Kidney treatment with watermelon and brown bread. Removal of toxins with the help of watermelon Does watermelon remove toxins

The main thing that attracts in a watermelon diet is a minimum of contraindications. It can be recommended to people of any age and with a variety of diseases.

If you have decided on watermelon diet, then know that you need to eat watermelon around the clock, even at night. It is recommended to sit on a diet for exactly 5 days - it is during this period that it is possible to get rid of toxins, excess water in the body, unwanted salts, and during the day you only need to eat watermelon at the rate of 1 kg of pulp per 10 kg of your own weight. It can help with many liver diseases, even serious ones such as Botkin's disease, cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and cholelithiasis. Watermelon is recommended for atherosclerosis, gout, arthritis, obesity. It helps well with anemia, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, in the treatment of the consequences of radiation sickness. Fresh watermelon pulp is taken on an empty stomach by hypertensive patients and ulcers. It can help with insomnia and fatigue.

However, you will achieve the effect only if you take 1-2 kg of pulp 2-3 times a day an hour before meals. And in order to prevent irritation of the stomach and intestines, you need to start taking it with small portions - 100 g 2 times a day, also one hour before meals.

How to clean watermelon?

Pre-stock up on watermelons and brown bread - the only food for the week. If you have sand or small stones in your kidneys or bladder, then 2-3 am is considered the best time to remove them. Get comfortable in a warm bath and just eat watermelon. But that is not all. On the eighth day at 2 o'clock in the morning, take 2 no-shpa tablets, lie down in a hot bath. And eat watermelon again. Keep the bath water hot. By morning, strong urination should begin. Perhaps at this time you will be very worried about the pain. Then take 2 more no-shpy tablets, stand up, jump, rising on your toes and dropping sharply on your heels. Then lie down in the bath again. After 2-3 weeks, this procedure can be repeated. In the season of watermelons, you can clean 2-3 times.

It seems pointless to sit in a hot bath and eat watermelon. But it actually makes sense. Under the influence of hot water, the vessels expand and the functioning of the ureter improves.


In some people, especially the elderly, as well as in a number of chronic diseases, watermelon can cause bloating. And patients with diabetes are allowed to use it in a very limited amount.

The watermelon diet is also contraindicated, especially when prostate adenoma, postoperative adhesive processes. It is harmful to patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as it can lead to exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Therefore, with a watermelon diet, it is sometimes advisable to combine watermelon not with black, but with white bread.

"You should not get carried away with watermelon cleansing and if there are large stones in the kidneys. They can, without completely dissolving, move away. And this is fraught with renal colic."

By the way, people suffering from urolithiasis are not advised to carry a lot of watermelons in their bag at once - physical activity can also cause an attack of renal colic. You can advise those who still decide on a watermelon cleansing to start with at least one unloading day. Try to eat 1.5-2 kg of watermelon per day. And that's it, nothing more. Have these days at least once a week. The result will not keep you waiting. And this will be the beginning: you will definitely believe in the healing power of the striped berry.

Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon is a proven and one of the effective ways to cleanse the kidneys at home. What is good watermelon cleansing of the kidneys? First, although the watermelon season is limited, it still lasts much longer than, for example, the strawberry season. Secondly, watermelons are not so expensive and are available to almost anyone who wants to clean their kidneys in this way.

Why you need to clean your kidneys

Before proceeding to the description of the method of cleansing the kidneys with watermelon, let's find out why clean the kidneys at all.

Our kidneys work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The kidneys not only produce certain hormones, but also filter out excess water and sodium, purify the blood and remove toxins that enter the body through food, water and air.

Along with the liver, the kidneys work hard and do their best to keep our bodies running like clockwork and staying healthy. Unfortunately, our modern life presents an incredibly large load on our body. Therefore, you need to give rest to the kidneys and take care of their purity, and therefore about your own health.

How to understand that the time has come to cleanse our kidneys of all the accumulated toxins and toxins. Here are the main symptoms when you need to clean the kidneys.

When you feel more tired than usual.

When you feel pain in your kidneys after eating certain foods or after eating junk food.

Experiencing certain skin problems: a rash, acne or eczema.

Felt hormonal imbalance, mood swings.

There used to be sand or kidney stones.

Gain weight or feel bloated.

Problems began to occur with the bladder or with potency.

The appearance of swelling after eating salty foods or large amounts of liquid. Healthy kidneys should cope with such a problem. After all, this is their function and such swelling should pass quickly and not leave obvious marks on the face and body.

Blood pressure began to rise.

For many centuries, people have always monitored their health and body cleansing. One of these ways of cleansing the body, including cleansing the kidneys, was fasting, during which the physical and spiritual bodies are cleansed. Annual kidney cleansing can become a good habit and prevention of the health of the kidneys and the whole body as a whole.

What is useful watermelon for the kidneys

Watermelon for cleansing the kidneys has long been a well-known method, and also delicious. Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon can be called one of the best natural natural ways.

By cleaning the kidneys with watermelon, you can get rid of sand and small kidney stones. After all, more than 90 percent of it consists of water, which the body needs during cleansing.

The rest of the watermelon is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber improves bowel function and helps cleanse it of toxins and toxins accumulated in it.

This fruit is also a good source of potassium, which is a mineral salt that is able to dissolve stones and remove them from the kidneys naturally.

Potassium helps to lower blood pressure, which is also important for maintaining normal kidney function.

Watermelons are high in nitric oxide and lycopene. Both of these two elements are essential for maintaining kidney health.

Due to the content of antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids, watermelon is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Watermelon is rich in vitamins and minerals, which have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Learn more about the benefits of watermelon here from this article "What is useful watermelon" .

How to clean the kidneys with watermelon

There are so many options to clean the kidneys with watermelons. The easiest way is to eat more watermelons in season. Watermelon is a good diuretic and will help cleanse the kidneys in the most natural way.

You can make watermelon juice and add lemon or lime juice to it. Lemon juice will help dissolve stones and sand.

Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon and bread

This is a very famous way to cleanse the kidneys. It has several nuances that must be followed during the cleansing of the kidneys.

This method of cleansing the kidneys is described in detail by the naturopath G.P. Malakhov and analyzed all the pros and cons of this method by E.V. Shchadilov. Both of these works can be found and read on the Internet.

Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon lasts for a week. During all this time, i.e. for seven days, you need to eat only watermelon, excluding all other food.

You need to eat watermelon with brown bread. Between 5 pm and 9 pm local time, you need to take a warm bath for half an hour. You also need to eat watermelon in the bath.

As G.P. Malakhov, it is this time that corresponds to the biorhythm of the best functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Bath water should always be warm. Warm water dilates blood vessels, reduces pain and spasms, and, accordingly, sand and other deposits from the kidneys and pass through the ureters will be less painful.

The cleaning procedure should be carried out until the kidneys are completely cleansed within 2-3 weeks.

As mentioned above, this technique has its pros and cons. They are analyzed in detail by Shchadilov E.V.

The second method of cleansing the kidneys with watermelon and black bread lasts two weeks. It consists in the following.

In the first week, eat only lean food, excluding from your menu all animal fats, meat, fish, smoked foods, dairy products and limiting the use of salt and salty and canned foods.

In all dishes, be it soup, borscht or salads and stews, add garlic. You can rub bread with garlic. Why garlic? It has powerful antioxidant properties. This week will prepare the intestinal tract for cleaning. In general, cleansing of the kidneys should be carried out after cleansing the intestines and liver.

During the second week, include watermelon in your menu. The amount of watermelon that you will need to eat during the day is calculated based on weight. So, if your weight is 50 kilograms, then you need to eat 5 kilograms of watermelon per day. That is, you need 1 kg of watermelon per 10 kg of weight.

During the watermelon diet, you need to take a warm bath, as in the first case.

This method of cleansing the kidneys is also not suitable for everyone and has contraindications and is not suitable for everyone. Its only plus is that along with watermelon you can eat other vegetables, lean soups and borscht.

So is it possible to clean the kidneys at all with a watermelon. Can.

A more gentle way to cleanse the kidneys with watermelon is to eat watermelon with black bread 2-3 times a day. Two, three drops of watermelon in one go will be enough. This is how the grandmother of the author of these lines cleaned her kidneys, and now the author himself.

Contraindications to cleansing the kidneys with watermelons

Both of the described methods have quite serious contraindications and are designed only for people who do not have chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

It is impossible to use this method of cleaning the kidneys with watermelon with brown bread for people who have:

Urine outflow disorders;

Diseases of the genitourinary system;


Adhesions after surgery on the kidneys and ureters;


Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Gastritis with high acidity;

The most important contraindication is the presence of kidney stones. Not all stones can pass freely through the ureter. And the nature of kidney stones is different.

This method of cleansing the kidneys is also contraindicated for diabetics. Although watermelon can be eaten by people with any type of diabetes, but in moderation.

Therefore, if you clean with watermelon, you should definitely consult a doctor and read additional relevant literature.

Of course, watermelons are very useful for the kidneys. If you have ever had kidney stones, to prevent the formation of new watermelons in the season, be sure to include them in your menu.

Watermelon is an excellent prophylactic to prevent the formation of kidney stones without any side effects. Several times a week, 2-3 drops of watermelon will be enough. We must not forget that watermelon is considered by nutritionists, primarily as a dessert product.

Watermelon juice in its cleansing properties is not inferior to the watermelon itself. Add a few mint leaves there, which will make the juice even tastier and enhance its properties.

Therefore, if you want your kidneys to work well, maintain a healthy lifestyle - watermelon is a good choice for prevention and maintaining your health. And do not miss this wonderful season, when watermelons are sold on every corner.

With its outstanding taste, watermelon is also extremely useful. The content of vitamins and microelements makes it indispensable for diets aimed at cleansing the internal organs and, as a result, the skin. Watermelon is especially useful for the intestines, kidneys and liver.

In daily nutrition, the amount of plant foods for good health and the work of all organs should be significantly larger. If you do not eat enough fiber, the stomach and intestines are the first to suffer. And the microbiota that inhabits them already affects everything else, from joints to mood.

Correction of weight and health status with the help of nutrition has long been transferred from the methods of traditional medicine to official prescriptions. In this regard, the use of watermelon in intestinal disorders as a natural remedy is justified and advisable.

What happens in the body

Eating this fruit, we not only eat, but also drink at the same time. There are few berries and fruits that can compare with it in terms of juiciness. The peculiar consistency also gives the corresponding effect, the pulp and juice do not linger in the stomach and quickly enter the intestines, where they are digested. It cannot be otherwise, since the water level in watermelons reaches 80-90%.

Nutritional value is low - only 25 kcal. per 100 g. Among the nutrients contained in the composition, carbohydrates and a little protein predominate, but there is practically no fat. In addition, berries include other useful elements:

  • Vitamins. Watermelon contains a full complex of group B, which positively affects the nervous system. As well as essential C, A and E. Seeds are rich in vitamin D.
  • pectin. Vegetable gelling agent that improves digestion and improves the body.
  • Lycopene. It is an antioxidant, useful in heart disease and oncology.
  • Minerals. The leading place is occupied by potassium, which helps maintain the water-salt balance, followed by sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Negative consequences

Basically, watermelon has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but there are also cases when you can get sick from it.

The reasons that melon berries are not beneficial:

  • Individual intolerance, allergies and a number of conditions in which the removal of fluid from the body is difficult, diabetes mellitus.
  • The increased content of nitrates, and, as a result, poisoning.

If you are under a doctor's care for diabetes, ulcerative colitis, kidney disease, or gallbladder disease, please consult a specialist. Most often, this fruit is not banned at all, but the use is limited.

During pregnancy, you need to monitor whether swelling occurs after eating a treat, and act reasonably.

Not all watermelons that appear on store shelves are of good quality. If you are experiencing symptoms of food poisoning, such as severe stomach pain and nausea, diarrhea, and fever, then it is most likely due to nitrates. In this case, it is necessary to act in the same way as with any intoxication. Take enterosorbents, drink more clean water, in case of deterioration of health, consult a doctor.

watermelon cure

For gastrointestinal ailments, you can use nutritional patterns, where the berry will be the main component or one of them. Diets are indicated for a variety of problems, a positive effect occurs in cases of constipation and diarrhea, although it is known that watermelon cleanses the intestines, and does not strengthen.

It is also great for preventing diverticulosis, adhesions, and leaky gut syndrome. Washes the kidneys and promotes the excretion of bile.

Constipation and diarrhea

The chemical composition, properties and consistency make this fruit an ideal mild laxative. To eliminate constipation, you can eat about 150 g of watermelon in 15-20 minutes. before the main meal three times a day and thus cleanse the intestines, and at the same time the kidneys.

With diarrhea, one must act prudently, it all depends on the causes of the disease. With diarrhea caused by pancreatic disease or an ulcer, eating watermelon is undesirable. It even more injures irritated mucous membranes. If the violation of the chair is a consequence of food poisoning, then the benefits of watermelon are obvious. Just do not use it along with other products, since in combination with them the berry contributes to increased gas formation.

Well, watermelon helps with dysbacteriosis - it normalizes the microflora, if you eat it on an empty stomach.

Gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis

These interrelated diseases, like an ulcer, exclude the use of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits during periods of exacerbation or after surgery. You should not eat them also with colitis - fiber and fructose will cause irritation.

When remission sets in, you can eat a small piece of watermelon with the permission of the doctor. With cholecystitis, this fetus has, at first glance, a positive effect, as it contributes to the normal production of bile. But if stones are formed, then excess fluid and a diuretic effect can provoke their movement, and this is already dangerous.

Digestive disorders during pregnancy and lactation

Watermelon promotes food fermentation, speeds up digestion and relaxes the intestines. If you have problems with indigestion, then a small piece of watermelon after eating will help eliminate the feeling of heaviness. But you can thoroughly eat a juicy berry only separately from the main meals, so as not to provoke gas formation.

There is nothing “as if not in yourself” during pregnancy should not be at all. Although in the case when there is confidence in the good quality of the product and a great desire - eat as much as you want. Usually, food addictions of pregnant women do not lead to a deterioration in well-being.

When breastfeeding, the amount of watermelon should also be reduced, it is believed that it provokes colic. But other experts say that the baby’s tummy hurts not at all because of what the nursing mother eats, but simply from the immaturity of the digestive system.

If you feel the relationship between watermelon and colic in your child, be patient until the end of the lactation period. By experience, you can also find out if your baby is weakened by watermelon if he receives it in breast milk.

Oncological diseases

Antioxidants and fiber will bring undoubted benefits in cancer of the stomach and excretory organs, especially in the early stages.

There is a folk method of treatment with the help of boiled watermelon juice, i.e. nardeka, which is taken in a tablespoon of bowel cancer 3-4 times a day after meals. It normalizes the level of acidity, has a good effect on peristalsis.

Properly grown watermelon is full of nutrients, but a nitrate fruit can cause negative changes in the digestive organs. Upon contact with gastric juice, fertilizer residues turn into carcinogenic nitrites, irritate the mucous membrane and cause irreparable harm to the body.

Bowel cleansing

To unload the excretory system and remove toxins, a watermelon-based diet is excellent. It is impossible to eat in this mode for a long time, since the berry does not contain the protein necessary for the body, but short-term cleansing, if carried out correctly, is very effective.

There are several options for this manipulation:

  • In classical bread and watermelon diet in order to cleanse the intestines of toxins, it is necessary to eat about 250 g of bread and a kilogram of juicy berries per 10 kg within 5-7 days. own weight. At night, from 2 to 3 o'clock, it is necessary to take a hot bath to expand the renal ducts, this is done twice during the cleansing. It is important to choose not only high-quality fruit, but also the right bread, since excess yeast has a harmful effect and increases gas formation in the intestines along with watermelon fiber and sugar. It is best to use homemade bread with natural sourdough or varieties like doctor's that contain bran.
  • You can add a couple of tablespoons of fiber to watermelon and bread with each meal. This substance swells and acts as an adsorbent, absorbing harmful secretions. And the laxative and choleretic effects of watermelon increase peristalsis and prevent intestinal contents from lingering inside.
  • If you want to diversify your diet, but still withstand the purge, it is permissible to additionally add raw vegetables to the menu. They must be necessarily finely chopped or grated. Best suited salad "Brush" of carrots, cabbage and beets. Oil, salt and sugar do not need to be added to it, but you can add a little lemon juice. This dish in itself cleanses the intestines well, and in combination with watermelon, the effect is enhanced.
  • In order to populate the digestive and excretory system with beneficial microflora, it is good to add “ live dairy products- before each meal, eat a spoonful of homemade yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk. At the end of the cleansing, such food is very useful, as it helps the intestines to enter a normal mode of operation.

How to choose a berry

When choosing a watermelon, it is important to acquire a good fruit, because an unscrupulous approach to growing and storing nullifies all its useful qualities and turns them into dangerous ones. In addition to the well-known signs: a white or yellowish spot on the side, "cobwebs" at the site of the ovary and a withered tail, there are other equally important ones:

  • If the cut watermelon does not have a loose, but smooth and glossy surface and a purple tint, and the cut piece of pulp turns the water pink, then it is better to refrain from using it. It contains harmful toxins.
  • Another sure sign of a "wrong" watermelon is yellow inner streaks or clumps. With a normal way of growing, they should not be. When the nitrate levels are high in the pulp, it becomes drier, sluggish, too crumbly and porous.


Restrictions on watermelon cleaning are:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis and other inflammations of the kidneys;
  • late pregnancy;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • violations of the outflow of urine;
  • adhesions in the digestive organs;
  • individual intolerance.

1. Watermelon is full of antioxidants
That is, substances that save the body from the so-called oxidative stress (which scientists call among the culprits of aging). First of all, it is vitamin C: one piece of medium-sized watermelon provides us with 25% of the daily value of this vitamin. And besides, vitamin C is needed to protect against infections and to maintain healthy teeth.

2. Watermelon helps the body cope with stress
And not only because its sweet taste and juiciness affect the production of pleasure hormones. Watermelon contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is vital for those who suffer from high psycho-emotional and physical stress, are on a diet, or whose body's defenses are already weakened due to age. For the elderly, watermelon is also recommended because it helps prevent Parkinson's disease due to its high content of phenylalanine, an amino acid, the lack of which causes this chronic disease.

3. Watermelon reduces the risk of cancer
Due to the high content of lycopene: this substance saves us from cancer of the breast and prostate, intestines, stomach and lungs. Of course, lycopene is not a rare guest in red vegetables and fruits. However, watermelon contains 60% more lycopene than tomato, and in fact the tomato is considered one of the main natural "lycopene" leaders. In addition, lycopene is necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and it also enhances the action of beta-carotene: in general, from this point of view, watermelon does not look like a berry, but like a whole pharmacy cabinet.

4. Watermelon is high in fiber
Of course, in the dry language of numbers, there seems to be not so much of it - only 0.4 g per 100 g. However, try to find a person who is limited to only one hundred grams of watermelon per day! Therefore, if we translate this mathematics into a practical area, then it turns out that on average we eat such an amount of watermelon per day that it becomes an excellent help to meet our fiber needs. And it is needed for good bowel function, cancer prevention and healthy skin.

5. Watermelon detoxifies the body
Watermelon has a pronounced diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body. And along with them, it also flushes out toxins - decay products of substances that naturally appear in the body in a non-stop mode. Fiber also contributes to the fight against toxins that occur in the intestinal tract.

6. Watermelon protects the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system
It has these properties due to its high content of citrulline, an essential amino acid that plays an important role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and immunity. 1 small slice of watermelon daily - and you don't have to worry about the lack of citrulline. The only pity is that the watermelon season has its end!

7. Watermelon Helps Manage Weight
For this reason, it is widely used in weight loss programs and the watermelon diet was created on its basis. Watermelon saturates well thanks to sugars, but its calorie content is so low (27 kcal per 100 g) that losing 3-6 kilograms per week on a watermelon mono-diet is not at all difficult. True, basically weight loss will occur due to the removal of excess fluid. But the task of reducing the volume and this method solves well!

Due to the pronounced diuretic effect with watermelon, one must be extremely careful for those who suffer from urolithiasis.

Due to the same diuretic effect, watermelon actively flushes out minerals from the body. Therefore, it will be right to add mineral water to your diet to make up for losses if you eat watermelon daily in large quantities.

Diabetics are well aware that watermelon is contraindicated for them, but those who simply have high blood sugar should also be careful about it. If you suffer from constant thirst, coupled with fatigue and an indomitable appetite, do not exceed a portion of 1 - 2 slices of watermelon per day - or take a blood sugar test to find out if you need to limit yourself this way.

Some watermelons are high in nitrates. If you do not have a nitrate meter, take safety measures: eat only the ripest watermelon pulp, cutting off the 2-3 cm layer adjacent to the crust.

The amazing human body is a priceless gift of nature and the only means of transportation through this life that we would like to make healthier and longer. It is no coincidence that people are interested in a variety of healing methods, which include cleansing all body systems with watermelon - one of the useful summer products. There are ways for the kidneys, liver and lymphatic system, but today we will try to describe how to adapt a well-known procedure to improve the gastrointestinal tract.

Back in the distant 80s of the 20th century, books on cleansing the body began to appear for the first time. The surname of Semenova and foreign authors Herbert Shelton and Paul Bragg were heard, whose systems she described in detail.

At the same time, food cleansing methods began to be popularized, when, in order to achieve the effect, it was proposed to switch to a one- or two-food diet, for example, watermelon during watermelon season. And thus to achieve cleansing of the most loaded organ in the diet process.

With the help of watermelon, the kidneys have the greatest cleansing potential. This is due to the strong diuretic effect and the abundant intake of water and potassium. However, do not forget that a massive flood of the body allows the gastrointestinal tract to be cleansed.

Cleansing the intestines with watermelon becomes an effective procedure if we add fiber to the diet. It can be bran of two types (wheat and oatmeal), flax seeds or - with cabbage, beets and carrots.

In the presence of a large volume of fluid, fiber exhibits its remarkable ability to swell and absorb toxins from the intestinal lumen. And due to the constant stimulation of bile formation by the next watermelon meal, the food bolus will move well through the intestines and come out along with those toxins that simply do not have time to “stale” and re-absorb into the blood. So the cleaning effect is guaranteed to increase, because not only the kidneys, but the intestines will work more intensively.

Moreover, by properly expanding the diet based on the watermelon diet, you can comfortably lose weight, improve complexion, skin turgor and liver function. This is what should be the goal of your efforts in any cleaning.

Let's look at how to adapt, so useful for the kidneys, to the additional desire to cleanse the intestines.

Cleansing the body with watermelon: easy and simple

What are we doing? During the watermelon season, for 7-14 days, we eat up to 1 kg of watermelon pulp 1 hour before the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). You can replace one of these methods with watermelon and vegetable salad.

In this case, the power supply is increased by 2 times. We have 5-6 meals a day. This speeds up the metabolism, as they say in the people. It also contributes to regular bile formation and acceleration of intestinal motility. That is why you need to carefully consider the composition of the food.

We use 3 rules:

  1. We exclude fatty, fried, spicy, pastries and sweets.
  2. We strictly limit meat. We eat it every other day, light varieties, for example, poultry, in a mechanically gentle steam treatment, i.e. any steamed minced meat dishes.
  3. We enrich the diet with fiber.

How to enrich food with fiber

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • The first way: a day we eat from 2 to 5 teaspoons of bran, steamed with boiling water. Or a similar amount of flaxseed ground in a coffee grinder. Or a mixture of bran + flaxseed.
  • The second way is to include salads or high-fiber vegetable soups at every meal. Ideal vegetables are cabbage, carrots, beets, celery, cauliflower, pumpkin.

An important nuance! Lettuce is eaten first! By the time you start the main course, the salad should be half eaten.

Cleansing with watermelon and black bread: an option for the intestines

The classic recipe, aimed at cleansing the body through active cleansing of the kidneys, involves significant effort for 5-7 days. We will have to completely refuse any food, except for watermelons and black bread.

This should:

  • there is plenty of watermelon - up to 1 kg for every 10 kg of body weight,
  • black bread - no more than 250 gr., distributed over several meals.

In addition to the end of the watermelon cleansing, you should take several hot half-hour baths at an unusual time - from 2 to 3 in the morning. This is due to the biorhythms of the urinary tract, and the hot temperature of the water is designed to expand the ureters and draw as much blood as possible into the filtration system inside the kidneys.

How to adapt this type of cleansing with watermelon and black bread for the intestines? We act according to the same principle as in the method described above - we add fiber to the diet. It will allow you to connect the powerful adsorbing effect of bran and high-fiber vegetables to watermelon cleansing, which will save us from frequent companions of strict watermelon cleansing - constipation and flatulence.

You can also initially choose black bread with bran. And people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should initially plan a sparing option - with white bran bread.

Watermelon + bread + salad

How to combine the intake of watermelon, bread and salads?

Reduce the amount of bread to 100 gr. and add vegetable salads with good grinding of ingredients.

Each meal during the cleansing period looks like this:

  • watermelon;
  • after 30 minutes, a bowl of salad (or 1-2 teaspoons of bran swollen from steaming);
  • a piece of bread.

An even more delicate version of the watermelon cleansing of the body with an eye to active bowel cleansing is to add light proteins from fermented milk products to the diet. We have kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt.

By acting in this way, we may well be able to follow a watermelon diet for longer (up to 14 days) and receive the necessary nutrients for normal well-being.

An additional plus of the use of sour milk is the strengthening of intestinal health through the introduction of the necessary microflora.

Here we note the need to use only LIVE bacteria in the process of cleansing the intestines, which are not present in all store brands. A good option for independence from a mass producer is the preparation of a fermented milk product at home.

What to Do Before a Watermelon Colon Cleanse

Due to the powerful diuretic and choleretic effect during the cleansing period, the stones can move and create serious health risks - renal or biliary colic, blockage of the ureter or bile duct.

Therefore, your task is to:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Contraindications for watermelon cleansing

  • Pathologies in which the outflow of urine is impaired, including congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system;
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Diabetes;
  • Adhesions in the pelvic area.

Believe in your strength to return and improve your health! Look for a good doctor, alternative methods and reasonable assistants. But never forget that ALL responsibility for your body lies ONLY with you. This means - think about your actions more deeply, and play it safe - more carefully.

If you want to surprise your guests with beautiful and practical cuts, take the advice of our chef.

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