, and eczema, and many others.

A treasure trove of benefits and health

An even more common component in traditional medicine recipes is honey. The usefulness of honey has long been widely known, its use is limited in the most rare cases, and the beneficial effect exceeds all fears.

Honey is indicated both as a source of energy and an immune stimulant, and as a remedy for eye diseases, inflammation of the tonsils, is indispensable for strengthening the nervous system, helps against insomnia and in many other cases. The healing effect of honey in such a trouble-free combination as cabbage and honey is widely known. An effective and effective combination for adults and children to relieve coughs.

Cabbage with honey in folk medicine is used:

  1. In the manufacture of an agent used as an expectorant. The decoction of cabbage with honey is very simple: honey is added to the warm cabbage broth. The tool has a specific taste, but is very effective.
  2. Cough compress - cabbage leaf with honey, where honey and cabbage are used as a prolonged-release external agent. The product is applied to the chest and left overnight. In addition to being extremely easy to prepare, the absence of age restrictions is also on the positive side.
  3. Massage with honey and cabbage juice, used for coughs for children.

Compress as an indispensable tool

The compress of the listed methods of treatment has received the greatest demand for use as a cough remedy for a child. Which testifies to the invaluable therapeutic effect. Children, especially small ones, are quite difficult to persuade to swallow a pill and capsules of medicines, and the presence of a cough only aggravates the reluctance to take.

The most easy-to-make cabbage leaf compress with honey is the most suitable way out in this position. To prepare the compress, the cabbage leaf is scalded with boiling water for several minutes in a bowl or saucepan, and then smeared with a thin layer of honey, applied to the chest or throat, and wrapped warmly. That's all the necessary steps to carry out this procedure.

You can fix the compress using any available means: cling film, towel or scarf. Sticky honey deposits can be easily removed from the skin with a wet towel or damp cloth. An adult can also make such a compress, its effectiveness has no age restrictions.

What is a cough, and why a compress

Cough is exhalation through the mouth caused by muscle contraction due to receptors located along the airways. Inflammation that engulfs the nose, its paranasal sinuses, larynx, pharynx, trachea causes irritation, swelling of these organs leads to the body trying to get rid of substances that impede breathing. For this, the body has special receptors.

The cough can be:

  • acute;
  • protracted;
  • chronic.

According to the presence or absence of phlegm, it is dry and moist. Due to the lack of sputum separation, the onset of the disease is accompanied by a phenomenon such as coughing. Often this condition is exhausting the patient. However, it is not a cough that should be treated, since this is just an attempt by the body to remove foreign elements, but the reasons that cause it.

That is, directly a virus, infection or inflammation causing this reaction.

A wet, productive (or wet) cough causes coughing up or sputum production, which is associated with the body's activities to eliminate harmful substances and toxins that are a product of their activity.

Dry cough is more common in the early or acute stages of the disease. Wet indicates the mobilization of protective equipment to fight against virus, infection or inflammation.

Cabbage leaf with honey for coughs has an equal effect on both types.

The effects of a compress

The etiology of a cough of any kind is such that a cabbage compress with honey will have several necessary effects at once:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. It contains antioxidants that relieve any inflammatory processes (up to bronchitis).
  2. Antibacterial. In interaction with medications, it relieves a lingering cough, which sometimes remains after an illness as a result of habitual irritation.
  3. Antitoxic. It removes toxins from the body, which are a direct consequence of the vital activity of microbes and viruses that caused the disease. Cabbage is one of the most natural cleansers.
  4. Calming. This is especially effective for dry coughs when there is no sputum separation.
  5. Immunostimulating. Due to the numerous vitamins, minerals and chemical elements contained in cabbage and honey.

The overall effect on the aggregate of all of these will be an impetus for recovery. Cabbage leaf with honey for coughing is a really effective and effective remedy. That is why its recipe is passed down from generation to generation.

The cabbage leaf with honey is usually left overnight and removed in the morning. There are no restrictions on the duration of use, except in the case of an individual allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. The procedure is indicated for use repeatedly and prolonged; it is recommended to repeat it for 5 consecutive days to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

There is also no age limit. Due to the nature of a child's cough, the remedy is often highly recommended to avoid unnecessary use of drugs that can cause side effects.

With severe bronchitis, a compress with honey is shown at night, but during the day you can also leave the patient with a cabbage leaf, it must be replaced as it dries.

Component of successful treatment

If the disease is difficult, you cannot do without a doctor and patented means. But a cabbage leaf with honey will significantly speed up the healing process. After all, this is a natural product, the healing effect of which has been repeatedly tested. However, if the recovery period is prolonged, you can use a remedy such as cabbage with honey in the form of a tincture.

For its preparation, 3 tablespoons of honey are mixed with chopped cabbage leaf, poured with boiling water and insisted for exactly one day in a dark and cool place. After a day, the tincture is completely ready and suitable for use by both adults and children.

If cabbage, honey for coughs is applied to a child who has already had any allergic reactions, you should apply a little honey to the elbow bend and after a while check for redness.

If there is no reaction, then feel free to use a folk remedy as an additional way of recovery.

Small restrictions on use

During pregnancy, cabbage with honey is shown in small quantities, even if there is no allergic reaction. The advice and supervision of a doctor in this case is extremely necessary.

  • Do not apply a compress if there are abrasions or sores on the skin, as well as skin damage.
  • Use at high temperatures is contraindicated.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the product in case of enlargement of the lymph nodes.
  • Absolutely prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the product.

In case of contraindications, you should turn to other proven folk remedies. Remedies with beets are considered useful for severe coughs; they are considered the same irreplaceable storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.

Natural ingredients, vegetables and plants, the usefulness of which has been proven by many years of use, are irreplaceable helpers in the fight against serious diseases.

White cabbage and honey are a natural remedy for many diseases. The combination of substances makes it possible to achieve the greatest result in the treatment of colds. The tool has been used for a long time, but not everyone knows what is the use of a cabbage leaf with honey? A vegetable has a huge number of useful elements, including vitamins of group B, PP, E, A, C and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, zinc, iron).

Consider the beneficial properties of cabbage leaf and honey:

  • helps the discharge of mucus;
  • with an unproductive cough, it liquefies mucus, removes it from the body;
  • a symptom that has arisen against the background of an allergy, helps to eliminate signs, eliminates cough;
  • kills pathogenic microorganisms;
  • relieves inflammation in case of a viral illness;
  • effective remedy against spasms in the bronchi.

In non-traditional treatment, cabbage and honey are widely used as a treatment for various types of cough. To prepare the juice, squeeze the vegetable. It is not difficult to buy white cabbage, since it is sold in all shopping centers. The question is, how to squeeze juice from cabbage, because it's not so easy when there is no juicer.

When you don't have a device, you can do the following: try to grind the head of cabbage thinner with an ordinary knife from the kitchen. You will also need a press in quality, which you can take a weight. After the cabbage is finely chopped, it is necessary to lay its enameled container, put a lid on top, and a prepared weight on the lid.

After only half an hour, juice is formed. Then it must be drained, and the pieces of cabbage must be squeezed out by hand. You can store the juice without exceeding fifty hours in a cool place. It is necessary to use tsp. juice up to four times throughout the day.

Cabbage is also used for the preparation of compresses. Honey is good for coughs:

  • strengthens the body and immunity;
  • helps with inflammation of the bronchi, pulmonary system, as well as acute inflammation of the pharyngeal tissue;
  • helps expectoration by reducing inflammation;
  • kills germs.


Cabbage leaf for cough is used in the version of a compress, which can help with an infectious disease, removes inflammation, and reduces pain. Grandmothers also treated their children in this way. What are the indications for use? So, cabbage with honey for coughs is taken in the form of a compress on the sternum and on the back. An effective agent for warming the sternum, promotes the rapid removal of sputum. For relief, only a couple of procedures are required. The main thing is not to let the disease take its course.

When can you use cabbage leaf with honey for cough? Certain diseases end with complications that are characterized by a similar symptom, like coughing. However, it is not limited to folk therapy alone. Here you will need complex treatment with medicines. Usually cabbage for coughs is used for colds in the early stages of manifestation, therefore it is not used for complications.

Contraindications to use

Consider when this compress cannot be applied. In general, it is not used for hypersensitivity to beekeeping products. In general, such alternative treatment is well tolerated, but there are exceptions. Therefore, we will analyze the contraindications for use:

  1. The skin is sensitive. In such cases, the vegetable leaves are crushed, mixed with the bee product (up to two teaspoons per leaf) and a cake is created, which is folded into a couple of layers of gauze. Then you can apply the cake to the patient and hold it for no more than 60 minutes.
  2. When there is a tendency to be allergic to honey, it means that it must be abandoned or replaced with butter.
  3. Do not use cabbage when a person has digestive disorders, bloating and liver problems.
  4. You cannot do a compress when there are wounds on the skin of the back or chest, because there will be irritation.
  5. At elevated body temperature, no compress is also applied. A warming dressing can worsen the patient's position.
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes. As a rule, there is nothing terrible in this, however, until the factor of this symptom is clarified, it is prohibited to perform warming operations.

Note! It is impossible to treat a cough yourself for the reason that parents are not always sure what kind of disease the child has. Therefore, you need to see a doctor to find out the cause of the symptoms.

Cabbage leaf with honey for a child's cough

Not all the time a child can be given pharmaceutical substances, therefore, folk methods are more often prescribed. The tool can be used as an adjunct in drug treatment.

Treatment with the addition of honey is used as a warming agent, which is placed on the chest or back. Important! Be sure to find out if your child is allergic to bee products. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the situation and provoke complications of the disease. Also, monitor the child's body temperature, because the procedure is not done in high heat!

You need to apply a compress in the evening, just before bedtime. Then you need to cover the baby with a blanket. In the morning, the cough softens a little, and the bronchi get rid of the accumulated mucus that is difficult to release. Take three procedures to eliminate coughing.

When the child has too sensitive skin, it is better to replace the compress with a cake of honey and cabbage leaf. In order to make a cake, you need to take a cabbage leaf plus two teaspoons of a bee product (honey). This composition must be determined on a gauze bandage, and covered with a layer of gauze on top. Then you can put such a cake on the sternum or back. You need to hold the cake for about 60 minutes. Then remove, wipe the area with a wet towel. After the procedure, the child should remain in bed. You can give a drink to a cough infusion from herbaceous plants (the pharmacy sells special preparations for coughs).


What is the treatment for cough with cabbage leaf? As you know, the methods of traditional medicine for cough are used by a child and an adult. However, therapy should be performed after consultation with the doctor.

Consider what are the recipes for compress with cabbage leaf and honey for cough. For manufacturing you will need:

  • two to three cabbage leaves;
  • the same amount, but only tablespoons of bee products.


  1. Separate the leaf, immerse it in hot water for 2 minutes (the water should not be bubbling). It is preferable to heat the bee product (for easier spreading).
  2. Take a sheet of hot liquid, spread on one edge with a layer of honey. With the smeared side, you need to apply the sheet to the patient's sternum, but only on the right side (forbidden on the heart!).
  3. Lay a piece of a plastic bag on top, tie it with a wool scarf. When the patient coughs heavily, take two cabbage leaves and cook in the same way. Then brush with honey and lay on the area between the shoulder blades.

The manipulation is performed before bedtime (at least five days), and remove the bandage in the morning.

When to use a vegetable as a decoction, you need:

  1. Take up to six grated leaves. Then mix them with 3 tablespoons of the bee product.
  2. After pouring the acquired composition with 750 ml of boiling water, leave to stand for a day, hiding in a dark place. Drink the broth up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
  3. Helps relieve inflammation, facilitates the removal of mucus from the respiratory system.

For a child, they often use the option of making cabbage cakes - grind a leaf in a meat grinder, add 2 tbsp. bee product. The cake is removed from the chest after an hour. It is an effective method for unproductive coughs.

Hello, friends!

I love to talk about our simple home healers, how to use them myself. And today I will have a topic - cabbage leaf treatment. Probably, this old method, which has been used for hundreds of years, is known to many as a folk remedy for headaches, and for bruises, and for pain in the joints, and in the chest, and for coughs. And for those who do not know, I will tell you how to apply the cabbage leaf correctly and what compresses can be made in certain cases.

And, of course, this is just an additional help to the main treatment prescribed by specialists, one cannot think that a cabbage leaf is able to completely cure arthritis. Although, in some cases it will be very useful and will help relieve pain, relieve swelling.

Healing properties of cabbage leaf

It would be curious to know what kind of power lies in this vegetable, what medicinal properties the cabbage leaf has.
We are talking mainly about white cabbage, which is almost always on our table. But you can also use red, it is a pity that we still do not eat it so often, and in fact the benefits in it are even greater than in the white pot.

Cabbage is valuable with a significant content of vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B6, U, potassium and calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, as well as folic and pantothenic acid, fiber, carotene, enzymes, phytoncides and almost complete absence of sugar.

This composition provides:

  • slight choleretic effect
  • diuretic
  • anti-sclerotic
  • painkillers
  • anti-inflammatory
  • pronounced antiulcer effect.

Fresh cabbage juice is useful for treating ulcers, gastritis, colitis. It is used as an antitussive and expectorant agent.

And sauerkraut juice is a good source of vitamin C, which remains in it until spring.

Cabbage leaves are able to relieve swelling in tissues, remove excess fluid, relieve painful sensations and eliminate discomfort.

Among other things, red cabbage contains anthocyanins, the same compounds found in cherry juice and blueberries. They not only give the cabbage their color, but they are excellent at reducing pain and inflammation.

Cabbage leaf treatment

The external use of the cabbage leaf in folk treatment is quite extensive. It is used for:

  • bruises and bruises
  • sprains
  • burns
  • bumps from injections
  • wounds
  • bedsores
  • insect bites
  • accumulation of fluid in the knee
  • joint pain
  • bursitis
  • gout
  • arthritis
  • headache
  • mastopathy, mastitis
  • varicose veins
  • heel spur
  • cracked heels
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • and in many other cases for pain, inflammation and swelling.

Cabbage compress

Compresses are most often used for treatment. Let's see how to make a cabbage compress in general cases.

  1. Cabbage should not be cold, freshly taken from the refrigerator. Leaves can be used at least at room temperature. Sometimes it may be necessary to heat them; for this purpose, you can place the sheet in the microwave or hold it over the flame of a gas stove.
  2. Of course, before use, the leaves must be washed and dried with a napkin.
  3. Thick veins should be cut with a knife.
  4. If you just tear off a leaf from a head of cabbage and attach it to a sore spot, then there will be little sense. After all, the main benefit lies in the juice. To remove it, you can make small notches with a knife or beat the outside of the sheet with a rolling pin, a wooden mallet, or the blunt side of the knife.
  5. A prepared leaf or several leaves, if necessary (overlapping each other), are applied to the desired place and fixed with a bandage: a bandage, a scarf, any fabric, you can even use cut off old tights.
  6. Hold the compress until the leaves dry, then change them to fresh ones, while the skin needs to be washed and wiped dry. The compress is often left overnight.

Cabbage leaf with honey

Often, to enhance the effect of treatment in many cases, then I will talk about them, the cabbage leaf is used in conjunction with honey, the beneficial properties of this unique product are known to us.

To do this, a cabbage leaf is warmed and smeared with a thin layer of liquid honey (if the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath). In this form, a compress is applied, covered with polyethylene, wrapped with something warm and tied.

It seems to me that it is even easier to just spread the sore spot with honey, and attach cabbage on top.

The healing effect of such a bandage is delightful, but there is, of course, the inconvenience that the honey flows out and sticks to the body.

Cabbage leaf treatment recipes

I found these tips in the reviews of different people who were really helped by the cabbage leaf treatment.

For bruises and bruises

In case of bruises, cabbage leaf helps to stop subcutaneous hemorrhages and resolve hematomas, reduce pain and swelling.

A cabbage leaf is applied to the bruised place, making notches on it for the appearance of juice. You can grease the sheet with sour cream.

With seals from pricks

I also heard reviews that a piece of cabbage attached to the injection site softens the bumps and relieves pain after 2-3 hours.

Treatment of purulent wounds

When treating wounds, everything should be especially sterile. Therefore, the leaves should be taken from the middle part of the head, and not the top ones, and you need to pour boiling water over them, after which they will become softer.

In addition to using a whole leaf, there is another method when the leaves are chopped with a knife or in a blender and mixed with egg white, and then a compress is made from the resulting mass. Change as it dries.

The same recipe is used for burns.

Cabbage leaf for headache

This is probably the first folk remedy for headaches that everyone knows about. The recipe is simple - apply and fix the leaves on the forehead and temples until pain is reduced.

And I also read this method, it seemed to me very interesting: several layers of cabbage, naturally properly prepared (broken off), are tightly placed on cling film, and then this whole structure, together with the film, is bandaged to the head.

Sore throat

The same compress is put on the neck for an hour or two for sore throat.

Cabbage leaf for cough

For the treatment of bronchitis and cough, especially in children, it is generally a wonderful remedy. In this case, cabbage is used together with honey.

Two cabbage leaves are dipped in boiling water, immediately taken out, allowed to drain and cool, and then spread with honey.

How to apply a cabbage leaf when coughing: Place one leaf on your back and the other on your chest. They are wrapped in a woolen shawl and go to bed. The compress is set aside until morning.

Joint treatment

To obtain a successful result, relieve pain and swelling, improve blood circulation in the knee joints with arthritis, it is best to use red cabbage.

Cabbage leaves must be warmed up over a gas stove, they can be placed in the oven for a while, wrapped in foil. But the leaves should not be too hot.

The cabbage leaf is laid on the knee in layers (3-4 sheets), covered with polyethylene or foil to better preserve heat. Wrap a scarf on top.

The compress should be put at least for an hour, or better for four, then discard the dried leaves and make a fresh bandage. It is allowed to hold it all night.

For the treatment of joints, cabbage leaves with honey are also used.

Cabbage for mastopathy

I myself have practiced the treatment of mastopathy with a cabbage leaf, pain and inflammation are perfectly relieved.

In this case, you can use the leaves by themselves, or grease them with honey, or melted butter, or spread grated raw beets on the leaves.

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