Inflammation of the pancreas: symptoms and treatment. Diet for inflammation of the pancreas

Inflammation of the pancreas is a fairly common disease, which can be provoked by both chronic disorders in the functioning of the liver or gallbladder, as well as malnutrition or alcohol abuse.

Acute pancreatitis can be accompanied by severe pain, fever, intestinal disorders, and vomiting.

To avoid deterioration of health and hospitalization, it is enough to know what you can eat with inflammation of the pancreas, and what foods should not be abused.

So, what can you eat with inflammation of the pancreas? Compliance with a diet for chronic pancreatitis is a guarantee of the absence of exacerbations. At the same time, it is not difficult to create an acceptable diet: it is enough to minimize the consumption of fats, fried foods, and foods containing coarse fiber.

Ideally, if you manage to eat up to 5-6 times a day, but do not overeat. It is good if the food is warm, not cold or hot. Liquid or thoroughly chopped dishes are preferable: minced meat, mashed vegetables, mashed cereals, etc.

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, fasting for 1-2 days will benefit the body.

During this period, you can drink plenty of mineral water, rosehip decoction, infusion of late clove, decoction of chamomile, immortelle and wormwood, tea without added sugar.

After the onset of relief, you can gradually include allowed foods in the diet.

It is imperative to adhere to nutritional recommendations during an exacerbation of the disease and preferably in everyday life in remission. It is important to completely exclude fatty meats and fish, offal, any fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, fatty cottage cheese and spicy cheese from food.

There are three forms of pancreatitis - acute, chronic and reactive. Consider how to determine, because the stronger sex is more susceptible to this disease.

Consider the causes of pancreatic necrosis. What are the consequences of this disease?

Hepatomegaly is a disease that is determined mainly in laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. Let's look at the symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment.

Approved Products

  • Low-fat meats, including turkey, beef, rabbit, and chicken. In the acute phase, it is preferable to consume meat dishes in boiled or chopped form (meatballs, soufflé, steamed cutlets).
  • River or sea fish with a low fat content (cod, pollock, pike, pike perch). It is desirable to boil the fish for a couple whole or in the form of cutlets.
  • Sour-milk products (ryazhenka, kefir and low-fat cottage cheese, a small amount of mild cheeses). Doctors do not recommend drinking undiluted milk.
  • Boiled eggs or as a steam omelet.
  • Whole grains - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat or semolina, cooked in water (or mixed in equal proportions of water and milk). It is acceptable to use pasta, corn or barley porridge.

Side dishes are best seasoned with a small amount of vegetable or butter. Vegetables fried in fat should not be used.

It is allowed to consume dried white bread, biscuit cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows and homemade mousses.

Vegetables for pancreatic disease

Not all vegetable dishes can be used in nutrition. It is desirable to completely exclude vegetables with hard fiber.

After boiling or baking, in soups, casseroles and mashed potatoes you can eat:

  • potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • pumpkin, zucchini and cucumbers;
  • cauliflower, peas.

In a thermally processed form, it is permissible to eat tomatoes and white cabbage in small quantities.

In the acute phase, it is important to abandon raw vegetables, including in the form of salads. It is also desirable to exclude turnips, radishes, garlic, sorrel, spinach, legumes and mushrooms in any form from the diet.

Fruits for pancreatitis

It is allowed to eat non-acidic types of fruits, mainly in the form of jelly, compotes, mousses or baked. It is important that the fruits are sweet, ripe and, of course, peeled.

Preference should be given to apples, pears, peaches and other types of fruits without coarse fiber. A good option is ready-made baby food in jars in reasonable quantities.

In season, you can eat watermelon and melon, no more than a couple of pieces. Dried fruits can be used to make compotes, but sorbitol is more suitable as a sweetener.

In the phase of exacerbation, you should not get involved in raw fruits or berries. It is especially important to exclude cranberries, oranges, grapes, as well as dates and figs.

Alcoholic drinks for inflammation of the pancreas

It is the consumption of alcohol that is considered one of the factors provoking pancreatitis. During the period of remission, and even more so in the phase of exacerbation of the disease, it is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages of any strength and in any quantities!

If you ignore the symptoms of pancreatitis and do not stop drinking alcohol (including beer or wine), the disease can develop into a more severe form - pancreatonecrosis.

The probability of a lethal outcome in such a situation exceeds 70%.

Children's table

Today, inflammation of the pancreas, which is accompanied by acetonomic syndrome, is diagnosed at least once in at least 10% of children under 10-12 years old. Most often, one of the causes of the disease is precisely an unbalanced diet: the use of semi-finished products, smoked meats, and store-bought sweets.

When eating in preschool institutions and schools, table number 5 is recommended for such children, which provides the most benign conditions for the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.

  • It is recommended to organize 5-6 meals per day.
  • In the diet, it is important to limit the intake of fats, coarse fiber, fried and spicy foods.
  • It is advisable to reduce salt intake to 8-10 g per day, limit milk and foods with hard fiber in the diet.
  • It is desirable to eat food with a high protein content daily, giving preference to low-fat fish, meat or dairy products.
  • It is advisable to exclude broths from the diet: first courses are prepared only from vegetables and cereals, without frying.

In the acute phase of the disease, it is advisable to limit the diet to mashed potatoes and grated porridge in water without oil, compotes, baked apples, white bread crackers.

With the relief of symptoms, it is permissible to eat most foods, excluding smoked meats, convenience foods, and fried foods. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of store-bought sweets, pastries and chocolate.

Compliance with the diet provides for a number of restrictions, however, only reasonable dietary restrictions will help, if not completely cope with the disease, then significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. There are many recipes that allow you to cook delicious and varied food from permitted products.

During the period of remission, you can significantly expand the diet, but you should still refrain from eating smoked meats, semi-finished products, very spicy and salty foods, marinades, store-bought cakes and pastries. Instead of black bread, it is better to use white bread, replace animal fats with high-quality vegetable oils, and stew, boil or bake food more often than fry.

Our body is an amazing system where each organ plays its own, very important role. This system is influenced by many factors, one of which is nutrition. The predominance in the diet of fatty, salty, spicy, overeating - all this sooner or later causes a malfunction in the body. One of the first organs to be hit is.

What is the pancreas and what is its function in the body? Firstly, it participates in digestion, highlighting for each product an enzyme suitable for its processing: lipase (for fats), trypsin (for proteins) and amylase (for carbohydrates). Secondly, the pancreas regulates the balance of glucose in the blood by producing enzymes such as insulin and glucagon.

Pancreatitis and its symptoms

When we eat properly, the amount of enzymes secreted is normal. In case of malnutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, iron becomes inflamed. Enzymes, lingering in its ducts, begin to destroy the organ itself and, getting into the blood, cause intoxication. Such an unhealthy condition of the pancreas is called.


  • pain. The appearance of intense pain, causing cutting sensations. If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner and the pain is not relieved, a pain shock may occur in a person. Depending on the affected area, it may hurt in the hypochondrium on the right or left. If the entire organ is inflamed, then the pain is girdle;
  • the complexion changes. At first the patient turns pale, and then the skin acquires a grayish tint;
  • a rash appears on the skin;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation);
  • the appearance of nausea, vomiting;
  • severe bloating;
  • heartbeat quickens, shortness of breath may appear;
  • blue spots may appear in the navel and lower back. This suggests that the blood from the inflamed gland has penetrated under the skin of the abdomen;
  • temperature increase;
  • low or high pressure.

Forms of pancreatitis and diet

Pancreatitis is of various types. It is classified according to the causes of occurrence, according to the degree of loss of functions by the gland, and, if possible, the restoration of the damaged organ. In a simplified version of the classification, three types of inflammation are considered.

Classification of pancreatitis

  • . Inflammation of the gland with hemorrhages and necrotic processes occurs due to the fact that the organ begins to digest itself with pancreatic enzymes;
  • . In the chronic form of pancreatitis, the pancreas loses its ability to produce digestive enzymes and hormones;
  • reactive. Inflammation is caused by spasm of the pancreatic duct.

Nutrition for inflammation of the pancreas

One of the main conditions for successful and effective treatment is compliance with the special. It is important to determine in what form the disease occurs in the patient in order to choose the right diet.

Diet for acute inflammation of the pancreas

During the period of exacerbation, doctors, as a rule, deprive the patient of food for two to three days. When the condition worsens, fasting is prolonged. Nutrients are injected through a special tube into a vein. Drinking is allowed only rosehip broth, mineral water without gas and not strong tea.

As soon as the patient gets better, he is assigned the first option.

Diet features:

  • low calorie;
  • eating small meals five to six times a day;
  • additional snacks are prohibited;
  • the exclusion of coarse fiber and products that stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • drink more fluids, especially alkaline drinks.

You can use:

  1. decoctions of chamomile, wild rose;
  2. pureed compotes from dried fruits or fresh fruits;
  3. dairy products, steamed puddings, fresh curd pastes;
  4. soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelet;
  5. steamed puddings and mashed potatoes, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower;
  6. fish and meat of low-fat varieties, cooked in the form of steamed cutlets, dumplings or soufflés;
  7. mucous soups on a light vegetable broth or water with the addition of cereals (except for millet);
  8. wheat bread crackers (no more than 50 grams);
  9. butter (add to food).

You can not use:

  1. various spices and spices;
  2. ice cream and chocolate;
  3. alcohol;
  4. canned food;
  5. spicy, fried, smoked, fatty foods;
  6. sausages;
  7. raw fruits and vegetables;
  8. fatty meats and fish.

sample menu

  • Breakfast
    • steamed egg white omelet
    • buckwheat porridge on the water
  • Lunch
    • steamed cottage cheese soufflé
  • Dinner
    • slimy soup with rice and breadcrumbs
    • steamed fish fillet
    • xylitol strawberry juice jelly
  • afternoon tea
    • dried apricot soufflé
  • Dinner
    • boiled meat soufflé
    • carrot soufflé
  • Before bedtime
    • rosehip decoction

Diet for chronic inflammation of the pancreas

The diet for chronic pancreatitis is a little more diverse than for exacerbation - how to eat with inflammation of the pancreas. The patient, despite the improvement in his condition, should continue to carefully monitor nutrition and not overload the pancreas with harmful products, so as not to provoke a second exacerbation. With remission of inflammation of the pancreas, doctors recommend sticking to the second option of diet No. 5.

Diet features:

  • eat food only baked, stewed, boiled and steamed;
  • exclude fried;
  • food temperature should be from 15 to 60 degrees;
  • distribute food into 5-6 receptions;
  • gradual expansion of the diet (if there is any doubt about the product, consult a doctor);
  • limit the intake of animal fats;
  • consume no more than 10 grams of salt and 30 grams of sugar per day.

You can use:

  1. unsweetened cookies;
  2. dried wheat bread of the second grade;
  3. mucous or pureed vegetable soups with the addition of cereals (except for millet);
  4. meat and fish of low-fat varieties, steamed or boiled;
  5. semi-viscous pureed cereals on water or with a small addition of milk;
  6. pasta, vermicelli;
  7. unleavened cottage cheese (preferably homemade), cottage cheese pudding; non-acidic kefir, cream or sour cream can be added to dishes;
  8. grated or boiled vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, green peas, beets, beans;
  9. butter, refined sunflower or olive oil (add to food);
  10. apples of non-acidic varieties, mashed or baked without peel;
  11. weak teas, decoctions of wild rose, chamomile, blackcurrant.

You can not use:

  1. legumes;
  2. confectionery, pastries;
  3. strong mushroom and vegetable broths;
  4. alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  5. canned food;
  6. sausages;
  7. raw fruits and vegetables;
  8. mushrooms;
  9. radish, onion, turnip, radish, lettuce, swede, sorrel, white cabbage;
  10. meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  11. strong tea, coffee, cocoa;
  12. chocolate, ice cream.

sample menu

  • Breakfast
    • mashed potatoes
    • boiled meat
    • tea with milk
  • Lunch
    • fat-free cottage cheese, baked apple
  • Dinner
    • mashed vegetable soup with barley
    • boiled veal
    • mashed potatoes
    • dried apricot compote
  • afternoon tea
    • steamed egg white omelet
    • rosehip decoction
  • Dinner
    • baked chicken meat
    • buckwheat
  • Before bedtime
    • kefir

Diet for reactive inflammation of the pancreas: do's and don'ts

The diet for reactive pancreatitis is not much different from previous diets, since diet No. 5 is the basis of nutrition for all types of inflammation of the gland. The main goal in reactive pancreatitis is the strict observance of such a diet, which will ensure the minimum energy consumption of the gland for the digestion of food.

Diet features:

  • frequent fractional meals five to six times a day;
  • give preference to warm puree-like dishes;
  • exclusion of fats;
  • limiting carbohydrates to a minimum;
  • eat more protein.

You can use:

  1. yesterday's wholemeal bread, crackers;
  2. soups on vegetable or chicken broth with the addition of cereals, pasta, boiled minced meat;
  3. meat and fish (preferably river) low-fat varieties;
  4. eggs in the form of steam omelettes;
  5. dairy products;
  6. butter, sunflower, olive oils (add a small amount to the dish);
  7. vegetables in the form of puree or boiled;
  8. cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), pasta;
  9. baked non-sour apples without peel;
  10. rosehip decoctions, alkaline mineral water without gas, weak tea, compotes, jelly, mousse;
  11. dry biscuits.

You can not use:

  1. raw vegetables and fruits;
  2. products containing coarse fiber;
  3. rich fish or meat broths;
  4. coffee, cocoa, strong tea;
  5. sour fruit juice, carbonated drinks, kvass;
  6. spicy, fried, smoked, fatty foods;
  7. alcohol;
  8. chocolate, ice cream;
  9. mushrooms;
  10. sour fruit juice, carbonated drinks;
  11. milk;
  12. honey;
  13. confectionery.

sample menu

  • Breakfast
    • mashed potatoes
    • boiled chicken
    • weak tea with crackers
  • Lunch
    • kefir
    • cottage cheese pudding with raisins
  • Dinner
    • vegetable soup with rice
    • steamed fish cake
    • beet salad dressed with sunflower oil
    • rosehip decoction
  • afternoon tea
    • applesauce
    • non-carbonated water with crackers
  • Dinner
    • baked chicken meat
    • buckwheat
  • Before bedtime
    • curdled milk

How long to stick to a diet for pancreatitis

Doctors recommend following a diet for inflammation of the pancreas for eight to twelve months. For a complete recovery and the exclusion of relapses, it is better to follow the basic principles of therapeutic nutrition all your life. The patient needs to carefully monitor his condition, especially when using a prohibited product.

Recently, patients' complaints about inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms and treatment of which are caused by acute pancreatitis or other destructive forms of complications of the most important organ of the digestive system, have been steadily growing. Despite the use of modern methods of intensive care, mortality in destructive acute pancreatitis remains quite high - at the level of 15-40%, and in severe inflammatory diseases of the pancreas with the detection of enzymatic peritonitis, the mortality of patients reaches 75-95%.

What signs, symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas in men and women should be of concern, how to properly treat the inflammatory reaction of the systemic organ of digestion?

The human pancreas is the largest exocrine and intrasecretory digestive organ. The intrasecretory function of the organ is to implement digestive enzymes - pancreatic juice. Producing biologically active organic compounds, the pancreas provides the body with the regulation of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Another important functional purpose of this organ is the active production of insulin, which helps to reduce the level of glucose concentration in the blood. Hormonal failure during inflammation of the pancreas can lead to impaired insulin secretion, which will lead to the development of diabetes.

The anatomical structure is an elongated lobular formation of a grayish-pinkish color, located in the abdominal cavity of the upper section on the back wall of the abdomen behind the stomach with a close adjoining of the organ to the duodenum. In an adult, the length of the pancreas reaches 14-25 cm, with a mass of about 70-80 g.
The macroscopic structure is the head, body and tail. The head of the pancreas adjoins the duodenum through the minor duodenal papilla.

It is through the head of the systemic organ of digestion that the portal vein passes, collecting blood to the liver from all unpaired organs of the abdominal cavity - the stomach, spleen and intestines.

The body of the pancreas has a trihedral configuration - anterior, posterior and inferior. The tail of the pancreas is cone-shaped or pear-shaped and extends to the spleen. The blood supply to the gland is carried out through the pancreatoduodenal arteries, branching off from the superior mesenteric and hepatic arteries.

It is characteristic that in newborns the pancreas has a length of 3 to 5 cm, with an organ mass of 2.5-3 g. The formation of a gland characteristic of adults occurs by the age of a child of 5-7 years.

Possible causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the pancreatic parenchyma, possibly for several reasons. Among the most likely is alcoholism - it is 70% of cases of acute and chronic pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, accounting for 20% due to blockage of the bile ducts with stones. The remaining 10% of cases of inflammation fall on the development of the so-called triggering causal factors:

  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • the result of food poisoning;
  • trauma affecting the pancreas;
  • malfunction of the pancreatoduodenal artery;
  • fungal attack.

In addition, there are frequent cases of inflammation of the pancreas after a direct unsuccessful surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity or with the help of endoscopic manipulation. Also, an inflammatory reaction can occur as a result of hormonal failure, leading to disruption of insulin production. Inflammation of the pancreas can also be associated with clinical pathology of an acute or chronic course.


The most common type of disease of the organ of the digestive system is acute and. The disease is characterized by an enzyme deficiency in the production of pancreatic juice into the duodenum. Enzymes are activated in the body of the gland and begin to destroy it, that is, self-digestion of nutrients occurs. The toxins released during this are dumped into the bloodstream, which can lead to damage to other vital anatomical organs - the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and brain. You can slow down the inflammatory symptoms in acute pancreatitis with the help of cold applied to the painful area. However, the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis requires a hospital. Chronic pancreatitis is a neglected state of the transferred acute form. The gradation between recurrent acute form and chronic pancreatitis is very conditional.

Stones in the pancreas

Inflammatory pain symptoms can cause, which are formed in chronic pancreatitis. The accumulation of enzymes and toxins forms a kind of phosphorus-calcium precipitate, which, when thickened, calcifies and provides the deposition of stones. Pancreatic stones can be detected only with the help of instrumental diagnostics:

  • computed and/or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • pancreatocholangiography;
  • endoscopic and ultrasound examination.

To date, there is no effective therapeutic and / or drug removal of stones from the pancreas. Only surgery in specialized clinics can save a person from this problem.

Pancreas cancer

Chronic violation of the glandular epithelium and pancreatic ducts, contributes to the formation of various tumors, including malignant ones. The tumor in 50% of cases affects the head of the gland, the development of pancreatic cancer in the body and tail accounts for 10% and 5%, respectively. Metastasis of pancreatic cancer has four degrees:

  1. The defeat of the pancreatoduodenal lymph nodes of the gland.
  2. Involvement in the cancer process of retropyloric and hepatoduodenal nodes.
  3. Spread of a cancerous tumor to the superior mesenteric and celiac zone.
  4. The defeat of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

Metastasis affects distant anatomical organs of vital activity - these are the kidneys, lungs, liver, bones and joints of the skeletal frame. Only with certainty will determine the painful manifestation of cancer.

Common Symptoms

Inflammation of the pancreas is impossible not to notice. As a rule, exacerbation symptoms have a pronounced complex of clinical manifestations:

Also, patients complain of dizziness and general weakness of the body, lack of appetite, weight loss, jumps in blood pressure.

The severity of the pain syndrome can be regulated by a certain position of the body. Lying on the side with bent legs, the symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas subside sharply, and the person feels some relief.

It is quite possible to independently identify the inflammatory symptoms of the pancreas, however, the treatment should be entrusted to qualified specialists who, using diagnostic methods, will determine the true cause of poor health.

How to relieve inflammation of the pancreas?

Recurring attacks and pain in the pancreas, accompanied by pain in the upper or middle part of the abdominal cavity, nausea, vomiting and general weakness of the body can be reduced with the help of drug therapy, nutritional correction and alternative treatment at home.

You should not start treatment for an acute attack on your own. Before starting any therapeutic methods of influencing the systemic organ of digestion, you should consult a doctor.

Pharmacological drugs containing pancreatic enzymes will help alleviate the painful condition. Such treatments also have a mild analgesic effect. Enzyme production will help Mezim®, Festal® And Pancreatin®, which contain ampilase, lipase and protease - compounds necessary for the quality work of the pancreas.
Expand the pancreatic ducts and reduce spasm will help No-shpa®.

Nutrition for inflammation of the pancreas

At home, the treatment of an inflammatory attack should begin with dietary adjustments. On the first day of inflammation, you should completely refuse to eat for 2-3 days. The diet is limited only to drinking mineral alkaline water without gases up to 2.5 liters per day. If the patient has no problems with the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys, then experts traditionally advise Essentuki™, Narzan™ And Borjomi™. After a strict diet, as a rule, inflammatory symptoms subside, and the next stage is the correct entry into the dietary regimen. Low-calorie foods should be gradually introduced into the diet, with the exception of salty, smoked, pickled and fried foods, which can provoke a second attack.
A light diet is recommended for 1-1.5 months, after which you should undergo a second diagnostic examination. Features of the diet for diseases of the pancreas:

  • low-calorie products;
  • fractional meals - 5-6 times a day;
  • exclusion from the diet of foods with coarse fiber;
  • alkaline drink.

A consulting gastroenterologist or dietitian will recommend dietary table number 5. As soon as possible after the attack ends and the pain in the pancreas subsides, the patient needs to switch to a full-fledged protein intake.


  • chocolate and ice cream;
  • canned products;
  • spices and spices;
  • confectionery;
  • smoked and raw smoked sausages;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • oily fish and meat.

Particular attention should be paid to dietary recommendations for inflammation of the pancreas in children.

Alternative treatment

Herbal treatment, or herbal medicine for inflammation of the pancreas is not denied by traditional medicine. In combination with drug therapy and diet, herbal treatment has a positive effect. An exception is the patient's allergic sensitivity to active natural ingredients, pregnancy of women in the third trimester and small children under 5-6 years old. It is this category that is considered the most vulnerable in terms of the protective immune properties of the body.
The most popular and effective traditional medicine for inflammation and pancreatic attack.

Recipe number 1. Infusion of Glebov. A tablespoon of herbal collection is brewed in a thermos with 200 ml of boiling water. The medicinal product is infused for 6-8 hours, filtered, and taken 3 times a day before meals, 50 ml each for a week. Ingredients: common agrimony, meadow clover, dandelion root, marigold flower, sage, burdock root.

Recipe number 2. Infusion of Paul Bragg. Sage, wormwood, burdock root, calendula, elecampane, horsetail and string are taken in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of herbal collection are poured into 300 ml of cold water and brought to a boil. The medicinal composition should languish for half an hour. After straining, the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to drink 50 ml of a healing drink half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Recipe number 3. Pancreatic collection. Medicinal ingredients: dandelion root, anise, celandine and corn silk. 10 g of dry raw materials are mixed and poured with 500 ml of boiling water. After infusion (2-3 hours) and straining, pancreatic collection should be taken one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for ten days.
An acute attack of pancreatitis can also be stopped with the help of nature's anti-inflammatory gifts - potato and beet juice, propolis and oats.
In addition to the above recipes, there are many alternative treatments that can be carried out at home under the supervision of the attending physician.

Prevention of pancreatitis

Thinking about therapeutic prophylaxis of the pancreas should be from early childhood. Teach your children to eat only healthy foods and drink clean water. Of particular importance in the prevention of pancreatic diseases is the observance of sanitary and personal hygiene, the environment and the rejection of bad habits - alcohol and smoking. By prioritizing the observance of a healthy lifestyle, you can forget about diseases of the digestive system for a long time. Take care of yourself and be always healthy!

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Compliance with the strictest diet for pancreatic pancreatitis is the key to successful treatment and a speedy recovery. The patient's diet consists of wholesome and sparing food. Alcohol, salty, spicy, fatty and fried foods have no place in it. And neglect of the doctor's recommendations is fraught with consequences and complications.

In the article I will talk about pancreatitis, consider its types, symptoms and causes. I will pay special attention to diagnostics, therapy and nutrition, because the final result depends on this.

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The main cause of the disease is a poor outflow of digestive juice and enzymes produced by the gland into the small intestine.

Under the influence of enzymes, the gland itself and nearby vessels and organs are destroyed, so a problem often left unattended leads to death.

Insufficient outflow of bile is a consequence of the appearance of neoplasms or stones in the gland, as a result of which the duct decreases or overlaps. Most often, pancreatitis is experienced by people who regularly overeat, often eat spicy, fatty or fried foods, and abuse alcohol.

Features of the disease

To understand what a disease is, consider the principle of a healthy organ. In the normal state, iron is involved in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Using hormones, it further regulates blood sugar.

With inflammation, the work of the organ is disrupted, and the enzymes that have leaked into the blood lead to intoxication. Under normal circumstances, these enzymes are already activated in the gastrointestinal tract, but during an inflammatory process, under the influence of negative factors, activation is carried out in the pancreas, as a result of which it “digests itself”.

Important! The greatest danger to health is not a disease, but complications. We are talking about diabetes and cancer.

The list of causes that provoke the development of pancreatitis and further complications is represented by alcohol abuse and all kinds of disorders in the gallbladder. These factors lead to the appearance of a problem in 95% of cases.

In other cases, infections, abdominal trauma, stomach surgery, hormonal imbalances, disruptions in metabolic processes and heredity contribute to the appearance of the disease.

Types of pancreatitis

So that the fight against pancreatitis does not turn into a waste of energy and money, it is important to determine the type of disease. Types of pancreatitis differ in the course and subtleties of the drug effect on the gland.

  • Acute pancreatitis. Feature type in the sudden appearance and further self-healing. Often people don't recognize the problem because it looks like poisoning or disorder. If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, the likelihood of re-exacerbation is too small. With frequent eating of fatty foods and alcohol abuse, a relapse of an exacerbation is guaranteed, as well as serious consequences.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. The result of continuous exposure to alcohol and fatty foods on the gland. Often this type is caused by neglected or untreated diseases of the digestive system. Accompanied by alternating flashes and lulls.
  • Acute recurrent pancreatitis . It is problematic to diagnose, because it strongly resembles an acute type. Rescues only the analysis of the period through which the symptoms reappear. If the next attack occurred within six months after the first manifestation, this indicates a recurrent form.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

How to recognize the problem without having the appropriate knowledge? Often, pancreatitis manifests itself brightly and is accompanied by girdle pain near the left hypochondrium. Sometimes pain appears in the upper half of the abdominal cavity and affects the heart. Traditionally, pain in these areas appears after a heavy meal, and standard painkillers are unable to help relieve the attack.

There are also indirect signs indicating pancreatitis, but people do not always read them correctly. Therefore, I recommend that you pay increased attention to the information below.

  1. Digestive disorders. We are talking about nausea and vomiting, flatulence, hiccups, constipation and diarrhea.
  2. Rapid weight loss for no reason - a person does not engage in physical labor, does not adhere to a diet, does not take other measures to combat excess kilograms.
  3. Pressure surges, body temperature deviations from the norm.

Video information

Important! If you feel unwell, seek medical help and try to quickly determine the cause of its occurrence. Chronic pancreatitis is often accompanied by asymptomatic periods. It is possible that the problem appeared a long time ago, but you do not know about it due to high secrecy.

Therapy and treatment

The key to a quick solution to the problem is timely treatment. It is extremely important to consult a doctor at the initial stage, accompanied by the appearance of the first signaling symptoms. Pancreatitis can be cured - true, but sometimes people start their health so much that even a good doctor without titanic efforts to get the result is problematic.

At the initial stage of treatment adhere to the following scheme.

  • Hunger. To relieve an attack or transfer the disease to the stage of remission, it is recommended to fast for three days. It is allowed to drink pure water. For other liquids, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • Cold. A heating pad filled with ice or cold water helps relieve inflammation and make you feel better. It is applied to the stomach in the area of ​​the gland.
  • peace. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to minimize physical activity. This helps to reduce blood flow and normalize the condition of the organs.

Pain is relieved with analgesics. After normalization of the condition, the patient is prescribed frequent and fractional meals, excluding the use of spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods.

In the further treatment of pancreatitis, preparations containing enzymes are appropriate, providing the body with invaluable support. Festal helps reduce acidity, Pancreatin activates the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and vitamins strengthen the body.

Important! Independent struggle with pancreatitis is unacceptable, because the wrong choice of drugs is fraught with serious consequences.

The list of possible complications includes peritonitis and necrosis. In advanced cases, often everything ends with surgery - doctors remove the destroyed fragment of the gland.

Sample menu for a week with pancreatitis

In order for the treatment of pancreatitis to be successful, it is recommended to radically revise the diet. Some people find it difficult to adapt to a new way of eating. To alleviate the plight, I have compiled a menu for the week, which is advised to use as a guide. To facilitate the assimilation of the material, I will present the information in the form of a table.

BreakfastLunchDinnerafternoon teaDinner
Day 1Boiled chicken, teaOatmeal in milk, rosehip infusionCarrot puree soup, boiled fish, teaBaby foodVegetable stew, boiled chicken, compote
Day 2Protein omelette, boiled fish or cottage cheese puddingHomemade cottage cheese, tea with milkVegetarian potato soup, steamed meatballsHard cheese, rosehip brothBoiled chicken, steamed meatballs, tea with milk
Day 3Cheese biscuitsOmelet, tea, breadBuckwheat, cottage cheese, boiled zucchinigrated appleBaked apple, oatmeal, beetroot salad
Day 4Boiled beef, oatmeal with milk, teaOmelette, rosehip brothVegetable soup, pasta, berry jelly, compoteCurd and teaFish soufflé, tea
Day 5Oatmeal, white bread, still mineral waterCottage cheese pudding, applesauce, teaVegetable soup, pumpkin porridge, cottage cheeseProtein omeletMeatloaf, cottage cheese casserole, kissel
Day 6Mashed potatoes with meatballs, teaCottage cheesePotato-carrot soup, meat soufflé, buckwheatA glass of curdled milkfish roll
Day 7Oatmeal, meat soufflé, teaCottage cheeseSoup with oatmeal, steam cutlets, baked appleProtein omelette, kefirCarrot puree, meatballs, tea

To make eating more convenient, combine or swap the foods and dishes listed in the table. This will help diversify the menu.

Menu for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

In chronic pancreatitis, the acute phase alternates with a lull. In order not to cause additional harm to the body and to relieve symptoms, it is recommended to follow the following nutritional principles.

  1. Do not eat for the first two days. It is important to give the pancreas a rest. This will help reduce swelling and slow down inflammation, which will speed up the recovery process of the organ.
  2. Next, break the daily ration into 6 servings so that the pancreas is not overloaded. Do not overeat, because this is fraught with indigestion, diarrhea or fermentation, followed by flatulence.
  3. Watch the chemical composition of the diet. After the pain disappears, keep the daily intake of proteins and carbohydrates at around 150 and 65 grams, respectively.
  4. Forget about hot and cold food. Eat only warm food. To reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, eat grated foods. Eliminate from the diet food that accelerates the production of gastric juice.

By following these principles of nutrition, bring the moment of remission closer. And neglecting them is fraught with the appearance of complications.

Description of the diet "table number 5" for pancreatitis

Diet plays a major role in the treatment of pancreatitis. Thanks to diets that reduce the release of secretion, the work of the pancreas returns to normal faster. And the diet "table number 5" deserves the most attention, which helps to reduce pain, improve digestive processes and better digestion. Consider the criteria for a diet.

  • The beginning of the diet is preceded by a three-day fast. At this time, the body is at rest. As a result, the detrimental effect of enzymes on the mucous membrane stops.
  • With pancreatitis, only warm dishes are consumed. The diet is based on protein-enriched foods. The consumption of carbohydrates and fats is minimal. It is forbidden to eat food that is saturated with coarse fiber or acids.
  • To protect the stomach and pancreas from additional damage, the products are boiled or steamed after preliminary grinding.
  • Daily calorie content for pancreatitis - 2000 kcal.

It is important to drink more fluids. Nutritionists recommend drinking up to 2 liters of water per day. The best solution is mineralized drinking.

I note that the “table number 5” diet has several options that are used depending on the type of disease.

  1. Acute pancreatitis . Option "a" is appropriate. The basis of nutrition is liquid or pureed food. Products that enhance secretion are strictly prohibited. The amount of salt consumed per day is limited to 10 grams, and the total calorie content of foods is at the level of 1700 kcal. Eat in small portions every 3 hours during the week.
  2. Chronic pancreatitis . This is where option "b" comes in. It involves the removal from the diet of decoctions and broths that stimulate secretion. Daily caloric content - 2700 kcal. Food is served on the table in grated form.

With pancreatitis, careful and proper nutrition is recommended, because many foods cause exacerbation. It is problematic for some people to change the diet, but without this it is impossible to recover. Consider the categories of products that are better not to use with pancreatitis.

  • Meat. It is undesirable to use fatty and smoked meat dishes, rich broths, as they are hard to digest. Gastroenterologists forbid eating pork, duck and goose dishes, kebabs, sausages and sausages, meatballs, stew and jelly. Red meat and offal are also prohibited.
  • Fish. Fatty fish, whether it be catfish, mackerel, trout or salmon, should not be present on the table of a person suffering from pancreatitis. The category of prohibited fish products also includes canned food, caviar and pickles.
  • Fruits. With pancreatitis, even some fruits do not benefit the body. These include avocados, grapes, dates, cranberries and figs. Unwanted dried apricots. It contains a lot of sugar, for the digestion of which insulin is produced by the gland.
  • Vegetables. The benefits of products from this category have been proven repeatedly, but some of them can worsen the condition with pancreatitis. Doctors advise temporarily giving up cabbage, onions, radishes, spinach, bell peppers, horseradish, radishes and sorrel. Nutritionists include cucumbers and tomatoes in this category, referring to the high sensitivity of the body to these vegetables. Legumes that activate fermentation are also contraindicated.
  • Mushrooms. They create a huge load on the gland, therefore, with pancreatitis, it is forbidden to use mushrooms in boiled, fried or salted form. Under the ban and mushroom broths.
  • canned food. With pancreatitis, any pickled or canned vegetables are prohibited, especially if vinegar was used in their preparation.
  • Cereals and bread . During exacerbation, fresh bread, buns and other pastries are prohibited. It is recommended to replace them with biscuit cookies, crackers or yesterday's bread. Under the ban corn and wheat porridge.
  • Beverages. Pancreatitis and alcohol are incompatible things, so it’s not worth talking about a ban on drinking alcohol. As for other drinks, kvass, coffee and cocoa, full-fat milk, tea and soda are listed in the category of prohibitions.
  • Sweets. It is unfortunate, but with pancreatitis it is forbidden to eat foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. It is better to refuse chocolate, ice cream, cakes, cakes and creams with glazed curds. The composition of confectionery products includes trans fats, which harm even a healthy body.

During problems with the pancreas, the diet for pancreatitis becomes an important addition to general therapy. It is not observed from time to time - the right menu becomes a way of life.

The failure that occurred in the digestive system is provoked by various factors. But more often it is a violation in the diet. Insufficient production of gastric juice complicates the breakdown of food, leading to the acute stage of the disease. With further neglect of the diet, the disease is already chronic.

To make it easier for the duodenum to perform its immediate function, it will be necessary to take therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis as a basis, interpreted by the following rules:

  • fatty, fried, smoked dishes are excluded;
  • only dietary recipes are used in cooking;
  • the principle of fractional nutrition is introduced - in small portions every 3 hours;
  • only grated food in a warm state is used;
  • eat not on the go, chewing food slowly;
  • we do not drink the food we take.

It is important to comply with energy standards in products - an average of 350 g of carbohydrates and 80 g of fat. In parallel with pancreatitis, due to malnutrition, stomach problems occur, inflammation of the biliary tract is observed, and diabetes develops. This is taken into account when choosing a treatment menu - diets are prescribed based on related problems.

Diet in the acute stage

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreatic gland, the patient is transferred to a 2-day fast. The patient is allowed only drinks - a rosehip decoction or infusion, teas and filtered water (up to 5 doses per day). Subsequent couples introduce food drop by drop. After that, the diet is gradually supplemented with low-calorie foods in small doses.

Diets for pancreatitis in the acute phase are diversified from the 2nd week. The main food items are:

  • protein products (in particular, steam cutlets from fish fillet or chicken);
  • fruits with a high content of antioxidants;
  • from drinking - green teas, fresh juices, liquid jelly.

Diet in the chronic stage

  • daily the body is saturated with proteins in the amount of 130 g (of which 2/3 are of animal origin);
  • butter is allowed in small quantities - it is added to cereals;
  • milk is not recommended in its pure form - it is better to cook recommended dishes on it, make sauces;
  • useful fresh low-fat kefir;
  • laxative products are recommended - dried fruits from plums and apricots.

Food for mild chronic pancreatitis is varied and contains cheeses, steamed omelettes, etc. When the disease worsens, food restrictions are introduced. For two days the patient is kept only on drinks. From the 3rd day, liquid meals prepared in milk diluted with water are given in small portions. When the pain subsides, pancreatitis diets in adults are diversified, but the dishes are allowed frayed, albeit dense in consistency.

Approved Products

When choosing a menu for pancreatitis, they first make a list of products that are allowed for consumption. It looks like the one shown in Table 1.

Dishes Recommendations
Cereals (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice) Boiled on a water basis, followed by the introduction of milk. A semi-viscous consistency is recommended. Instead of cereals, flour is sometimes used - rice or buckwheat. Porridge is an excellent base for delicious soufflés served with jelly (but you can also use jam)
First They are cooked exclusively in vegetable broths. Allowed cereals become the basis of dishes, which are best ground into a puree-like mass. It is recommended to add chopped vegetables, but do not sauté them. Dressing with animal butter or milk (sometimes cream) is allowed
Vegetable Of the fruits allowed, introducing potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, squash-pumpkin, beets into the diet. They are first completely boiled, then ground. Sometimes the doctor allows chopped cucumbers and tomatoes without peel
fruity Only apples of sweet varieties can be fresh and baked. If they take dried fruits, then they are ground. Other fruits are suitable only for jam, marshmallows, mousses, jelly. Raw they are undesirable
Meat Recommended chicken, veal dishes, lean beef, rabbit, and only in chopped form. Meat soufflé is made from minced meat, various semi-finished products are steamed. If there is no stage of exacerbation, you can eat boiled rabbit and chicken in small pieces
Fish Only low-fat representatives of water bodies are selected. The fish is either boiled and eaten in small pieces, or cutlets are formed from fresh fillet (only steamed)
Dairy The basis of the diet is sour-milk drinks with a low fat content. Milk should only be used for seasoning dishes. Cottage cheese (the best option is calcined) is an excellent preparation for casseroles and puddings. Hard cheeses in the diet of the patient are selected not sharp varieties and are consumed only in grated form. Sour cream goes for gas stations (in small quantities)
Eggs You can cook a steam omelet from 1 product per day
Sauce dressings Prepared only on vegetable broths with the addition of unfried flour, as well as milk or sour cream
Bakery Bread is taken from wheat, but baking is 1-2 days old. Biscuits allowed biscuit varieties

They will allow you to create a varied menu. If you take into account the recommendations for their preparation, then you can avoid exacerbation of the disease for a long time.

Wholly or partially restricted products

The table above offers a basic diet plan for pancreatitis. There is also a list of products that are partially allowed or completely prohibited:

  • broths based on fish, mushrooms, meat, and dishes cooked on them, as well as okroshka;
  • everything fried, stewed and containing fats;
  • smoked meats, pickles, spices;
  • sausages, fish caviar, conservation;
  • ; other cereals are allowed in a crumbly form;
  • due to the high cholesterol content, offal is removed from the diet;
  • fruit and berry assortment in raw form is introduced with caution and not constantly;
  • foods and dishes containing coarse fiber, the patient should be excluded (mushroom, legumes, most root crops, blue ones, white cabbage);
  • simple carbohydrates contained in dates, all varieties of grapes, bananas, provoke bloating;
  • milk with a high percentage of fats, cheese of spicy-salty varieties, sour cottage cheese is not recommended;
  • completely exclude boiled, and even more so fried eggs;
  • it is not advisable to use cooking fats and lard, and it is better to use vegetable oil in a small amount for dressing dishes;
  • completely exclude chocolate and rich products, flour (wind and fried), all types of ice cream;
  • bakery fresh pastries are not recommended, and products made from rye flour are completely abandoned;
  • taboos are placed on black tea, grape juice, coffee drinks, soda and alcohol.

Although the list is called partially limited, for this disease it is better to completely exclude the ingredients included in the list from the menu. This will help to avoid many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

(diet). Some patients complain that the menu for pancreatitis is too poor. But it is also easy to diversify it, alternating types of cereals, introducing either meat or fish dishes. If you correctly distribute the products by the days of the week, then the diet will not seem so bland.

All permitted products are included in the "nutrition pyramid", so the menu is quite balanced, this is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The restrictions (or prohibitions) that are introduced do not impoverish the diet at all. With the withdrawal of harmful foods and drinks from consumption, only harmful factors that negatively affect the functioning of the diseased gland are eliminated. Table 2

Sample menu

As can be seen from the above menu for a diet for pancreatitis, there is nothing new in its compilation. It is better to diversify side dishes twice introduced into the daily diet (in the morning, for example, semolina, and in the evening buckwheat). Instead of porridge, it is sometimes recommended to cook mashed potatoes.

The sample menu simply makes it clear the principle of selecting dishes, and they are diversified when compiling a weekly diet. The main thing is to proceed from the positions of observing the basic rules of nutrition with recommended diets.

Diet Recipes

The main tips on how to best use the products that make up the diet for patients with an inflamed gland were given above. They must be followed when preparing dishes. The following are exemplary recipes for pancreatitis, taking into account specific features.

Soup ration

Liquid cereals, seasoned with milk and put a little butter. Rice soup cooked with milk has an original taste if you add a little chicken puree to it. The algorithm for preparing the original first course of vegetables is given below:

  • zucchini is crushed, carrots are rubbed;
  • cabbage is disassembled into small inflorescences;
  • the ingredients are placed in a cauldron, poured with boiling water and put on fire;
  • having cooked until softened, cool slightly and beat with a blender to a puree-like consistency;
    milk is added to the soup, salted and boiled again.

Serving puree soup to the table, make dressing from sour cream (low-fat) or put a little butter.

Beet cutlets

Such dishes are prepared not only from meat or fish. It turns out very tasty if you make cue balls from vegetables:

  • cleanse;
  • grind on a grater;
  • add a spoonful of semolina, add salt and let it brew;
  • having formed cutlets, they are rolled in semolina.

The dish is made exclusively by steam, and served with sour cream.


A light fortified dessert is prepared according to this recipe:

  • finely chopped carrots are allowed with water for 15 minutes;
  • apples are peeled and seeds are cut and added to the root crop;
  • bringing to softness, the fruits are rubbed to a puree state;
  • , bring to a boil;
  • semolina is gradually introduced, boiled for a couple more minutes and removed;
  • in the dessert cooled to 80 ° C, first the yolks are introduced, and then the whipped whites;
  • placed in a container and steamed.

Each of the above dietary recipes will be of interest to children with pancreatic problems.

For children

- children also suffer from this disease, although this phenomenon is rare in this group. All of the above recommendations regarding dietary nutrition also apply to young patients. In order for the dishes prepared for them with pancreatitis to be appetizing, you will have to show imagination.

chicken soufflé

It turns out the dish is tender and pleasant in taste, if you cook it in a similar way:

  • boil the chicken (a turkey is also suitable);
  • separating the fillet from the bones, turn it into minced meat;
  • make sauce from milk, adding a little flour and egg yolk;
  • mix minced meat, sauce and a little animal oil;
  • after thoroughly mixing, introduce proteins whipped into a stable foam;
  • the mass is filled with a container in which the soufflé is steamed.

A similar recipe is also suitable for boiled fish fillet (it needs to be slightly salted during cooking).

cottage cheese pudding

Most children love cottage cheese dishes. The proposed pudding is a great alternative to cheesecakes:

  • cottage cheese (necessarily low-fat) is rubbed using a sieve;
  • diluted with milk in a ratio of 3: 1;
  • pour a spoonful of semolina and introduce proteins (previously beaten);
  • mix, spread in a baking dish and keep in the oven for no more than 10 minutes.

When choosing a treatment for pancreatitis, take the menu for children 1-3 years old as a basis. It is just chosen taking into account the sparing effect on the gastrointestinal tract and complies with the rules of dietary nutrition.

Therapeutic fasting

Having problems with the pancreas, it is necessary to periodically introduce fasting days into the mode in order to facilitate the work of the diseased organ. In the stage of severe exacerbations, therapeutic fasting is recommended for pancreatitis. This allows you to relieve pain symptoms.

When there is no need to digest food, the system goes into "sleep mode". She spends all her strength on bringing the problematic organ back to normal and starting the process of tissue regeneration.

The method of fasting and duration is determined by the attending physician. In a mild form, which takes no more than 3 days, you can starve at home, eliminating all physical activity. A longer period according to this method requires the presence in the hospital - constant monitoring of his condition is necessary.

Having reached the required therapeutic effect, the patient gradually returns to his therapeutic diet. First, a glass of water (necessarily warm) is allowed from an afternoon snack, after an hour - broth (vegetable), after another hour, light soup (you can use cereal).

The next morning, a patient suffering from pancreatitis returns to the usual menu, on the first day introducing food in small portions into the menu. It is impossible to carry out therapeutic starvation on your own; this will lead to depletion of the body and provoke the development of an ulcer.

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